How to whiten your nail plate at home. How to quickly whiten nails at home

Healthy and well-groomed nails are the calling card of every representative of the fair half of humanity. However, in the absence of proper care and under the influence of many factors, the nail plate tends to fade and turn yellow, which, to put it mildly, does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing. Such a nuisance can happen, say, due to frequent use of varnishes, due to abuse of bad habits, after prolonged gardening work on the ground, or due to health problems. However, you can restore the lost beauty of your nails using simple traditional medicine. And in this article we will dwell in detail on how to whiten nails at home.

How to whiten your nails: 10 simple ways

Baking soda

Many people have heard that baking soda can whiten yellowed teeth. This is indeed true. However, it is better not to do this, because the abrasive substances that are part of the powder can severely scratch the enamel. But with manicure everything is much simpler. Using baking soda, you can whiten your nails at home quickly and efficiently. Just take a toothbrush, wet it, then dip it in a container of powder and start cleaning the nail plate. Two to three sessions will be enough to notice the result.

It is recommended to take a warm soda bath once or twice a week. Pour boiled water into a cup and add 10 grams of soda. A quarter of an hour for such water procedures will be quite enough. Soda baths not only cleanse and restore shine and white color to nails, but also make them stronger and stronger.

Lemon juice

How to whiten nails at home using the juice of everyone's favorite sour fruit? Yes, very simple! Wipe them daily with a soft swab soaked in lemon. By the way, you can drop a small amount of any oil into it. Then your manicure will not only return the lost whiteness, but also stop breaking off and peeling. And do not rush to wash your hands immediately after the procedure - let the juice absorb thoroughly.

To whiten nails, it is also recommended to use baths with lemon and sea salt. And to prevent the skin of your hands from drying out, after such manipulations, do not forget to use a moisturizer. And remember that if there is damage or wounds on the skin in the nail area, then you should temporarily abandon this method.


Salt baths can also be used as an independent remedy to give your manicure a healthy look. Ideally, it is better to use sea salt, but if you don’t have it, then regular salt will work too. Dissolve 20 grams of salt in 200 ml of warm water and immerse your hands in the solution for a quarter of an hour. It is advisable to repeat such manipulations at least twice a week.

Table vinegar

Is it possible to clean your hands of stubborn dirt after working on the ground, and how to whiten your nails after gardening? To begin, soak your hands in a concentrated soap solution for 20 minutes. And then use regular table or apple cider vinegar. It, like lemon, contains acid, which has a whitening and cleansing effect. Dilute it in water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the nail plate. And again, please note that if there are hangnails or wounds on your nails, you will have to choose a more gentle method for cleaning your nails.


Toothpaste can be used not only for its intended purpose. It can also whiten your fingernails and toenails. It is important to take only white paste (it is better if it has a whitening effect); colored ones will not work. Take a soft bristle brush, apply some toothpaste to it and rub it thoroughly into your nails. And for a better effect, you can mix the paste with regular soda and treat the damaged nail plates with this mixture.

Hydrogen peroxide

Need to whiten your nails at home quickly? Hydrogen peroxide will ideally cope with this task. Combine 2 tablespoons of soda and 1 spoon of peroxide, and treat the nail plates with this healing composition for several minutes. And finally, rinse your hands with water and lemon (10 ml of juice per 200 ml of water). With the help of such simple manipulations, you can get your manicure in order in just one day.


A mixture of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide also helps whiten nails after polish and other factors. You will need to combine these two components in a ratio of 1:5 and spread the resulting product on the nail plates. After 5 minutes, the composition can be washed off.


Shredded raw potatoes are a simple, affordable and effective remedy for whitening yellowed and dull nails. This method of getting a manicure in order was known back in the days of Tsarist Rus' and was actively used. To whiten your toenails and fingernails, just apply the mixture to them for half an hour. But since it is not easy to hold it on your nails, because with any movement it will fall, it is better to put your entire hand in a bowl of grated potatoes.

Don't feel like washing, peeling and grating potatoes? No problem! Potato starch also copes well with this task. Dissolve it in warm milk to form something like a thick cream and place your fingers in it for about 25 minutes. Then rinse and use nourishing cream. By the way, if there is damage to the skin, then vinegar, lemon, and soda can cause pain. Potatoes, on the contrary, will have a calming effect and will not cause discomfort.


You can whiten your nails at home with the help of another everyone’s favorite vegetable – cucumber. As with potatoes, grate the aromatic cucumber and place your hands in the resulting refreshing pulp for 25 minutes. This bath will not cause allergies, but, on the contrary, will soothe and moisturize the skin of your hands.


We have already talked more than once about the amazing properties of this unpretentious indoor plant. But it turns out that it not only has an anti-inflammatory effect and heals wounds, but also lightens yellowed nail plates well. Take a leaf, divide it in half and apply it to each nail. By the way, along with the brightening effect, you will receive a pleasant bonus - aloe juice also promotes rapid nail growth.

