Kamchatka is a native, beloved land, harsh, but unique. Volcanoes in Kamchatka Museum exhibit “Near the Bystraya River”

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The volcanoes of Kamchatka are an unforgettable sight. On Kamchatka there are approximately 30 active and about 1000 extinct volcanoes (figures differ in different sources), which occupy about 40% of the peninsula’s territory. Active volcanoes mean not only active ones that emit magma, but also those exhibiting fumarolic activity. In general, during the historical period there were not many eruptions that were dangerous to human life. Volcanoes and the areas around them are constantly changing.

In total, there are currently about 600 active and many thousands of extinct volcanoes on Earth. No one can give the exact figure.

The Kamchatka Peninsula is part of the Pacific volcanic ring. To the east of it there is a subduction zone - the subduction of the Pacific plate under the continental one. In Kamchatka, it’s as if you are transported into the geological past of our planet - similar processes took place everywhere millions, billions of years ago. However, the subsoil of the peninsula is geologically young.

Over the course of geological history, volcanic activity in Kamchatka shifted from west to east, as a result of which two volcanic belts were formed, running almost parallel to each other: the older Middle and the younger East Kamchatka. The Middle volcanic belt was formed in the Pleistocene (2.5 million - 11.7 thousand years ago), and the East Kamchatka - in the Pleistocene and Holocene (11.7 thousand years ago - to the present). Most volcanoes are concentrated in the East Kamchatka belt. In Kamchatka, volcanoes are called “hills”, and sometimes simply mountains.

In 1996, the volcanoes of Kamchatka were included in the list of natural sites of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and in 2001 it was supplemented. The “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” include not only the volcanoes themselves, but also the territories adjacent to them, as well as more than 150 mineral and thermal springs. “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” is divided into 6 sections with a total area of ​​3.7 million hectares.

Maly Semyachik- a volcanic ridge that stretches for 3 thousand meters. It contains three craters. Yuzhny (Troitsky crater) is filled with an acidic lake - a solution of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. Solution temperature from +27°C to +42°C.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, view of the “home” volcanoes

Volcano Koryaksky (Koryak Hill)- one of the most beautiful stratovolcanoes, whose height is 3456 m above sea level. Its slopes are cut through by barrancos, and even in summer glaciers do not melt. It is located just 35 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The last eruption occurred at the end of December 2008.

Avachinsky volcano, Avacha- symbol of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The height of this active volcano is 2751 m. Previously, there was a crater on its top, which was filled with lava after the 1991 eruption. Active processes continue: fumaroles deposit sulfur.

Kamchatka, Nalychevo, travertines on the Goryachaya River

Along Vilyucha there is a road to the Mutnovskaya geothermal station. Further on there are two interesting volcanoes - . Gorely Volcano is a chain of 11 craters. There are lakes, fumaroles, side cones.

Kamchatka, Gorely volcano and the caldera in front of it

Mutnovsky volcano called the “small valley of geysers” because fumarole fields and sulfur deposits are concentrated in it. When I was in Kamchatka, the volcano was active, the top was covered with a cloud of steam.

At the foot of Mutnovka - Canyon Dangerous, where a waterfall falls from a height of 100 meters.

I talked about a small part of the volcanoes of Kamchatka - only those that I personally had the opportunity to see, and even then, not all. Each of them has their own temper. Volcanoes give us the opportunity to look into the depths of our planet, to understand what processes take place in the mantle, under a thin layer of the earth’s crust. We owe the appearance of life on Earth to volcanoes: they are the creators of the continents and the ocean, the creators of the air. Volcanic gases containing carbon are the starting material for the formation of coal, oil and combustible gas. The basis of all living organisms is carbon, the primary source of which on the surface of the Earth is volcanoes. Ultimately, we are children of volcanoes.

