Biography of Igor Petrenko and personal life. Intimate secrets of Petrenko and Klimova

From his first roles, actor Igor Petrenko demonstrated to the audience that he was capable of not only exploiting excellent external characteristics, but also playing outstanding heroic roles. He emotionally and skillfully shows the depth of character of a character, regardless of his social status and the era in which he lives. Looking at the screen, you believe in the events taking place in the film, the characters performed by Petrenko react to them so sincerely.

Igor is the son of a serviceman, and you can feel the military bearing in him, because from childhood he watched his father and his colleagues. Perhaps that is why the uniform suits him so well and he is particularly good at the roles of squad commanders and police officers. Petrenko looks reliable and confident. Such as he is able to withstand difficulties and adversity.

Igor Petrovich Petrenko was born on August 23, 1977 in Potsdam, where his father served. The boy’s mother is a translator from English and has taught her son and eldest daughter Irina a foreign language since childhood. The Petrenkos lived in Germany for 3 years, practically without leaving the garrison territory.

In 1980, the head of the family was sent to Moscow, and Irina and Igor went to study at a school in the capital. The boy preferred to study in sports sections. He was a member of the regional teams in rhythmic gymnastics, judo and sambo.

He made progress mainly in studying English and in literature lessons, when he had to read a passage or poem with expression. Often skipping classes, Igor made up colorful stories so that parents would not doubt their son’s attendance at school.

In the Petrenko family, for several generations, men went to military service. Due to sad circumstances and a lack of desire for exact sciences, this career was unavailable to Igor, so out of pure curiosity he submitted documents to audition for the Higher Theater School named after. Shchepkina.

Having successfully passed the exams and passed the qualifying rounds, he was enrolled in the first year. From the very beginning of his studies, Igor auditioned for TV series and received episodic roles in them. He was invited to the main role after graduation, in 2001. Participation in the film “Conditioned Reflex” did not bring him either critical praise or fame, but the actor did not lose heart.

He served at the Maly Theater, where he did not play as an extra, but was immediately introduced to several performances as minor characters. Continuing to audition for various projects, Petrenko received interesting filming offers.

First creative successes

The actor played a role that attracted the attention of the audience in the series “Moscow Windows” directed by Alexander Aravin about the generation of the sixties.

The life story of several families, the intertwining of the destinies of the main characters are shown in a lyrical way and evoke empathy. The film attracted the attention of the public, and it was followed by the filming of several similar series. One of them was “The Thaw” by Valery Todorovsky.

Real success came to Igor Petrenko after the role of Lieutenant Travkin in the film “Star” in 2002. He received awards and prizes for it and was included in the “Film Discovery of the Year” list. Subsequent works only strengthened his star status.

The actor's filmography mainly consists of military and adventure dramas. His father and grandfather served in the army. Family friends were also military personnel, and Igor felt involved in their interests and aspirations from childhood.

The actor’s parents have never been generous with praise, so it is not always possible to wait for them after the screening of Petrenko’s new films. However, the family always attends all premieres, and Igor’s mother is very worried if, according to the script, her son dies.


The film “Star” tells about the events of 1944, when a turning point in the war had already come, and the Nazis were losing the lands they had previously occupied. Still, the enemy remained dangerous, and scouts were sent to his rear in order to defeat him with fewer losses.

The detachment of Lieutenant Travkin, whose role was played by Petrenko, performed precisely such tasks. He and the soldiers sent intelligence to the front line. In the final, unequal battle with the Germans, Travkin died, having managed to provide the most important information about the enemy’s location.

The heroic role, brilliantly played by Petrenko, forced film critics to note the debutant, and directors to take a closer look at the talented newcomer. After Lieutenant Travkin, the actor began to be considered the main candidate for military roles in Russian cinema.

"Driver for Vera"

In 2004, Pavel Chukhrai invited Petrenko to his project about the relationship between the general’s daughter and his personal driver, Sergeant Victor. The events take place in the 60s at the general's dacha near Sevastopol.

His lame daughter Vera began an affair with a man who abandoned her. She was expecting a child, and her father planned to marry her to a handsome driver eager to make a career. Everything turns out to be not at all as simple as these three initially thought.

At the end of the film, Victor makes a serious decision to take care of the child of the dead girl, although this does not promise him any benefit.

The sad ending did not prevent the film from becoming one of the leaders at the 2004 box office in Russia. It was presented at festivals and received rave reviews.

"Sherlock Holmes"

It is difficult to compete with successful Western series, and also to dislodge the best Sherlock Holmes of all time, Vasily Livanov, from the pedestal. Actor Igor Petrenko tried to show his vision of the brilliant detective, but viewers were divided on his performance.

Some admired his performance, others did not like it at all. Filming mainly took place in St. Petersburg, and due to constant travel, the actor finally separated from his wife Ekaterina Klimova. So the series became to some extent sacrificial for him and not particularly outstanding.


