Borisova's friend Tima Brik. Tima Brik (Timur Shevchenko), PR director of show business stars, has died

On February 4, 2016, it became known that a 25-year-old PR manager and producer of many celebrities had passed away. Tima Brik(the real name of the young man is Timofey Shevchenko).

There are several versions of what happened:

According to the first assumptions, the main cause of death was diabetes. It is known that for a long time Brick tried to recover, constantly fighting the disease.

according to another version, Timofey died from abuse of weight loss drugs.

It became known that shortly before his death the young man felt unwell. According to his friend, a participant in the Dom-2 project Snezhany Kambur, who was next to him at that moment, “his lips turned blue.”

“We measured his sugar, put him on a drip, and he felt better. We left at 20:40", she wrote on social networks.

“Stroking Tima’s hair, I said call me tomorrow...) At 19:00 I was scheduled for a consultation with Dr. Gaik Babayan, where Tima and I met, after the examination we talked in the corridor, where he suddenly felt unwell, went to see the employees for medicine, he returned and sat down and I see he is pale, his lips are blue and the woman from the reception comes up and also sees his condition, offers to go into the room to lie down... And here he is dry and pale and in a second his whole face and neck are covered with sweat, I don’t I managed to wipe him with a towel - he drank tea, measured his sugar, put on an IV, he was better, he was already smiling, we talked for about 15 minutes after that - joked and at 20:40 I left the clique on the most positive note with plans for the future, I didn’t even hugged him - well, see you tomorrow), just stroked his hair...

I've only known Tima for two days! But in a couple of minutes he captivates with his good energy and smile, as if we grew up together, positive, sympathetic, cheerful, bright - a young guy with positive ambitions...

And I will wear double bangs, as you advised @timabrik, I still can’t sleep, I don’t want to believe that you have gone to heaven,” Kambur told reporters.

Photo: Instagram Snezhana Cambur

As it became known, after breaking up with Snezhana, Tim Brik again felt worse and felt pain in his heart. He went to the clinic of his friend and mentee - Gaik Babayan (whose PR he had been working on lately) - to do a second examination. At the Sharm plastic surgery facility, according to eyewitnesses, the young man became ill and fell into a coma. At 23:10 on February 4, Tima Brik’s heart stopped.

Tima's death was also confirmed by Prokhor Chaliapin, with whom the producer worked for a long time.

“My friend Tima Brik, a kind-hearted man, has passed away. Pray, friends, for God’s servant Timothy.”, Chaliapin wrote on his blog.

Ambulance doctors and police officers who arrived at the scene confirmed the death of the famous producer.

Tim Brik worked with such celebrities as Dana Borisova, Victoria Lopyreva, Masha Malinovskaya, Prokhor Chaliapin, Anastasia Stotskaya, Nikolai Timofeev, Elena Galitsyna, Sergei Zverev.

Celebrities who worked with Tima Brik remember him as a kind and sympathetic person, ready to help at any moment. A successful producer had many virtues, the ability to develop any topic even unknown to him, while he studied and educated himself.

He was able to turn an artist into a megastar and make his appearance the event of the year.

Tim Brik also collaborated with foreign stars who worked in Russia, for example, Steven Seagal. In particular, Tim took part in last year’s Sevastopol “Night Wolves” bike parade and in the environmental campaign “Alley of Russia” with the Hollywood star.

The network also writes that a week before his death, the showman proposed to his beloved, Yana Grivkovskaya, to marry him.

On her Instagram page, Grivkovskaya even posted a photo of a Tiffany engagement ring, the price of which is over 88 thousand dollars.

"I wanna make you happy! And the only thing in the world that I want to see every day is your smile,” he wrote.

Brick, Tima(Timofey Vadimovich Shevchenko) (March 27, 1986, Elista - February 5, 2016, Moscow) - music producer, singer, PR director of Russian show business stars.


Tima Brik (Timofey Vadimovich Shevchenko) was born on March 27, 1986 in the city of Elista in the family of 5th grade cook Vadim Shevchenko and nurse Irina Brik. From an early age he showed great promise - he studied in a chemical and biological class and took ballroom dancing. After graduating from school, he entered the philological faculty of Kalmyk State University (KSU), where he perfectly learned English and German. In parallel with his studies, he built a career. In his second year at the institute, he launched a show called “El-city” with himself as a host, and also performed in clubs with the musical group “Epicenter”. In 2009, Tim moved to Moscow and entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, while simultaneously continuing his career as a singer. Thanks to the MySpace social network, his tracks “Peter, I’m Yours” and “Don’t Give Up” are gaining popularity among mass audiences and are in rotation on several Russian radio stations. However, in 2010, Brik left his singing career and became the PR director of the popular Russian showman Sergei Zverev.


