Astrologers' forecasts for the year for the dragon. Dragon – Scorpio

For people born in the Year of the Dragon, the coming 2017 will bring many new and interesting revelations. You may even have to give up some of your principles in order to be fully aware of the new trends of the Universe.

Horoscope for 2017 Dragon woman

Women of the Year of the Dragon are particularly feminine; they are very charming and sophisticated. Dragon ladies love expensive and. They skillfully combine wardrobe items and are happy to demonstrate this skill. Thanks to their excellent taste, Dragons constantly attract the attention of the opposite sex, so these women do not suffer from the lack of admirers. The ability to present oneself with royal dignity simply fascinates men.

In the coming year, dragon ladies will enjoy success and good luck. Women of this year achieve success through the patronage and help of men. They understand perfectly how important the role of the strong half of humanity is in our world, and they take full advantage of the assistance provided. These women can achieve solutions to any problem by influencing a man.

2017 will provide dragon women with many opportunities to build a career using existing connections. But not only the help of men is the reason for the career takeoff of these ladies in the coming year. It will help them:

  • Natural ability to persuade.
  • Persistence.
  • The ability to take risks without fear.
  • Ability to overcome obstacles.

These qualities will help female dragons attract both like-minded people and competitors to their side and implement all their plans.

It would be reasonable for Dragon women in 2017 to maintain a “golden mean” between career and family. If you approach the task wisely, you can succeed in both work and personal life.

Horoscope for 2017 for Dragon men

Male dragons are sometimes particularly selfish; they are accustomed to thinking that they are the center of the universe. Next year they will have to give up such habits and pay more attention to their relatives, especially since their loved ones will really need the support of a strong dragon.

Astrologers warn that Dragon men may at some point become attracted to a lady who is already in a relationship. The unattainability of the goal will only increase the desire of the dragons. With a certain amount of persistence, you can achieve what you want. But think about whether you need to destroy the lives of other people for the sake of a moment of weakness. By the end of the year, dragons in relationships will be ready to legitimize them and enter into a legal relationship.

The dragons' careers are on the rise. They will be so confident on their feet that they will even want to start their own business. True, by the middle of the year things may become a bit shaky. But you shouldn't give in to despondency. By the end of the year the situation will improve. True friends will help you with this.

Horoscope for 2017: video

Look what the coming year 2017 has in store for people born in the Year of the Dragon. We hope that all the good things from this forecast will definitely come true, and the bad things will pass by.

The horoscope for 2017 for the Dragon predicts that it will be difficult to get along with the Rooster, but under good life circumstances, even they can develop a wonderful and warm relationship. In 2017, the Dragon will strive with all his might to achieve success in the work sphere, which he will certainly achieve at the end of the year. There will be complete order in finances, family and love, but just don’t be proud of such luck. The dragon will finally receive a profit for the work he completed last year. In 2017, he will receive lucrative offers from influential and wealthy entrepreneurs. Determination and self-confidence are qualities that will help the Dragon in many endeavors. The horoscope for the Dragon for 2017 does not promise conflict situations, both at home and at work. The fact is that you yourself are determined to live a peaceful life, and so it answers you in the same way in 2017. Creative Dragons will “soar” in the clouds with inspiration and will happily implement ideas into interesting projects. Dreams will come true without delay, and foreign business trips will give you confidence in your professionalism.

Work, career and money for the Dragon in 2017

In 2017, the Dragon should not take risks even in small things and neglect the advice of friends. If you have finally decided on something, then discuss this issue at a family council. Otherwise, not only the Dragon will lose a lot, but also his relatives will remain at a loss. Money will come into the hands only of those who know how to count and save it. The horoscope for 2017 advises the Dragon to be more careful in communicating with business partners. Some of them will easily go over to the side of competitors if they feel there is something wrong. Career dragons will stop at nothing in 2017. If they want to climb up the career ladder. This is especially true in the summer and autumn. If in the spring the Dragon suddenly has a row with his superiors, then he himself will regret it a hundred times later. Moreover, layoffs and salary reductions are possible in 2017. But in the summer everything will return to normal, as the eastern horoscope for 2017 promises the Dragon. Splash out your wild imagination and energy into good and new things.

Love horoscope for 2017 Dragon

In 2017, the Dragon will seriously think about starting a family, children and his own home. If you have been dating your chosen one for a long time, then propose marriage to him. Why tempt fate and rush from side to side? The dragon will decide to set priorities and in 2017 will break off all burdensome love ties. But clinging to them would be the height of recklessness. The horoscope for the Dragon for 2017 recommends living more with feelings than being led by passionate desires. Frivolous intimate relationships can only lead the Dragon to problems, not pleasures. In 2017, do not look for an ideal, but accept with dignity everything that fate gives you. In summer and autumn, love will definitely find the Dragon and wrap it in its soft and warm blanket. The main thing is not to return to your former lovers.