The most expensive Russian project in recent years shows the history of the rise of power of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in the 10th century in Kyiv. The script is based on the ancient Tale of Bygone Years.

Often the squad of princes included Vikings, who in Rus' were called Varangians. They, together with Vladimir, captured one city after another, approaching Kyiv.

Igor Petrenko played in the film Varyazhko, a loyal governor of the treacherously murdered Prince Yaropolk. The events of the film are developing rapidly and it is not entirely clear how the confrontation between the princes and their comrades will end.


The spy series went into production in 2017. Petrenko plays FSB Colonel Rodionov, who is forced not only to find a connection between the events that took place in Russia and Libya, but also to expose the “sleeping” embedded agents of foreign intelligence services.

The producer of the series was Fyodor Bondarchuk. He condemned the persecution of the project director by some of the viewers and emphasized that he would not refuse to continue raising such topical topics.

In 2003, the actor received the State Prize in the field of literature and art for the film “Star”. Also for his role in this film, Petrenko was awarded the Nika Prize and the prize of the XIV International Festival of Film Actors “Constellation - 2002”.

For subsequent works, he became a laureate of the Triumph Prize and the F.E. Dzerzhinsky in the field of cinema and television. He has received prizes from the VI International Film Festival “Brigantine-2003” and the XVII Film Festival “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!”

Personal life

At the theater school, Igor met Irina Leonova. In 2000, after final exams, they registered their marriage, but could not maintain the relationship for long.

Both see the main problem in the meager salaries they received then. The young couple had to live in the apartment of Igor’s parents; they couldn’t afford to rent separate housing.

As a result, the tension from constantly being together in the theater and at home resulted in irritation and fatigue. In 2004, Igor and Irina divorced after Petrenko met the beautiful Ekaterina Klimova on the set.

At the time of filming a joint war film, both actors were not free, and Catherine was still raising her daughter. Despite the resistance of their relatives, the lovers decided to be together at all costs. The woman divorced her husband and moved to a rented apartment with Igor.

He was already considered a fashionable performer, having played iconic roles in “Star” and “Driver for Vera.” Ekaterina also acted a lot. Together they managed to rebuild their lives, and a few years later the couple had two sons: Matvey in 2006 and Korney in 2008.

Their family was very happy. Klimova admitted in an interview that she and her husband love to drive around Moscow and talk about everything in the world. This way they solve any problems. Over time, busy filming schedules increasingly separated the spouses. After unsuccessful attempts to save the relationship, they officially ended their marriage in 2014.

While often filming in St. Petersburg, Petrenko met the aspiring actress Kristina Brodskaya. They got married in 2016. In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Sofia Carolina, and in 2017, a second daughter, whose name the couple hides from the public. Currently, Igor and Christina live in St. Petersburg and participate in filming films together. Brodskaya’s parents also starred in one of them, the fantastic film “Frontier”.

Igor’s sister Irina is a successful artist and clothing designer. She and her brother are very friendly. Petrenko’s first wife, Irina Leonova, was the wife of actor Yevgeny Tsyganov and gave birth to 7 children in their marriage. She continues to play at the Maly Theater.

The dashing 90s left a terrible imprint on the fate of the actor. In 1992, Igor Petrenko was arrested for complicity in the murder of an acquaintance. A friend persuaded him to meet with the person to whom the borrowed money should be returned, and kill him. Igor was only 15 years old at that time, and he did not dare refuse his older comrade.

Petrenko went into the future victim’s apartment with him and was present at the murder. His companion shot the creditor with a sawn-off shotgun, robbed the apartment and forced the victim’s friend to report the attack by unknown persons to the police. He agreed to save his life, but told the police the truth.

The killer and Igor were arrested. The teenager spent a year in the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center, and then was released on his own recognizance and returned to school. In 1997, he was given a suspended sentence of 8 years.

The lenient sentence was facilitated by good references from the place of residence and from the theater university. In 1996, Petrenko entered the theater school named after. Shchepkina, putting into his speech before the selection committee all the pain he had experienced in recent years. This did not go unnoticed, and he was enrolled in the course on the first try.

Detractors still mention this story to this day, indignant that the actor is actively filming and receiving cinematic awards and prizes.

Petrenko’s life and career proved that the judges made the right decision, allowing the young man to remain free. Unfortunately, the past cannot be corrected, but in the present the actor has proven himself to be a talented and reliable performer. Unlike most of his colleagues, he is always collected and works hard.

Igor Petrenko now – latest news

In 2018, at least 5 projects are in production, in which Igor Petrenko is involved. The most anticipated: “Chernobyl”, “Playing with Fire” and “Pilgrim”. In the cinema, the actor remains faithful to the once chosen role of a military man, fighting with opponents and circumstances and defeating them.

In 1986, the actor’s father spent a month cleaning up the accident at the Chernobyl reactor. While working on the role, Igor recalled his stories and actually repeated the heroic experience of Petrenko Sr. on the screen.

