Orange diet for weight loss for 3 days. Juicy orange diet, its types and sample menu

The citrus diet includes eating up to two kilograms of oranges, lemons, pomelo, and tangerines per day. Citrus fruits are filled with fortified substances, and in appearance they are cheerful and invigorating. Some user reviews on the Internet warn that this diet is contraindicated for nursing mothers and women prone to allergies. But if there are no health problems, then a citrus diet for weight loss will sharpen your figure and help you lose up to 10 kilograms.

The citrus diet is useful in the autumn-winter period. The presence of vitamin C and A in oranges and lemons has a beneficial effect on the immune system and eliminates colds.

Tangerines and pomelo contain enzymes that break down fats and are recommended for consumption by people with cardiovascular diseases. The beneficial properties of grapefruits extend to removing excess fluid from the body.

For a diet using citrus fruits, the following diet is used for three days:

Day 1

  • Breakfast: orange juice and water without added sugar;
  • Lunch: one grapefruit, two boiled eggs, greens;
  • Dinner: tea with lemon and kefir.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: one orange, kiwi or other fruit;
  • Lunch: one hundred grams of boiled fish fillet, grapefruit;
  • Dinner: mint tea, orange salad with yogurt.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: grapefruit, lemon tea;
  • Lunch: one hundred grams of boiled breast, a glass of orange juice;
  • Dinner: one hundred grams of walnuts, an orange.

During each day, do not forget to drink at least two liters of water.

The amount of food consumed is extremely small, so this diet is not recommended for more than one week. TO The alloric content of citrus fruits is 40 kcal and it is not recommended to eat them on an ongoing basis.

This short-term diet is considered strict and is used for sudden weight loss within a few days.

With a reduced diet of citrus fruits, there is a feeling of hunger due to the easy digestibility of oranges and grapefruits. Reviews from those who have undergone such a diet say that weight loss occurs rapidly, but after stopping the diet there is a possibility of returning to the previous level within a couple of days. Therefore, taking into account such reviews, you should take care of your health and prefer a more gentle diet for seven days.

If you need a sustainable result, then you should stretch the diet for more than seven days. A citrus diet for more than three days should not contribute to feelings of hunger and worsening of the condition.

When eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, in addition to the citrus fruits required in the diet, you need to eat vegetable salads and boiled meat or eggs.

Stewed vegetables are suitable for lunch or dinner. Vegetables should be steamed without the use of oil or fat. For breakfast, it is better to use porridge without milk or fruit salads. Fruit salads are seasoned with yogurt or a spoon of honey. Use apples, kiwi, pears, and grapes in salads in addition to oranges and grapefruits. Exclusion from salads is recommended. For breakfast, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc. are suitable. Avoid eating semolina porridge.

At the same time, snacks are allowed between main meals. And also nuts and dry fruits, in the amount of one hundred grams during the day. In this case, you are allowed to drink two liters of water per day and a liter of green tea.


It is very tasty and healthy for your figure to prepare interesting dishes for your diet. It is even possible to come up with individual recipes. This recipe for a citrus salad is prepared for dinner: take grapefruit and orange slices, add two tablespoons of natural honey, add a bunch of walnuts and the evening salad is ready. After this you can go for a walk.

Orange soup is prepared for lunch. For it you will need: one orange, two medium carrots and two spoons of honey. The orange is grated along with the zest, and then poured with boiling water. The broth is left aside to infuse. At this time, carrots are grated and mixed with honey. Afterwards, the decoction with orange is filtered, grated carrots and honey are added and boiled until boiling.

For a stunning effect, follow some rules throughout the day that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body and figure. Last meal no later than five hours before bedtime. Do not attend big holidays with feasts and drinking. User reviews warn that in such cases it is easy to be tempted and disrupt proper nutrition.

Move around and don't lie down after eating. After breakfast, walk to work, and after lunch, clean up the house or workplace.

After dinner and before bed, take a walk in the park. It is advisable to train in the gym a couple of days a week or visit the pool. Reviews from women who combined this diet and swimming in the pool are positive and inspire them to take up this sport. However, this depends on the internal state.

Before you start using citrus food, it is advisable to cleanse your body. Taking a laxative tablet before bed will help with cleansing.