Family horoscope for 2017 Dragon

The Dragon, who has a family and children, needs to be more compliant and softer in relationships with loved ones. It’s clear that you are a “hot and passionate” person, but in 2017 you need to reduce your ardor and slow down. If you are not familiar with the concept of “compromise,” then familiarize yourself with it urgently. The horoscope for 2017 for the Dragon predicts excellent relationships with children, both young and teenagers. You will play, read and have fun with them. Only in 2017, the Dragon needs to monitor the health of his loved ones. Do not rely on them or on your intuition, but rather get examined in a clinic. Using personal examples, the Dragon will be able to teach many children worthy actions. In 2017, the Rooster recommends that you think about having or adopting children. Trusting and sensitive relationships will develop with relatives. If during the winter they need help financially, then do not refuse. Everything will come back to the dragon a hundredfold.

Health horoscope for 2017 Dragon

In 2017, the dragon will decide to thoroughly tone up and lose weight. This is a good decision that the Rooster will support. By the way, sports, diet and walking will benefit the Dragon. Rollerblade, bike, swim in the pool and take a steam bath. Moreover, in 2017 the Dragon will have enough strength, enthusiasm and time for all this.

If you are bored of going to the gym alone, then invite your friends or loved one with you. The horoscope for 2017 does not advise the Dragon to ignore those diseases that have long become chronic. Otherwise, in the spring or autumn you will definitely end up in a hospital bed and will have to undergo treatment for a long time. The dragon needs to follow the doctor's instructions, and also not to get overcooled, not sit under the air conditioner and be more optimistic.

Water Dragon horoscope for 2017

The eastern horoscope for 2017 has prepared many pleasant surprises and unexpected encounters for the Water Dragon. Although. Most of your time will have to be devoted to work rather than communicating with people. The Water Dragon will find complete understanding with his superiors and colleagues in 2017. Thanks to natural restraint and concentration, you can establish new business connections and successfully negotiate. The main thing is to be tactful and sympathetic even with unfamiliar personalities. From mid-summer until the end of 2017, the Water Dragon will feel the need to reconsider his views on his personal and professional life.

Wood Dragon horoscope for 2017

If in 2017 the Wood Dragon becomes more purposeful, then he will be able to cope with any obstacles and problems. Many wishes will come true, which will allow you to stand stronger on your feet. The horoscope for 2017 advises sharing experience and skill with those with whom the Wood Dragon works on the same team. Interesting ideas will interest high-ranking individuals, which will lead to world fame. It is advisable not to leave things unfinished, and also to listen less to the advice of ignorant people.

Fire Dragon horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Fire Dragon needs to become less ambitious and critical. This is the only way to establish promising connections and achieve success. Thanks to patience and delicacy, the Fire Dragon will be able to introduce ideas into large-scale production. It is not recommended to refuse the support of colleagues and friends. Solo “swimming” in 2017 will only be a burden for you. The Fire Dragon should avoid quarrels and showdowns, which can drag on for a long time. Develop willpower and character, then surround yourself with reliable and sincere friends.

Earth Dragon horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 predicts a harsh but eventful period for the Earth Dragon. You will want to prove your point of view and be crystal honest with your loved ones. In order for the Earth Dragon to attract competitors to its side, it needs to work a lot on its inner world. Many colleagues will categorically not want to recognize the ideas of the Earth Dragon, which will lead to conflicts. You will need a lot of time and wisdom to gain trust and win over worthy partners.

Metal Dragon horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Metal Dragon can make a lot of unnecessary mistakes, completely ruining their relationships with the people around them. His desire for leadership will push him forward, and along this path he will not stand on ceremony with those who block the road. In the second half of the year, the Metal Dragon has the risk of getting into major scams, so good relationships with loved ones and their advice in important matters are simply necessary for him and will protect him from mistakes.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for other zodiac signs:

THE DRAGON(1964.1976.1988.2000.2012)

The Rooster sympathizes with Dragons. True, they cannot wait for obvious manifestations of affection from the Master of the year. He will rather watch the Dragons, waiting for the moments when they definitely need his help. And 2017 will pass for them as if under the unspoken supervision of a force that determines its success and failure and seeks to save them from the second.

