Puree soup for weight loss recipes. Vegetable soup for weight loss and diet

It has long been noted that liquid hot meals must be included in any diet, no matter whether you are on a diet or not. That is why the main question here is not whether it is necessary to prepare dietary soups, but which ones should be selected in order for them to bring the best effect. Below are several recipes for such soups that do not contain many calories and will not overload the gastrointestinal tract, but will become real helpers in the fight against excess weight.

The benefits of dietary soups for the body as a whole and in the fight against excess weight

A very small number of diets in their original form retain the nutritional balance necessary for the body. Even if you want to lose excess weight very quickly, the need to introduce proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other useful elements into your diet still remains a pressing issue, because they are needed for full functioning.

This is where soup comes to the rescue, because almost each of them contains a fairly small amount of calories, but at the same time it contains not only fresh vegetables, but also fish or meat, or vegetable broth, which will help avoid metabolic disorders. Experienced nutritionists believe that drinking soup at least once a day helps normalize the functioning of the digestive, excretory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. At the same time, soups are very useful even from a very early age, since they can ensure full development for the entire body as a whole.

However, dietary soups are a special caste of soups, which primarily differs from others by the presence of certain ingredients. For example, cabbage, which is filled with a large number of different minerals (magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and others). It helps the body increase the work of the stomach and removes excess fluid.

Also an excellent product for dietary soups is celery, which acts as a fat burner and improves the performance of the body as a whole.

As you can see, the composition of dietary soups easily helps to increase metabolism, due to which weight loss occurs, and since they themselves contain a fairly small amount of calories, the results will not be long in coming.

What are the rules for losing weight with soup?

Soup is a tasty and healthy dish that contains a small amount of calories. It seems that a beautiful figure and soup were simply made for each other. But here, too, there are some nuances that must be adhered to in order to achieve harmony.

Why can such a diet harm the body?

Despite what was said above, excessive consumption of soups can be harmful, so in the fight for your figure you should not completely switch to a soup diet. This happens due to some modern problems:

  1. At the moment, meat very often contains harmful substances that are fed to animals to increase body weight. Broth prepared with such meat is very quickly absorbed by the intestines and the liver simply does not have time to process them, so they begin to circulate throughout the body, causing harm to it;
  2. All harmful substances that were in the meat that was used in cooking gradually pass into the broth after an hour of cooking, especially creatine and creatinine. This is why it is better to cook soups in a second broth;
  3. The very liquid that makes up the soup greatly dilutes the gastric juice, which significantly impairs the functioning of the digestive organs;
  4. Heat treatment, that is, cooking soup, greatly reduces the amount of beneficial substances that die even when the water reaches 60 degrees.

Healthy and delicious recipes

Just always remember that to prepare dietary soups you must use only natural products, any semi-finished products are completely excluded. Reduce your salt intake to a minimum and experiment with spices, which should also be used in fairly small quantities.

Pumpkin soup with ginger

Calorie content: 62 Kcal.

Pumpkin is an incredibly healthy vegetable, so a dish made from it turns out simply amazing, especially if you add ginger. After the pumpkin season begins in the fall, be sure to prepare it from fresh pumpkin, and it will help you not only lose weight, but also make you feel good, strengthen your immune system, and also improve your metabolism. Pumpkin soup is a must for those who lack strength.



  1. Remove all skin and seeds from the pumpkin. Then peel the potatoes. These two types of vegetables must be coarsely cut into cubes;
  2. Wash the cilantro and leave only the stems. Peel carrots, onions, garlic and ginger;
  3. Cut the onion into large pieces, keep the cilantro stems small, and put the garlic through a press. Ginger can be grated or finely chopped;
  4. Place all the ingredients in a large form, pour in the olive oil and add the butter. After this, sprinkle everything with coriander and sprinkle with sauce, then season. Mix everything thoroughly so that the spices are distributed throughout all the ingredients;
  5. The pumpkin mixture must be baked in the oven for about half an hour (temperature 180 degrees). After this, all the vegetables are transferred to the pan, and water is poured into it. It should completely cover all the vegetables. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for another three minutes. Using a blender, puree the mixture. Use the remaining cilantro leaves as a garnish.

Chicken soup with egg noodles

Calorie content: 77 Kcal.

Chicken soup can rightfully be called one of the most easily digestible. At the same time, it is incredibly tasty and also very beautiful, especially if you use delicate, transparent chicken broth. With carrots, tender noodles and delicious chicken, this soup is truly perfection.


  • chicken – 2 fillets;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • celery – 0.5 pcs;
  • parsnip root – 0.5 pcs;
  • butter - on the tip of a knife;
  • egg noodles - depending on the preferred thickness of the soup, but approximately 50 g;
  • greenery;
  • black pepper, salt and bay leaf.


  1. Rinse the chicken well and cut into pieces. Place the fillet in a saucepan and cover everything with water. Turn on the heat and start cooking the broth. Be sure to remove any foam that appears so that the broth is clear. Also, after boiling, you can add laurel and salt to the pan, as well as some additional vegetables, so that they give the broth a unique taste. These are carrots, celery and onions. The heat should be reduced and simmer for about 40 minutes;
  2. While the broth is cooking, fry it. However, if you want to make the soup less caloric, you can add raw vegetables to the soup. The frying consists of grated carrots and finely chopped onions, fried for about 4 minutes in butter;
  3. Diced carrots and parsnips go into the pan. Everything should be cooked until the potatoes are fully cooked, that is, about a quarter of an hour. After this, all the whole vegetables that were originally added to the broth should be removed and replaced with noodles and frying. Sprinkle everything with pepper and herbs. After the soup boils, you should immediately turn off the stove; the noodles will reach the desired consistency in hot water on their own.

Cabbage soup

Calorie content – ​​approximately 32 Kcal.

A real storehouse of vitamins, while containing such a small amount of calories, it has a slightly sour taste. At the same time, it is quite tasty and will easily give the body strength.



  1. Wash and peel the potatoes and carrots well. After this, it should be cut into cubes, the carrots should be smaller than the potatoes. Pour water into the pan, then add these vegetables and leave to cook for about 10 minutes.
  2. During this time, you should chop the cabbage. Be sure to choose a young one, only then will the soup turn out the most delicious. After cutting, it also goes into the pan, and the mixture is cooked for another 5 minutes.
  3. The last step is to add the green peas and cook the soup for a few more minutes. At the end, oil, dill and salt with spices are added.

Rice soup with egg for diet No. 5

Calorie content: 51 Kcal.

Diet No. 5 does not require complexity in the preparation of its dishes, so it is important to monitor only the quality of the ingredients. Typically, this diet is used for patients with problems of the digestive tract, so this recipe has a very soft and delicate taste.


  • water – 1.5 l;
  • rice – ½ cup;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • egg – 1 pc;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly and add to hot water. It should cook for about 15 minutes over medium heat;
  2. During this time, the potatoes are cut into cubes and the carrots are grated. All this is also sent to the pan and boiled for ten minutes;
  3. After this, the raw egg should be lightly beaten and poured in a very thin stream into the water, stirring it constantly. Just before the end of cooking, the soup is salted and oil is added. Cook the soup for no more than 3 minutes, but during this time it should be kept under a closed lid.

Tom Yum soup

Calorie content: 49 Kcal.

If we talk about exotic dishes, one of the first to come to mind is the wonderful Thai Tom Yum soup. It has a slightly sour-spicy taste, but it is not at all heavy on the stomach. This recipe is slightly adapted to Russia, so the only rare ingredients you need are coconut milk.



