For better or worse, a person is born. Dogs understand human speech and this can be seen on a tomograph. I had a dream and answered that it was good

To be honest, I didn’t even know that such a holiday even existed. However, the brownie, or as many call him, the hostess, is usually revered. They say that he pays for respect in good coin - love, peace and prosperity will reign in the house. That's why today we decided to talk about brownies.

Brownies exist! I always see them, they are in every home without exception. They often look like a cat or an old man,” says Barnaul parapsychologist Natalya Petrova.

By the way, brownies were seen and communicated with not only by people with psychic difficulties, but also by ordinary residents of Barnaul. For example, teacher Lyudmila Mishina told how she met in a brownie.

It was at night, as if in some kind of haze, but I immediately realized that it was a brownie. It was small, black and very fluffy. “I even remember my feeling - I really wanted to cuddle him,” recalls Lyudmila Mishina. “What struck me most was his eyes: huge, yellow and unblinking. By the way, in appearance he was very similar to the cat Behemoth from the series “The Master and Margarita”. But I didn’t see the brownie’s tail. I tried to ask him: “For better or for worse?”, but I still didn’t understand what he answered me. It seems he muttered something like: “To goodness!”

And soon Lyudmila Alekseevna and her family moved to a new spacious apartment, so the appearance of the brownie turned out to be a good sign. By the way, even museum workers collect stories about brownies.

Most of the stories about the meeting with the brownie were told to us in the Zonal district,” says Natalya Gribanova, head of the local history museum of the Altai State Pedagogical Academy. “One day a local woman went to bed. Suddenly at night she felt something black, wet, hairy, the size of a sheep, fall on her chest. She believed that it was the brownie who began to strangle her. By the way, in such a situation, it is recommended to either read prayers, or, conversely, swear with choice obscenities so that the brownie lags behind.

The brownie will always warn the owners about upcoming important events in a prophetic dream or by coming in person. When you see him, you need to ask: “For better or for worse?” says parapsychologist Natalya Petrova. - If he suffocates - for worse, if he is soft and caresses - for good. If the brownie does not accept a person (whether the owner or the guest), then he will strangle him at night.

How to make friends with a brownie

It is best to establish a good relationship with the hostess. According to the parapsychologist, in order to make friends with him, you must feed and water the hostess. Late in the evening, before going to bed, leave a small apple, a plate of milk, some bread, and a cup of cottage cheese in a secluded place in the kitchen. Say the words of the conspiracy:


Come into my little house,

Eat some bread

Listen to the new owner.

Eat, help yourself, don’t be offended by me,

Save happiness, guard the house,

Kick out the strangers.

Then he crosses the leftover treat and goes to bed. Before going to bed, read the “Our Father” three times.

Good or evil brownie?

According to beliefs, the brownie will be favorable to those who lead a normal lifestyle.

If there are quarrels in the house, constant drinking, etc., then the brownie will be aggressive. If it’s cozy, calm, and the food smells delicious, then the brownie is blissful and helps the owners - looks after the children, nothing goes missing in the house, etc. - experts say.

When moving

It is believed that when moving, you must definitely invite the brownie with you. When leaving the old house, say the phrase three times: “Brownie, brownie, come with us.” But that's not all. The brownie may not like the new place, and then he will express his dissatisfaction to the owners. And this is completely unpleasant: at night, cabinet doors begin to slam, strange creaks are heard, things disappear. In this case, appease the brownie.

Even if all this seems implausible and fictitious, sometimes thoughts still come to mind: “What if it’s true, there’s something in this...”. Probably, it is for this reason that we spit three times over our left shoulder, when returning home we always look in the mirror and are afraid of spilling salt...

