Roza Syabitova: “After fifty, men are sluggish and boring. Matchmaker Rosa Syabitova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Little Rose was raised in a Muslim family that strictly follows traditions Islamic world in everything except addiction to alcohol. As is customary, the girl was considered a “second-class” child, was deprived of attention, and was not involved in her upbringing. Rosa was forced to play with her brothers and sisters' old toys and wear out their clothes.

However, such parents could not break the naturally strong, kind and sympathetic Rosochka. The child developed a sense of empathy early. She loved and pitied her old broken toys. Despite the difficult life circumstances, the girl did not become embittered or angry with the whole world.

Her school teacher, to whom the TV presenter is very grateful, came to help Rozochka from a large and dysfunctional family. It was she who suggested Syabitova try herself in sports, and it was she who brought a very little girl to figure skating.

Rose fell in love with sports. It’s easy to glide across the ice, doing incredible pirouettes, showing off to crowded stands in beautiful costumes, doing things that few can boast of - that’s what the lively and restless Rose needed. And she achieved high results in this sport - she became a master of sports.

First and main date

But Syabitova did not want to connect her career with figure skating. She entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, deciding to become a programmer. However, even here Rose did not find herself. The girl tried to enter VGIK, but Sergei Bondarchuk, who was taking the course that year, rejected the practical girl. Nevertheless, she liked the theatrical environment, as well as the crowd associated with television. And Rosa still graduated from the drama school.

In the early 80s, the girl met her love. Despite the fact that the first husband of the future TV presenter was tall and stately, she did not notice him in the general company for a long time. But then I took a closer look. Delighted by the attention of the lively girl, Mikhail invited her to the cinema.

On a date, it turned out that Misha had been pining for a quick-eyed beauty with a charming name for a long time. Having spent that evening next to her, the man did not tempt fate, and immediately proposed to Rose to become his wife. He pulled out a traditional gift - a ring - from his pocket when the girl least expected it.

However, Rose did not think for long. With the blessing of their parents, the couple soon got married. Their first child will be born only six years later - a boy, Denis. In another three years, little Ksyusha will be born.

Endured adversity

After becoming a wife and mother, Rosa became interested in charity work. She helped children in need of support and produced children's programs on television. But after almost ten years of a happy marriage, a misfortune happened in the Syabitov family: Mikhail fell ill with a stroke. His heart could not stand the long illness, and his husband’s life was taken by a heart attack.

At thirty, Rosa was left without a breadwinner, with two small children in her arms. Friends from Kazan helped her overcome strong experiences and long-term depression. It was they who pushed Syabitova to the idea of ​​continuing charitable work and serving children.

Rose began to develop this part of her life. I invited famous people to holidays and Christmas trees, celebrity guests, and even ran for the Moscow City Duma, promoting the principles of humanity and charity in her election campaign, but she never became a deputy.

To earn a comfortable life for herself and her children, Rosa started a jewelry business. But it was the mid-90s, with a developed system of work that brought good income Racketeers attacked. So that Rosa understood the seriousness of the bandits’ intentions, they kidnapped her son. Within a few hours, the woman signed all the necessary papers - only we returned Denis to the family!

Women's work of Roza Syabitova

The TV presenter raised her children with love and respect for family traditions, and explained that the man should be the head of the family. And she had to take it upon herself main role due to the prevailing circumstances.

Syabitova’s active work, which forced her to communicate a lot with people, taught her to understand them well. Rosina's abilities a good psychologist called innate: a woman subtly feels people. Syabitova decided to get a second education, and by 1996 she graduated from the Institute of Social Psychology.

Talent to penetrate human souls coupled with personal beliefs that force her to support traditional families, led Rose to a great idea: she would do the most feminine thing! Introduce people, select couples, give personal happiness!

Rosa opened a marriage agency. I always wore it to work wedding ring- symbol of own happy life and knowledge of the matter.

Time passed. Thousands of people found their happiness thanks to the savvy matchmaker, and she, based on her experience, wrote several books. Having become a famous expert, Rosa appeared on television. First to entertainment TV channels, and then to First.