  1. First of all, prepare the dressing for the soup, namely a special paste. To do this, finely chop the garlic and chili. Each of these ingredients should be fried a little, a couple of minutes is enough. Finely chop the ginger and remove the zest from the lemon. Grind the chili and garlic in a blender, after which they should be returned to the frying pan and add the zest, ginger, lemon juice and sugar. Mix everything and simmer for about 5 minutes. Using a mortar, turn the mixture into a puree - this will be tom yum paste;
  2. Now let's start preparing the soup itself. To do this, boil the chicken fillet, from this the broth is prepared, after which the chicken is removed and cut. Peel the shrimp and chop the mushrooms;
  3. After this, coconut milk and paste are added to 400 ml of chicken broth. After this, bring the soup back to a boil over low heat and simmer for a couple of minutes. At the very end, shrimp and mushrooms are added, as well as boiled chicken. Everything is cooked for another 5 minutes, after which the soup is served.

Japanese cucumber soup

Calorie content: 60 Kcal.

Many readers probably love okroshka. But if you make it low-calorie, you will get a wonderful cold cucumber soup. You can cook it with either meat or chicken broth; it still turns out incredibly tasty.


  • meat broth - 0.5 l;
  • green peas – 200 gr;
  • egg – 4 pcs;
  • cucumber – 3 pcs;
  • soy sauce - 2 table. l.;
  • greens - a small bunch.


  1. The pre-prepared meat broth should be brought to a boil and fresh peas should be boiled in it for 10 minutes;
  2. After this, cut the cucumbers into medium pieces and also add them to the pan, season with salt, spices and soy sauce and cook everything over medium heat for 5 minutes;
  3. Beat 2 eggs into the soup, stirring constantly. As soon as the egg whites have curled, immediately remove them from the heat. Hard-boil the remaining eggs and chop. After that, add them to the finished dish. Decorate it with greenery.

Red fish soup

Calorie content: 115 Kcal.

If you love fish, then you will like this fish soup. Red fish is rightfully considered one of the most delicious, so the dish will be extremely attractive and will appeal to all fish soup lovers.



  1. Fillet the fish. Remove the gills from the head, cut off the tail, fins and ridge - all this will be used to prepare the broth.
  2. Place all the leftovers in a deep saucepan, pour in cold water and cook for about 20 minutes. After this, strain the broth, add chopped onions, carrots and potatoes and start cooking over medium heat. You should also add chopped fish fillets. This takes about 10 minutes to prepare, after which laurel, pepper, salt are added and everything is left for another ten minutes;
  3. The cooked fish soup should be sprinkled with fresh herbs, vodka should also be poured into it and everything should be mixed thoroughly. Before serving, the ear should sit for at least another half hour.

Cream of mushroom soup

Calorie content: 117 Kcal.

Mushroom puree soup turns out to be very tender and aromatic, which is why this dish is very loved by many gourmets. Use any mushrooms you find in this recipe because it is quite versatile.


  • mushrooms – 600 gr;
  • cream – 500 ml;
  • onion – 2 pcs;
  • carrots – 2 pcs;
  • parsley – 1 root and a small bunch of greens;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons. l.;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Wash all vegetables well and chop. For example, carrots are cut into cubes, and potatoes into cubes. Simply cut the parsley root into strips. Place all this in a saucepan and add water so that it only slightly covers the food. Everything is put on fire;
  2. Cut the onion into small pieces and fry until golden brown, after which mushrooms are added to it. Everything should be fried until done;
  3. When the vegetables are cooked until soft, almost all the water will need to be drained, leaving only a couple of centimeters at the bottom. After this, mushrooms are added to the vegetables, and with the help of a blender and added cream everything turns into cream soup. You need to add salt and pepper.

Light vegetable soup with tomatoes and rice

Calorie content 53 Kcal.

Rich, aromatic, but at the same time very light and easy to prepare, the soup will undoubtedly attract attention. It will perfectly feed the whole family without adding extra centimeters.



  1. Rinse the rice in running water until it becomes clear. After this, it should be placed in a saucepan and filled with water. Everything should be put on fire until it boils;
  2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, then add them to the rice. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. During this time, fry the onion and grate the carrots. This roast should cook for about 5 minutes;
  3. The bell pepper is cut into small pieces, after which it also goes into the frying pan with the onions and carrots. Cook it for about 3 minutes. Add tomato paste to the pan, chop the garlic and spices, then add to the soup;
  4. It should be cooked for another 10 minutes and seasoned with chopped herbs.

You will find a simple recipe for a delicious dietary soup in the following video:

As you can see, there is a huge variety of dietary soups, so choosing a recipe that suits your taste is quite simple. The main thing is to remember that such soups spoil very quickly and therefore they should only be prepared once.

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Weight loss often reaches its climax - those losing weight are in such hopelessness that they resort to hunger strikes or mono-diets using only kefir. Of course, weight loss does not happen - tears, pain and disappointment, and weight regained. Few people realize that it is possible to lose weight deliciously. For this purpose, diet soups for weight loss are prepared and consumed at home. The diet involves eating only dietary soups during the day - vegetable dishes with the addition of cereals and legumes.

Surprisingly, with the first courses you can lose up to 5 kg in a week - tasty, good for health and weight loss. The diet in question, based on eating only soups, can be easily followed even by the most ardent adherents of unhealthy eating. It sounds surprising, but nutritionists first advise obese people to follow a diet with constant consumption of first courses. The advantage of the presented nutrition also includes the ability to lose weight by 40 kg or more, since you can constantly resort to soups. So, the maximum period of use is about a week. Next, you should take a break of 2-3 days, eating only solid food. After a break, they return to soups. The vegetable soup diet has a number of advantages; there are practically no contraindications. Nutritional features and the most interesting recipes will be discussed later in the article.

Soups are a storehouse of foods with fat-burning properties. That is why fast and safe weight loss for the stomach and other internal organs is guaranteed. Moreover, the benefit of the first course lies in the use of vegetables, which gives the finished dish a low calorie content - for example, the famous fat-burning Bonn soup contains only 35 kcal per 100 g of product.

On average, the calorie content of a light fat-burning dish does not exceed 40 kcal per 100 dishes. If you consider that the optimal portion of soup is only 200 g, then the diet turns out to be low-calorie and useful for weight loss.

The soup diet attracts those losing weight with its constant feeling of fullness. Firstly, the first course gives a quick feeling of fullness even when eating a small portion. Secondly, weight loss occurs even with unlimited consumption of soup.

The benefit of the first course lies in the content of a large amount of fiber in the products - they stimulate the natural cleansing of the intestines and the start of digestion, which allows you to not gain weight in the future thanks to the timely and correct absorption of food. Of course, we are only talking about maintaining proper nutrition. In addition, fiber helps lower cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, which is often needed by people with high blood pressure.

Features of weight loss

Weight loss through constant consumption of soups occurs due to their constant consumption within a certain period of time. But this is guaranteed by constantly using only one recipe.

Those losing weight prefer to use different variations, so nutritionists advise eating a portion of soup when a feeling of hunger occurs in the stomach - then the constant burning of fat cells is ensured, because the body begins to use accumulated fats to produce energy.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the recipes - there is a mandatory use of vegetables, except for potatoes and other starch-containing representatives. Those who are losing weight can come up with delicious first courses themselves.