Scientists have long proven that nails, like a litmus test, reflect the state of the body and the impact of habits on it. And often even the most careful and gentle care does not save from the appearance of an unsightly yellow tint, which is quite difficult to get rid of. In order to understand the problem, you need to determine the original source, the root cause and eliminate it.

The most common causes of a yellow tint:

  • Pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • Too long a course of antibiotics;
  • Nail fungus;
  • Smoking;
  • Frequent use of nail polish.

If the causes of yellowness turn out to be insignificant, then you can whiten your fingernails and toenails using cosmetics; they are sold in specialized stores or turn to traditional medicine.

If yellowed nails are the result of problems that lie inside the body, then you cannot delay a visit to the doctor; you should get competent advice.

How and with what to quickly whiten toenails and fingernails at home

You can whiten your nail plate in a matter of minutes using regular lemon. This ingredient can be found in every second refrigerator, and if not, then the nearest store across the street will definitely have it!

Even manicurists in the best salons recommend whitening your nails with lemon. Experts consider the main benefits of lemon not even whitening, but treatment, strengthening and restoration.

It is not recommended to overuse lemon, because it dries both the skin and the nail plate. If you have cracks, wounds and hangnails, you will also have to wait a while with lemon juice, as it causes an unpleasant burning sensation and discomfort when it gets into the wounds.

Bath for whitening and strengthening nails

The ideal remedy for whitening nails is a citric acid bath. Sea salt will be an excellent auxiliary component.

The recipe for the procedure is as follows: mix both ingredients and dip your hands in the resulting liquid for 10 minutes. After the procedure, you must use a nourishing hand cream.

How to whiten nails with soda

Soda is a real favorite of cosmetologists and manicurists, as it does an excellent job of whitening nails. The most effective way to use it is in warm baths. The recipe is extremely simple:

  • Add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water;
  • Wait until the soda is completely dissolved in the water;
  • Keep for 10 minutes;
  • Some experts recommend adding a drop of citric acid.

How to whiten nails with hydrogen peroxide

The list of the most popular nail whitening methods includes a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients until mushy. Apply the resulting mask for 5-10 minutes, then wash your hands thoroughly and apply moisturizer.

The second equally effective option is to use a toothbrush. This way, you can easily clean and whiten your nails with baking soda, the main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the skin. If the skin on your hands is too delicate, you can use cotton pads.

After the first procedure, the nails become lighter. The procedure should be carried out exactly until the nails acquire the desired shade. However, it is not recommended to do more than three procedures in a row.

Vinegar for brightening nails

You can quickly and easily whiten your nails using regular apple cider vinegar. However, its use is prohibited for the slightest wounds.

The recipe is as follows:

  • Mix a glass of water with a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • Dip your fingers into the resulting bath for 5 minutes;
  • If there is a burning sensation, you should immediately stop the procedure and wash your hands with water.

This simple but very effective method has been tested by more than one thousand people.

Whiten nails with toothpaste

An important rule for whitening nails with toothpaste is the choice of color. It should be exclusively white, in no case blue or green. The recipe for preparing the product is extremely simple:

  • A small amount of paste should be thoroughly mixed with baking soda.
  • Apply the resulting mixture with a regular toothbrush.
  • Rub the product into the nail plate, then rinse with warm water and moisturize your hands.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to tinker with folk remedies, then you can find whitening pencils in the nearest cosmetic store or pharmacy. This product is great for use at home.

How to whiten nails after polish

In order to prevent yellowing of the nails from the varnish, be sure to use a base before the manicure. As for the varnishes used, it is better to buy 2 expensive favorite colors rather than a dozen cheap ones.

We must not forget about taking the necessary vitamins, calcium and other microelements. Especially during the period of using gel polish on nails. Perhaps the yellowness of the nails is the first sign that signals internal problems. If nothing changes after using whitening masks and baths, you should consult a doctor. How to whiten extended nails

You can whiten extended nails using a special polishing file and essential oils. Apply a drop of essential oil, such as pine or tangerine, to each nail and carefully polish the nail plate with a special file.

Only patience and careful work on your nails will help you achieve wonderful results and whiten any hands.

Whitening baths after gardening

The period of dachas and vegetable gardens begins in early spring. For some, growing their own vegetables and fruits is a real relaxation of soul and body. However, no matter how bright the goal, after work it is sometimes painful to look at your hands. Dirt spoils nails from the inside, literally gets absorbed into the skin and cracks, and sometimes it becomes simply impossible to wash it off. In any case, you won't get away with soap alone.