Will representatives of this sign be able to take advantage of this secret support and extract the maximum benefit from it for themselves? Let's see…

General forecast for 2017

The 2017 horoscope for the Dragon zodiac sign has identified common features and recommendations that you should listen to carefully. This sign in itself is quite extravagant and the year of the Red Fire Rooster will not be able to overshadow it, but will only help in pressing matters. Almost all the time, people born in this zodiac constellation will be accompanied by good luck. The period of luck will begin in 2016 and the next one will only continue it. All projects that have already been launched with scale and success will move on, and new beginnings will turn out to be no worse than the previous ones.

However, such success and constant luck also has a downside, because you can lose your head and not understand where the problems will start, so even with a successful combination of circumstances, you constantly need to look around and not be too careless.

Astrologers advise against taking unjustified and, moreover, unnecessary risks in business, because, most likely, success will not follow, but problems may arise. In your professional development, this year should be built only on your hard work, honesty and knowledge; scams, deception and lies will not become the best and faithful allies in achieving your goals. Management and loved ones will value only real abilities and truth, and not look at inflated ambitions that have no basis in themselves. Experts also advise those who have long been thinking about advanced training or a second education to take this issue seriously. The year will be favorable for studying and acquiring new knowledge.

Most likely, this year will also bring true love into the life of the Dragon, so meaningless romances, flirting and short-term relationships should be left aside, focusing on stability and love. You should not lose your head over another victory at work or on the personal front; such carelessness can cause financial losses, because a person will think that he can afford a lot, which in fact is not true.

In parallel with work, you need and can look for areas of additional income; perhaps you need to carefully consider the real estate market in order to make timely and correct investments. High interest deposits will also be welcomed for this sign. Everything possible should be done to ensure that the accumulated capital does not lie on the shelf, but brings profit and constant income. It should be remembered that the owner of the year will treat well and patronize only those who decide to build their work and relationships on truth and honesty.

Horoscope for a man

The Dragon has one character trait: he rarely loves. But we love him throughout our lives. The strong half of the sign's representatives often breaks hearts. The ladies are carried away by him, but also quickly understand: the object of passion is not capable of deep feelings.

The horoscope for 2017 for the Dragon man warns: be careful in your desires. And be more attentive to your other halves. Despite the fact that the Dragon gravitates towards a bachelor's life, in 2017 there is a high probability of meeting the one and only one he loves.

The Wise Dragon laid the foundation of his financial empire the previous year, masterfully beating the situation in the global economy. In the year of the Rooster, these developments will be useful to him; difficult times are possible. Astrologers warn against rash actions in the summer.

The Dragon's family has a calm, idyll atmosphere. Try to return the “credit of trust” to your family and correct the mistakes of the previous year. Men, be more attentive to the ladies of your heart. Please not only with expensive gifts, but also with a tender attitude. Remember, your other half, like the “wife of the Decembrist,” will endure the difficulties of everyday life.

Horoscope for a woman

Ladies of this sign are feminine, charming, graceful. They love expensive things and know how to wear them. The dragon is often the center of attention; she has no end to her fans. Men are captivated by her ability to behave like an English queen.

The horoscope for 2017 for the Dragon woman promises success. The fact is that ladies of this sign achieve their goals thanks to men. The dragon clearly understands how great the role of the strong half of humanity is and gladly uses their help. She knows how to get her way and has influence on her partner.

And in 2017, she will have many opportunities to build a career using connections. But the help of the powers that be is not the only reason for the Dragon’s success. Women of this sign know how to insist on their own, have the gift of persuasion, and attract like-minded people to their side. The dragon is not afraid of difficulties and is able to play all-in. These qualities will be very useful to her in 2017.

Love horoscope for 2017 for dragons

The year is busy in terms of new acquaintances. The abundance of possibilities for sexual adventures makes the Dragon dizzy. Representatives of the sign show vigorous activity during the candy-bouquet period: showered with compliments and gifts. But as soon as the “victim” falls into the trap, the Dragon runs out of fuse. This is a feature of the sign.

In the first half of 2017, Dragon men and women will be drawn to adventure. And it doesn’t matter what the chosen one’s marital status is. Be careful! You can run into trouble.

Dragons who are already married are unlikely to go on adventures in 2017. Peace of mind is more expensive, and there is no time for adventure. Bachelors are showing off with might and main: temptations are all around. Men change ladies like gloves, women have nowhere to put flowers and gifts from fans. There is a chance of getting married this year, but not 100%. Give yourself over to your new relationship with gusto, time will tell.

Astrologers warn against relationships with unfree partners. Especially in the first half of the year. In summer and autumn, the Dragon will be busy with other things, love adventures will fade into the background.

