Scenario of the sports and intellectual game “Fort Boyard. Quest game based on the television game “Fort Boyard”

For children graduation group kindergarten.

Children enter the gym to the music and line up opposite the Masters of Shadows.

Leading: I am glad to welcome you to this mysterious fortress - Fort Boyard. The tasks prepared for you by the inhabitants of the Fort will be difficult but interesting. For each victory you will receive a key, and at the end of the game you will be able to get to the treasury, where the main prize awaits you.

Today the teams competing are: “Adventurers” and “Fortune Hunters”. Teams under the leadership of the captain announce their name and motto.

Captain 1: Team... Children: Adventurers!

Captain 1: Our motto... Children: We are adventurers, We came to Fort Boyard to play And our motto is to win!

Captain 2: Team... Children: Fortune hunters!

Captain 2: Our motto... Children: In order for us to have luck, We must win in the Fort!

Leading: Elder Fure, the Master of Fire and the Master of Shadows also take part in the game. And now I propose to enter into battle with the inhabitants of Fort Boyard and overcome all the difficulties that they have prepared. Step by step to the competition site!

They move: - Walking - With high knees “climbing the stairs of the Fort” - In a squat “through the low tunnels of the Fort” - Running - Forming into two columns in teams

Leading: Start warming up!

A set of rhythmic exercises:

    – stand on your toes, arms up

    – lower yourself onto your feet, arms to the sides

    – arc downwards right hand up

    - the same with the left.

    – squat, touch the floor with your right hand, left hand on your waist

    – stand, arms up

    - sit down, left hand to the floor, right to the waist

    – stand, hands on the belt.

    - turn right, right hand to the side

    – stand, hands on the belt 2 times

    – turn left, right hand to the side

    – stand, hands on the belt 2 times

    – tilt to the right, hands behind head

    – tilt to the left, hands behind the head

    – stand, hands behind head 2 times

    – steps in place, raising arms up with wrist turns

    – steps in place, arms through the sides downwards with wrist turns

    – jump into a lunge on the right leg

    – cotton 2 times

    – jump into a lunge on the left leg

    – cotton 2 times

    – turn around, placing your foot over your right shoulder

    – jumping on two legs, hands on the belt

    – jumping on two legs with clapping overhead


"Strong Men"

Each team must crawl along a gymnastic bench on their stomach, simultaneously pulling themselves up with both hands; run to the hoop, lift the dumbbells by 4 counts, run around the hoop and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that completes the relay faster wins.


Master of Fire: In front of you is a glass of water. You need to raise the water level in the glass to the red line. Children run up and put pebbles in it. The task must be completed in turn, passing the baton to each other. (Do it).

Elder: The ______ team raised the water level in the glass faster. She receives the KEY.


Leading: The next competition is “Multi-colored chain”. You need to jump over the gymnastic sticks lying on the floor on two legs, then take a long colored stick and move the plume to the end of the rope. Then the stick must be put back in place and returned to the team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Elder:(sums up the relay, gives the key).


Elder: And now I will tell you riddles. You are ready?

  • A cloud was walking across the sky,
  • A cloud of beads has lost
  • Beads are jumping along the path,
  • Like crystal peas.
  • I weave fine lace,
  • You won't notice it on the fly.
  • Who got caught in my net -
  • It will remain hanging in it.
  • I'm running down a flight of stairs,
  • Ringing over the stones,
  • From afar by song
  • You will recognize me.
  • So that blades of grass grow faster,
  • He makes paths in the ground.
  • If he digs deep -
  • Lugu can breathe easily.
Elder: You have solved all my riddles, and each team receives a key.

Leading: The result of the next relay will show us the most united team, because only united children who know how to act together can win it. At the signal, the first number stands sideways to the team, the second runs around him and stands next to him, placing his outstretched hand on the first’s shoulder. The third runs between the first and second snake and stands behind the second, putting his hand on his shoulder, etc. The team that returns to its original position first wins.

Elder: sums it up, gives the key.


Master of Shadows: I invite one player from each team to the table. While my clock is counting down, you must remember in what order the pictures are located. Then I will turn the card over and you will have to reproduce the memorized version.

