Compote of apples and white currants. Currant compote for the winter - the best recipes for a delicious vitamin drink White currant compote recipe

Once, my husband and I were greatly deceived by a seller of currant seedlings. We were then still quite inexperienced, novice gardeners and did not particularly understand the varieties of this berry, so we took the word of a pleasant and sweet woman who assured us that she was selling red currant seedlings. After some time, I was surprised to discover that the berries on the bush were white! At first, of course, I was upset: what should I cook with these berries? The jam will be colorless, white currant compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar without sterilization. While I was thinking, life threw me another trouble - my child was allergic, and I had to rack my brains over the problem of choosing foods to eat. My son loved red currants very much, but he couldn’t eat them, and that’s when it turned out that, very conveniently, they had once mistakenly sold us white ones! It turns out that my child can safely eat this type of currant. Both problems were solved, and with a clear conscience I began to collect, cook, and roll the berries. I want to say that yes, the color of the compote is rather inexpressive, but the taste of white currants more than compensates for this, and there is nothing to say about the benefits! Try it! I also really like this one and it’s no less tasty.

What products will you need (per liter jar):

- 300 grams of white currants,
- 250 grams of sugar
- 3000 milliliters of water.

In order for the compote to be stored longer, we select the ripest, most beautiful and unspoiled berries.
Place the selected currants in a basin or bowl and rinse several times, each time adding clean water.

After this, we tear off all the berries from the branches.

Wash glass jars for canning with soda, rinse well and sterilize. It is better to use the steaming method for this purpose: hold the jars over steam for several minutes.
Just boil the lids for rolling for five minutes.
Pour the berries into the bottom of the jar.

Pour water into a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan, add sugar and let the syrup boil. After boiling, keep it on the fire for 2 minutes. The sugar should melt completely.

Remove the boiling syrup from the heat and immediately pour it into the jar of currants.

That's all! Immediately seal the lid and place the jar with the lid down.
Hot jars should be wrapped in a blanket or towel until they cool completely.
After this, you can store the preserves in a cool place with little humidity.

Good health and good appetite!

White currants are a rarer berry than red ones, but nevertheless they are not devoid of taste and have a pleasant aroma. White currants are not sold on the shelves as often as red currants, but it still makes sense to buy them and prepare some preparations for the winter. I collect white currants at the dacha, and there I have 3 large bushes, from which I collect about 5 kg of berries. What should we do with it? My family and I simply eat some of the currants, and use the other part for canning. Despite the fact that white currants do not have a distinct color, they have a pleasant sweet taste. I make compotes from white currants for the winter, and according to the simplest recipe. I offer you my simple recipe for preparing winter compote from white currants for the winter without sterilization, which will please many housewives. Recipes without sterilization do not require a lot of effort, a lot of time and a lot of space on the stove. For those who do not have large pans for sterilization, my recipe is perfect. I also suggest you prepare an equally tasty one.

Required Products:

- 300 grams of white currants,
- 150 grams of granulated sugar,
- 2 liters of water.

We wash the currants, tear off all the branches and tails so that only berries remain. White currants are easy to peel, so we tear off all the branches in a few minutes. We also wash it without any problems. It is important to pick off the branches before cooking so that the berries do not spoil. If you bought white currants and do not plan to cook them today, then just leave them on the branches; they will retain their freshness for 2-3 days. And it will be possible to make preparations after a while.

Place the berries in the bottom of a clean, sterilized glass jar, which must be steamed over a kettle in advance. Pour boiling water over the currants in the jars. If you don’t want to peel the currants, then simply wash the berries more thoroughly and put the currants and branches directly into jars.

After 15-20 minutes, drain the resulting currant juice; it is, of course, very light, but at least aromatic. Pour granulated sugar into the juice and boil the sweet syrup.

Pour sweet syrup over the currants, immediately roll up the lids and insulate them with a “fur coat”. The jars of compote must cool completely, after which they are stored in the pantry. I think you'll like this one too.

The white currant compote is ready, store it until winter, and when white snow appears outside, enjoy a tasty and aromatic drink that will remind you of summer and juicy berries. Bon Appetite!