To do this, all acceptable products are divided into 3 groups, which are necessarily present in the recipe:

  • Vegetables and foods that help burn fat cells - all types of cabbage, ginger, onions, garlic, any spices.
  • Foods that resist the accumulation of new fat cells are soybeans, peas, green apples and boiled carrots.
  • Any low-calorie vegetables - the list here is quite significant; the most common ones include adding cabbage, tomatoes and even cucumbers to the soup.

Diet principles for a week

You should not assume that only fat-burning soups with lean broth are allowed during the week. Firstly, it is allowed to use chicken or beef broth - they are low in calories, but add a special taste to the dish and vegetables in general.

Of course, it is prohibited to eat boiled meat or chicken; fatty types of meat are strictly prohibited for cooking.

Secondly, for each day of the week additional products are allowed, which are consumed in unlimited quantities and in different forms - in the form of a salad or in their original form.

An approximate menu for a week with soup consumption is as follows:

  • On Monday - freshly squeezed juices, fresh fruits (except bananas and grapes), unlimited main courses and tea without sugar.
  • On Tuesday - any green vegetables and herbs, soup and water in the amount of 1.5 liters are required.
  • On Wednesday - any fruits and vegetables, low-calorie soup and unlimited water.
  • On Thursday - any fresh or baked vegetables, soup and tea in unlimited quantities.
  • On Friday - 4 medium tomatoes, a piece of boiled fish or chicken without skin (0.5 kg), soup and water.
  • On Saturday - vegetables, boiled beef in the amount of 500 g, soup and water.
  • On Sunday - fruits, brown rice as part of the meal or separately, a low-calorie first course and water in unlimited quantities.

First course recipes

Most people who are losing weight think about how to prepare a delicious soup for weight loss, because there are many recipes. Nutritionists say that the best way to lose weight is to eat delicious soup specifically for those who are losing weight, for which only their favorite foods are used. Therefore, for self-cooking, you should use the above rule for combining products.

The most popular are the following recipes for weight loss soups that burn fat:

  • Tomato. To prepare, scald 8 tomatoes with boiling water to carefully remove the skins. Mash the tomatoes into the pan and add another 5 tablespoons of tomato paste. Separately, fry the onions and herbs in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place the contents of the frying pan into a saucepan, pour water into it 1-2 cm above the amount received and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling. The soup can be seasoned with salt, pepper and other spices to taste.
  • Chicken. Prepare a puree soup with chicken and broccoli, using both products in equal quantities. Boil the chicken breast in the broth, remove the meat and add the chopped broccoli and onion to cook. While the vegetables are cooking, shred the chicken. Pour the broth into a separate bowl, and add the chopped meat to the remaining vegetables in the pan. Use a blender to puree the ingredients, adding broth as needed.
  • Bean. Boil a glass of beans in a saucepan. Fry chopped onion, a glass of mushrooms, and one pickled cucumber in vegetable oil. Add cooked beans, spices, 2 cloves of garlic to the pan and simmer for 15 minutes. Place the resulting mixture in a saucepan and add 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Onion. The famous Bonn vegetable and onion soup is the lowest in calories and healthiest. To prepare it, you need to finely chop 6 onions, 500 g of cabbage, 2 sweet peppers, 3 tomatoes and a bunch of celery. All ingredients are placed in a saucepan and 1.5 liters of water are added. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat until tender. You can add a little salt and spices to the soup.

Such low-fat dishes are useful in losing weight, and are also recommended for use if you follow proper nutrition. They will provide satiety and are perfect for a full lunch. If liquid soups do not provide the necessary feeling of fullness, it is recommended to use recipes for cream soup or puree soup - they are just as low-calorie and nutritious.

Reviews and results

If we consider a diet using soups as an effective method of losing weight, then there are certainly only positive emotions. According to reviews, you can lose up to 15 kg of weight on the presented diet within a month - we are talking about a high content of body fat in humans. But even those girls who note the need to lose only 3-4 kg prefer a soup diet with vegetables. This follows from the benefits of the dish, the effectiveness of weight loss, a safer basis for health, as well as the ability to follow it for a long time without failure.

Negative opinions include only individual preferences of people. So, those losing weight are not happy with added vegetables to the dish - for example, onions, celery and cucumbers. To eliminate such hostility, you should use a blender and turn the same soup into puree - this will get rid of the unpleasant taste on the tongue of the hated boiled vegetable.

Vegetable soup is an alternative for long-term weight loss - the risk of failure is minimal, and the financial costs of purchasing products will surprise you with their low requirements. The diet is perfect for people whose weight is more than 30 kg over the norm - more nutritious and long-lasting nutrition options are provided for them to enjoy their new slender shape. Lose weight deliciously with soups and experiment with food combinations.

The soup diet is considered one of the most gentle and perhaps the simplest for a slimming person. What could be easier than cooking yourself a new delicious soup for weight loss every day and at the same time, quietly and without harm to the body, part with extra pounds?

Soup for weight loss is the easiest option for those who want to lose weight. Losing a couple of kilograms in a week is a completely doable task if you follow the soup diet correctly and adhere to its main rules:

  • Soup for weight loss should not be rich and heavy. This is, first of all, a light, healthy soup that can quickly satisfy your hunger and fill your stomach.
  • In no case is it recommended to consume weight loss soup with a generously cut slice of bread or delicious donuts, otherwise the desire to lose weight will remain unfulfilled.
  • The soup diet is designed for a week. One day only soup, as well as water and unsweetened green tea. On the remaining days of the week, the weight loss soup can be supplemented with foods allowed on the diet.

The number of recipes for first courses is amazing in its variety, so your weight loss promises to be completely boring. After all, every weight loss soup you prepare is guaranteed to become your new culinary discovery!

Vegetable soup for weight loss “Land of Vegetables”

Ingredients (for 2 liters of water):
200 g white cabbage,
1 carrot,
1 beetroot,
2 onions,
1 bell pepper,
2 tomatoes
Bay leaf,
any greens you prefer, to taste,
vegetable oil,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Peel potatoes and carrots, remove the skins from tomatoes, remove seeds and membranes from bell peppers. Cut the prepared vegetables: potatoes into medium cubes, bell peppers into small cubes, and carrots into strips. Thinly chop the cabbage, finely chop the onion and grate the beets. Then boil water in a saucepan, put the potatoes in it and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, then add the cabbage. Lightly fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil, add carrots, bell peppers and tomatoes cut into small pieces. Fry everything together for about 5 minutes, then add the beets to the vegetables, stir and simmer the vegetable mixture for another 2 minutes. Next, pour 1 cup of boiling broth into the pan and continue to simmer the vegetables over low heat until the liquid evaporates. By this time, the cabbage, which is cooked along with the potatoes, should be almost ready. Place the stewed vegetables into the pan, add salt, pepper, bay leaf and cook the soup until the beets are ready. You can add chopped herbs at the very end of cooking, or best of all right before serving.

In order to remove the skin from tomatoes, they need to be cut crosswise, scalded with boiling water and after a couple of minutes immersed in cold water.

Low-calorie buckwheat soup with fish for weight loss

400 g fish fillet of pollock or cod,
50 g buckwheat,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
1-2 slices of lemon,
herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Cut the fillet into pieces and cook, adding a little salt to the water. 3 minutes after boiling, add finely chopped onion, grated carrots and washed buckwheat to the pan. Boil the soup until done, and when serving, garnish with fresh herbs and a slice of lemon for a piquant touch.