The biggest challenge is whitening your nails after a wild weekend in the garden. Experts recommend taking safety first. To do this you should:

  • Use hand cream. Nourishing hand cream perfectly copes with protective functions and will become the best barrier against dirt and dust. We must not forget that hands should be constantly washed with water, and cream should be applied at least twice a day to avoid dry skin and the appearance of age spots.
  • Choose suitable gloves. Preference should be given to special gloves, which are sold in every gardening store. Thin medical and fabric ones are not suitable; dirt quickly seeps through them.
  • Treat your nails. Experienced housewives use this trick: soak a small bar of soap, gently “scratch” the soap so that the detergent remains under the nail plate. After returning from the garden, all the dirt can easily be washed away along with the soap that remains under the nails. Those with damaged hand skin should be careful about this procedure.

You definitely shouldn’t resort to radical measures; it’s better to give preference to gentle cleansing - special whitening baths for nails:

  • Bath with hydrogen peroxide. It's no secret that you can lighten anything with peroxide: from hair to old stains. This universal remedy also includes cleansing dirt from hands and feet. The only downside to using this product is that it dries out the skin quite a lot, so using a moisturizer is essential. If your hand skin is already dry, then you should look for another cleansing method. The bath recipe is quite simple:
  • Heat 2 cups of water;
  • Add 3 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 milliliters of peroxide;
  • 20 milliliters of ammonia.
  • Place your hands in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes;
  • After the procedure, each finger should be treated with a soft brush.
  • Citrus. Lemon juice is actively used in cosmetology as a natural whitening agent. After a hard day in the garden, you can apply the juice of half a lemon to your nail plate and hands and put on thin paper gloves. After 5-10 minutes, wash your hands with soap and use a nourishing cream or experiment and make your own moisturizer. What will you need for this?
  • Prepare liquid vitamin E (about 5 drops), as well as 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Mix the ingredients and rub the resulting mass into the skin.
  • After 30 minutes, the homemade oil will be absorbed, and the skin of your hands will become soft and silky.

Milk and soda

A hand bath made of milk and soda perfectly dissolves dirt that treacherously gets under the nails and gets clogged into the pores. The recipe for the miracle cure is:

  • Prepare 1 glass of milk, preferably full-fat, 1 glass of water and 3 tablespoons of liquid soap or a quarter of a bar, which must be dissolved in warm liquid.
  • Immerse your hands in the bath for at least 15 minutes.
  • And voila, not a trace of dirt remains!
  • Don't forget about the nourishing cream.

These simple methods will help keep your hand skin smooth and silky for a long time and preserve beautiful nails. After all, hands are an important part of every woman’s body, which many people pay attention to first. Self-care is an important stage in every day of any modern girl.

I've been painting my nails for the last year. There are quite a lot of pros and cons to this. But for myself I have identified the advantages. Bright colors of varnish, durability up to one month, plus an excellent master and my friend, which is also important.

My opinion is to eat properly and take vitamins. Well, be sure to take care of your health, then your nails will always be in excellent condition. And if you don’t like the appearance of your nails, you can quickly bleach your nails at home. And there is nothing complicated about it.

Causes of yellow nails

Nails reflect our inner health, as well as human habits. And all problems must be looked for inside the body. For example, yellowness of nails is caused by a lack of zinc, iron, lack of vitamins, diabetes mellitus, lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and other diseases.

Smoking is one of the factors causing yellow nails. If you smoke, then the ideal option is to “quit smoking”. Well, this doesn’t always work out, so you have to resort to bleaching your nails.

Your nails turn yellow because you constantly paint them with nail polish. And due to lack of oxygen, nails may acquire a yellowish tint.

Also, using low-quality and cheap nail polish can lead to yellow nails. And to remove nail polish, it is better to choose nail polish remover without acetone.

Plus, taking antibiotics or other medications can lead to the appearance of yellowness on the nails. It is very important not to lose sight of this either.

Yellow or even brown coating on your nails can be a sign of nail fungus. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist. In general, if your nails are yellow, it is better to consult a specialist. You may need to undergo an examination and take the necessary tests.

If you need to whiten your nails urgently or very quickly. Let's just say, put them in order. Then you can use lemon. This is a proven nail whitening product. I think that there is a lemon in every refrigerator. At least I always have it. And if not, then almost every store has lemons in stock.

An effective way to whiten nails with lemon

This method of whitening nails was recommended to me by a manicurist. She is delighted with the properties of lemon. Plus, lemon not only whitens the nail plate, but also heals and strengthens nails.

The most important thing is not to use lemon frequently, as it can dry out the nail plate. And if there are cracks, wounds or hangnails on your fingers, then it’s better to forget about whitening your nails using this method. Since lemon juice causes a burning sensation when it gets into wounds.

You can use a lemon bath to whiten your nails. Lemon is a cheap and accessible remedy. You can rub lemon juice into the nail plate. If you rub lemon juice into your nail plate, be sure to leave it on your nails for 5-7 minutes and then rinse your hands with water. You can also cut a lemon in half and soak your nails in the pulp for 5 minutes.

