Rubalskaya Larisa biography nationality. Larisa Rubalskaya: poems and biography of the famous poetess

On September 24, the writer, translator, and poet Larisa Rubalskaya turns 65.

Writer, translator, songwriter Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. After graduating from school, she entered the correspondence department of the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya. In parallel with her studies, Rubalskaya worked as a librarian, proofreader, and secretary-typist at the Literary Institute, and later moved to the editorial office of the Smena magazine, where she worked for several years.

In 1970 she (Faculty of Russian Language and Literature), and in 1973 - Japanese language courses. She worked as a guide-translator at the Sputnik International Youth Tourism Bureau, at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU), and at the State Concert.

From 1975 to 1983, Rubalskaya was a secretary-translator in the Moscow bureau of the Japanese television company NTV. Since 1983, she worked as a reviewer for the Moscow office of the Japanese newspaper Asahi.

Rubalskaya wrote her first song, “Memory,” performed by Valentina Tolkunova, in 1984 together with composer Vladimir Migulya, a meeting with whom determined Larisa Rubalskaya’s second profession.

Her union with composer Sergei Berezin turned out to be especially fruitful, in collaboration with whom several dozen songs were written (“For two days”, “Let’s dance, Lucy”, “But it could have been completely different”, etc.). Together with Berezin, Larisa Rubalskaya performed on stage in the “Solo for Two” program. Larisa Rubalskaya collaborates with composers David Tukhmanov, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Alexander Klevitsky, Alexander Ukupnik, Alexander Ruzhitsky, Mark Minkov, Andrey Savchenko, Laura Kvint, Victor Chaika and many others.

Larisa Rubalskaya wrote more than 600 songs, which were performed by Joseph Kobzon ("Blue Envelope"), Alla Pugacheva ("Daughter", "Sleep Well, Country"), Philip Kirkorov ("I'm Guilty, Guilty"), Mikhail Muromov ("Strange Woman "), Irina Allegrova ("Transit Passenger", "The Hijacker"), Tatyana Ovsienko ("Morozov"), Alsou ("The Light in Your Window").

In 1991 and 1993, Larisa Rubalskaya held recitals at the Variety Theater, and in 1995, her anniversary recital took place at the Rossiya Concert Hall.

She took part in many television programs ("Happy Occasion", "Theme", "Show Dossier", "Morning Mail", "To the Barrier"), in 1998 she was the TV presenter of the "Wedding" program, the host of the culinary section in the "Wedding" program. Sunday morning with Eva Lanska."

Larisa Rubalskaya is active in concert activities and participates in the jury of song competitions. He is the author of collections of poems “Declaration of Love”, “Ring of Hot Hands”, “Early Night”, “Such a Card Dealt with Me”, etc., as well as books on culinary topics: “Culinary recipes for an encore”, “Snacks and hot dishes for our golden husbands", "His Majesty Salad", "Culinary Element", "Cooking with Larisa Rubalskaya" and others.

In 2000, Rubalskaya published a book of poetry and memoirs, “Set the clock back.”



Since childhood, I have been completely unlucky with love,” admits Larisa Rubalskaya. - I always fell in love unrequitedly. The school often held evenings in the assembly hall. There was a big ficus tree there, and we girls clustered around it, waiting for the boys to invite us to dance. Everyone was invited except me - I spent the evenings alone with the ficus, tearing off its luxurious leaves out of resentment and sadness. Coming home, I sobbed into my pillow and wrote poetry. I recently found those stupid poems in my notebooks, but they have such grown-up feelings, such passions!
I have never enjoyed success with men - neither then nor now.

Have you tried to somehow attract their attention?
- Of course: I wrote sonnets, bought movie tickets and generally did everything so that someone would be “attracted” - but absolutely no one was attracted. Maybe I just lack some kind of sticky substance - that same notorious decoy? For a man to look and fall in love... No one has fallen in love. I probably didn't have time. After all, as soon as the possibility of an affair arose, I immediately began to take care of the young man. And she always called first. I would have waited for his call, but no, I couldn’t resist. I was always afraid: what if he leaves me? This is probably why they quit. Everything. I even kept a list of men and put a plus or minus next to each name. There were very few advantages, and they were quickly replaced by disadvantages... All my friends had been married for a long time, and I kept thinking: “Why is that, am I the worst of all, or what?” It was a shame: what is this, they take everyone, but not me?!


