Quick reading without pronunciation. Speed ​​reading course from myth

Articulation problem. Articulation - pronouncing the text - is a significant element of reading. Articulation helps give sound to the words you read. As a phenomenon, articulation has its pros and cons.

Pros of articulation: articulation allows us to improve our speech and understand how words sound. It is very important when reading poetry and fiction.

Cons of articulation: articulation greatly slows down reading, and to a lesser extent helps to quickly understand the meaning of what is read and extract from the text necessary information.

No matter how useful articulation is, it is a hindrance for reading information material. As a result of reciting the text we read to ourselves, we spend much more time than we would spend if we were simply aware of it by simply seeing the text and creating visual images of what we read in our heads.

You don’t need to completely get rid of articulation; it’s just important to be able to suppress it at the right time to speed up your reading.

When do you read without articulation? There are people who are initially able to suppress articulation when reading; these people have well-developed visual skills and imagination. In principle, you most likely also sometimes read with minimal articulation. Remember, for example, when you read interesting book with an exciting plot or unique portrait descriptions, you might not pay attention to the words and their sound. You read the text and at the same time imagined what was happening, built pictures in your imagination, as if you were watching a film of your own production. If at a certain stage of reading a book your attention was occupied precisely by the creation of images, the play of imagination, then at that moment, most likely, you read faster than usual.

With this reading the emphasis shifts from auditory to visual images, which are perceived more quickly by the human brain. In practice, getting rid of articulation is the most important step for speeding up reading. Only this technique alone, without using the others, will help to seriously increase your reading speed. Additionally, silent reading is the basis for the visual reading exercises discussed in LESSON 3.

Exercises 2.1. Alternative text

First, try to feel how you perceive the text without articulation. While reading, instead of reciting the text you are reading to yourself, try to recite sequences of words that you know well.

Nonsense. You can start by saying to yourself (or out loud) some sound combinations that are usually used by popular singers: tra-ta-ta, la-la-la, and so on. At the same time as this recitative, try to understand the content of the text you are reading. Take a simpler book and train yourself to understand the meaning of the text, preventing yourself from pronouncing it by saying the nonsense you have chosen.

Phrases. Various proverbs, poems, songs, tongue twisters also help a lot, the main thing is that they are spoken readable text as inconvenient or even impossible for you.

Exercises 2.5. PhotoReading Game

The essence of the training is to look through texts as quickly as possible without articulation. First, you will be presented with a simple text, which you must read carefully and remember in a very short allotted time (about a couple of seconds). In such a short period of time, you do not have time to read the entire text “to yourself” and you have to quickly “skim” it. Then you mark the correct answer in your opinion to the questions asked in the text.

You will then be shown the next more complex text. Gradually, the texts become larger and richer in information. If you make a mistake, you lose a life and start collecting answers all over again, but at the same level. Affects your results total time, number of errors, difficulty and number of correct answers.

Do the exercises until you achieve your goal - the ability to read text without pronouncing (articulation). Then move on to the next lesson. However, do not always try to read “silently”, as articulation also has its positive sides.

Suppression speaking the text is one of the most effective methods. The problem with enunciation, or articulation, is that it greatly slows down reading, and at the same time makes it difficult to quickly identify the necessary information from the text.

Articulation has pros— it allows you to improve your speech and better understand how certain words sound. Given useful property helps, for example, when studying, or when reading poetry.

But articulation is not suitable for informational reading. It is much better and faster not to pronounce the text to yourself, but to create mental images.

Remember how you read an interesting fiction book with exciting plots and colorful descriptions. In this case, you most likely imagined everything figuratively, not paying attention to the words. Reading in this way becomes like creating a movie that you mentally view. With this figurative reading, the speed increases significantly.

To suppress articulation, you can use the speech interference method. The essence of this method is to tap a rhythmic beat with your fingers.

Here it is necessary to make a small digression. The fact is that scientists have found out one interesting thing - a person’s speech and his reading abilities are very strongly related to the development of his fingers. In Japan, for example, children begin finger training at two years of age. Scientists believe that finger exercises stimulate mental development. The more developed the movements of the fingers, the more developed their speech.