The following recipe will surely appeal to spicy lovers. This vegetarian soup is reminiscent of kharcho.

Weight loss soup with rice and tomatoes “Ostryak”

2 liters of water or broth,
2 onions,
1 carrot,
3 potatoes,
1 tomato
3 tbsp. l. rice,
3 cloves of garlic,
1 chili pepper,
0.5 tsp. ground black pepper,
0.5 tsp. ground red pepper,
1.5 tsp. ground paprika,
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
greens, salt - to taste.

Cut the peeled carrots, onions and chili peppers (without seeds) into pieces and chop them separately. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes. Place the onion in a thick-bottomed pan and fry it, stirring occasionally, in hot oil until translucent. Then add the chili pepper and garlic, passed through a press, to the onion and cook everything together for about 1 minute. Then pour all the spices into the pan and heat for 30 seconds. This is necessary so that the spices give the oil all their aroma. Add carrots to the pan, fry for 3-4 minutes, then add potatoes and heat slightly. Next, pour the washed rice into the vegetable mixture and add the tomato cut into medium pieces. Stir and cook for 2 minutes until the juices release. Pour boiling broth or water into the pan, add salt and cook over low heat until the rice and potatoes are cooked, about 20 minutes. Remove the finished soup from the heat, let it brew for 10 minutes under the lid and, when serving, garnish with fresh herbs.

Soup for weight loss with cauliflower and celery “Curly”

Ingredients (for 2 liters of water):
1 head of cauliflower,
3 tomatoes
4 onions,
1 carrot,
1 celery root,
1 bunch of celery greens,
salt, spices - to taste.

Peel the carrots and onions. Cut the carrots into small cubes, chop one onion, leave the other three whole. Place all the onions and carrots in boiling water, add spices to taste and cook for 10 minutes. After the specified time, remove the whole onions from the broth; they will no longer be needed. Next, chop the celery root and greens and add them to the broth. After another 10 minutes, add finely chopped tomatoes to the pot of soup and cook again for 10 minutes. Then add the cauliflower, disassembled into inflorescences, into the soup and cook the soup until tender for 20 minutes.

To prevent pearl barley for the next recipe from giving a bluish tint in the soup, fill it with water and bring to a boil, drain the water away, pour cold water into the pan again and bring to a boil again. After this, after draining the water, you can start preparing the soup.

Mushroom soup with pearl barley “Colors of Autumn”

Ingredients (for 2 waters):
100 g of any dried mushrooms,
100 g pearl barley,
1 carrot,
1 potato,
1 onion,
Bay leaf,
greens, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Be sure to pre-soak the pearl barley in cold water for 2-3 hours. Soak dried mushrooms in a separate container. Cut the potatoes and carrots into small cubes, finely chop the onion. Drain the water from the cereal, add 2 liters of fresh water and cook for 40 minutes. Then add the mushrooms, draining the water first and squeezing them lightly. Cook everything together for another 15 minutes. Then put the vegetables and bay leaf into the pan, add salt and pepper to taste and cook until tender. Before the end of cooking, add chopped herbs to the finished soup, let it boil and remove from heat.

Add as little salt as possible to any soup for weight loss (and to other dishes!). Less salt - less swelling - less volume!

Combine weight loss soup with permitted vegetables and fruits to properly balance your menu. Don't forget to watch your drinking regime, move more and enjoy life. By the way, this also plays a huge role.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Since childhood, everyone knows that soups are a necessary part of the diet, which has a positive effect on health. This is not only a historically established tradition, but also one of the principles of proper modern nutrition. According to experts, a liquid hot dish for lunch is good for the stomach, rich in vitamins, easily absorbed by the body, and prevents many diseases.

Recently, the opposite opinion has appeared that meat broth is a concentrate of harmful fats and carcinogens, and vegetables, when cooked for a long time, release toxins, nitrates and starch. But those who risk refusing the first course will soon feel that their digestion has noticeably worsened, and they themselves... have begun to gain weight.

Nutritionists hastened to take this amazing fact into account and suggested eating soup for weight loss, and the results of such an unusual technique live up to expectations!

Mechanism of weight loss

Wanting to correct their figure by reducing their waist, women begin to look for weight loss soups that burn fat and, accordingly, remove the treacherous folds on the sides that make it difficult to fit into your favorite jeans. The mechanism of weight loss in this case is explained not only by burning fat, but also by accelerating metabolism and the low-calorie content of such dishes.

By regularly eating properly prepared soup, you force the body to work in a new mode, which leads to the elimination of extra pounds:

  • cooked in light meat or vegetable broth, warm soups perfectly stimulate digestion: by warming the walls of the stomach, they promote the production of gastric juice, and the cause of obesity in most cases is improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • soups are quickly digested and fat deposits do not occur;
  • a liquid dish maintains a water-salt balance in the body, which, when disturbed, causes swelling that makes the figure problematic in many places;
  • when hot, soups accumulate thermal energy;
  • boiling is the heat treatment of products, preserving in them the maximum amount of nutrients that benefit health, are instantly consumed, and are not deposited on the sides in the form of treacherous folds.

But only diet soup for weight loss works this way, because rich, fatty broth mixed with harmful flour carbohydrates is deprived of such an effect. So it can just become energy unspent by the body, which in the blink of an eye will hide on the sides and buttocks in the form of another fold.

Therefore, you need to know which soups you can eat to get rid of kilograms, and which ones can have the opposite effect and ruin your entire diet.

Through the pages of history. The oldest recipe for soup can hardly be called dietary. It was found in a 4th century cookbook. It contains wheat, minced meat, olive oil, pepper, brains, bay leaf, wine, cumin, fish sauce.

Features of dietary soups

To lose weight, you need to be able to prepare special dietary soups, which differ in their composition and cooking method from ordinary ones:

  1. They are prepared only at home. In restaurants and fast food establishments, do not rely on the beneficial properties of the soup, even if its name indicates that it is dietary and low-calorie. They usually contain a large dose of flavoring additives, dyes and emulsifiers, which will only harm the figure.
  2. Semi-finished products are not used - only natural products and seasonings are needed for cooking.
  3. Salt is added in minimal quantities.
  4. They do not cook for long so that the nutrients do not evaporate and the dish does not lose its taste.
  5. Dietary soups are prepared exclusively with chicken broth. Fatty meats are not suitable.
  6. Vegetables are added after the water boils to preserve vitamins.
  7. It is better not to overcook: onions, tomatoes - they should not be pre-simmered in oil in a frying pan.
  8. Tomato paste is not used - replace it with fresh tomatoes.
  9. There should be no carbohydrates: leave the pasta until better times.
  10. If you have gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to prepare dietary puree soups.
  11. All products are crushed sufficiently so that they are easily and quickly digested.
  12. This weight loss soup is prepared one time at a time. The next day it will already lose its beneficial fat-burning properties.

Dietary, light soups are perfectly satiating: if you eat them regularly, you will not feel hungry. Digesting quickly, they do not complicate the work of the stomach, provide the necessary energy and are not deposited as fat on the sides.

If you learn the correct technology for preparing first courses for dietary nutrition, you will not necessarily need to count their calorie content, since vegetables will ultimately not give much results. To see the desired number on the scale, you will have to help your body lose weight by following certain rules of the soup diet.

From the life of celebrities. Onion soup (a version of which is now actively used in dietetics as an excellent means for losing weight) appeared with the light hand of Louis XV. One night the King of France was very hungry, but at such a late hour only three ingredients were found in the hunting lodge: onions, butter and champagne.

