Which animal is the fastest? What is the fastest animal in the world?

Pronghorn. This elegant creature is the fastest land animal in North America, reaching speeds of up to 90 km/h. Over a short distance, a pronghorn would not be able to outrun a cheetah, but would easily pull away from it over any long course. Their endurance allows pronghorns to migrate hundreds of kilometers every year.

Brazilian folded lip. The fastest of bats, accelerating to almost 100 km/h in a dive. Folded lips live in large colonies in caves, under bridges and in old buildings. In the evenings, they simultaneously fly out to hunt, creating a stunning “cinematic” picture.

Sailfish and swordfish. An interesting example of a tie - different sources call either the sailfish or the swordfish the fastest fish in the world, reaching speeds from 100 to 130 km/h. One study that gives the swordfish the upper hand found, using an MRI, that the fish's upper jaw contains an oil-producing tonsil. By spreading around the fish's head, the oil reduces friction with the water and increases speed.

Kalypta Anna. This bird's top speed limit is 80 km/h, which doesn't seem very impressive until you consider its size. Biologist Christopher Clark from the University of California, Berkeley, calculated that at this speed, the hummingbird covers 385 body sizes per second, experiencing strong overloads of 10G.

Cheetah. Far from being the fastest animal on Earth, inferior to birds, fish and even insects, it is still the fastest land animal and the fastest mammal. Reaches speeds of more than 100 km/h, accelerating from 0 to 100 in three seconds.

Black marlin. According to the BBC, the maximum speed achieved by a black marlin is 130 km/h. It was measured by how quickly the line was reeled from the fishing rod when catching a fish, which is a somewhat controversial method. Was the boat moving at that moment, was the fish swimming in a straight line? Either way, it is no surprise that with such speeds, black marlin are very popular among sport fishermen.

Horsefly. If you've ever been chased by one of these biting critters, you know how fast they are. Jerry Butler, an entomologist at the University of Florida, states that an adult male Hybomitra horsefly reaches speeds in excess of 144 km/h. True, it is difficult to accurately measure the speed of an insect due to its size, nonlinearity of flight and other factors.

Needle-tailed swift. This bird reaches speeds of almost 170 km/h, making it the fastest flying animal. It lives in Asia and Australia, occasionally flying to Europe.

Mite. If we take the fastest animal in the world in relation to the length of its own body, then no one will keep up with the tick of the species Paratarsotomus macropalpis. In a second, it covers a distance of 320 of its own dimensions - the same as people would accelerate to 2090 km/h.

Peregrine Falcon. Although the peregrine falcon flies slower than the needle-tailed swift, in a dive after prey it accelerates to 390 km/h. The claw strike after acceleration is so strong that it can tear off the victim's head.

Some animals can reach amazing speeds. But among them there are the fastest.

Top 10 fastest animals in the world:

  1. In first place in the rating is “runner” without competition - cheetah. This animal is unique because it can accelerate to 100-120 kilometers per hour in a matter of seconds, which is the speed of a car! But how does a cheetah do this? His body seems to be created for running, because it is streamlined and elongated, like the body of a sports car. The legs are long and very powerful, the head is small, so it does not create resistance to air flow. In addition, the body weight is relatively small (it is about 50 kilograms), so this representative of the fauna seems to float through the air. And this is what allows him to hunt prey, feed and survive in extreme conditions.
  2. Wildebeest. These animals are often attacked by lions, but, fortunately, they run faster than predators, which allows them to survive (although not always). The maximum speed can reach 80-90 kilometers per hour. And this is quite a lot, considering the impressive size and weight of the beast. So, the height is approximately 1.5 meters, and the weight is 200 kilograms. By the way, the wildebeest feeds exclusively on plants, and it is during their absorption that lions begin to hunt them.
  3. Pronghorn or pronghorn antelope is often attacked by the fastest animals - cheetahs. And therefore it is simply vital for her to run fast. Such a beast can reach speeds of up to 115 kilometers per hour, but this is not all its achievements. The pronghorn also jumps excellently: two meters in height and 5-6 meters in length. And such opportunities are provided by the structural features of the body. For example, the pronghorn antelope has a large heart and a powerful trachea, which allows for rapid blood circulation and uninterrupted breathing.
  4. Gazelle- This is not only a very beautiful and graceful animal, but also one of the fastest in the world. It can accelerate over short distances up to 90-110 kilometers. Moreover, the gazelle is also famous for its endurance, which often helps it evade pursuit by predators. And when running long distances, she can move at a speed of about 50-60 kilometers per hour. And this gazelle is quite easy to handle, because the legs are well developed, and the weight is small - up to 30 kilograms. Such animals usually live in herds.
  5. Greyhound dog. Surprisingly, a dog was also included in the list, and deservedly so, because the breed was originally created specifically for hunting, so high speed is a prerequisite. It can reach 90 kilometers, and during short races it is usually within 55-65 km/h. It is worth noting that there are about 20 varieties of the breed, and among them there are especially fast ones. But the fastest and most resilient is, undoubtedly, the Russian greyhound. Her muscles are well developed, her body is perfectly proportioned. But such a dog, with all its capabilities, can become an excellent human friend.
  6. Zebra. If some animals can hide from predators by camouflaging themselves in grass or thickets, then the color of a zebra (by the way, it is special for different individuals, although it seems almost the same) gives it away almost immediately. So the only chance of salvation is to run, and quickly. Fortunately, nature has endowed this animal with this feature, and it can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h over short distances. Zebras are also very smart. For example, they live in herds and even build families, which makes them similar to people. And while walking, drinking water, resting or eating food, some individuals play the role of guards and warn others of approaching danger.
  7. Horse. The average speed of this beautiful animal with intelligent eyes is approximately 60-65 kilometers per hour. But as people develop new breeds, some qualities improve, including speed. In 2008, a record was set, and then the horse was able to accelerate to 87 kilometers per hour. By the way, such animals are the only representatives of the equine family, which belongs to the order of odd-toed ungulates. They have been domesticated since ancient times, and today the domestic horse is considered a separate subspecies.
  8. Brown hare often becomes a victim of predators, so he is forced to constantly live in extreme conditions. But nature itself helps him survive. Firstly, he is very attentive and knows how to hide in case of danger. Secondly, it can reach high speeds, reaching 80 kilometers per hour (the average is 50-60). Thirdly, the hare is resilient; sometimes the reason for its rescue is the fatigue of the pursuer, who simply cannot continue to run. Fourthly, such an animal is cunning: it can run from side to side and confuse the predator, eventually breaking away from it and hiding.
  9. a lion- a real king of beasts. And its speed corresponds to this unspoken title: it can reach 80 kilometers per hour, and lionesses run faster, they are also the ones who hunt more often (by the way, this is why they do not have a developed mane, because it would greatly interfere with hunting and camouflage). It is worth noting that the lion is practically the largest “participant” in the rating; its weight can reach 250 kilograms. Lions can hunt in groups, tracking, chasing, and then driving and overtaking the prey. Surprisingly, such animals have the smallest hearts compared to other predators.
  10. Coyote- This is an American wolf. Its speed while pursuing victims can reach 60-70 kilometers. This predator feeds mainly on small rodents, gophers, hares, ferrets, beavers, and sometimes birds and even insects. In addition, the coyote can dive, swim well, and catch fish and even frogs. And in the fall, the American wolf is content with eating fruits and berries. In general, this animal is completely unpretentious and omnivorous, most likely, this is what helps it survive.

The speed of these animals is impressive, isn't it?

This beast can reach a speed of 65 km/h in just 2 seconds! And then run at a speed of 110 km/h! The cheetah is the fastest-footed land mammal. A racehorse, for example, can run at a speed of just over 70 km/h, and a greyhound at about 65 km/h. However, unlike them, the cheetah can develop such incredible speed only over short distances

