Abinsk inter-settlement library. A child’s best friends are books: their benefits and role in development

Reasoning about the benefits of children's reading.

"Reading - this is the window through which

children see and learn about the world and themselves.”

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Book - a necessary subject of any cultural environment in which a child grows up. Big world literature should not one day, when the child grows up, fall upon the child. Education with a book is to carefully but persistently introduce the child into children's literature, as into some artificially created amazing space, to teach him not to be afraid of it, but, on the contrary, to love and be interested in it, to teach him to navigate it.

It is known that preschool childhood is a defining stage in the development of personality, because at the age of 6 years the child learns with interest the world, “imbued” with different impressions, assimilates the norms of behavior of those around him, imitates, including the heroes of books.As a result of familiarization with the book, the child’s heart is ennobled and his mind is improved.The book helps to master speech - the key to understanding the world around us, nature, things, human relationships. Preschoolers are distinguished by high cognitive activity; they strive to expand their horizons and break out of the framework of the environment that surrounds them. One of the main assistants in this, in my opinion, is a book. They are already ready to communicate with her: they react emotionally to what they hear, catch and distinguish various intonations, recognize their loved ones literary heroes, empathize with them.

The need for daily communication with a book develops before the age of three or four. How earlier child If he picks up a book, the more reader skills he will acquire. Therefore, it is simply necessary to include activities to familiarize preschoolers with the world of fiction, and for adults to read more often to their children.Adults should realize the importance of introducing a child to the world of children's literature. Children's literature allows you to solve many problems.Reading a book develops a child’s soul, humanity, shapes the mind, memory, imagination, speech, patience and other necessary character traits, and teaches creativity.Children's literature is a real art that has a hidden effect on a child.

The built-in love for a book in preschool age will stay with the child forever.Anyone who reads knows a lot.If a child understands the content of what he read, it means he thinks, analyzes, reasons.. Introducing children to fiction, gives top scores, if the efforts of both educators and parents are combined. We want our children to be literate readers. But it’s not very easy: to perceive the text according to the author’s intention. In order to raise a reader in a child, the adult himself must show interest in the book, understand its role in a person’s life, know those books that will be important to the child, follow the latest in children’s literature, be able to have an interesting conversation with the child, and be sincere in expressing one’s feelings.

I am sure that most of Alimero's readers, like me, grew up reading books. I remember that my grandmother even forbade me to read, because I did it instead of quiet time. There are a lot of memories – both stories and illustrations.

Despite the abundance of electronic technologies, we have a lot of books at home. At first I wasn’t particularly picky when purchasing, but then I got a taste for it and started looking for certain publications and became more critical of my choice.


Reading together perfectly develops memory, both auditory and visual. At first, I was surprised how accurately my daughter remembers the slightest details from what she read - the characters’ lines, some details of appearance.

Our first book was a collection of fairy tales - Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Puss in Boots, The Ugly Duckling, Thumbelina. And after some time, I noticed that the child absolutely accurately reproduced phrases from the book.

Moreover, when I, trying to speed up the reading process, missed some points, the little girl corrected me every time.

We have some books with special text, which is already divided into syllables, like in an ABC book, which also makes it easier for a child to learn to read.

Fantasy and creative thinking

These skills can be developed if you not only read, but also discuss what you read with your child. I often ask my daughter which characters she liked, who she didn’t, and why she thinks so. I start many questions with the words “What do you think..?” or “Imagine that...” So we can come up with several endings for fairy tales, mix several works, etc.


Books, especially classic works, often use words that a child would never hear on a walk or at home. Large vocabulary correct usage words and expressions are an integral part of a child’s culture.

For example, I practically do not use words such as “crown”, “amazing”, “wonderful”, etc. While my daughter uses them and many others constantly. All this, of course, is from books.


In addition to the actual process of reading a book, there is also close contact with the child. The baby not only listens interesting stories and looks at the pictures in the book, but also feels attention paid to you, tactile contact (if you read while lying in bed or hugging each other), which is very, very important!