I want to tell you about an incident that happened to me more than ten years ago. In March 2003, I came back from an evening walk, went into my office, I had to finish another article for a local publication, but somehow the work didn’t work out, and I decided to just watch TV, lay down on the sofa and don’t remember how I fell asleep . And so, at about three in the morning I woke up from a loud cat purring, without opening my eyes, I realized that my cat was purring, warming itself at my feet. At the same time, I opened my eyes and saw on a chair that stood near the desktop right at my eye level, a black cat who was sitting on my chair and looking at me. The office was relatively bright from street lighting, so I could see the animal. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and a trembling ran through my body. A few seconds later, I opened my eyes again and saw the following picture, this cat, as if squatting, tucking its front paws under itself, as cats usually do. At this time, I couldn’t even lift a finger, I just looked at this cat, and in just a few seconds he disappeared into thin air. Magic, and that's all!

Once, in my childhood, I heard that a brownie could appear in the guise of a black cat, and in such cases you need to ask him “for better or worse?” If the cat laughs, then it’s good, but if he says “huh” or “hudoo,” then expect trouble. But what could you ask this cat in this situation when you fell into a stupor? Well, first of all, where did this cat come from in the apartment? Further, a cat is purring at your feet, if any cat appeared in the apartment, and the cat, realizing that its boundaries were violated, would turn on such a siren! And here he lies at his feet and purrs peacefully. So, the cat didn’t see this cat and didn’t even smell him, but only I saw him? Then there was no time for sleep. Sipping aromatic coffee, I gradually moved away from what I had seen and began to sort through in my head why I saw this cat, began to leaf through the literature, and then, quite by accident, Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” caught my eye, in which there is a charming character “Cat” Hippopotamus". Wow! – I thought – So, it means that the Behemoth Cat himself came to me?!

And I felt somehow uneasy, but curiosity took over, what did this mean? Such characters don’t just appear; they usually come to warn about certain events. And then the ubiquitous Internet came to my aid. I must say that I had to spend the rest of the night, morning and afternoon searching for the truth, but I never found this very truth. But I found many similar cases that happened to different people and at different times. Well, I thought, at least I’m not alone in this. Everyone describes this vision as a meeting with a brownie. Personally, I think that the brownie looks somehow different. Unfortunately, I never asked the cat why he came to me, whether he brought good or bad news? But after some time, a streak of bad luck began in my life, which lasted for several years. No, nothing terrible happened, it’s just that over the course of several years, no matter what I took on, everything slipped through my fingers like sand. This is probably what the night visitor wanted to warn me about; I asked him then why he came: “for worse or for good?” Perhaps I would have been warned about future events, and those who are warned are forearmed. If the cat Behemoth comes to you at night, then do not rush to throw a slipper at him and tell him to “screw!” Remember, he came to you for a reason, but wants to warn you about a certain event, and therefore ask him: “for better or worse?”

My slimming program Rimma Moisenko

Chapter I. For worse or for better?

Your life is a path on which you are given the opportunity to go through various tests and find your soul.

Valentina Tolkunova

Sometimes there come times in life when you think: “No, I can’t handle it! Just a little more and everything will collapse!” Everything around you changes - the situation, circumstances, people - and you don’t know whether it’s for good or for bad. It seems that everything that you have built up until now with the best intentions is moving from its place and coming at you like a storm: “What you fought for, that’s what you ran into...”

You are confused, it is difficult for you. And suddenly a Man appears next to you. Friend, assistant, mentor...

And life magically transforms. It seems like nothing special is happening, but you feel: everything falls into place, becomes clearer and continues to go as it should.

And then faith in yourself, in your strength, returns to you.

But the main thing is that you begin to see what was previously hidden from you.

This happened to me in 2005.

Where it all started

Before that, my beloved sister Margarita and I worked for 15 years at the Russian Shaping Federation. I was the chief physician of the federation and traveled a lot around the country: I trained trainers and medical workers of our branches (in the 90s, shaping was very popular in the country, and branches grew in big and small cities like mushrooms after rain). Computer testing for beginners; drawing up an individual nutrition program and a set of physical exercises to correct the figure; determining the intensity of physical activity depending on health status, etc. There was a lot of work. I took advanced training courses for doctors in dietetics and received additional education in the field of sports medicine. At the same time, Rita and I studied advanced Western technologies for “creating an ideal body” - special techniques, massage techniques, physiotherapeutic procedures. And in the end they decided to open a medical office for figure correction on the basis of the federation.

