The best program for optimizing Windows 7. Speeding up your Windows computer: a selection of the best programs for optimization and cleaning

You can find a lot of utilities on the Internet, the authors of which assure users that their computer will simply “take off” after using this software. As a rule, the speed of your PC remains at the same level, with the only difference being that as a bonus you will receive a dozen advertising scripts that will be embedded in the OS and browser without your knowledge.

Despite the widespread dominance of such programs, you can find quite adequate utilities that will honestly clean your desktop of junk and carry out some other useful procedures, making your computer work a little faster than before.

But today we will talk about computer performance programs that can really speed up your PC. Here we are talking about high-quality cleaning of the operating system, its optimal configuration for a particular application, as well as other necessary procedures.

So, we present to your attention the best programs for promotion in the Windows environment. All the software described below has received some awards at exhibitions and competitions dedicated to utilities, and also has a lot of positive reviews on specialized forums.

Advanced System Care

The first thing that needs to be mentioned when talking about this program to improve computer performance is that it cares about the user. You don't need to explore menu branches, deal with complex settings or study a thick manual. Just install, run and click on the “Analysis” button. Then you will be asked to get rid of the found garbage, errors in the registry and unnecessary programs in startup, and after that your computer will start working noticeably faster.

Advantages of the utility:

  • availability of a free distribution license (with limited functionality);
  • improves the performance of the platform as a whole and speeds up access to the Network;
  • it is possible to fine-tune the OS for certain applications;
  • detects spyware and advertising scripts and then removes them;
  • optimizes and organizes the system registry;
  • eliminates some system vulnerabilities.

Advanced SystemCare is one of the best programs to improve computer performance. This utility is a kind of complex responsible for optimizing and cleaning the platform from garbage. In just a couple of clicks, you can significantly increase the speed of your operating system, and at the same time get rid of a whole bunch of related problems.

Despite mixed reviews on forums, the software enjoys enviable popularity among a large number of users. The program works to improve computer performance on Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. No problems with adapting versions were noticed, and the utility interface is stable and does not freeze.

Auslogics BoostSpeed

Surely everyone who runs this program for the first time to improve computer performance will be surprised at how much garbage has accumulated in the operating system. After the cleaning wizard finishes, a detailed list is displayed on the screen indicating the name of the problem and options for solving it. If you don’t want to bother with every item, then you can shift all the questions onto the shoulders of a smart machine. The utility is perfect for those who are dissatisfied with the speed of the Windows platform and often experience freezes and other glitches.

Pros of the program:

  • deep analysis and cleaning of the hard drive from unnecessary files and folders;
  • working with incorrect system settings and parameters that directly affect PC speed;
  • eliminating platform vulnerabilities;
  • editing and competent recommendations regarding autorun parameters.

As a small fly in the ointment, we can point out an exclusively paid license for distribution, that is, without trial or other free periods of use. But judging by the mass of positive reviews on the forums, the utility is worth the money. The program works to improve computer performance on Windows 7, 8 and 10. There were also no problems with adaptation to platforms.

Glary Utilities

This utility is a real machine for optimizing and cleaning your PC. The program is aimed not only at ridding the hard drive and registry of all garbage, but is also an excellent tool for solving internal problems with RAM.

In addition, the functionality of the utility allows you to conduct a full audit of the platform with subsequent optimization: browser system files, some backups, defragmentation of the hard drive, obtaining hidden information about the OS, etc.

Software features

It is also encouraging that the program for increasing computer performance on Windows 7, 8 and 10 is stable and does not cause any complaints. The interface does not slow down, does not glitch, and does not irritate the user with crashes, which is often the difference with other similar utilities.

Many users were pleased with the free distribution license, which is simply a gift for the existing capabilities. Let's add here sensible Russian-language localization, frequent (and necessary) updates - and we get an excellent complex for solving problems with PC performance.

Game Buster

As the name suggests, this utility is aimed at optimizing the platform for gaming applications. It’s worth noting right away that the developer strongly recommends updating your video card drivers before using the software. Otherwise, you risk getting the opposite effect.