Elder: Summing up, handing over the key.


Leading: The next relay race is “Building Fort Towers”. Each team must move " construction material" along the "narrow bridge" and build a tower according to the diagram. Each participant takes 2 cubes. The winner is the team that built the tower correctly and completed the task faster.

Elder: Sums up the game.


Master of Fire: I invite one player from each team to join me. In front of each of you are three containers - with beans, with pasta and with nuts. But only one of them contains the key. You need to find it as quickly as possible and raise it high. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner.

Elder: Sums up the game.


Leading: In this competition you will need not only speed, but also attention. You need to run to the module, take one toy insect there, turn it over and look at the written number. At the next stage, you need to take a card with this number, turn it over, determine the first sound of the drawn picture and place the letter on the board under the desired number. (for the first command the word “message”, for the second the word “labyrinth”)

The final

Elder: sums up the competition and the entire game. The winner of the game has been determined, but that's not all. A surprise awaits you, because you correctly composed the words - MESSAGE and LABYRINTH. I give the captain of the winning team a message with a labyrinth in it. If he walks along it correctly, he will come straight to the super prize - the treasures of the Fort.

The captain walks through the labyrinth and finds a treasure trove - a basketball hoop, covered inside with fabric and tied at the bottom with ribbon.

The captain pulls the ribbon and treasures fall on top - small caramel candies (do not put chocolate ones). Within 1 minute, the winning team collects candies into a special large container.

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Suitable for age : 7-13 years

Interesting: boys, girls and mixed groups

Ideal venue: park, forest, country house, anti-cafe, apartment, school

Quest duration: 2-2.5 hours + 1 hour for the preparation of props by the quest leader

Quest goal: become a cohesive and friendly team, overcome all the obstacles prepared by the Fort, collect 5 keys, guess the code word... and... find treasures!!

Treasure candies at the end of the quest AS A GIFT!!!

Quest cost:

If you want to order this quest for graduation or the end of the year, check the exact cost with the manager by phone. From March 1, the cost was increased.

Everyone in childhood dreamed of finding a treasury. As children, we looked for treasures and looked into stacks of yellowed, old papers. “Isn’t there among this paper large sheet, rolled into a tube? They were looking to see if there was a small cross somewhere there, in the middle of the sheet, highlighted in bright red. But childhood is passing, and sometimes we really want our children to experience the same emotions and thirst for adventure. Is there anything stopping you?

Give your child the opportunity to immerse himself in the secrets of the oldest fortress in France called Fort Boyard. It contains many countless treasures that your children can find.
“Parade of Emotions” will help you create a quest in a school, home, leisure center or fresh air in the park, in small forest Outdoors. The kids will be tested as one team of 6 to 10 people, as well as in teams of 2 and 4.

The quest is suitable not only for birthday celebrations, but also for graduation from kindergarten or 4th grade (held in school classrooms in the format of getting to know the high school).

What awaits the child during the quest?

The children are greeted by the presenters - masters of the game. They tell a fascinating legend about the difficulties that await the children during the entire ordeal. That only friendship and team cohesion will help the participants resist all obstacles and collect the keys to the rooms to get to the treasury. This is the purpose of the quest.

The essence of the quest is that each child receives an individual role: captain (birthday boy), strongman, time keeper or key keeper. You need to invest all your strength, creativity and skills in order to get past the simply explosive fireworks of tests. For each completed task, the presenter gives the children a key and a hint (a logic riddle) for the next test. For example, teams will also encounter tasks such as a spider maze, a non-standard portrait of the birthday boy, a mysterious cell, the riddles of Elder Fura and many others. But you should be careful! For a wrong step you can be captured!

When all the tasks are completed, children solve the code word and stand on the letters of this word on the giant alphabet. When the word is guessed, the treasury will open, and the team captains will help the presenters with this. The number of seconds to collect treasures is determined by the collected keys. 1 key - gives 5 seconds. If the children collect all the keys, then they will have a full 25 seconds to collect all the treasures and not have to live on the Fort forever!