I want to say that in those days we had never heard of services of this kind in our country. So our office instantly became known throughout Moscow. The number of clients was huge. And my sister and I, accordingly, gained enormous experience in our business.

Several years passed like this. Our knowledge and capabilities grew. We studied a lot, traveled abroad, adopted the experience of colleagues in the best beauty clinics in America, France, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, and Japan.

The small hall in which the office was located no longer suited us. It could not accommodate the medical equipment we needed. In the end, it did not accommodate everyone who wanted to become slimmer and more attractive!

Rita and I increasingly began to think about opening our own health and beauty clinic. And in 2002, such an opportunity presented itself - not just one, but two! That is, it turned out that my sister and I could open not one, but two centers of our own! And then we started thinking... The demand for our services was such that, working together, we could not satisfy it. And it would be absurd to hold hands tightly when you can separate and thereby double the reception of the suffering.

That's what we did. Rita headed the Aesthetic Medicine Center, and I headed the Rimmarita Aesthetics and Health Center.

And here began for me what I wrote about at the beginning of the chapter...

Time to collect stones

My sister and I are twins and as children we were like two peas in a pod. They said about us: “They look at each other like in a mirror.” We have been together all our lives, inseparable from one another. We walked to kindergarten holding hands. To school too. Together they graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. And, in general, our specialties were related. I became a cardiac resuscitator, Rita became a cardiologist. And we are both candidates of medical sciences. During 15 years of working together, my sister and I resolved any issues together. And I always knew: together we are strong.

And then suddenly I'm left alone. I had the feeling that half of my body had disappeared somewhere. No arm, no leg... In general, I felt like a person with disabilities. Meanwhile, the “Rimmarita” case was not expected. The decision was made: “The center will exist, the center will live!” Bridges have been burned, the Rubicon has been crossed. Arrangement of premises, negotiations with builders and designers; purchase of equipment, conclusion of foreign contracts; recruiting and training staff is an unimaginable mass of worries and problems! What about the management of the center? I have never managed anyone, even though I was the senior doctor of the federation! I am first and foremost a doctor, a specialist. And a woman. Weak, by the way, like all women in the world...

I lost my confidence. And although she did not give up and stubbornly moved her legs in the direction of the goal, she was under terrible tension.

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From the book The Path to Health. Notes of a Starving Man author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Chapter on Dirty Words Chapter 3 You may be wondering why the chapter on dirty words is located at the very beginning of this otherwise wonderful book. There's probably more to this chapter than just dirty words. This chapter, like the others in this

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Chapter 11 If birth is the beginning of a person’s natural life, then death is the natural result of its completion. Petrovich has long been interested in the topic of death. Its inevitability, mystery, mystery and a certain superstitious fear. Having somehow chosen the time, he decided to ask about it

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Chapter 12 A person should not worry about his health, it should be his natural state, as a result of natural life. – Listen, Gaia, how are things going with your treatment? – asked Petrovich. “We don’t have diseases as such.” Most often we have bruises,

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Chapter 1 24. Sun Bin is a famous military leader of the Warring States period, a native of the State of Qi. Descendant of Sun Tzu. In his youth, together with Pan Juan (? -341 BC), he studied military affairs. Later, Wei Xuan-wang appointed Pang Juan as commander-in-chief of the state of Wei.

From the author's book

Chapter 2 29. Bian Que is a doctor of the Qin state of the Spring and Autumn era, a native of the Bohai region. At a young age he worked as an inn caretaker. One day, the famous doctor Zhang Sanjun came to the inn, Bian Que treated him with great respect and

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Chapter 3 31. The Book of Changes, also known as the I Ching, is the most authoritative work of Chinese canonical and philosophical literature, which had a fundamental impact on the entire culture of traditional China, the countries of the Far East and Southeast Asia.32.

