The Trojan program is dangerous because... Viruses, worms, Trojans

A Trojan virus or simply a “Trojan” is correctly called a Trojan program. A Trojan is a type of malicious software designed to degrade a computer's performance until it completely fails. Sometimes Trojan horses are also called Trojan horses. The name “Trojan” is associated with ancient warriors who previously lived in the country of ancient Troy and have been extinct for three centuries. However, the inhabitants themselves were called Teucrians. They could quickly and powerfully strike their opponents with their swords. Many have heard the name “Trojan horse”. If you believe the legends, this is not a living horse under the command of the Teucrians, but a specially built huge horse during the time of the great Trojan warrior.

The very name of the Trojan virus comes from this same Trojan horse - their attack methods are almost identical. The legends say that it was because of the Trojan horse that Troy fell. As mentioned above, the Trojan program uses the same goals - first it penetrates the computer and then tries to disable it, legally transfer information to another person, disrupt the computer's performance, or use computer resources for bad purposes.

What kind of Trojans are there?

There are many names. Trojan. Malware, Trojan. Winlock, Pinch, TDL – 4. Strictly speaking, Trojan are not viruses themselves, but a family of them, which already includes the viruses themselves. But TDL-4 is already a program.

The goal of TDL-4 is to defeat a computer, after which another user can control the infected computer using the Internet. The similarity of the action is reminiscent of the Team Viewer program, but unlike TDL - 4, this program is completely legal and the user can see on the monitor what another user is doing at the moment. In addition, if necessary, the connection can be interrupted.

Pinch is a very, very dangerous virus. It operates in three stages. First, he goes to the computer and downloads the files he needs for work. The size of the virus does not exceed 25 KB. Next, Pinch collects absolutely all the information about the user’s computer - where the files are stored, what the user’s video card, sound card and processor power are. It also collects information about installed browsers, antiviruses, a list of installed programs and data about the user’s FTP client. All this happens unnoticed. After collecting information, Pinch itself is packed into an archive and attached to it with the first letter. During the transmission of the letter, Pinch is separated, heading towards the hacker's computer. Afterwards, the hacker can decrypt the information using the Parser program and subsequently use this information for his own purposes.

In addition to Trojans and worms, there are several other classifications of malicious software (software), for example rootkits. Their goal is to seize administrator rights on the user’s computer and then use them for their own purposes.

How to get rid of Trojans?

In the same way as for all viruses, scan your computer for viruses. However, not every antivirus sees absolutely all viruses. Sometimes, in order for the antivirus not to find the “antivirus”, it is enough just to change its name and standard location on the hard drive. Therefore, smart developers came up with antiviruses specially created for a certain type of virus. Antiviruses can detect and deal with many worms on a computer, but are completely useless against rootkits and vice versa.

The leading fighters against Trojans and other malware are: Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Dr.Web, Eset(Nod32). Paid versions of which can be purchased.


Today, a Trojan horse is called a malicious one that penetrates a computer, masquerading as harmless and even useful programs. The user of such a program does not even suspect that its code contains hostile functions. When the program is launched, it is introduced into the computer system and begins to create all the outrages for which it was created by attackers. The consequences of infection with Trojans can be very different - from unnerving, but completely harmless freezes, to the transfer of your data to scammers and causing you serious material damage. The difference between a Trojan is that a Trojan is not capable of self-copying, which means that each of them was introduced into the system by the user himself. Antiviruses can track Trojan horses, but special programs do a much better job of this.

Moreover, almost all antivirus manufacturers offer free utilities for catching Trojans on their websites. Eset NOD, Dr. Web, Kaspersky - any of these manufacturers can offer the latest version of the program that can catch your uninvited guests. It is very important to use the latest utilities, because the army of Trojans is replenished every day with new, more cunning representatives, and a program from the day before yesterday may simply not recognize them. Sometimes it makes sense to download several programs and run the system through them. In addition to utilities produced by antivirus companies, you can also find anti-Trojans on the Internet from lesser-known manufacturers, but no less effective in searching. For example AntiSpyWare, Ad-Aware, SpyBot and many others. If independent attempts to treat your computer do not bring the desired result, then it is better to take the computer to a specialist who can apply more serious measures.

