Producer of Loboda. Loboda lives with the daughter of a Ukrainian oligarch

The famous Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda was suspected of having a non-traditional sexual orientation, reports Oxu.Az.

Tabloid Express Gazeta, talking about the life together of Loboda and her producer Natella Krapivina-Alieva, quotes the words of the singer herself:

“About three years ago we met Natella and first became friends. Then we had a girl, my great treasure, and I realized that I have no closer person than Natella. I trust her very much and want her to be the godmother of my child. In connection with this event, we became even more close.”

Quoting a story from the Ukrainian TV channel TSN from 2013, which talked about rumors that singer Svetlana Loboda is a lesbian, the publication notes that for the sake of Loboda, her new friend Krapivina-Alieva is going to change her gender.

If you believe the Ukrainian media, as EG writes, Svetlana’s producer is not a girl from the street, but the daughter of one of the richest people in Ukraine - a construction magnate of Azerbaijani origin Vagifa Aliyeva, which in Kyiv owns the Mandarin Plaza, Ocean Plaza, Lavina Mall, Blockbuster Mall shopping centers, the tallest skyscraper - the Parus business center, the most trump residential building - the Diamond Hill residential complex.

Forbes estimates Vagif Aliyev's fortune at $285 million.

Vagif Aliyev has 4 daughters, the Ukrainian Internet portal reported last year.

“The elders, Natella and Alina, are engaged in business. Natella Vagif-kyzy Aliyeva is better known to Ukrainians as Natella Krapivina. This is the producer of Svetlana Loboda and the creator of the large-scale television project “Heads and Tails”. Natella married Dmitry Krapivin- son of Vagif Aliyev’s partner in “Mandarin Plaza” Vladimir Krapivin. After the divorce, the girl left herself a sonorous surname. Together with his younger sister Alina, he owns the Aldo Coppola chain of beauty salons,” the publication wrote.

As Express Gazeta notes, the birth of Loboda’s second daughter, whom she named Tilda, on May 24 of this year, only fueled rumors about her closeness with Krapivina.

“The fact is that the singer broke up with her common-law husband, Andrei Onishchak, performing under the pseudonym Tsar, and she did not have another man who could become the father of her child.

True, the Russian media spread information that Svetlana was impregnated by the leader of the German group “Rammstein” Till Lindemann, with whom she hung out at the “Heat” festival in Baku last July. But savvy fans did the math: more than 10 months passed from the moment they communicated until Tilda was born. And they put forward another version about the paternity of Loboda’s child.

People, are you cuckoo? What a Rammstein! - quoted one of the Instagram users from the website - Sveta has actually been living with a girl, Natella, her producer, for a long time. And, apparently, she just did IVF so that they could have a child together. And all this nonsense with Rammstein is just window dressing for the audience and all sorts of money.”

The singer and producer carefully avoided questions on this slippery topic. However, some of Krapivina’s statements suggest that the version about a joint child and artificial insemination is not without foundation, Express Gazeta writes.

“I was with Svetlana during the birth in a Los Angeles clinic,” Natella admitted in a recent interview with KP in Ukraine.” - I arrived literally two days before. Everything happened quickly, easily and somehow smoothly.

We were just walking around the hospital, drinking tea, talking, the doctor came and said: it’s time. We came in 20 minutes later and the baby was already being washed. A real miracle! I really want more kids! And I wanted to do it even before Sveta, but she beat me to it.

Of course, I could have done this a long time ago - now many people give birth using artificial insemination. And I see no reason why a woman who does not have a man cannot have a child if she wants it.

For example, I gave birth to a child in love, marriage, everything was just wonderful in my family. But today my husband and I are essentially strangers.

And the fact that we have a daughter, Sofia, does not in any way affect our relationship with him. I admit that I may meet a person with whom I may not create a full-fledged family, but if, looking at him, I understand that I can have a child from such a man, and I feel that he also wants this, then everything will be!

But I don’t want to get married. I was there and I’ll be honest: nothing special,” said the millionaire’s daughter in an interview with KP in Ukraine.

Natella Krapivina considers Sveta’s child her own

At the center of another scandal is the Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, who recently moved to Russia, and in the past was one of the soloists of VIA Gra. The reason was the video for Svetlana’s new song “SuperSTAR”, directed by her producer Natella Krapivina. It turned out to be so provocative that it brought the wrath of church representatives on the singer.

I learned about this clip quite by accident from a friend’s indignant message,” the priest said in his video blog Svyatoslav Shevchenko, Chairman of the Commission on Family Issues of the Annunciation Diocese. - The whole point is that his eldest son uses his Youtube account, and so that he does not come across any vulgarity, the careful parent prudently set a filter - limiting materials “for adults”.

