Gymnastics. Rules for assigning sports categories in rhythmic gymnastics Until what age do gymnasts perform?

Perhaps the most beautiful and graceful sport is rhythmic gymnastics. Regular training helps girls develop excellent posture, the ability to present themselves and monitor their every move in everyday life, but only a few become champions. Is it so difficult to get a rank in rhythmic gymnastics, on what basis are they given and what are the other features of evaluating this sport - below.

Live and learn

It’s interesting, but experienced sports masters, even working as coaches, still continue to regularly gain new knowledge and skills. The rules for assigning sports categories in rhythmic gymnastics change periodically, as do the general rules of competitions.

This usually happens during the new Olympic period and greatly influences the performance of athletes. Some elements lose their value and have to be removed from the program, others, on the contrary, appear among the mandatory ones, and gymnasts need to train their body again, accustoming them to new movements.

Grading Rules

To receive a rank in rhythmic gymnastics, not only the coach, but also the athlete herself must know them. Over time, girls gradually master the exercise requirements they need and do not ask such questions when defending their titles. For those who wish to familiarize themselves with the rules in full and immediately, a special edition of “Rules for Rhythmic Gymnastics” is offered. They are written there on 250 pages, and given that some can change every few years, then hardly anyone will want to read them just for fun. For beginners, it is enough to know that each element has its own “price” in points. The simplest ones, even if performed perfectly, cannot bring the athlete more than 0.1 point, but if a complex exercise is included in the program, you can get a whole point.

A gymnast can increase her performance score by correctly combining certain elements. For example, for sequentially performing an exercise of 1 point and 0.1 point, you can get a total score of 1.2, since an additional tenth of a point will be awarded for the connection.

Individual approach

All categories in rhythmic gymnastics are awarded to girls only for completing the required elements in the program and gaining a certain number of points for the performance. Despite this, the performances of all famous champions are completely different from each other. This is due to the fact that the coach also takes into account the individual characteristics of each gymnast, creating a program that can show the maximum of her capabilities without focusing on her weaknesses.

For example, a girl does not have very developed back flexibility, but at the same time she flutters in jumps like no one else. Naturally, her performance will focus on jumping.

Mandatory program

Despite the individuality of taking into account the abilities of each athlete, it is prohibited to deviate from the rules, which means that mandatory elements must be present in the performance. Their maximum and minimum number and definition are also prescribed in the rules of this sport. So, for example, in order to get the first adult category in rhythmic gymnastics, you need to create a program of 10 mandatory elements. These should include one combination of two body difficulties, 1 rotation difficulty, 1 multiple rotation difficulty, 2 isolated waves and 2 pre-acrobatic elements at the beginning or end of a complex element. It is also necessary to make at least 8 seconds of dance tracks in the performance. In the program of masters of sports, there are already 12 mandatory elements in the performance, and their complexity has been increased.

As for working with apparatus, there must be risks of loss when the apparatus is thrown into the air and the gymnast at this time performs rotational movements. Here you can get additional points when catching a projectile without visual control.

Technical Judging Panel

Previously, the athletes were assessed by 3 teams of judges, but today their composition has been reduced to two. How are discharges given in rhythmic gymnastics? To be awarded them, the gymnast must receive an overall score from all judges with a certain minimum.

The first team evaluates the skill of performing the technique itself. It consists of 4 judges, two of whom write down on sheets of paper all the elements performed with the appropriate notations and, based on them, assign a point for working with the subject, difficulties in body movement and dance steps in the individual program. As for group performances, instead of the last criterion, the complexity of the exchange is considered. Two other judges also record the elements performed, but only evaluate the degrees of skill and risks, which in group numbers are called cooperation. Together they produce an overall score for the difficulty of the number, which cannot exceed 10 points.

Artistic Score

The second panel of judges, evaluating the appearance and performance of the routine, is identified by the letters E and already consists of 6 people, as in artistic gymnastics. The judges give points for technical errors, artistry and overall beauty of the body. The overall score is also derived from the average and cannot exceed 10 points. Thus, the maximum score for the entire performance cannot exceed 20.