Money horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster is rich in opportunities. Including organizing a business. The vain Dragon can take advantage of the situation, but there's a catch. Whether it is worth starting your own business depends on the availability of free finances.

You need to borrow very carefully in 2017. It is better to find an opportunity not to take on such obligations. But if you have your own funds set aside, take risks. Luck is on your side. Promising startups will bring success. Such an investment actively works for the future.

In general, in 2017, fortune favors risky people. The Rooster loves those who are confident. To get good dividends tomorrow, invest now. The Year of the Fire Rooster is full of financial vicissitudes; there will be both ups and downs. It is important to feel the moment to launch a successful project.

The first half of the year will be calm for the Dragon in terms of finances. The second part of the year can be problematic. The Dragon should trust his intuition; he has every chance to improve his material well-being, perhaps even increase it.

Career horoscope for 2017 for the dragon

The Rooster is an adventurer by nature; he is entertained by risky situations. The eastern horoscope for 2017 for Dragons gives the green light for implementation in unusual areas. For example, you have been working as an accountant in an office for many years. The salary is good, constant, the team has developed, etc. But there is no chance for growth. The dragon is disgusted by such a “stagnant swamp”.

To avoid getting bogged down in dull work, try yourself in creative projects: cinema, television, art. A good option to become a politician. Even if it is only on a regional scale, the Dragon has a chance to make good progress in this field.

Hint: think about old connections. Forgotten acquaintances will be useful in carrying out your plans. Friends and relatives are ready to offer their feasible contribution to your projects. In 2017, we need to build the foundation of the future; this time will determine the immediate prospects.

Dragons who do not intend to change jobs are likely to be promoted. Representatives of the sign will awaken the traits of a real careerist. Good timing, success in service.

Health horoscope for 2017

The Chinese claim that the Dragon brings longevity. Representatives of this sign have excellent health; they rarely even suffer from seasonal colds. However, every person has hidden sores. They do not cause discomfort, but they need to be dealt with.

In 2017, the Dragon should pay attention to health. Conduct an examination of the body, identify problems and get advice from doctors. Nothing serious, but you should keep your finger on the pulse. It is recommended to visit an otolaryngologist.

2017 is a period of excitement. The situation in the world is unstable, the economy is in crisis. Depression is involuntarily transmitted to the Dragon, although everything is fine in his business. In order not to get stuck in a state of permanent stress, it’s good to go on vacation a couple of times. Preferably to another country or to a remote place where there are only forests and mountains.

Recommendations from astrologers for the Dragon: do not rush, but visit doctors regularly, do not be nervous, know how to relax and allow yourself rest. Such measures do not require serious effort, but will protect you from health problems in the future.

Famous people born under the sign of the Dragon:

Catherine the Great, Andre Maurois, Fenimore Cooper, Jean Paul Belmondo, Marie de Medici, Richard Wagner, Roman Polanski, Tatyana Dogileva, Cate Blanchett, Britney Spears, Ksenia Sobchak.


In this regard, the year will start quite optimistically for the Dragons. And in the same vein, it can end for them, without in any way disrupting the prosperous state of the body. But this is only theoretical. In real life, Dragons will still have a source of problems. These are their own nerves. Nerves can cause these people to experience moments and entire periods of heightened emotionality; they will lead to irritability, unreasonable mood swings, insomnia, and in some situations, nervous breakdowns. So, if Dragons are able to organize their own lives so as not to bring themselves to stress, then they will live a year without much hassle with their health.

Another aspect that definitely deserves attention is the risk of gaining extra pounds. It is advisable for Dragons not to lose sight of this question throughout the year. The reason for weight fluctuations for them will also be nerves, so here, as they say, see point one.


The financial side of life will mostly please Dragons. Presumably, this area will be in the direct concern of the Master of the year. The first half of the year will be especially successful for them; in any case, it is advisable to make large acquisitions (for example, the purchase of real estate) and investments, if any, during this period.

In general, most Dragons will even have the opportunity to choose where to invest or spend their money. And their task will be to find the most promising among these opportunities. This, of course, is not an easy task, however, it is always pleasant and interesting to choose between constructive options rather than between dubious or even potentially negative ones...


It is unlikely that Dragons need to fear that someone will create serious obstacles for them in the professional sphere. However, in any case, it is advisable for them to follow the rules of communication, because it is precisely problems with people in 2017 that will pose the greatest danger to the Dragons’ careers. In this sense, another prediction turns out to be justified and logical: the most successful areas for them will be areas related to individual activity. And besides this, good prospects await Dragons who run their own business.

Among other things, at this time Dragons should think about the need to improve their skills, as well as engage in self-education.