You were fluent in Japanese, and you also worked for the largest Japanese newspaper, Asahi. Maybe it was worth trying your luck with the Japanese?

- What are you talking about! This was Soviet times. It never occurred to anyone to flirt with me. In addition, before starting work, I received instruction on the topic: “How to behave with foreigners.” I was the right employee, reliable.
I call working with the Japanese “my universities.” My character was already very suitable for them, and I also “matched” myself to them. The Japanese cannot say “I”, “me”: “I’m cold”, “I’m hungry”... “Ripe rice keeps your head down,” they repeated. And gradually I got used to bowing my head - this became one of my main life principles. I never talk down to anyone. If I had a chance to teach the discipline “How to live correctly,” I would start with the rule: don’t stand out! Talent and intelligence are possible, but behavior and wealth are not. I follow this rule all my life.
For example, I don’t buy expensive clothes in boutiques, although I can afford something. Because I know: if I go out, for example, in some super-brand clothes with a fashionable bag, I will become different. And I will offend all the spectators who believe me and embroider handkerchiefs for me. And then - I just don’t want to. Well, I have a Chanel bag - it was given to me in America. It's in the closet, I forgot about it...
I can’t spend money just like that, even if I have it. And I advise everyone to live by a simple rule: want a little less than you can. It makes life a lot easier.


Was your husband happy?
- Very! For him, my writing always remained incredibly important. By character, David was a very strict, stern and domineering person. He put pressure on me, forced me to obey. But thanks to mom and dad and the Japanese, I agreed to this. And when he said his main phrase: “I said!” - I never argued. For example, I want to rearrange some furniture at home, and in response I hear: “I said: no, it won’t happen like that!” Well, okay. “I want to buy this.” - “No way. I said "No!". And that's it - I'm silent. My friends were speechless at such moments, but it didn’t break me. It’s much more important to me that David feels good. Besides, it was always possible to cheat a little and present everything as if he himself wanted it.
We lived together for 33 years; for the last five, David was paralyzed after a stroke. Well, I was with him to the end - still as strong, willful, only completely helpless. She nursed, cared for, and... wrote poetry. Poor David even suggested something to me.


Shortly before your husband’s death, you buried your mother, and six months later your brother...
“I don’t see what happened as a test.” There are just different things in life. If I had started delving into my soul, I probably wouldn’t have survived. But I rejected self-examination. On the contrary, I set myself the task: to live as before. And I would like to advise everyone: if something irreparable happens, you should try to return to your normal life as quickly as possible. I could fall into constant sadness, renounce everything and everyone. But I know that my husband, who so dreamed that I would succeed in my creative work, would not forgive me if I gave it all up...
And my life just moved to another stage. I began to fill all my free time with work, and there was a lot of it. I started organizing and holding holidays. I write custom scripts, songs, and poems for them. At first I was terribly indignant: “I am made to order?!” And now I'm happy. I made new friends, and most importantly, I stayed busy all the time. And there are a lot of tours.

Are you thinking about joining your destiny with someone?
- To be honest, I don’t expect anything - I just want to live in peace. I used to be convinced that every woman at any age dreams of getting married. But now I don’t seem to need anyone.
I don't want anything new. Although sometimes some people appear with matrimonial intentions. Recently someone called on the phone: “Larissa, I know everything about you. You are a widow, I am also a widower.” - “Have you decided to marry me, dear man?” - "Yes". - “But I have no such plans.” - “Well, excuse me.” Disconnected. Obviously, he started dialing the next number. No, it's better to live alone. I don’t want to find anything, so that, God forbid, I don’t lose it...


Larisa Rubalskaya was given a start in life by Valentina Tolkunova, who performed the song “Memory” based on her poems in 1984. Since then, Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna has written more than 600 songs, which were sung by Joseph Kobzon (“Blue Envelope”), Alla Pugacheva (“Daughter”, “Live in Peace, Country”), Philip Kirkorov (“I’m to blame, I’m to blame”), Mikhail Muromov (“Strange Woman”), Irina Allegrova (“Transit Passenger”, “The Hijacker”), Alexander Malinin (“Vain Words”), Alsou (“The Light in Your Window”) and others.