I would like to complete my story about the volcanoes of Kamchatka with a quote from E.K. Markhinin’s book “Pluto’s Chain” (Moscow, 1973. P.324):

... we cannot help but come to the following conclusion: the entire geochemical evolution of the current layers of the Earth - the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, as well as the emergence and development of life, is ultimately the transformation of primary volcanic products.
Mighty Pluto - the ruler of the underworld - appears before us as a great creator. And the words of the great philosopher of Ancient Greece, Heraclitus of Ephesus, which he said almost 2500 years ago, take on a new meaning: “The origin of all that exists is Fire.”

If you have the opportunity, be sure to go to Kamchatka. I talked about how to save on air tickets in the article ““.

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In 2015, the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve in Kamchatka turned 80 years old.
On this occasion, a literary competition was announced and I took part in it.
Any scientific knowledge in itself is important for expanding ideas about the world around us. But children are a special category.
At the age of 9, children are offered the topic “Volcanoes” at school.
Why not make the lesson a little fabulous?

My fairy tale was awarded a diploma and 1st place in the "Fairy Tale" nomination at the competition.

Once upon a time, brothers lived in the world. They were the children of Mother Earth and Father Fire. Their bodies were strong and beautiful, like their mother's. And they all took after their father in character – quick-tempered and hot-tempered. All of them had the same name - Vulcans.

Many of them were born. It became too crowded for the Vulcans to stand side by side, quarreling, pushing each other. So mother told them: “Go, my children, wander around the world, take a walk. Look for places for yourself!”

Volcanoes spread all over the world. The oldest and bravest went on the journey first. And they went far. And those who were younger did not want to part with each other. They held hands and so, in a chain, they set off. No one will remember now how long or how short the brothers walked.

On the way, it happened that one of them found a place to his liking and stayed there forever.
Some liked life on the islands, when the water splashes around and in good weather you can admire your reflection for a long time, as in a mirror.

Others were very curious and climbed into the depths of the seas, and remained to live under water. And they fell asleep in the depths, only occasionally remembering themselves. (More than 5,000 active volcanoes are hidden underwater in the ocean.) Still others decided to go until they got tired, or until they came across the most beautiful place in the world.

How long did the brothers walk? Who knows? It was a very long time ago. They reached the far side beyond the swampy swamps, dense forests and wide seas. We were very tired and lay down to rest.

And the next morning they looked around and realized that they didn’t want to go any further!
They really liked this land by the Ocean. It looks like an island and there is a sea around it. There are mountains, and rivers flow fast, but the fish are cramped in them!
The lakes sparkle with cheerful eyes and reflect the sky.
Various animals roam along the banks.
Flowers and herbs decorate Mother Earth's dress in summer. And in winter the winds clean it with white, white snow.
Mountains wear green fur coats in the summer! Sundresses embroidered with gold are worn in the fall. In winter, their white shirts are starched to crispness by the frost. And the sky, not sparing the color, turns them brightly blue.

Life is not easy here; everyone has to wear white snow shirts for the longest time, the brothers noted. But it’s not for nothing that Vulcans are the sons of Fire. They decided that they would warm this harsh corner of Mother Earth with their warmth. The eldest and tallest shouted loudly towards the brothers: “The path ends here!”

Nowadays, when people want to notify about something, they call each other by phone. The volcanoes could only scream loudly. And since the brothers walked one after another in a chain, at a distance, each shouted to his neighbor what he himself heard. Therefore, the latter heard how in a game about a damaged phone:
“This is Kamchatka!!!” The brothers liked this name and decided: we will live in Kamchatka!

The brothers looked around and agreed: let’s start building ourselves the same peaked dwellings that the people here live in.* Only they will be strong, made of stone. Let's ask the Father of Fire for hot coals, and we'll help him light the underground furnaces, warm ourselves and warm the earth around us, and keep order.

All the Vulcans began to work hard. They carried stones and clay. They built their own tents. Some were strong and wanted to build their house higher than others, and therefore they dragged the stones higher and higher. Where the clouds rest.

Others had fewer forces, and their dwellings were lower. Someone was so tired that they fell fast asleep and did not notice how their underground stoves went out. Yes, they still sleep like that!