Perhaps these very moments will become memories from childhood; don’t be lazy to read to your children!

It is impossible to deny the fact that the mother’s voice has a calming effect on the child – this is why they fall asleep faster while reading a book.


There is, of course, an educational aspect to reading. I always draw my daughter’s attention to the behavior of the characters, because in many works there are negative and positive heroes. Now we are reading a book about the adventures of Pinocchio and together discussing the actions of the wooden boy and his friends.

I also always focus on the manners of the characters - in almost all fairy tales they are well-mannered, neat, tidy, use polite words and obey their elders (otherwise something bad might happen to them).


I won’t hide that our assortment of books includes not only paper books, but also electronic ones. And I believe that the benefits from them are similar, except for the lack of contact with the mother. The same illustrations, letters, sound, even the pages rustle when turned over. And at the end of many fairy tales there are tests for reading material.

Reading has a great effect on a child’s cultural development, enriches vocabulary, has a beneficial effect on behavior, and promotes the development of perseverance and curiosity.

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About the benefits of children's reading

“Books are ships of thought,

wandering the waves of time

and carefully carrying their precious

burden from generation to generation."

Bacon FRensis

(English philosopher, historian,political figure)

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that the importance of children's books has diminished and that rather than reading, it is better to turn on the recording disc and let the child watch. But a child cannot replace reading from his mother or father. After all, the reading process promotes spiritual communication between parents and children, establishing mutual understanding and trust. Reading together will help strengthen love, bring wonderful impressions and incomparable joy into a child’s life. In the future, reading may become reliable support for teaching and raising a child.

Thus, the first and main source of developing interest and nurturing a love for books and children’s reading is the family.

It is the parents who read the child’s first books, look at the pictures with him, and experience with the child the joy of recognition and surprise, his happiness and grief associated with the adventures and destinies of his first favorite literary characters.

It is the parents who choose and buy children's books, forming a home library, and advise the child which book to read and take from the children's library.

It is the parents who provide greatest influence on the formation of the reading range, reading tastes and preferences of children in the early stages of reading development.

The most important stimulus for children's reading is adults with a book.

Ten factsroVVbenefitreading:

1. Reading sharpens your eyes.

“Nothing so greatly expands the entire horizon of our concepts

about nature and human life like a close acquaintance with

the greatest minds of mankind." Pisarev D.

The child will better understand and see the world and people around him, and most importantly, himself.

It is advisable to read a good book again - you will probably find something new there.

2. Reading savesphysical health.

“Reading for the mind is the same as physical exercise for body".

AddisonD. Putting letters into words, words into images, realizing what the author wanted to express with them, and finding your own explanation for them is gymnastics for the brain.

Without any risk of injury!

3. Reading is good for the environment.

« Reading is useful ! Books enlighten the soul

lifts and strengthens a person,

awaken in him the best aspirations,

sharpen his mind and soften his heart.”

Thackeray W. If you and your child are reading a book, then the tree from which it is made was not cut down in vain.

4. Reading will teach youand your child communicate .

Walter F. Interesting remarks will miraculously transform even boring conversations about yesterday's television programs. And the growing talent of a storyteller will make it easy to take credit for the adventures of fictional characters.

This makes a particularly big impression on people who hardly read.

5. Reading helps you spend your free time.

“The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.

A person who never reads experiences only one.”

Martin D. You and your child will never get tired of reading books, because there are so many of them that even a few lifetimes will not be enough to read them all. Don't give up until you find "your" book, because it can change your life.

6. Reading gives you peace of mind.

"Those who read books

will always be controlled by those

who watches TV".


Parents, teachers and other adults will be so happy to see the child reading that they will not bother him again.

7. Reading is good for your wallet.

« How rubles are made from kopecks,

so knowledge is formed from grains of what is read»

Dal V.

Firstly, books are cheaper than computer games.

Secondly, your friends will not have to worry about choosing a gift if they find out that you and your child love to read.

Thirdly, for those who did not receive a book as a gift, there are always libraries - books there cost nothing.