The main task that Dragons must try to solve for themselves is to analyze their internal state. The fact is that many of them incorrectly “present” themselves to the opposite sex - they demonstratively emphasize their merits, putting their own needs and requests above the needs and requests of their partner. Of course, no one calls on Dragons to dissolve in a loved one and completely forget about themselves, however, the time has come to learn how to maintain a reasonable balance in all this.

Many single Dragons will finally decide to put emphasis in their relationships with their loved ones by getting married. Although some, on the contrary, will want to put an end to them by breaking up.

Lonely Dragons, if they are able and want to rethink their priorities in relation to the opposite sex, in the middle or second half of the year they will have a wonderful chance to meet a person with whom they can safely connect their entire future life.

The Fire Rooster will soar above the ground next to the Dragons throughout 2017. Dragons soaring in the clouds will be aware of everything - in the professional sphere, winged creatures will have no equal, because from above you can see everything. Dragons strive for ideals, and the Fire Cockerel will definitely help - you will become geniuses in any field, be it cooking or politics. Dragons cannot sit idle, even on vacation you can be found signing contracts - in 2017, your enthusiasm will allow you to climb the career ladder quite quickly.

In the love sphere, Dragons will enjoy success. The cockerel will conjure a sea of ​​love and an ocean of happiness, but don’t let the proud bird down either - be prepared to meet your soul mate. Even a chance acquaintance in 2017 can bring winged creatures to the registry office - now the Cockerel will walk at your wedding. Family Dragons can prepare for good news - storks, flying past, overheard your conversation with your chosen one, and are about to arrive with a squeaking gift. Children born in the year of the Rooster will be happy in life - the Fire Bird will take them under its wing.

Small children are a big expense, but the Dragons have nothing to worry about. The financial situation in 2017 will please you. You have a real nose for profitable trades, and the intuition of Dragons in the year of the Fire Rooster will literally scream about impending success. You can stock up on a pack of lottery tickets, but buy them in different places to be sure. Dragons are independent creatures, and don’t feed you bread, but let you live in grand style, shine and show off. Well, the Red Rooster will create conditions for a luxurious life - spend until you get tired of it! It is advisable for Dragons to sometimes think about the future, for example, instead of buying an expensive ring, you can save up for a brand new car, although it’s up to you.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Dragon

The Rooster will treat Fire Dragons with care - you have one element with the owner of 2017, and you also have golden wings. The Cockerel will begin to protect the Dragons with redoubled attention. Either employees will come, ready to work not for fear, but for conscience, then the stupid secretary will disappear, and a wise lady will appear in her place. Things will go like clockwork, and the Dragons will achieve great results in the professional sphere. Where's the fly in the ointment? - the incredulous Dragons will ask. If necessary, the Cockerel will bring a couple of competitors out of the shadows, but will they really want to fight fire-breathing creatures?

It’s the same in love - where do rivals come from if Fire Dragons are Charm itself. Dragons understand personal happiness in different ways. If for some Dragons a couple of admirers are enough, then other Fiery creatures dream of a crowd of suitors - choose, choose. But the stars are sure: most Fire Dragons have a chance to meet their soulmate - look around carefully. Family Dragons will flutter with happiness - worries will be pleasant, and chores will only bring pleasure.

Many Dragons will have to spend money on diapers - this is exactly what you are thinking. Ay-ay - the Fire creatures immediately shook their heads, but you can’t save enough money for children’s supplies. But didn’t you know that the Rooster found some good part-time jobs for you? And the bird has prepared a couple of lucrative offers in reserve. So, it’s time to roll up your Fiery sleeves and get down to business - collecting money is not easy work. In addition, brilliant ideas have long been ripening in the heads of Fire Dragons - the Rooster will help bring the most ambitious plans to life. There will be enough money not only for diapers and undershirts, you can buy your children radio-controlled strollers and build a fairy-tale palace.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Dragon

Years of birth: from January 27, 1952 to February 13, 1953, from January 23, 2012 to February 9, 2013

Water Dragons are not as energetic as their Fire counterparts, but you can not only soar through the sky, but also swim across the oceans. There will be ample scope for activity - the Fire Rooster will take care of this. Circumstances will be conducive to expanding the Water Dragons' business - what's not a reason to invite your true friends to the team? In the year of the Rooster, your friends will think not only about entertainment, they will drag you so many business plans that it will not seem enough. So rent a more respectable office - pretty soon you will be able to buy it out, no doubt about it.

