Churchill III - Bend or Lie? What additional equipment should be installed on Churchill 3.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m annoyed by the stupid drains of the allies, but hello. There are somehow a lot of deer in the random room, right? Churchill 3 will do an excellent job with this, and we’ll talk about it today.

A game

In the game, this tank is presented as a premium tank, which means we will consider the characteristics for premium TTs. And the first reason why the majority of the WoT audience buys such tanks is profitability.


And so, with an ammunition load of 100 BB and 50 sub-calibers, this tank farms well! Let’s calculate the farm for 5 battles.

Conditions: 600+ damage and 200+ tanked damage, without PA.
1st fight: 15k dirty.

Conditions: 800+ damage and 500+ tanked, without PA.
2nd fight: 25k dirty.

Conditions: 1000+ damage and 700+ tanked, without PA.
3 fight: 35k dirty.
4 fight: 35k dirty
5 fight: 35k dirty

Total: 135k dirty (unprocessed. And clean ones depend on how many gold shells you shot, but believe me, they are very cheap. So you can shoot them 20 times in battle and still remain in the black.


Eh, the dynamics are quite acceptable for such a tank.

20-27 km/h on a flat surface; 27-35 km/h downhill; 5-10 km/h uphill.


Our gun is from level 4, but quite stable. Accurate, penetrating (100+ penetrations with conventional BBs), rapid-fire. That’s what we’ll talk about the rate of fire now.

And so the recharge time without everything is:

2.5+ seconds. Eh, whether that’s a little or a lot is up to you to decide.

But with a rammer, 100% crew and ventilation, the CD is just under 1.7 seconds. Not bad, right?

But the cannon’s damage... Although, this is lvl 4, and it doesn’t throw us to 7. And so, the damage is 70 units. But it only throws us to 6 levels, so we can feel like a fish in water.

And so, the guide is coming to an end and I would like to wish you patience on this tank. Good luck on the battlefields!

Churchill 3 or “Budget Earning Credits.”
Greetings, newcomers to the game World Of Tanks! Surely you have often wondered what is the best way to earn silver in tanks? What is the best tank to buy for this purpose? Of course, many will advise you to invest huge amounts of real money in order to buy a premium level 8 tank and immediately start playing on a high-level tank and earn silver. But there are many nuances here. Not everyone can afford to invest a large amount of money for a virtual tank, and not everyone will be able to play well on it right away. That's why I wrote this article. The solution to earning credits for a very small amount of money can be found below.
So, meet the tank with which you will earn good silver, the tank with which you will have fun, interesting and decisive battles, the tank that will become your favorite in the hangar

Churchill 3. Tier 5 Soviet premium heavy tank.

What is this steel monster? How much does it cost? How much does he earn? What are its “tricks”? You will find all these and other questions here.
The Churchill 3 tank in the game store costs 1,500 gold coins, which is approximately 200 rubles. For some it is not enough, for others it is a lot. But in general, 200 rubles means saving 2-3 days on lunches or cups of coffee (depending on who can save on what). Also, considering that premium Tier 8 tanks cost around 1,500 rubles (!), then 200 rubles is nonsense in comparison.
Common features
The Churchill 3 tank is a heavy Soviet Tier 5 tank. You can look at all the characteristics either on the official website or in the game itself. I won’t delve too deeply into the numbers, they are boring and hardly contain anything interesting. I will just say that in general characteristics the Churchill is a typical heavy tank. He is quite long, but at the same time low, which makes him more invisible than other heavy tanks of the 5th level, and also harder to hit. The health reserve (hp) is one of the largest at level 5, as much as 700 units, this makes it quite tenacious. In addition, the tank does not hit like all tier 5 tanks. He only gets into level 5 and 6 battles. That is, we will never see level 7 on it (unless, of course, we play in a platoon with tanks that reach level 7). But that’s not where all his “tricks” lie.
The tank's armor is quite strange. In the numbers we see as much as 176mm of armor in the forehead, but this is not so, 176mm of armor is only in the small bar (around the machine gun). In fact, in the forehead of the hull the armor ranges from 88mm (upper bar) to 114mm (lowest part of the forehead). Yes, not enough, but at least something. There is almost no armor in the front of the turret, only 88mm. But that’s not the point of the tank. The armor of the sides at the same time is as much as 76mm, the numbers are small, but these are the sides! Few tanks can boast such side reservation figures. It is the armor of the sides that allows us to catch enemy shells when turning the hull to the right or left.
The dynamics of the tank are quite mediocre. The tank is slow, but no slower than the KV-1. It quickly picks up a speed of 28 km/h and keeps it stable. “So what are its main advantages,” you ask? And the main advantages are in the weapon.
The Churchill has one of the most interesting weapons in terms of play. The penetration of a cannon with a 110mm basic projectile is not much, but not little either. Allows you to penetrate all tanks head-on if you target the enemy's weak points. It pierces the side and stern without even targeting anything. The accuracy is also average, just like the mixing - they don’t stand out much from their premium classmates. Our damage is the lowest at the level, only 75 units... BUT! Just look at the rate of fire of this “miracle machine gun” - it is 26.25 rounds per minute! With the Rammer equipment, Churchill sends shells at the enemy every 2 seconds (!), it's simply amazing. In addition, we have 140 shells, which cost pennies, so you can just drive and shower enemies with shells.
Churchill is a premium tank, which means its profitability is higher than that of regular Tier 5 tanks. Without a premium account, with average combat performance, a tank will earn from 15 to 35 thousand silver (including shells, repairs, etc.). For good battles, the tank brings quite a lot - from 30 thousand and above. A fight for which you bring 30-40 thousand is not uncommon. You just need to correctly use its main advantages, and at the same time neutralize your disadvantages.
The main features of this tank, that is, its “chips”, its originality:

  • Brings a lot of silver per battle
  • Allows you to upgrade the crew of any Soviet heavy tank without retraining
  • The tank only reaches levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 (we don’t see level 7 in battles)
  • Excellent super-fast-firing weapon
  • Good hull armor (turn the hull to the sides)
  • Tank for both making money and having fun
Is it worth taking?
My opinion is definitely yes! It is not expensive, especially since during some promotions the cost of the tank drops exactly in half, meaning you can buy it for just 100 rubles. The tank is very interesting and profitable.

Churchill tank 3 in world of tanks is a Soviet heavy tank with British roots. The cars were supplied to the Soviet Union under Lend-Lease, so in the game the “British” is in the USSR development branch, comfortably located at the 5th level. The car is quite unique, but in the right hands it can reveal its considerable potential.

Invite Churchill 3

Everyone already knows about the joint cooperation between Rostelecom and Wargaming, where you can get it in your personal account, and the invitation codes are valid until December 23, 2019. It’s very convenient if, of course, you are a Rostelecom subscriber or at least your friends have the opportunity to help you obtain an invite code for Churchill 3 2017. According to our information, as of April 2017, the issuance of invite codes for Churchill 3 in the Rostelecom personal account has been suspended, argues technical support for those that they gave out all the invites they had. And they appear here in very limited quantities. If you have the opportunity to purchase, we recommend using our services.

Churchill 3 guide

So let's get started. For its level, the Churchill 3 heavy tank has quite a decent safety margin in 700 units. The tank's viewing radius is 350 meters, the indicator is very mediocre, but for a heavyweight this is far from the main parameter. It should be noted that for Churchill 3 there is a preferential level of battles, so in random mode the tank will only meet with classmates and opponents of level 6. The Terrible Seven do not threaten us. Churchill costs 3,1500 units of game gold.
Considering this feature, the armor of the “British” looks quite decent, however, the tank cannot be called mega-protected. In particular, in the frontal projection of the hull one can observe 176 mm armor, therefore, when positioned in a diamond formation, the heavy can confidently tank against classmates and even some representatives of the 6th level. However, there are weakly armored hatches and VLDs, which can be easily penetrated even by fours. The sides are protected 76mm armor plates and reinforced with screens. Therefore, with the correct hull rotation, the “British” can confidently tank broadside against sixes. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with this; experienced players punch the “Churchill” 3 placed in a diamond shape through the skating rink.
With the reservation of the tower, things are deplorable: total 88 mm armor located at right angles. Accordingly, all and sundry will pierce the heavy tower, without even bothering with targeting vulnerable areas.
The “British” also cannot boast of dynamics. A rather long 40-ton carcass can hardly accelerate to 28 km/h, chassis turning speed 23.7 deg/sec. Therefore, it’s hard to call “Churchill” 3 nimble and maneuverable.
In terms of armament, the vehicle looks impressive and defiant. The Churchill 3 gun has a rather modest alpha ( 56 damage for BB), but with an incredible rate of fire. As a result, the “British” DPM varies within 2,000 units, which is quite good even for high-level equipment. Armor penetration also looks good: a 57-mm gun confidently penetrates 110 mm armor with an armor-piercing projectile. This is quite enough to confidently distribute damage to classmates and sixes.
However, this is where the advantages of Churchill 3 WoT weapons end. The gun has a large spread, mediocre accuracy and poor stabilization. In addition, the dissatisfaction of players is caused by the speed of aiming: the rate of fire of the gun does not allow aiming to the end even with installed modules and pumped up perks.