Igor Petrenko became the father of two daughters, but never misses the holidays and birthdays of his older sons. He devotes time to all the heirs and because of them he tries not to be away for long on filming. Matvey and Korney are constantly in touch with dad and inform him about the pranks at school, because he is sympathetic to their pranks.


Some people become actors because they have dreamed of this profession since childhood and crave public attention. Others come into the profession having experienced a lot and feeling the need to throw out pent-up emotions.

Nowadays, heroic films are necessary to preserve patriotism in people. Petrenko’s characters not only demonstrate the exploits of their fathers and grandfathers, but make them feel proud of their country and people.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Igor Petrenko is a star of Russian cinema with an amazing biography and complicated personal life. He could have received German citizenship and gone to prison for murder, but he made an amazing career and is today famous and recognizable.


Igor Petrenko has more than 40 roles in various films, as well as a role in an enterprise play. And this despite the fact that the actor’s career spans only 17 years. He has remarkable talent and realizes it in numerous reincarnations.

The works of the star of Russian cinema have been awarded numerous public and state awards, including the Nika film award and the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

Childhood and family

Igor’s father, Pyotr Petrenko, was a military man, at some point in his biography he served in East German Potsdam, and therefore the most important events of his personal life took place in Germany - he had children, Irina and Igor. “Younger” was born on August 23, 1977.

Young Igor Petrenko

The actor’s mother, Tatyana, worked as a translator, specializing in English. She loved the theater very much, and tried to instill her affections in her children.

When Igor was three years old, his father was transferred to serve in Moscow, so the actor’s childhood and development as a person took place in the capital. He easily made friends because he was sociable, open, and always smiling. He was recognized as the soul of the company.

The future actor paid special attention to self-development and went in for sports: gymnastics, judo and sambo. But I didn’t like school subjects, except English. Of course, with a mother-translator.

As a child, Igor did not get along particularly well with his sister, it came to real wars between children, but later all the grievances remained in the past. Now the actor is proud of her, calls her a great artist, an excellent designer and fashion designer.

Actor career

Igor loved the theater, but not enough to become an actor. After graduating from school, for a long time he did not know which path to choose, and when he heard about admission to the Shchepkin Theater School, he decided to test his strength. Even the parents were surprised by the choice. The competition was huge, several hundred candidates, but Petrenko was accepted. The selection committee recognized talent in him.

Still from the movie "Star"

Igor began to take his studies seriously, came to his senses and achieved incredible success in his profession.

After graduating from college, he was accepted into the Moscow Maly Theater, but he did not stay there for long. In 2001, the young talent made his film debut, playing the role of Roman Zolotov in the film “Conditioned Reflex.” The film did not become successful. But his next role in the TV series “Moscow Windows” has already brought the actor some fame.

Igor Petrenko began to appear in films more and more often, his professional biography was replenished with roles, and changes occurred in his personal life, so the actor had to leave the theater.

At the moment, the filmography of the Russian film star already includes 44 roles in films and TV series, and the actor himself has become incredibly famous. He has crowds of admirers and admirers, he is in demand, despite the fact that there were times when there was only enough money to survive.

The role of Andrey in the film “Taras Bulba”

The actor says that he had downtime twice in his career. First he broke his arm, in 2006, and three years later - his leg. I had to sit without work for several months. Then Igor realized that an actor’s career is not a constant, stable income, but ups and downs. When there are no roles, you can find yourself on the verge of poverty.

Films and TV series

Of all the roles of Igor Petrenko, there are several that have become the most significant for the actor’s career or for his personal life.

In 2001, the then-beginning artist played Lieutenant Travkin in the film “Star”. For this performance, he received the Constellation festival award in the category “best male debut”, and was then awarded the prestigious Nika film award. Critics consider the role to be the best in Igor Petrenko’s career, noting that it was played very sensually and deeply.

In 2003, he played a role in the film “The Best City on Earth.” The filming became significant for the actor. There he met a girl who later became his wife.

Igor became famous for his role as Sergeant Victor in the film “Driver for Vera,” in which he played in 2004.

Still from the film “Driver for Vera”

An interesting role was in the film “Taras Bulba”, where Petrenko played a Ukrainian Cossack, with a mustache and forelock. The character turned out to be colorful, and the audience really liked the actor’s performance.

Today, when the name of Igor Petrenko is mentioned, the image of Sherlock Holmes pops up in the minds of Russian viewers. The actor played the role of the famous detective during a difficult period in his personal life, but he coped with it superbly, and it became one of the main ones in his biography.

Igor Petrenko as Sherlock Holmes

You can also highlight the following roles of the actor, especially memorable to his fans:

  • "Carmen";
  • "Cadets";
  • “We are from the future-2”;
  • "Retired-2";
  • "A Star Born";
  • "Viking";
  • "Black cat".