You should be careful with the dosage and timing of using such a diet. The course lasts from one to three weeks. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing stomach problems due to the high acid content in orange and grapefruit juices. During the diet, do not drink alcoholic beverages. Eliminate marinades, salty foods, fried and fatty foods, and sweet pastries from your diet.

Extract the juices from ripe oranges and grapefruits yourself. Drink freshly squeezed juice every day while following your diet.

Following a citrus diet is not difficult. Thanks to the presence of a complete breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, there is no feeling of hunger during the diet. Women who put the diet into practice lost up to 10 kilograms. After three to five days of using the diet, the pain disappears from the abdomen and sides. After finishing the diet, you should not return to a diet containing fats and carbohydrates. It is unpleasant if the efforts and time spent on orange juices are in vain.

Remember that a citrus diet should not cause deterioration in health. And if weakness and stomach pain occur, you should stop using citrus fruits and consult a doctor.


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Prepare your sleigh in summer and your body in winter. This motto guides women who want to lose weight after the New Year holidays. In addition to sports and an active lifestyle, diet is also added to modern life. However, it is important that it is not only effective, but also useful.

About dietary restrictions

Diet is translated from Greek as “way of life.” Diet is not only a ban on certain types of foods. This is a set of rules for eating certain foods.

Diet can affect the caloric content of food, increase or decrease the intake of a particular food, and also affect the chemical composition of your food. The diets of different cultures have different focuses.

When choosing a particular nutrition program, you should consider your health status, allergic reactions, and, if possible, consult with a nutritionist.

The essence of the 3-day program

The orange diet for weight loss for 3 days is not only a way to get rid of excess weight. This is an excellent opportunity to replenish the vitamin C missing in the body. In addition, a diet that lasts only three days is an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Orange contains fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines.

This method of nutrition is suitable for those girls who want to achieve quick results without harming their body. However, in order for the orange diet to produce results, you must follow clear instructions.

Menu options for weight loss

The orange diet for 3 days is a powerful shake-up for the body. Nutritionists offer several options for this diet.

Some nutritionists advise people who want to achieve quick results and do not suffer from gastrointestinal problems to use the orange juice diet.

The main condition is to drink juice without sugar. Solid food is not included in this three-day course. There may also be different menu options here.

  1. Per day you need to consume 1 liter of pure orange juice and still water in any quantity.
  2. The second option is a liter of juice per day plus half a liter of tomato juice and still water.
  3. Half a liter of fresh orange juice mixed with herbs and parsley.
  4. A liter of fresh orange juice with rye crackers and cheese.

Important! Such a diet requires good willpower, and you must also be sure that your state of health will allow you to last 3 days on liquid food.

Who can benefit

Despite the fact that orange has many beneficial properties, you should not rush to apply the diet to yourself. In fact, the sunny fruit has many contraindications.

  1. If you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, or there is increased acidity in your body, then it is better to refrain from such a diet.
  2. Nutritionists strongly do not recommend eating oranges for people who have high blood sugar levels.
  3. Check yourself for an allergic reaction, because you need to be careful when eating citrus fruits in large quantities.
  4. Pregnant women, as well as women during lactation, cannot abuse such products, as this can negatively affect the child.
  5. People who are overweight, but who dream of losing weight, and who are accustomed to having high-calorie foods in their diet, should consult a nutritionist before trying such a diet on themselves.

Important Limitations

It is very important to consider the following restrictions:

  • During the orange diet, it is allowed to take extraneous liquids other than orange juice. This could be water, green tea, low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk without sugar. The above liquids will not only do no harm, but will also help achieve the most effective result.
  • But eating foods that are not listed on the diet list is not only impossible, but perhaps even dangerous. During a diet, the acid-base balance in the body shifts somewhat, and eating foreign foods can cause intestinal upset or pain.
  • The idea of ​​the diet is to reduce the calorie content of the foods you consume per day. Therefore, you should not eat meat, cereals, vegetables, and legumes.
  • If you are taking medications or dietary supplements, consult your doctor about how they will interact with your chosen diet.

Benefits and harms

Oranges are literally saturated with vitamin C.
In terms of the content of this vitamin, only grapefruit or rose hips can compete with fruit.

Oranges have become an integral part of our lives and have long ceased to be exotic fruits.

They retain their beneficial properties during transportation and are very popular in winter. This means that you can go on a diet at any time of the year.

  • Oranges will save you from vitamin deficiency and have a good effect on the immune system.
  • Oranges are a powerful allergen. Consuming them in large quantities can lead to unexpected reactions in the body.
  • In addition, people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases may face serious stomach problems.

Expected effect

You will be able to lose from one to four kilograms, depending on your structure. Also, the orange diet helps reduce appetite, so you can significantly reduce the portions of food you consume.

Important! The acid and vitamin C contained in this fruit break down fat, so the crust on the outer and inner thighs can become much less noticeable.


The orange diet for 3 days has very positive reviews. Some of them are given below.

Marina, 26 years old from Kemerovo talks about his experience of a three-day orange diet. According to her, this diet helped in the future to give up high-calorie foods and eat more fruits. And vitamin C contained in the sunny fruit helped restore freshness and elasticity to the skin.

Irina, 32 years old, Moscow. The orange diet became a real salvation for her after her birthday and New Year holidays. This method of eating made it possible to immediately get rid of 3 extra pounds, while at the same time, the body was saturated with healthy vitamins. Irina says that she periodically organizes such courses for herself, because they have a positive effect on her appearance.

Vladimir from Tambov, who had been suffering from excess weight for the past ten years, became interested in a three-day course of the orange diet. This diet did not completely rid him of the problem, however, by applying the diet in courses, he was able to feel lighter and had already said goodbye to five extra kilos.

This is direct evidence of the effectiveness of oranges in the fight against excess weight.

There are several tips that will allow you not only to achieve the desired result, but also not to harm your body.

  1. The day before the diet, you shouldn’t eat like the last time. It is better to reduce the amount of food you consume to a minimum during the week. This way the body will not receive significant stress.
  2. Buy only ripe oranges. Eating fruit that is not yet fully ripe can have a negative impact on your body.
  3. Be sure to check for any allergic reactions to citrus fruits. To do this, eat one orange for several days and look at the manifestations on the skin.


The three-day orange diet is a great way to get rid of harmful substances, waste and toxins, and also tighten your body for summer. However, you need to resort to this method with caution, and still, consult a nutritionist.

If you find the three-day orange diet effective, you may want to consider a longer-term diet that includes citrus fruits.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
I have been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Any girl has heard about diets such as cucumber or apple. These are already hackneyed food systems that few people enjoy. That's why we want to offer you something new. Those who love fresh fruits will love the orange diet, which helps you lose weight and stay in a great mood at the same time.

A diet of citrus fruits will enrich the body with vitamins that are so necessary for humans, especially in winter. This mono-diet is accessible to absolutely all people, because orange fruits can be found in any store. Perhaps you should choose the orange diet for weight loss. Therefore, we suggest weighing all the pros and cons to find out.

Beneficial properties of orange

Oranges have a pleasant aroma and taste and at the same time they have many beneficial properties. Everyone should know about this if they decide to go on a diet based on these fruits.

  • It's no secret that citrus fruits are a storehouse of vitamin C, which in turn can protect the immune system from viruses. They also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Oranges will be a good helper for improving skin condition. Vitamin C maintains its youth, beauty and elasticity.
  • Orange and grapefruit have special dietary fiber, which helps remove cholesterol and harmful substances.
  • Citrus fruits improve digestion because they contain fiber.
  • The orange fruit is rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which improve vision. Vitamin A also helps the eye absorb light better and see in the dark.

Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines are too healthy to be forgotten by a losing weight person, for whom their properties are especially important.

Composition of the fruit

All the beneficial properties that an orange has are activated by the substances included in its composition:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins (C, A, E, K);
  • minerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese);
  • phyto-nutrients (carotene, lutein).

All this is contained in just one fruit. And by eating even a small orange, you will definitely improve your health.

Do oranges help you lose weight?

Not all people know that oranges actually help you lose weight if you include them in your diet.

It is useful to introduce this sunny fruit into your diet because it:

  • will be a good alternative to snacking;
  • prolongs the feeling of fullness;
  • will provide vitality.

Doctors advise eating several oranges a day for normal metabolism and weight loss. But their volume should not exceed more than 2 kg. per day.

It is beneficial to drink homemade orange juice while eating healthy, even if you are not even trying to lose weight. This drink contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, and also has a cleansing effect and prevents aging.

