Institute of Public Administration accreditation. Institute of Public Administration

The Institute of Public Administration (IPA) is a private educational institution that has existed since 1994. The main directions are legal, psychological, pedagogical, management. Qualification – bachelor's degree, specialty. There is a master's degree. You can get a second higher education ( distance learning). Programs are in effect additional education. Form of training: full-time, part-time. Assistance in employment. Research work is underway. You can continue your education by enrolling in graduate school. The Institute has a representative office in Germany.

general information

Private institution of higher education "Institute of Public Administration"


No. 01465 valid indefinitely from 06/02/2015


No. 01428 is valid from 08/18/2015 to 12/23/2017

Selection committee

119261, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 80, Main building, 1st floor

Selection committee open all year round


Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for IGA

2014 result: By decision of the Interdepartmental Commission, IGA was included in the group of universities in need of reorganization

2015 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2014, scored less than 4 points out of 7 (report)

2016 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2015, scored less than 4 points out of 7 (report)

2017 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2016, scored less than 4 points out of 7 or are in the process of reorganization (

The Institute of Public Administration offers a wide range of areas of higher education - pedagogical, psychological, as well as in the field of economics, management and jurisprudence.

The Institute of Public Administration provides training in the following areas:



    Special (defectological) education,

    Psychological and pedagogical education,

    Teacher Education,




Training at the Institute is focused on effective practical activities. New technologies for organizing the educational process have been developed, focused on solving practical problems, developing students’ sustainable and required skills For efficient work and competitive professional activity.

At the institute's faculties, students are taught by professors, doctors and candidates of science. The high professionalism of the teaching staff, combined with excellent material and technical support for the educational process, contributes to the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and practical skills necessary for a modern specialist. The Institute has computer classes and Wi-Fi.

The university provides an opportunity for everyone to receive higher education in Moscow and in the regions - through a network of branches and representative offices. In addition, the College provides an opportunity to obtain secondary professional education in Moscow.

ABOUT THE INSTITUTE: The university with the Faculty of Law in Moscow is private educational institution for training specialists with higher specialized education. The Institute was founded on March 1, 1994 and is included in the list of the oldest universities with a law faculty in Moscow. The Institute and its founders The founders of the Institute are: Tarakanov Valery Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Economics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Tarakanov Alexander Valerievich, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor Tarakanov Ivan Valerievich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Natalya Lvovna Tarakanova Activities of the Institute carried out on the basis of license No. 1465 dated 06/02/15. series 90Л01 No. 008463 The institute conducts training in Russian. Areas of training at the institute: Psychology, Pedagogy, Special (defectological) education, Psychological and pedagogical education, Pedagogical education, Management, Economics, Jurisprudence, In the specialty of secondary vocational education, the Institute of Public Administration trains specialists in law and organization social security. Master's programs are taught for economics majors. Teachers of the Institute At the Institute of Public Administration, lectures are given by professors, candidates and doctors of science. High material and technical equipment, combined with extensive experience and knowledge of the teaching staff, allows us to form fundamental knowledge and gain practical skills for their application in their profession. IN educational institution there are several computer classes, free of charge wireless access to the Internet. Training is conducted on full-time, part-time and part-time training. Apply modern technologies for correspondence form. Training at the institute is based on the principles of obtaining theoretical knowledge and their consolidation in practice in a competitive environment of specialists in these fields. Specialists apply the acquired knowledge in practice, their knowledge allows them to achieve high results in state and municipal service, and demonstrate knowledge to strengthen the position of private entrepreneurs and large business structures. For training at the institute, a new software platform with virtual access to educational materials and events. The site is open 7 days a week and allows for “blended learning”. You can complete training virtually at a time that suits you. Every student at the IGA Institute has the opportunity to access electronic library. The university provides the opportunity for everyone to receive higher education in Moscow and in the regions - through a network of branches and representative offices. In addition, the College provides an opportunity to receive secondary vocational education in Moscow. You can enroll in the institute in Moscow or through a branch network in the regions of Russia. Also on the basis of the institute there is a college where you can get secondary vocational education in specialties that are in demand today.

MISSION Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin to be a locomotive for the production of new knowledge and ensuring the competitiveness of domestic oil and gas technologies, the main forge of specialists - innovators, consolidating resources high school, academic and industrial sciences to ensure technical progress in oil and gas production as the most important factor sustainable development countries.

The university teaches in-demand technical specialties, combining the traditions of academic education and the use of distance technologies. The online format allows you to study lectures and watch webinars at a convenient time without interrupting your work. The institute provides opportunities for continuous development: from undergraduate to MBA. In its activities, the Moscow Institute of Technology combines the fundamental traditions of Russian academic education and latest achievements in the field of new educational technologies. Thanks to this, our students receive all the benefits of modern education.

The Institute applies modern methods training, incl. The developed Electronic Information and Educational Portal has a highly qualified teaching staff. The Institute has developed and implemented the IEAU quality management system. Great attention is paid to research activities, and international cooperation, as well as social and welfare provision for students. Students can choose a convenient form of education for themselves - daytime education, evening education, correspondence education (classical), weekend groups, and possibly accelerated programs. IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities, incl. travel benefits. The IEAU provides flexible system tuition fees. Full-time (full-time) students are provided with a deferment from military service and scholarships.

Founded in 1999. State accreditation until April 30, 2020 (certificate No. 0987 dated April 30, 2014). The Institute uses modern teaching methods, incl. developed by the Electronic Institute, which allows the use of distance educational technologies. The Institute is a leading university in training economists, arbitration managers and crisis management specialists. Quality work Institute in the field of training specialists in crisis management was awarded with gratitude from the Bank of Russia and gratitude from the FSFO of Russia. Students can choose a convenient form of education for themselves - daytime study, evening study, correspondence study (classical), weekend groups. IEAU students enjoy all the benefits provided to students of state universities. Full-time (full-time) students are provided with a scholarship and a deferment from military service.