Principles of soup weight loss

First, decide for yourself how you will lose weight with the help of soups. This can be done in different ways:

  • A fasting day, during which you will eat exclusively light vegetable broth with a minimum amount of low-calorie and fat-burning ingredients, the loss will be 1-2 kg.
  • Soup diet, which involves eating mainly dietary soups (for lunch and dinner) for 1-2 weeks with small low-calorie additions for breakfast () and during snacks (fruit).

Some people ask whether it is possible to eat soup while losing weight within the framework of any other system: of course, low-calorie first courses for lunch will speed up the achievement of the desired result in the process of following any diet.

So you can choose any weight loss method and try a light fat-burning soup within its framework. If this is a targeted diet, you should learn a few of its basic principles so that the results do not disappoint, but inspire you to continue to maintain the beautiful body shape that you managed to achieve.

  1. To prevent your body from experiencing a lack of protein, eat eggs or cottage cheese for breakfast. Olive oil is suitable as a fat, which can be used to flavor salads for the second lunch.
  2. Soups should be eaten for lunch and dinner in small portions (no more than 250 ml).
  3. Light snacks between main meals with unsweetened fruits or whole grain bread are acceptable.
  4. Fried, fatty, flour, sweet, smoked, pickled - all this is excluded, as are fatty meats and fish.
  5. If you boil chicken, remove the skin first.
  6. The basis of first courses is low-calorie and fat-burning vegetables.
  7. As part of the soup diet, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Therefore, playing sports is mandatory.
  8. If you have gastrointestinal diseases, you must first obtain a doctor’s permission to follow such an unusual, specific diet.

If you want to try this weight loss system on yourself, you need to choose which weight loss soup is best for you. They can be completely different in their effect on the body and composition. It is important that you enjoy its taste. If you like one, you can correct your figure exclusively with its help. But you don’t need to torment yourself with those products that make you sick and nauseous - in this case, you will not achieve good results.

Interesting facts. Napoleon preferred to eat chestnut soup. Hitler and Elvis Presley - vegetable. Nekrasov could not eat the first course without dill.

Types of soups

So, what soups can you eat while losing weight without harming your health and figure?

Low calorie

The easiest for weight loss are low-calorie soups made from tomatoes, onions, pumpkin, and herbs: parsley, dill, sorrel. Celery and spinach also contain few calories.

Fat burning

In fat-burning soups you need to add vegetables and foods that can speed up the breakdown of existing fat deposits on your body. These include: cabbage (all types), cucumbers, artichokes, onions, bell peppers, celery, beets, olives, cinnamon, ginger, radishes, garlic, tomatoes.


This group includes soups that are prepared from vegetables that slow down the absorption of fats from food and their further deposition in the body. This way they prevent their accumulation. These are carrots, legumes and.

As already mentioned, as part of the diet, you can use one recipe for your favorite soup for weight loss, or you can constantly prepare different dishes. In the latter case, you will diversify your diet, which will have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and other body systems. With such a menu, losing extra pounds will not be boring. You can find the most effective and efficient recipes here.

With the world - one by one. The most expensive is swallow's nest soup. This is a real delicacy in China, Malaysia, and Vietnam. It is prepared from saliva, which swallows use to “cement” their nests. Very similar in consistency to jelly.

Fat burning soup recipes

It is important to choose the right diet soup recipe that will truly promote weight loss through fat burning. If it states that it is low-calorie and contains lamb, starchy foods or pasta, it is better to put this recipe aside.

You can look for options that indicate calories, although most of the first courses in this diet are very light and “weigh” a little.

  • Celery

Celery soup is rightfully considered the most dietary of all. It contains a huge amount of useful substances. It is low in calories and has fat burning properties. Prepared according to the following recipe.

Wash, dry and chop the following vegetables: 400 grams of celery stalks, half a kilo of cabbage (any), 3 tomatoes, 5 small onions, medium-sized sweet pepper. Boil 3 liters of water, pour all the listed ingredients into it. Bring to a boil, reduce to low, cook until vegetables soften. At the end of cooking, you can add some spices (salt and black pepper).

  • Bonn

Recently, Bonn soup for weight loss, which is prepared from celery root, has become very popular. The cooking recipe is as follows.

Peel and chop 200 grams of celery root. Pour boiling water over 6 small tomatoes, peel them, cut into slices. Wash, dry and chop 500 grams of cabbage (any variety), 8 small onions, 2 green bell peppers, several beans. Pour all this over 2 liters of tomato juice. Bring to a boil, add some herbs and spices. After 10 minutes, remove from heat and leave for about half an hour before using.

  • Onion

Onions are one of the lowest calorie foods that speed up metabolism and burn fat. Therefore, be sure to try onion soup for weight loss as part of your diet.

Chop a small head of cabbage (about 500 grams). Wash, dry and chop 7 onions (large), 2 green bell peppers, 6 tomatoes. Pour 2 liters of cold water over the vegetables and boil. Add a pinch of turmeric (or cumin). Cook until cabbage softens. It is very important not to overcook the onion soup, which in this case will lose all its beneficial properties. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before use.

  • Vegetable

The easiest to prepare is vegetable soup for weight loss, the recipe for which involves a huge number of options. Its versatility lies in the fact that you can choose the ingredients for it yourself. The main thing is not to overcook it. For example, for stomach diseases, nutritionists recommend losing weight with pureed vegetable soups. You can try the following recipe.

Boil skinless chicken breast, constantly skimming off the foam, so that the broth is lean and transparent. Remove the meat from it. Chop finely chopped vegetables into it: 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 500 grams of pumpkin pulp, 2 potatoes. Add some salt. Add, which has fat-burning properties. Boil until done. Beat in a blender. Sprinkle with herbs.

  • Cabbage

Cabbage soup for weight loss is very healthy and effective, its calorie content is only 40 kcal. Finely chop 400 grams of white cabbage, grate 3 medium-sized carrots, chop 1 pepper (yellow or red). Fill with 2 liters of cold water. Add 300 grams of frozen green beans. Boil. Keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Remove the skin from 3 tomatoes, mash them, add to cabbage soup. Lightly add salt. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs (parsley or dill).

  • Pumpkin

Pumpkin soup is low-calorie and very tasty, which is a pleasure to cook and eat.

Cut 200 grams of pumpkin and zucchini pulp into cubes, 3 carrots. Pour in 2 liters of boiling broth. Cook for 10 minutes. Add 2 finely chopped onions, yellow pepper cut into strips, and puree of 3 peeled tomatoes. Boil. Remove the foam. Leave for 10 minutes on low heat. Add some salt. Leave for half an hour. Chop some greens.

Adding zucchini to pumpkin soup for weight loss makes this first dish very healthy, tasty and low in calories.

  • Mayo

In dietetics, Mayo soup is highly valued, on the basis of which an entire diet has been developed in the private clinic of the same name in the States (Mayo Clinic). It allows you to lose up to 8 kg in a week, but you will have to eat exclusively this dish in small portions 5-6 times a day. Not everyone can withstand such strict restrictions. The recipe is very simple.

Wash, dry, chop the following vegetables: 6 medium-sized onions, a bunch of celery stalks, 2 tomatoes, 2 green peppers. Pour in water (any amount), add salt, and cook until tender.

  • Chicken

If you don’t have a lot of excess weight, you can prepare a light chicken breast soup with vegetables.