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Chapter 17 61. “Teachings of the founder of the august Ming dynasty.” An essay written by the founder of the Ming dynasty, Zhu Yuan-chang, in 1395, which gives a detailed classification of the right and wrong actions of the emperor, princes and ministers.62. Gu Yanwu (1613–1682) –

From the author's book

From the author's book

Chapter 22 Jenn and Billy met in the summer of 2002, when Billy, after graduating from his freshman year at the University of Virginia, returned home to work at a lifeguard station in Virginia Beach. One morning he arrived at his post and discovered that the saying “A fool is blessed”

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Chapter 23 We arrived in Creel when it got dark. The bus, rattling, dragged itself to a stop, squealing at last with its brakes, as if letting out a sigh of relief. Outside the window I saw Caballo's ghostly old straw hat. Bouncing, she swam in the dark towards us. I

From the author's book

Chapter 2 1. Weinberg, Robert A., 1996. How Cancer Arises. Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, September, 275, 3, 62–70.2. Pollack, M.N. and others, 1998. IGF-1 Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer. Science, 279, 563–566. Pollack, M. N., Huynh, H. T., and Lefebvre, S. P., 1992. Tamoxifen reduces serum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Br Cancer Res Treat, 22, 91-100. Pollack, M.N., Polychronakos, C., Yousefi, S., and Richard, M., 1988. Characterization of

From the author's book

Chapter 3 1. Trichopoulos, Dimitros, Li, Frederick, V. and Hunter, David J., 1996. What Causes Cancer? Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer. September 275, 3, 80–85.2. Boots the Chemist, 1998. Breast Awareness – an essential guide, Be enlightened, not frightened. Published in association with the charity Breast Cancer Care.3. Trichopoulos, Dimitrios, Li, Frederick, P. and Hunter, David J., 1996. What Causes Cancer Scientific American, Special Issue,

From the author's book

Chapter 4 1. Soh, Peter and Brusseau, Peggy, 1995. LifePoints For Kids. Bloomsbury.2. Statistical Abstracts of the US, 1994 edition.3. Willett, W.C. and others, 1996. Strategies for Minimizing Cancer Risk. Scientific American, Special Issue, What you need to know about Cancer, 275:3, pp, 88–95.4. Akre, James, ed., 1989. Infant feeding: the physiological basis. WHO Bulletin, OMS Supplement, Vol. 67, and Lawrence, Ruth A., 1994. Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical profession.

From the author's book

Chapter 6 1. Gerhard Schrauzer, Ph.D., of the University of California cited in Better Nutrition, Nov, 1989, v 51, no. 11, p. 14 (2).2. Redhook., April, 1989, v 172, n6, p. 96 (5).3. Spallholz, J.E., Stewart, J.R., 1989. Advances in the role of minerals in immunobiology. Center for Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409. Biol Trace Elem Res Mar, 19 (3) pp. 129–151.4. Archives of Environmental Health, September/October 1976.5. Knekt, Paul, and others, 1988. Selenium

From the author's book

Chapter 7 1. Campbell, T.C. and Junshi, C., 1994. Diet and chronic degenerative disease perspectives from China. Am. J Clin. Nutr, 59, Suppl., 11 535-11 615.2. Packham, D.E., 1999. Impacts of Commercialization and Privatization on Capabilities for Scientific Advice, Oracles or Scapegoats? IPMS Conference notes. October.3. Packham, D.E., 1999. Impacts of Commercialization and Privatization on Capabilities for Scientific Advice, Oracles or Scapegoats? IPMS Conference notes,

Alas, my story is true, and not the delirium of a fevered mind. The only good thing is that it didn’t happen to me...