And imagine his surprise when he saw the clip in the recommendations Loboda“SuperSTAR”, which was marked “0+”. From the very first minute, images of debauchery appear before the viewer. First - a half-naked lady in underwear. Then - an old man who paws some woman and undresses her. Next we see a close-up of some girl imitating masturbation. Do you think children can watch this? I highly doubt it. And this is only 40 seconds of the clip.

Loboda's lessons are just beginning. From the second minute, an episodic heroine appears in the frame, who slowly puts a noose around her neck and tries to commit suicide. Sorry, but this is direct propaganda for suicide. Where is the guarantee that a child who watches the clip will not try to repeat the “trick”? The further into the forest, the more firewood. Next, according to the plan of the author of the video, is the promotion of homosexuality. Close-up on the beach of two men in sun loungers openly kissing. And Loboda herself kisses a girl in a swimsuit - a friend of one of these men. I understand that the creators of the video wanted to be original. But in our country, the promotion of homosexuality to minors is prohibited. The violation of the law is obvious!

Sveta is almost never separated from Natella. Image:

Licked Lilya

In fact, this is far from the first scandal with a homosexual scent that Loboda provoked. In her home country in Ukraine, she shocked the public for many years with her unhealthy addiction to same-sex relationships.

There are no stories about Loboda’s love affairs, but her affairs with girls are widely known,” the Kiev tabloid “Blik” stated in 2009. - Soloist of “VIA Gra” Nadya Granovskaya-Meikher at one time she took part in the video “Black Angel” by Loboda, who had just started her solo career. The video depicted the plot of same-sex love between girls. And when Nadya left the team, she even lived with Sveta for some time, coming out of depression. The fact that the girls had an affair has been whispered on the sidelines of social gatherings for a long time.

The young ladies, in turn, only grinned at frank questions about their orientation. And recently Sveta showed up again and made potential suitors and fans nervous. At a social event on Trukhanov Island, the singer appeared with her longtime girlfriend, designer Lilia Litkovskaya. There have long been rumors about this girl on the sidelines regarding her orientation. At the party, the girls behaved easily and naturally, and at one point Sveta approached Lila and licked her with her tongue. The public was a little stunned by this behavior of celebrities.


Rumors have repeatedly appeared in the press that singer Svetlana Loboda is a lesbian, recalled the Ukrainian TV channel TSN in 2013. - Everything changed when a new dancer appeared in Svetlana’s ballet. Andrey Tsar became the singer’s common-law husband and the father of her daughter Evangelina. Together on stage, side by side in videos - but not a single common photo outside of work. Loboda appears at all social events without her husband. They also rest separately. She is at a concert in a club with friends, he is in another club, filled with loneliness. Instead, Loboda is always with him Natella Krapivina- producer, friend, godfather, close person.

“About three years ago we met Natella and first became friends. Then we had a girl, my great treasure, and I realized that I have no closer person than Natella. I trust her very much and want her to be the godmother of my child. In connection with this event, we became even more close,” Loboda said. There is talk in the party that the producer and singer are even closer than they say. They even write that for the sake of Loboda, Krapivina is going to change her gender.

Having abandoned the ex-Viagra, Andrei Tsar began to “produce” a certain Yana Klim in every possible way. Image:

Daughter of an oligarch

If you believe the Ukrainian media, Svetlana’s producer is not a girl from the street, but the daughter of one of the richest people in Square - a construction oligarch of Azerbaijani origin Vagifa Aliyeva. Which in Kyiv owns the shopping centers "Mandarin Plaza", Ocean Plaza, Lavina Mall, Blockbuster Mall, the tallest skyscraper - the Parus business center, the most trump residential building - the Diamond Hill residential complex.

Vagif Aliyev has 4 daughters, the Ukrainian Internet portal reported last year. - The elders, Natella and Alina, are engaged in business. Natella Vagif-kyzy Aliyeva is better known to Ukrainians as Natella Krapivina. This is the producer of Svetlana Loboda and the creator of the large-scale television project “Heads and Tails”. Natella married Dmitry Krapivin- son of Vagif Aliyev’s partner in “Mandarin Plaza” Vladimir Krapivin. After the divorce, the girl left herself a sonorous surname. Together with his younger sister Alina, he owns the Aldo Coppola chain of beauty salons.

The birth of Loboda's second daughter, whom she named Tilda, on May 24 of this year, only fueled rumors about her closeness with Krapivina. The fact is that with her common-law husband - Andrey Onishchak, performing under the pseudonym Tsar, the singer broke up long ago, and she did not have another man who could become the father of her child. True, the Russian media disseminated information that Svetlana was impregnated by the leader of the German group “Rammstein” Till Lindemann, with whom she hung out at the Heat festival in Baku last July. But savvy fans did the math: more than 10 months passed from the moment they communicated until Tilda was born. And they put forward another version about the paternity of Loboda’s child.