Wash chicken fillet (half a kilo), cut into pieces, boil until tender, skimming off the foam. Remove the cooked meat from the broth. Add 3 potatoes, cut into cubes, after 15 minutes - a finely chopped onion and 2 grated carrots. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf and salt. Sprinkle with herbs.

  • Spicy

As you know, spices are excellent fat-burning foods. Therefore, if you do not have stomach problems and can tolerate seasonings well, you can try spicy soup for weight loss, which all men will surely enjoy.

Wash 500 grams of chicken breast, cut into pieces, add 2.5 liters of water. Prepare clear broth. Remove chicken from water. Cut 4 onions into cubes and boil until soft. Add chopped hot pepper, a glass of tkemali, and puree of 4 tomatoes without skin. Cook for half an hour. Add black pepper, bay leaves, and salt 5 minutes before the end. Sprinkle with parsley or dill.

  • Mushroom

Dietary mushroom soup is best prepared from chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, champignons or oyster mushrooms. They speed up metabolism and are low in calories. Another advantage of this dish is that it perfectly satisfies hunger, so on such a diet you will always be full and satisfied.

Wash, dry, finely chop 1 kg of mushrooms (fresh or frozen). Place them in cold salted water. Boil. Add finely chopped bunch of celery, 1 green bell pepper, 2 onions, 2 carrots. Cook until done. Add spices 5 minutes before the end. Eat with greens.

  • Pea

Low-calorie pea soup for weight loss will diversify your diet menu and satiate your hungry body for a long time.

Soak 100 grams of split peas in the evening. Rinse several times in the morning. Pour into cold water and cook for half an hour after boiling. Add diced celery root (50 g), chopped onion. After 10 minutes - grated carrots (1 piece) and a clove of garlic. Cook for 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper.

  • Tomato

All tomato lovers can try tomato soup for weight loss, which is low in calories and has excellent taste.

Blanch 6-7 large tomatoes: place in boiling water for a few seconds and remove the skin. Rub through a sieve, add 500 ml of water, and cook. After boiling, add finely chopped onion. After 15 minutes, add finely chopped green bell pepper and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Cook until done. Tomato soup is very tasty both hot and cold.

  • With broccoli

As part of your diet, you can prepare broccoli soup and enjoy its extraordinary taste. Like any other cabbage (for example), this variety is low in calories.

Wash 100 grams of chicken breast, cut into pieces, add 2 liters of water. Prepare clear broth. Remove the chicken. Add chopped onion and 500 grams of broccoli florets to it. Cook until they soften. Next, if desired, you can add finely chopped chicken to the soup. Puree it in a blender. Before serving, add 50 grams of processed grated cheese.

  • Pearl barley

Few people like this cereal, but it is a source of fiber that will help overcome the difficulties of any diet. So you can cook barley soup from time to time, which will help you get rid of a few extra pounds.

Soak 100 grams of pearl barley in the evening. In the morning, rinse the cereal several times. Place in a liter of cold water. Keep on fire for about 40 minutes. Add potatoes cut into strips, grated carrots, chopped 100 grams of leeks. Cook until done. Add salt before finishing cooking.

You will like any weight loss soup recipe from the proposed options for its taste, beneficial properties and excellent results.

You should not get carried away with any one product, so as not to overload your organs. As you can see, you can eat different dishes every day - with such a menu, the diet will definitely not be boring and disgusting. The main thing is to adhere to its basic principles and correctly prepare light soups that will lift your spirits and correct your figure. In 2 weeks of such a complete and healthy diet, you can lose up to 6 kg.

Hello to all my dear readers! Let's talk in this article about soups for weight loss.

I have prepared for you an excellent selection of recipes for “correct”, light and very tasty soups.

They will help you quickly get your figure in order, lose excess weight, gain weight, get prettier and look younger!

All the recipes are very easy to prepare, they won’t take you much time, that’s for sure!

Eating these soups is NOT a diet. They are called dietary only because they DO NOT harm your figure, that’s all...

It's nourishing, it's delicious, friends! You don't need to starve yourself or restrict yourself. Pure pleasure!

From this article you will learn:

Soups for weight loss - the most effective and healthy recipes

Having mastered several recipes for your favorite soups, you can always feed yourself deliciously without harming your figure!

Moreover, these soups are not necessarily ONLY for weight loss, they are ordinary first courses, just with fairly healthy and useful ingredients in their composition.

Therefore, you can absolutely safely cook them for the whole family too.

Even if you are not overweight, you can also cook and eat such soups so that this very excess weight never appears on you!

These easy first courses are just PERFECT in the summer heat!

You can eat them not only for lunch, but whenever you want. They are absolutely wonderful for dinner!

What are the benefits of soups for weight loss?

Many modern nutritionists believe that eating first courses has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body, especially on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves overall well-being:

  • And indeed, after a bowl of freshly prepared delicious soup, you quickly feel full and your mood rises.
  • And, if the soup is prepared according to a dietary recipe, then the body feels light, a sea of ​​energy appears, and does not make you fall asleep at all after lunch, as is often the case with other traditional dishes.
  • The liquid or semi-liquid consistency of the soup is very easily and quickly absorbed by the body. The body does not spend a lot of its energy on assimilating such a dish, which means that your amount of vitality and energy will increase significantly!
  • After a meal there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • The intestines begin to work quickly and easily, and the painful bloating (gas) disappears.
  • As a rule, all the components of such soups are healthy products.
  • The cooking technology is thought out in such a way as to preserve all the beneficial properties of the products to the MAXIMUM.
  • Such soups saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Regular consumption of these soups strengthens the immune system, increases the body's endurance, and cleanses the body of toxins.
  • The beauty of diet soups is that they usually contain a large amount of fiber, so they keep you full until your next meal. This means that you are guaranteed to avoid any snacking on waffle cookies!
  • Light soups are wonderful for pregnant women, especially during the period of acute toxicosis, when you feel sick from everything fatty, fried, and heavy.
  • For nursing mothers, this is simply a salvation, since they will not cause digestive upset in the baby and will bring him the same benefits as his mother.
  • Eating such soups is an excellent option for a healthy diet for those who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, etc. This “soup diet” will definitely improve your well-being!
  • Those recipes that do not contain meat, fish or chicken are perfect for a diet during Lent.
  • Be sure to feed these soups to your children! This is VERY beneficial for a growing body!

How to properly use dietary soups for weight loss?

Basic moments:

  • You can eat such soups for weight loss once a day, as usual, for lunch, replacing the borscht or soup you were previously accustomed to.
  • You can replace dinner with this soup.
  • If you wish, you can eat dietary soups for both lunch and dinner.
  • If you want to quickly get thinner and prettier, then feel free to prepare yourself a portion of soup at once for the whole day and eat as much as you want as soon as you feel hungry.
  • You can give yourself one or two or three days of a “soup diet,” or even a week. Not worth it anymore.

If you decide to go on a week-long “soup fast,” then do not forget to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs every day. Prepare salads from them, make smoothies and juices. Don't exhaust yourself!

What else you need to do for more effective weight loss:

  • Eliminate fried, fatty, flour, and smoked foods from your diet.
  • Don’t drink sweet soda, don’t eat crisps and other “supermarket nonsense from bags.”
  • Eliminate store-bought sweets in the form of marshmallows and gingerbread cookies. Prepare yourself delicious and healthy sweets yourself or buy them in special “Health Stores”.
  • Avoid fast food and eating earlier than 4-7 hours BEFORE bedtime.
  • Be sure to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.
  • Move more often, breathe fresh air, do exercises.
  • BE SURE to get enough sleep!