Orange diet

Citrus fruits are low in calories - one fruit has no more than 90 kcal. An undoubted advantage is that after eating an orange you will not feel hungry for at least 2 hours. Fiber plays a big role in losing weight; it prolongs the feeling of fullness and improves digestion.

However, orange does not literally burn fat. But it normalizes metabolic processes in the body, which is important when losing weight during a diet.

Types of orange diets are designed specifically for everyone losing weight. Those who find it difficult to adhere to the monosystem can try a diet for 7 days, and vice versa. Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits are also suitable for weight loss. Choose the appropriate menu, follow the rules and lose weight to your heart’s content!

Orange weight loss for 3 days

An express diet for those who cannot withstand strict restrictions for a long time. A three-day course will help you understand whether this nutrition system is suitable and whether you like it.

This is a strict mono-diet that allows you to eat only orange fruits. It is necessary to distribute 1.5 kg into 5-6 servings. oranges for the whole day and eat them. You are not allowed to drink anything other than water.

With this regimen, you can lose up to 2 kg in 3 days.

Of course, not everyone can do the orange mono-diet, so soberly assess your strength and do not injure your body by starving.

Orange weight loss for a week

If you have a lot of patience, then feel free to extend your diet for another week. It is strict, but has a more varied menu, which can make it easier to achieve results.

So, your weekly diet includes:

  • orange or juice from this fruit;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • tomatoes and herbs;
  • lean beef or chicken.

For breakfast you should serve a citrus fruit and a cup of green tea; this duet will give you energy for new achievements and invigorates you better than any coffee. For lunch, you can treat yourself to 100 g of beef and tomato with herbs. Dinner should be the same portion of meat as for lunch, tomato and orange.

You won’t last the whole day on this menu, so have orange snacks and drink water or green tea. If you follow all the rules, you will get rid of 4-5 kg.

Weight loss depends on your initial body weight. The more extra pounds you have, the more noticeable the weight loss results.

Weight loss for 3-4 weeks

For people with truly iron willpower, the diet can be stretched to 3 or even 4 weeks.

There are two variations of this diet:

  1. Gentle regimen, in which you eat like a weekly diet, arranging light relief for the stomach on weekends. You can include additional food in the menu, except for sweets, flour and fatty foods.
  2. The second, hard mode, which we will describe in the table.

Make sure that the diet does not develop into a four-week diet. If you follow all the nuances, you will lose up to 10 kg. for the entire period.

Be careful and carefully monitor your well-being, because not every body can withstand such restrictions. If you feel excessively tired, drowsy and relaxed, then stop the diet or switch to a gentle regimen.

Kefir-orange weight loss

This option is perfect for fasting days. The point is simple: you need 1 liter. kefir and 1 kg. oranges daily.

Each meal begins with a glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir and one orange fruit. Additionally, you can drink a mug of herbal or green tea. During the lunch break, it is suggested to add 100 g of chicken meat to the main menu, and for dinner, enjoy kefir and citrus pulp. At night or during snacks, kefir and orange fruit are also consumed.

Oranges, together with kefir and green tea, will help you lose weight because they speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Egg-orange weight loss

The egg-orange diet is spreading among girls who want to quickly and noticeably get rid of excess weight.

You can choose egg-orange diet for 7 days. This regime has quite strict restrictions: every day you need to eat 6 eggs and oranges. However, during attacks of hunger, slices of tomato or cucumber are allowed. An important condition - be sure to drink green tea and water.

Or give preference egg-orange diet for 4 weeks. This orange food is suitable for those who have serious weight problems. The menu is protein-rich and varied, but you will have to eat in small portions. Allowed, in addition to the main fruit: chicken and beef, tomatoes and cucumbers, eggs, apples and pears, a little cheese.

In the first days, the protein-orange diet may look like this:

Gradually introduce fish instead of meat. Build your menu as described above and remember that between the three main meals there must be orange snacks.

In a month of dieting on eggs and oranges you can lose up to 15 kg. excess weight.

Quitting the diet

The wrong way out of dietary nutrition is fraught not only with the return of lost kilograms, but also with serious health problems.