The program works to improve computer performance on Windows 10, 8, 7 and even XP. Judging by user reviews, this is one of the most successful products for optimizing the platform for games. In addition, the program has earned the respect of many gamers who cannot afford to buy top-end video cards.

Features of the utility

NVidia has a similar built-in tool - Experience, but, whatever one may say, it is implemented clumsily and only partially helps. While Game Buster radically interferes with your operating system and optimizes everything on the shelves to run a particular game. Moreover, it does this in the most painless way both for the user himself and for the Windows platform.

The utility disables all, so to speak, unnecessary processes and launches the gaming application in a “clean” environment, without unnecessary add-ons and other usual desktop surroundings. This allows you to significantly increase the speed of the processor and video card, since it is not distracted by ordinary system processes. And this, first of all, is an increase in FPS, which is what gamers with mediocre video cards need.

Even though Windows 7 is much more responsive than its predecessor, Vista, its default settings are far from optimal. However, when speeding up the work of the “seven”, it is necessary to take into account that some changes made to its settings lead to a deterioration in the functionality and appearance of the system. Your task is to choose a configuration that will provide you with the optimal balance between performance, functionality and appearance. Next, we will look at several ways to speed up the operation of a number of Windows 7 systems, as well as a number of its utilities.

Windows 7: system boot optimization

It is known that the greatest irritation for the user is the long loading of the operating system. Despite the fact that the "seven" is optimized by the developers in such a way that it loads 10-20 seconds faster than Vista, users always strive to make it even faster. Multi-core processors allow you to speed up system loading even more, for which you need to perform a number of settings. Open the msconfig utility by typing its name in the Start menu bar. In the window that opens, we need the Download tab, where we need to click on the Advanced options button. Check the box next to Number of processors and select the maximum number of your cores from the drop-down menu. After you click OK to save the settings, reboot the system, and you will see how much faster Windows 7 boot has become. To speed up the system boot, you should also take into account that its speed directly depends on the number of processes and applications launched at startup Windows. Therefore, opening the msconfig utility again, let's go to its other Startup tab. Many Windows applications are added to the system startup without the user noticing. When there are too many such programs, downloading begins to slow down significantly. Therefore, carefully analyze the list of applications presented in the startup tab and uncheck all programs that you do not need. Ideally, you should leave a checkmark next to the name of your antivirus only. In the same way, you can speed up the loading of Windows by disabling all unnecessary services that slow down not only startup, but also operation. We will look at disabling them below.