Thus, you can get a rank in rhythmic gymnastics by overtaking your opponents not only in technique, but also simply in artistry, that is, a beautiful girl in a beautiful swimsuit and with a good presentation of herself will definitely receive a higher grade for the beauty of her body than her plain-looking rival, even if she fulfilled all the elements with dignity. It may seem unfair, but this is, first of all, a beautiful sport, and these are the rules in it.

Younger age

Girls can only get the 3rd youth level in rhythmic gymnastics from the age of 6, but many start training earlier. In fact, you can take up this sport from the age of three or seven. The first real achievements in children will appear at the same age. This is due to the fact that children begin to feel their own body and be able to move to music only at school age. Everything that happens up to this point is just some kind of physical preparation, and no one should focus on certain achievements at this time. Experienced trainers confidently declare that real awareness of one’s own body and competent work with the subject begins only in adolescence, when girls have long had ranks in rhythmic gymnastics in ascending order and have reached the MS defense. Of course, this only applies to a few who have not dropped out of sports by this age.

According to the program of the youngest category, young athletes are required to score only 7 points for one performance during a performance, which is achieved by almost everyone. This title does not require confirmation, and it can be awarded at competitions of any scale.

Requirements for youth categories

To receive the youngest category, a gymnast must perform in the year in which she turns 6 years old and present a routine to the panel of judges without an apparatus and with any apparatus of her choice. Based on the results of each performance, its score must be at least 7 points, which totals 14 points.

After a year, the athlete can already qualify for the 2nd youth category, and for this she must perform a routine without an apparatus and already 2 routines with any apparatus of her choice. To receive the title, judges of the 1st category must evaluate it and give at least 7.2 points for each program, which is a total of 21.6.

In another year, a girl can already receive 1 youth level by completing the BP number and 3 programs with any apparatus, gaining 7.5 points in each. At least 2 judges must have a republican category. In total, the athlete must receive 30 points for her performances.

Requirements for adult categories

An athlete can receive the third adult category in rhythmic gymnastics already in the year when she turns 9 years old. To do this, you need to perform in front of two judges of the republican category at any competition and present 4 numbers - 1 BP and 3 with any apparatus. In total, performances must score 32 points, but each must score a minimum of 8.

The 2nd adult category in rhythmic gymnastics is assigned after a year and is assessed more seriously. The composition of the performance is similar to the previous one, but for each program you need to get 8.2 points with a total of 32.8. The requirements for judges are the same.

At the age of 11, an athlete can qualify for 1st category if she already has all the lower ones. In this case, you need to score 70 points for numbers of a similar composition. In this case, you need to perform only in competitions with republican judges and the participation of at least 5 teams.

Mandatory confirmation of ranks in rhythmic gymnastics starts with 1 adult and above. It represents a double repetition of the result at other competitions during the year with similar statuses and judges. It is important that you are allowed to perform once as part of a group and once individually in the all-around or twice in the all-around.

Senior ranks

Receiving the title of Master of Masters at the age of 12 is not only honorable, but also difficult. In this case, you need to get 76 points according to the international quadathlon program, competing with at least five teams that already have such a title in tournaments of 1, 2 or 3 groups or twice in competitions of 4 groups.

To receive an MS, you need to score 96 points in competitions of only 1 group. Having achieved this goal, many quit sports because they get the opportunity to work as coaches on their own.

So, many now understand how discharges are given in rhythmic gymnastics and what needs to be done for this. It is important not to demand high results from a young athlete at the very beginning of her training. With age, she can open up on her own, realizing her own abilities.

Many parents choose rhythmic gymnastics as a sport for their daughters. And no wonder. Grace, beauty, vivid images - how can you not want a girl to be as good as our famous gymnasts? But few people imagine what the reverse side of this beauty is.

How much a child has to train, what expenses parents face, and whether gymnasts eat buns, you will learn from our article.