In the love sphere, peace and quiet, but this is only at first glance. Free Water creatures will be in great demand among the opposite sex - start looking for wedding dresses. The Fire Rooster has prepared a lot of interesting things for family Water Dragons. Fate will give many Dragons a second honeymoon - and then it’s time to think about heirs. The Rooster will not be able to allow the Water Dragons to enjoy loneliness - children’s laughter will soon sound in your house, and you will now and then stumble over countless toys.

In the year of the Rooster, Water Dragons can count on income from creative activities - wouldn’t you know that even one idea can become a source of wealth. And you have a dime a dozen of these ideas - the powers that be are already standing under your balcony, hoping to communicate and buy a couple of smart ideas. Life will delight the Water creatures with profitable deals, and there will be no end to interesting offers in the year of the Rooster - everything is turning out exactly as the Water Dragons dreamed. 2017 - even the numbers in the name of the year are cute, and it’s no surprise that all your efforts will lead to great results.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Dragon

In the year of the Rooster, Wood Dragons will have to work a lot, but will such a forecast scare you? You are unable to sit still for a second - the Cockerel will provide thousands of chances for you to show your talents. The wooden guys will get the laurels of the winner, and more than once - make sure that your Wooden head does not spin from glory and praise. By the way, 2017 is rich in travel - Wooden Dragons will be happy to go abroad, your professional experience is invaluable, and it doesn’t hurt you to learn from foreign partners.

In the love sphere, the Rooster will be friendly and Wooden creatures will know happiness. It doesn’t matter to the fiery owner of 2017 whether you are single or already burdened with family worries. The Rooster has enough strength for everyone - the Fire Bird will introduce free Dragons to their soulmate, and family Wooden creatures can arrange at least a dozen unplanned honeymoons. Dragons with heirs can prepare beautiful frames for certificates of honor - the children will be delighted with their successes all year long. And Wooden children who have not yet held diapers in their hands can rush to the baby store.

Wooden Dragons can entrust money management to the Cockerel - he will increase your capital in no time. You don’t need to transfer money to the owner’s account in 2017 - the Rooster has enough of this goodness. The stars see tremendous financial success, Wood Dragons will be confused by such luck, but it is advisable to keep your intuition turned on. Where there is big money, there are cunning scammers - keep your wooden ears on top of your head and grease your wings so that if something happens, you can catch up with the dishonest guys. The stars sigh enviously, imagining the expenses of the Wooden creatures - share a couple of million with the luminaries.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Dragon

Earth guys are a stubborn and persistent people, and the Fire Rooster watches with emotion as you flap your wings, flying in search of a profitable job. Earth Dragons should not be afraid of changes and all kinds of experiments - the Cockerel will provide you with successful deals and interesting cooperation, the main thing is to act more boldly. 2017 is favorable for Earth Dragons who decide to open their own business - nothing is simpler, the oligarchs are secretly jealous of your ideas, and the secret services have begun to hunt for your business plans.

In terms of love, the year is stunning. Earth Dragons can look for a soul mate either in the air (why not meet on an airplane), on the ground (walking through a cherry orchard), or in the water (riding on a river bus). The stars hint that your significant other will not sit on the stove, but will begin to move at the speed of light in the year of the Rooster, so open your eyes wider and look out for your love, flirting along the way and enjoying fleeting romances. Family Earth Dragons know what they need to be happy. If there is already an heir, then why not find a brother or sister in the cabbage?

The Fire Rooster is friends with money, and will definitely share the secret of this friendship with Earth creatures. Dragons love to plan, and this will be useful for achieving success in the financial sphere. By the way, sometimes in 2017 it is useful to take risks - of course, you don’t need to bet millions on cards, but by playing the lottery you can easily increase your money reserves several times. Earth Dragons can spend part of their funds on entertainment - after all, you have long wanted to go to the resort of your dreams! You can buy apartments and cars after your vacation, although if you are afraid of rising prices, you can do it right now.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Dragon

Metal Dragons are strong guys, and the Cockerel doesn’t even know how to help you, because you crack any problems like seeds. In principle, in 2017, the Metal Dragons do not expect any particular difficulties, unless you have to make a difficult choice - in which industry it is better to show your talents. The Fire Rooster will provide the Dragons with many tempting opportunities - take everything they give, and then figure it out. You can try on a boss's suit - the stars are sure that Metal Dragons will look great in a respectable business outfit.

All elements are submissive to love, and Metal especially. Unhappy love strengthens the character of Metal Dragons, and happy relationships make you soft and pliable. In the Year of the Rooster, you won’t have to be sad and sad because of unsuccessful romances - your exes will tear out their hair when they see your shining eyes. Free Metal guys will find their soul mate quite quickly - the Rooster crows when necessary. And family Dragons can take places in kindergarten right now - the line there, as you know, is long.