8. Reading helps you concentrate.

“A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person.

The reader receives from her knowledge and a generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.”

9. Reading is good for your figure..

“Well-done reading saves us from everything

including from ourselves...

Or more casually, a book is a refuge.” A person who reads does not need high-calorie food to cope with the hardships of a boring life. With a book you can travel as far as you wish and make your most fantastic dreams come true.

10. Reading is good for parents.

"No the best remedy to refresh the mind, like reading the ancient classics; “As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring.” Schopenhauer A.

Watching a child enjoy a book helps adults get into reading too, even if they are too busy to read. Adults will be grateful to the child for the newfound happiness.

A book is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of artistic education; it shapes a person’s personality and leaves a deep imprint in the soul, gratitude for the fact that you introduced a child into the world of beauty.

I advise you to definitely find half an hour in your daily routine to read with your child; this time will fully pay off in the future - you will become closer to your child, help him develop mentally and morally, and instill in him a valuable habit for life!

Therefore it is completely obvious benefits of books, which allows you to grow and educate a holistic, harmonious personality.

Of course, every mother wants her child to treat a book as a treasure! To analyze, think, laugh, and sometimes cry over her... But for this it is not enough to teach the baby to read - to put letters into syllables, and syllables into words. A child develops a true craving for a book only when there is something to reach for. The child must understand the benefits of reading.

The benefits of reading: the first books in the first year of life

When did HIS first children's book appear in your baby's library? Perhaps many of the readers will remember that this happened after the first birthday, or even later. On the one hand, this is understandable: most parents perceive a book as a “source of knowledge,” which means that its appearance in a child’s life is correlated with the age when the child begins to show interest in the world around him. However, with this approach, mothers and fathers for some reason forget that for a child, a book, like a toy, is a source of not only knowledge, but also emotions. Therefore, in order to lay the foundation for a good attitude towards reading and explain the benefits of reading, it is highly desirable that the baby acquire books already in the first year of life. What it will be - picture books or classic first fairy tales ("Turnip", "Kolobok") - is not so important. It is much more important how the first acquaintance goes. Paradoxically, it is better to do without reading during “first dates”. After all, even the simplest and most time-tested text can be perceived by a little one as gibberish. Your first joint readings should be more like looking at pictures than getting familiar with a printed syllable: “Look, this is a dog, she barks, and this is a cockerel.” That is why, when choosing books for little ones, you should be extremely careful about illustrations. A beginning reader, like no one else, meets a new friend (a book) “by clothes.” See if the heroes from the pages of the book will interest your little one, will they become his friends or, on the contrary, will they cause boredom, or even fear? You can understand whether the book characters have become YOURS by watching your child: if he perks up at the sight of familiar pictures and tries to turn the page with you to find his favorite, then you can move on. Tell us what the hero is doing, what he is like, where, with whom, what is happening around him. This is how our speech is structured, this is how the baby learns the basic concepts of “who” and “what he does.” Gradually, you can move on from the comments to the author’s text. But here, too, there are some subtleties. It happens that a book is good for everyone (high-quality illustrations, a proven author), but the child does everything possible to finish reading as quickly as possible. Of course, there are children who, at one and a half years old, listen with breath to “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” but for the majority it is better to choose books with pictures, accompanied by short poems or short texts. In this regard, Suteev’s fairy tales, English songs, “Toys” by Agnia Barto, and timeless nursery rhymes are optimal.