Others were lazy and very rarely did the work assigned by their father. Their stoves released clouds of ash and steam from time to time. But some of the brothers turned out to be very diligent. The tops of these volcanoes smoke and even glow with fire to this day.*

More than three hundred brothers came to Kamchatka. After looking around, everyone chose a place for themselves. Some stood in the east so as to be the first to meet the dawn.*
And others liked to look at the setting sun, and they stood on the other side - on the sunset western side.*

Still others went north.* Most of the brothers didn’t want to go far at all, and they didn’t want to separate either. The brothers are used to being close. So they stood up in groups.* Others didn’t need the proximity at all. They stood aside. (Shiveluch and Kizimen).* So that they could be easily distinguished from each other, people gave each their own name. One of the eldest sons of Fire and Earth is Uzon. It has its own special story.


One of the eldest sons of Fire and Earth is named Uzon. He was one of the strongest and most inquisitive. Therefore, he was the first to set off on a long journey to find his place. It was he who first reached the land that was later called Kamchatka.

He loved to watch the sun rise and a new day be born. Therefore, Uzon stood closer to the eastern shore. He braved the heat. But he really didn’t like the cold.

When Winter came and severe frosts began, and with them blizzards, Uzon heated his underground stove with redoubled force!

Smoke and sparks flew from the hole and illuminated the surrounding area. The snow began to melt on top of his stone tent. It turned into water and flowed down to the foot of the dwelling. Sometimes, from intense effort, he would lose his breath, and then Uzon would begin to cough and shake his chum. People call it an earthquake. And from the smoke hole, hot stone bombs scattered all over the place! Then the underground brew - lava - began to boil. Like porridge from a pot, it began to flow out. The colder the Winter was, the more Uzon stoked his stove. But Winter didn’t give up! Sent frost after frost! Blizzards and blizzards!

Uzon did not give up and heated his furnace hotter and hotter, preventing the Earth from freezing.

Only their strengths were not equal. Winter was the mistress throughout Kamchatka. But there was only one volcano: its brothers had not yet arrived. One day, when the earth had cooled down especially strongly, the diligent Uzon lit his stove, but he ran out of wood! He went to collect them in the surrounding area. The stove without an owner made the top of the stone chum so hot that it could not stand it, melted and collapsed. Only the edges remain. Uzon has become like a cauldron, not a cone!

Winter was happy. She decided that she had won and would stay here forever. It will create such snowdrifts that they won’t melt even in the summer!
But it’s not for nothing that Uzon was the son of Fire! He lost his home and did not find the strength to rebuild it again. But he can still light his stoves!
This is how Vulcan Uzon has been working for many thousands of years.

He learned to brew such drugs that even severe frost cannot turn them into ice. In the midst of winter silence, among the snow, streams and clouds of steam rise into the sky. He cooks colorful clay in silver and red cauldrons. Everything will come in handy when he starts building his own house.
It envelops the birches with its breath, and they dress up in a fur coat of frost and also warm themselves.
His friends don't let Uzon get bored. The bears do not part with him. They only sleep in winter.

Swans and ducks rinse their paws in warm water. They don’t let Uzon be sad. And he not only heats water for them, but also grows soft mulberry* for lunch.
And when summer comes, there is no end to Uzon’s bounty! In his gardens he grows black-eyed crow*, blue-eyed blueberries*, and sweet pine nuts. And he generously treats them to birds and mother bears with their cubs. He allows everyone to trample in the Blue Chloride Lake and leave footprints wherever they want!

Uzon shows the guests all his talents. He paints on a palette with white clay and blows beautiful roses out of it.
He flooded streams and lakes everywhere and filled them with such different types of water that people never cease to be amazed at his imagination.
For fun, Uzon started a geyser in the caldera* and, opening the valve, releases excess steam with its help.

Uzon did not store all his miracles in one place. He hid the rest of the geysers in a valley among the mountains. That’s what people called this place: “Valley of Geysers.” In winter and summer, the earth swirls with clouds there. Releases steam and water from griffins* to different heights. People come from all over the world to admire the beauty of these places.