Currants, along with kiwi and lemons, are considered the product with the highest concentration of vitamins. Currant compote recipe for the winter for a 3-liter jar can be safely included in the everyday winter menu, counting on fortifying the body. In its effect, the compote is similar to cold tonic tea; it helps restore strength and gives a special taste pleasure. In other preparations, the currant mix will merge into a single color, but in compote, the berries retain their natural shades.


  • red currants - 150 g,
  • white currants - 150 g,
  • black currant - 150 g,
  • sugar - 270 g,
  • citric acid - 1 tsp,
  • water - 3 l.

Cooking sequence:

The berries are removed from the branches and washed under cold running water.


If the compote contains black currants with round berries, then it is this that accentuates the taste. Oblong black currants will give way to red berries. White currant enhances the acidity of the drink.

Pour all the berries into a sterilized three-liter jar.

Take a full teaspoon of citric acid.

Sugar is measured. Currant compote will not be too sweet, sugar is only a preservative.

Hot sweet syrup is poured into a jar of berries. When rolling compotes, you need to place a metal plate under the bottom of the jar so that you can safely pour boiling water into the glass container.

Roll up and turn over a jar of multi-colored currant compote.

Cover the jar with several warm towels. Wrap it up so that it is closed on all sides. The bank remains in this position until the morning.

A compote mix of three types of currants is stored in a cool cellar. Compote retains all its qualities for 12 months.

The simplest preparation from white currants is to make compote for the winter. With this method of preservation, the berries are preserved whole and beautiful. It is prepared quickly and easily.

White currant is simply a variety of red currant, the berries of which come in different colors, from white to dark cherry. White currants, like red currants, are tasty and healthy berries, but have one drawback - large seeds in small berries. Because of these seeds, not everyone likes white (red) currant jam.

But white currant compote will be an excellent way to preserve the taste and aroma of berries for the winter. To prepare compote, we use a simple sterilization method - pouring boiling water twice.

White currant compote for the winter without sterilization

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 1.5-2 liters of white currants, on branches
  • 1-1.5 cups sugar (for those who like it sweeter, one and a half cups)


1. We clean the currants from leaves, debris and bad berries. The twigs can be thrown away, or you can leave them if you wish; the taste of the compote will not be affected.

2. Prepare the container for the compote: wash the jars with lids and sterilize them.

3. Fill the jars with white currants a little more than halfway.

4. Pour boiling water over the berries and leave to steam for 5-10 minutes.

5. Pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to an active boil and dissolve the sugar. Pour the previously steamed berries with the sweet syrup so that the syrup spills a little.

6. Screw the jars with metal lids. Turn it upside down and leave it in this position under the blanket until it cools completely.

7. White currant compote is ready for the winter! You can put it in a dark closet.

Preparing compotes for the winter is very simple. And you shouldn’t be lazy in this case, since such drinks are much healthier and tastier than store-bought juices and nectars.

Today I want to tell you how to prepare white currant compote for the winter. The recipe is simple and very quick, so it won’t take much time.

White currants, compared to red or black ones, do not have a bright color, so the compote will turn out pale, but I assure you, this will not affect the taste in any way.

This product should be stored in a cool, dry place. The calculation of ingredients is given for a 1 liter jar.

To prepare white currant compote for the winter, prepare the necessary set of ingredients.

Sort out the currants. For the compote we will need the best, ripe and not crushed berries. Place them in a bowl and cover with cold water. Stir the currants with your hands so that debris and dry berries float to the surface. Wash the currants several times in this way.

Drain the water and remove the branches from the berries.

First you need to prepare a jar with a lid. Wash the jar well in a soda solution and rinse with clean water. Leave over steam for 5-7 minutes.

Boil the lid in water for 5 minutes.

Place the currants in a jar.

Pour water into a saucepan, add the required amount of sugar and put on fire. Bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour hot syrup over the berries to the very top.

Seat the container with a lid.

Turn the jar of compote upside down, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it like that until it cools completely.

A very tasty, aromatic and healthy white currant compote is ready for the winter. It should be stored in a cool, dry place. Have a nice winter day!