Benefits of reading: back to the future

As a rule, a children's home library begins to be formed from books that are well known to the parents themselves. Advice one: remember what is at the origins of YOUR reading biography. What books awakened the reader in YOU? Ask about the preferences of other family members. It is likely that with your joint efforts you will not only acquire interesting selection children's literature, but you will finally get acquainted with some wonderful book that you missed for some reason in childhood. Tip two: do not forget that the formation of a sustainable interest in a book is impossible without a reading atmosphere in the family. Not even the most wonderful library will explain the benefits of reading and will not awaken the reader in a child if the child does not see how parents cannot tear themselves away from an exciting novel, and does not hear discussions of literary novelties that excite mom and dad. Reading families have a special family language - with quotes, jokes, rhymes and words from their favorite works. Tip three: start reading with your baby. It's never too late to discover your inner book lover! Indeed, it’s good if mom and dad read fairy tales, poems, and poems from childhood. But what if you are ready to admit to yourself that you don’t like reading yourself? No problem! Discover the world of books with your child, meet new authors and new stories. It is quite possible that right now, as parents, you will truly become interested in children's literature and get excited about books with your baby. It's worse if you do nothing or rely on a teacher kindergarten, school teacher, librarian. With rare exceptions, no one but you will instill in your child a love of books. As in any activity, consistency is important in introducing children to reading. It’s sad to watch parents who, while the child is small, buy some kind of toy books, and then, when the child begins to attend kindergarten, they remember children’s literature only on occasion (“Everyone has started reading books to their children, I will certainly start too”). This approach entails the lack of free access to a sufficient number of books appropriate for the child’s age, and, as a result, a lack of interest in books in general. Therefore, if you want to explain to your child the benefits of reading, make sure that his literary environment is sufficient and respond to age-related reading needs.

Benefits of reading: not interesting at all!

Yes, this happens too. To understand why the books surrounding the child did not become friends for him, again analyze your behavior. First, consider whether your home library is just a screen to hide the collection of beautiful covers. Do you have time to introduce your child to coveted purchases? Do you look at books together? Does your child have the opportunity to return to his favorite book many times or do you practice the principle of “what is read goes to the top shelf”? Secondly, analyze the preferences that guide you when selecting books for your child’s library. According to the observations of experts in the field of book trade, most parents believe that the benefits of reading primarily lie in its educational function. Hence the countless variety of encyclopedias and didactic (albeit gaming) aids in a child’s library and a small number of books for the soul. But much more important is the aesthetic and emotional side of reading, the opportunity to try on the images of heroes and find answers to YOUR questions together with them. Third, take a close look at the selection of works on your bookshelves. Parents often buy a lot of fairy tales, but for some reason they are the least read, citing the fact that today's little ones are not interested in the adventures of princes and princesses. Why not then make room for more? modern stories? It is, of course, necessary to introduce a child to traditional works, but introducing him to reading ONLY through “our everything” is an extremely labor-intensive and responsible task. In fairy tales and stories created even half a century ago, there are many words that are incomprehensible to a child, which should be explained. Are we always ready for this? As a result, the baby seems to be listening to the book, but does not understand it, treats reading as a duty, and it never transforms into love. Fourth, evaluate the accessibility of books for a small child. Does the baby have her own bookshelf? Is it convenient for him to get books from there? It would seem like trifles, but it is precisely such insignificant little things that determine relationships, including with a book.

Benefits of Reading: “Hello Stranger!”

We will, of course, talk about the authors. Our desire for classics is not only understandable, but also protects us from possible financial risks: when purchasing Chukovsky’s fairy tales or Barto’s poems, we know what we are paying for. But on the other hand, why not look under the cover of a book with an unfamiliar author? What if in front of you is exactly the treasure that will make your little one love to read? You can't take risks family budget? Then why not go to the library? There they will not only tell you about new products, but also, if you’re lucky, invite you to a meeting with modern authors and translators. By the way, such meetings are often held at the State Literary Museum. Have no doubt, among our contemporaries there are many future classics of children's literature. And thanks to the efforts of the employees of the famous Gaidar Library, a recommendation catalog “100 new books for children” appears every year at the end of the year.

Benefits of reading: the truth about rights

No matter how well you know about children's literature, remember the rights of the little reader, which were once formulated by the author of the wonderful book on children's reading “Like a Novel,” Daniel Pennac. In his opinion, every child has the right:

  • do not read;
  • jump over;
  • get carried away with momentary consumer goods, which will be forgotten tomorrow;
  • read anywhere;
  • do not finish reading;
  • reread;
  • take any book from the shelf;
  • remain silent about what you read.