Probably, in childhood, everyone dabbled in harmless fortune-telling - they summoned Hitler's spirits on a saucer, or told fortunes on spoons. Every person has a period in life during which they are irresistibly drawn to all kinds of evil spirits, most often this happens in childhood or adolescence. This fate did not escape my late grandmother, then still an unmarried girl, and a couple of the same passionate girls who wanted to know about the betrothed. It was decided to consider the above-mentioned saucer, as well as the clumsily drawn alphabet on a paper circle, as a portal for communication with the other world. The young, funny girls treated the dead people they decided to summon without due respect, or maybe they simply did not believe in the seriousness of their chosen undertaking. In any case, summoning the spirits, they neighed like horses at the hippodrome, for which the deceased who communicated with them edifyingly drew a saucer in the alphabet (I write verbatim) - if you hee-hee ha-ha - you will not see the groom! The girls, which is not surprising, had a little shit and immediately gave up guessing on the saucer, so as not to provoke the nervous dead man to impose the curse of celibacy on them. And I wouldn’t write this story here if, throughout the life of my grandmother and her relatives, incomprehensible things had not stopped happening.

Namely: after 5-7 years, my grandmother was already married, although extremely unsuccessfully (by the way, all the would-be fortune tellers’ personal lives didn’t work out. If there was a husband, he was definitely an asshole, look for someone, so who knows, maybe the deceased took revenge on them, or maybe it was just a coincidence) had a son and was expecting the birth of another child - my aunt, whom I will tell you about some other time. There was no smell of my mother then. Maybe that’s why the spirit of every sorcerer and witcher was not passed on to her. So here it is. Night. Granny was sleeping, her 3-year-old first-born Vanya was snoring peacefully in the next room, Granny’s husband was wandering around somewhere, nothing seemed to portend trouble, and suddenly there was a stomp, from which my granny woke up. At first she thought it was a cat. I turned on the light - no one was home. As soon as I got into bed, the stomp repeated. The grandmother thought that the first-born was playing around - she turned on the light again, went to her son - and he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. I went to bed - the same garbage and stomping was getting closer and closer. Moreover, it resembles the tramp of bare feet, and not mice or hedgehogs, as some might think. Granny was not a timid woman, but she, to put it mildly, felt bad - trembling all over her body, cold sweat, and other signs of chilling horror. I turned on the light several times and didn’t see anything suspicious. This incomprehensible bullshit continued for about 30 minutes, granny soberly reasoned like everything went to hell - tomorrow she has to go to work - she needs to sleep, she decided not to pay attention to the stomping, but in vain... The stomping got close to her bed and froze. Then something jumped onto her bed and began to slowly but surely approach her throat. Having rummaged through this incomprehensible garbage with her hand, the granny identified it as something furry the size of a fattened cat, only the fur was hard to the touch and disgusting. Meanwhile, something sat on her chest and began to slowly strangle her, but not in the generally accepted sense of the word, but as if heavier in weight and mass, but without changing in size, as if pressing her into the bed. Add to this the horror that gripped her, and the picture drawn by your imagination will clearly not be in azure tones. No matter how hard granny tried to throw it off, she couldn’t - this creature stuck tightly to her. Granny began to moan, from her moans the first-born Vanyatka woke up, who from his room announced to the world about his awakening with a sleepy voice “Maaaam!!!”

Granny immediately realized that this creature could attack Vanyatka - she calmed him down as best she could - sleep son, mom had a bad dream. She could not get out of bed - the creature held her tightly with its weight, but it was in no hurry to strangle her completely, as if mocking her. Granny frantically began to look for ways to solve the non-standard situation (we must pay tribute to her composure - half of us would have already, at the very least, pissed ourselves. At most, died of fear). The unfortunate, half-dead granny cried and prayed, and asked not to leave her son an orphan, and she laid the banner of the cross on herself, and on the bullshit, and on herself with the bullshit together - nothing took this bullshit and nothing made her feel sorry for it. And then I remembered one grandfather’s horror stories about brownies and how they strangle people. Grandfather advised to ask the brownie - for worse or for good? In theory, the brownie should have responded and left in an unknown direction. And the life of the person he was strangling had to go according to the prediction he had given. In this case, theory coincided with practice. With the last of her strength, Granny asked the brownie - for better or for worse? “To huuud,” the brownie answered in a sepulchral voice, as if a stone had fallen from his grandmother. There was the sound of the retreating patter of little feet. The further fate of my grandmother was very tragic and sad, but that’s a completely different story...