Cheetahs (Acinonyx: the generic name of the cheetah, whose scientific name and patronymic is Acinonyx jubatus.) are representatives of the cat family, although they also have many canine features. For example, they suffer from canine diseases. Like dogs, they sit and hunt. Cheetahs have fur similar to that of smooth-haired dogs. And the vague spots on the skin already resemble cat fur. On the ground, these animals leave completely cat-like footprints and, like cats, love to climb spreading trees (cheetah cubs climb better because adult claws are already blunter because they do not retract for better traction with the ground. On the front limbs there are claws light, large, with sharp ends curved forward and upward. The claw of the first toe is especially large. With a long paw, armed with this claw, like the tip of a spear, the cheetah delivers such a strong blow that the overtaken victim flies somersault. Cheetah babies can retract their claws, like kittens, only up to 10 - 15 weeks, later the claws become almost motionless, and according to this, the metacarpus is more reminiscent of a dog. In general, the structure of the cheetah's body almost repeats the silhouette of a greyhound, and some aspects of behavior are also more characteristic of dogs. The cheetah's muzzle is beautiful and very distinctive. Two black stripes stretch from the eyes to the corners of the mouth, giving the cheetah a sad and even unhappy appearance.The cheetah's fur is short, sandy in color, and the entire skin - except for the light belly - is strewn with small dark spots. Newborn cubs have darker fur, and a thick ashy “mane” stretches along the back from neck to tail. The sounds made by a cheetah are similar to the abrupt chirping of a bird. They can be heard at a distance of two kilometers and allow the cheetah to communicate with its cubs and relatives. The cheetah has a gentle and peaceful disposition. When a cheetah is happy, it begins to purr like a huge house cat. The cheetah gets used to humans very quickly and can be tamed. An adult cheetah can weigh more than 45 kg.

A cheetah is not born a hunter, but becomes one, and only if its mother teaches it an “intensive training course.” Cheetahs born in captivity do not know how to sneak up on prey and chase prey. Joint meals between mother and cubs are very peaceful, without quarrels or fights. There are cases where in arid regions a cheetah fed on juicy wild melons. Tourists who go on African safaris are very surprised that these peace-loving animals are not at all shy. An adult cheetah can come and lie down in the shade of a campervan or jump on the hood of a car and curiously look through the glass at admiring, and sometimes seriously frightened, people. Despite all the similarities with their feline relatives, scientists classify the cheetah for its uniqueness as an independent genus, and some theriologies even into a separate subfamily of felines. There is no consensus yet on the number of cheetah subspecies. Most zoologists agree on seven, some of this seven recognize only two - Asian venaticus and African jubatus, which are translated from Latin as “hunting” and “having a mane.” In fact, this is not a mane, but a short mane, like a comb of slightly elongated hair.

A cheetah can really rush like a whirlwind. Incredibly, this beast can reach a speed of 65 km/h in just 2 seconds from a standstill! And then run at a speed of 110 km/h! The cheetah is the fastest-footed land mammal. A racehorse, for example, can run at a speed of just over 70 km/h, and a greyhound at about 65 km/h. However, unlike them, the cheetah can develop such incredible speed only over short distances. The cheetah is an animal with a tucked body, long, slender legs and a flexible, arched back. The long spotted tail helps the cheetah make sharp turns when running at full speed. At its highest speed, a cheetah can rush in 6-meter leaps. The cheetah is helped to develop such exceptional speed by its unique legs, which are more similar in structure to the legs of a dog than a cat. And the claws help the cheetah not to lose stability while running.

Cheetah sets a new world record for the 100-meter dash among animals

A female cheetah set a new world record in the 100-meter race among animals in the United States, running the distance in 6.13 seconds. As reported on Friday, September 11, 2009, on the website of the British newspaper Evening Standard, the race took place at the zoo in the American city of Cincinnati. An eight-year-old female cheetah named Sarah broke the previous world record set in 2001 by a cheetah from South Africa. According to the race organizer, Sarah used three attempts to set the record. To keep the cheetah from going astray, zoo staff used bait similar to what is used in greyhound racing. Note that the cheetah ran the 100-meter dash three seconds faster than the best human runner, Jamaican-born Usain Bolt. His time at this distance was 9.58 seconds.