The program includes:

  • The leader of the quest - the inhabitant of Fort Boyard - the game master
  • Thematic props
  • Roles for each player (team captain, key keeper, time keeper, code word keeper, strongman and others)
  • Bandanas for team captains
  • Step-by-step completion of tasks
  • Moving and active tasks
  • Intellectual tasks
  • Logic tasks
  • Prize - treasures that have been stored on the Fort for more than 3 thousand years (sweets)


Up to 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road + 1,000 rubles for each presenter
From 10 to 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road + 1,500 rubles for each leader
From 20 to 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road + 2,000 rubles for each leader
From 30 to 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road + 2,500 rubles for each leader
From 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road by agreement

Photography - RUB 2,500/hour
Video shooting - RUR 3,500/hour
Aqua make-up - RUB 3,000/hour
Holiday-themed cake - from RUR 3,850 (including delivery)

Children's quests are created to give children joy. And the people who bring a whole waterfall of joy and smiles are us! Team "Parade of Emotions". You will never regret a wonderful holiday! Moreover, if he remains in the hearts of your children. A child's birthday or graduation is not just a date and not just a holiday. This is a small step into the future that your child takes.

We develop all the scenarios ourselves and produce unique props. If other companies copy us, that only means one thing. They don't have enough imagination :)

I present to you the Fort Boyard program with a modern twist. In the world of innovation and the rapid pace of development, I couldn’t ignore the innovations in choosing the designation of actions - this is # (hashtag). We will follow these notations.

As everyone remembers, the essence of the game Fort Boyard is going through stages to the final goal. So in this modification, you need to go through certain #bases, where for completing tasks, the team will receive a #head start in the final #seventh base.

Excellent teams formed. I propose to choose a team captain. Each team has scarves of the same color. Preparatory work carried out. Let's begin!

While you are full of strength, we give up 100m to #firstbase. Here's 100 meters of toilet paper for each team. A driver is selected from each team - he will lead the team. The driver unwinds toilet paper, paving the way. And the rest of the team members roll the paper back into the roll. Ready? Let's start. We do not tear the paper, it should be one single roll.

Here we are #alongside #firstbase . Perhaps it was a bad idea to roll it up. We need to hide this paper somehow. A! Everyone probably used it cheat sheet in difficult life situation? During an exam, for example. Your task: stuff it all into your pockets, down your collar, into your trousers, socks, etc., tearing all the paper into small pieces. Whoever is first is the winner. Ready? Let's start.

Did a great job. We've just started, but would anyone mind taking some alcohol? Then I invite you to #secondbase. #along #second base . So it’s bad luck that the task is. We grew a tree for you vodka in a package . Your task is to collect the harvest. But one team member can only withdraw one package. You can use someone’s strong shoulders, arms, legs. The team that completes it faster will win and get a #head start. Ready? Go!

What a harvest! It's time to accept! To do this, we need to go to #thirdbase with the contents of the packages. #alongside #thirdbase . But this stage is not easy. You will need to drink while spinning the hoop! You need to twist the hoop on your belt (arm, leg, neck) and at the same time drink (try to drink). The winner is the one who drinks the fastest, who doesn’t get drunk, and who can drink at all. The number of winners in the team is recorded, and where more of them get a #head start. Ready? Let's start!

Zigzag walking is still a long way off, so we'll depict it on #fourth base. #alongside #fourthbase . The so-called running race. But the running is unusual, in pairs. The players stand with their backs to each other and holding hands. They start from one landmark to another, located at a distance of 10 m, then return back. An indispensable condition of the game is not to tear your backs away from each other. One player runs and pulls a partner behind him, who tries to move in sync with the first. Many people fail to run within the conditions. The winner is the pair that covers the distance there and back faster than others. The running time is recorded. Ready? Go! #the winner gets a head start.

Not everything is as simple as it seemed. Let's hurry to #fifthbase. #alongside #fifthbase . All competition participants line up in teams of 3 people. Each "three" of players receives a ball. At the signal, one of the three players, supported by the elbows of two other players, steps on the ball and rolls it. The groups whose teams reach the finish line win and receive a #head start.

After this it is simply necessary #a rematch on #thirdbase . Forward. Does everyone remember the rules? Go.