Optimizing services in Windows 7

Throughout the Windows OS family there are many services designed to interact with internal hardware, drivers and some system options. Many third-party programs also add their own services to the system. Working in the background, many services significantly reduce system performance without improving its functionality at all. Moreover, a number of Windows 7 services are detrimental to the overall security of the system. Such services, first of all, include the default Remote Registry, which allows an attacker to make any changes to the system. There are two ways to open the service management utility: go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services or enter services.msc in the Start menu bar. After launching this application, a window will open in front of you with a list of all services. To disable a particular service, you need to left-click on it, after which a window will open. Click the Stop button to stop the service and change the startup type to Disabled to prevent it from being enabled again the next time you start the system. After that, click Apply and OK, the service will no longer interfere with your computer. When working with the list of services, you should be especially careful, since disabling the desired process can lead to a partial loss of system functionality: certain equipment or applications may stop working. If you have made changes to the properties of several dozen services at the same time, it will not be easy to find the right service required for a particular program to work. Below we provide a list of services that can be disabled on almost any computer, be it a single machine or part of local network.
  • The remote registry allows remote users to make changes to the system registry. For security reasons, this service should be disabled.
  • Offline Files is responsible for implementing the Offline Files API. Not needed by the vast majority of users. Turn it off.
  • The Tablet PC Input Service is required for pen and similar input devices to work on tablets. Turn it off.
  • The Windows Error Logging Service is responsible for logging system errors. If, when problems arise with your PC, you are in the habit of analyzing log entries to identify the causes of errors, leave the service startup type at Auto. If you are almost never interested in what is recorded in the system log, you can disable the service.
  • IPsec key modules for key exchange... - provides IKE key management and authenticated IP functionality. Turn it off.
  • Client for tracking changed connections. The service monitors file associations within the NTFS system. Once disabled, your computer will run faster.
  • Windows Search necessary for indexing files on the computer in order to ensure search functionality. If you do not use the system's built-in search, you can disable the service.
  • Parental Control. This service was introduced into Windows 7 from the Vista version and is needed only for compatibility with it. Turn it off.
On most home PCs that are not part of the local network, you can disable some other services.
  • IPSec Policy Agent. Almost never used on a home PC. Turn it off.
  • KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator. If you read the description of the service, it becomes clear that it is not recommended to start it unless you are sure that you need it. Turn it off.
  • IP Ancillary Service. Not used on a home computer. Turn it off.
  • Print Manager. If you do not use the printer, disable this service. If you print documents occasionally, try setting the startup to Manual. If printing does not work in this case, change the startup type to Auto. Whether your printer will work or not with the Manual startup type depends only on its drivers.
  • A secondary login is required to run processes as a different user. Disabled for security reasons.
  • Fax machine. We disable it if you do not send or receive faxes.
  • Windows Defender protects against spyware. Can be disabled if you plan to install on the system alternative system protection.
  • Windows Firewall. Can be disabled if you have installed a third-party firewall on your system.
  • Smart Card Removal Policy. If you don't use smart cards, you don't need the service.
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. If you do not use iSCSI devices, you can set the service startup type to Manual.
  • SSDP discovery is required for devices that use the SSDP protocol. Can be disabled.
  • Adaptive brightness control is only necessary for PC owners with a built-in light sensor to automatically adjust monitor brightness.
  • A computer browser is required to discover working machines on the local network. A single computer does not need the service. Turn it off.
  • Server. The service is required only for computers used for file or printer sharing. Turn it off.
  • Bluetooth support service. Disable if you don't have Bluetooth.
You should not disable all services at once. It’s better to disable them two or three at a time, and then reboot the system. If your computer and other equipment will work normally, disable the following services. Otherwise, you may be faced with the fact that you will not understand which service is disabled and prevents the computer from working properly.

Reducing shutdown time: Windows 7 optimization

The system shutdown time can also be reduced, but this can only be done using a somewhat barbaric method - reducing the time that is given to the process to complete running programs. If the system does not have time to complete their work, they will be stopped forcibly. Open the registry again and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control branch there. Find the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter there and change its value from 12000 to 2000.

ReadyBoost function

Windows 7 has an option to use flash drives in addition to RAM for data caching. This allows you to speed up data read and write operations and also increases system performance. To use the ReadyBoost option, you must have USB drives or flash cards connected to the PC using a card reader. Insert the drive into the USB port of your computer and in the Autorun window, select Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost. Specify the space limit available for use. To save the settings, click the Apply and OK buttons. After this, the ReadyBoost.sfcache file will be created on the USB drive. Under no circumstances remove the flash drive from the computer!

Optimizing your hard drive in Windows 7

This function is valid in the Windows family of systems, starting with version XP, it is also available in the “seven”, however, if in XP this option was enabled by default, in Windows you must enable it yourself. Right-click on the My Computer icon and open Device Manager. Find Disk devices in the list, right-click on the HDD name and select Properties. A window will appear where we need the Policy tab. Check the box next to “Disable buffer clearing...”. Here in the Device Manager we find the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers branch in the list, where in the properties of all ATA channels in the Additional parameters tab, check the box next to the Enable DMA item.

Speed ​​up copying and moving files

One of the new options in Windows 7 is remote differential compression, which is designed to calculate the differences between two objects, which reduces the amount of data transferred, but requires more calculation time. You can disable this option in the Windows Components utility. Find the Programs and Features icon in Control Panel and open Turn Windows features on or off from the list on the left. Next to the item Remote differential compression, uncheck the box.

Disabling driver signature verification

This setting will significantly reduce the time required to install drivers. Use the Start menu to find the gpedit.msc utility. Then, in User Configuration, go to Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation. Click Digital signature of device drivers and in the window that opens, select Disable, click Apply and OK.