The elegant, swift cheetah is a cat that doesn't look like a cat at all. He is the fastest runner on earth and, when chasing prey, is capable of running for some time at speeds of up to one hundred kilometers per hour. He does not know how to roar like large cats, but only yelps like a dog or emits an amazing, completely bird-like chirp. Three months after mating, the female cheetah gives birth to two to four spotted kittens. The African cheetah is born with a mane on its head and back, as light as a gray strip of fog, but over time it changes, becoming short and coarse. Tear stripes stretch from his eyes to his upper jaw, curving like the horns of a lyre, and give the cheetah a sad expression. At three to four months of age, young cheetahs already follow their mother during predawn and evening hunts and learn to sneak up on prey, freeze if the intended victim suddenly becomes wary, approach again, and so on until there are a hundred meters left before the herd, and then turn reddish. - rush forward like yellow lightning. Although cheetah cubs, like all kittens, are born with claws as sharp as pins, these claws hardly retract, and with age they become dull and no longer serve as weapons or help in climbing trees. Adult cheetahs climb very poorly and climb trees only if they have nowhere else to hide from larger predators. The cheetah's teeth and jaws are not as powerful and formidable as those of lions and tigers, and the muzzle is more like a dog's than a cat's. Therefore, young cheetahs must take over from their mother the throw directly at the victim’s throat. A bite to another place will not knock it down and the predator will be struck by the blows of deadly hooves and horns. Standing motionless, the spotted cheetah looks rather awkward - an arched back, a wasp waist, thin legs. But as soon as he starts running, reaching a speed of 70 kilometers per hour in 2 seconds, he becomes the embodiment of graceful swiftness. The non-retractable claws turn into record-breaking runner's spikes and allow the cheetah to turn and change direction in the blink of an eye. Racing alongside a herd of spooked Thomson's gazelles - his favorite prey - he knocks down his intended victim as he runs, then leaps and kills him with a single bite to the throat. Unlike large cats, the cheetah does not eat carrion. Having eaten his fill of the prey he has just killed, he leaves the carcass for the vultures and jackals. Cheetahs sometimes hunt in pairs or family groups, but they are not social animals. What may seem like a pride in a cheetah is in fact most often a female with grown cubs that will leave her when they reach two years of age. Despite its hunting skills, the cheetah is by nature a gentle, calm animal, and there is not a single case known of it attacking a person. People were not so peaceful towards him.

King cheetah - Acinonyx jubatus. In 1981, a new cheetah mutation called royal was noted at the DeWildt Cheetah Center (South Africa). Cheetahs with this coloration are extremely rare in nature. That year, a king cheetah was born in captivity for the first time. In terms of body structure, it is no different from an ordinary cheetah, but its coloring contains particularly large markings, and all the spots are connected in a pattern. The first king cheetah was discovered in 1926 in Zimbabwe and was initially mistaken for a new species of cheetah. Only 50 years later, in 1974, the first photograph was taken (Kruger National Park). At first it was believed that it was a hybrid of a cheetah and a leopard, but genetic tests disproved this theory. Royal cheetahs can interbreed with ordinary cheetahs, resulting in full-fledged offspring. A royal-colored cub can be born from normal-colored parents. The diet of cheetahs is dominated by small prey - Grant's and Thompson's gazelles, impala antelopes, hares and birds. They eat only that part of the prey that they can eat at one time and do not return to the remains of the carcass because they are not able to defend it. He is fast, but not strong.

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Each of the inhabitants of our planet adapts to its conditions in its own way. Some study, some hide, and many have to run away or catch up. The ability to move quickly becomes the only way to survive for many animals. There are speed record holders on land, in the air and in water.

Land animals

photo: Paul.E.M

Everyone has probably heard about the cheetah, as the fastest-footed animal on Earth. Its speed, reaching 120 km/h, cannot be surpassed by any living creature. But a cheetah can run so fast for a very short distance - about 100 m, within a few seconds. At a lower speed (80-90 km/h) it can move for several minutes. However, this is quite enough to get food for themselves and their cubs.

The escaping side also has its own record holder - the pronghorn antelope. Its maximum speed is 100 km/h, and it can run like that for quite a long time. The pronghorn antelope is also capable of overcoming obstacles up to 2 m in height and up to 6 m in length.


Successfully escapes from a cheetah - his most terrible enemy - Grant's gazelle (90 km∕h). Next places are occupied by wildebeest and Thompson's gazelle. It can move very quickly - up to 80 km/h - but it only does this for a short time and quite rarely.

The list of the fastest mammals is completed by dogs, moose, zebras, brown hare, coyote, fox, and tiger. On average, a person can reach 30 km/h while running, which is less than the speed of any of the named animals.

An interesting animal is the wombat. He spends most of his life underground and has a completely unathletic appearance, but when in danger he can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. Its survival abilities are not limited to this - the wombat can swim quickly, deftly climb trees and burrow into the ground.