It seems to me that lemon is a very common nail whitening product that everyone knows about. And if you haven’t tried lemon, then be sure to try it, lemon whitens my nails very well.

Prepare a bath with sea salt and lemon juice. To do this, add a teaspoon of sea salt and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to a glass of warm water. Place your hands in this bath for 7-10 minutes.

Whitening nails with oil ( essential oil) and lemon

It is very important to lubricate your hands with nourishing cream after the procedure. Be sure to dry your hands with a towel after the bath and apply cream.

To a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (almond, olive, jojoba, etc.), add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Take any oil that you have at home; you don’t need to buy it specially.

Rub the oil and lemon into the nail plate and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse your hands with warm water. You can add a drop of lemon or grapefruit essential oil to the base oil and apply the oil to your nails.

Baking soda for whitening the nail plate

In cosmetology, baking soda has proven itself to be an excellent tool for whitening nails. Baths are mainly prepared with soda. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water, dissolve it in water and dip your nails into the solution.

The procedure lasts from 7 to 10 minutes. And for effectiveness, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the bath. All means are good for whitening nails, the main thing is that there is no harm. Therefore, you should do everything correctly, taking into account all contraindications.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to lighten nails

To whiten nails, you can prepare a paste consisting of soda and hydrogen peroxide (3%). Mix soda and peroxide until it becomes a paste. The paste is applied to the nails for 5-7 minutes, after which the hands are rinsed with water.

You can use a toothbrush to clean your nails with peroxide and baking soda. It is very important to do everything carefully; instead of using a brush, you can apply baking soda and peroxide to a cotton pad.

After the first procedure, the nails become noticeably lighter. And if a little yellowness remains on the nails, then the procedure should be repeated again. If necessary, do three procedures.

Vinegar for brightening nails

To whiten nails quickly, you need to use apple cider vinegar, but if not, you can use the usual 9%. This remedy is not suitable for wounds, hangnails and cracks on the fingers.

You need to prepare a bath from vinegar and water. Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of water and dip your fingertips in the water for 3-5 minutes. These are approximate proportions, you can take a couple of glasses of water, for example. One is usually enough for me. If you feel a burning sensation or discomfort, stop the procedure and wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Vinegar actually makes your nails noticeably lighter. I have tested this tool in practice many times. But I still don’t recommend getting carried away with vinegar baths.

Whiten nails with toothpaste

Toothpaste should be white. After all, now the choice of toothpastes is very large, there are green, blue, etc. colors. Squeeze some paste into a container and mix with baking soda.

You can apply this mixture to your nails using a regular toothbrush. You can take a special nail brush. Rub the paste with baking soda into the nail. And then rinse everything off with running water.

It is very important to remember that in case of cracks and wounds, you should not carry out the nail bleaching procedure. I focus on this. Because if various products get into the wounds, it will cause irritation, burning and other unpleasant symptoms.

If you don’t want to bother with baths and oils, you can buy whitening pencils. You can buy them at the pharmacy. They are also convenient for whitening nails at home.

To protect your nails, use a base coat and high-quality varnishes. Have 3-4 bottles of your favorite polishes rather than a box of cheap polishes.

It happens that your nails begin to peel and break, then you can already apply it here. Well, never forget about taking vitamins and minerals, as well as calcium. Taking calcium is important for strengthening teeth, nails, bone tissue, and the nervous system.

Of all the ways I can quickly whiten my nails at home, lemon and its juice help. It's really fast and effective. But bleaching is bleaching, and it’s worth paying attention to your health. Perhaps the reasons for yellow nails lie deeper and give you a signal about problems in the functioning of internal organs.

A discolored nail plate is a problem that many women deal with. Few people know how to whiten nails at home. After reading the article, you will learn about the causes of color changes, preventive methods and how to whiten your nails at home.

What causes nails to turn yellow?

Before considering the question of how to whiten your nails at home, you should understand the reasons for the color change. There are many factors that cause yellowing nails.

  1. Bright varnishes, especially red and burgundy shades, which contain quickly absorbed colored pigments.
  2. Ultra-resistant varnishes, gel varnishes, due to long use, oxygen does not enter the nail plate, “oxygen starvation” occurs, due to which the nails change color.
  3. Fungus - in the early stages, colors the nail enamel yellow.
  4. Nicotine – when smoking, microparticles of tar and nicotine contained in tobacco smoke settle on the nails, causing discoloration. Nails begin to turn yellow especially quickly when smoking indoors.
  5. Alcohol – constant abuse of alcoholic beverages causes destruction of internal organs, including the liver and lungs. Disruption of work inside the body leads to changes in the color of the skin, hair and nails.
  6. Lack of vitamins and iron deficiency anemia cause malfunctions in the body, leading to changes in skin color, dullness of hair and yellowing of nail plates.

Prevention of yellowness

Preventing a problem is easier than getting rid of it. You should remove nail polish from your nails in a timely manner, using a product that does not contain acetone. Before applying long-term varnish, you must use a special base designed to protect your nails.