But, as you know, the best treatment is prevention. As mentioned above, Trojans do not materialize out of nowhere; users themselves download them to their computer. This can happen when downloading unknown files, following dubious links, or opening files with unknown content in mail. Hacked programs are especially dangerous in terms of potential infection. The core of such a program will be 99% infected with a Trojan virus; alas, there is no free cheese. Therefore, vigilance and caution - these two qualities will be more reliable than any antivirus. A good antivirus, with new databases, and regular checking of your computer with special programs will close the last gap through which a Trojan horse could sneak into you.

A Trojan (Trojan virus or Trojan horse) is a type of malicious software that masquerades as legitimate software. It is often used by cybercriminals to steal personal data, track users, and gain unauthorized access to systems. If you've paid any attention to computer and Internet security in the last ten years, you've undoubtedly come across the term "Trojan horse." You probably know that you should not expect anything good from these malicious programs, but you may not know what they can do to your computer, how they get into it and how to prevent it. By understanding what a Trojan is and what problems it can cause you, you can avoid encountering these dangerous malware samples.

What is a Trojan virus?

The term is somewhat imprecise, but it is commonly used in place of the more correct term "Trojan". The virus infects ordinary computer files - it hijacks a single file and destroys or maliciously modifies it in the process. It will then try to spread to other computers, infecting other files.
Unlike viruses, Trojans are programs; they do not need to manipulate another file to do their dirty work. In addition, they are incapable of self-reproduction. But don’t be fooled: the consequences of Trojans’ actions can be as destructive as any computer virus.

How does a Trojan (Trojan virus) work?

Just like the story of the Trojan horse from ancient Greek mythology, the Trojan malware appears in the “image” of what you want. It often disguises itself as free software or an email attachment, and then once you give it permission to install on your computer, it opens the floodgates.

Once a Trojan has access to your computer, it can do whatever it wants, but most of these malware aim to gain complete control over your computer. In other words, all your actions on the computer are recorded and sent to the server specified by the Trojan. This is especially dangerous if you perform financial transactions on your computer, as the Trojan will send your bank card or payment information to people who can use or sell it. With the help of Trojans, attackers can turn your computer into a zombie and use it to launch cyber attacks around the world.

How to protect yourself from Trojans

Trojans are so named because they require your permission to run on your computer - either when you run a program yourself, or when you open a document or image, which then launches a program. Based on this, the first and best defense against Trojans is to never open an email attachment or run a program unless you are 100% sure of the source of the files downloaded from peer-to-peer programs or websites. But in today's interconnected world, this is rarely possible, so there are a few specific security measures that need to be taken.

Always update your software. This goes double for important programs like your operating system and browser. in these types of programs, and through them Trojans are sent to your computer, which do their dirty work. The software manufacturer will usually release patches for these vulnerabilities, but they won't do you any good unless you keep the software on your device up to date. To keep your Internet connection as secure as possible, your firewall should always be turned on. Both software and hardware firewalls do an excellent job of filtering out malicious traffic and can often prevent Trojans from being downloaded onto your computer.

All this is useful, but to completely protect yourself, you should install antivirus software or a Trojan removal utility. This software (provided it is updated regularly) scans your system for Trojans and automatically checks any program or file you run to ensure its safety. There are free Trojan removal utilities available on the Internet, but few are regularly updated, and some are even Trojans themselves. To better protect your computer, use reputable antivirus software with a free trial. This will allow you to evaluate the benefits of a particular program before purchasing it. Such programs are often included in a general security package, but at the same time they give you the opportunity to specify the protection functions you need and disable those you don’t need.

Protecting your computer from Trojans doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. By following a few simple internet safety rules and using a reliable security solution, you can be sure that your computer is protected from the vast majority of Trojans and other malware.

Sometimes, under the guise of legitimate software (software), a malicious program penetrates your computer. Regardless of the user's actions, it spreads independently, infecting the vulnerable system. A Trojan program is dangerous because the virus not only destroys information and disrupts the operation of the computer, but also transfers resources to the attacker.