The financial situation for the Metal Dragons will be good. You are ready for big earnings, but you should be careful with your spending. The Cockerel warns that the Dragons who have become rich will have relatives who will need apartments in the center of Moscow. Friends may appear who have not remembered you for decades. It is not necessary to distribute hard-earned money to dishonest uncles and aunts. Metal Dragons can spend with pleasure on loved ones. Why not, for example, buy a garden for your beloved granny - the happy old lady will immediately rush to grow grapes and plums. Homemade wine is a nice thing!

Horoscope for other eastern zodiac signs:

The Dragon will read the horoscope for 2017 with reflection on his life and the desire to radically change it in all areas of activity. In the first half of the year, representatives of the sign will work hard, consider possible options for themselves, and struggle with passions, but already in August they will have to make a fateful decision that will radically change their lives. The main thing is not to go to extremes and listen to the advice of loved ones, and then success for the Dragons is guaranteed.


Despite the fact that Dragons are famous for their good health, in 2017 they are highly susceptible to all kinds of diseases, in particular those associated with nervous strain. In order not to lie on sick leave, representatives of the sign should alternate between work and rest, as well as go out into the fresh air and eat right.

Proper nutrition will also help in maintaining fitness, because in the coming year the Dragons have a risk of gaining weight sharply. It's time to take care of yourself, but you shouldn't get carried away with heavy physical activity like lifting dumbbells. Yoga and swimming are the best options for maintaining your figure.

Love and relationships

The Fire Rooster will give the Dragons unbridled assertiveness from the very beginning of the year, and this quality will not always be used in the right way. Some, even family, representatives of the sign will want to prove themselves in the field of love, while as their goal they will choose a far from free partner. The desire to show oneself in the best light and the systematic conquest of the object of desire will bear fruit by the middle of the year.

Lonely Dragons may meet their soulmate in the summer, and if everything works out, then by the end of the year they will have thoughts about marriage. In general, the end of the year in this area will be a period of making serious decisions, be it separation or wedding. Parents and children under the sign of the Dragon can enjoy the year to the fullest, as everything will be smooth and peaceful in this relationship.


The Dragon horoscope for 2017 promises rapid leaps in career and self-development. Representatives of the sign will confidently move towards their goal, reaching peaks even earlier than planned. True, career advancement or the development of one’s business should be based solely on hard work, since the fair Rooster cannot stand “dirty” methods that result in others suffering.

The critical moment for the Dragons will be the summer period. There is a great risk of difficulties in business, but friends will help cope with the situation, and by November representatives of the sign will be able to enjoy complete success and prosperity.


From the very beginning of the year, the Dragons will urgently need money, and quite a lot of it, so they will begin to think about where to get it. It is best to contact your family or friends, since a loan from a credit institution can later play a cruel joke. There is a big risk that by the middle of the year there will be difficulties in repaying the debt, which will only worsen the situation due to accruing interest.

It is also worth mentioning that this year will be a good basis for realizing the dream of creating your own business, so if you make informed decisions, you can make a big profit and provide for yourself for the rest of your life.

Horoscope for the Dragon man

The Dragon horoscope for 2017 recommends leaving selfishness aside. A man of this sign is accustomed to considering himself the center of the universe, but the Fire Rooster is contradictory about such conceit. The coming year will have to be devoted to caring for others, and it doesn’t matter who gets more attention: your significant other or your work colleagues. In this matter, the Dragon can make a decision on its own.

2017, despite the fact that men will have to curb their appetite, promises success in the business field, especially for those Dragons who dream of proving themselves in business. In this direction, even selfishness will not hurt.

Horoscope for the Dragon woman

The Dragon horoscope for 2017 promises a lot of nervous shock. A woman will be forced to hide her weakness, flaunting her leadership qualities and toughness of character. It is because of the workload at work that you will have to constantly deal with stress, but the fortitude of the Dragon woman will allow you to pass all the tests.

Family women will be able to find the strength to resolve controversial situations in the company of a partner, because only at home will they feel complete understanding and peace. Single women will also need reliable support, which can be found in the company of friends.

Horoscope according to zodiac signs for the Dragon

Dragon – Aries

A lot of positive things await the representatives of the sign, but subject to a number of conditions. The Rooster will have to be cajoled, and not every stubborn person is able to cope with this with a bang. Aries-Dragon will spend 2017 under the auspices of pleasant changes both in the financial field and in the love sphere. True, you should exclude your impulsiveness and excessive emotionality. The desire to get what they want at any cost obscures Aries' common sense, and the Rooster does not like this. In order not to anger the patron of 2017, it is worth making informed decisions and sometimes being more lenient.