Speed ​​up thumbnail viewing

To increase the speed of viewing thumbnails, make the necessary settings in the registry. Open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Mouse branch. Change the MouseHoverTime setting to 100 or lower.

Speed ​​up the Start menu

When you open the Start menu, the system spends some time determining and highlighting recently installed programs. If you do not need this option, you can disable it, reducing the time it takes to open the menu. Right-click on the Start button and select Properties from the menu that appears. In the Menu tab, click the Configure button. In the window that appears with a list of settings, uncheck the “Highlight recently installed programs” item. There is a short pause before the Start menu opens, which can be reduced by changing the corresponding registry setting. To do this, first launch the registry by entering the word regedit in the Start menu bar and pressing Enter. In the registry editor that opens, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Desktop key and change the value of the MenuShowDelay key from 400 to 50. After this, the pause when opening the menu will be noticeably shortened.

Disable unnecessary visual effects

If your computer is equipped with a not very powerful graphics card or uses a graphics solution built into the motherboard, then a noticeable decrease in performance may occur. visual effects Aero. Owners of inexpensive laptops, primarily intended for office work, face this problem especially often. In the Control Panel, click on the System icon and in the window that opens, select Advanced system settings. A window will appear in front of you where you should go to the Advanced tab. Click the Settings button under Performance. A window will open with a list of special effects, many of which significantly affect system performance. You have to configure the system to ensure the optimal balance between appearance and performance. On weaker computers, you can disable all effects by selecting “Ensure the best performance.” By making the “Special Effects” item active, you can independently choose which effects you need. Most users prefer not to disable the “Smooth out irregularities in screen fonts” option.

Every year more and more new games are released with cool graphics, super effects and thousands of fans. But not everyone can upgrade their computer every time for a new toy. But I really want the long-awaited new gaming product to not slow down, to be able to play at maximum settings with sophisticated and colorful effects, completely immersed in game process with incredible graphics.

In the case described above, so-called programs for gamers can help - software for overclocking a computer, namely video cards, processors, and for optimizing the system in general. These utilities find a rational approach to the division of computer resources, and some even allow you to emulate a more powerful video card, so you can run some games that did not want to work before.

In addition, gamers and anyone else may find it useful to have programs that provide information about computer resources. Using them you can find out almost all the information about the installed components: motherboard model, modules random access memory, processor and many other hardware parameters, including software.

Typically, computer overclocking programs increase its performance by increasing the clock speed of the central and graphics processors and increasing the supply voltage. This must be approached with caution, because as the power of a stationary machine or laptop increases, the temperature of many elements increases. Therefore, the main thing here is not to overdo it and be sure that your power supply or cooling system can handle the load, because you can repair a laptop or computer, but it takes your time and money.

You can do without using programs to overclock your computer by changing the settings in the BIOS of the motherboard and video card. But if you have never encountered this, then it is better to neglect this method. Due to the complexity of this method, we will not dwell on it, but will move directly to the description of programs for gamers and overclocking a computer.

In addition to the main function of overclocking computer components, optimization programs can contain various tools for improving the performance of the operating system by freeing up memory, defragmenting hard drives, disabling unnecessary ones during the game, smoothing Windows fonts, all kinds of widgets, etc. Thanks to this optimization, all resources computers will be focused on the operation and performance of the required application, in our case the game.

Razer Game Booster

Razer Game Booster - powerful free program to optimize the operation of the operating system and increase the speed of the computer. Increasing game performance is achieved through temporary OS optimization, namely defragmentation of RAM, closing background processes unnecessary during the game, DirectX diagnostics and other processes.

This computer overclocking program does not go into the registry, does not speed up the hardware, and does not change Windows settings. “What is she doing then?” - you ask. When you are ready to play the long-awaited game, you must first launch Game Booster and the utility, with a flick of the wrist, will clear the system of unnecessary slow-down baggage. Upon completion of the program, everything will return to its place.

The program interface is quite simple and understandable. For the lazy, Razer Game Booster has a great button that will do automatic optimization and won’t force you to choose optimization settings yourself. In just one click, your computer will be completely ready for the game, and if you wish, you can configure everything yourself.