When leaving the diet, follow a few rules:

  1. On the first day after the diet, eat light food (porridge, soups).
  2. Drink more liquid: herbal and green teas, fruit drinks, juices, clean water.
  3. Gradually introduce foods from your usual menu, but without fanaticism.
  4. Eliminate the abuse of fatty, smoked, salty foods and fast food from your diet forever.
  5. Give up bad habits.
  6. Take care of yourself and your body regularly.

The smoother the transition from the diet menu to the previous diet, the less likely it is to gain extra pounds again.


A diet based only on eggs and oranges for weight loss is not allowed for everyone without exception.

Such nutrition is primarily contraindicated if:

  • allergies to citrus fruits (lemon products should not be included in the diet);
  • gastritis and ulcers, especially those accompanied by high acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • for chronic illness;
  • in poor health.

In general, you should not injure yourself and your body by fasting if you are not ready for it.

In the autumn-winter period, it is perhaps difficult to find healthier fruits than citrus fruits. It is well known that a high content of vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, prevent and treat colds. However, not everyone knows how effective the orange diet is in cases where a person has a desire to lose weight.

Benefits of the orange diet for weight loss

Doctors have noticed that eating oranges in combination with animal proteins significantly increases the secretion of a hormone that promotes fat burning. The diet of the orange diet is designed in such a way that the human body receives 1150-1260 kcal per day, which allows metabolism to proceed as usual. Less calorie consumption leads to a slowdown. The high content of vitamin C has a positive effect on the mood of those who are losing weight, and a sufficient amount of calories allows them to forget about the feeling of hunger.

An important point is that oranges accelerate the elimination of waste and toxins from the body. When the body is cleansed from the inside, blood circulation and lymph flow improves; internal resources that were spent on neutralizing toxic substances are released, which explains the high spirits of a person on an orange diet and the general increase in his vitality.

Orange diet for three weeks

For those who want to lose 8-10 kilograms on an orange diet within three weeks, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules.

First week. You should eat one orange every three hours - their daily portion is equal to one kilogram. In addition to oranges, the daily diet should include two boiled eggs and two liters of still water. During the first week, a person losing weight will have to muster his willpower, since this is the period of greatest restrictions. The next two stages are much easier.

Second week- the diet is expanding. To one kilogram of oranges and two liters of clean water daily you need to add a portion of porridge. Preferably buckwheat. But if you wish, you can alternate oatmeal, buckwheat and rice. Porridge can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner in any quantity. It should be cooked in water, without adding salt.

Third week– traditional oranges and water remain on the daily menu, but porridge disappears from the diet. Their place is taken by vegetables and fruits. Vegetables can be boiled in water or steamed, grated and eaten raw - there are also no restrictions here. The amount of food eaten is limited only by a person’s desire. But, of course, you can’t overeat until your stomach hurts.

Three-day orange cleansing diet

If there is no need to get rid of significant weight, but a person wants to cleanse the body a little, saturate it with vitamins and microelements, a three-day orange diet will suit him

Three-day orange diet menu

1st day

  • Breakfast: white bread toast, 100 gr. cereal flakes and orange.
  • Lunch: a piece of salmon on lettuce, dressed with lemon juice, two slices of bran bread. For dessert - yogurt, orange and a little honey.
  • Dinner: a piece of fried liver, champignons, asparagus and wild garlic on the side. The dessert consists of a handful of raspberries with yogurt and an orange.

2nd day

  • Breakfast: white bread toast with butter, soft-boiled egg, 100 ml. fresh orange juice.
  • Lunch: some boiled beans and lettuce, toast with butter and an orange.
  • Dinner: a piece of boiled lean pork, mashed potatoes, stewed zucchini and carrots. Dessert – a glass of yogurt, 100 gr. fresh pineapple and orange.

3rd day

  • Breakfast: toast with butter and two slices of cheese, a slice of melon.
  • Lunch: salad of boiled beets, carrots and herbs, a portion of rice with beef. Orange for dessert.
  • Dinner: a piece of boiled chicken with paprika; side dish – boiled Brussels sprouts and broccoli. At the end of the meal - an orange.

This diet will help you lose extra two to three kilograms in a short time. In addition, with its help, the intestines are cleansed and excess fluid is removed from the body. Thus, those who are losing weight get rid of not only fat deposits, but also toxins and swelling, which contributes to excellent well-being.