Larisa Rubalskaya is of the opinion that a man must be persistently searched for. “I asked everyone: “Is there a groom?” And the efforts were crowned with success - she lived for 33 years in a happy marriage with a famous dentist David Rosenblatt.

I ran into a rogue

There are innate coquetry or modesty in a person. And there is an innate “sticky substance” that acts magnetically on the opposite sex. If a woman is born without it, then all her tricks are practically useless. So, I was born without this “sticky substance”... If novels did happen, they collapsed with great agony for me...

I rhymed everything in my poems: “I’ve never been pretty, I’ve never been slim either, that’s why sad things happened in my personal life.” I was some kind of garbage, illiquid... Everyone told me: “You have a golden character. Men don't understand their own happiness. Wait, it will be, it will be.” But nothing good happened in my personal life...

I was 25. A man approached me on the subway. He said he was a pilot. I fell in love instantly - handsome, in military uniform. Neither then nor now did I understand the meaning of the stars and stripes on the shoulder straps, so I immediately believed that she was a pilot. We started dating. One day my lover said: “I have a dangerous flight test coming up. If after some time I don’t get in touch, it means I’m no longer alive.”

And disappeared. I waited for him and waited, and then I realized: this wonderful heroic man died in the line of duty. I was terribly worried and cried at night. And then, quite by accident, I heard his voice in a subway car. I turn around - that’s right, it’s him! With girl. I began to listen to their conversation. The pilot says: “Darling, I have tests coming up...” And then - the same thing he told me... Like an artist, as if he was repeating a memorized role! I wanted to kill him! It turned out to be just a rogue, a deceiver.

I fell in love easily. It turned out that it was enough for me that the next chosen one was blond, not very tall, and sang with a guitar. Such are the yard priorities! To be honest, I didn’t really understand social strata. I even have a poem on this topic: “He was a plumber and came to fix a pipe, and it took him a long time to select a wrench. But instead of a screw, he turned my fate.”

I fell in love with such people, fell in love... All these men slowly tore my heart into pieces. But every person has a reserve of love and tenderness. If, suppose, at the age of 20 you find happy love for life, then all your feelings go to this person. But I was always filled with passion and suffering, precisely suffering. And the entire supply of love was quietly snatched up by piranhas...

Prepared a knife

I especially remember one story... As I approached the age of 30, I felt the finish line and complete hopelessness ahead. She was madly in love with a man. I had the impression that he was ready to “organize” his life with me. Which was not true, but I didn’t want to think about it - I just loved him very much. My lover had a wife who left him. He still couldn't forget her. This woman was the main thing in his life. Men often experience the excitement of a hunter if the prey has escaped his hands. Until he catches up with her, he cannot calm down. Perhaps this man continues his hunt now, although almost 40 years have passed since then.

So, my lover met with his ex-wife from time to time - when she could disappear for some time from her new husband. How did I find out about these meetings? He told me about it himself, which was the most terrible thing! “That’s it, I’m busy today. Today she is.” And for me he was still the focus of all my dreams and desires... “Humble yourselves, it will always be like this,” he told me. I couldn’t come to terms with it, I suffered a lot, and came up with all sorts of insidious plans. And one day I decided that I needed to kill his ex-wife.

I had a Japanese utility knife with a wooden case. A sharp, good knife. Now I’m embarrassed to even talk about it! Of course, I didn’t intend to stab this woman, I just wanted to really scare her so that she wouldn’t be embarrassed. Once again, having learned about their meeting, I went to my lover’s house. I started picking the door lock with a knife because they didn’t answer the doorbell.

At that time I was just confused with jealousy, Carmen... I eventually picked the lock, flew into the apartment... The woman was not there yet, and my beloved sat in horror, afraid to approach. Then he quietly said: “Go away so I never see you again!” Maybe by that time he was simply tired of me, I don’t know... And we never saw each other again... By the way, I met him by chance not so long ago! This old, unsympathetic man is walking. My God, I thought, was he really a fire in my chest? Years change the feeling a lot.