We talked with her mother Elena about the everyday life of the family of the young gymnast Ekaterina Senina.

Elena, how did Katya get into gymnastics?

A boy went to kindergarten with Katya, whose mother was a rhythmic gymnastics coach. She suggested that we try to get our daughter into this sport. Katya liked it. So they started doing it.

How many years has Katya been “in gymnastics”?

From the age of five, she is now thirteen. So it's been eight years already. Katya was awarded the first adult category, and starting this year she is completing the CMS program.

How much work do you have to do to achieve such impressive results?

You have to work hard. Training five times a week, four hours each. And this is not only gymnastics, but also choreography classes three times a week.

Who helps maintain such a difficult schedule?

As soon as Katya began to compete, and this happened when she was only six years old, she had to call her grandmother to help look after her youngest child.

Parents who are just thinking about sending their daughters to rhythmic gymnastics are interested in what expenses the child’s hobby entails.

At first we studied at a sports school, where classes were free, but the costumes, training camps and trips to competitions were paid for by the parents themselves. Two years ago we transferred Katya to a sports club near our house. Classes here are paid and very expensive. We pay 11,000 rubles a month for them alone. Plus, we still pay for costumes, gymnastics equipment, trips to competitions and training camps ourselves. It turns out to be a decent amount. So you need to think carefully and be prepared to spend.

What difficulties do girls face in class? How many people can’t stand it and leave?

Rhythmic gymnastics is a very beautiful, but difficult sport. My least favorite thing is probably stretching. The kids just cry in front of her, although it’s not easy for the older ones either.

At a younger age, a huge number of girls are brought to gymnastics. But every year many of them leave. Some children cannot withstand stretching and increasing loads. Or parents can’t stand this rhythm: school, training - and that’s it, there’s almost no free time.

Or it’s a money issue: swimsuits are expensive, training camps and trips to competitions are also paid from the parents’ pockets.

As a result, by the age of KMS and MS, only a few remain. Especially when compared to how many little kids come to gymnastics at first.

Has there been anything funny or cheerful over the years that you remember?

At the sports school, Katya began her career as a gymnast as part of a team. We often went to competitions in other cities. The children were small then, and two mothers always traveled with them as assistants. And so, when we had to go to the store with the girls, we took a jump rope with us, the girls held on to the jump rope, and we walked in a line around the store so as not to lose anyone. We remember this with laughter.

be ready

What else do parents of young athletes warn those who are just considering rhythmic gymnastics, what do they think they need to know before making a decision? Coaches and parents of gymnasts warn:

Nothing but business

If children have classes 2-3 times a week, then the older the girls are, the more they have to do. And this is difficult for all family members.

Expensive pleasure

Gymnastics items are very expensive. So, in Yekaterinburg, ribbons and clubs cost from 1000 to 5000 rubles, half-toes (half shoes, half slippers) - 650 - 2500 rubles. (and they have to be changed about once every month or two, depending on the frequency and duration of classes). The prices for swimsuits for performances are absolutely terrifying: from 3,500 rubles to models costing 30,000 rubles and more.

But we also need jump ropes, hoops, balls, covers for all objects, uniforms for classes, special cosmetics that will not harm children’s skin, etc.

In addition, parents often have to pay for additional stretching or choreography classes so that their daughter can achieve serious success.

The consolation is that most often serious spending does not begin immediately. Experienced parents also know ways to save money: you can buy used gymnastics items, sew leotards to order (this is cheaper), and decorate them yourself, etc.

Slimness comes first

Gymnasts are thin and graceful, almost weightless creatures. Including because trainers forbid feeding them (which, of course, upsets many mothers and grandmothers), but weigh them often, so it’s impossible to hide the “belly celebration”.

Discipline and organization

The habit of hard work makes girls very organized and disciplined. Many parents of gymnasts note that their daughters, despite the heavy workload, study well in secondary schools. In addition, gymnasts are usually very responsible and know how to work in a team, and not just individually. They also become independent early.