Rules for using the orange diet

The orange diet has no other contraindications other than an allergic reaction to citrus fruits. But even those who have not noticed allergic manifestations in themselves should be careful when choosing a three-week diet. A large amount of regularly consumed oranges can cause hives even in a healthy person.

A three-day diet can be practiced once every two months, and a three-week diet can be practiced a couple of times a year (preferably in late autumn and early spring). For people who do not suffer from allergies, this diet will be an excellent way to improve their health, because it was practiced at the court of Louis XIV. Modern dietetics makes it possible to enhance the effect of the orange diet by offering a person the optimal combination of foods he eats.

You can also try.

There are so many different weight loss diets that can help you reduce your calorie intake and help you shed a few extra pounds. Instead of buying expensive diet foods, you can lose weight by reducing your intake of high-calorie foods and getting essential nutrients from low-calorie foods. If you need to lose 5-6 kilograms in a short time or need to shift your weight during the “plateau” period in the main nutrition system, then the wonderful citrus fruit – orange – will be your best assistant.

The orange diet is a healthy way to lose up to 15 kilograms in 3-4 weeks. This diet is considered one of the most effective and safe for rapid weight loss.

The orange diet is tasty and easy: you eat small portions and control your appetite. In just three weeks you can see the first results.

What are the benefits of oranges for weight loss?

Orange is simply a storehouse of useful substances. Their beneficial properties have been known since ancient times. It is well suited for weight loss as a low-calorie product containing many nutrients that help the body function properly.

This citrus is rich in vitamin C, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron. One orange provides the daily requirement of vitamin C, which helps fight aging of the body and increases metabolism.

Antioxidants – help lower blood cholesterol levels. The fiber contained in oranges helps improve bowel function.

Orange is also an antidepressant, which is also important - while dieting, those losing weight often experience a deterioration in their mood.

In addition, orange is a tasty fruit that is loved by adults and children.

It is not surprising that the orange diet is considered one of the most effective and beneficial diets for our health. This diet can help you lose weight without harming your body like many other diets do. In addition, it helps maintain healthy skin and strong hair.

There is even a legend about the orange diet, which says that it was invented back in the 17th century by the favorite of Louis XIV, Ninon de l'Orslo, who believed that this diet would save her youth and beauty and ate at least 10 oranges a day.

Weight loss with the orange diet occurs due to the low calorie content of oranges. A medium orange (170-185 grams) contains only 80-85 calories. A calorie deficit occurs when you burn or expend more calories than you consume.

Low-fat foods with plenty of water and fiber can suppress hunger, causing you to eat less. One orange on average contains about 160 grams of water and 4.4 grams of dietary fiber, which is about 18 percent of the recommended daily value.

So, you can lose weight by eating less, exercising more, or both.

Basic principles of the orange diet

The essence of the diet is quite simple - all foods harmful to the body are excluded from the diet:

  • Sugar, sweets;
  • Baked goods made from white flour;
  • All legumes;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Sausages;
  • Products with high fat content: meat, dairy and fermented milk products, cheeses;
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Before going on this diet, you should definitely consult your doctor, as it is low-calorie and is not suitable for everyone.

It is necessary to exit the orange diet gradually, introducing prohibited foods in minimal quantities.

Physical activity should be avoided while following this diet. If you don’t stop completely, then at least make them less active, since the amount of calories consumed is minimal, and it is only enough to ensure the vital activity of the body. You don't want to create too much of a calorie deficit to avoid harming yourself.

When preparing food, it is forbidden to fry food in fat or oil; in extreme cases, frying in a non-stick frying pan is allowed. Preference is given to baking in the oven, cooking in a slow cooker, steaming in a double boiler, and cooking using a grill.

To avoid retaining excess water in the body, it is recommended to reduce or completely eliminate salt consumption; it is possible to replace it with soy sauce, but also in very limited quantities.

Each meal should include the pulp of one orange or fresh orange juice.

Of all the existing types of bread, choose rye bread, bread made from coarse flour, bread with bran, or dietary bread - rye, buckwheat, bran.

A prerequisite is strict adherence to the drinking regime. Calculate the required daily amount of water based on a person’s weight - for every kilogram of weight, about 40 milliliters of water. There are more accurate formulas that take into account age, gender, and physical activity.

Choose lean meat varieties - rabbit, veal, chicken. Remove the skin from poultry before, not after, cooking to prevent subcutaneous fat from being absorbed into the meat during cooking.