And then I thought: that’s it, my business is Khan. I listened to “Antiworlds” at the Taganka Theater. Young artist Slavina read Voznesensky: “Hit, woman! Hit, honey! Strike, vengeful one! Smear mayonnaise on a bald guy in suspenders. Strike, woman! Massage their faces! For all your future mattresses...” I thought: this is all about me, I will have to walk along this rotten, unsteady path, fight, fight for love and still be of no use to anyone...

Larisa Rubalskaya in her country house. Photo:

Drank vodka and kissed

But in the stream of unhappy love stories there were also glimpses when dreams came true that, by definition, should not come true. Two novels made me understand that I am not such a lost woman, not such a hopeless one. One of these men was a very famous person, and the other was simply in office, wrote books, and was considered an outstanding person in literary circles. Both were much older than me. And these two people, on whom it was impossible to count, gave me a state of flight... But it did not last long... Both were not free.

By the age of 30, I was already in complete hopelessness: everyone’s children were growing up, but I had nothing... And then I began to think: if I don’t try very hard, if I don’t take some active actions, then I will have nothing. will not be. I asked all my friends and acquaintances: “Is there a groom? Give me the groom!” There is no need to be shy about wanting to get married.

And the method worked! My close friend, artistic director of the Sovremennik Theater Galina Volchek, I had a friend, her husband had a dentist available at work... Actually, I wanted a writer, a poet, and not a dentist at all. But they told me: “He loves theater, he’s so smart!” On May 9, David and his colleagues had a party scheduled at the Uzbekistan restaurant. The friend said: “Go get acquainted.” I put on a million different chains and beads. I really wanted to please you! David later recalled with a laugh for more than 30 years: “I put on everything I could!”

I came, saw him and thought: this one is not good for me either. Tall, with a large face, looks like Meyerhold, Pasternak. And I liked men with small, graceful features. David is dark-haired, and I loved blondes. He spoke rather slowly, but I am impressed by people with fluent speech. In general, I didn’t like him at all, and David also left the evening very quickly. But the food was delicious. Well, I think, okay, but I ate.

Some time passed, our mediator said: “He doesn’t mind seeing you again.” - “Oh well, we didn’t like each other.” In general, I refused. But for some reason my friend believed in the success of her enterprise. There was a puppet theater festival where I worked as a translator. David and I’s mediator came to pick me up: “He’s in the restaurant with my husband, they’re waiting for us.” This married couple left dinner pretty quickly. David and I were left alone. And they drank vodka. I don’t drink much at all, but here I drank and drank…

Then he and I went outside for a walk, where he bought me all the flowers that were along the way. Then we kissed him on all the benches. It was like that, with drunken eyes... But in the morning I thought: it seems like nothing, man, we can see each other again.

But somehow everything developed very slowly. And then summer came, I went on vacation with friends - three couples and me. And I felt very sad there. I decided to send David a letter. I drew a picture: six little men are walking in three pairs, and behind me is the seventh, lonely one. She wrote: “Come.” And he arrived.

Larisa Rubalskaya with her husband David. Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

The sheepskin coat shocked him

By that time, David had his own difficult story in his personal life. He then found himself in terrible circumstances... In general, this man came to me already single and free, but very dejected. He didn’t really think about whether I was right for him, everyone just told him: “Lariska is such a good girl! And her parents are wonderful.” And David believed. Although I still didn’t like him... For so long I did not agree that David was my destiny. But as soon as she agreed, she plunged headlong into this pool of very great affection for 33 years.

David's proposal was very funny to me. I began to worry that he would not marry me, although several months had already passed since we met. I kept thinking: how can I introduce him? It seemed to me that David was poorly dressed. And I bought him a sheepskin coat - I worked with the Japanese, and I had certificates for the purchase of the “company”. David was horrified by this gift. But I realized: I’m already more than inclined towards him. When she gave me the skis, he laughed and said: “Let’s get married instead of skiing through the cold forest.” I reacted instantly: “Let’s go quickly!” Moreover, everyone around me said: “Are you stupid? Don’t miss out, such a good man!” In general, we met in May, and in November we already submitted an application to the registry office. I was 30 years old then, David was 36.

