Fortune telling on the eve of St. Andrew's day. How to find out the name of the groom or mystical fortune telling for Andrew at home

On the night of December 13, girls will wonder when and who they will marry, and guys will vandalize near their houses with impunity.

St. Andrew's Day has always been considered one of the most joyful youth holidays. Since the evening of December 12, boys and girls gathered together at evening parties in the most spacious hut in the village, where they played, joked and danced. Closer to night, the girls “kicked out” the guys from the hut in order to use fortune telling to find out who would get married the fastest and what kind of groom would be like.

The young men, excited after the fun, as a rule, did not want to go home. They found another use for their energy: they went to the village to do “little dirty tricks.” For example, dragging and hiding a cart, work tools or household utensils, removing a gate or gate. And not just anyone, but precisely those owners who have unmarried daughter. It was especially hard on those parents who did not allow their daughter to walk with this or that guy - the “robbers” could drag a cart or gate to the edge of a village or into the thick of the forest. The boys were not afraid of the revenge of their angry owners, because hooligan behavior is a tradition. The only thing the owner of the hut could do was tie the gate tighter or hide the tools away.

It is interesting that the pagan holiday Kalita (which, with the adoption of Christianity, became the holiday of St. Andrew) fell in the middle of the Filippov fast, when any fun is unacceptable. However, no church prohibitions could eradicate folk tradition.

1.The most traditional way fortune telling for Andrei - fortune telling on balabushki, small bread made from white flour and water. The girl must bring the water for kneading the dough home in her mouth from the well itself. The main thing is not to laugh along the way, otherwise everything will have to be repeated from the very beginning. Each of the girls kneaded their own loaf of bread, marking it in a special way.

Then a hungry dog ​​was allowed into the house. Whose bread she eats first, that girl will marry the fastest. If the dog only sniffed the balabushka and moved on, then this year the owner of the balabushka will go to her as a girl. If he took away the food and ran into the corner, then the bride and groom would leave the village further away.

2. One of the most known methods fortune telling - go outside, close your eyes, spin around yourself and throw your boot. In which direction the toe of the boot points, you should wait for your betrothed from there. The groom's place of residence could be found out in another way. In the old days, girls went out one after another into the yard and said:

Oh, Holy, kind Andrew,

I lose my hope in You!

I really want to know

Can I see the stars of my betrothed?

These words had to be repeated three times, and then wait for the dog to bark. From whichever direction it is heard, the matchmakers will come from there.

3. Women's boots could also help determine which of the girls would be the first to “stand on the towel.” To do this, the shoes of all the girls were lined up in a chain, one after another, from the farthest corner of the room to the threshold. The girl whose shoe crosses the threshold first will get married in the coming year.

4. There are several options to find out the groom's name. To do this, you need to write the names of the guys on pieces of paper, put it all in a hat, mix it up and... rely on fate, pulling out a piece of paper with the name. Another option is to simply go outside and ask the name of the first man you meet. Legend says that this is the name the groom will bear.

There is also a reverse version of fortune telling, when guys choose their betrothed. To do this, each girl is given the name of a flower, the name of which is written on paper. Then the “grooms” are let into the room one by one and asked to choose a flower from those written on paper. It was believed that the girl whose encrypted name was named by the young man would be his bride.

5. They also predicted destinies using matches. Two matches were placed on a plate of water: one was a guy, ideally the one the girl liked; the second is a symbol of the girl herself. Then you need to blow on these matches: if the girl’s breath causes them to come together, then this is a sure sign that the desired gentleman will become the groom.

6. Often girls made two candles out of rags, dipped them in wax and set them on fire, saying at the same time: “Andrey the goodness, help me share my share of the candle!”

If improvised candles burned evenly, leaning one to one, it was believed that the marriage would be successful, and if they burned with at different speeds, deviating from each other, it means that the young people are never destined to get married or their marriage will be unsuccessful.

7. The most interesting and most mystical part of fortune telling was the opportunity to see the face of your betrothed. To do this, the “fortune teller” took a candle, lit it and dripped wax onto a saucer. Then the girls examined what happened and looked for distinctive features, suggesting who this spot resembles. They say that often girls were cunning, deliberately twisting the candle so that the drops of wax took on the features of the “right” groom.

8. You can also see your betrothed using a mirror. True, they say that this method is only suitable for brave girls, because you need to guess alone, but you can see anything in the mirror. To see the face of your betrothed, you need to place a mirror in front of you and light two candles on both sides. After this say:

I feed you, mirror,

With whom do I share my share of evil?

Please get in touch with Ivank,

I carry it in my heart.

These words should be said three times, and then turn away from the mirror and say with closed words:

Saint Andrew, help me,

Show me what you can do!

I tell fortunes for my wreath,

I ask for protection from the stars!

God grant me to finish the check,

Call me and Ivanko.

Then you need to turn around sharply and look in the mirror. The main thing is not to be afraid, because in the mirror the face of not the expected Ivan may appear, but of some unknown guy. If you fail to see the face the first time, the fortune telling can be repeated twice more. If after three times no one appears in the mirror, it means that the betrothed is still somewhere on the way.

9. Another way to find out what the groom will look like is to see him in a dream. To do this, you need to put a comb under your pillow and say, “Sudzheny, ryazheny, come scratch me.” And, without combing your hair, go to bed. Whoever appears in a dream will be the groom.

10. For “fortune telling in a dream”, you can use another option - put a bowl of water under the bed, and put a board on top. This design symbolizes masonry across the river. When going to bed, you need to say three times:

0 God grant, young me,

To dream of my judgments in a dream.

I to you, Saint Andrew,

I ask as best I can:

Saint Andrew, help me,

Don't miss me today!

Oh, little town, don’t worry,

And you, Ivanka, dreamed of me.

Cross the river - fast water,

Bring me to my young whore.

If you dream of a guy who takes you by the hand and leads you across the bridge, then he is that betrothed

1. Fortune telling for Andrei using beans or peas

Concentrate on what you have in mind, repeating to yourself cherished desires or asking an exciting question, while holding a handful of beans or peas in your hands. Then put them in a bowl and start choosing a grain, saying “will come true”, “will not come true” for each grain (as an option, “yes”, “no”, “maybe”).

2. Fortune telling for the groom

On the night of December 12-13, place a bag under your pillow with the words written on separate pieces of paper. male names(11 names at your discretion, you can choose from your friends and acquaintances, and leave one piece of paper blank). In the morning, December 13, pull out one of the sheets. Whatever name comes up, that’s what your future husband will be called. If you get a “dummy”, it means that the name of your betrothed remains a secret for now.

3. Wedding fortune telling

On the night of St. Andrew's, retire to your room so that no one disturbs you. Think about what changes you want in your personal life - to get married, date a worthy man, be loved or be free.

Take a bowl and pour wheat into it, then put rings in it - gold, silver, with a precious stone, simple. Mix with wheat, making sure the rings disappear.

Close your eyes, think about your innermost thoughts again - and take the ring. If you get a silver one - you will meet your soulmate, a gold one - you will receive an invitation to get married, with a stone - you will be loved, a simple one - you will seek your destiny.

4. Onion divination

On the night of December 12-13, take several bulbs, write the guy’s name on each and place the bulbs in water. Whichever bulb sprouts first is the one that will determine your invitation to get married.

Please note: names must be real people, of course, if you wish, you can “plant” an onion with the inscription “ a mysterious stranger" Who knows, maybe you just have to meet your future husband.

5. Fortune telling by wish

On the night of St. Andrew, take a new box of matches, hold it in your hands and focus on your desire or question, the answer to which you would like fate to answer. Then take the matches out of the box.

For each match, saying “will come true”, “will not come true” or “yes”, “no”. The last match will be the answer.

6. Fortune telling for a future dream

Take a handful of hemp seeds, go out into the street at midnight, and walk around the house three times, scattering the seeds and saying, “I, Saint Andrew, am sowing hemp! May God let me know with whom to marry.” And you will definitely dream about the groom!

7. Fortune telling by a stranger's name

On the night of December 12-13, St. Andrew's Eve, go out into the street and ask the name of the first person you meet, but only unknown man. Whatever name the stranger calls, that will be the name of your groom.

Keep in mind: “arranged” friends or not to be taken into account.

1. On the night of December 13, place under your pillow a bag with male names written on separate pieces of paper (11 names at your discretion, you can choose from friends and acquaintances, and leave one piece of paper empty). In the morning, December 13, pull out one of the sheets. Whatever name comes up, that’s what your future husband will be called. If you get a “dummy,” it means the name of your betrothed remains a secret for now, advises

2. It is believed that the man who appears in a girl’s dream on the night of December 13th will become her husband. Therefore, try to remember who you see in your dream. And to ensure that you dream about your betrothed, before going to bed, be sure to think about the person who is dear to your heart.

3. Take a handful of hemp seed, go out into the street at midnight, and walk around the house three times, scattering the seed and saying, “I, Saint Andrew, am sowing hemp! Let me, God, know who to marry.” And you will definitely dream about the groom!

On December 13, St. Andrew's Day, “water” fortune telling works best. In the evening of this day you can tell fortunes about your betrothed. It is believed that if the same person appears twice - both on this day and on Christmastide - the fortune-telling is correct and will come true. For this fortune telling, the girl requires special preparation. For it to be true, you cannot eat anything meaty, only bread and water, but the most important condition is that all close relatives be well-fed on this day. Only girls or women tell fortunes. Before and after fortune telling, you need to remain silent until morning comes.

December 13 is the Day of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called. To find out about your future, fortune telling is performed on the night of the 12th to the 13th.

Girls tell fortunes about their betrothed and pray to St. Andrew the First-Called to give them good suitors.

In addition, on the night of December 12-13, young people get together to celebrate St. Andrew's Vessels and perform the ritual of "biting Kalita" - the guys must, without laughing, jump up on a poker and bite off a piece of Kalita. For those who succeed, fate promises a happy marriage, and for those who were not very agile, they left the gate with their faces smeared with soot.

What not to do before and after fortune telling on Andrey

On the eve of fortune telling, you should not eat anything meat; it is better to just eat bread and drink water. Only girls or women tell fortunes. It is important to remember that after fortune telling you need to remain silent until morning comes.

The most popular fortune telling for St. Andrew's Day

1. On the night of December 12-13, a girl hides 11 pieces of paper under the pillow with male names written on each, one should be empty. In the morning you need to get one of the sheets; the name of your future husband will be on it; if you come across a “dummy”, the future remains a mystery.

2. It is believed that a man who a girl dreams about Andrei, will become her husband. Therefore, in order for you to definitely dream about your betrothed, you need to think about him before going to bed.

3. Girls go outside - each asks the name of the first person he meets men - the betrothed will have the same name.

4. Fortune telling on opaque cups: they put onions, bread, salt, sugar, a ring, money in them, water is poured into one. Then the girls choose one at a time. Onions promise tears; bread - prosperity; salt - troubles; ring - wedding; money - wealth; sugar - fun; water - pregnancy.

5. Girl takes a plate and pours wheat into it, dropping gold, silver, and precious stone and a simple ring. Then he closes his eyes and takes out one of them. Silver - will meet your soulmate; gold - will get married; with a stone - will be loved; simple - he will continue to look for his beloved.

6. Fortune telling with a shoe: the girl takes it off her left foot and throws it over the gate. If the toe is turned back towards the gate, the girl will live at home for another year, if in any other direction, she will get married in the new year.

7.Fortune telling on ashes: you need to burn a crumpled sheet of paper on a plate, and then light a candle, and by the shadow formed by the ashes, determine your fate. If you see the outline of a building, it’s time for a wedding.

8. On the night of St. Andrew the First-Called, a girl takes a box of matches and, holding it in his hands, makes a wish. Then he pulls out the matches from the box, saying to each one: “it will come true”, “it won’t come true” or “yes”, “no”. The last match is the answer.

9.Fortune telling on a towel: on the night of St. Andrew's, you need to hang a white towel outside the window, saying, “Betrothed, come and dry yourself.” If it is wet in the morning, it means that the girl will get married in the New Year.

10. To find out what will the future be like family life , you need to write down on pieces of paper options for the development of events, for example, “there will be a child,” “we will move,” “we will get rich,” “we will break up.” These inscriptions must be wrapped in your loved one’s handkerchief and placed under your pillow. And in the morning, take out the paper.

On the night of St. Andrew's, the girls find out their fate using fortune telling.

On the night of December 13, place under your pillow a bag with male names written on separate pieces of paper (11 names at your discretion, you can choose from friends and acquaintances, and leave one piece of paper empty). In the morning, December 13, pull out one of the sheets. Whatever name comes up, that’s what your future husband will be called. If you get a “dummy”, it means that the name of your betrothed remains a secret for now.

Take a handful of hemp seed, go out into the street at midnight, and walk around the house three times, scattering the seed and saying, “I, Saint Andrew, am sowing hemp! Let me, God, know who to marry.” And you will definitely dream about the groom!

The girls get ready and go outside. Here everyone asks the name of the first man they meet - his name will be the name of the betrothed.

On December 13, St. Andrew's Day, “water” fortune telling works best. In the evening of this day, on the eve of the holiday. It is believed that if the same person appears twice - both on this day and on Christmastide - the fortune-telling is correct and will come true. For this fortune telling, the girl requires special preparation. For it to be true, you cannot eat anything meaty, only bread and water, but the most important condition is that all close relatives be well-fed on this day. Only girls or women tell fortunes about Andrey. Before and after fortune telling, you need to remain silent until morning comes.

Fortune telling on St. Andrew the First-Called on mirrors

It is assumed that people with strong nerves should guess here. Take two large and preferably equal size mirrors, place them opposite each other, and illuminate them with two candles; It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror so that the directional mirror in the wall creates a long corridor illuminated with lights. The fortuneteller must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two modest persons. On the part of these latter, however, it is required not to look in the mirror, not to approach the fortuneteller and not to talk. And at the end of this corridor the narrowed one should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only your betrothed. And all sorts of evil spirits, but the game is worth the candle!

Invitation to dinner on St. Andrew's night

The girl covers the table in an empty room with a tablecloth, puts down the utensils, except for the knife and fork, and says: “The betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner.” Everyone leaves, and she, left alone, locks the windows and doors and waits. Signs that your betrothed is approaching: howling wind, knocking on windows and doors. Then the betrothed appears. The girl should sit in her place, not answer questions, notice facial features and clothing. The betrothed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with conversation. The girl should suddenly perk up and ask point-blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed says his name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment the girl should say: “Cheer me!” - and the betrothed disappears.

Fortune telling on St. Andrew the First-Called on a towel

Usually, on the eve of Christmas night, girls hang white towels outside the windows with the words “Betrothed, come and dry yourself.” If by morning the towel is wet, it means that the girl who hung out this towel will be married in the New Year, and if the towel remains dry, the girl will be stuck in her parents’ house.

Fortune telling for Andrei in a dream

They put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed, comb my head.” The betrothed appears in a dream and scratches his head. They take a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, mix and eat. Going to bed, the girl says: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.” The betrothed appears in a dream and serves you a drink. They put four card kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about him.” The betrothed appears in a dream in the form of some kind of king.

Fortune telling for Andrei using a glass and a ring

In the evening, pour water into a glass, lower the ring and expose it to the cold. Before going to bed they bring a glass: how many tubercles there are, there will be so many sons, and how many holes there will be so many daughters.

Fortune telling for Andrei's betrothed

So, let's tell you... Take a bowl of water and some regular sewing needles of any size, but not too large. Tailor's pins with a ring will also work. If you are really interested in marriage or simply developing a relationship with your partner, you can take needles of different sizes and make a fortune: let the smaller one be yours, and the larger one for the one you are wishing for. Lubricate both needles properly with some kind of fat (it could be a fatty cosmetic cream) and carefully place them on the surface of the water.

If you're in " love triangle"or you are interested in relationships with several people, take several needles, preferably different ones. One will be yours, and mentally “assign” to the rest those who interest you, and carefully, one by one, place them on the surface of the water.

The needles remaining on the surface mean those who will remain close to you in the coming year. If any two needles connect, this means a union (possibly marriage) of those people on whom you wished. If the needles stick together along their entire length, this promises fruitful cooperation and true friendship. If the ends of the needles separate or the needles appear on the surface of the water in different directions, it means that the connection between these people will weaken. And if the needles have sunk to the bottom, perhaps friendship with these people will be interrupted next year.

If your needle sinks, it means that a new period will begin in your life, and not all old connections will be preserved. In the new year, you will have new concerns, not those that seem so significant to you now, and there may be other people around you. It may happen that all the needles drown. What does it mean? Nothing bad. You just haven’t lubricated them enough, and the fortune telling needs to be repeated.

On this feast of St. Andrey all have fortune-telling magical power. But it all depends on you, how much you believe in them. By your faith, your future will be revealed to you! Don’t forget also, look for the best poems and congratulations on

December 13 is the Day of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called. But from time immemorial, it is the Night of St. Andrew’s that has been considered magical and has interested many girls, because many believe that it is possible to reveal the secret of the future.

To find out about your future, fortune telling is performed on the night of December 12-13. will tell you about the most interesting and popular rituals on St. Andrew's Day.

According to the traditions of our ancestors, girls and boys gathered in the same house on the evening of December 12th. They joked and told interesting stories and played different games. On the night of December 12-13, the guys were kicked out of the hut, and the girls began fortune-telling about their fate, marriage, the name of their betrothed, and others. important issues. Let us note that the church does not approve of fortune telling on Andrei, but the majority unmarried girls it still won't stop. Even if you are skeptical about old customs, fortune telling by Andrei is a wonderful opportunity to have fun with your girlfriends.

The most popular fortune telling for St. Andrew's Day

💫 On the night of December 12 to 13, a girl hides 11 pieces of paper under her pillow with men’s names written on each, one should be empty. In the morning you need to get one of the sheets; the name of your future husband will be on it; if you come across a “dummy”, the future remains a mystery.

💫 It is believed that the man who dreams of a girl about Andrey will become her husband. Therefore, in order for you to definitely dream about your betrothed, you need to think about him before going to bed.

💫 On the night of December 12 to 13, you need to go outside and ask the name of the first person you meet, definitely a stranger, passerby. Whatever name he will have, so will the groom.

💫 Fortune telling on opaque cups: they put onions, bread, salt, sugar, a ring, money in them, and pour water into one. Then the girls choose one at a time. Onions promise tears; bread - prosperity; salt - troubles; ring - wedding; money - wealth; sugar - fun; water - pregnancy.

💫 To find out what your future family life will be like, you need to write down options for the development of events on pieces of paper, for example, “there will be a child,” “we will move,” “we will get rich,” “we will break up.” These inscriptions must be wrapped in your loved one’s handkerchief and placed under your pillow. And in the morning, take out the paper.

💫 You can tell fortunes about Andrey using shadows using burnt paper. On the night of Andrew's dark room(but it should be lit by a candle), burn a piece of paper. You can guess the future by the shadows on the wall.

💫 On the night of St. Andrew the First-Called, a girl takes a box of matches and, holding it in her hands, makes a wish. Then he pulls out the matches from the box, saying for each: “it will come true”, “it won’t come true” or “yes”, “no”. The last match is the answer.

💫 Fortune telling on a towel: on the night of Andrei, you need to hang a white towel outside the window, saying “Betrothed, come and dry yourself.” If it is wet in the morning, it means that the girl will get married in the New Year.

The night from December 12 to 13 is filled with magic and enchantment. On the holiday of St. Andrew the First-Called, girls wondered, trying to find out their fate, find out the name of their betrothed-mummer, or find answers to questions. Not all traditions of this holiday have reached our time, but there are some ways that have been preserved. You can resort to them to find out your destiny.

Fortune telling and omens for St. Andrew's Day: interesting ways

Fortune telling for a rich groom

When everyone in the house is asleep, the girl should turn off the light in the room, sit by the curtained window, and say: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.” After a while, people should pass by her windows. If the company is noisy, people talk loudly or laugh - you are destined to marry a rich groom. If they pass under the house quietly, their fate falls to the poor guy.

Fortune telling on kings on St. Andrew's Day

Before going to bed, the girl must choose four kings from a deck of cards and put them under her pillow. Then say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, appear in my dreams.” Fortune telling says that the groom will dream of himself in the form of a king.

Fortune telling on a towel December 13

On the night of December 12-13, the girl must hang a towel outside the window white. At the same time, saying “Betrothed-mummer, come and dry your face.” If the towel is wet in the morning, then the girl will get married this year; if it is dry, the wedding will not happen soon.

Fortune telling with a comb on St. Andrew's Day

The girl puts a comb under the pillow, saying: “Mummer, comb my head.” The betrothed must appear in a dream and comb the girl’s hair.

Fortune telling for a betrothed using salt

This fortune telling is similar to the previous one. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller should drink salted water and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me something to drink.” According to fortune telling, the groom should give her a drink in her dream.

Wax fortune telling for the groom

This fortune telling is suitable for those who want to find out what awaits them in the coming year. To do this, you need to melt wax in a spoon (not paraffin wax, take candles from the church), and during the process think about an exciting question. When the wax melts, pour it into a vessel with water. Then, you can examine the resulting figures and interpret the meanings you see.

Fortune telling for children on the eve of St. Andrew the First-Called

Do this fortune telling on a frosty night. Pour a glass of water in the evening, lower the ring and leave it in the cold. In the morning, carefully examine how many tubercles have formed, there will be so many sons, and how many dimples there will be, so many daughters.

Fortune telling on ashes on the day of St. Andrew

Burn a crumpled piece of paper on a plate. Light a candle and use the shadow formed from the ashes to interpret your destiny, unraveling the images. If you notice the outline of a castle, it means an imminent wedding.

Fortune telling from a book for the future

The most harmless and simple fortune telling. For this method, the Bible, the Psalter, and you can take the works of poets. Think about the question you care about, then say the page number and line. Open the book in the right place and read. Interpret what you read according to the question asked. .

On St. Andrew's Day, according to established custom, many girls fast and pray to the apostle for good suitors.