We had a great meal. Next, your lungs will help you. Let's hurry to #sixthbase. #along #sixth base . Your task: go to the finish line and back, inflating the bag so that it doesn’t fall. Only non-dropped packets are recorded. Each team member completes the task. Are the rules clear? Let's start!

So we have come to a logical conclusion. #the odds have been gained and we have a direct road to the #seventh base. #in place #seventh base . On the territory of the camp site there are air balloons, depicting apples that must be collected unharmed. And we're all going back here. Forward!
The ball is tied with a thread around the waist (the ball should be at the level and in the area of ​​the buttocks). The button is used to pierce a piece of adhesive tape and stick it on the player’s forehead. This procedure is done with each participant.
Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (he cannot use them during the game). The player's task is to use the button on his forehead to pierce the opponent's ball (without using his hands) and remove the piece of paper from the ball. Ready? Go!

And here she is #final point . We calculate the #handicap - this will mean that you have a #handicap of n seconds to complete the next task. So, in your hands you have letters, the combination of which turns out to be a phrase full of optimism and Have a good mood. Team “so-and-so” starts 6 seconds earlier. Ready? Let's start!

“By seeing the goal, and not the obstacles, we will get where we need to go!” This is exactly what your path to the #seventhbase at this camp site looked like.

The fort is the entire school with many closed areas. Assignments for the number of students are prepared in advance, the necessary equipment is placed in the classrooms. Each task must be completed in 1 minute. The selection of children for testing is carried out randomly so that there are no offenses. All children stand in a circle, the leader stands with his back to them and calls out a word - whoever gets the last letter in the calculation passes the test. Children, running through classrooms, complete tasks and collect clues to guess the key word. Not everyone will be able to find clues and complete the task within the allotted time - they remain prisoners until the end of the test in closed rooms. Tasks.

1. A spool of thread is tangled between the legs of desks and chairs. You need to wind it up and find a clue at the end - a small rug.

3. Collect kindergarten photographs from children. The test subject must find someone among the photographs. On the back of the desired photo there is a hint - the letter “m”.

4. In a pile of buttons, find 2-3 identical ones, in this case you can get a hint - the letter “o” written on the card.

5. On the bunch of keys, find the keys needed to open the office and take the clue from it - a toy mouse.

6. In a narrow vase where the hand cannot reach, there is a plastic egg with a hint. There is water and a spoon in the office. You need to fill the vase so that the egg floats: it contains the letter “o”.

7. There are a lot of folded pieces of paper in the box; find a clue among them - a piece of paper with the letter “n”.

8. The balls must be used to knock down the pins. One of them has a clue written on it - the letter “i”.

9. Small boxes are filled with various fillings - flour, soil, Christmas tree needles, feathers, cereals sunflower oil etc. You need to find the key in the boxes to pick up the clue from the room it opens. This clue is a newspaper with a program guide.

10. Words are written on the board; it is necessary to note which words are written separately, together, with a hyphen: in my opinion, no one, firstly, with no one, etc. The clue is a card with the letter “t”.

11. There are 9 squares with different signs drawn on the board. For a few seconds, the child looks and remembers their location, and then must reproduce everything from memory. The clue is the letter “r”.

12. Listen to the poem and find a word that does not have the letter “s”.

The sun has set behind the village,

Tits are sleeping, jays are sleeping,

A mustachioed catfish sleeps in the river,

The forest, the steppe, and the garden are sleeping.

The herd is sleeping, the shepherd and the dog,

The dream took him to his country


Answer: the word "river". Hint - print.

13. There are 6 inflated balloons on the wall, in which syllables and letters written on cards are hidden. You need to hit the ball with a dart and use the dropped letters to form a clue - the word “in-fo-r-ma-tsi-ya”.

14. Tasks may include mathematical examples, puzzles that need to be solved, poems that need to be memorized and read by heart to get a hint. You can offer small crossword puzzles.