When David and I started living together, he brought his daughter from his first marriage, Ira, and told her: “Larissa is the person who became my life. If you treat her well and respect her, you will be in my life too, and whatever I can do for you, I will do. If you are against Larisa, I will choose her.” Ira has never been rude to me in her entire life. David has been dead for several years now, but we maintain good relations with her.

After 2 years of marriage, David saw talent in me and began to zealously pursue it. Then there was no word “producer”; the levers that work today did not work. But David somehow found ways to “push” me, explained to everyone that I was special, that I could write good poetry. When I came to see him Vladimir Migulya, David began recommending me to him right in the dentist’s chair. Volodya said: he needs not just poetry, but a verse and chorus. I wrote. Migulya put them to music and gave them away Valya Tolkunova. And off we go...

David looked for composers and musicians for me. He invited everyone to join us. He forced me to bake, fry, and cook so that our home would be attractive. In general, I was busy with my career. David and I became so carried away by our common creative work that I stopped grieving over my childlessness. And at first I suffered a lot. As soon as there was no treatment... I was overcome with despair when another friend became pregnant, and again and again I failed... At 36 years old, the doctors told me: “You are already at such an age that it makes no sense to continue treatment.”

I shed tears at night... But I didn’t have an inferiority complex - thanks to David. He didn't blame me for not being able to get pregnant. Firstly, they say that Geminis by nature do not have such a strong parental feeling. Secondly, it seems to me that he saw in me not only a wife, but also a daughter. He was very authoritarian. His main phrase is: “I said it!” He was the head of the department and was used to commanding. Even when David became paralyzed, he always said: “I said it!”

Larisa Rubalskaya at the presentation of the People's Love Award at the Gusyatnikoff restaurant. Photo:

I can’t say that David and I had such a paradise. Everything happened, he’s not an angel. Sometimes, of course, I wanted to buck. But I worked for 30 years as a reviewer-translator in the Japanese newspaper Asahi. Communication with the Japanese shaped my character. Head down all the time and only one answer: “Yes, as you say.” I've always been told, "You shouldn't have the word 'impossible' in your vocabulary." Everything they say must be done.”

After the stroke, David had two aneurysms. Then my heart began to fail. I sat next to him in the hospital day and night. She didn't leave at all. The doctors said: “Nothing will happen today anyway. Go home, rest. Nobody sits like that." I was very surprised! “How can I leave? This is my place on earth,” she answered.

David had a physical illness, but he still remained the head of the family, I asked him for advice and permission on any matter. David was already paralyzed, but we went to Kinotavr, twice to Karlovy Vary, to Baden-Baden, on my tour to Israel... I carried a chair. Everyone told me: “Larissa, it’s hard for you.” David weighed 100 kg, a two-meter giant. Nothing was hard for me! I knew that I had to do this to make my husband feel good. David and I went to the theater, to visit...

My husband turned 70, and the next day he passed away. In a very short period of time, my closest people passed away. This is scary... At first I had some kind of amnesia: I don’t remember how I lived... Now I no longer feel that loneliness and orphanhood. I work, I try. Do I want to get married again? No. I'm so tired of losses that now I'm afraid of gains.

Now I have an endless number of concerts. I work alone for almost two hours, and my room is full. Every time I wonder: why do they come? And I also got the opportunity to write again...

Do you know where Larisa Rubalskaya studied and worked? The biography and personal life of the poetess - all this is described in detail in the article. We wish you pleasant reading!

Biography of Larisa Rubalskaya

Our heroine was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. Who were her parents? Father, Alexey Davidovich, taught labor lessons in one of the capital's schools. And the mother, Alexandra Yakovlevna, was in charge of the economic department there. Larisa has a brother, Valera, who is 5 years younger than her. They were always very friendly.

The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya indicates that she had certain difficulties with her studies. But this is not because our heroine was stupid. She just found school boring. The girl wanted to spend more time outside, breathe fresh air and play with neighbor children.