If you need to overclock your computer, then you should download Razer Game Booster.

Game Fire

Modern games are quite demanding system resources, and if to this is added a significant consumption of resources on the operating system, then the game can only work on low settings, or even not work at all. The Game Fire program will help partially solve this problem.

By disabling running Windows services and visual effects that are not needed for the game, it optimizes the system for games. Thanks to this optimization program, the system will not devour precious resources and all of them will be directed only to the game. The utility is easy to learn and contains automatic shutdown by default. You can also manually specify which process you would like to disable.

You can download Game Fire for free.


RivaTuner is perhaps one of the most popular utilities for overclocking and testing the performance of video cards from NVIDIA and AMD. It allows you to overclock a video card directly through hardware or through a driver and fine-tune its operation.

Of all the available functions, the following can be highlighted:

  • working with Direct3D and OpenGL video card driver parameters,
  • setting video modes and screen refresh rate,
  • adjusting brightness, contrast and gamma,
  • managing fan settings on the video card,
  • setting the core frequency, memory and shader unit,
  • providing a report on video card characteristics, drivers, etc.,
  • monitoring temperature, voltage of the video card and cooling system.

The program has the ability to create profiles for launching each application, there is a built-in database of driver settings and a tool for editing the Windows registry.

The RivaTuner utility will, first of all, be useful to owners of GeForce video cards, and owners ATI video cards forced to use a program with limited functions.

You can download RivaTuner absolutely free and configure your video card to your heart’s content.

EVGA Precision X

EVGA Precision X is a very convenient program for overclocking NVIDIA-based video cards. Unlike RivaTuner, this program is not overloaded different settings and can be used as a simplified alternative.

Despite its light weight and simplicity, it can still become a powerful tool for overclocking video cards. Among the functions of the utility for optimizing the operation of the video card are the following:

  • control of memory, core and shader unit frequencies,
  • fan control in automatic and manual mode,
  • creating profiles of up to 10 pieces with assigning hot keys for each,
  • viewing tray temperature, taking game screenshots and much more.

EVGA Precision X is a free overclocker for your graphics card.

EVGA Precision X is available for download on Windows-based computers only.


3D-Analyze - not updated for a long time, but very useful program, which is designed to run new games and applications on old video cards.

The program is capable of emulating the settings and parameters of new video cards (for example, support for pixel shaders), or it completely “pretends” to be a specific video card model. The utility does not require installation.

For the new game to work, you need to launch the 3D-Analyze program, select the game’s executable file (usually with the exe or bat extension) and try to set the necessary settings in the program window.

Subsequently, the set settings will not have to be set again, since the program changes original file games.

By the way, if you are not satisfied with any specific settings, you can again use this program to set the optimal characteristics.


PowerStrip is one of the most popular programs that allows you to work with video mode and video cards. The program supports almost any video card and can significantly improve their performance.

With its help, you can switch the screen resolution, change the color palette, contrast, brightness, flicker frequency, etc. In addition, you can assign different programs individual settings and assign hot keys to change various parameters.

Download PowerStrip - a program for optimizing work with video cards.

We draw your attention once again to the fact that incorrect overclocking of a computer and, in particular, video cards can lead to sad outcome. Therefore, try to avoid overloading your computer components.

Anyone who has thought about why their computer starts to slow down while working knows what optimization is and how it happens. Manually configuring the OS, which leads to the least load on processes and frees up resources, is a very labor-intensive procedure. In addition, it is always possible to miss something or configure it incorrectly. This is why optimization programs exist.

Why do we need Windows optimization programs?

Optimization programs perform a whole bunch of tasks, since improving system performance is a whole set of actions consisting of a voluminous list. The main areas of application operation can be divided into categories:

  • cleaning the Windows disk and registry from garbage and minor errors;
  • defragmentation of hard disk partitions;
  • search and update drivers;
  • optimization of system settings, parameters, services and startup;
  • restriction of internal Windows programs: information collectors for analysis, Windows Store and others;
  • other optimizing settings.