People, are you cuckoo? What a Rammstein! - quoted one of the Instagram users from the website - Sveta has actually been living with a girl, Natella, her producer, for a long time. And, apparently, she just did IVF so that they could have a child together. And all this nonsense with “Rammstein” is just window dressing for the audience and all sorts of money.

Previously, the singer was delighted with the designer Litkovskaya. Image:

Full family

The singer and producer carefully avoided questions on this slippery topic. However, some of Krapivina’s statements suggest that the version about a joint child and artificial insemination is not without foundation.

“I was with Svetlana at the Los Angeles clinic during the birth,” Natella admitted in a recent interview with “KP” in Ukraine.” - I arrived literally two days before. Everything happened quickly, easily and somehow smoothly. We were just walking around the hospital, drinking tea, talking, the doctor came and said: it’s time. We came in 20 minutes later and the baby was already being washed. A real miracle! I really want more kids! And I wanted to do it even before Sveta, but she beat me to it.

Of course, I could have done this a long time ago - now many people give birth using artificial insemination. And I see no reason why a woman who does not have a man cannot have a child if she wants it. For example, I gave birth to a child in love, marriage, everything was just wonderful in my family. But today my husband and I are essentially strangers. And the fact that we have a daughter, Sofia, does not in any way affect our relationship with him. I admit that I may meet a person with whom I may not create a full-fledged family, but if, looking at him, I understand that I can have a child from such a man, and I feel that he also wants this, then everything will be! But I don’t want to get married. I was there and I’ll be honest: nothing special.

Basta gave Artem Ivanov a chance to compete for five million rubles.

Yesterday the seventh episode of the show “SONGS”, season 2, aired on the TNT channel. I came to compete for five million rubles Artem Ivanov, who wrote several hits for Svetlana Loboda and other stars. The young man began his musical career at the 7th “Star Factory”, where he met Konstantin Meladze. The producer helped the young man get into the Yin-Yang group.

However, in 2017, Artem left the team and for the last year he worked exclusively as an author. It is worth noting that it was very successful: it was he who wrote such hits as “Guy” and “Superstar”. However, the musician’s style raised questions from Timati and Basta, who assessed the musician’s performance. Thus, a track called “Nirvana,” as the mentors aptly noted, would have suited Svetlana Loboda, and not Ivanov himself.

Timati eventually refused to let the artist into the next tour, but Basta gave Artem Ivanov another chance. “I’ll tell you honestly, you are very interesting as an artist. Therefore, I will vote for you in the hope that I can see your style,” the rapper reassured the artist.

By the way, Ivanov did not indicate in any way that he made it to the next round of the “SONGS” show on social networks. At the moment, the artist’s microblog on Instagram contains only an announcement of the seventh issue with his participation. Artem’s followers, of which there are almost one hundred thousand, however, congratulate him on his successful performance.

Artem Ivanov

“Unexpectedly, but BRAVO”, “Well done!!! You have the right!”, “Artem, the song is simply enchanting, just remain as you are, with your movements and views, because as soon as you become perfect like Creed, you will become artificial. Your performance at Songs with this crazy woman and these hands, which themselves tell the story - so hooked that you want to watch and watch, listen and listen. The version on YouTube is not so sincere. please show yourself exactly as you are,” Ivanov’s fans ask. Some, however, were surprised that the author of Loboda’s hits set off to conquer new horizons: “Why do you need this?”, “Does Aunt Natella know that you go to other producers?!”

Artem Ivanov and Svetlana Loboda

Let us remind you that the first season of “SONGS” made the whole country talk about previously unknown artists - Sergei Trushchev (PLC), Oleg Ternov (TERNOVOY), Maxim Svoboda, NAZIMA, Kristina Kosheleva, Daniil Burtsev (Dany Muse), Khabib Sharipov and others. After the project, they were all able to sell out theaters in dozens of Russian cities and get into the top charts of Apple Music and iTunes. In the new season, it seems there will be even more promising musicians and new songs. The winner will be determined by TNT viewers through voting. The participant with the most votes will receive 5 million rubles. In addition, in the finale of the show, Timati and Basta will choose who will join the Black Star and Gasgolder teams.

Nadya Maslova, who dropped out of the “SONGS” project a year ago, passed the casting for the 2nd season of the show

Natella was pushed to take this difficult step by her passion - singer Loboda.