Let's get married

Rose didn't immediately sit down in the chair on the famous marriage TV show. First there were little-known projects, then - the work of a guest expert on Good Morning. Having worked behind the scenes, Syabitova acquired a good professional reputation on the TV channel, so new project was developed with her direct participation.

It was decided to put three co-hosts on the “Let’s Get Married” broadcast, one of whom was Rosa. After several filmings, 37-year-old Yuri Andreev came to the studio as a groom. But, instead of making acquaintance with the invited “brides,” Yura spent the entire broadcast desperately flirting with Syabitova, and after the shooting asked for her phone number.

And she took a risk. The age difference and the already adult children, who were skeptical about the new round of their mother’s life, did not frighten Rose. A rapid romance with a young and temperamental man developed in a matter of months, and the couple soon got married.

Three years later, photographs of the famous matchmaker with beatings on her face and body will appear online. She will risk speaking out on the topic of domestic violence, admitting that her husband often beats her, but this time he went beyond all limits.

Later, Andreev will ask to hush up the scandal and publicly announce that the bruises were makeup, and Syabitova’s story was a PR stunt. She herself, divorcing her husband, will complain about his poor relationship with the children and the demand to give birth to an heir, for which she is not at all ready.

Rosa will no longer mention the fights, and a few years later information about the trial of Yuri and his new passion. The cause will be domestic violence.

Now about personal life main matchmaker the country knows nothing. But she herself is passionate about sports, resorts to the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgery, enjoys spending time with her children and is expecting grandchildren.

Rose, as everyone calls her Russian Federation, is not only a cool woman, but also a talented matchmaker who connects hearts. She owns a dating agency, which is in great demand in our country.

Rosa Raifovna is a vivid example of how a girl from poor family can achieve everything on his own and receive worldwide love as a gift.

Height, weight, age. How old is Rosa Syabitova

IN Lately Viewers are increasingly concerned about Rosa’s height, weight, and age. How old is Rosa Syabitova is also a question to which fans want to find an answer. Because the country's national matchmaker looks incredibly young and beautiful.

Rosa Raifovna was born in 1962, so in February of this year she turned fifty-five years old. She was born under the zodiac sign of the witty and optimistic rebel Aquarius, who cannot stand parental or social responsibilities.

By eastern sign Rose is a Tiger who loves to move only forward, overcoming any obstacles and barriers. This sign is passionate and loving, a generator of random ideas.

Syabitova’s height is low even for a woman – only one meter and fifty-five centimeters. And she also weighs, like Thumbelina from a fairy tale, only fifty-eight kilograms.

Biography of Rosa Syabitova

The biography of Rosa Syabitova is very sad and alarming. The girl was born in 1962 in the capital of our Motherland. She could not boast of an easy childhood, as she grew up in a dysfunctional family. Rosa and her parents were Tatars by nationality.

At school, the girl studied well, she was close to her teacher. Little Rose became very interested in figure skating, she free time spent it at the skating rink. The girl achieved high results and received the rank of master of sports.

Not receiving proper attention in the family, the girl constantly went to pioneer camps for the whole summer, she loved kids and tried to help those of them who were in a crisis situation.

After graduating from school, Rosa entered the capital's Institute of Electronic Engineering, where she learned the profession of a programmer. At the same time, she wanted to enter VGIK, but she was considered unsuitable for the acting path, although the girl did not study for long at the acting studio.

The woman turned out to be very enterprising; she opened her own jewelry business, which was later “requisitioned” by racketeers. At the same time it was founded charitable foundation"Krylatskoye", which I entered humanitarian aid from Western countries.

Rosa and her children lived quite poorly; she worked as a cleaner and nanny. And in 1995, by chance, she opened one of the first marriage agencies in Russia, “Rosa Club,” where she successfully worked as a matchmaker.

By chance, she ended up on a morning show on Channel One, where she was a smart marriage expert. Rosa was noticed and offered to become a co-host of the show “Let's Get Married!” on the same channel. This brought enormous popularity to the marriage agency, the presenter became famous, and the channel’s ratings skyrocketed.