If children complete all the tasks, they will have the following clues: a rug, a toy mouse, the word “information,” letters that can be used to form the word “monitor,” a seal, a program guide, the word “language.” Using these clues, children must guess the keyword “computer.” After all the tasks have been completed and, probably, the key word has been guessed, the Master of Shadows in a dark suit enters the game. He gives 3-4 tasks, completing 2 of which, children can save the prisoners. Tasks.

1. The outlines of the smaller edges of the dominoes are drawn on the sheet. It is necessary to place bones on the drawing and not destroy the entire building. Whoever's building collapsed lost.

2. A lid floats in a bucket of water. The Master and the child have the same number of coins. They take turns placing coins on the lid. The one whose lid went down lost.

There are 20 pencils on the table. You are allowed to remove from 1 to 3 pencils in one move. Whoever has the last pencil left is considered the loser. 4. There are 10 buttons attached to the paper. The Master and the child each have 10 of the same buttons. 15 seconds are given to remember the order of the buttons. The one who correctly laid out the pattern wins. As a result, the children receive the keys to the offices where the prisoners are locked and rescue them.

Children get together and stand on letters keyword written on the floor (Fig. 4), and then candies pour out from a box suspended from the ceiling.

You can simply cut a hole in the box so that a child’s hand can fit through and fill it with candy. The time for collecting candy should be limited, the office door should close slowly, and the children, having received candy as a reward, move to another class for tea.

Sports festival in elementary school. Scenario

Author:Smirnova Svetlana Yuryevna, teacher of the GPD, MKOU Murzinskaya secondary school, Sokolsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description:I invite you to visit the famous fortress Fort Boyard Atlantic coast France and take possession of the fort's treasury! Be sure to arm yourself with knowledge traffic and the treasury will be opened!
Sports game program will serve in a great way reinforce the rules of the road and help you have a great rest. This material will be useful to all organizers of extracurricular activities in elementary schools.

Fort Boyard to reinforce traffic rules.

/sports competitions in elementary school/

Target: consolidate knowledge of traffic rules through the game "Fort Boyard".
-generalize knowledge about road signs;
-relieve stress after training sessions;
-promote the development of physical qualities;
- foster a sense of collectivism.
Preliminary work: “School of Road Sciences”/educational programs, practical exercises on the streets of the village, safety corner.
Progress of the game:
Leading: Fort Boyard - a stone fort, fortress, in the middle of the Antiosh Strait. Off the Atlantic coast of France. The fort was built to protect against possible attacks.
Today, the inhabitants of Sportlandia are ready to conquer the famous fortress and take possession of the fort’s treasury.
And we welcome the teams:
"Adrenalin": Adrenaline is in our blood,
Try to catch up with us.
"Maximum": Maximum sport, maximum laughter,
Our team will succeed.
Leading: All participants will have to go through difficult tests. Earn as many keys to the fort as possible. Each test is a competition in strength, ingenuity, endurance, and the will to win. It is also a competition in knowledge of traffic rules.
It is important to think here, but not to hesitate!
Doubt, but don't stop!
You are ready? We begin!
1 test “Right on target”

One of the teams will receive their first key as soon as the ball hits the basket. But first, each team will take turns answering my questions about the rules of the road. Then, the team that answered correctly greatest number questions, forward 10 seconds to the second stage of the test. There, the team needs to assemble a tray from cardboard strips so that a tennis ball rolls over it and hits the basket. Whichever team succeeds first will receive the key.
Questions about traffic rules:
1. What do you call people walking down the street? /Pedestrians/
2. What do you call people riding a bicycle? /Cyclists/
3. At what age can you drive a car? / From 18 /
4. At what age can a cyclist ride on the road? /from 14/
5. Where can you cross the street? /On a pedestrian crossing, underground passage, ground crossing/
6. How to cross the street correctly? /Look to the left, go to the middle, look to the right/
7. How to get around a stopped bus?/Wait until it leaves/
8. What cars are allowed to go on red? /ambulance, fire truck, police, city gas service/
9. Where should pedestrians move on the road?/On the left side of the road, facing traffic/
10. Where should cyclists move on the road?/On the right in one row, a meter from the curb/
11. At what age can you sit in the front seat of a car? / from 12 years old /
12. What is the name of the intersection of roads?/Crossroads/
13. How to move correctly on the sidewalk? /Sticking to the right/
14. How should a cyclist move to the other side of the road correctly? / extend your arm to the side, or bend the opposite one at the elbow /
Test 2 “Seekers of Truth”

The seeker will get his team a key in one of the boxes. There is only one key in the boxes. But first, the whole team will have to assemble traffic signs from puzzles. Each participant must bring one part of the picture as quickly as possible and pass the baton. The team puts puzzles into pictures. Next, the “searcher” runs to the boxes, opening them, looking for the key.