What is a Trojan horse

As is known from ancient Greek mythology, warriors hid in a wooden horse, which was given as a gift to the inhabitants of Troy. They opened the city gates at night and let their comrades in. After this the city fell. The malicious utility was named after the wooden horse that destroyed Troy. What is a Trojan virus? A program with this term was created by people to modify and destroy information located on a computer, as well as to use other people's resources for the purposes of an attacker.

Unlike other worms, which spread on their own, it is introduced by people. At its core, a Trojan horse is not a virus. Its effect may not be harmful. A hacker often wants to break into someone else's computer just to obtain the necessary information. Trojans have earned a bad reputation due to their use in software installations to gain reintroduction into the system.

Features of Trojan programs

A Trojan horse virus is a type of spyware. The main feature of Trojan programs is the disguised collection of confidential information and transfer to a third party. This includes bank card details, passwords for payment systems, passport data and other information. The Trojan virus does not spread over the network, does not destroy data, and does not cause fatal equipment failure. The algorithm of this virus utility is not like the actions of a street hooligan who destroys everything in his path. A Trojan is a saboteur sitting in ambush, waiting in the wings.

Types of Trojans

The Trojan consists of 2 parts: server and client. Data exchange between them occurs via the TCP/IP protocol using any port. The server part is installed on the victim’s working PC, which operates unnoticed, while the client part is kept by the owner or customer of the malicious utility. To disguise themselves, Trojans have names similar to office ones, and their extensions coincide with popular ones: DOC, GIF, RAR and others. Types of Trojan programs are divided depending on the type of actions performed on the computer system:

  1. Trojan-Downloader. A downloader that installs new versions of dangerous utilities, including adware, on the victim’s PC.
  2. Trojan-Dropper. Security program deactivator. Used by hackers to block virus detection.
  3. Trojan-Ransom. Attack on PC to disrupt performance. The user cannot work remotely without paying the required amount of money to the attacker.
  4. Exploit. Contains code that can exploit a software vulnerability on a remote or local computer.
  5. Backdoor. Allows fraudsters to remotely control an infected computer system, including downloading, opening, sending, modifying files, spreading incorrect information, logging keystrokes, rebooting. Used for PC, tablet, smartphone.
  6. Rootkit. Designed to hide necessary actions or objects in the system. The main goal is to increase the time of unauthorized work.

What malicious actions do Trojan programs perform?

Trojans are network monsters. Infection occurs using a flash drive or other computer device. The main malicious actions of Trojan programs are penetration into the owner’s PC, downloading his personal data to his computer, copying files, stealing valuable information, monitoring actions on an open resource. The information obtained is not used in favor of the victim. The most dangerous type of action is complete control over someone else’s computer system with the function of administering an infected PC. Fraudsters quietly carry out certain operations on behalf of the victim.

How to find a Trojan on a computer

Trojan programs and protection against them are determined, depending on the class of the virus. You can search for Trojans using antivirus software. To do this, you need to download one of the applications like Kaspersky Virus or Dr. to your hard drive. Web. However, you should remember that downloading an antivirus program will not always help to detect and remove all Trojans, because the body of a malicious utility can create many copies. If the products described do not cope with the task, then manually look in the registry of your PC for directories such as runonce, run, windows, soft to check for infected files.

Removing the Trojan

If your PC is infected, it must be treated immediately. How to remove a Trojan? Use free Kaspersky antivirus, Spyware Terminator, Malwarebytes or paid Trojan Remover software. These products will be scanned, the results will be shown, and the viruses found will be removed. If new applications appear again, video downloads are shown, or screenshots are taken, it means that the removal of the Trojans was unsuccessful. In this case, you should try downloading a utility to quickly scan infected files from an alternative source, for example, CureIt.

On the Internet today you can find many pitfalls in the form of viruses. You can't count them all. All threats can be classified according to the method of penetration into the system, methods of removal and the harm caused. One of the most dangerous viruses today is a Trojan.

Today we will try to figure out what this threat is. Ultimately, we will try to figure out how you can safely remove such crap from your computer and mobile device.

What is a Trojan?