From 2010 to 2013, Tim Brik was the PR director of TV presenter, singer, star stylist Sergei Zverev, greatly contributing to the development of his career: during that period, Sergei Zverev hosted several TV shows about fashion and received the RU.TV channel award in the “Creative of the Year” category. In 2013, Brik became the producer of Russian TV presenter Dana Borisova. Thanks to the efforts of Tima Brik, Dana Borisova, after a period of career failures, returns to television as the host of two television programs: the reality show “Machine” and the wedding program “You Are Suitable for Us” on the Domashny channel. In addition, under the influence of her new producer, Dana Borisova temporarily changed her role and became a singer in the “sexy pop” style. Her debut single entitled “Hold Me” was in rotation for some time on the stations “Keks FM” and Love Radio. Tima Brik also successfully collaborated in the field of PR with other stars of Russian show business: TV presenter, fashion model Victoria Lopyreva, TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya, participants in the reality show “Dom-2” Rustam Solntsev and Mikhail Terekhin, singer Anastasia Stotskaya, singer Prokhor Chaliapin and actress Anna Kalashnikova.


The producer’s life was cut short on the night of February 4–5, 2016, in the clinic of the famous plastic surgeon Gayk Babayan. The official cause of death was complications from diabetes. Tim has struggled with this disease all his life and has a 3rd group disability. The exacerbation of the disease may have been provoked by the diet pills that Brick took. The producer's death had a wide public response and was covered in the central print media and on television. The last of the television programs dedicated to Tim Brik was “Popular Truth” on the “U” TV channel “Losses of the Year”. He was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, not far from the grave of singer Zhanna Friske.

On the night of February 5, representatives of Russian show business were shocked by the news of the death of 25-year-old PR agent Timofey Shevchenko, who was known in celebrity circles as Tim Brik. A young man who worked with such artists as Dana Borisova, Sergei Zverev, Prokhor Chaliapin, Anastasia Stotskaya, died of cardiac arrest in a plastic surgery clinic.


A close friend and assistant of the famous PR agent spoke about the last minutes of his life. He admitted that for an hour and a half, Brick's heart beat at breakneck speed, then the pulse began to slow down, and Tim fell into a coma.

“They put him on IVs, but they didn’t help. After that, an ambulance was called at the Hayk Babayan clinic. The doctors arrived five minutes later. They tried to save him for an hour and a half. His heart was beating wildly, then it started beating less and less. They couldn’t pump it out. I had to disconnect from the device“Starhit quotes Bekkha Gulamov.

He said that shortly before Timofey’s death, strange thoughts came to him. Moreover, Bekha suggested that Brick had a presentiment of his imminent death. “He felt that he was leaving. We have been close friends for the last three months, and all this time he poured out his soul to me, almost cried,” Gulamov noted. “I tried to calm him down. You know, songs always acted on him, like a sedative. I remember the last time Tim spoke to me about death, I started singing. How he loves. He loved life. Loved his loved ones. He had so many plans. Unfortunately, now it's all dust."

Brick's friend and colleague emphasized that he does not believe that Tim died of an overdose. According to him, the PR agent has never lost weight with the help of pills. " That's bullshit! He worked out regularly in the gym, said Timofey’s assistant. “In addition, I went for an LPG massage.”

Another colleague of Brik’s, Alexander, also said Dnyam.Ru that I didn’t see him take the pills. “Yes, Tima really had diabetes, perhaps that’s why he decided to lose weight. Maybe he didn’t eat for a long time. I honestly don’t know if he took any pills, I didn’t see it,” he clarified.

Tim Brik (Timofey Shevchenko) died. PHOTO

At the age of 25, Tim Brik (Timofey Shevchenko), who was the PR director of many Russian show business stars, died in a plastic surgery clinic.

Tim Brik died in a plastic surgery clinic. According to the first assumptions, the main cause of death was diabetes. It is known that the showman was treated for it for a long time. According to another version - Shevchenko Died from drug abuse.

Shortly before his death, the man felt unwell. According to one of his friends, a participant in the Dom-2 project Snezhana Kambur, who was next to him at that moment, “his lips turned blue.” “We measured his sugar, put him on a drip, and he felt better. We left at 20:40,” she wrote on social networks.

“Tima and I came to Babayan’s clinic to consult about my breasts at 7 pm. We sat and discussed everything. Then he and I left the office, started talking about how to pump up our butt, and Tim told me that this could be done with the help of steroids. Then he started telling me that he was taking diet pills. And suddenly he said that he felt bad and went to the reception for help, to ask for medicine for heart pain. When he returned to me, his lips were blue and sweat was pouring from him in a stream, as if all the water had come out... He lay down, they called Babayan, they brought tea with sugar. He drank it, then they put him on an IV. He was also spinning all over, as if his stomach hurt. It seemed to help him, he felt better. We sat for a while, I said goodbye to him and left. And already at home I found out that he had died,” Kambur told reporters.