Large dropout

People quit rhythmic gymnastics more often than other sports. The reasons are different for everyone, but the result is the same: only a few reach the level of serious achievements. Although, if a girl has been training for two or three years, this is an excellent basis for practicing other sports or dancing.

* If you want to send a girl to do rhythmic gymnastics, look for a coach who will not break the child’s psyche and develop an inferiority complex in her charges.

* Support young gymnasts, help them not to lose faith in themselves, do not allow coaches to insult children (unfortunately, many of them are guilty of this). Trust your daughters, and if they constantly complain about the coach, think about switching to another specialist. Yelling and abuse can seriously ruin a child's life.

* Do not expect that the girl will necessarily have a wonderful figure; if this is not genetically inherent, then gymnastics will not help. Good posture and the ability to move beautifully can be developed, but it is not possible to change what is inherent in nature.

* Teach girls to lose with dignity, not to consider losing the end of the world, and to respect their rivals.

* Be prepared to work hard yourself, gymnastics will enter the life of the family and begin to dictate its terms, and you will have to adapt.

* Carefully monitor the health of your children and, at the slightest alarming signal, consult a doctor to prevent the development of serious consequences.

Nevertheless, despite the difficulties, many parents of young gymnasts are pleased that they chose this particular sport for their daughters, and unanimously say: it is better to try and leave if “it doesn’t work” than not to try and then regret it.

Young gymnasts learn to master a rope, hoop, ball, and ribbon, and their performances to music resemble a beautiful dance. Rhythmic gymnastics for children contains elements of choreography and acrobatics. At what age should a girl be sent to gymnasts, and what awaits her in the future, caring parents think with excitement.

Short story

Until the end of the last century, only women participated in this sport; only thanks to Japanese athletes, men’s competitions began to be held. But only girls are recruited into gymnastics sections.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children is a beautiful and spectacular sport

This sport, whose homeland is Russia, appeared about a century ago thanks to the Russian school of ballet. And in the 80s of the 20th century it was included in the program of the Olympic Games. Since then, Russian athletes have often become Olympic champions, bringing home gold, silver and bronze medals.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Russia occupies a leading position in the world in terms of the level of development of this sport. Every city has amateur or professional rhythmic gymnastics schools.

At what age should you start rhythmic gymnastics classes?

Performing a complex performance program requires good memory and a certain level of physical development. Therefore, girls are recruited for rhythmic gymnastics in specialized schools no earlier than 8–9 years old. And four-year-old children also come to sports sections, initially engaging in general physical development.

To enroll in an Olympic reserve school, it is necessary to undergo physical training, which children receive in sports gymnastics sections.

Lessons for little gymnasts last several hours a day. At an older age, daily training time can reach up to 14 hours. After the age of 16, girls move from rhythmic gymnastics to ballet or choose teaching jobs, and only a few continue their career until the age of 25.

The benefits of rhythmic gymnastics

During daily training, children develop ideal stretching, flexibility and muscle strength that will last their entire lives. Parental support, dedication, hard work and willpower help to achieve good results.

At what age you can bring girls to gymnastics depends on the rules of the section, you can do it at 4 years old

Rhythmic gymnastics gives young girls beauty and grace. This is a very versatile sport that requires flexibility, precise coordination of movements, and masterful control of your body.

Gymnasts are always distinguished by their proud posture, the ability to present themselves, harmonious movements and a strong, balanced character. All this is the result of hard work and many hours of training. Every day you need to do morning exercises, do push-ups, pump up your abs, and stretch certain muscle groups. The lack of summer holidays and time for walks in the yard does not guarantee victory at the Olympic Games. But a smart girl, when she becomes an adult, will be grateful to her parents for an excellent upbringing.

What types of gymnastics exist, at what age should you start your child in this sport, what medical contraindications should you pay attention to? Read about these and other features of gymnastics for children in our article.