Trojan viruses are self-replicating malicious objects with executable codes that can be embedded in other applications. They pose a fairly serious threat to any computer and mobile system. Android and Windows systems are most affected. Until recently, it was believed that viruses of this type did not affect UNIX operating systems. However, just a few weeks ago an attack was carried out on Apple mobile devices. It is believed that Trojans pose the greatest threat. We will now try to find out what such a virus is.

By analogy with historical events

It is no coincidence that the Trojans got their name by analogy with some historical events. Before we figure out how to remove Trojan viruses from a computer system, let’s turn to the immortal work “The Iliad” by Homer. It is here that it is described how the rebellious Troy was taken. It was impossible to penetrate the city in the usual way or take it by storm, so it was decided to give a giant horse with warriors inside as a sign of reconciliation. Having entered the city, they opened the gates. After this Troy fell. Trojan viruses work on the same principle. The saddest thing is that such viruses do not spread spontaneously, but purposefully.

How a threat can enter a system

The most common method used to penetrate a mobile and computer system is to disguise itself as some kind of program that is attractive to the user. Sometimes there is a situation where a virus embeds its own codes into existing applications. As a rule, these are user programs or system services. Malicious codes can also penetrate networks and computers in the form of graphics or HTML documents. They can be distributed in incoming attachments or copied from removable storage media. Moreover, if the code is built into a standard program, then it can still partially perform its functions. The virus itself will be activated when the corresponding service or application is launched. The worst situation is when the service loads automatically and starts with the system.

Trojans: consequences

If we talk about the impact of a Trojan, this type of virus often causes system crashes and disruption of Internet access. But this is far from the main goal of the Trojan program. The main task of the Trojan is to steal confidential information for the purpose of using it by third parties. Confidential information includes logins and passwords for accessing certain Internet resources, state registration data, and bank card PIN codes. In general, all that information that is not subject to disclosure. When such information is stolen, it is impossible to predict how it will be used. As a result, you may lose all the money from your bank account, or some bank will call you and tell you that you have a huge loan debt.

Removing a virus in the Windows operating system.

Let's move on to the most important question: how can you remove the Trojan? In fact, this is not as easy to do as many users think. In some cases, of course, it is possible to find and neutralize the body of the virus. But it is worth remembering that he is capable of creating his own copies, and not just one or two. Finding and deleting them can be a real headache for the user. Neither a firewall nor a standard anti-virus program will help if a virus was missed and infiltrated into the system.

In this case, it is recommended to remove the Trojan using portable antivirus programs. If RAM is captured, the Trojan will have to be removed using special programs that are loaded before starting the operating system from a USB device or optical disk. Among portable applications, applications like Dr. can be especially highlighted. Web Cure It or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. The Kaspersky Rescue Disc utility has the maximum range of functions among disk programs. Of course, its use is not a dogma. Today you can find any amount of such software.

How to remove a Trojan from Android

As for devices running on the Android system, things are not so simple. Portable applications have not yet been created for them. Alternatively, you can try connecting the device directly to the PC and scanning the internal and external memory with a computer utility. But in this case, there is no guarantee that the virus will not penetrate the computer when connected. In such a situation, the problem with removing the Trojan is solved by installing the appropriate software. There is so much here that you are simply at a loss as to what is best to choose. Most experts in the field of information security are inclined to believe that the best application in this area is 360 Security. It is capable of not only identifying threats of almost all known types, but also providing comprehensive protection for the mobile device in the future. Of course, it will constantly hang in RAM, thereby creating a load. But safety is still much more important.

What else should you pay attention to?

We have almost figured out what Trojans are. I would like to separately draw the attention of users of all systems, without exception, to several more important points. Before opening an attachment that came with an email, check it with an antivirus program. When installing programs, carefully read the proposals for installing additional components such as browser panels or add-ons. The virus may be hidden in them.

It is also better to refrain from visiting dubious sites, especially if your antivirus program issues a warning. It is also better not to use simple free antivirus programs. It’s better to install the same Eset Smart Security and activate it every 30 days using free keys. Also try to store passwords, bank card numbers, PIN codes and other confidential information on removable media in encrypted form. This is the only way to be at least partially sure that it is not being used for malicious purposes.