Dragon – Taurus

In the new year, Taurus will show a greater passion for their own ego, which is why they may forget about family, friends, and colleagues. But everyone around them is constantly trying to help out the representatives of the sign. If Taurus-Dragon is able to harmoniously combine personal interests and attention towards loved ones, the Rooster will generously reward the stubborn ones. Otherwise, he will turn away from Taurus and turn their life into reaping the fruits of their own selfishness.

Dragon - Gemini

The coming year will be filled with hustle and bustle and constant decision-making. Gemini-Dragon 2017 will diligently solve problem after problem, while it is important to quickly assess the situation, analyze the outcome of events and choose only those options that will benefit either themselves, or for society, or both. Coping with such confusion will not be easy, but representatives of the sign can always rely on family and friends, and their own intuition will become the best adviser when resolving issues from different areas of life.

Dragon – Cancer

The year promises to be good for all areas of life. There should be a clear takeoff in finances, relationships and career, but subject to a harmonious distribution of time between work and your significant other. By devoting enough time to work, you can quickly achieve career growth and financial stability, but then your loved one will think that they are being neglected. If Cancers live too idlely and devote all their attention to their significant other, the moment will come when there will be nothing left to have fun. Balance and only balance, and then success for the representatives of the sign is guaranteed.

Dragon – Leo

Leo's leadership qualities will simply go off scale in the new year. Representatives of the sign will be able to rally a powerful team around themselves, which will certainly help achieve their desired goals. True, when selecting accomplices, you should attract only positive people who feed with positive energy, and not destroy a strong team. Being a leader, Leo-Dragons will often have to make decisions, so they need to pay attention to rest and nutrition.

Dragon – Virgo

2017 is good in terms of increasing your finances. Virgos will be able to find a new way to earn money, which will subsequently turn into a profitable and interesting job. True, you should not rush to all the proposals that will come in, since some of them will not bring stability, but will only waste energy and time. At the end of the year, the Rooster will help Virgos achieve their goal and send good advisers and profitable partners to help, so representatives of the sign should devote the first half of 2017 to organizing their work activities.

Dragon – Libra

Libra will have more than enough ideas in the coming year. They will want to change their job and place of residence. To those who are in a couple, even their partner may not seem like a suitable person, and single Libra will decide to quickly change their status. Such changes can bring a lot of positive things, because the Rooster will patronize changes, but you shouldn’t act rashly. Only informed decisions will bear fruit, so Libra should seek support from friends who can sensibly assess the situation.

Dragon – Scorpio

It's time for Scorpios to get some rest. Past periods required the complete mobilization of internal forces, which is why they squeezed all the juice out of the representatives of the sign. It's time to put aside all your affairs and worries and spend a good rest, preferably far from your usual place of residence and work. Only complete removal from the work environment will help you relax and recharge your energy for the future. By resting at the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign will protect themselves from a number of health problems caused by overload.

Dragon – Sagittarius

The Rooster will favorably appreciate three qualities that Sagittarius will show in the coming year: perseverance, determination and hard work. This approach to business will allow you to succeed in all areas and receive significant monetary rewards. Family Sagittarius will feel complete harmony with their significant other, because the year will pass in mutual understanding, without quarrels and reproaches. Single representatives of the sign have a chance to finally improve their personal lives by meeting an understanding and caring person who is ready to shower persistent Sagittarius Dragons with love.

Dragon – Capricorn

The lucky ones are Capricorn-Dragons. 2017 will be a real holiday for them, as everything will work out without difficulty, the days will be full of entertainment, pleasant surprises and gifts. Representatives of the sign will be able to enjoy the favor of the Rooster, because their positivity will attract luck to themselves like a magnet. The immediate environment will sincerely rejoice at such luck of the horned lucky ones and provide support of their own free will.

Dragon – Aquarius

2017 for Aquarius will be spent establishing close contacts with loved ones. Representatives of the sign will understand that only they are able to color life and, even in difficult situations, become a strong stronghold for moving forward. With this attitude, Aquarius-Dragons will spend a lot of time and money on their significant other, parents, children and friends. Close people will become an important component of life in the coming year, which is why Aquarians will achieve internal harmony and satisfaction.

Dragon – Pisces

The Rooster will help the representatives of the sign to reveal their talents and express them to others, since the creative potential will literally burst with Pisces-Dragons and force them to move further and further. The time has come to forget about embarrassment and wrap yourself in a veil of originality, because such changes will satisfy not only the representatives of the sign, but will also be appreciated in knowledgeable circles. The reward for following the inner call will be a good confirmation that Pisces are on the right path.
