Siberian Federal University of Consumer Cooperation. Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation

All the best! I entered this “university” two years ago. Since I graduated from a technical school (well, at least not the SibUPK college), I decided to enroll in a correspondence course of study, but upon admission I found out that there is a correspondence course with DOT (in other words, a distance learning form). And the choice was made towards the latter, because... I already had certain plans, but there’s no way...

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All the best! I entered this “university” two years ago. Since I graduated from a technical school (well, at least not the SibUPK college), I decided to enroll in a correspondence course of study, but upon admission I found out that there is a correspondence course with DOT (in other words, a distance learning form). And the choice was made towards the latter, because... I already had certain plans that had nothing to do with further work and life in Russia. ATTENTION: my specialty did not recruit the required number of people, specifically for distance learning, but this is not surprising because this specialty is not very popular among a large number of applicants, such as law. Instead, I was offered a choice of two other specialties. With great grief, I was transferred to a new specialty of my choice; the transfer lasted about a month and ended in October. Only in October did I gain access to my profile and start completing my tasks. The most interesting part has begun - the learning process itself. In fact, there is nothing difficult about this if you know how to use a computer. It turns out that I complete most of the work very quickly (there are certain reasons for this), but the teachers are in no hurry to check them. There are also assignments where the essence of what needs to be done is not clear, but the teacher then asks you to do it; you need to somehow specify the assignments, and not mislead the student. This year, online lectures appeared, which, alas, I cannot attend because I am working, and they seem to be “mandatory”. Last year, if I asked for help and wrote to an employee of the distance learning service, at least they answered me; this year, for some reason, my question was ignored, although it concerned my work, which I could not send to the teacher for evaluation! Very interesting) Every year, such training becomes more and more clear that this is an excellent mechanism for making money from students who would like to gain knowledge, but due to some circumstances they work and cannot study full-time. To be honest, I already regretted that I did not enter another university using the same distance learning program. I understand that this is my choice, but there shouldn’t be such an attitude towards students, we still need to take into account that many who choose this form of education do not sit at home for days in front of the computer, but go to work like teachers! Before entering this university, please think twice. Perhaps the full-time course is good, but distance learning still needs work.

Faculties indicating specialties, directions:

1. COMMERCE (full-time training): Commerce (trading); Marketing; Advertising; Technology of production and processing of agricultural products. Direction "Commerce" (bachelor's, master's).

2. SOCIO-TECHNOLOGICAL (full-time training): Home science; Social and cultural service and tourism; Food service technology; Commodity research and examination of goods. Direction “Food Technology” (bachelor’s, master’s).

3. ECONOMIC (full-time study): World economy; Applied computer science in economics; Vocational training (economics and management); Economics and enterprise management. Direction "Informatics and Computer Science" (bachelor's degree); Direction "Pedagogy" (bachelor's, master's degrees); Direction "Economics" (bachelor's, master's)

4. FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (full-time training): Crisis management; Accounting, analysis and audit; Finance and credit. Direction "Management" (bachelor's, master's)

5. LEGAL (FULLY STUDY): Jurisprudence. Direction "Jurisprudence" (bachelor's, master's)

6. CORRESPONDENT: Crisis management; Accounting, analysis and audit; Home Science; Commerce (trading business); Marketing; Advertising; Social and cultural service and tourism; Food service technology; Commodity research and examination of goods; Finance and credit; Economics and enterprise management. Jurisprudence.

Documents for admission: application, document on education (the original is required for enrollment), 6 photographs 3x4 cm (preferably on matte paper), agreement on the provision of educational services (concluded at the university).

FACULTY OF COMMERCE (full-time study)

Dean's office address: K. Marx Ave., 26. Telephone: 349–55–78. Specialties, qualifications, terms of study: Commerce (trade business) - commerce specialist. Marketing - marketer. Advertising - advertising specialist.

Technology of production and processing of agricultural products - agricultural production technologist. The standard period of study is 5 years, the shortened program is 3 years. Direction "Commerce" - duration of study is 4 years for bachelors, 2 years for masters. Entrance exams: mathematics (major, written), Russian language (dictation). For the specialty “Advertising” - history of Russia (major, writing), Russian language (dictation). Unified State Examination certificates are accepted.


Dean's office address: K. Marx Ave., 26. Telephone: 346–56–12. Specialties, qualifications, terms of study: Household science - manager. Social and cultural service and tourism - specialist in service and tourism. Food service technology - engineer. Commodity research and examination of goods - commodity expert. The standard period of study is 5 years, the shortened program is 3 years. Direction “Food Technology” - duration of study is 4 years for bachelors, 2 years for masters. Entrance exams: mathematics (major, written), Russian language (testing). In the specialty “Home Science”, “Socio-cultural service and tourism” - history of Russia (major, written), Russian language (dictation). Unified State Examination certificates are accepted.

FACULTY OF ECONOMICS (full-time study) Dean's office address: K. Marx Ave., 26. Dean's office telephone: 346–19–64. Specialties, qualifications, terms of study: World economy - economist. Applied computer science in economics - computer scientist-economist. Vocational training (economics and management) - vocational training teacher. Economics and enterprise management - economist-manager. The standard period of study is 5 years, the shortened program is 3 years. Direction “Informatics and Computer Science” - duration of study is 4 years for bachelors; Direction “Pedagogy” - duration of study is 4 years for bachelors, 2 years for masters; Direction "Economics" - duration of study is 4 years for bachelors, 2 years for masters. Entrance exams: mathematics (major, written), Russian language (dictation). Unified State Examination certificates are accepted.