Test 3 "Traffic Inspector"
The inspector will earn the team a key if he finds all traffic violations on the road map and raises the sign with the required number first. The inspector whose answer was close to the correct one will receive the key.
But first, the entire team must pass a test of unity, accuracy and balance.
/Eight ropes are tied to a transparent bucket of water. It is with the ropes that you need to carry the bucket from the start line to the finish line./

Next, the “inspector” receives an envelope with the task and tries to complete it quickly and correctly.

4 test "Strongmen"
The “Strong Man” will give the team the key if the entire team manages to get through the hoop.
/Holding hands, the team forms a circle. The presenter hangs a small hoop on the captain’s hand. Starting with the captain, the entire team must climb through the hoop without opening their arms./

Next, the “strongman” stands in the hoop, ties one end of the rope to his belt and, rotating around himself, pulls the rope and the chair tied to this rope with the other end, thus earning a key.
5 test "Intellectuals"
The intellectual will receive the key by solving six riddles on the topic of traffic. But first, the whole team must build a fort tower out of cubes.
/Participants, one at a time, jumping on two legs to a landmark, take a cube, return and pass the baton to another. The team at the starting line erects a tall, stable tower./

Next, “Intellectual” receives an envelope with puzzles. The first one to answer correctly gets the key.
Test 6 "Tamers"
In the center of the site there are pictures of road signs. Relay teams need to choose the right sign and bring one at a time to the start line.
/One team looks for prohibitory signs, the second - warning signs/

Then the “Tamer”, bursting the balls, looks for a piece of paper in the balls with the inscription “Key”.

Test 7 "Drivers"
The team will earn a key if they solve the crossword puzzle correctly and faster than the opposing team.
But first, motorists, /3 participants/, one at a time, will lead the car by the rope, going around the pins and laying out the traffic light colors at the finish line in the right order. Next, the whole team must solve the crossword puzzle correctly and quickly. The team whose crossword puzzle is correctly guessed first will receive the key.
Challenge 8: Codebreakers
The teams will have to solve the code to the fort's treasury.

/6 participants/ In the center of the site there are rubber animal toys. Numbers are written on the belly of insects and snakes - the serial numbers of the participants. At the first stage, the participant searches for his serial number among the animals. He places the animal on his stomach and moves like a cuttlefish to the next stage. There he opens an envelope with his serial number. He takes out the letter and runs to the finish line. Glues the letter on the wall to adhesive tape, in accordance with its serial number. He runs back to the team, passing the baton.

The words appear on the wall: KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS.
Leading: It was knowledge and skills that led the Maximum team to be the first to reach the fort’s treasury.
Attention! Captain of Team Maximum, open the treasury!

/ There is a bucket of candy tied to the basketball hoop for all participants in the game. The winning captain pulls the rope, turning the bucket over. Candies are poured into the basket./

There are enough treasures here for everyone! After 5 seconds the treasury will close again. Don't waste time, the treasures are yours!
1,2,3,4,5! ALL!
General construction.
Leading: Guys, don't forget about the traffic rules!
And then you will save the most important thing
own life!


Find 10 violations:

1.Two wheels in a row,
They twirl their legs
And upright on top
The owner himself crochets.

2. Not a beast, but striped,
Without arms, without legs, he shows the way.

3. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz.
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights.

4. We get up very early,
After all, our concern is
Drive everyone to work in the morning

5. Stop, don’t jump,
It’s clear - it’s dangerous to cross here.
Better you, like all the people,
Get into the underground...

6. Three eyes, three orders.
Red is the most dangerous.
7.Not alive, but walking
Not mobile, but leading.