Choose dairy and fermented milk products with reduced fat content, but not completely low-fat, since milk fats are necessary for the proper functioning of the body, especially for women.

Boil eggs (chicken or quail) according to your own taste - hard-boiled or soft-boiled.

Menu nuances: there are two options for the daily first meal:

  • The pulp of one orange, two boiled chicken eggs or three to four boiled quail eggs. Portions up to 300 grams.
  • The pulp of one orange, one cracker or bread made from bran or whole grains, unsweetened tea or coffee.

The rules of this diet require three meals a day. If the feeling of hunger is too strong, then, in order to avoid a breakdown, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir, eat a cracker or any vegetable or fruit.

Options for the orange and orange-egg diet

There are several variations of these diets. The main two options are: 2 weeks (14 days) and 21 days (3 weeks). In addition, there is an express diet for 3 days.

It is allowed to carry out such a diet for 5, 7 or 10 days. Their nutritional principle is similar. During the diet, the menu must include orange or juice.

Three-day orange diet

The goal of this diet is to lose 1.5-2 kilograms within 3 days, i.e. for the weekend, starting Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.

Such a short express diet will help your body get rid of toxins accumulated over the last period. In principle, it does not apply to a weight loss diet for those who actually suffer from excess weight. This is just a quick procedure for cleansing the body.

Here is a sample menu for a three-day orange diet.

Oranges (can be replaced with tangerines) are eaten throughout the day, plus 3 slices of toast at each meal.

Breakfast: Make a smoothie from 1 orange with 1 small cup of low-fat yogurt, adding a little lemon juice.

Lunch: orange salad (1.5 oranges, red onion, 2 figs, 1 tablespoon olive oil, basil).

Dinner: 1 slice of whole grain bread (preferably with seeds) with butter and 1 orange.

There is no Friday night here. You can eat for dinner after work what you had for dinner 2 days ago.

You should drink orange juice between meals. The prepared juice must be diluted with water in equal proportions. During the day, from 8 am to 8 pm you need to drink about 6-8 cups of juice.

This is a very strict diet. Therefore, having decided on it, you must first consult a doctor in order to avoid health complications or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Two week orange diet

The orange diet, designed for 2 weeks, is less strict. During this diet, you can eat eggs and other foods that contain a lot of protein. Here is a sample menu for such a diet

Breakfast: 1 orange and tea with toast (cracker).

Lunch: 1 orange and 1 boiled chicken egg or 2-3 quail eggs.

Dinner: two tomatoes, two chicken eggs and 1 salad (can be orange from the 3-day diet).

In addition, during the day you can drink 2 glasses of kefir and eat 2 toasts or crackers.

The menu is the same as on the first day. Only eggs need to be replaced with boiled beef.

These days you need to replace beef with cottage cheese.

Replace cottage cheese with boiled or baked fish.

The food menu is the same as on the first day.

In the second week, repeat the menu of the first.

By following this diet you can lose up to 7 kilograms. If you want more, you can do it for 21 days, i.e. 3 weeks.

Another approximate plan for the orange-egg diet, designed for 2 weeks.

In the morning for breakfast, eat 2 boiled eggs and 1 orange every day.

First day

Dinner. Chicken fillet: bake in a sleeve; one tomato.

Dinner. The pulp of one orange, two chicken eggs.

Second day

Dinner. Bread, one boiled chicken egg, the pulp of one orange, low-fat yogurt.

Dinner. Boiled chicken; salad: chopped tomato, basil, a drop of olive oil.

The third day

Dinner. Salad: low fat cheese, tomato, cucumber, dill. Season with low-fat sour cream and a drop of mustard, the pulp of one orange.

Dinner. Pollock: bake in the oven; lettuce, olives, olive oil. One orange.

Fourth day

Dinner. Four quail eggs, a cucumber, a glass of kefir. Orange.

Fifth day

Dinner. Beef: stew together with vegetables (except potatoes). Orange.

Dinner. Cod: bake in the oven; salad: pekinka, dill, green onion.

Sixth day

Dinner. Salad: tuna in its own juice, shredded cabbage, bell pepper, dill. Orange pulp.

Dinner. Salad: cheese slices, cucumber, parsley, olives, olive oil. Orange.