Uzon is kind. He can even grow flowers! When Ivan-tea blooms, it seems that everything around is covered with hot coals. Uzon likes the bright outfits of his Mother Earth. And he adds bright colors to his waters so that they sparkle like jewels on her colorful sundress.

This is how Uzon lives. Still struggling with cold and snow for many months. He briefly defeats Winter and invites those who are not afraid of the long journey to visit. Summer is short in Uzon! But he generously reveals what he hides from people under the snow.

And people know how difficult life is sometimes for Uzon, who has lost a roof over his head. Therefore, they guard Uzon all year round. They monitor his health and even take his temperature like a child.

*Chum is a pointed dwelling made of deer skins and poles.
* Caldera - (translated from Spanish) - cauldron.
*griffin - a hole in the ground from which a hot mixture of water and steam bursts out.
* geyser - a mixture of hot water and steam, which are forcefully thrown out of the ground to different heights.
* mulberry is a type of algae that grows in non-freezing mineral lakes and serves as food for waterfowl.
** shiksha and blueberry are berries.


Volcanoes on the map. Active volcanoes:

Shiveluch, Klyuchevskoy, Bezymyanny, Plosky Tolbachik, Kizimen, Karymsky, Zhupanovsky, Avachinsky, Koryaksky, Gorely, Mutnovsky, Ksudach.

And many, many fell asleep.

*Volcanoes that love to watch the sunrise:

Kozelsky, Avachinsky, Koryaksky, Aag, Arik are standing in a group. Klyuchevskaya, Kamen, Bezymianny, Ushkovsky, Ostry and Plosky Tolbachiki - also did not separate. The cocky Shiveluch stepped aside from them. The volcanoes of Udin and Zimin stood nearby. Standing aside from them is the handsome Kizimen. The eastern mountain range is home to the Dzendzur, Zhupanovsky, Karymsky, Maly and Bolshoi Semyachik volcanoes. Uzon, Taunshets, Unana, Kikhpinych, Krasheninnikova, Kronotsky, Schmidta, Gamchen, Vysoky, Prikhodchenko, Conradi.

*Volcanoes that love to watch the sunset:

2 active: Ichinsky and Khangar.

Among the volcanoes there are many active ones, the eruption of which causes admiration and fear at the same time. Volcanoes attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Kamchatka volcanoes are not as bloodthirsty as some describe them. There are practically no eruptions here. And those that do happen do not pose any danger to local residents. If the volcano has a dark tint in the morning, this does not mean that trouble will come soon; on the contrary, it is a sign of good weather throughout the day. It is clear that almost every tourist who is near them is in a state of anxiety, although in fact they do not pose any danger. Volcanoes are an amazing sight; it seems as if you are in a completely different world with its own laws and attitude.

Which volcano can be called the most beautiful in Kamchatka

No one can give objective assessments, since they are all special and beautiful in their own way. But the volcanoes that stand out the most are Klyuchevskoy, Koryaksky and Kronotsky, which claim to be the symbols of the Kamchatka Peninsula. All three stand out for their size and unusual cone shape. In general, all Kamchatka volcanoes are unique and have their own special history.

Uzon Caldera

This unusual name was given to the ring-shaped failure on the territory of the Uzon volcano. It was formed 40 years ago on the site of a huge volcano destroyed by a terrible eruption. The latest natural disaster created a crater one kilometer in diameter in the caldera. And finally, over the course of several decades, an amazing natural formation was formed, which was recently classified as a protected area.

The diameter of the entire caldera is 10 kilometers. Its entire territory is simply strewn with the numerous riches of Kamchatka: mineral springs, mud baths, lakes, tundra and a beautiful birch forest. Many scientists and researchers want to get to Uzon. The hot springs are rich in minerals, which have become a favorable environment for amazing algae and microorganisms. Formidable bears roam in the forests on the territory of the volcano, and swans swim in the lakes. Amazing landscape, don't you think?

I doubt there is another place like it in the world. The autumn landscape on the volcano is an amazing sight. Birch trees and the entire tundra are painted in extraordinary shades of gold, red and other autumn colors. Every morning in the birch grove you can hear the music of nature created by the rustling of leaves and the singing of birds.

Volcano Klyuchevskoy

The Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano is considered the most famous natural formation in Russia. It was formed about 7 thousand years ago in the Holocene. The volcano is a huge cone created by the layering of basaltic lava. All tourists are amazed by this clarity of lines and correct shape created by nature. If you look at it from the side, it seems as if Klyuchevskaya Sopka rises in splendid isolation. However, this is not at all true. As you approach, you can see the small volcanoes Kamen, Ploskaya Nizhnyaya and Ploskaya Dalnyaya fused with a large formation.

The volcano has barrancos - small grooves bordering the entire Klyuchevsky cone. Its peculiarity is considered to be a column of smoke constantly rising from the crater. This is due to numerous explosions inside the volcano.

Scientists have established that its height is 4750 meters. But it can vary depending on the power of the explosions. The foot of Klyuchevskaya Sopka is covered with coniferous forests, in which mainly spruce and Okhotsk larch grow.

The first inhabitants appeared here during the Stone Age. These were Koryaks and Itelmens. According to some sources, the first people appeared in the Neolithic era. For many centuries, the main way to survive was fishing and hunting.

The 17th century was marked by the beginning of the development of Kamchatka. It all started with the discovery of springs with clean water. Then the researchers created the settlement of Klyuchi here and named the volcano by the same name.

The Russian traveler Vladimir Atlasov was the first to mention the volcano in 1697. The first conqueror of the peak was the military man Daniil Gauss, who arrived on the territory of Kamchatka as part of a Russian expedition. According to historical data, he and two of his comrades (names unknown) climbed to the very top without special equipment. The idea was very risky, but everything went well. Some time after the ascent, the national park, together with Klyuchevskaya Sopka, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Today it is one of the few volcanoes active in Russia. At its foot is the station of the Institute of Vulcanology. The local population calls the volcano the home of the dead. According to them, when it erupts, it means that the dead are drowning whales caught in the underground sea.

Scientists studied the volcano for a long time and found that it erupts approximately once every 6 years. Larger and more destructive eruptions occur once every 25 years. Over three millennia, 50 lava eruptions have been recorded. At this point, huge columns of dust and smoke disperse throughout the surrounding area, and the flames last for a week. There is a case where a week turned into three years.

There is only one settlement left near the volcano, Klyuchi. Local residents engage in agriculture, raise livestock and fish. The most ordinary life, despite the proximity to a huge active volcano. Every year it attracts thousands of tourists, who are attracted, in addition to its history, by an unusual phenomenon: sometimes a strange cloud forms over the volcano, completely covering the crater, like a mushroom cap.

Volcano Karymsky

This volcano is the most active among all the others. Over the course of a century, more than twenty eruptions occurred. Moreover, many of them continued for years, replacing one after another. The eruptions here are explosive. The strongest of them occurred in 1962, lasting for three whole years. More than 3000 cubic meters flew out in one explosion. meters of dust and gases. In total, about nine hundred such emissions could occur in a day. Before climbing to the top, it is worth stopping at the Maly Semyachik ridge, as it offers an amazing view of the surrounding area.

An eruption at night looks unusual. Glowing clouds of smoke, fire and ash burst upward, illuminating everything around. With particularly strong explosions, the spectacle looks even more exciting.

The history of its origin is quite complex, but it is worth understanding it in order to understand the specificity of the rock formation. Before Karymsky, there was the Dvor volcano here. It stopped developing after a powerful eruption, which destroyed it almost completely. In the caldera that appeared immediately after the explosion, the Karymsky volcano formed over time. But he too suffered a sad outcome. Due to a similar eruption, the central part of the volcano was destroyed. Over time, a new cone rose on the new caldera, which has survived to the present day. At its foot, a volcanological station was built to maintain safety.