FACULTY OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (full-time study) Dean's office address: K. Marx Ave., 26. Dean's office telephone: 346–55–13. Specialties, qualifications, terms of study: Anti-crisis management - economist-manager. Accounting, analysis and audit - economist. Finance and credit - economist. The standard period of study is 5 years, the shortened program is 3 years. Direction "Management" - duration of study is 4 years for bachelors, 2 years for masters. Entrance exams: mathematics (major, written), Russian language (dictation). Unified State Examination certificates are accepted.

FACULTY OF LAW (full-time study) Dean's office address: K. Marx Ave., 26. Dean's office telephone: 346–19–20. Specialties, qualifications, terms of study: Jurisprudence - lawyer: The standard period of study is 5 years, according to the shortened program - 3.5 years. Direction "Jurisprudence" - duration of study is 4 years for bachelors, 2 years for masters. Entrance exams: history of Russia (major, written), Russian language (dictation). Unified State Examination certificates are accepted.

CORRESPONDENCE FACULTY Address of the dean's office: K. Marx Ave., 26. Telephone number of the dean's office: 346–49–03, 346–16–31 (law). Specialties, qualifications, terms of study: Anti-crisis management - economist-manager. Accounting, analysis and audit - economist. Home Science - Manager. Commerce (trading business) - commerce specialist. Marketing - marketer. Advertising - advertising specialist.

Food service technology - engineer. Commodity research and examination of goods - commodity expert. Finance and credit - economist. Economics and enterprise management - economist-manager. Jurisprudence - lawyer. The standard period of study is 5.5 years, the shortened program is 3.5 years, “Jurisprudence” is 4 years. Entrance exams: mathematics (testing), Russian language (testing); in the specialty "Home Science", "Advertising" and "Jurisprudence": history of Russia (testing), Russian language (testing). Unified State Examination certificates are accepted.

University graduates are issued a state diploma. Training is paid and conducted under contracts with organizations and individuals. Acceptance of documents: from June 20 to July 15. Entrance exams: from July 16 to July 31. The abbreviated program trains persons who have graduated from technical schools (colleges) and are entering specialties that correspond to their secondary vocational education. For them, entrance tests are conducted in the form of an interview in their specialty. Graduates of secondary school with a medal, institutions of primary vocational education after grades 8, 9 and colleges (technical schools) not in the university profile with diplomas with honors are accepted based on the results of an interview in the core general education subject. There are paid preparatory courses for full-time and part-time courses, including summer ones. Full-time students in need are provided with dormitory accommodation.

schedule Operating mode:

Sat., Sun. from 10:00 to 15:00 cab. 136

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from SibUPK

Anonymous review 10:57 12/16/2015

Wonderful university! The teachers' competence is the highest: they are responsive, they love their work, which cannot but inspire and motivate. We were also pleased with the university website! And, in general, information is everywhere, including VKontakte. This suggests that people really work there and give their best.

Iris SM 12:44 05/25/2014

It is very important to make the right choice yourself, as it can then have an impact on your entire future career. Therefore, it is better to just go to the University and see and touch everything for yourself, talk to the teachers, the Admissions Committee and draw your own conclusions. SibUPK has all the opportunities for self-realization - a huge selection of specialties, teaching traditions (after all, the University in Novosibirsk has existed since 1958!), the opportunity to start working right from student...

general information

Private educational institution of higher education of the Central Union of the Russian Federation "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation"

Branches of SibUPK


No. 01843 valid indefinitely from 12/25/2015


No. 02178 is valid from 08/11/2016 to 12/23/2019

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SibUPK

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 6 6 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study50.43 50.69 50.48 55.32 51.42
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget- - 51.51 57.86 54.9
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis50.14 50.35 49.66 55.56 51.29
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled44.27 46.98 43.68 50.51 43.54
Number of students3703 3962 4263 4466 4828
Full-time department948 1052 1237 1497 1753
Part-time department24 17 8 0 0
Extramural2731 2893 3018 2969 3075
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About SibUPK

In March 1956, after a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a cooperative institute of Soviet cooperative trade was opened in Novosibirsk, created to train qualified personnel in the trading industry. In 1997, the educational institution acquired the status of a non-state one and also changed its name to the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation (SibUPK). A competitive educational institution, one of the leading educational services market in the Russian Federation, its main goal is to train specialists with a high level of professional competence, which is necessary to build a successful career.

The following specialties of higher professional education (bachelor's degree) are available for study at the university: “Service”, “Tourism”, “Commercial Business”, “Commodity Science”, “Hospitality Business”, “Agroengineering”, “Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products”, “Jurisprudence” ", "Advertising and Public Relations", "Pedagogical Education", "Psychological and Pedagogical Education", "Vocational Training (by Industry)", "Economics", "Management", "Informatics and Computer Science", "Applied Informatics" , “Food products from plant materials”, “Product technology and organization of public catering”. Additionally, masters are trained in all these areas. Specialty areas are also available: “Legal Support of National Security”, “Economic Security”, “Law Enforcement”. University applicants can be graduates of secondary schools and secondary vocational educational institutions.

The educational space of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation is at the intersection of fundamental theory and modern practice; professional teachers use modern educational technologies in the educational process. In addition, the equipment of educational buildings makes it possible to master professional skills in strict accordance with their subsequent use in professional activities.

The scientific community is developing at the university, and through the efforts of the university council for science and the council of young scientists, students’ interest in the scientific field is also being formed. There are postgraduate and doctoral studies, which allows us to educate qualified representatives of the scientific and pedagogical profession.

Students and graduates of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation use the applied skills acquired during their studies as part of production, commercial and budgetary organizations, and gain the necessary practical experience during educational and industrial practice.