All of the above can be done manually and spend a couple of hours on it. Or you can trust the software and complete all the optimization processes in a few minutes, with almost no mouse or keyboard clicks. We can say that optimization programs are needed to improve the operation of the operating system, as well as make it easier for the user to maintain the PC.

The author often uses optimization programs, but still does not trust them one hundred percent. The fact is that some utilities may miss important points in optimization. For example, there is no application that is focused on disabling services; all programs clean this segment superficially, without much analysis. There are also problems with some internal restrictions for applications. Therefore, advice from the author: trust, but check and do not be lazy to take part in the optimization personally.

The best programs to optimize your computer on Windows 10

With optimization like in boxing - I bet on the wrong boxer and went down the drain. At the same time, it doesn’t matter how young and strong he is, for the most part, skills and experience decide. In the software market, everything is similar: you can only trust proven luminaries. Otherwise, you may not only not optimize anything, but even get a virus or miner program.


CCleaner is one of the best optimization programs, the main focus of which is cleaning the disk and registry from garbage. Also, a convenient interface for managing installed programs, a separate item for setting up Windows startup and several other features have been added to the program’s functionality.

The CCleaner program is aimed at cleaning the disk and registry from garbage

Program features:

  • removing all traces of user activity on the computer;
  • a registry check that includes everything from invalid file extensions to erroneous shortcut paths;
  • removing even standard Windows applications without additional conditions such as disabling the service;
  • making changes to startup;
  • disk error analysis;
  • search for duplicate files;
  • erasing information on the disk.

Pros of the program:

  • The free version of the program differs from the paid version only in the possibility of technical support;
  • small size and high productivity;
  • very easy to understand interface;
  • application speed;
  • the ability to analyze the disk for occupied space.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • no significant ones were found.


An excellent disk cleanup utility. With its help it is very convenient to clean the system registry and remove from the computer unnecessary programs. If you want to edit the startup list, then CCleaner does an excellent job with this task. It’s convenient that programs in startup can be “turned on” and “turned off” - that is, you can temporarily exclude one or another application from startup, and then, if necessary, turn it on again. I like that when automatically cleaning the system from unnecessary data, the types of this data can be customized (for example, using CCleaner you can delete not only all sorts of temporary system files, but also cookies in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera). By the way, few people know that using a utility called CCEnhancer you can significantly expand the number of programs supported by CCleaner (up to several hundred).


Not noted.

Results and comments:

A very useful program that, without a doubt, should be installed on every computer.



AVG PC TuneUp - conditional free platform, which contains about thirty different utilities to optimize the system. German developers have tried to remove as much as possible all possible causes of PC slowdown. In addition, the program contains a Turbo mode: unnecessary Windows processes are temporarily disabled for maximum system performance.

AVG PC TuneUp is an entire platform that contains a set of 30 utilities for optimizing Windows

Program features:

  • freeing up disk space by cleaning unnecessary data from browsers, Store and other applications;
  • Turbo mode, which temporarily disables unnecessary system processes;
  • analysis of unused programs;
  • cleaning the registry;
  • finding and eliminating disk errors;
  • configure hidden Windows 10 settings and much more.

Pros of the program:

  • almost a complete set of utilities for operating system maintenance and optimization;
  • Turbo mode, which has no analogues in other products;
  • PC operation and evaluation in real time;
  • detailed reports on all operations performed;
  • constant updating of the program;
  • automatic execution by service processes.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • The utility is very expensive compared to its analogues; in addition, you cannot purchase a permanent license. Temporary use for 1190 rub. in year.

Video: AVG PC TuneUp review

Auslogics BoostSpeed

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is a very powerful operating system optimization software platform. The application contains many built-in utilities for fine-tuning the system, as well as testing its individual components.

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is a very powerful operating system optimization software platform

Program features:

  • deep cleaning of the disk and registry from garbage;
  • own defragmentation manager;
  • fixing registry errors with the ability to create backup copies of data;
  • the ability to recover deleted files;
  • speeding up your Internet connection;
  • disabling unnecessary services and optimizing Windows startup settings.

Pros of the program:

  • stable operation of all built-in utilities;
  • work in real time;
  • “Advisor” that will tell you which settings are best to change to free up disk space, security and speed up the system.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • no significant ones were found.