Perks and equipment for Churchill 3

The heavy tank "Churchill"3, whose crew consists of 5 people, will ensure the upgrade of tankers of almost the entire branch of Soviet TT. Considering that the car is premium, you can train and transfer the crew without penalties. Given this feature, players usually do not pump out a crew specifically for Churchill 3, preferring to ride on it a hodgepodge of different tanks. However, if anyone is concerned about this issue, we advise you to consider this option:

The selection of perks is focused on dynamic play, from review and DPM. Therefore, the choice seems quite reasonable: we shoot on the move, illuminate from the bushes, and quickly repair modules damaged by the enemy.
What equipment should be installed on the Churchill? In principle, the tank is quite comfortable in the game even in its basic configuration. However, in order to fully unlock its potential, we advise you to make the following choice:

How to play Churchill 3

How to play Churchill 3? There is no uniquely proven tactic here; a lot depends on the decision of the balancer, and, accordingly, the location of the tank in the team list. Therefore, there are two types of combat tactics on this desperate “British”. Let's look at both.

Made it to the top:
We choose in advance the direction that we will confidently and methodically push through. Considering the dynamics of the vehicle, it will no longer be possible to change the attack vector, so we are moving towards the enemy’s heavy tanks. The armor penetration indicators are enough to fill any oncoming tank with lead.
A situation familiar to many: turbo drain. While the heavy crawled to the desired position, the more nimble allies had already gone to the hangar. Don't despair. Let's save ourselves from artillery and begin to implement the terrifying DPM, minus the barrels and, first of all, shoot potentially dangerous opponents.
Passive light. The installed optics, coupled with the “Combat Brotherhood” skill, provides us with as much as 415 meters of visibility. Therefore, you can quite confidently shine through the greenery, earning nice bonuses for the damage caused by your allies.

Dropped to level six:
Here, it makes sense to enter into open confrontation with high-level heavy tanks if at least one allied tank of the 6th level has chosen this direction for attack. In this case, “Churchill” 3 is suitable for the role of a support tank: we use the rate of fire and keep the enemy on the harp while the teammates deal with the adversary. Don't forget to send shot enemies to the hangar.
You can push through a secondary direction where there are no heavily armored enemies. Thanks to the high rate of fire, we will be able to confidently deal with light and medium tanks, the main thing is not to let ourselves get spun.
Protection. You can hold the direction of advancing enemies. However, you should not try to damage well-protected targets. It will be much more effective to shoot down enemy tracks, simultaneously illuminating them for allied artillery and anti-tank guns.
Passive light. If the enemy fireflies have already gone to the hangar, you can try to highlight a convenient direction from the bushes. For such tactics, it is necessary to have the “Sixth Sense” perk pumped up: if you catch a light bulb, we immediately change position. Considering the armor of the “British”, a direct hit from enemy artillery is guaranteed to send us to the hangar.
In general, it is necessary to respond to the changing situation in a timely manner and take retaliatory steps. Churchill 3 feels confident on city maps, but it can also be used in open areas.

Churchill III is a premium heavy tank of tier 5 in World of Tanks. During the Second World War, several hundred Lend-Lease tanks from England were delivered to the Soviet Union, so in the game it is located in the USSR branch. Many have already met it several times in random games, because this car has been in the game almost since the beginning of the WoT project.

One of the main features of the vehicle is the preferential level of combat; Churchill III does not fall into the “sevens”.

The game does not stand still, it develops, new equipment is regularly added, and sometimes the mechanics of the game change. How Churchill III fares in modern randomized conditions, what it can do against new tanks, and whether it’s worth buying in 2019, read on.

Let's take a closer look at the main characteristics of the tank.


At first glance, the one-time damage does not make much of an impression, as for a heavy tank it is only 75 units, but the high rate of fire allows you to inflict about 1968 units of damage per minute.

The not-so-convenient vertical guidance angles -6...+12° - make it a little difficult to implement damage.

The gun is quite oblique, it is difficult to hit with an accuracy of 0.43 at a long distance, so the optimal distance is medium-short. The second drawback of the gun was the long aiming time of 2.3 seconds. It turns out that it exceeds the required recharge time and therefore you have to wait a little for complete mixing.

There are no high-explosive fragmentation shells in the ammunition load, so you have to rely on targeting vulnerable areas of the enemy.

The tank has good armor penetration with a basic 110 mm shell, but what is even more impressive is its penetration with a special (gold) 180 mm shell. This is more than enough not only for battles with 5 levels, but will also help cope with even strong “sixes”.

Projectile speed:

  • armor-piercing 892 m/s;
  • sub-caliber 1115 m/s.

The high speed is due to the caliber of the 57 mm gun, which is why the alpha strike is so small. But still, for level 5, this is an excellent speed of projectile flight, because in the “sandbox” there are a lot of fast tanks, which are difficult to hit by shooting in advance.

At the same time, Churchill III received at its disposal a large ammunition supply of 140 shells. This allows you to load enough regular ones for farming and a certain amount of gold ones, because the tank can really make a significant contribution to the outcome of the battle.


A health factor of 700 is a good value for level 5. The frontal armor of the Churchill III is stated to be 176 mm, but it is only present in the area of ​​the machine gun nest, which in turn is protected by only 63 mm.

The VLD is penetrated by guns with a penetration of more than 111 mm. But the NLD is quite strong - 114.3 mm, and thanks to the armor plates located at a good angle, the reduction reaches 159 mm.

Good NLD defense will save you when facing inexperienced players.

Often the roller carries damage through large tracks that protrude beyond the tank's hull.

The main problem with this Churchill was the almost complete lack of turret armor - 88 mm. Many “fives” and absolutely all “sixes” will break through it. Comrades with high explosives will cause headaches: KV-2 and O-I, if they accurately hit the tower, they may well register a “one-shot”.

The stern armor is 76 mm, and there are screens along the edges that can sometimes absorb damage.

It is best to approach the enemy with the right side of the tank, placing a strong plate around the machine gun nest.

The weak protection of the upper part of the hull means that the tank will sometimes receive complete damage from artillery.

Location of crew members and vulnerable areas

In the area of ​​the sides there is ammunition storage and fuel tanks, so if possible it is better not to expose them to the enemy.

In front there is a radio operator behind a more protected area and a driver, who is more often disabled. Due to the weak armor of the turret, the gunner often gets concussed.

Other indicators

With a mass of 39.7 tons and a specific power of 9.42 hp/t, the tank can accelerate to 28 km/h. The chassis traverse speed is low, 20°/s, so the tank is very clumsy, has difficulties on soft soils and does not pick up speed well.

The situation is slightly improved by the good rotation speed of the turret, which allows you to shoot if the ST or LT tries to spin Churchill.

Visibility of 350 meters is normal for level 5. A communication range of 570 meters is quite enough.

Advantages and disadvantages

A detailed acquaintance with the technical and tactical characteristics of the Churchill III allows us to highlight its strengths and weaknesses.


  • high average damage per minute;
  • good rate of fire;
  • large supply of shells;
  • high armor penetration with special shells;
  • good review;
  • sufficient supply of hit points;
  • strong frontal armor;
  • the low silhouette provides good camouflage, like for a TT;
  • well suited for training the crew of Soviet heavy aircraft;
  • preferential level of battles.


  • small alpha strike;
  • gun aiming time exceeds reload time;
  • mediocre accuracy;
  • lightly armored turret;
  • the armor has almost no rational angles of inclination;
  • a long hull with a turret located in the middle and, as a result, uncomfortable air conditioning units;

Equipment for Churchill III

Having studied the weaknesses and strengths of the tank, you will have to make a choice of installing equipment that will help reduce the impact of the disadvantages or increase the effectiveness of the advantages. Due to its performance characteristics, Churchill III has several configuration options:

  • reinforced aiming drives- will help to converge faster, which will contribute to the implementation of high DPM. Mandatory for installation, since long convergence is the main drawback of the weapon;
  • improved ventilation Class 3- an increase of 5% to the crew’s skills will increase all the characteristics of the tank, including the aiming time, which is so important for us.