To preserve the beauty of your hands, nails and good functioning of the whole body, it is best to get rid of bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle. You should stop abusing drinks that contain alcohol, quit smoking, and start leading a healthy lifestyle. Include foods high in vitamins and minerals in your diet.

If you are not sure about the reasons for the yellowing of the nail enamel, then before whitening your nails at home, it would be appropriate to consult a dermatologist and have your nail sections examined to identify the fungus.

Once a week, it is advisable to give your nails a break from polish for several days. If gel polish was applied, then before repeating the manicure you should abstain for about seven days to restore oxygen supply. It is advisable to use a special cream intended for nourishing hands and nails.

How to choose special products

To make your nails whiter, there are special nail whitening products. It is best to buy goods in special shops or from trusted suppliers. When buying a specialized product, first of all you need to pay attention to the composition and labels. Often on whitening products it is written: non-yellowing top, nail whitener. Below are the products that will make whitening your nails at home easy fun.


If you do not want to delve into the search for an answer to the question: “how to whiten your nails at home?”, then the simplest solution would be to purchase a special gel or varnish. The varnish is applied after preliminary cleaning of the nail and creation. There are varnishes created only for whitening, but there are also those that, in addition to lightening, are capable of strengthening the nail plate.

Smart enamels take care of the condition of nails, make them stronger, prevent delamination and protect them from external factors. Thanks to reflective particles, such varnishes look good on the nail plate and can be used without additional coating.

Step by step usage:

  • remove remnants of the previous coating;
  • get a manicure;
  • push back the cuticle;
  • shake the bottle of varnish;
  • apply the product to each nail, moving from bottom to top, from one edge of the nail to the other;
  • wait a few minutes until it dries completely;
  • apply a second layer;
  • let dry.

Whitening Pencil

In addition to enamels and varnishes, cosmetics stores sell pencils that can restore the original color of a nail. The whitening pencil contains chalk or white clay. The cosmetic pencil gives a quick but short-term effect; after washing your hands, the product is washed off.

Step by step application:

  • remove the coating using liquid without acetone;
  • Wash the hands;
  • apply vitamin cream;
  • wait until completely absorbed;
  • using a sharpener, sharpen the pencil;
  • soak the sharpened edge in water;
  • cover the inside of the regrown nail with a pencil;
  • moisten a cotton pad with water and wipe the product off the skin.

comparison table

The table shows the comparative characteristics of varnish and pencil.

Product name Pencil Enamel
Problem resolution speedInstant whiteningRequired to complete a 10–14 day course
Effect durationDisappears after contact with waterStays on nails for a long time
Additional substancesNoVitamins, oils and minerals
Additional effectNoLeveling and strengthening
FlawDoes not cure, suitable only for yellowed edgesDoesn't give quick results

Whitening and nourishing baths

In addition to special products, you can use baths to whiten the nail plate; although they do not give instant results, with constant use, your nails and hand skin will look much more well-groomed and beautiful.


Even grandmothers knew about the chamomile bath. Chamomile is a unique plant that cleanses the nail plate, relieves irritation from the skin, softens the skin of the hands, filling it with vitamins.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • buy dried chamomile flowers;
  • Prepare a container with a lid, preferably metal or ceramic;
  • pour two tablespoons of flowers into a container;
  • pour two glasses of boiling water over the plant;
  • to cover with a lid;
  • wrap in a towel;
  • let it brew for 45–60 minutes;
  • separate the liquid from the inflorescences using gauze;
  • pour the broth into a bowl;
  • Immerse your hands in the liquid for twenty minutes.

With citric acid

If you don’t have time to go to pharmacies and look for chamomile inflorescences, then you can make a bath using lemon juice. A teaspoon of powder should be dissolved in a glass of warm water, pour the liquid into a bowl and immerse your nails there. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.


For a salt bath, it is better to take sea salt; it contains more useful microelements. For the solution you will need:

  • 25 grams of salt, both regular and sea salt will do;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • glass of water.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until the salt crystals are completely dissolved. When the water becomes tolerable, place your nails in a bowl and keep in the solution for no more than twenty minutes. After the procedure, rinse the solution with running water and apply cream to your hands.

With oils

For a nourishing and whitening bath you will need:

  • 34 grams – olive oil;
  • Two tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • Freshly squeezed juice of one lemon;
  • Citrus essential oil – three drops;
  • Grapefruit oil – three drops.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Immerse your nails in the mixture for 20–25 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands with soap and dry with a towel.


This video shows how to whiten your nails at home.


One of the simplest baths for whitening is soda. Soda must be mixed with water, maintaining equal proportions. Keep your fingertips in the solution for up to twenty minutes.