All! By following these simple rules, you will definitely easily and quickly say goodbye to those annoying “reserves” in the form of extra pounds, you will look younger and prettier!

A “trick” that will make any dietary soup more satisfying.

If you find the soup not enough to satisfy you, then I offer you a secret.

In absolutely ANY soup for satiety and a more “delicious taste”, you can add sauce (mayonnaise) from sunflower seeds, sesame sauce (tahini), as well as any nut paste (or sauce, which you can absolutely easily prepare yourself by simply grinding it in a blender any nuts with water and salt).

Just add these sauces to the plate when the soup has cooled to warm.

This way you will retain all the benefits of these sauces, and also will not “spoil” the quality of the healthy fats included in their composition with high temperatures.

And in soups for weight loss that do not need to be boiled, you can add nuts and seeds immediately, along with all the ingredients.

And don’t be afraid that such “enrichment” of your soups will harm your figure!

Yes, nuts and seeds are high in calories. But you won’t be cracking kilos of them, you’re just eating a little for the taste, right?

Well, this is a very tasty addition to any soup!

Soups for weight loss - recipes for first courses that help you lose weight and get slim

Friends, I really want to bring to your attention as many recipes for healthy soups as possible.

Therefore, I will not describe the technologies for their preparation too meticulously and step-by-step, give the exact amount in grams of ingredients, etc.

My task now is different - to create a fairly diverse “catalog of soup recipes” so that you have plenty to choose from.

And, yes - your imagination is welcome!

Change the ingredients, combine different recipes, add your own components, adjust the recipes “to suit you”, it will be VERY wonderful!

So, soups for weight loss.

Pumpkin cream soup for weight loss

Boil all ingredients in water until soft, add bay leaf, cumin, curry, coriander, etc. before finishing cooking.

Salt, pepper, add garlic.

If desired, the soup can be pureed. Serve with greens.

This soup can be prepared with lean meat broth or chicken broth.

Creamy green pea and broccoli soup

Boil green peas, broccoli and carrots for a few minutes. Add salt and puree using a blender.

When serving, add a little cold-pressed sesame oil to the plate when the soup has cooled to drinking temperature.

If you wish, you can not puree the soup, but leave the vegetables whole chopped, just as they are.

Dietary tomato and cabbage soup

Fry the onions and carrots in vegetable or coconut oil, add chopped bell pepper, grated celery root, carrots, shredded cabbage (broccoli is fine).

Add water, simmer until done.

Salt, pepper, add as much water or chicken broth as needed, bring to a boil, add spices to taste.

Serve by sprinkling the soup with herbs and adding a little lemon juice for piquancy.

Japanese soup for weight loss

It is very rare to see obese people in Japan. Their secret is not only in genetics, but also in nutrition.

In a large saucepan, boil rice and fish until tender.

At the very end, seaweed and onions marinated in soy sauce are added.

While the soup is still boiling, pour in the beaten egg in a thin stream, salt and pepper, add a little soy sauce (considering that it is also salty).

Stir and remove from the stove.

Onion soup for weight loss

Friends, do you know that onions, in addition to containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as natural antibiotics, perfectly break down fats?

It also wonderfully speeds up the metabolism in the body.

You can easily “sit” on this soup for two or three days without harm to the health of the body and psyche.

Onions (a lot!), tomatoes, bell peppers, white or cauliflower are chopped or chopped in any other way and boiled in water until soft.

Then you need to add salt and pepper. If desired, you can grind it with a blender.

Light green bean and celery soup.

Grind green beans, celery root, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, and onions in the manner that suits you best.

Pour tomato juice over all ingredients, add salt and simmer (cook) until the vegetables are soft.

Cabbage soup for weight loss

Chop the cabbage, cut the leeks into rings, chop the carrots (or cut them into rings), cut the tomatoes into pieces or puree.

Boil all ingredients in boiling water until soft. Add salt. You can add a little lemon juice.

I like to make this soup in the form of a puree soup, adding one potato to the ingredients.

Tomato soup for weight loss

Tomatoes have very powerful antioxidant properties and speed up metabolism.

Tomatoes contain a substance called tyramine, which improves mood and helps cope with stress.

Fry carrots and onions in oil, add bell peppers cut into rings, tomatoes (a lot!), grated celery root and broccoli.

Add the required amount of water.

Boil everything until tender, add salt and pepper. Add garlic. Be sure to add greens to your bowl of soup.

Apple and carrot puree soup

Friends, have you ever eaten apple soup? No? Try it!

This is something completely new! The soup has a sour and fresh taste, you should like it.

Finely chop the onion and fry it. Then add chopped garlic and ginger to the onion. Cook for another 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Then add the carrots and apple, which you grate or cut into cubes. Simmer all ingredients for a couple more minutes.

Then pour the broth over all these components and cook the soup over very low heat until cooked.

Puree the finished soup using a blender, adding salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Eat this dish with flaxseed bread. Sooo delicious!

Celery root soup for weight loss

The soup consists of only a few ingredients, it is very tasty, low in calories and good for health and slimness.

It's very easy to prepare. Stores easily in the refrigerator for two to three days.

Fry onion, celery root and chopped potatoes in olive or coconut oil.

Place everything in a saucepan of boiling water, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper and cook until tender.

Grind the finished soup in a blender.

When serving, sprinkle the soup with finely grated celery and chopped green onions.

Low calorie soup

In a large saucepan, fry the chicken pieces, garlic and carrots in hot oil.

Pour in broth or water, add marjoram, bring to a boil.

Reduce heat and simmer until chicken is cooked through. At the very end, add the green beans and cook for another five minutes. Add salt.

Using a blender or food processor, combine the olive oil, a little Parmesan and basil, adding a little broth.

The soup is eaten hot. You can sprinkle it with crushed crackers and herbs.

Diet soup for weight loss

I offer you a version of dietary soup.

This is a very easy soup made with a variety of different vegetables that delivers rich flavor, minimal calories, and maximum benefits for your body.

Place chopped carrots, cabbage, green peas, cauliflower (or broccoli), bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini or zucchini, bay leaves, salt and spices in a large pot of boiling water.

Cook until done.

You can chop the soup, or you can serve it like this.

This soup can be prepared with chicken broth, then adding a little chicken meat and herbs to everyone’s plate.

Weight loss soup “For the soul”.

This is a vegetable soup for the soul - light, hearty and delicious!

Prepare, peel and chop potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, and garlic. Place in the oven to bake.

Place the prepared vegetables in a blender, add water if you want fresh garlic.

Add some salt. Add olive oil and puree the vegetables until it becomes a pureed soup.

Ladle the soup into bowls and add a little coconut milk and chopped green onions to each bowl.

Friends, well, this is just an incredibly delicious soup!

Baked vegetables give it a special “delicacy” that cannot be compared with boiled vegetables... Try it! J

Cream soup for effective weight loss

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel them, grind them in a blender along with fresh bell pepper, basil and zucchini (you can use zucchini).

If necessary, add water or more tomatoes. Salt and pepper.

If you want, add garlic. Eat with greens and seed breads.

Delicious and satisfying dietary lentil puree soup

Boil the lentils until tender.

Fry the leeks in coconut oil, add broth or water, bring to a boil and add vegetables - carrots, celery root.

Cook until the vegetables are soft, add homemade adjika, salt and pepper.