In 2009 she became the organizer of the organization “Renaissance Center family traditions" She was briefly the host of the “Meet the Parents” project and hosts a number of advice shows on several radio stations.

Syabitova, by the way, herself participated in various shows, for example, “Without Insurance”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, “Let Them Talk”, “Secret for a Million”. She is the author of a number of books relating to love, family and marriage, which are selling like hotcakes in bookstores.

In 2016, she tried to run for the State Duma from the Rodina party, but was not included in the lists.

Personal life of Rosa Syabitova

The personal life of Rosa Syabitova is far from an open book. She is in no hurry to share problems in relationships, but bit by bit she managed to collect information about an unsuccessful first sexual experience followed by an aborted pregnancy.

In her youth, she met with the sound engineer of the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast,” where she took part in the crowd. The affair lasted three years, but ended in abortion and separation.

Syabitova officially married twice; she was unable to maintain this relationship, which was often reproached to her: a matchmaker without a husband is like a shoemaker without boots.

In 2014, the hero of her program “Let’s Get Married!” began to court Rosa. rich and influential businessman Andrei Kovalev. Syabitova did not react to his advances in any way, so the man quickly retreated.

Family of Rosa Syabitova

Rosa Syabitova's family was dysfunctional and religious. Her parents abused alcohol, became violent and started fights when drunk. They did not spare even their thirteen children, and Rosa had a particularly bad time. The parents were Muslims and considered the baby, who could no longer carry her last name, a second-class person.

Little Rose was hungry and beaten, and was often tied to a chair leg. And the girl had practically no clothes and toys, which were torn and broken. The parents gave everything to their sons, and the baby was content with little. Rose was able to endure everything and not become embittered. After living in her family, Syabitova cannot tolerate alcohol and drunk people, and especially women.

Mother - Louise Khasanshina - worked as a weaver, was a very angry and aggressive woman, she drank very heavily and became uncontrollable. The woman often beat the children and provoked her husband into quarrels. If the yard children offended little Rosa, then the mother did not defend, but beat her daughter. The girl was afraid to tell her mother about any women's issues; she had an abortion because she was afraid to tell about pregnancy to a loved one. Luiza Khasanshina died suddenly at the age of sixty-two from cirrhosis of the liver.

Father - Raif Khasanshin - is a gentle man, but completely degenerate and a heavy drinker; he worked as a mechanic. Constant conflicts with his wife, lack of money, the birth of more and more babies broke the man. He drank, and when he was sober, he worked with children and never offended them. Rosa always compared her father to Afonya from the film of the same name. She did not have an example of a real man, so she often got burned with her husbands.

Children of Rosa Syabitova

The children of Rosa Syabitova are her happiness and her joy. She was terribly happy about her pregnancies and worried that they would fail. Before her children were born, Rose had a huge number of miscarriages. The fact is that she became pregnant in her youth after the first intimacy and, frightened by her mother’s reaction, had an abortion.

The woman has two beautiful children who love their mother and support her in everything. Rosa is the first adviser for her daughter and son; they are not afraid to approach her with difficulties and problems. The woman tries not to burden her children with her problems, believing that their own are enough for them. She raised them herself after the death of her husband in the difficult nineties. Rosa signed the jewelry store over to racketeers after they kidnapped her son Deniska.

Rosa loves all the children in the world, so she organizes charity children's parties for them. She created her own foundation that supports sick children. Syabitova also supports and sponsors programs for musically talented youth.

Son of Rosa Syabitova - Denis Syabitov

The son of Rosa Syabitova, Denis Syabitov, was born six years after his parents entered into a legal marriage in 1989. He was named Damir at birth, and Deniska was the boy’s name in the Russian manner.

The guy works as a TV presenter, he is not married. The fact is that his chosen one was sixteen years older than Denis and raised two children. Rosa Syabitova, of course, did not like this situation and she divorced the couple.

Denis was a participant in one of the “Let's Get Married!” programs. and even chose his bride. However, after the end of the program, the young people went in different directions and never met again.