The choice of equipment for the third slot depends on the individual preferences of the player:

  • medium caliber gun rammer- will increase the rate of fire and increase the average damage per minute. This will give an advantage in a shootout with the enemy at close range, when there is no need to fight to the end;
  • coated optics- will add 35 meters to the basic review, suitable for players who cannot wait long and are eager to move forward. At the end of the battle, it will allow you to more effectively resist tank destroyers sitting in the bushes.
  • anti-fragmentation lining- will help you hold out longer under artillery fire and against high-explosive enemies, and increase survivability in battle.

Crew training

The crew of the vehicle consists of five tankers, with no combined specializations, so everyone plays their role. Taking into account the characteristics of the tank, we present a set of perks for Churchill III:

Let's look at the importance of perks and the order of learning.

We study repairs for a heavy tank first of all, so that standing on the rink, artillery or enemies cannot quickly destroy the vehicle.

Before learning this skill, it makes sense to install a “Tool Box” from the equipment.

Combat Brotherhood increases the characteristics of the tank, but only works if all crew members have 100% ownership. Therefore, it is first better to study the perks shown at level 3 (almost all of them work from the moment you study them), and then reset the skills and replace them with BoBr.

When the radio operator and commander master radio interception of 10.5 m and eagle eye of 7 m, the vehicle will receive a total increase in visibility of 17.5 m.

The repeater will increase the communication range by 57 m.

Non-contact ammunition rack a necessary perk taking into account the location of the BC in the side area. The sniper is perfect for a rapid-fire weapon and the likelihood of inflicting critical damage on enemy modules will increase significantly.

When the tank has less than 70 hit points left, a loader with the Desperate perk will increase the reload speed by 9.1%.

King of off-road will help you gain speed faster on medium and soft soils.


If you are using a premium vehicle to farm silver, then on Churchill III you can get by with the usual equipment:

  • repair kit;
  • first aid kit;
  • fire extinguisher

For those who intend to play for results, installing improved equipment will increase survivability in battle. To maximize combat effectiveness, you can take a Dop Rack instead of slot 3. But then you should remember about the fire hazard due to the location of the tanks on the side of the tank and try not to expose them to the enemy.

How to play Churchill III

Knowing the features of your tank, the next task is to apply the information received in practice. Let's consider the strategy of behavior in battle depending on the level.

We remind you that Churchill III only gets into battles of levels 5-6.

Top of the list. If there are more armored tanks, then you can let them forward, otherwise you need to take on the role of leader. The tank is capable of slowly but surely pushing the direction.

The weak dynamics of the tank will not allow you to return or change the attack vector, so you need to wisely choose the direction at the beginning of the battle.

Armor penetration is enough to “punch holes” in enemies. By turning the body into a diamond shape, it will be possible to ricochet some of the enemy shells. In this case, you need to take a position in such a way that the likelihood of being shot through by artillery is minimal.

Battles of levels 4-5 are notable for the fact that some of the allies manage to merge before Churchill reaches the front line. Due to its performance characteristics, the tank is capable of dragging through even the most difficult battles. A small alpha strike and a fast reload will allow you to pick up “shot” opponents or, when playing art, not to let enemies leave the rink, knocking down the CD of the gusl.

Middle of the list. Depending on the situation in such battles, several tactics are possible:

  • supporting allied TTs, knocking down harps or causing damage (gold shells will help pierce enemies even in the forehead);
  • base defense. At level 6, the art can noticeably attack, so when holding a position you need to have reliable cover nearby;
  • look for opponents of your level in a secondary direction;

Is it worth buying Churchill III

The tank has a good potential for earning credits and will help upgrade the crew well. Total cost 1500 gold. The machine will fully recoup the investment and will bring pleasure from the game to its owner.

Ugly Ducklings Tier V: Churchill III

Greetings, dear tank men and women! While an experiment called “The First Campaign” is in full swing on the Global Map, and live broadcasts from the WG League are on the official website, a new review of premium vehicles of the fifth level has just arrived for you in the heat of the moment.

The parade of “ugly ducklings” continues, and for the third article I chose a tank that also has the number “3” in its name. This tank is the most striking example of the “ugly duckling”. He was subjected to all kinds of humiliation and persecution during his gaming history. And in reality, this car also suffered from the very man after whom it was named. Okay, why am I playing riddles if the name of the tank is written in the title? Our hero today is the Churchill III heavy tank.

A tank that was late for both wars
The history of the Churchill tank begins in 1939. It was assumed that the coming war would be a positional one, and the future Churchill was equipped with thick frontal armor and the emphasis was placed on the tank passing through ditches and embankments.

At first, the prototype did not have a turret, and the weapons were planned to be installed in sponsons. But this idea was soon abandoned, and the tower was installed in the middle of the hull. The tank went into mass production in 1941 under the name of the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.
We will not consider in detail the use of the tank by Great Britain. There are a lot of “Churchills” in World of Tanks, so I would like to save historical facts for the pumped-up tanks from the British development branch.

Let me just say that it was not without reason that I gave the historical reference the subtitle “A tank that was late for both wars.” Its creation was influenced by the experience of the First World War, which was distinguished by its positional nature. During the First World War, the front line could remain unchanged for months, and fighting often amounted to continuous shelling of enemy positions. It was for such conditions that Churchill was prepared. He had to accompany the attacking infantry, hold out under fire for a long time and overcome trenches and embankments (hence the bizarre shape of the tank's chassis). Such a tank was really needed on the fronts of the First World War. But he was very late for it.
Contrary to the expectations of the new positional meat grinder, World War II turned out to be a war of maneuver and speed, and the “face” of successful tank forces was shown by the Germans during the capture of France. The Second World War required a tank to be swift and accurate, and the Churchill did not fit these requirements. So it turned out that the tank was late for both wars.

Now let's turn to the history of the British tank on the Eastern Front. Like the Matilda, the Churchill tank was included in Lend-Lease deliveries to the USSR. In total, 344 units “sailed” to the Union, but only 253 tanks were able to “sail.”
On the Eastern Front, Churchill faced the typical problem of a foreign tank on Russian soil: nature. The tank had weak heaters that had to be replaced with domestic ones. There were reports of tracks breaking off simply while moving. The rollers were breaking. The driver, who had already seen little in any other tank, had an even more limited view of the Churchill due to the protruding tracks. But the main problem for Soviet tank crews was the tank’s maneuverability: it did not cope well with wooded and swampy terrain.

"Churchill" was used in the Battle of Stalingrad, in the Battle of Kyiv in 1943, on the Leningrad Front and on the Kursk Bulge. It is noted that the Churchills suffered huge losses in battles. The use of these tanks ended at the end of 1944.
Well, at the end of the historical information, I can’t help but quote from Wikipedia about Winston Churchill’s own attitude towards the tank named after him: “The tank that bears my name has more shortcomings than I myself!”

Sir Winston "Churchill" in virtual settings
In World of Tanks, the premium Churchill is a tank modification with a six-pounder gun called the QF 6-pdr Mk. V. The game history of this tank is almost richer than the real history. Let's start with the fact that Churchill III is, if I'm not mistaken, the first premium heavy tank in the game.

Well, then it’s straight up “Game of Thrones”. Love, hatred, envy, greed and nobility are mixed here. Jokes aside, many remember those days when at the beginning of the battle the Allies shouted something like “Churchill - this is to defeat!” and they themselves shot the poor fellow while still at the base.
Then Churchill III was constantly criticized for its weak performance characteristics. We will turn to them.
What always lingers better in memory? That's right - disadvantages! Churchill III has plenty of them. Let's start with the obvious ones:

  • Low speed, clumsiness. Churchill III doesn't like to travel. And he doesn't like to turn either. The situation can be saved a little by the skills of the driver “King of the Off-Road” and “Virtuoso”.
  • Low alpha. The average cannon damage is only 75 units.
  • Very long body. Getting into Church is not a simple matter, but a very simple one.
  • Tower location. The tower is located in the center of the building. Urban shootouts in the “swing” style are a deadly number for “Churchill”. You can easily be put on the harp, and at the same time you will not be able to shoot at the enemy. This also includes terrible vertical aiming angles. Shooting from a slope on this tank is not a pleasant experience.
In addition to these obvious shortcomings, there are also some that are not noticeable at first glance. For example, the technical specifications do not indicate that the Churchill has unforgivably thin horizontal armor despite its large area. I will say for myself: I am not an ardent hater of artillery, but when playing Churchill III, I swear at the artillery like a shoemaker. Because of its slowness, this tank is already loved by enemy artillerymen, and because of its thin roof, full damage with all the accompanying crits of the crew and modules often “flies” into the vehicle.

Another drawback also concerns the armor. When buying a tank, you are fascinated by the number 176mm, which means the thickness of the front plate. But the technical specifications don’t say that this thickness of armor is only in the small rectangle where the machine gun is located. In other places the reservation is much thinner. And the angles of inclination complement the picture, but there are almost none. The armor is vertical and therefore easily penetrated.

Thus, the armor can protect the Churchill III from all sorts of “trifles”, but it is not particularly competitive against another heavy tank of the 5th level in terms of armor.
But it is not all that bad! Sir Winston "Churchill" also has a couple of aces up his sleeve.

  • Weapon. The gun's rate of fire is off the charts. With the rammer and improved ventilation, my Churchill reloads in 1.93 seconds. In this way, you can create a real barrage of fire, which is especially effective against medium and light tanks.
  • Breaking through. The gun has a 110mm armor-piercing projectile and a 180mm sub-caliber projectile. The armor-piercing projectile is enough against most targets. The main problem for us is the KV-1, which is easier to penetrate head-on than the side, where “magic tracks” absorb the damage.
  • Stabilization. "Churchill" shoots well on the move. A particularly useful advantage when facing medium tanks. By moving, we live longer under artillery, but at the same time we destroy enemy equipment.
  • Strength. Churchill has a slightly increased reserve. The tank has 700 HP, and they often save the situation.
  • Large supply of shells. Personally, I have no regrets and shoot at the enemy at any opportunity. There are enough shells to spare. In total you can take 140 pieces with you.
The impression of the gun is slightly spoiled by its aiming speed - 2.3 seconds. For other tanks this would be acceptable, but the Churchill reloads before the sights close. Considering the already low accuracy (0.43m), already at medium distance there is a risk that some of the shells will go “into the milk” or into impenetrable areas of the enemy’s armor.

Let's go into battle
The first thing to remember in a Churchill battle: artillery. In our battles it will most often consist of SU-5 and SU-26, and this is a big nuisance. The steep trajectory of the projectiles of this artillery makes many of the “noses” unsafe, and our roof, as I already said, is thin and delicate.

If you get to the top, then you can work on pushing the direction. In this case, you need to use your rate of fire. Here is my set of equipment for maximum tank efficiency.

The rammer will increase the rate of fire. Improved ventilation will increase all tank performance. Well, the reinforced aiming drives on the Churchill are simply necessary in order to have time to realize its rate of fire.
From my experience, I would recommend avoiding head-on fire with other heavy tanks. Although the Churchill has an excellent rate of fire, without full information it often does not penetrate the enemy, and most likely the duel will end in your defeat.
My favorite directions are those where enemy medium tanks are expected. Their armor is much easier for Churchill to deal with, and a wave of ST-sheks can break against this heavy tank.
I highly recommend playing with a platoon on two or even three Churchills. They create such a continuous fire that enemies often miss simply due to the fact that shells are constantly flying at them, and the aim is lost.
The main thing that can ruin your fun is getting into a battle with the Church, where there are a lot of Tier 6 tanks. Still, he is not entirely suitable for such battles. The collision with the KV-1S ends especially sadly, which removes more than half of the tank’s HP in 1 shot.
As for the crew, it should be noted that the Churchill can accommodate a crew with an IS-4 plus a radio operator. My radio operator is a veteran of the KV-5, and the full crew looks like this:

If you have your own crew, then first of all I would recommend learning “Combat Brotherhood” and “Repair” from them. I didn’t notice any particular benefit from the “Sixth Sense” on this particular tank. If you go out into the open, you will still get from the art, whether you have a “light bulb” or not. Mechanical drive, to the detriment of “repair”, you can study “Virtuoso” or “King of Off-Road” - to your taste.

Money-money, rubbish money
The cost of "Churchill" is 1500 gold coins. Tank is often at discounts of up to 50%.
And here is a traditional screenshot with the economic indicators of the tank.

The series of battles turned out to be very unsuccessful. A couple of “turbo drains”, one compensation for a team kill (it’s a sin, but the killed ally specifically did not let me pass). But at the end of the series, when I thoroughly remembered the capabilities of the tank, better results appeared. As you can see, on average we managed to bring in 15,000 credits per battle. However, with a lot of luck, this bar will rise to 20-25,000.

In conclusion, I will say that, despite a whole mountain of shortcomings, the Churchill III fights well thanks to its rapid-fire gun and good stabilization on the move. This tank goes very well with the cunning and sophisticated mind of the owner. It is in this form that the car turns from a “dull box” into a “bending stick.”
That's all I have. I wish you short rains, an even tan, and if you are still at work, a speedy vacation!