With vinegar

This bath is suitable only after an untrimmed manicure, since any abrasion or the slightest cut can cause burning and stinging from acetic acid. For the procedure, you will need to take a teaspoon of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, and dilute it in 350 grams of not hot water. Immerse your fingertips in the vinegar solution for five minutes, after the allotted time has elapsed, rinse your hands well with water and anoint them with nourishing cream.

Milk bath

Milk is a storehouse of vitamins; back in ancient times, people noticed the beneficial properties of dairy products. To get rid of yellowness, homemade milk or cream is best. Bring the dairy product to body temperature, then dip your fingertips, and, if possible, your entire palm into the container with milk. The procedure has no restrictions on time and number of uses.

Quick removal of yellowness

All the methods described above are mostly suitable for long-term use; they do not instantly lighten the nail plate. Below you can learn how to whiten your nails at home quickly.


The citrus fruit is ideal for quickly cleansing the nail plate. It can be used not only to get rid of yellowness, but also to cleanse nails after gardening. For this method you will need a whole lemon. It should be cut in half, digging your nails into each half. Soak your nails in lemon pulp for ten minutes.


Many berries contain acid that can whiten the nail plate. Strawberries are best; you can take gooseberries or blackcurrants. The berries should be crushed into a mushy mass, then add 25 grams of soda; if the mass turns out to be very thick, you can increase the amount of powder. After applying the resulting mask to the nail, keep it until completely dry, then rinse with running water and repeat the procedure.

For quick whitening, freshly squeezed tomato, lime or cranberry juice is suitable. Natural juices not only whiten nails, but also nourish the skin of the hands with vitamins.


To get rid of yellow nails, any toothpaste is great. The paste should be applied to a toothbrush, moistened with water and thoroughly brushed on both sides of each nail.

Hydrogen peroxide

To create the mixture, you need to mix peroxide and soda in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to each nail, walk for three minutes, then wash your hands well. The mask can be applied no more than once every seven days.

Whitening ointment

It is necessary to mix lemon juice with the oil that is available in equal proportions. Next, using a cotton pad, gently rub the liquid into each nail. You can wear a mask for an unlimited time.

Baby soap

To clean your nails, you need to take baby soap, you can use something else. Place a bar of soap in water, preferably warm, and let it sit for a few minutes until the top layer is soaked. Then scrape the piece with your nails so that the soap particles go deep under the nail. Walk for a few minutes, then remove the residue using a pointed object. The soap lightens and removes difficult-to-remove black streaks under the nails.


Oddly enough, but ordinary laundry bleach, which does not contain chlorine, will help give your nails a natural light color. You should add water to it before use. It is advisable to use the same amount of water as bleach. After mixing, the solution should be applied to each nail, after ten minutes, wash off the remaining bleach.

Other methods

To add shine, lighten and remove impurities on nails, you can use long-term exposure techniques. The recipes below do not bring instant results, however, the results obtained are permanent.

Sodium borate

Sodium borate mixed with rose petal water can also cleanse nails. To prepare the mask, you need to take the ingredients in a ratio of one to ten. Lubricate your nails with cotton wool for several weeks until the desired result appears.

Whitening tablets

There are special tablets on the market that people use to clean denture teeth. If you take several of these tablets and dissolve them in a small amount of water, the resulting solution will perfectly lighten your nails. Fingertips should be kept in the solution for 2-3 minutes.

Soda mixture

Baking soda makes an excellent whitening mask. To do this, you need to take freshly squeezed lemon juice, in the amount of one teaspoon, and add soda to it. The soda should be placed so that at the end of mixing you get a thick mass. Apply the paste to your nails using a brush, walk with the mask for five minutes, then rinse off the residue with water.


Glycerin can not only moisturize the skin of your hands, but also whiten your nail enamel. You need to mix five drops of glycerin with 25 drops of peroxide. Having received a homogeneous liquid, lubricate the surface of the nails with it. After five minutes, wash off the product from your nails.


Ylang-ylang oil must be mixed with lemon juice and jojoba oil. The mixing proportions must be observed as follows:

  • first ingredient - 4 grams;
  • second – 25 grams;
  • third – 8 grams.

The resulting liquid should be rubbed in twice a day; there is no need to rinse off.

Whitening on legs

Toenails, due to various factors, change color. Factors influencing color change can be varnishes and low-quality clothing, which stain not only nails, but also skin. In order to give your toes and nails a beautiful, well-groomed look, you can use all the methods described in this article.

Before you start whitening your nails, you need to understand the reason for their darkening or yellowing. Most often, nails lose their natural shine and change color due to a lack of vitamins in the body. This happens, for example, in the off-season - after a long winter. During this period, the body is already depleting its reserves of vitamins accumulated over the summer and autumn.

Therefore, before making baths, you can start introducing vitamins into your diet. These could be industrial complexes for strengthening and growing nails with calcium and zinc, or they could be foods high in beneficial microelements - fresh fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to give preference to those products that are rich in vitamin C, as well as those with a high calcium content. Additionally, you can take a vitamin-mineral complex, strictly according to the instructions.