It was thanks to the efforts and financial assistance of her concert director and friend that Loboda took the place of “star coach” on the show “Voice of the Country. Children" (channel 1+1), and also became the host of her own television project "Hello, Director" (channel TET). According to information from the singer’s inner circle, her breakup with her common-law husband and choreographer Andrei Tsar is also connected with Svetlana’s non-standard orientation. Despite the fact that Loboda categorically denies the fact of a conflict with the father of his daughter and periodically makes attempts to “return to the family,” the constant attention to this topic from the media is not unfounded. Journalists have noticed that lately it has been Natella Krapivina who accompanies Loboda on vacation and tour, filming video clips and while shopping. At the same time, the girls demonstrate relationships that are far from platonic friendship.

Previously, Natella Krapivina met with an equally famous singer and also a “star coach” – Diana Arbenina. Their breakup became a painful trauma for Natella. Then the aspiring producer was supported by friends: Alan Badoev (who, by the way, also divorced his wife because of a homosexual affair with an aspiring Ukrainian performer) and the Moscow actress Lena Perova, who does not hide her sexual priorities.

Apparently, Natella Krapivina had been thinking about the desire to “dot the I’s” in her personal life for a long time, but Svetlana Loboda’s next “return to her husband” and the threat of losing her beloved woman became decisive arguments in favor of gender reassignment surgery. After all, then she and Svetlana will be able to legitimize their relationship and raise children in a full-fledged family.

Producer, music video director, director - that's all about her, Natella Krapivina, whose name is well-known today among those interested in the Ukrainian entertainment industry. Krapivina’s two high-profile projects are on television and LOBODA on the stage. After collaborating with Krapivina, the singer’s creativity reached a new level, and the LOBODA music brand began a triumphant march.

Childhood and youth

Natella Vagifovna Krapivina (née Alieva) was born on April 7, 1982 in Ashgabat. Father Vagif Akhmedovich Aliyev is a major businessman-developer, Azerbaijani by nationality. He is one of the hundred richest people in Ukraine.

With every opportunity, parents tried to raise their children to be hardworking individuals who know how to achieve their goals.

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Natella Krapivina in childhood

Her father worked 24 hours a day, so the girl spent her childhood surrounded by her beloved mother, grandmother, and sister Alina. She especially loved her grandmother, who worked as a judge and had an excellent education. The woman instilled in her granddaughter a love of literature.

The Aliyev family moved to Kyiv - the city of his father's business interests - in the early 90s, Natella was 11 years old. Next is school, then university. The girl graduated from the Kiev Institute of International Relations (KIMO), becoming a certified specialist in international private law.


According to the producer, she realized even at the institute that she had chosen a profession poorly - she wanted to be closer to creativity. Nevertheless, Natella initially began her career in the jewelry business. Her business partner was the famous European jeweler Fawaz Gruosi, creator of the de GRISOGONO brand. However, the sparkle of diamonds did not appeal to the young businesswoman, and at the first opportunity to invest in a creative project, the girl did so.

Natella immediately liked the idea of ​​a program about travel, but not ordinary travel, but limited by a certain budget, and she agreed to start producing. In conjunction with future partners, the production company TEENSPIRIT STUDIO was created in 2010, and pilot episodes of the “Heads and Tails” program were made.

And although in the 1st season the team of enthusiasts worked at a loss, Natella soon realized how correct the decision was to change her biography and set foot on a new professional path. Today the team of “Heads and Tails” is filming another season, the program, which received TEFI and a number of other prizes, is watched by viewers in the CIS, as well as in Israel and Poland.

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Natella Krapivina and Svetlana Loboda

As if in continuation of a series of happy accidents, Natella meets singer Svetlana Loboda, and in 2011 their creative and friendly tandem began.

“We talked, and I realized that Sveta was not so much in a creative search, but in some kind of confused state. She had already done a lot on the Ukrainian market, and she wanted to reach a new level. And then the song “Clouds” appeared. It all probably started with her,” recalls Krapivina.

Natella and her popular mentee have come a long way, during which they managed to accumulate an incredible amount of achievements for such a short period: grandiose solo concerts, mega hits, platinum albums, top charts, and much more. But the main thing that Natella changed in Svetlana’s work was the clips.

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Natella Krapivina in 2019

The producer herself began filming the singer’s video, observing the unshakable principle: this is a fascinating story, at the center of which is an artistic image. Having begun to seriously invest in videos, the performer’s team has already flown halfway around the globe - visiting the USA, Iceland, the Dominican Republic, and Portugal. Loboda's videos receive tens of thousands of views on YouTube.

Svetlana and Natella demonstrated another unusual perspective on their creative relationship when they created the BogArt music label in partnership in 2016. In fact, Svetlana became a co-producer of Natella, and under a joint label the tandem introduced the rapper Gadar to the public, promoting whom she would popularize the genre of street music culture.

2017–2018 became fruitful for Natella. She shot a video for