Daughter of Rosa Syabitova - Ksenia Syabitova

Rosa Syabitova’s daughter, Ksenia Syabitova, was born in 1992, so she was a child of perestroika, when the usual way of life collapsed. She studied at an ordinary Moscow school No. 865 and did not show any extraordinary abilities. From the age of five she danced in the Kalinka folk dance ensemble, but did not aspire to become a professional dancer.

Received higher education in Academy civil service in the field of psychology. The star mother wants Ksyusha’s husband to be a Tatar, but the girl destroys all these foundations. The girl twice became a participant in the show “Let's Get Married!”, but did not choose anyone.

The wedding of Rosa Syabitova’s daughter Ksenia with her lover Andrei took place in 2015. By the way, the young man is a lawyer who handled Syabitova’s affairs. He dated Ksyusha for a long time, until the star’s mother-in-law hinted that Snetkov liked her as a future son-in-law.

Organization wedding celebration Naturally, Rosa Syabitova took charge, so she constantly tells which of the guests were there and how much money was spent.

Rosa Syabitova's daughter divorced her husband Andrei

The divorce of Rosa Syabitova's daughter Ksenia from her lover Andrei, Rosa Syabitova's son-in-law, did not take long to happen. The couple separated a year later, although quarrels began in the first months of marriage.

The daughter of Rosa Syabitova broke up with her husband, what details fans of the famous matchmaker of Russia were constantly interested in. It is worth clarifying that the problems began with intimate life, because before marriage, Ksenia did not allow her future husband to have sex with her. And the husband constantly called his mother-in-law and told her that Ksenia was a stupid and short-sighted woman.

Former husband of Rosa Syabitova - Mikhail Syabitov

The ex-husband of Rosa Syabitova, Mikhail Syabitov, was far from television and creativity. He worked all his life as a medical equipment engineer, and in 1990 he became a businessman.

At the time the girl met her future husband, she was only twenty-one. She had an unsuccessful love affair that ended in abortion. Rosa honestly confessed these sins to her loved one’s friend Mikhail, but he not only was not afraid, but offered to become his wife.

IN happy marriage Mikhail and Rosa lived for ten years. It all ended tragically, because the husband died suddenly of a heart attack, leaving his wife and children without a means of subsistence.

Former husband of Rosa Syabitova - Yuri Andreev

The ex-husband of Rosa Syabitova, Yuri Andreev, appeared in the life of the TV presenter in 2008. He was a participant in the show “Let's Get Married!” and worked as a fitness trainer. He never chose the girl, but began to court the matchmaker herself.

The guy was ten years younger than Rose, but after three months they got married. Syabitova did not see happiness in the family, since the guy turned out to be pathologically jealous and scandalous. He often raised his hand to his chosen one, who even decided to wash dirty linen in public and tell the whole country about her misfortune.

After the beating, Yuri gave expensive gifts and tried to make amends. Rosa did not forgive the bullying and filed for divorce in 2011.

Photos of Rosa Syabitova before and after plastic surgery are reliable, since the TV presenter herself does not hesitate to talk about them. She claims that youth is worth a lot. Rosa often visits the plastic surgeon's office and has had at least five types of plastic surgery.

My fiftieth birthday present was a facelift. A little later, the TV presenter underwent an abdominal muscle tightening and slightly unsuccessful liposuction. It was necessary to destroy fat with the help special diet. And from the tummy tuck, she acquired a scar, which was successfully hidden with the help of a cute tattoo.

Rosa also enlarged and tightened her breasts and did contouring. The plastic surgery did not harm the TV presenter at all, but allowed her to quickly get into shape after the divorce. Rosa Syabitova in a swimsuit photo emphasizes her luxurious forms in the best possible way.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Roza Syabitova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Roza Syabitova are official; the people's matchmaker has been running them for more than two years. She posts a huge number of photos and videos on them that relate to her personal life.

In this profile, you can attend a virtual seminar on marriage and family life or sign up for a real training. Vivid and candid photographs allow you to appreciate Rosa’s body, which has undergone plastic surgery.