Smoking is also a cause of yellowing nails. The tars released from cigarettes are absorbed into the fingertips and nail plates. To stop your nails turning yellow, you need to give up this bad habit. Moreover, it is good for health in general. If you don’t have enough strength for this, then you can opt for electronic cigarettes, which do not emit tar, and therefore do not cause your nails and hands to turn yellow. As an alternative, a mouthpiece that prevents the cigarette filter and hands from touching is also suitable.

The nail plate may darken due to nicotine

An equally popular cause of darkening of the nail plate is household chemicals. During household work that involves the use of cleaning agents and detergents, you must always wear rubber gloves. This will preserve not only your nails, but also the skin of your hands. Moreover, this can be done with great benefit. Apply a rich hand cream to your hands, put on cotton gloves and rubber gloves on top. While working around the house, use hot water - this will create a sauna effect. Nails and skin will steam, pores will open, and all the nutrients from the cream will be absorbed faster.

Lovers of bright manicures should always apply a base coat to keep their nails in their natural color. Bright pigments from the varnish are absorbed into the nail plate, which changes its color. It is quite difficult to remove this pigment, but it is possible. To prevent this from happening, in addition to the base for manicure, you also need to follow some rules. First, give your nails a break from polish for at least a day a week. Secondly, do not forget to do nail baths and massage. Thirdly, polish the nail plates with a soft file.

If you are a rabid fan of covering your nails with gel polish, then remember that it, like varnish, does not allow the claws to receive normal air. After removing the coating, your nails may change color. You need to be more careful with your manicure: long-term coverage is, of course, beautiful, but not always useful. Give your nails a rest. After gel polish, it may take about a week to restore the health of the nail plates.

Another equally popular cause of darkening and yellowing of nails is fungus. Nail diseases not only make the nail plate an unnatural color, but also destroy the nail structure and interfere with proper growth. It is difficult to cure fungus and other nail diseases on your own; here you need to consult a doctor. Not only for treatment, but also for disease prevention.

And, of course, the condition of the nails is a reflection of what is happening inside a person. So, diseases of the liver and kidneys give yellowness to the nails in the first place. Unfortunately, it is difficult to recognize such diseases on your own; consultation with a specialist is required. During the course of treatment, you can additionally whiten your nails using homemade recipes without resorting to chemicals.

Yellowing nails may be a sign of illness

Having figured out exactly why nails turn yellow, you can begin to whiten them, without compromising your health. Among all the existing methods, homemade ones are distinguished by their ease of use - they can be done at any convenient time. A prerequisite is that there should be no varnish or hardener on the nails, otherwise all procedures are meaningless.

How to whiten nails at home

Naturally, the most popular and well-known method for whitening nails is lemon bleaching. It can be used both as an independent product and as a composition for a nail bath. In the first case, you just need to immerse your nails in lemon pulp for 3-5 minutes. Citric acid gives the free tip of the nails whiteness and shine. The disadvantage of this method is that the skin around the nail plates can be dry. You can rub lemon juice with a cotton swab only into the plates themselves, without touching the skin. After the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin of your hands and nails to prevent overdrying.

In the second case, lemon juice serves as an important component of a nail whitening bath. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, a couple of drops of oil (for example, ylang-ylang, aloe or eucalyptus oil) in warm water, mix everything. As an addition, you can add a teaspoon of sea salt (without dyes). Immerse both hands, if the size of the container allows, for 10 minutes in the solution. After the procedure, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

This bath will not only whiten your nails, but also make them smooth, shiny and strong. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week or as needed. It is noted that after the bath the nails become really white, strong and beautiful. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if there is untreated fungus on the nails.

Another well-known whitening agent for a long time is hydrogen peroxide. Since it has one unpleasant property - irritating the skin of the hands, it should only be used in combination with glycerin. It is available in any pharmacy, and does not cost much. In a small container, mix one teaspoon of glycerin and five teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%, no more). Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton swab to the nail plates, without touching the cuticle and side ridges. Leave on nails for 10 minutes, then rinse with running water at room temperature. At night, you can apply nourishing nail cream.

Nails can be whitened with hydrogen peroxide

An equally popular nail whitening product is toothpaste. With its help, you can whiten not only your teeth, as shown in advertising, but also your nail plates. The only condition is to resort to this method no more than once every two weeks. Modern toothpastes contain several aggressive ingredients that, if used excessively, can destroy the structure of the nails. Apply toothpaste to your nails and rub with a small brush, rinse with warm water. This method also perfectly removes dirt from under nails, as well as fuel oil stains from hands or darkening of the skin after contact with mushrooms (relevant in the autumn).

Baking soda also does a good job of whitening nails. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of sea salt in a container (coarse table salt is also suitable), add half a glass of warm water. Soak your hands in the solution for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with warm running water. This method is suitable for daily use, but only if you regularly apply hand and nail cream.