The flightless bird ostrich can move very quickly – up to 72 km/h. When in danger, he does not bury his head in the sand, as the famous saying goes, but prefers to quickly run away.

The magnitude of talent is not measured by body size. In one second, the American cockroach moves a distance 50 times the length of its body. The numerical expression of its speed - 5.4 km/h - does not seem very large. But if you compare the sizes of a cockroach and a person, it becomes clear that the speed of movement of an insect is incredible: the speed of a person should be 330 km/h.

Water is not the most favorable environment for demonstrating speed qualities. But even here there are creatures that reach enormous speeds.

photo: EcoColors Tours

The sailfish, which has a remarkable dorsal fin from which it gets its name, can reach 109 km/h. This fish grows to enormous sizes: length 3.5 m, weight 100 kg.

Swordfish, with a maximum speed of 130 km/h, and black marling, with a maximum speed of 120 km/h, are challenging the supremacy of the sailfish.

It is not as easy for mammals to move in water as it is for fish. The champions among them are the blue shark (up to 68 km∕h), the white-tipped porpoise (60 km∕h) and the killer whale (55 km∕h). They need high speed to hunt effectively. The ability to move quickly and intellectual abilities make them dangerous.

Flying animals

The peregrine falcon can reach incredible speeds – 350 km/h. It turns out that he can do this only in a pike used in the pursuit of prey.

photo: Brian Jones

In direct flight, the grey-headed albatross moves very quickly. It can maintain a speed of 130 km/h for 8 hours.

The amazing black swift bird prefers to live in flight. He practically does not stop and even sleeps while flying. The maximum speed of the black swift is 150 km/h.


The ground cuckoo, on the contrary, likes to run more, although it can fly. Its usual speed is 20 km∕h, but cases of 29 and even 40 km∕h have been recorded! She takes off only to visit her family in the nest, which is usually located at an altitude of about 4 meters.

The story about the fastest animals can be continued, because the diversity of wildlife is endless. and smart, strong and weak, and - animals live their own lives, often hidden from human eyes. Many of them have abilities far superior to those of humans.

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The fauna of our planet is very rich and diverse. Each representative of the fauna is individual and differs from others. There are a lot of fast animals among them, but there are also record holders among them.

The fastest animal on land

The fastest representative animal world -. His whole body is designed for fast running. Light weight, streamlined skull, elongated body, elastic spine, powerful paws and a long tail, which serves as a “steering wheel” for the cheetah when turning. In 2 seconds it reaches speeds of up to 75 km/h, and in 3 seconds – up to 120 km/h. It surpasses even a racing car in gaining speed. But it can only maintain record speed for a few seconds. But at speeds of up to 90 km/h, a cheetah can run for almost 10 minutes. The cheetah is a recognized sprinter in the animal world and rare prey will be able to escape from it.

Fastest animal in the air

The fastest among birds, and indeed among all living creatures, is. This is a small bird, about the size of a crow. He flies high in the sky, looking for prey. The falcon's vision is so acute that it can recognize its prey from a height of 300m. When he finds her, he throws a stone down and hits her with his sharp claws. The blow is so strong that the victim's head can be torn off. The peregrine falcon's falling speed reaches 320 km/h, and the speed record is 440 km/h, which is comparable to the speed of an airplane. This bird is called the king of dive flight. People have long used falcons to hunt birds, foxes and hares.

Fastest animal in water

But the fastest representative of the underwater world is swordfish. She is capable of accelerating to 130 km/h. It has a long, streamlined body covered with thick skin without scales and an elongated snout in the shape of a sword or beak, for which it got its name. Swordfish lives in the warm waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. There are known cases when a swordfish pierced the hull of a ship made of iron 2 cm thick with its nose. And it also happened that, having broken through the boat and unable to free itself, the fish died. Scientists believe that the reason for attacks on ships may be that the fish at high speed simply does not have time to dodge or change its trajectory. This is a fairly large fish, its weight reaches 700 kg, and its body length reaches 4.5 m.

These are the fastest representatives of the animal world from various elements. Each of them is good in its own way. But the undeniable championship in speed rightfully belongs to the peregrine falcon.