It would seem that the matchmaker profession has long become a relic of the past, and few women consider this role worthy. But how would couples be created without a skillful adviser, especially in those times when modesty was the basis of virtue, and debauchery was already expressed in simple coquetry? The biography of Roza Syabitova, a professional matchmaker, is complex and very problematic, but without her knowledge one can doubt the skill of this woman.

Program on the First

It’s an honor to be on television, and even on the main channel of the country, even as a viewer. But only a few manage to get their own show there. We can say that after such a springboard, the career is already made. And if the program successfully occupies a special niche and answers many questions from viewers, then it earns good rating. The “Let's Get Married” program has its own audience and a pressing topic: finding your soul mate has become extremely difficult. Why is that? Perhaps the point is that many people purposefully seek their happiness, not wanting to meekly wait and swim on the waves of fate?

The essence of the program is simple - it is qualified help in a situation where the person who came or came suffers from loneliness and wants to find their other half. In the center is the presenter Larisa Guzeeva, a woman with a sharp tongue, a pragmatic outlook on life and strong will. She can prick with a question, give a compliment and is not afraid to speak her mind. Its original moderator is astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, who even outwardly seems to be the antipode of Guzeeva. Volodina is a gentle blonde with refined taste, natural makeup and a tactful manner of storytelling. The most controversial character of the program is the matchmaker - red-haired Roza Syabitova, who is interested in all the details of the financial situation of the parties, asks tricky questions and directly advises you to refrain from making the wrong choice.

Not an easy profession

Previously, dating was difficult due to certain personal or religious traditions. What could the young people talk about among themselves if they early childhood taught that modesty is most important? And there was simply not enough time for walks in order to find a mate. It was dangerous to show initiative in feelings at all, because for a girl this is an unacceptable shame, but for young man- an unprecedented risk of being rejected. So they found a job as matchmakers, middle-aged women who were aware of all the affairs in the city, knew every family down to the seventh generation, loved to talk and sometimes even drink. An older woman is not afraid to ask uncomfortable questions, has a skillful eye and immediately sees a person’s potential. Although almost no one knows how old Rosa Syabitova is, because her face does not show her age.

If a woman brings young people together, she fills the void with conversations and introduces them to each other. There have always been few talented matchmakers, since the essence of the work is deeper than simple curiosity. The matchmaker must be smart, cunning, insightful and open to communication.

What kind of Rose is this?

It seems that Syabitova’s parents were not mistaken in choosing the name, because she is really bright and somewhat prickly. The blind is alien to her pink romance, but at the same time she knows how to appreciate beauty and sincerity. She is suitable for the role of matchmaker due to the fact that she was married and raised two children. Rosa is a psychologist by training and can easily understand interpersonal relationships. True, recently rumors have leaked to the media that in practice, everything is not so smooth with the matchmaker’s family. Apparently, she is not able to tame a man either. The public was shocked by photographs of Rosa with bruises on her face. It turns out that “a shoemaker without boots”? So is it worth trusting a specialist who couldn’t figure out his own problem?

Personality formation

In my youth there were no prerequisites for such a choice of profession. Rosa was a professional figure skator, devoted 11 years of her life to the sport and received the title of Master of Sports. This was followed by the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, where Rosa received a diploma as a software engineer. And how did all this lead to the profession of matchmaker? Probably, the turning point occurred on the personal front, because during her student years Rosa got married and gave birth. But in 1993 the family was shocked terrible event- Rosa Syabitova’s husband died of a heart attack. For quite a long time, the matchmaker did not appear in society with a man. The personal life of Rosa Syabitova has calmed down.

In Moscow circles, Syabitova has already gained some fame as the organizer of a charitable children's fund. An attempt to get into the jewelry business was noted. But times were tough for the country, and the salon went bankrupt. Problems of interpersonal relationships interested Rosa, like any woman, but, in addition, the number of single women hurt her. She decided that she could improve the situation and opened her own marriage agency. The next step was obtaining a diploma in psychology.

Family and personality

The biography of Rosa Syabitova dates back to February 10, 1962, when a girl was born into a Tatar family. Smart and purposeful, but subject to emotional swings, she got married early (at 19) and gave birth to her husband two children - Denis and Ksenia. Many people don’t believe how old Roza Syabitova is, because her face always lights up and her eyes smile. It's hard to believe that she has passed the fifty-year mark. Rosa Syabitova’s children have already become adults: Denis is 25 years old, and Ksenia recently turned 22. By the way, in one of the “Let’s Get Married” programs, Ksyusha herself acted as a bride. Then she was 19 and she wanted to choose a friend under the supervision of her mother. Roza Syabitova is in no hurry to give her daughter into the wrong hands and is carefully interested in all the nuances of the grooms’ situation. Is it gentle? Affectionate? Secured? No matter what rabid romantics say, a competent matchmaker always remains unconvinced and believes that without good work and stable income you won't get far. Although she also has nothing against a woman working. This is what Roza Syabitova teaches her daughter; maybe planning working together? Who knows! By the way, the children were not happy about the reconciliation between the mother and her husband and even left their shared living space, but who better than a matchmaker would know what to do in such situations?!


Experience in a marriage agency was useful for the matchmaker in writing books about women's dreams, self-esteem and happiness. That’s when she was noticed, which resulted in a job offer from the cable channel. Media exposure attracted gentlemen to the successful woman, and Yuri Andreev soon appeared, becoming Rosa’s official husband. The media discussed the age difference between the spouses and considered the marriage a PR stunt. The PR was unsuccessful, because after some time the husband beat Rosa, and the marriage broke up. The personal life of Rosa Syabitova greatly influences her work and demand, so it is not surprising that a crisis occurred. It would seem that one could put an end to the career of a matchmaker, but no, Syabitova did not give up and publicly admitted her failure, noting that at the beginning of the marriage she was happy and sees many advantages in this man, but it is difficult to predict the consequences even for a matchmaker.

The biography of Rosa Syabitova took a sharp turn, and a reconciliation followed with her brawler husband, who repented of hurting her. But it is still unclear whether this repentance was sincere or just PR. Be that as it may, now the couple did not last even a year.

In 2010, Roza Syabitova even tried to expand her work sphere - “Dating the Parents” on Channel One was a kind of continuation of the program “Let’s Get Married,” but lost in the ratings to its predecessor and therefore closed.

Storms after calm

The matchmaker remained on TV and continued to give advice, but it turned out that problems were also brewing on the other side of the screen. Only now Syabitova is no longer a victim, but a harsh deceiver, capitalizing on someone else’s loneliness. Many clients of her marriage agency file claims, citing the zero result of their appeal and the exorbitant amounts requested by Rosa. The matchmaker's answer was unexpected and rather harsh - she made counter-accusations, noting the fact that those who applied had an extremely unpresentable appearance.

Working moments

Even the relationship with his own PR manager showed cracks: Ivan Irbisov gave an interview in which he described Syabitova’s business in black terms, saying that she was playing on other people’s feelings. What followed statement of claim Rosa gave her absolutely nothing, except that now she also owes Irbisov financial compensation. The biography of Roza Syabitova has not yet been completed; life will show who is right and who is wrong.

Rosa was born in Moscow in 1962 into a family with 12 children. His father worked as a mechanic, and his mother worked in a weaving factory. The family often argued and did not pay due attention to the girl. Rose's favorite toys were a bear without a paw and a one-eyed doll. Despite the difficulties, Syabitova strived to realize herself. She took up figure skating and achieved serious success, receiving the title of Master of Sports. But Rosa did not connect her future with the skating rink. After school, she entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering to become a software engineer.

Career of Rosa Syabitova

In the 80s, Syabitova was active social activities and participated in charity programs for children. She acted as a concert organizer and Christmas trees. At the same time, Syabitova opened a jewelry store, but soon sold the business to pay a ransom for her son, who was kidnapped by racketeers.

After this, failures followed Syabitova one after another. Her husband died of a heart attack, and her father-in-law evicted her and her children into a tiny apartment. So Rose decided to find a new spouse and realized that the field of marriage services was empty. In 1995, Syabitova opened a dating agency and trained as a psychologist. The work brought real pleasure, and soon Rosa published several books about the secrets of finding her man. After persistent calls to TV channel studios, Rose was noticed: that’s how we started successful projects“Looking for love” and “Let’s get married.”

Personal life of Rosa Syabitova

"Matchmaker" for the first time got married in 1983, but the marriage lasted only 10 years.

After the death of her husband, Rose raised two children alone until she married again in 2008. The second chosen one, Yuri Andreev, met the TV presenter on the “Let's Get Married” program. Glossy magazines We were happy to publish photos of happy Syabitova with her young husband.

But in 2010, the “matchmaker” publicly announced that her husband was beating her out of jealousy. After the confession, Rosa broke off relations with Yuri, lost 7 kilograms and took up her appearance.

I'm not twenty years old, and I have to take care of myself.

Rosa Syabitova before losing weight

Lush forms were organically combined with the image of a noisy, picky matchmaker.

But the desire to prolong her youth forced Rosa to come to grips with her figure. The rapid changes caused a lot of talk among fans, as the difference was simply colossal.

Rosa Syabitova lost 20 kilograms and after losing weight began to wear size 44 clothes. The TV presenter thanks strict diets and persistent sports training for this effect.

Rosa Syabitova before and after plastic surgery

Unlike her colleagues in the shop, Syabitova does not hide the fact that she is becoming younger over the years due to plastic surgery.

She proudly demonstrates the results of a facelift, blepharoplasty, and bdominoplasty, breast enlargement, liposuction and buttock correction.

For her 50th birthday, Rose gave herself a gift - a facelift, and then took a responsible approach to further improving her appearance. “I’m not twenty years old, but I have to take care of myself,” says Rosa.

The TV presenter turned to a plastic surgeon with a request to restore youth to her eyes and freshness to her face. The doctor developed a large-scale rejuvenation program, which included non-surgical lifting and low-impact eyelid surgery. After competently performed blepharoplasty, Syabitova became significantly fresher: her gaze became open and optimistic.

Tigran Albertovich Aleksanyan performs blepharoplasty on Rosa Syabitova

Summer 2012 Rose had her breasts enlarged and lifted. After the operation, Rose's bust looks very natural and harmonious.

In 2013, Rosa made special injections to rejuvenate her facial skin. The TV presenter was able to get rid of wrinkles, as well as tighten sagging skin and raise the contour of the eyebrows and eyes.

If you look at what Roza Syabitova looks like before and after the operation, you will notice that the woman is much younger.

She looks simply fantastic and constantly pleases her fans with her pictures. The new appearance helped the TV presenter in her personal relationships.

Roza Syabitova is a nationally known Russian matchmaker who professionally helps people find their soulmate, a successful writer and a native Muscovite.

Childhood and parents

She was born on February 10, 1962 in a large Tatar family that professed Muslim traditions. The family lived poorly; the parents were unable to provide their 13 children with a decent lifestyle. And, according to Rosa, they didn’t strive for it too much. The father often drank, the children were mostly left to their own devices.

The ultimate dream of the girl was a new doll and beautiful clothes. She was generally drawn to everything beautiful. One of Rosa’s outlets was figure skating, to which she devoted all her free time from studying. Thanks to her natural hard work, the girl achieved good sporting success and even passed the standard for master of sports. In other matters, she took her studies seriously.

Rose liked mathematics most of all. The strict formulas fascinated us with their logic and consistency. Good mathematical abilities allowed her after school to easily enter the prestigious MIEM for a rare and scarce specialty at that time - software engineer.

Personal life and husbands of Rosa Syabitova

Without the right model for building a family and an example of a worthy man and father, Rosa had to create her own happiness through trial and error. Low self-esteem did not allow her to choose a companion from worthy candidates. Her first gentlemen were guys from similar families, with complexes and lacking self-confidence. Then it seemed to her that by supporting weak men she herself was becoming stronger.

For the first time, Rosa got married quite early - she was barely 21 years old. Quite quickly, two children were born. Rose tried her best to be ideal wife and mother. The husband didn’t catch the stars from the sky, but he was not a bad person. Their family was not very wealthy. But Rose did everything so that her children did not experience need and all their urgent needs were met.

Remembering the difficult childhood of her own and her brothers and sisters, Rosa was actively involved in various charitable programs from a young age, the activities of which were aimed at helping orphans and children from low-income families. Later she created her own foundation, which provided targeted assistance.

Actively involved in public affairs, Rosa could not remain in the shadows for long. While still very young, she was among the deputies of the City Duma. This election gave her more possibilities To help people. And the desire to help the weak and suffering was in Rose’s blood.

It seemed that life had improved and was flowing calmly in the right direction. The children grew up, the business flourished, social work developed. But, unfortunately, rarely does anyone manage to spend their entire life without drastic changes. They also happened in the life of Rosa Syabitova. In 1993, after 10 years life together, she loses her husband, who unexpectedly dies of a heart attack at a young age.

For Rose it was a real shock. Everything that she built with such love and diligence collapsed overnight. At less than 30 years old, she was left completely alone (by that time she had practically no contact with her parents) with two small children, without new life guidelines.

Probably only her children helped her survive this difficult period. Having recovered a little from the blow, Rosa notices how much the children lack their father's firm hand and male attention. For the sake of the children, she decides to find a new husband and build a new full-fledged family in which the children will not feel deprived.

But it is not so easy for an ordinary woman with two children, who is also constantly busy at work and with social affairs, to meet a worthy man. And Rose no longer agreed to any husband, just to have a man nearby.

It was at a time when there was no widespread dominance of the Internet that the first marriage agencies began to actively appear. Not daring to turn to any of them, but having an excellent entrepreneurial spirit, Rosa creates her own marriage office.

Along the way, she enthusiastically studies female psychology, realizing that in order to attract a worthy partner, she herself must first change.

The agency is doing well. Rosa's intuition and her natural talent as a psychologist help her create excellent couples who quickly find mutual language and enter into quite successful marriages. The name of matchmaker Rosa quickly spreads throughout Moscow. And in 2007, it reached the head of the Moscow commercial channel Stream-TV, on which the program “Looking for Love” was just preparing for release.

Who better to host such a TV show than a professional matchmaker? And for Rosa, first of all, it was an excellent advertisement for herself and her agency. She gladly responded to the invitation and soon appeared on television for the first time. Unexpectedly, the audience liked the program, and Rose became famous person. She couldn't even dream about this as a child!

Second marriage

But when creating the agency, Rosa set herself a goal not only to help others. It was just that this way it was easier to get to know and take a closer look at the candidate for the role of your own husband. But she didn’t get lucky right away. And calling this acquaintance luck is not entirely correct. It happened on the set of the “Let's Get Married!” program, where Yuri came as a participant.

With second husband Yuri

By that time, Rosa was already experienced in the psychology of relationships and even wrote several books about female cunning and effective techniques seduction. In addition, she carefully looked after herself and looked much younger than her age. Already become famous woman she easily turned the head of her 10-year-younger athlete and soon walked him down the aisle.

At first it was one of the most beautiful Russian couples. Spending all the time together, appearing in public places holding hands, the spouses were the object of close attention and hidden envy. But behind closed doors family life looked completely different and outward well-being disappeared without a trace.

Syabitova’s second husband turned out to be jealous, and Rosa, accustomed to male attention, was not particularly modest. Scandals began in the family, which sometimes reached the point where the husband raised his hand to Rosa. For a long time she hid it, fearing for her own reputation. However, in 2010, patience came to an end, and Rosa decided to make her family problems public.

However, the high-profile public divorce only added to Rosa’s popularity and today she remains one of the most famous Russian TV presenters.

In 2010, Rose divorced her jealous husband and devoted her entire life to her career and children. After the divorce, she did not give up, but continues to move on - writes books, runs her marriage agency and still hosts the “Let’s Get Married” program, which airs on Channel One. On the same channel, Roza Syabitova was briefly the host of the talk show “About Love” in 2016.

Now Rose is leading active life on social networks, where she tells everything about her personal life - how she builds a house called “Family Nest”, how she selects wallpaper, furniture and other interior items for her future country house, how her pets - dogs Archie, Sherlock and Terry - are having fun.