Seventh day

Dinner. Chicken: boil, stewed vegetables. Slices of one orange.

Dinner. Cottage cheese (5% fat), kefir. The pulp of one orange.

Eighth day

Dinner. Four boiled quail eggs, tomato. A glass of kefir. Orange.

Dinner. Seafood cocktail, cucumber. Orange slices.

Ninth day

Dinner. Chicken fillet: stew with white cabbage. Orange pulp.

Dinner. 4 quail eggs: boil, cucumber. Kefir. Orange.

Tenth day

Dinner. Boiled veal, baked zucchini. Orange.

Dinner. Cottage cheese with natural low-fat yogurt.

Eleventh day

Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, bread, cucumber. Kefir. Orange.

Dinner. Baked fish, lettuce, cucumber. Orange.

Twelfth day

Dinner. Steamed fish; grilled vegetables. The pulp of one orange.

Dinner. Four boiled quail eggs; bread; kefir. Orange.

Thirteenth day

Dinner. Salad: tuna in its own juice, cucumber, lettuce, parsley.

Dinner. Baked chicken fillet; cucumber, greens. Kefir. Orange.

Fourteenth day

Dinner. Chicken broth with boiled egg, rye bread. Orange slices.

Dinner. Boiled chicken; salad: grated carrots, garlic, yogurt.

For breakfast you need to eat 1 medium orange and two boiled chicken eggs or 4 quail eggs daily.

Orange diet 21 days

This diet is more complex and has more requirements, but it is also more effective for weight loss.

For the entire first week, your daily diet should consist of one kilogram of oranges, two eggs and two liters of still table water.

In the second week, you should add porridge with water, prepared without salt and oil, excluding eggs.

In the third week, replace the porridge with fruits and raw vegetables. There is no limit to the number of vegetables and fruits you can eat.

Fresh vegetables can be replaced with stewed or steamed ones. Orange - grapefruit.

There is another type of orange diet based on orange juice. It lasts 2 weeks and during this time you can only drink orange juice and water. Although this diet is very difficult for many, it will allow you to lose weight in a short time. The only question is whether it is necessary to make such sacrifices, which may not turn out in the best way for health. A sample menu might look something like this.

First week: orange juice, which must be diluted with water in equal proportions.

Second week: 1 kg of oranges, any grains and cereals in unlimited quantities without oil and salt (preferably buckwheat or rice), two liters of still water during the day.

Third week: 1 kg of oranges, fruits and vegetables in any quantity, a liter of clean water per day.

During the diet, it is imperative to exclude alcohol, drinks containing caffeine (except green tea), smoking and physical activity. It is recommended to undergo a massage and take a hot bath once a week or visit the sauna. This option is very hard on the body, and it is better to consult a doctor before using it.

Orange diet 5 days

This diet helps you lose weight by 10-15 kilograms and lasts 3 weeks. Don't be afraid that you only have to eat oranges, although they are very tasty, it is too difficult. You should only eat them five days a week; on weekends you can eat as usual.

Not everyone can handle oranges 5 days a week. Therefore, it is allowed to include low-calorie foods and porridge with water in your menu.

On weekends you can eat regular food, avoiding fatty, spicy, fried, sweets, and smoked foods. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. You can eat grapefruit instead of orange. Drink plain still water or green tea. Toast can be replaced with crackers. You can eat dairy products, but low in fat.

The main disadvantages and advantages of the orange diet

The main disadvantage of all variants of this diet is the rather limited diet. Therefore, this diet is short-term; its menu is not suitable for a permanent nutrition system. Plus, even the most ardent lovers of oranges may simply get tired of eating them in such large quantities for such a long time.

When choosing an orange diet for weight loss, you need to consider the following factors:

  • The absence of any types of disturbances in the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal tract is mandatory;
  • No allergies to citrus fruits;
  • The diet is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Frequent consumption of oranges can lead to vitamin C hypervitaminosis.

If during the diet a rash, pain in the stomach or liver area appears, then it is necessary to stop it.

The undoubted advantage of the orange diet is the benefits that the orange itself brings to the body; the diet also eliminates the consumption of harmful foods.

An important factor is the correct drinking regime, which, in combination with a diet, helps not only to lose extra pounds, but also flushes out harmful waste products from the body and helps fight cellulite.