Using a blender, puree the entire contents of the pan.

When the soup has cooled to drinking temperature, add the juice squeezed from the orange. Mix.

We eat the soup, sprinkling finely chopped parsley and dill on top.

Cabbage soup “for slimness”

My favorite cabbage soup...

Peel carrots, turnips, onions, parsley root, grate, chop and fry in oil until tender.

Add to pre-stewed sauerkraut, stir, add water, salt, pepper, add peppercorns.

Cook for a few minutes. Add fresh garlic to the prepared cabbage soup if you wish.

Eat with fresh herbs sprinkled on top.

Such cabbage soup can also be prepared from fresh cabbage, which also must first be stewed until soft.

You can add pureed tomatoes or tomato juice to the cabbage soup for a piquant, sour taste.

Vegetarian dietary borscht

Vegetarian borscht is a very tasty, quite nutritious and at the same time light first course.

This borscht contains all the most necessary and healthy vegetables.

It seems to be specially created for those who are trying to adhere to a healthy, balanced diet.

  • 1 cooking option

Peel onions, carrots, beets, grate and fry in oil. Add tomato juice or tomato puree.

Boil the potatoes in a saucepan until almost done, add finely shredded cabbage. Cook for a few more minutes.

Combine fried vegetables and potatoes with cabbage. Add salt, add spices and cook for another minute.

  • Cooking option 2

Everything is the same as in the first version, only the borscht also includes boiled beans. You can also use green beans.

  • 3 cooking option

The ingredients are the same, but we don't fry anything.

Peel, cut, grate carrots, onions, beets, add tomato puree or tomato juice and simmer under the lid in a small amount of water until tender, adding spices.

At the same time, boil the diced potatoes and cabbage in a saucepan, adding a bay leaf.

Combine stewed vegetables and potatoes with cabbage. Salt and pepper.

If you want, you can also add beans to this borscht. Although it turns out very tasty without beans.

I always cook the third option, I like it better, especially if you make the borscht thick, so that the “spoon stands up”

These are the Soups for weight loss. Sooo delicious!

Creamy soup for weight loss from broccoli and cauliflower

I love this soup!

It can be cooked in water, or in chicken broth, and then served, putting pieces of meat on everyone’s plate.

Peel, cut and boil carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes in boiling water, first adding the potatoes and carrots, and then the cauliflower and broccoli.

Add salt and puree with a blender, adjusting the consistency you need using water or broth.

Zucchini and cauliflower soup

Instead of zucchini, you can use regular zucchini, although, in my opinion, it still tastes better with zucchini...

  • 1 cooking option

Boil zucchini and cauliflower, add a spoonful of cream (preferably coconut), add salt, and puree in a blender.

  • Cooking option 2

Boil the potatoes until half cooked, add the zucchini and cauliflower, cook for another five minutes. Season with salt and add a spoonful of cream or coconut milk. Puree with a blender.

  • 3 cooking option

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, boil in water until tender, add chopped zucchini and cauliflower, boil for another five minutes. Salt, pepper, grind with a blender.

Mediterranean fish soup for weight loss

Fry tomatoes and garlic in oil, add pepper, rosemary, salt.

Simmer for a few minutes, add vegetable broth or water, chopped celery root, and simmer for a few more minutes.

Cut the fish (any kind, choose according to your taste) into small pieces and add to the boiling vegetables along with quarters of cherry tomatoes. Salt and pepper.

Let simmer for a few minutes until the fish is cooked, and remove from heat.

Fat burning vegetable soup

Grind tomatoes, zucchini or zucchini, and carrots in a blender. If desired, you can add bell pepper and cucumber for freshness.

Salt, add ground black pepper. Adjust the consistency with water, tomatoes or tomato juice.

I cook mainly from three ingredients - tomatoes, zucchini, carrots. Proportions - according to your taste.

Add more tomatoes - it will be more sour.

More zucchini will have a more neutral taste.

If the main ingredient is carrots, it will be sweet.

I like it when there are more carrots than other ingredients, although it’s delicious in any way, of course...

This is a very seemingly simple soup, but it is incredibly tasty, friends! Especially when the summer heat is the “it”!

Add some sunflower seeds and the soup will be heartier.

If you want, add garlic and herbs to it. Experiment!

I really love this soup, I always look forward to having my own homemade tomatoes and zucchini! The taste of soup with homemade vegetables is completely different, simply amazing!

Buckwheat soups for beauty and slimness

Friends, I myself simply adore such soups for weight loss and wholeheartedly recommend them to you!

Delicious, light and so filling! After them you don’t feel like eating for a long, long time. And so useful - just wow!

  • 1 cooking option - with vegetables.

Pre-soak or, even better, germinate.

Put washed buckwheat, chopped vegetables into pieces (carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumber - experiment, combine vegetables and choose according to your taste), add salt, add water, more spinach and lettuce.

Grind thoroughly. You can also adjust the consistency to your liking - thick or thin, as you like.

  • Option 2 – with spirulina.

In a blender we put washed and pre-soaked/sprouted green buckwheat, spinach and lettuce, and whatever vegetables you want.

Fill with water, salt and pepper. Add spirulina powder.

Whip until a homogeneous “soup” consistency.

An incredibly delicious version of buckwheat soup, friends!

  • 3 cooking option

We put the prepared green buckwheat, a lot of spinach and lettuce in a blender, add salt, and add pre-soaked and washed kelp. Add water and beat with a blender.

You can also add vegetables to this version as you wish.

I really love this version of buckwheat soup.

And often, instead of soaked seaweed (kelp), I add a sufficient amount of organic kelp powder, which I buy from a health food store online.

In any version of buckwheat soups, you can, as I said above, add pre-soaked sunflower or sesame seeds to all components (directly into the blender). You can experiment with pumpkin seeds and nuts.

It will be both healthier and more nutritious.

Don't be afraid of seeds and nuts because of their calorie content.

Just consume them in reasonable quantities, but don't give them up completely. They contain the healthy fats we need, without which the body will not function normally.

This is especially important for women. Women should have healthy fats (in the form of extra virgin oils and seeds/nuts) in their diet every day!

Carrot-sesame soup for weight loss

Friends, this soup is incredibly easy to make, it is light, satisfying, and delicious.

Despite the fact that it consists of only three components - carrots, sesame seeds and water!

Soups for weight loss based on carrots.

  • 1 cooking option

Cut the carrots into small pieces, add soaked and washed sesame seeds, salt and enough water. Beat with a blender.

  • Cooking option 2

Place carrots cut into pieces or grated into a blender, add salt, and pour in pre-prepared sesame milk. Whisk until it becomes a soup consistency.

This carrot soup can be prepared with sunflower seeds, it is also very, very tasty and satisfying!

Well, friends, I think you are convinced that losing weight can be tasty, satisfying and beneficial for your health?

You will be even more convinced of this if you regularly prepare and eat soups for weight loss. And when you see the first results, your enthusiasm and joy will know no bounds!

Friends, I personally am delighted with simple, light, nutritious and tasty soups. After all, sometimes you really want something homemade, hot and satisfying, but in such a way that it doesn’t harm your figure and doesn’t involve hours of “fussing” in the kitchen

Many of the soup recipes that I have presented to your attention here are my own. That is, once upon a time I came up with them myself and began to cook them.

Write in the comments which recipes you liked the most, which ones you have already tried, and what worked out for you.

Tell us about your recipes for light soups that you prepare for yourself and your family.

That's all for today!