You can whiten your nails, and at the same time strengthen them and speed up their growth, using pepper paste. To do this, you will need hot ground red pepper (a pinch) and the usual hand cream. Add pepper to a tablespoon of cream, mix everything with a cotton swab (the mixture will turn pinkish-orange), and apply it to your nails without touching the skin. Leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Red pepper steams the plate, opening all the pores on the nails. Due to the influx of oxygen, nails grow faster, become stronger, and the free tip is whiter. It is not recommended to use this mixture more than once every two weeks.

The method, which was known to our grandmothers, involves the use of berry pulp. Suitable for whitening: cranberries, lingonberries, red currants. Press a handful of any of the listed berries into a container with a pestle, add a tablespoon of water, and mix everything. Soak your nails in the berry mixture for 20 minutes, then simply rinse under warm water. There is no need to apply cream; the berries contain all the necessary microelements that nourish the nails. You can use this mixture every day without harm to the skin and nails.

Berry cream not only whitens, but also nourishes nails

Pharmaceutical chamomile also does a good job of removing yellowness. Its only drawback is that it makes the skin around the nails very dry. To prevent this from happening, you need to pour boiling water over the pharmacy chamomile, let it brew, and then add a teaspoon of oil (vegetable, olive, any other). You need to keep your nails in the bath for about 15 minutes, then just rinse with water and apply a nourishing cream. Pharmaceutical chamomile will not only whiten your nails, but also make them stronger and stronger, accelerate growth and add shine to your nails.

I use olive and vegetable oil not only in the kitchen, but also in cosmetic procedures. So, to whiten nails you will need a tablespoon of any of these oils and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the nails with a cotton swab in a circular motion without touching the skin. Leave the oil and juice on your nails for 20 minutes, then simply wash off with soap and water. At night you can apply the cream to your hands.

It is not recommended to make baths and mixtures with an aggressive composition (soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon) if there are small wounds on the skin near the nails. For example, from burrs. This will not only prevent them from healing, but will also further aggravate their condition. But a bath with iodine and sea salt will help heal sores and strengthen your nails. To add a whitening effect to this, you can add a little rose water (a tablespoon), which is available in pharmacies or nail shops. Then the bath will not only be therapeutic, but also brightening.

Nail baths should not harm the skin of your hands

Industrial nail whitening products

Of course, home remedies compare favorably with those produced by various cosmetic companies. However, among industrial products there are those that really effectively cope with their task without causing damage to the nails.

One such product is Essie's Beam up. Its appeal is that it almost instantly removes yellowness from nails. Moreover, it is ideal for daily use. Not to mention that it can be used as a base for manicure. The consistency of this is a clear nail polish that dries very quickly.

Oriflame also boasts one product in its nail care line - Nail Whitener. This is a water-based solution that is quickly absorbed and does not require special manipulation. It is simply applied to the nails with a brush and left until completely absorbed. The composition contains the same lemon juice and aloe vera oil, which not only give the nails a natural white color, but also strengthen them.

The “Mava-white” product has one amazing property - it hides yellowness and at the same time cures it. The Mavala company created this product, similar in consistency to varnish, with a brush for ease of use. It is noteworthy that the titanium oxide included in the composition not only whitens the nail plates, but also gives them radiance and shine, strength and strength. This is a universal product that can be applied as a base for a manicure.

The SEVERINA company also has a nail whitening agent in its arsenal, which does not cost too much (around 60 rubles). It not only whitens nails, but also strengthens them and makes them healthier, but only with regular use. The effect is noticeable after two or three uses. In addition, this product can be used as a base for varnish, as well as as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Professional cosmetics - a quick way to whiten nails

An equally popular budget product is a product from the company Sally Hansen. It's called Insta-Brite Nail Whitener. Its advantage is that it acts not only as a nail whitener, but also as an independent nail coating. It provides protection from ultraviolet rays and also protects nails from absorbing pigments from bright varnishes. In addition, customers have noted that the varnish applied to this base coat lasts several days longer than usual. You can whiten your nails daily, alternating with homemade masks and baths.

And, of course, the most popular nail whitening product is a whitening pencil. It is available in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, as well as in specialized nail service stores under various brands. The advantage of this product is the rapid whitening of nails. This is an ideal product when you need to instantly get your nails in order. Before a date, for example. The only drawback is that the whitening pencil does not eliminate the cause of yellowness, but simply removes it temporarily.

Whatever your choice, you should always look for the reason for the appearance of yellowness and darkening on the nails. By eliminating them, you will automatically give your nails a natural color and whiteness. For nail care products, it is still better to rely on homemade recipes, since they do not contain unnecessary chemical fillers that can harm the nails. Beware of counterfeits of industrial nail whitening products. They can destroy the nail plate, making it brittle and brittle, not to mention that they are unlikely to whiten the nails.