Igor Petrenko does not like to remember the “Dashing 90s”; at that time he experienced the most terrible period of his biography: the future actor was accused of murder.

Childhood friend Alexander Kizimov, in the early 90s, combined studies at a humanities institute and business. Things didn’t go well, and Sasha borrowed about $700 from a certain Avramenko, but had nothing to give back.

The debtor asked Igor to intimidate the creditor, took a shotgun from somewhere, but instead of getting a reprieve, Avramenko was shot.

Actor as Viktor Karatov, “Black Cat”

The guys were caught immediately. The future TV star spent more than a year in the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center. Then he was released, Igor finished school and entered drama school.

In 1997, a trial took place in this case. For the Petrenko family, waiting for the verdict was incredibly painful; the investigation lasted five years. The court took into account the fact that Igor was persuaded to commit the crime by his elder friend Alexander, who killed the man. We also took into account positive characteristics from school and college. As a result, Petrenko received eight years of probation, with a probationary period of three years.

Personal life

Igor tied the knot quite early. As a student, he began dating his colleague Irina Leonova. The couple waited until they graduated from university and legalized their relationship in 2000, but the marriage lasted only four years.

Actor with his first wife Irina Leonova

There was no ideal relationship between the spouses. They often quarreled. Rumors spread in the press that Igor was having an affair. They turned out to be not groundless. The actor had been secretly dating Ekaterina Klimova for a year.

In 2004, he divorced his first wife, and before the end of the year he formalized his marriage to the beautiful Katya. Photos of a charming couple began to flash in the press, where Igor Petrenko hugs his beloved, and when Catherine gave him two children, the actor admitted that a happy personal life also fuels his professional biography. Sons Matvey and Korney were born two years apart, in 2006 and 2008, respectively.

It would seem that the couple lives happily and nothing can destroy such a marriage, but in 2012 a video appeared online where Ekaterina Klimova was in the arms of singer Roman Arkhipov. Then Igor was just waiting for his wife from Los Angeles, saw the video and was beside himself with rage. He destroyed the apartment and wanted to tear his wife and her lover to shreds. Later Petrenko came to his senses.

Igor with his second wife Ekaterina

In an interview, he stated that this was his fault. After the role of Sherlock Holmes, he became addicted to alcohol, drank a lot, was not at home, turned off his phones, did not pay attention to his wife, and so on for six months. Catherine endured it, but could not stand it for long. The actor himself called his wife “the best mother and wife.”

In 2013, photos appeared of the couple being together again. Katya and Igor made peace and were even experiencing, in their words, a “second honeymoon,” but the cracks in the relationship made themselves felt. In 2014, the marriage broke up.

The third wife of the actor Kristina Brodskaya

However, Igor Petrenko decided not to take breaks in his personal life, and began dating actress Kristina Brodskaya, with whom he signed in 2016, and two years earlier another significant biographical event occurred: Kristina gave the actor a daughter, Sofia-Karolina. In 2017, another girl appeared in the newly-made family, making the famous actor a father of many children.

  • Since childhood, his father made sure that Igor was in excellent physical shape. When the future film star went out into the yard, his father waited for him to do 20 push-ups, squats and pull-ups. Only then was it possible to go play with friends.
  • The actor claims that there is a lot of mysticism in his life. While playing the role of Pechorin, Igor injured his left knee. The same one that was hit by a bullet during a duel in Lermontov’s work. Petrenko also once had a dream that he died of a heart attack at the age of 36. Now the actor is 40, however, Petrenko clearly remembers the dream.
  • Together with his colleague Denis Kiris, the actor created a trade union that helps former actors living in poverty. Igor admires Soviet actors and is very worried about their fates after they left what they loved.
  • The actor’s father, Pyotr Petrenko, is a deeply religious man. In 2016, he insisted that the couple baptize their daughter in church. We chose the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The girl’s double name is explained by the fact that her father wanted to call her Sofia, and her mother wanted to call her Caroline. As a result, we settled on a compromise option. But they were baptized with the name Sophia; double names are prohibited by church rules.
  • While filming the television series “Black Cat,” the actor broke his arm, but it was impossible to stop filming, so Igor continued to play. His plaster was removed and he performed all the necessary actions according to the script, including stunts. Petrenko risked his health, since the bones could have healed incorrectly, but he played the role to the end. The entire set admired the actor’s courage and dedication.

Igor Petrenko now

Currently, the actor continues to work in various films and TV series, he is extremely in demand.

Igor Petrenko with his wife and children

Since Igor Petrenko had his second daughter in 2017, he has moved to St. Petersburg. Mindful of the unpleasant facts of his biography and wanting his personal life to remain cloudless, the celebrity tries to devote more time to his wife and daughters.

The life of the wonderful Russian actor Igor Petrenko is filled with ups and downs. The actor explains everything that happens in his life - happy moments and unhappy adventures - by the peculiarities of his character. Each time he gets into the role so deeply that he repeats the fate of his character. Therefore, the personal life of Igor Petrenko is an incredible kaleidoscope of happy and strange events. Early marriage, great passion, high-profile divorce, fatherly love - fans have a lot of information to think about.

The most positive movie hero in his childhood and adolescence was not one at all. His period of growing up occurred in the dashing 90s. A bully who fiercely hated school grew up in the yard, and, like many in those troubled times, he wanted to earn extra money and appear cool. This desire did not lead to any good - from 1992 to 1993 he spent in a pre-trial detention center on charges of murder. The trial took place only four years later and sentenced the future star to eight years of probation, and he spent three of them on probation.

Petrenko did not think about an acting career at all. Igor was helped to choose a creative profession by chance - he saw an advertisement for recruitment at Shchepka and decided to try it on a bet. It turned out great - an unprepared young man passed the competition. After some time, he admits that theatrical skills captured him from his first classes. And it was then that he realized that nothing happens by chance.

Irina Leonova. Petrenk's first wife

They studied together on the same course, were friends and helped each other. Friendship soon grew into a strong feeling, and after the end of Sliver, Irina Leonova became Petrenko’s wife. They walked towards marriage for so long, but lived together for only four difficult years and went their separate ways, later telling the press their version of the divorce.

At the beginning of her career, Petrenko’s wife was more fortunate - she received the role of Elena Budyagina in the film Children of the Arbat. And it was not Petrenko who was cast for the role of Alexander Pankratov, but the charismatic Evgeny Tsyganov. An amazing passion flared up between the two actors, and after two years Leonova left Petrenko and went to Tsyganov. Well, the abandoned husband a little later voiced his reason for the divorce. And this reason is Ekaterina Klimova.

Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova. Hollywood passions

In the saga “Moscow Windows” they played a loving married couple. Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko got into their roles so much that they fell in love with each other, just like their characters. But both were not free and “postponed” their love for a whole year. This year has been difficult for everyone: disappointments, fears, hopes, despair. But in the end, Klimova ran away from her husband... Igor Petrenko’s wife did the same.

And a ten-year love story began. And this story had everything: Shakespearean passions, cozy happiness, the birth of two charming sons, playing to the public, the envy of ill-wishers, successful collaborations in films, and fear and hatred in Las Vegas. The latter, according to the press, was the reason for the divorce of Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko. While filming a film in the city of sins - Las Vegas - Klimova began a short affair with the lead singer of the band Chelsea. The paparazzi posted a video of Petrenko’s wife’s “fall from grace” on the Internet. And to his misfortune, the deceived husband saw him.

All fans then followed the latest news and expected that the couple would overcome the difficulties of family life and save the marriage. They tried, but in the end nothing worked. And in June 2014, the beautiful star couple broke up, after ten years of delighting fans with beautiful love, which, as it turned out, was only in glamorous photographs. And behind the bright gloss there were the same problems as thousands of non-star families.

Read about the personal life of Ekaterina Klimova.

Igor Petrenko and his new girlfriend Kristina Brodskaya. Gray hair?

After breaking up with Klimova, Petrenko immediately had a new girlfriend. She became 24-year-old actress Christina Brodskaya. But Igor Petrenko and his new girlfriend did not advertise their relationship for six months, until the all-knowing press told about them. You don’t often see the young star at social parties, and she doesn’t like popular social networks either. Her personal life is hidden from prying eyes.

The couple is in no hurry to share with fans the intricacies of their relationship. But we still managed to find out that the two popular actors met in St. Petersburg, where Christina is from. And for the sake of Igor, she left actor Artem Krylov, whom she dated for several years.

Both Petrenko and Brodskaya believe that true happiness loves silence. But the star couple will only dream of silence. A handsome and talented man continues to be one of the most interesting domestic actors, whose personal life is closely watched by thousands of fans.

Children of Igor Petrenko. Two sons and a sweet daughter

His marriage to Ekaterina Klimova gave the actor two sons - Korney and Matvey. In December 2014, Christina Brodskaya gave birth to Igor Petrenko’s long-awaited daughter. Each of the parents gave the baby their own name, and it turned out to be Sofia-Carolina. The little daughter travels everywhere with her star parents, and both enjoy happiness.

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Last week, the entire film community washed the bones of the former spouses - PETRENKO and KLIMOVA. It turned out that they divorced for a reason, but because of Igor’s betrayal. Moreover, the new lover carried the fruit of passion with the actor under her heart, even when he was legally married to Katya.