Gymnastics has its origins in Ancient Greece. This system of exercises is aimed at developing such physical qualities as strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, coordination. Athletes who practice it are flexible, have a toned figure and a beautiful, graceful posture. In addition, some of the types of gymnastics are presented in the program of the Olympic Games, which means that with a serious attitude and the right choice of coach, a child can achieve global success.

Types of gymnastics

There are three gymnastics groups. Wellness aims to support human health. Sports is aimed at developing and improving physical qualities, while applied training trains the skills necessary in certain conditions. Each group includes different types of gymnastics and we’ll tell you about them.

Health-improving gymnastics:

  • General gymnastics. Running, walking at a brisk pace, overcoming various obstacles, etc. All this improves motor skills.
  • Hygienic gymnastics. Light exercises without weights or equipment increase overall tone and improve well-being.
  • Strength gymnastics. Exercises with weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells develop strength qualities, train endurance, which ultimately helps build muscle mass.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics. Energetic, rhythmic exercises performed to music are aimed at burning calories and training the heart muscle.


  • Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport. Most often it is done by women. Gymnasts perform acrobatic, dance, and flexible exercises using equipment such as ribbons, a ball, a hoop, and a jump rope. Due to the musical accompaniment, a spectacular effect is created.
  • Acrobatics. A serious, labor-intensive sport that requires long training, good coordination and endurance. Acrobats can perform in pairs or threes, using complex exercises such as bridges, splits, somersaults, stand-ups, etc.
  • Gymnastics. Like rhythmic gymnastics, it is an Olympic sport. Competitions are held on gymnastic apparatus: uneven bars, rings, beam, horizontal bar, as well as floor exercises and vaults.

Applied gymnastics

  • Therapeutic. Exercises improve the patient’s well-being. They are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Typically, elements of therapeutic exercises are used for diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and musculoskeletal system.
  • Military applied gymnastics. Improves the qualities necessary for military operations.
  • Sports and applied gymnastics. Its elements are used by professional athletes when preparing for competitions.
  • Professional - applied gymnastics. The exercises are adapted for certain professions that require physical activity. Such complexes are used by astronauts, firefighters, rescuers, pilots, etc.

From what age

In this and the following sections we will talk about rhythmic gymnastics. It is considered a very early sport. The title of master is received at the age of 14. Therefore, children are sent to gymnastics at an age when they are still naturally flexible and flexible.

Officially, sports schools can accept girls into gymnastics from the age of 5, and boys from the age of 6. But sometimes a coach can take a child at an earlier age: 4 or even 3 years. This decision is made based on physical and psychological data.

To determine physical fitness, a coach can check stretching and ask you to perform simple tasks: make a corner on a gymnastic ladder, do pull-ups. The psychological maturity of the little person and his readiness to fulfill the requirements of the coach during classes are also important. By the way, girls get into gymnastics at an earlier age, more often than boys.

Medical contraindications

Gymnastics is a traumatic sport, and therefore requires good compensatory capabilities and good health. The main medical contraindications to gymnastics for children are:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Scoliosis in advanced stages
  • Diseases or pathologies of the cervical spine
  • Myopia of any stage

But for children who often suffer from ARVI, gymnastics will be useful because it helps strengthen the immune system and increases the body’s resistance to colds.

Before sending your child to gymnastics, consult with doctors, at least a pediatrician, who will give permission.

Boys and girls

Rhythmic gymnastics classes contribute to the formation of beautiful and healthy posture. They develop coordination, vestibular apparatus, and ear for music.

Many parents are attracted to women's rhythmic gymnastics by its showmanship and grace. Regardless of whether a girl will conquer the world podium or practice only for herself, rhythmic gymnastics will help her grow feminine, graceful, flexible and able to present herself correctly.

Boys in rhythmic gymnastics are a rare phenomenon. 30 years ago, men competed for the first time at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Tokyo. In 2005, our compatriots Yuri Denisov and Alexander Buklov won five medals at the World Championships in Tokyo. Men's rhythmic gymnastics grew out of martial arts, so it differs from women's in technique and equipment. Boys still have their advantages:

  • Mastering the skills of martial arts
  • Formation of an even posture
  • Development of coordination
  • Strengthening character

Like any sport, gymnastics has its drawbacks and they are the same for both sexes.