Video: review of the Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​program

Glary Utilities

Glary Utilities is another representative of the family of optimization programs that work in one click. The application is a platform to which several utilities are attached under a common interface.

Glary Utilities - representative of complex optimization programs

Program features:

  • removing garbage and temporary files;
  • fixing the registry, as well as finding incorrect shortcuts;
  • optimization of RAM in real time;
  • erasing disk sectors;
  • analysis of the hard drive for irrational use of space;
  • built-in manager for uninstalling programs.

Pros of the program:

  • convenient and friendly interface;
  • ease of use: you can run a complex task, or you can use individual utilities;
  • the ability to quickly launch via the tray icon;
  • different program design themes.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • no significant ones were found.

To be honest, I didn’t come to Glary Utilities right away - simply because I was satisfied with another program, but we won’t talk about it. However, over time, running around the city became a lot and I bought a netbook. As everyone knows, nets have all their parameters underestimated due to a weak processor and not the most powerful memory. That’s why the old program itself sometimes simply couldn’t cope and suspended the net. But the Glary Utilities program was just right for my netbook. It does not hang up the computer, and in addition it is capable of solving almost all software-related problems. This means optimizing the operating system, monitoring the laptop battery, cleaning the registry, which, by the way, I try to do every 2 weeks, and I highly recommend it to you. The program also performs very high-quality defragmentation of computer disks, unlike the Windows one! But in my opinion, the most convenient thing in this program is the One Click Solvation module - that is, solving all problems with one click. It’s convenient for me personally because I just press a button and go do other things while the Glary Utilities program itself heals the computer. Agree that it is convenient. There are still a bunch of different interesting possibilities that I did not describe, perhaps due to laziness. not because there are just a lot of them But if you install this program on your computer, you will see everything for yourself!


Many useful features, does not hang up the computer, cleans efficiently


Not found yet


Video: overview of the Glary Utilities program

System Mechanic

System Mechanic is a large package of applications for optimizing and improving the performance of Windows. It has up to 50 utilities in its arsenal, depending on the edition. The program began its life in 1998, and has several patented technologies, for example, automatic recovery of Windows components.

System Mechanic is a large package of applications for optimizing and improving the performance of Windows

Program features:

  • cleaning the registry from errors and incorrect paths;
  • deleting old files that remained due to program activities;
  • optimization of RAM with removal of unnecessary processes;
  • improved hard drive defragmentation;
  • fix internet connection and much more.

Pros of the program:

  • patented developments in OS optimization;
  • improvement in almost every area of ​​Windows operation;
  • reliability and efficiency in operation;
  • built-in and convenient task scheduler;
  • small size with maximum functions.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • the program has only an English interface;
  • at first glance it is a little difficult to manage, in addition, there is no “Fix in 1 click” function.

Video: overview of the System Mechanic program

MAGIX PC Check & Tuning

MAGIX PC Check & Tuning 2016 is a software package that allows you to quickly and efficiently maintain your operating system and improve its performance. Moreover, one program can analyze the operation of six computers simultaneously.

MAGIX PC Check & Tuning 2016 is a software package to improve the operating system

Program features:

  • removing traces of browser activity;
  • built-in defragmenter;
  • High Speed ​​mode, to speed up certain processes;
  • comprehensive OS optimization;
  • search and installation latest versions device drivers.

Pros of the program:

  • setting up energy saving;
  • installing the program on six computers with one license;
  • own file manager;
  • friendly interface.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • no significant ones were found.

Video: review of the MAGIX PC Check & Tuning program

Wise Care 365

Wise Care 365 is a program for optimizing and protecting your PC from data loss. The main focus of the application is cleaning the claim and registry, as well as removing traces of being on the Internet. The program has a built-in firewall to prevent penetration into the computer environment.

Wise Care 365 is a program for optimizing and protecting your PC from data loss

Program features:

  • deep cleaning of the registry and hard drive;
  • preventing unauthorized access to PC files;
  • clearing cache and temporary files;
  • deleting website browsing history;
  • recovery of deleted data.