With a young beauty Kristina Brodskaya Petrenko I met back in 2012 during the filming of the series “Sherlock Holmes”. They took place in St. Petersburg, where the girl (by the way, the daughter of the leading actors of the Omsk Drama Theater) studied at the Academy of Theater Arts and had an affair with a 23-year-old colleague Artem Krylov(he starred in the youth TV series “OBZH”, “Split”, “Angelika”). The guys had everything in an adult way: the couple seriously planned to get married, but as soon as Petrenko appeared in Brodskaya’s life, she without hesitation made a choice in favor of the already established popular actor.
- Back in January 2014, Christina was cozying up to Tema and posting photos of them together on Instagram, and already in March she announced that she was expecting a child from Petrenko! - Brodskaya’s girlfriends are choking with envy. - By the way, he was still married to Klimova. They filed for divorce only after Katya heard rumors about Christina’s pregnancy. But most of all I feel sorry for Krylov in this story: after all, he at one time left his wife, an actress, for Brodskaya Nastya Nemirovskaya, and in response they planted such a pig on him.

Igor with dad and sons. Photo:

Yes, there was such an unpleasant episode in my life,” Artem admits. “I worried for a long time, but then I tried to take a philosophical approach to the situation: I myself betrayed Nastya, and so I received betrayal in return. As it comes back, so it will respond... Now I have a simple time on the love front, and, to be honest, at work too. He starred in two TV series, but due to the crisis they were put on the shelf. I try not to cross paths with Christina - the wounds are too fresh.
...On December 24, Brodskaya gave birth to Petrenko’s daughter. Charming baby Sofia-Karolina was born in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals. Since then, the actor has practically moved to the Northern capital - they say he cannot stop looking at his long-awaited daughter. But for some reason she is in no hurry to legitimize her relationship with her mother.
“This doesn’t surprise us,” the actor’s father shared with one hit publication. Peter Petrenko. - She and Katya went to the registry office only after they gave birth to two. We don’t even know Christina or our granddaughter yet - we’ve only seen them in photos. Those grandparents are helping the guys now.
We also reached the new dad himself. Igor accepted congratulations with pleasure, but as soon as a child’s cry was heard on the phone, he hurried to say goodbye:
- Thank you for your kind words - I really am very happy now! So much has happened this year... And as it turns out, it’s not just me. But I’m not ready to share the details yet. Sorry, I have to go see my daughter.

Put it under the boss

Changes in life also occurred for his ex-wife. In October last year, Katya suddenly began appearing everywhere in the company of the 28-year-old actor Gela Meskhi(remember, he played the main role, Vasily Stalin, in the series “Son of the Father of Nations”). Klimova starred with him in a multi-episode back in 2013 Sergei Ginzburg"Wolf Sun" According to the plot, the characters of Klimova and Meskhi were lovers. Katya and Gela got so accustomed to their roles that soon even the members of the film crew stopped understanding when the guys were acting and when they were just communicating.
“It often happens to actors that their scripts repeat the events of their real lives,” she shared with us. Irina Tsarkova, one of the make-up artists for the project. - Klimova’s heroine Beata despised her husband because, in order to curry favor, he put her under his boss. She is very lonely at heart and therefore was desperately looking for love. I found it in Yanek, played by Meskhi. We all watched the filming with curiosity - we knew that Ekaterina herself was going through family troubles, and then there was the love drama of her heroine. You should have seen how desperately she shouted: “My husband is a scoundrel! And now, dear boy, come here...” And she dragged Gela to bed. In general, everything on the set seemed to be real. That's probably why the film turned out good.

Yellow creatures

Filming of the series ended, but Klimova and Meskhi continued to communicate closely. They were often seen together in restaurants and shops. He became, they say, a frequent guest in Catherine’s house. Her boys from Igor Petrenko - Korney and Matvey - get along wonderfully with him: fight a war game on a console, complete a race in record time - and your boyish hearts will be yours forever. At the end of March, the couple vacationed in Prague, as evidenced by their photos on Instagram, and before that, during the New Year holidays, they and their children relaxed in Bali.
“At the end of last year I talked with Katya,” the director recalls. Marius Weisberg. - She said that she had a man. Like, everything is serious with them. But she didn’t specify his name, and I didn’t bother to pry into my soul.

And last week, our fellow journalists gave birth to a “sensation” - Katya Klimova is expecting her fourth child! They not only obtained an “exclusive” video from a recent show of the Boeing-Boeing entertainment company, where the actress’s supposedly rounded belly pops out of her skirt, but also collected comments from colleagues who vying with each other to share details. For example, the director of a play Sergey Aldonin said:
- Katya is hiding her pregnancy. She runs in heels and is not capricious, but we try to protect her.
When we began to check this information, not a single person from the star’s circle answered our question in the affirmative. Moreover, the same Aldonin angrily blurted out:
- Tell that publication that they are yellow creatures!
Other media recorded Klimova with Aldonin at Gela’s birthday. The woman drank wine and smoked. Moreover, in the photo the artist was more affectionate not with the birthday boy, but with Sergei. To our bewilderment Petro Sheksheev, Catherine’s agent, said with a mysterious smile:
- The news about her pregnancy is unconfirmed.

Passionate swearer

A source from Katya’s close circle, who asked not to be named, was completely surprised:
- Katyusha is 37. For half her life she has been proving that she is a talented actress who can play anything well. And she did this in parallel with raising children, of whom she has three. The guys have grown up, she has become a star - and why doesn’t she now devote a little more time to herself than she usually did? If someone wrote now that Katya is actually a man, would you believe it too? Next to her is the cheerful Gela. So the guys are having fun. Maybe soon they will joke before the wedding and the birth of the child...
- Meskhi is one of those men whom women among themselves call inseminating bulls. The girls ran after him in crowds, and it was as if he was doing them all a favor,” recalled the former student Vyacheslav Spesivtsev, Gela studied in his experimental theater for four years. - In general, the guy already knew his worth and didn’t get too hung up on anyone. Anya Starshenbaum I was madly in love with him. They rehearsed Romeo and Juliet together at my place.

As soon as she raised her eyes to him, she immediately became terribly tense and forgot the text. He had another love in our theater, but that too ended sadly: not every girl can stand it when a young man regularly insults her in front of everyone. And Gela is such a swearer! He covered it with such words that his ears curled up into tubes. In general, it is not easy to exist side by side with him - so many things are mixed in him: from Ukrainian cowardice to Georgian irascibility and Spanish love of love. Gele will be thirty soon. It's time for him to become a father. You see, all the irrepressible temperament will be directed in the right direction.

The biography of Igor Petrenko once again proves that each person is the master of his own destiny, which can be so unpredictable and multifaceted that we never dreamed of it. He could have stayed to live in Germany or ended up behind bars at the age of 15, but probably someone from above decided that this guy should have a completely different life - creative and interesting.

Igor Petrenko became famous after the release of the film “Star”, then consolidated his success with the films “Driver for Vera” and “Cadets”.

Childhood and youth

Igor Petrenko was born on August 23, 1977 in Germany, in Potsdam, where his father, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Petrenko, was sent to serve. There were no creative people in the family, but almost all of its members had a creative streak. All the men in the family were military men; my paternal grandmother studied at Gnesinka and sang beautifully. My grandfather and grandmother on my mother’s side were railroad workers. Lieutenant Colonel Petrenko himself spent his free time burning wood, drawing and writing poetry. Igor’s mother Tatyana Anatolyevna worked as a translator from English, loved theater very much and tried to pass on this love to her two children - son Igor and eldest daughter Irina.

Now Igor and Irina have an excellent relationship, but in childhood they fought for real. The brother considers his sister to be a more creative person than him. She studied and became an artist, fashion designer and designer. Igor always says that he is lucky to have such a sister in his life.

When Igor turned 3, his father was again transferred to Moscow, and the family moved to the capital. It was here that he spent his childhood and adolescence. As a child, Igor was very active and independent, friendly and reliable. He was actively involved in sports, he especially liked judo and sambo. He didn’t like school; the only thing he enjoyed doing was English, a love for which his mother managed to instill in him.

In 1992, when Igor was only 15, he almost went to prison. He and his friend Alexander Kizimov were accused of murder. The investigation lasted almost a year, and all this time Igor was not released from the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center.

During the trial, the judge took into account the fact that Petrenko was a minor and that he had excellent characteristics, and awarded him a suspended sentence. Igor was released even before the trial began.

This life lesson benefited the guy; he realized that he needed to change something in his life, and after school he decided to go to theater school. Before that, he had not dreamed of connecting his life with art, and went to take exams after an argument with friends. But nevertheless, everything worked out for him, Igor beat out numerous candidates and became a student at the Shchepkinsky Theater School. He enjoyed his studies and soon became one of the best students.


After receiving his diploma, Igor was accepted into the Maly Theater troupe, but he did not serve there for long, because he preferred cinema. The theater never became home to Igor, although sometimes he did not refuse interesting productions.

His film debut was two films - “The Black Room” and “Conditioned Reflex”, which did not in any way affect his popularity. He played his first notable role in the film “Simple Truths,” in which young actors, A. Zadorozhnaya, appeared for the first time.

A real breakthrough in his career was the film “Star”, shot in 2002 by director N. Lebedev. The film with the same name was released in 1949, and then they decided to remake it. It was in this new form that “Star” brought real fame to the film’s author group and numerous awards at various film festivals.

After this picture, Igor Petrenko became a popular favorite. Hundreds of people auditioned for this role, but Lebedev chose Petrenko, he realized that this is exactly what the main character should look like. The director was able to consider the talent of the young actor and tried to reveal it as much as possible. After this work, the actor acquired a certain role, and he was increasingly called upon to play military roles. In 2003, Igor Petrenko became a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in literature and art.

Then there were different films, some broke box office records, others went unnoticed. One of these box-office projects was the drama “Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs.” But the actor’s most famous work was the film “Driver for Vera,” where he became the driver Victor. After this picture he became a very highly paid artist. Petrenko began to be called into TV series, he starred in “Cadets”, “The Best City on Earth”, “Pechorino. Hero of our time." Pictures with the participation of actor Petrenko enjoy constant success and are warmly received by the audience. Igor Petrenko is trusted to play the roles of strong men, capable of feats and real actions.

After this, the actor was invited to shoot the film “We are from the Future 2”, where he played Borman, who found himself and his friends in the past, during the war. The next interesting project with Petrenko’s participation was the film “Forbidden Reality,” where he became a counterintelligence agent Sobolev, living in two dimensions. Then there was the thriller “Retired-2”, in which Igor Petrenko had the opportunity to transform into the captain of the special forces team Zimin, who came to the aid of his father, who was caught up in a military operation. In this film, Igor starred together with.

In the next film, Igor got the main role. It was the film “Robinson”, in which, in addition to Petrenko, one could admire the acting of A. Ditkovskite and M. Mironova. Then there were three more main roles in the films “Cedar”, “Separation” and “Lucky Pashka”.

Igor Petrenko received the Triumph youth award as the best young actor and a prize at the Vivat, Cinema of Russia! film festival. for the role of Andriy in the historical film “Taras Bulba”.

In 2013, Igor Petrenko had the opportunity to become Sherlock Holmes in the film of the same name. The role of partner went to , who soon died. The film also starred M. Boyarsky, I. Dapkunaite, . In the same 2013, Petrenko starred in another film, “Daddy for Rent,” where he played Ilya, who met his fate unexpectedly.

In 2015, Igor Petrenko was invited to the filming of the top-rated series “Born by a Star,” in which he played the main role. She played the second main character. The pictures turned out bright and memorable.

In 2016, the actor was invited to star in the film “Viking”, in which other talented actors played with him. In parallel with this, Petrenko starred in the film “Black Cat,” which tells about the difficulties of the post-war period.

Personal life

The actor does not advertise his personal life, but journalists and paparazzi always find information about the artist. The first time Igor married, with whom he studied at Shchepka. They lived for only two years, until Igor met the actress with whom he starred in the film “The Best City on Earth.” The romance was stormy and short-lived; a year later Petrenko filed for divorce from his first wife and married Ekaterina.

They lived for ten years and were considered the most beautiful couple in Russian cinema. They had several joint projects - “Dreams from Plasticine”, “We are from the Future-2”, “Abolition of All Restrictions”, “Sins of the Fathers”. In 2006, they had a son, Matvey, and in 2008, another son, Korney. Petrenko became the real father of Ekaterina’s daughter from her first marriage, Elizaveta Khoroshilova, born in 2002.

In 2013, discord began in the family, which led to divorce in 2014. According to the press, the couple broke up due to the betrayal of his wife, who allegedly fell in love with Roman Arkhipov, the lead singer of Chelsea. But the spouses do not comment on their divorce in any way; the reason for the divorce is said to be too much workload at work and the constant absence of one or the other from home.

In 2015, Igor Petrenko’s personal life was again in the public eye. After the official divorce, Igor was seen several times in the company of the young actress Christina Brodskaya. A little time passed, and the lovers began to live together, and in December 2014 their daughter Sofia-Karolina was born. In 2017, they became parents again, and again a daughter was born into the family. Igor Petrenko turned out to be a good family man - he tries to spend as much time as possible with his beloved girls, which is sorely lacking.

Igor Petrenko today

The actor never sits idle. He is very popular and in demand. Petrenko is a real workaholic, because in a year he can participate in several films, and recently he gets exclusively central characters.

In 2017, he was offered a role in the film “Frontier”, about the relationship of two lovers who are ready to overcome everything, even time boundaries. In this project, Igor starred with his wife Christina.

Another notable work was the film “Sleepers”, in which he became Andrei Rodionov, the main character. Viewers were able to see the continuation of this film in 2018.

Another interesting project in which Petrenko starred is the thriller “Decision to Eliminate,” where he played the role of an FSB officer participating in the liquidation of a terrorist. Actor Ivan Shakhnazarov was invited to play the role of the terrorist. This picture was created based on real events.

Soon, Igor Petrenko’s filmography will increase by three interesting projects. He began filming the film “Winter,” the psychological thriller “Pilgrim” and the historical drama “Union of Salvation.”

Today, actor Igor Petrenko is one of the most popular actors, and he is also just a happy person who has everything he needs for a fulfilling life.

Selected filmography

  • 2000 - Black Room
  • 2002 - Star
  • 2004 - Driver for Vera
  • 2004 - Name day
  • 2006 - Wolfhound
  • 2009 - Taras Bulba
  • 2010 - Robinson
  • 2011 - Breakaway
  • 2014 - The Last Janissary
  • 2016 - Viking
  • 2016 - Black cat
  • 2017 - You all piss me off!
  • 2017 - Sleeping
  • 2018 - Decision on liquidation

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