Gymnastics develops a child’s physical abilities, strengthens character and improves mood. The main thing is that the classes bring pleasure, then there will be even more advantages:

  • Good physical form. We have written about correct posture and flexibility more than once, but we will repeat ourselves, because these are the qualities that allow a child’s body to grow and develop harmoniously.
  • Excellent health. It is known that sport has a positive effect on a growing body, and gymnastics also helps fight scoliosis in the initial stages and helps solve the problem of clubfoot.
  • Acts as an antidepressant. During training, the production of endorphins accelerates, which improves your mood.
  • Musical hearing improves. Develops a sense of tact and rhythm. It has long been known that gymnasts can be good musicians. If desired, you can combine sports and music classes.


There is always a downside to a medal and, unfortunately, gymnastics cannot do without its downsides. Only the coach and mentees know what grace, flexibility and plasticity are worth. During long training sessions, young athletes may experience severe muscle pain and fatigue. Usually, until the age of 7 years, general physical training takes place in gymnastics sections, after which children study gymnastic combinations. It is during this period that they can experience enormous stress on the muscular and ligamentous apparatus.

The negative aspects of gymnastics include the fact that the training time gradually increases. During preparation for competitions, they can walk for ten hours. As a result, children become very tired, and in some cases, nervous breakdowns occur. With such loads, injuries to the spine and joints can occur.

Another significant disadvantage is that the reason is the heavy load on the spine.

How much do classes cost?

Gymnastics is a fairly expensive sport. The equipment itself is inexpensive, but costumes for performances require significant expenses. Especially if parents want their child to be the brightest and most memorable at competitions.

  • Shells. In most cases, parents buy all the necessary equipment themselves. The cost of balls varies from 350 rubles to 8,000. The average price of ribbons is 2,000 rubles. Jump ropes cost about 3,000, hoops - 2,000, clubs - 3,500. Wrapping for a hoop costs about 200 rubles. Covers for clubs and hoops from 200 rubles to 3,000.
  • Clothes and shoes. You will have to buy Czech shoes, socks, clothes for training, and a sports swimsuit for performances. The latter costs from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles. Without taking into account the leotard for performances, you can spend 25,000 rubles.
  • Trainings, competitions and training camps. Coaching in public schools may be free or may cost little. Travel to competitions and training camps are most often paid for by parents. Their cost depends on the distance of travel and the scale of the competition. In any case, when sending your child to gymnastics, you need to be prepared for additional expenses.

How to choose a section

Focus on your goals first. If you want your child to study for general development, you can choose a section closer to home and to the main school. If you are serious and aim to achieve success in this sport, then you need to take the choice of a section seriously.

Take a closer look at the Olympic Reserve schools. If there are none in your city, choose a Sports Palace or a sports school. But it is best to focus on the coach. He must be able to guide beginning athletes in the right direction, be competent and experienced. It will be good if he has the title of meritorious and the students win at European and world-level competitions.

Let's sum it up

Should I send my child to gymnastics? If your child has been amazing since childhood with his flexibility, plasticity, and has a great sense of music - yes. If you doubt that these qualities are inherent in your child, but he has a desire to do rhythmic gymnastics, try it, because with the right approach, everything will work out.

If you later change your mind, the skills gained from rhythmic gymnastics can be useful in other sports, dancing and even music.

Dear readers, if you see a mistake in our article, write to us about it in the comments. We will definitely fix it. Thank you!

Gymnastics is an Olympic sport that includes competitions in floor exercises, gymnastics exercises, and vaults. The women's all-around program includes: floor exercises, exercises on uneven bars of different heights, balance beam and vault. Men's all-around program: floor exercise, vault, as well as exercises on the following apparatus: rings, pommel horse, horizontal bar and parallel bars.