Student years

Teachers did not recommend Larisa to enter a university. In their opinion, she should receive secondary specialized education. But the girl did not listen to their advice. She entered the philological faculty of the pedagogical institute, choosing a correspondence course of study. Larisa was not going to sit on her parents' neck. Therefore, in her free time from studying, she worked as a librarian, typist and proofreader. Then she managed to get a job at Smena magazine.

In 1970, Rubalskaya received a university diploma. She could get a job at school as a teacher of Russian language and literature. But it didn’t work out. And then Larisa realized that teaching was not the main calling in her life.

In 1973, our heroine enrolled in Japanese language courses. She successfully completed all stages of training. Next, Larisa was expected to find a job at the Sputnik youth travel agency. But Rubalskaya did not work there for long. The girl moved to the State Concert. She spent the next few years working for a Japanese television company and the Asahi newspaper.

Larisa Rubalskaya, biography: poems

The first person to recognize the poetic talent in our heroine was her husband. We'll talk about it a little later. Rubalskaya’s husband read the poems she wrote and decided to show them to composer Vladimir Migula. He, as a professional, highly appreciated the material. Soon V. Migulya wrote music to the words of Rubalskaya. A wonderful composition called “Memory” was learned, which was later performed by Valentina Tolkunova. Thus began the biography of Larisa Rubalskaya as a songwriter.

Since 1984, she has actively collaborated with various composers and performers. Rubalskaya's popularity peaked in the 90s. Her name was known not only in narrow musical circles, but also among listeners. Of course, she was the author of such hits as “The Hijacker,” “Daughter,” “Transit Passenger” and others. At various times she collaborated with Irina Allegrova, Philip Kirkorov, and singer Alsou. This list of Russian pop stars can be continued for quite a long time.


The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya (poetess) is of interest to her many fans. Today, our heroine is the author of more than 600 poems, which have turned into wonderful songs. Rubalskaya is regularly invited to participate in the jury of various music competitions. And she always enjoys attending such events.

Larisa continues to give concerts and also publish collections and cycles of poetry. Rubalskaya's latest hobby was cooking. The poetess loves to experiment in the kitchen, creating new dishes.

Personal life

In her youth, Larisa Rubalskaya often fell in love, but without reciprocity. The guys didn't pay attention to her, didn't ask her out and didn't give her flowers. During her student years, Larisa had novels, but they did not continue. When our heroine turned 30, the girl realized that she was ripe for family and children. However, there were no worthy candidates on the horizon.

Soon fate gave Larisa true love. A friend introduced her to a tall blond dentist, David Rosenblatt. At first Rubalskaya did not like the man. But he turned out to be persistent. Their romance developed rapidly. Six months later, David proposed to Larisa. She agreed.

The couple lived in the place for 33 years. They had no children. Several years ago, David suffered a stroke, which led to paralysis of the body. In May 2009, Larisa Rubalskaya became a widow. She still loves her husband and prays for him.


The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya is an example of how a person can change his own destiny. Our heroine faced many trials, but she was able to overcome them. This strong, smart and sweet woman deserves respect and admiration.

    Rubalskaya, Larisa Alekseevna- (b. 24.09.1945) Born. in Moscow in a family of employees. Graduated from correspondence pedagogy. Institute (1966). Collaborated with gas. "Asahi" (1975 2000), translated from Japanese. language She has been writing pop song lyrics since 1984. She has published the book: Beautiful Lady. Poems for songs... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya- Writer, translator, songwriter Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. After graduating from school, she entered the correspondence department of the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Rubalskaya- Rubalskaya, Larisa Alekseevna Larisa Rubalskaya Birth name: Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna Date of birth: September 24, 1945 Place of birth: Moscow, USSR Citizenship ... Wikipedia

    Larisa Rubalskaya- Biography of Larisa Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. In 1970 she graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya (now Moscow... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

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  • Collected works in one volume Buy for 734 RUR
  • Larisa Rubalskaya. Collected works in one volume, Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna. Larisa Rubalskaya, no matter what she talks about at concerts or on television programs, always conducts an intimate, confidential conversation with readers and listeners. This probably explains it...