As it became known, after breaking up with Snezhana, Tim Brik again felt worse and felt pain in his heart.

He went to the clinic of his friend and mentee - Gaik Babayan (whose PR he had been working on lately) - to do a second examination.

At the Sharm plastic surgery facility, according to eyewitnesses, the man became ill and fell into a coma. At 23:10 on February 4, Tima Brik’s heart stopped.

Ambulance doctors and police officers who arrived at the scene confirmed the death of the famous producer.

Plastic surgeon Hayk Babayan, in whose clinic Tim Brik died, believes that the cause of death was an overdose of diet pills.

“Every day he said that he was taking diet pills. Moreover, he knew that this had a bad effect on his heart. Tima repeatedly felt sick from them, but he still even offered these pills to others. When he came today, he said that he had taken more than usual. That’s why he felt bad. At first he complained of feeling unwell, I seemed to help him a little, but still, just in case, I called an ambulance. He calmly talked to the doctors, filled out forms, and then he suddenly became worse. convulsions, Tima could barely be kept on the bed,” Babayan told reporters.

Tima Brik and Prokhor Chaliapin

It is also known that Brik told singer Prokhor Chaliapin about Tim’s “miracle” pills. And TV presenter Dana Borisova even successfully lost weight with their help.

According to TV presenter Borisova, Brik had diabetes."I'm shocked. I haven't communicated with him for the last year because he couldn't forgive me that I left him and our work together ended. He was a very talented person and tried to help his artists in every possible way. He did everything so that we could more famous, they earned more,” she said.

Tim Brik and Dana Borisova

Tim Brik was known as a professional PR manager.

Among those with whom he worked were such celebrities as Masha Malinovskaya, Prokhor Chaliapin, Anastasia Stotskaya, Nikolai Timofeev, Sergei Zverev.

Tima Brik and Victoria Lopyreva

Those who worked with Timofey Shevchenko remember him as a kind and sympathetic person, ready to help at any moment.

A successful producer had many virtues, including well-developed intuition and the ability to dream. He was able to turn an artist into a megastar and make his appearance the event of the year.

Tim Brik also collaborated with foreign stars who worked in Russia, for example, with. In particular, Tim took part in last year’s Sevastopol “Night Wolves” bike parade and in the environmental campaign “Alley of Russia” with the Hollywood star.

Tima Brik and Steven Seagal at the Sevastopol “Night Wolves” bike parade

A week before his death, the showman proposed to his beloved - Yana Grivkovskaya- marry him.

On her Instagram page, Grivkovskaya posted a photo of a Tiffany engagement ring, the price of which is over 88 thousand dollars.

Tim Brik himself dedicated many posts to his beloved.

"I wanna make you happy! And the only thing in the world that I want to see every day is your smile.", he wrote.

The other day, relatives and artists who collaborated with 29-year-old PR man Tim Brick gathered for a wake. Everyone talked about what a decent person he was. Singer Prokhor Chaliapin, with whom the producer has worked in recent years, noted that he had lost his best friend and adviser, writes

Diabetes killed Tim. From the age of 13, my son suffered from insulin diabetes. And, apparently, on that fateful evening, due to taking diet pills, Tima began to have severe heart pain and her sugar levels rose sharply. Then an attack of epilepsy occurred, convulsions and coma began. His heart failed and the doctors were unable to save his son,” said Brik’s mother.

As it turned out, the deceased kept a personal diary in which he explained why he got hooked on diet pills, which led to his death.

I started taking care of myself very actively. I lost about 30 kilos in a year. I carefully watch what I eat, go on a diet, go to the gym and take diet pills. I see the result. For the first time in several years I can take my clothes off on the beach without shame! Five years ago I quit smoking and gained weight from 75 to 100 kg. For two years I simply physically could not lose excess weight. I went to various procedures in beauty salons, went on various diets, which is generally very problematic for me,” wrote the late PR man.

Tim Brik literally never parted with chocolate.

I have a third disability group and a pension that I have never seen in my life. The rhythm of my life depends on the amount of sugar, I constantly monitor its level. And I even go to the shower with a device. After all, if something goes wrong, I can fall into a coma, so chocolate or water with a lot of sugar are mandatory elements of my life. What kind of diet is there?” Brick complained.

Diet pills finally helped Tim lose some extra weight.

I finally started losing weight rapidly. Of course, I'll give it all up when I look perfect. I still have 20 kilos left to lose. I just don’t want to be a fatass anymore. And you don't have to say anything! Everyone always starts talking about a beautiful soul, but no one wanted to notice her when I was overweight. But now I get a thrill when those people who rejected me run after me and tell me how beautiful I am! “I have to maintain my appearance at the proper level,” said Tim.

Let us remind you that a 29-year-old is in a plastic surgery clinic.

Watch the online video where show business stars talk about Tim Brick:
