Gleb Matveychuk personal life. Any day now an important event will happen in the life of musical artist and composer Gleb Matveychuk - he will become a father

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is probably known to all fans of Russian cinema and pop music. This famous actor, singer and composer, contemporary star Russian show business. He recently became a father and is now preparing to marry his new lover.

early years

According to the biography of Gleb Matveychuk, the future musician was born in 1981 in Moscow. His father was Alimzhan Matveychuk, who at that time was a member of the USSR Union of Cinematographers. Gleb Matveychuk’s mother is make-up artist Olga Shalimovna. When Gleb was still a little boy, his family moved to Minsk.

Gleb Matveychuk joined the theater club when he was only eight years old. There he became interested in vocals, which ultimately influenced the specialty that the hero of our article chose at a music college. He became the choir conductor.


Recalling the details of his biography, Gleb Matveychuk admits that he became interested in cinema as a child. Therefore, no one was surprised when, after graduating from college, he went to the capital to enroll in a theater school. His passion for music also made itself known - he became a student at the conservatory.

Both of these hobbies seriously influenced his entire future destiny. Combining his love for cinema and music, Gleb became a composer.

Film debut

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk was replenished with an important event when he was 14 years old. He played his first cameo role in a movie. It was a little-known painting "Fire Shooter".

Almost ten years later, he appeared as a sailor in Vladimir Khotinenko’s dramatic disaster film “72 Meters.” Afterwards there were small roles in Vladimir Mashkov’s drama “Papa”, a series about counterintelligence officers in Tsarist Russia"The Death of the Empire", the drama by Yuri Moroz "The Point", the serial detective action film by Igor Korobeinikov "Cursed Paradise", the comedy melodramatic series "Margosha".


In the series "Margosha" Gleb plays the role of Ruslan Khilkevich. This is an adaptation of an Argentine film that was released in South America called "Lalola", its creator Sebastian Ortega.

In Russia the series collected so much high ratings, that after the release of episode 151, it was decided to continue the release of the project. Now the scripts were written by domestic authors, since the adapted material had run out. A total of three seasons were released, consisting of 240 episodes.

Matveychuk plays an employee of Selena radio. He is one of the main characters in the first season and works as a sound engineer.


A few years after graduating from the conservatory, the hero of our article began writing music for films. His debut work was the melodies for the film “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City”.

Experts highly appreciated his talent, and two years later Matveychuk was nominated for the Golden Eagle award for the music in the biographical drama “Admiral” about the fate of Kolchak. After this success, Gleb Matveychuk’s photo appeared in specialized publications, and in professional circles he developed a reputation as a composer working on historical and dramatic films.

In 2006, the hero of our article begins to perform as a performer. At first he sings in the group Lady Prowler, and then, together with Igor Novikov, he organizes the Flair team, his next stage is a team called “Renaissance”.

After success in the TV series "Margosha", where he played his most famous film role on this moment, Matveychuk is immersed in television projects and theater. In the show "Russian Tenors" singer Gleb Matveychuk declares himself as a talented vocalist and reaches the final of this competition.

Subsequently, he mainly works on soundtracks, although in 2009 he finally switched to television.

Work on TV

In 2012, the hero of our article goes to the show “The Voice”. But Gleb Matveychuk’s performance turns out to be a failure; he does not pass the casting.

Already on next year wins on another project. Together with Olga Kormukhina, he takes first place on the TV show “Two Stars”. Together they go on a tour of southern Russia.

You don't have to wait long for the next success. On the show "Exactly" Gleb takes second place, receiving the audience award.

It was an amazing and unusual experience. During this project, the artist had to try on a lot of completely different and not similar friends on each other's roles. Matveychuk appeared before the audience in the form of Anna Netrebko, Shura, Klaus Meine, Grigory Leps and even the leader of the Scorpions group. In the finale, Matveychuk performed a Freddie Mercury song together with Taisiya Povaliy, who played the role of Montserrat Caballe.

Projects of recent years

In the summer of 2016, everyone paid attention to the singer’s brilliant performance in a duet with Alexandra Vorobyova. At a concert in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which took place in Murom, they sang the song “Eternal Spring”.

It’s safe to say that Matveychuk is now at the zenith of his glory. He regularly performs large-scale concerts, drawing almost full houses, and writes music for films.

He often appears on stage with a vocal program, among his most famous original songs are the compositions " New Year", "My Russia", "Letting Go", "Wilted Flowers", "Time", "When You Are Near", "Strangers", "Broken Love", "Siren", "Adagio", "Hope".

In addition, Matveychuk also plays on the theater stage. He tours the country with a musical and dramatic production called "Territory of Passion." He performed main role in the musical "The Master", played John Utterson in the rock opera " Strange story Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Julien Portal in the play "Hotel of Two Worlds", Fernand de Morcerf in the musical "Monte Cristo", Jesus of Nazareth in another opera called "Jesus Christ Superstar".

In 2017, he made a large-scale tour of the central part of Russia with the “Winter Ball” program. In particular, the singer performed in the Moscow region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and since March he went on tour with new program"Spring Ball".

About personal life

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is replete with many fateful meetings. He has always been in demand among the fair sex. It is known that for a long time he dated actress Svetlana Belskaya. But they never made serious plans, knowing that their relationship would remain at the level of passion. At the same time, they tried to hide their meetings as much as possible and never advertised them in the media.

In 2008, they broke up on Svetlana’s initiative; the singer’s mother even tried to reconcile the young people, but nothing worked out for her. Soon after the breakup with the hero of our article, Belskaya married a classmate.


Considering the biography of Gleb Matveychuk, it is worth paying attention to his personal life Special attention. In 2010, he married actress Anastasia Makeeva. The celebration took place in a country castle, and Svetlana Belskaya was among the invited guests, which surprised many.

After registering at the registry office, the newlyweds went to church to get married. The artist himself often admitted that his wife remains his muse and best advisor in his work.

That’s why the news was so unexpected for many when in 2016 Makeeva announced that they were getting a divorce. Everything happened quietly - without mutual accusations and scandals. The young people themselves admit that the reason was their high employment, which did not allow them to devote enough time life together. The couple had no children.

Soon after the divorce, Gleb radically changed his image. For example, he cut his hair long hair, appearing before fans with short hair. In addition, he went with pilgrims on a trip to Greece.

For the role of Matveychuk’s new girlfriend, journalists matched singer Ksenia Dezhneva, with whom Gleb was spotted in Vitebsk at the Slavic Bazaar, but they were never able to get official comments from the stars.

At the end of 2016, a photo with an unknown brunette appeared on the artist’s social networks, who, apparently, became his new girlfriend. Fans and journalists decided that he decided to present her to the public in such a simple way. True, it was never possible to find out her name and occupation. It soon became clear that this was not necessary. Everyone found out who the singer’s new lover is.

In September 2018, it became known that the hero of our article became a father for the first time in his life. His daughter, Alice, was born to him by his fiancée, actress Elena Glazkova.

Gleb himself told fans that at first he was going to name the child Stefania, but then he realized that in combination with the middle name that the child would have, the name would not be very euphonious. Decisive role played by his work on the project “Labyrinths of Sleep”, which should very soon hit the theater stage. By the way, this is his first independent production project, created based on “Alice in Wonderland.” His girlfriend really liked the music and suggested naming her daughter Alice.

The birth was successful, mother and child have already been discharged from the hospital. It is known that shortly before giving birth, Gleb and his bride moved to new house, in which a children's room has already been equipped. The relationship between the couple began soon after the singer’s divorce from Anastasia Makeeva. He met his future wife in Greece at Russian Cinema Week. Within a few days after they met, he realized that he was ready to take Elena as his wife. Having learned that he would soon become a father, he brushed aside all doubts.

However, due to Elena's pregnancy, the wedding had to be temporarily postponed. They decided to celebrate her solemnly after the birth of her daughter.


Gleb Matveychuk became a father for the first time. His beloved Elena gave birth to a daughter on September 24, 2018, but this became known only now. The baby, weighing 3390 grams and 52 centimeters tall, was born in one of the capital’s clinics.

The relationship between Gleb and Elena began almost immediately after the artist’s divorce from Anastasia Makeeva. The singer met his future wife last year at Russian Cinema Week in Greece. Soon after they met, Matveychuk realized that he was ready to marry his new lover. Over time, they decided to postpone the wedding until the baby grew up.

Gleb Matveychuk: on the eve of the baby’s birth, the parents decided to change the name

The birth went well, mother and baby feel great. Very soon Matveychuk will be able to take his girls home. On the eve of the birth, Gleb and Elena moved to a new house, where they prepared the nursery in advance and bought everything they needed for the child.

“At first they wanted to name the girl Stefania. But later they thought: Stesha is good, but Stefania Glebovna sounds strange. Then I started working on the play “Labyrinths of Sleep.” It's coming out in December and it's my first production project - completely original, I wrote all the music. So, the musical was created based on “Alice in Wonderland.” And Lena liked the music so much that she suggested: “Maybe Alice?” That's where we stopped. So in the near future I will have two Alices at once - a daughter and a performance,” shared Matveychuk.

Fans star couple Now they are looking forward to when the lovers will legitimize their relationship. After all, Gleb Matveychuk himself said that the wedding would take place after the birth of his daughter.

“We decided to put off the wedding for now. We'll play it after the birth of our daughter. Now we have other concerns. I’m really looking forward to her birth, I breathe and feel life differently!” - Gleb said in an interview with Caravan of Stories this summer.

Gleb Matveychuk: biography and creative path

Gleb Alimovich Matveychuk (born June 26, 1981, Moscow) - Russian actor, composer, producer, singer.

Born on June 26, 1981 in Moscow in the family of film artist Alim Ivanovich Matveychuk (born September 1, 1947) and makeup artist Olga Shalimovna Matveychuk. Soon the family moved to Minsk, where Alim Ivanovich Matveychuk worked as a production designer at the Belarusfilm studio. Gleb graduated from a music college with a degree in choral conductor. At the age of 16 he became a student of two higher educational institutions: Moscow Conservatory (vocal department) and the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin (workshop of N. N. Afonin).

Since April 2006 - vocalist of the group “Lady Prowler”. In 2007, together with Igor Novikov, he created the group “Flair”. He also performed as a vocalist with the Renaissance group.

As an actor, he was involved in the rock operas “Jesus Christ Superstar”, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, the musical “Monte Cristo”, the play “Hotel of Two Worlds” and others. Also wrote music for theatrical productions(“Dog in the Manger” and “Waiting Room”).

One of six finalists and winners of the vocal reality show “Russian Tenors”. He took part in television blind auditions for the first season of the television project “The Voice”, but did not make it. In the fifth season of the project “Two Stars” he won in a duet with Olga Kormukhina. He took part in the TV show “Exactly” on Channel One, took second place and received the audience award.

From August 2010 to July 2016 was married to theater and film actress Anastasia Makeeva.

On September 24, 2018, he became a father for the first time. His common-law wife Elena Glazkova (Khrapova) gave birth to a daughter, Alisa.


Acting works

1995 - Fiery Shooter
2004 - 72 meters - sailor on the CPU
2004 - Dad is a student in a dormitory, episode
2005 - Death of the Empire (1st episode “Demon”) - Rogov, pianist
2005 - Children of Vanyukhin
2005 - Heavenly Life
2006 - Point - episode
2008 - Damned Paradise-2 - Ivan
2009 - Margosha - Ruslan Khilkevich

Composer's works

2006 - Pilgrimage to the Eternal City
2006 - St. George the Victorious
2006 - Christmas Holiday
2006 - Planet of Orthodoxy
2006 - From flame and light
2008 - Hills and Plains
2008 - New Land
2008 - Stone Head
2008 - Admiral (together with R. F. Muratov)
2009 - Third Wish
2009 - House without exit
2010 - Yaroslav
2011 - On the Hook!
2012 - Spartak
2012 - Chkalov
2013 - Red Mountains


Acting works

2007 - “Children of the Sun”, ethno-musical
2008, July 6 - “Jesus Christ Superstar”, rock opera - Jesus of Nazareth
2008, October 12 - “Monte Cristo”, musical - Fernand de Morcerf
2009, May 21 - “Hotel of Two Worlds”, performance - Julien Portal
2011 - “12 musicals”, show
2011, December 11 - “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” rock opera - John Utterson
2015 - “The Master and Margarita”, musical - Master
“Territory of Passion” with Alexander Baluev and Lidia Velezheva
“Confession” with Alexander Baluev

Composer's works

"Dog in the manger"
"Waiting hall"
"Territory of Passion"

A television

2009 - Reality show “Russian Tenors” (STS) - one of six finalists and winners
2012 - TV project “The Voice” (Channel One) - performed the song “Goodbye, Mom!”, did not qualify for the competition
2013 - TV project “Two Stars” (Channel One) - duet with Olga Kormukhina - first place
2014 - TV project “Exactly” (Channel One) - audience award and second place according to the jury
2014 - TV show “Live Sound”
2016 - TV project “Exactly. Super season."
2017 - TV project “Three Chords” (Channel One)
Awards and nominations
2009 - nomination for the Golden Eagle award for best music for the film (film “Admiral”).

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The first reports that Gleb had found a replacement for his ex-wife Anastasia Makeeva appeared in secular media back in the summer. For example, at the Slavic Bazaar, reporters noticed that Gleb was “having mercy” with opera singer Ksenia Dezhneva. The pen sharks thought that the girl looked very similar to Matveychuk’s ex-wife.


“And Makeeva??????? (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. – Ed.),” one of Matveychuk’s fans was sincerely amazed. “Tough little man,” another chided her pet. “If Gleb published this photo, it means he needs it! He shouldn’t ask anyone for permission. The main thing is that he is happy and this gives him strength and emotions for creativity to please us!” - said the third. "Gleb, great respect to you! Silence is golden, especially for men! Brad Pitt has faded in comparison with you... We wish you success in all areas of life and good luck! Go for it!" – a fourth supported the artist.

However, some believe that Matveychuk should talk exclusively about professional successes on social networks. "I'm the only one interested in something creative path a person, and not messing around in his personal life? And I’m certainly not going to trust magazines and newspapers. You can trust the person himself, and even then not always,” a fan of the performer, who decided not to hide his personal life from the public, shared her dissatisfaction.

By the way, Anastasia, who haunts Gleb’s fans, has long dotted all the i’s in this matter and gave several interviews in which she named Matveychuk. In the collapse of her family, Makeeva and the singer’s ex-girlfriend. According to the actress, Gleb’s mother intervened in all their affairs and even became the producer of the play “Territory of Passion,” in which the couple played.

Anastasia complained that Olga Shalimovna, with her decisions, harmed the production and actively promoted an absolute amateur in one of the main roles. acting profession. "Her protégé Sveta is a rather strange character in our story. This ex-girlfriend Gleba, who even after their separation remained an integral part of the Matveychuk family and called his parents dad and mom. I almost got around to changing my last name in my passport. Apparently, the Matveichuks were closer to her than their own parents. I was asked to consider her a sister, which, of course, I did not do,” Makeeva said in a recent interview.

Gleb Matveychuk is not only a talented actor, but also a composer. His compositions are soundtracks for many Russian films and musicals staged at the theater. Classic compositions are performed in famous performances based on the works of Russian literary writers of recent centuries. The name of the attractive, blond Gleb Matveychuk often appears in the press. The paparazzi lenses are constantly trying to catch the young man in his Everyday life. This is not surprising. Popularity young artist, thanks to his work in theater and film, is growing rapidly.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk

With his talent and romantic appearance, the actor won the love of many fans. Today, the 35-year-old artist has established himself as a theater and film actor, composer, and producer. Gleb participates in various television shows, which naturally fuels the interest of the public. Since Matveychuk is good example a real charismatic man, his fans are interested in absolutely every detail, even height, weight, age. You can quite understand how old Gleb Matveychuk is by looking at many of his photographs on the Internet. The actor is quite tall (179 cm) and has an athletic figure.

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb Matveychuk was born on June 26, 1981. Since childhood, the boy showed a genuine interest in creativity, and already at the age of eight he was involved in a theater club. It was there that Gleb first appeared on stage and performed his first song. Teachers appreciated good vocal abilities little actor, and strongly advised to develop them.

After studying at school, Gleb entered a music college. It is not surprising that the young man decided to connect his life with music. Singing is what brought him the greatest pleasure. After graduating from college with a degree in choir conductor, Gleb goes to Moscow to continue his studies in the capital. Theater or music - this question is spinning in the head of a future artist on the way to the city of opportunities. As a result, the young man enters two classes at once. educational universities. The Moscow Conservatory and the Shchepkin Theater School are his two homes for the coming years.

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is notable for his passion for learning. Education opened wide doors to life for the artist musical art. In subsequent years, the performer is a member of several vocal groups, becomes a finalist in the Russian Tenors show, sings a duet with Olga Kormukhina in the Two Stars show, and also acts as a parodist in the Exactly Exact program. Over the years, as an actor, Gleb Matveychuk has starred in 9 films and played on stage in many performances. The author’s wonderful compositions can be heard in the sensational historical film “Admiral”, as well as in the play based on the book by M. Bulgakov - “The Master and Margarita”.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

The personal life of Gleb Matveychuk is very rich; the young artist never had a shortage of romantic relationships. For the first time about serious relationship the composer was talked about when he was dating actress Sveta Belskaya. The young people tried not to advertise their relationship, but their joint photographs and appearances were still leaked online. However, the couple never got married. As the tabloids say, the actors broke up on the girl’s initiative. Perhaps this happened due to the fact that Gleb was in no hurry to marry Svetlana, and joked about marriage in every possible way. After breaking up with the composer, Svetlana soon got married. The couple remained good friendly relations, Gleb’s ex-fiancee became very friendly with his mother. As Svetlana says, she even participated in choosing the place for the wedding ceremony of Gleb and his future wife. Today, the actress successfully acts in various roles, films with her participation are released several times a year.

In 2010, the popular actor married theater and film actress Anastasia Makeeva. The couple lived in happy marriage six years, but in July 2016, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva filed for divorce. The reason for a broken marriage is quite banal - misunderstanding. During their life together, each spouse received success and recognition in the acting field. New projects, tours, filming and constant flights separated them throughout recent years. The actors do not hold a grudge against each other, they broke up by mutual consent, and continue to move up the career ladder.

Family of Gleb Matveychuk

The passion for learning was passed on to Gleb Matveychuk from his father - not last person in modern cinema. Alim Ivanovich Matveychuk also received two higher education, and today is a famous Russian production designer of domestic films. His career includes 41 films. Alim Ivanovich worked with many famous directors and was a member of the USSR Artists and Cinematographers.

The actor's mother Olga Matveychuk is also a creative person, makeup artist, producer, and the best adviser in life young actor. News feeds are full of information that it was Gleb Matveychuk’s family, including his mother, who caused his son’s divorce. She interfered in the creative process, and generally completely supervised the personal lives of the actors. In one of her own projects, Olga Shalimovna wanted to involve ex-lover son - Svetlana, which caused a conflict in married couple.

A few months later, pictures of the actor with a young lady began to appear online. Fans with their comments left no room for imagination, and it soon became clear that they were Gleb Matveychuk and his new girl. The photos did not hang on the feed for long, apparently, user reviews still shamed the artist.

Children of Gleb Matveychuk

Be that as it may, alas, it is now clear that the couple “Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk” broke up forever. The couple of actors were very beautiful couple, so different in appearance, a blond artist and a beautiful brunette, they were happy family for six years together. In her interviews, the actress also repeatedly mentioned that young people could not have children. Gleb went to work, trying not to think about family problem, and Anastasia was treated by doctors, but all attempts to become parents did not lead to success. Looking at the actors, loyal fans can now only imagine what the children of Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva would be like.

Gleb Matveychuk's ex-wife - Anastasia Makeeva

Gleb Matveychuk's ex-wife - Anastasia Makeeva famous actress theater and cinema. During her career, Anastasia skated on ice in a show on Channel One, played leading roles in world-famous performances, became the winner of several beauty contests, was the face of the STS channel, and the presenter entertainment program, and also starred in a candid photo shoot to please the eyes of her fans. The talent and artistry of this girl is beyond doubt. Perhaps the divorce became a black streak in her life, however, it is safe to say that this will not affect her career in any way.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk

After the divorce, the activity of the singer’s fans is again gaining momentum. The news that the handsome man is now single increased the number of the actor’s subscribers in in social networks. Today, the artist performs on stage as a performer and participates in many theater performances. On Matveychuk’s personal website there is a schedule of all television events in which you can see the singer, as well as the places of his concerts and live performances. Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk may be of interest to his many fans interesting information about the work and life of the composer.

Gleb Matveychuk is a multifaceted talent who, at his age, achieved heights without the help of anyone. This man can be given a standing ovation, because not every person can do what the singer, composer and actor did.

Even at twenty-five, he was stuck, not knowing what to do next in life. But having got to teachers who know their business, thanks to them it grows every year career ladder. How his work developed and whether the singer was able to combine his work with his personal life, we’ll talk about that.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk

Repeatedly, many were interested in the singer’s data, such as height, weight, age, and how old. Gleb Matveychuk is flattered to hear questions related to him, and he even readily answers such details. He was born on June 26, 1981 and in given time He is 36. With a height of 183 cm, Gleb weighs 74 kg, he has magnificent figure because he takes care of himself, plays sports, goes to the pool and tries to eat healthy food. Although the singer does not hide the fact that sometimes he can allow himself to relax and celebrate his belly.

Looking at the singer’s photographs, one can note the man’s natural stateliness. There is something about him that catches the eye and beckons Gleb Matveychuk with his languid gaze. The photos in my youth and now are not that much different. The man looks as before - handsome, tall and self-confident.

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk began in the city of Moscow, but for family reasons the family moved to Belarus. Father - Alim Matveychuk worked as a film artist who raised a real man. For Gleba, his dad has always been a role model. His mother, Olga Matveychuk, a make-up artist, always approved of her son’s choice and gave wise advice.

After graduating from school, Gleb moved to Moscow and entered two universities at once. The future actor decided to try himself in films, but since he was given minor roles, he decided to show himself from a more advantageous side. He started composing music. “Admiral”, “Chkalov” brought fame to the composer, and he did not stop, writing a dozen more songs for films. He also writes music for theatrical productions “Dog in the Manger”, “Waiting Room.”

In 2006, Matveychuk became the vocalist of the group “Flair”, which means instinct. And in 2009, the actor played a role in the TV series “Margosha”, after which his popularity increased. Subsequently, Gleb participates in various television shows, takes part in musical projects - musicals and rock operas. In the musical “Monte Cristo,” where he plays the main role, Matveychuk met his wife, Anastasia Makeeva.

Gleb Matveychuk became famous person, working tirelessly and winning more and more fans. Although the composer himself is very picky about his work and says that there is no limit to perfection.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

The personal life of Gleb Matveychuk did not go unnoticed and young man novels have been attributed more than once since he became popular. The singer dated his girlfriend for several years before his wedding, but after the breakup they remained on friendly terms. They say that Gleb's chosen one was so loved by his parents that they even called them mom and dad.

Matveychuk married Anastasia Makeeva. They met in the theater, where the young people noticed each other. But after living for five years, everything turned out to be not so simple, Gleb dissolved in his creativity, and not in his other half, and Anastasia kept trying to reach him in order to save the family. But a year later, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva filed for divorce. The reason, as Nastya claims, was different interests V family life. The couple gradually began to move away from each other and, as a result, became strangers.

Family of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb Matveychuk’s family at the moment is his parents, to whom he is infinitely grateful. His mother and father always gave him the right to choose, and although they could arrange his son’s career without any problems, they let him go free. Gleb achieved everything himself through his diligence and hard work. Matveychuk always talks with pride about his parents and his upbringing, spiritual development, life values obliged only to them. Not long ago, the composer was interviewed and asked if he had a car, to which Gleb said: “Yes, he does, and I only bought a car when I personally earned money for it. And this was at thirty years old. And although my family could afford to give me a car, I was raised in a way where the material world had to come second.”

Gleb is a very enviable groom and perhaps changes will soon come in the man’s personal life, because the singer is often seen accompanied by a pretty brunette. Gleb Matveychuk and his new girlfriend look very harmonious. Photos of the couple can be seen on vacation, in restaurants and at the theater. It is clear that the couple does not hide their relationship and are clearly passionate about each other.

Children of Gleb Matveychuk

Married to Anastasia Matveeva, although the couple was passionate about their achievements, they immediately decided to continue the family line. Of course, as in any full-fledged family, everyone wants their children to bring joy and laughter. Gleb Matveychuk, as a person who had already gotten back on his feet, was worried about this problem, they worked on it, but nothing came of it. “We even went to the hospital for help,” shares the singer, “But apparently it’s God-given.”

Perhaps it made it even worse emotional stress among spouses, it’s not for nothing that they say that in order for a wish to come true, you need to forget about it.

Gleb Matveychuk's ex-wife - Anastasia Makeeva

Gleb Matveychuk’s ex-wife, Anastasia Makeeva, although she tried to save the marriage, apparently this was only her desire. Although the girl herself took the first step towards separation, it was very difficult, the ex-wife admits. Gleb, according to Nastya, was so indifferent in everyday life that he didn’t care what furniture to buy, what he did in free time his wife. “He was ecstatic about his profession and he didn’t need anything else,” Makeeva said. Nastya suggested that Gleb do some mutual business, spend more time together, but either his feelings cooled down, or he was really absorbed in his work, but the relationship was coming to nothing. They even went to sessions with a psychologist, but the marriage still collapsed.

Since the couple lived with Makeeva, the woman left, asking her husband to pack his things and leave while she was gone. To which Matveychuk quickly agreed. Nastya, of course, hoped that Gleb would come to his senses and try to change something, but she was mistaken - he did not need this marriage. Later, the singer said that the divorce happened quickly, since they had nothing to share, except cats and dogs.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk

Instagram and Wikipedia Gleb Matveychuk pleases his subscribers, and the singer has about fifteen thousand of them, with both his creativity and his personal life. The photo Gleb exhibited with Elena Glazkova aroused particular passion among fans. Immediately a sea of ​​comments of different nature began to pour in, followers were divided in opinions, which girl is better - the new one or ex-wife Matveychuk.

Gleb stopped the debate by writing that this was not discussed and gave a lot of hearts to his beloved. Time will tell how serious things are with them. Article found on