In ancient times, in primitive times, people communicated exclusively with the help of gestures - the development of speech occurred later, or at least occurred simultaneously. The child also repeats this path - first the movements of the fingers are improved, and only then the child begins to pronounce the first words.

In humans, the centers responsible for finger movements and speech perception are located nearby. Thus, tapping a certain rhythm with your fingers blocks the speech center, and the person stops pronouncing words to himself.

In addition, reading speed also affects the suppression of mental pronunciation of words. At high speeds, the brain simply does not have time to do this.

Thus, in order to suppress articulation and develop your speed reading skills, you should read the text in a certain way:

  • Start hitting rhythm with fingers , for example, use the index and middle fingers alternately, and read the text at the same time. On impact index finger fix your gaze on the beginning of the line; when striking with your middle finger, fix your gaze on the end of the line. The next hit is the beginning of a new line, and so on. Choose the pace as fast as possible, but such that you understand and assimilate the material read. Also make sure that the pace is even.
  • Exercise regularly , constantly increasing speed. After some time, you may notice that it is inconvenient for you to fix your gaze on the beginning and end of the line. The gaze begins to slide as if on its own, in a wave-like manner. Let your gaze glide over the text in the way that is most convenient for you, without slowing down the sliding speed. If your reading speed decreases, return to the initial rigid gaze fixation.
  • Don't forget about other ways to develop speed reading. For example, to improve peripheral vision, work with.
  • Read in this way as much and often as possible. During classes, watch the movements of your lips and tongue - they should not move. Typically, to consolidate the skill of accelerated reading without pronouncing text, approximately 20 hours of training using this method are required. After you learn to read without pronunciation, you can stop beating the rhythm with your fingers - you will no longer need this auxiliary tool.

In conclusion, a wonderful program for developing speed reading, which applies all the principles outlined above. You can download this program from the link:

The rhythm in it is beat by a metronome, the speed of which you can change. The text is loaded into the program, which you then read, fixing your gaze on the beginning and end of the lines in accordance with the beats of the metronome, while the necessary points of fixation of your gaze will be highlighted.

This program is free, lightweight, does not require installation, and does not make any entries in the registry.

Text can be loaded from a file, or from the clipboard. To load text from a file, you need to go to File - Open , and to load copied text into the program, you must first copy it, and then select the item File - Read from buffer . After that, click on the button Start, or select a menu item Start .

Changing the speed of the metronome is achieved by moving the weight on its pendulum, or by changing the parameters in the paragraph Mode - Speed .

Enjoy your training!

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Rule four: read without articulation!

Research has shown that there are three ways to read. The first is articulation, or speaking the text out loud. The speed is obviously low. The second method is silent reading, in which there is no open articulation, external speech is transformed into internal speech. The meaning is absorbed much better this way, and in this case speed reading is possible. But most effective method- this is reading with maximum compression of internal speech, when it is reduced to keywords and semantic series.

As we have already said, articulation slows down the reading process and needs to be eliminated. But will increased reading speed and reduced articulation harm reading comprehension?

Psychologists say that sometimes when reading, words are replaced by visual images, diagrams, and entire groups of words are replaced by one word.

Fast readers immediately grasp the author's intention without speaking the text out loud, and then assimilate it at the level of internal speech. At the same time, despite the high reading speed, understanding and assimilation of the text will be of high quality - after all, the main idea is clear from the very beginning. It is quite possible to learn this.

You probably know that depending on the prevailing way of perceiving information, people are divided into two types - auditory and visual. Auditory learners remember better by hearing, while visual learners remember better with the help of visual images. This is also reflected in the reading process: visual learners read silently and use visual images, while auditory learners use articulation. And this is, of course, a less productive way. That is why among people who read quickly on their own, the overwhelming majority are visual. But others shouldn't despair. Any person can be taught to reduce articulation and use a code of visual images when reading.

So, even if you read silently, this does not mean that you have a complete lack of articulation. Perhaps it simply transformed into inner speech. That is, you yourself are not aware of the fact that while reading you are speaking to yourself a significant part of the text. How to reduce inner speech to a minimum?

First you need to understand what inner speech is. This is speech that does not serve the purposes of communication, but serves only thinking. For example, you try on several shirts in a store. You say to yourself: “No, this one is too wide... Let’s try this blue one... The sleeves are short!... Who are they sewing them for, after all?!”

Sometimes there are “thoughts out loud” - this is nothing more than internal speech, a hidden form of external speech. By the way, children do not know how to think to themselves at all; they do not immediately develop a mechanism for converting external speech into internal speech.

But more often than not, inner speech ceases to be speech at all. It contains not sounds and words, but visual images, diagrams, and so on. This is very easy to prove by rhythmically tapping a pencil on the table. External speech is more developed in time; we pronounce words in a certain sequence and spend a fraction of a second on each of them. If you start tapping monotonously while a person is speaking out loud, he will get confused. It’s the same when reading – a person pronounces the words to himself and also gets confused. But if we are just thinking about something and at the same time beating a rhythm, tapping will not interfere with us. This means that internal speech does not have such an extension in time as external speech. Speech seems to dissolve inside us, breaking down into images and patterns. Based on this, it is possible to form new system recoding the meaning of a text by the human brain, based on the use of vivid visual images.

We have found that only a reduction in articulation can provide true speed reading. How can this be achieved? The most effective exercise there will be a tapping rhythm. This is what it is. You read to yourself and at the same time tap out a special rhythm with a pencil, which is not typical for Russian speech. It consists of a three-part tapping with four short beats in the first part and two long beats in each subsequent part. At the first sound of each part, the beat intensifies.

Such a rhythm becomes an obstacle to any articulation - both external and internal. You may ask: do people who read quickly keep rhythm while reading? Of course not. At the very least, it would look strange. It is enough to practice repeatedly and read a total of 20 hours with a tapping rhythm to new program reading without speaking was formed.

The main thing in classes is to learn the rhythm accurately, and then tap it until it is completely memorized. It is very important to beat the rhythm yourself, with your own hand, and to control its correctness yourself. This must be observed because in the human body, hand movements are inextricably linked with the speech apparatus. We won’t go into complex scientific explanations, just take it as a given. You can read the text with tapping only after you have learned the rhythm.

With systematic implementation of the exercise and a sufficient amount of training, almost everyone will be able to achieve desired result and learn to read without articulation. Let's move on directly to the exercises.

The rhythm is beaten out with a pencil held in three fingers right hand, if you are right-handed. A left-handed person must tap out the rhythm with both hands at the same time, since his speech motor zone is located in both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. The rhythm is tapped on the hard surface of the table with blows to one point, firmly, clearly, confidently. You need to beat the rhythm with an active movement of the whole arm, and not just the hand. The main thing is not to get confused and not to pause in tapping while reading.

Exercise 1. Checking the rhythm

When you think you have the rhythm memorized, try beating it continuously for 2-3 minutes. Are you getting lost? Great. Now you can experiment. Start tapping out a rhythm, and then read some text out loud. Does not work? That's how it should be. It is impossible to read aloud and beat out a rhythm at the same time. Now start beating the rhythm again and read the same text, but to yourself. You should be able to do it, but reading will be very slow, and it’s difficult to get to the meaning. This is quite natural. Go ahead.

Exercise 2. Fighting articulation

You need to read every day for at least a week simple texts with tapping for an hour or an hour and a half. You are not tasked with completely understanding the text, the main thing is to perform the exercise correctly. Do this reading for 10–15 minutes several times a day. And one more thing - be sure to tap the rhythm before going to bed. By the end of the week you should have read 8-10 hours this way.

Then move on to reading newspaper articles with tapping. Read them 2-3 a day and try to understand the meaning of the text.

Then take a text of 8 thousand characters, read it with a rhythm. After completing the reading, continue tapping, close your eyes and try to summarize the essence of the text by answering the questions of the integral reading algorithm.

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At the end of May, the MIF publishing house launched its speed reading course consisting of seven lessons. Letters arrived at the post office every three days. They contained descriptions of speed reading techniques, experiences of people reading faster than the average person, and homework assignments. I will talk about my impressions of the course and briefly share the main recommendations from it.

Lesson 1. How to read quickly and a lot

The authors say that the more we read, the better. This way we improve ourselves faster. They say they read 15 books a month. Sounds logical. We consume more information - we develop faster. But it is worth paying attention to an important fact - without applying knowledge, it becomes devalued.

And this begs the question: is it so important to read, roughly a book a day? I believe it is correct to say that speed reading will allow you to consume information several times faster than others. After all, we read not only books, but also articles on the Internet and magazines. Posts on social media networks.

As for fiction, I think you shouldn’t chase quantity. Books like these are to be savored.

This lesson tells you how to choose a book. That you need to subscribe to various mailing lists and follow book experts.

This is what interested me. Pay attention to the caption to the photo.

Description of the photo

Why measure yourself by the number of books? Books are all different. Some contain 1000 pages, and some contain 300. Were all the books read from cover to cover or were only chapters taken from some? Should such a book be considered read?

Here Igor Mann highlights valuable ideas:

  1. Reading is not an end in itself. It is important to understand why I am reading this.
  2. Interest or obvious need (need and want) - key criteria selection of books.
  3. By reading and highlighting key ideas, I understand with whom I will discuss them. Without discussion, go die.

Here I completely agree. The same principles have been described recently.

The authors talk about the need to have a reading list. This helps you not to rush around looking for what to read, but to strictly follow the plan. I have such a list. The library on the website (list in the Trello service) is open to public access.

Lesson 2. How to get the most out of a book

Before reading, you need to prepare and determine the purpose of reading. Ask questions:

  • Why am I reading this?
  • How important is this to me?
  • What information do I want to receive?
  • In what area do I want to use the acquired knowledge?

Before starting, skim the book and contents with your eyes. Pay attention to headings, words and phrases. From them you can understand whether it is worth reading the entire book or whether it is worth limiting yourself to individual chapters.

Repeating: Do you count a book like this as read if you only took a couple of chapters from it? If yes, then it’s worth counting a longread article from the Internet. Some of the information is in a small book.

Mark important places and keep notes in one place. That's right. I keep notes as I read a book in Evernote, and then they turn into reader reviews on the blog.

A good tip is to discuss the book with someone after reading it. This way the material will stick better. But such people can most often be found only on the Internet. If you have a friend with whom you read the same literature, consider yourself lucky.

Re-read. Highlighting in a book with a marker or gluing stickers is just right here. In e-books, you can also highlight text and save notes.

how do I take notes

Lesson 3: Visual Notes

Visual notes or outlines work better. Because it is easier for the brain to remember images. Mnemonics are built on this.

The visual summaries presented in the course look cool and I think the authors spend a lot of time on them. They are good because while drawing you remember what you read and consolidate this information in your memory. But is it worth spending so much time figuring it all out? I think not, so visual notes are not for me.

Visual summary

I write very quickly and my handwriting looks like doctor's prescriptions. I read that those who think faster than their hands can write write this way. Maybe so.

Lesson 4. Speed ​​reading

First, they determined who a person with speed reading skills was. So a person who reads quickly:

  1. It has wide angle vision
  2. Doesn't speak the text
  3. Can concentrate attention
  4. Possesses imaginative thinking
  5. Reads forward only without backtracking
  6. Reinforces what has been read

I only have problems with points 2 and 5. It is very difficult not to pronounce the text to yourself. Imagine you are reading while talking to yourself your entire conscious life. And then they tell you that you need to discard this in order to increase speed. Difficult. You need to train a lot. I'm succeeding so far, but very poorly.

Regarding the fifth point, due to the fact that part of the text is captured by peripheral vision, sometimes it is read incorrectly. We have to go back.

Pavel Palagin, a speed reading expert, identifies five reading speeds:

  1. Reading by words - up to 1000 characters per minute (80% of people read this way). 500 characters is normal speed.
  2. Reading in phrases from 1000 to 3000 characters per minute.
  3. Reading diagonally from 3000 to 5000 characters per minute.
  4. Vertical reading from 5000 to 15000 characters per minute.
  5. Photo reading from 15,000 characters per minute.

Here we touched on the practice of speed reading. First practical task: Turn the text over. Set a timer for 30 seconds. Read. When finished, set the timer for 1 minute and read as usual. Repeat 3 times. Your reading speed should increase and the text will be easier to comprehend.

I checked. It seems to be working. For any tangible results you need a lot of practice.

Lesson 5. How to read without saying words to yourself

The goal to strive for is to simply see the text and immediately understand it. Although the authors admit that it is impossible to get rid of pronunciation completely.
Practical exercise: It is suggested to get rid of pronunciation by moving your eyes over the text to slowly count from 1 to 9 and back. Then retell what you managed to remember. But it’s not very convenient for me. Elsewhere I read about this method - just lead your eyes and say to yourself: - “La-la-la-la-la”. You need to ensure that you perceive the text with your eyes, without “sounding it out” within yourself.

Lesson 6. How to Focus on Reading

Several techniques are given in the lesson. Here are some of them:

  • You need to take any object and think only about it for 5 minutes. You need to draw a stick next to it on a piece of paper every time you get distracted. I don't have enough sticks. So it turns out well. Besides this, I read about another exercise - you need to look at the second hand of the clock and think only about it. The longer it takes, the better.
  • Use applications that limit notifications and program operation so as not to be distracted.
  • Mentally put on the spacesuit. This psychological exercise kind of like when you talk to unpleasant person, mentally put a glass on it. You will feel more comfortable.

Lesson 7. Training peripheral vision

  • Schulte tables. With their help, peripheral vision develops well. After just a couple of months of training, significant results are noticeable. They are also useful for drivers. I use a website on the Internet, but you can draw them on paper, the essence does not change.
  • Reading narrow columns - you can take magazines that have such columns. Or articles on a smartphone are suitable.


The advice is not unique, and if you have been in the book space for a long time, then you already know all this. The newsletter is suitable for those who have just begun to plunge into the world of books and are serious about reading. They are provided to help you read faster. But you are free to do what is more convenient for you.

At the end of the course, in addition to the materials, the authors provide promotional codes for books and courses from experts, a summary of all lessons and a list of materials for those who want to become a speed reading guru

We trained the eyes and brain to speed up scanning and expand the area of ​​perception. I think you have felt progress in these exercises, so you will repeat them sometimes. Now we’ll move on to the most difficult and effective thing: you need to read "into the brain", and not say the words to yourself, and then listen to them, transferring them to your head. Why these two extra steps? When transmitting information by voice, you very quickly encounter a fundamental limitation. At the same time, information from paper or screen can be read extremely quickly.

I know of two ways to disable pronunciation:
1. Surround yourself with speech that the brain automatically listens to (native speech). You can play music with Russian words or read in a noisy room (where a lot of people are talking loudly). In this mode, the brain switches from pronouncing the text being read to speech recognition, which allows you to perceive a page of text “directly in your head.”
2. Say some words to yourself (“la-la-la,” for example) or tap a complex rhythm with your finger on the table (you can come up with any uneven rhythm) while reading a page of text. When the head is already busy saying something, it doesn’t even try to say the text.

Both methods work well - you just need to choose the one that is more convenient for you personally. It may be difficult to read text using these techniques at first. Therefore, I recommend using them the first time, reading “for yourself”, and not for work. In a week or a week and a half, you can achieve a noticeable breakthrough in the speed of text comprehension. If you liked the idea, but want to read not the experience of one person, but more multifaceted and theoretical material, then it is online so many. I honestly admit that I haven’t studied this topic much, because it turned out that good results turn out to be quite easy, completely understandable and explainable exercises.

Finishing this topic, I’ll describe one more important element, which helps me read faster is reformatting the text into a narrow stripe. This, of course, will not work with paper books. But almost any electronic text can be placed in a narrow column, which allows you to read it from top to bottom (without moving your eyes left and right). This gives a very strong acceleration if recitation has already been defeated. In addition, it is worth choosing a convenient letter size so that the eye can read them comfortably. Further increase in speed is associated precisely with increasing the column width (which we trained in the first two notes).

I wish good luck to everyone who decides to try these exercises and techniques. Please write about your experience of increasing the speed of data scanning - it would be very interesting.