The International Federation of Gymnastics (IFG) is a federation of gymnastic sports.

History of the origin and development of artistic gymnastics

Gymnastics appeared in Ancient Greece in the 8th century BC and was a set of physical exercises aimed at comprehensive development. Gymnastic exercises served as a means of preparing young men to participate in the Olympic Games.

When did artistic gymnastics appear?

In the 8th century BC.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, gymnastics was forgotten, but with the establishment of humanism at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries, social thought took the vector towards the comprehensive development of the individual, with special attention paid to physical health. Only then did people again turn to ancient culture and gradually began to introduce its physical side - gymnastics - into the education system.

At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, a movement of philanthropists appeared in Germany. In the schools they created, gymnastics, developed and taught by G. Fit and I. Guts-Muts, occupied an important place. F. L. Jan completed the creation of the system of German gymnastics. In parallel with the German one, gymnastics systems were created in France, Sweden and the Czech Republic.

Gymnastics was officially recognized as a sport in 1896 after it was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games. At first, only men competed on the Olympic gymnastics platform, but in 1928, women's competitions were held for the first time.

Where did artistic gymnastics originate?

In Ancient Greece.

Rules of artistic gymnastics (briefly)

For both men and women, the winners of the competition are determined on individual apparatus, in the overall championship and in the team competition. In all events, except women's vault, athletes are given only one attempt. In women's vault, the average score is calculated based on the results of two attempts.

Each athlete himself determines the program for his performances; it must meet the requirements regarding the type and complexity of exercises.

Competition program and gymnastics apparatus

Typically, artistic gymnastics competitions are held on 7 apparatus:

Exercises on parallel bars. Men's parallel bars exercises combine dynamic and static elements. The gymnast must use the entire length of the apparatus and perform elements above and below the bars. Exercises must end with a spectacular dismount.

Women's parallel bars exercises include rotations around the top and bottom poles, as well as various technical elements performed above and below them with rotation around the longitudinal and transverse axis using a one- and two-handed grip. The correct name for women's gymnastic bars is uneven bars.

Floor exercise in gymnastics they are a combination of individual elements, as well as their combinations. These can be somersaults, somersaults, splits, stances and other elements. The judges evaluate the complexity of the program and its individual elements, as well as the purity and confidence of the execution. No less important is the originality of the presented composition and the artistry of the athlete. Performance time is limited: 1 minute 10 seconds for men and one and a half minutes for women.

What is the difference between artistic gymnastics and acrobatics?

Acrobatics is a sport that includes various jumps, rolls, and body rotations with and without support. Artistic gymnastics additionally includes exercises on gymnastic apparatus.

Exercises on horseback are a combination of swing and rotational movements, as well as handstands, during the execution of which all parts of the projectile must be involved.

Ring exercises They are a combination of flywheel and power elements on a special movable projectile in the form of two wooden rings on special cables. The exercise always ends with a dismount.

Vault performed from a running start using additional support in the form of a jumping horse. This exercise evaluates the height and distance of the jump, its complexity, cleanliness of execution and landing.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are a combination of rotational elements around the crossbar with and without turns, as well as elements with hand release. The athlete has no right to touch the bar with his body. The performance always ends with a dismount.

Balance Beam Exercises represent a single composition of dynamic and static elements, performed standing, sitting and lying on a special apparatus. The duration of the speech should not exceed one and a half minutes.

What are the apparatuses called in artistic gymnastics?

Uneven and parallel bars, crossbar, pommel horse, gymnastic bridge, rings, beam, gymnastic mat.

Rules of judging in artistic gymnastics

The performances of the gymnasts are assessed by the main judge and eight judges who “serve” one or another apparatus. Two of the judges evaluate the difficulty of the exercises, while the other six evaluate the technique. The judges assessing the complexity of the program and the judges observing the technique of execution make scores independently of each other: the best and worst of them are not taken into account, and the average score is calculated from the remaining four.