Pros of the program:

  • launch all scanning components in one click;
  • high speed;
  • creating backups before cleaning;
  • automatic program update.

Disadvantages of the program:

"Computer Accelerator" is a program for deep cleaning of your computer.

Program features:

  • built-in task scheduler;
  • deep registry cleaning, including scanning shortcut paths, dll libraries and much more;
  • startup management;
  • monitoring the hard drive for damaged sectors or files;
  • provision of reports.

Pros of the program:

  • convenient and simple interface;
  • high speed scanning and error correction;
  • Trial version available;
  • providing reports on the work done.

Disadvantages of the program:

  • no significant ones were found.

Video: review of the Computer Accelerator program

Choosing an optimization program is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Most applications specialize in a narrow area of ​​application, so it is better to use them comprehensively across several programs at the same time.

Many programs start automatically when you turn on your computer, causing your system to take longer to boot. In addition, these programs take up extra RAM and are not always needed by you.

To edit the list of programs for startup, you need to click the “Start” button and type the msconfig command in the search bar. In the Startup tab, programs that start when you turn on the computer are checked. All that remains is to uncheck unnecessary programs.

Be careful not to disable autoloading of utilities and antivirus products.

3. Disable autoloading of unnecessary fonts

When you turn on your computer, Windows downloads a selection of over 200 different fonts. You can disable unnecessary ones like this: “Start” - Control Panel - Design and Personalization - Fonts. Open the context menu with the right key and on the unnecessary font and select “Hide”.

Comic Sans only , only hardcore!

4. Deleting temporary files

In the process of work, many temporary files are created daily on the hard drive, which somehow imperceptibly become permanent. They also greatly reduce the overall speed of your computer.

Regularly cleaning your computer will speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, and will also free up space on your hard drive.

To do this, just open My Computer - the partition with the operating system (usually Drive C:\) - Windows folder- Temp folder, and then delete all files and empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Disk Cleanup

To optimize Windows, Microsoft developers have provided a built-in disk cleanup utility. It searches for and deletes junk files, such as temporary Internet files, distributions of installed programs, various error reports, and others.

Go to the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup.

6. Disk defragmentation

After deleting unnecessary programs and files, start defragmenting the disk, i.e. regrouping files on your hard drive for maximum PC optimization.

Defragmentation can be done using Windows tools, or you can use special programs- this is a topic for a separate article.

The standard procedure will look like this - in Explorer, select the partition to defragment (for example, drive D:\) and right-click on it, in the menu that appears, open Properties and in the Tools tab, click “Defragment.”

7. Install SSD

A solid-state drive will help speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, the self-installation of which in a laptop we discussed in. If you don’t have enough money for a 500 GB SSD, it makes sense to purchase a disk at least to install the operating system - it will simply fly on the new SSD.

8. Install HDD

There are many video guides on HDD installation on YouTube. Here's one of them

If your budget does not allow you to spend money on expensive SSD drives, you should not give up more traditional components. Installing an additional HDD will significantly improve PC performance.

So, if HDD is more than 85% busy, the computer will work many times slower. In addition, installing an additional hard drive on your desktop PC yourself is even easier than an SSD.

9. Installing additional RAM

RAM is used to process running programs. The more information you need to process, the more RAM you will need.

If there is not enough memory, the system begins to use resources hard drive, which leads to a critical slowdown of the computer and freezing of Windows.

Adding or replacing RAM sticks is not difficult. For a regular computer with a set of standard office programs 4 GB of RAM is enough, but for a gaming PC you can think about 16 GB or higher.

10. Cleaning

Dust is computer enemy No. 2 (everyone knows that enemy No. 1 is). It prevents normal ventilation, which can cause PC components to overheat, slowing down the system. Extreme overheating of components can lead to their complete failure.

Turn off your computer at least half an hour before you start cleaning. Do not clean in synthetic clothing - friction may result in a static charge that can damage components. To remove static, touch the unpainted part of the central heating radiator.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power and carefully remove dust from all parts of the PC. Particular attention should be paid to the power supply, processor cooler and video card, where most of the dust accumulates.