Volcano Maly Semyachik

This volcano stretches for three kilometers and is famous for its three craters. In one of them, an acidic lake formed over time. Its temperature ranges from 27 to 45 degrees. The large amount of salt and other minerals made its composition similar to sulfuric acid. The lakes also surprise with their mark of almost a kilometer. According to assumptions, the lake was formed relatively recently during one of the eruptions.

Today the volcano is considered one of the wonders of Kamchatka. If you do get to him, then you simply must climb to the top. There you will see a huge acid green lake. In sunny weather, you can go straight down to the crater to the beach and more carefully examine the waters of the lake. But soon you will have to go back, as it will begin to spit out its waters.

Gorely Volcano

It would be more appropriate to call the volcano the Burnt Range. This name most accurately describes its structure. It is elongated in a western direction, and is considered a typical volcano formed from a caldera. Gorely rises to 1829 meters and has 11 craters. They intersect in such an interesting way that a funny picture is created. Those craters that have ever erupted are ring-shaped and filled with acidic lakes. In one of its parts, the caldera sank due to faults and formed a kind of gate on its walls. In these places, lava flowed freely outside the volcano. Later these holes were blocked by lava.

Volcano Avachinsky

It has a complex structure similar to the Vesuvius volcano. It rises at an altitude of 2751 meters. The Avachinsky crater has a diameter of 350 meters and a depth of 220. But at the end of the 20th century, during a strong eruption, the crater crater was filled almost completely with lava with the formation of fumaroles depositing sulfur.

Volcano Koryaksky

This is a stratovolcano with a surprisingly regular even cone, rising to 3256 meters. Numerous glaciers descend from its summit. Fumaroles form near the top, heating the inside of the crater. The volcano is amazing with its abundance of numerous rocks and volcanic rocks.

Volcano Dzenzursky

The Dzenzursky volcano has long been destroyed. A glacier formed in its crater. In the southeast of Dzenzursky there is a fumarole center with an area of ​​100 square meters. meters. Thanks to it, the temperature of internal waters is almost 100 degrees.

Volcano Vilyuchinsky

It is located not far from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The volcano is considered extinct long ago. Its top seems to have been cut off, forming small areas filled with ice. The lava that flowed from the volcano became multi-colored due to the fumarole. The volcanic slopes are completely covered with barrancos filled with ice and firn.

Volcano Ostry Tolbachik

It has a sharp roof formed by a glacier. Its height is 3682 meters. The foot of Tolbachik is covered with glaciers. The most prominent of them is the Schmidt Glacier. From here you can clearly see the barrancos cutting up the ledges of Tolbachik. In the west they have unusual dikes of basaltic origin. They are of interest to both researchers and ordinary tourists. From the outside, dikes are very reminiscent of battlements and stocks.

Volcano Ksudach

The volcano is a truncated cone, the craters of which are filled with acidic lakes. They have a low altitude of only 1000 meters. The volcano was formed during the Pleistocene and then had a height of 2000 meters. Volcanic activity continued with some interruptions. In this regard, numerous calderas of different ages and sizes were formed.

Ksudach is considered the most unusual volcano in Kamchatka. And all because on its territory there are lakes with clean water, alder forests grow, and a waterfall originates from the caldera.

Volcano Mutnovsky

This is a structurally complex volcanic massif with a height of 2323 meters, surrounded by fumarole zones. It has several craters, next to which there is a hot mineral spring, famous for its bubbling cauldrons and warm ponds. The Vulkannaya River, which forms a huge waterfall, is also located nearby.

Each nation, during its existence, has managed to accumulate rich experience and reflect it in traditional tales and legends. Since ancient times, people have reflected the life of their people in fairy tales. The original people who once lived in Kamchatka were no exception.

How did the tales of Kamchatka appear?

People lived in harsh northern conditions. At the same time, it was necessary to find food for themselves every day by catching fish, driving deer to pasture, and collecting gifts from the northern tundra. One way or another, the inhabitants of Kamchatka were dependent on the forces of nature. Gathering, hunting, fishing - all this gave people the opportunity to gradually get to know their native lands more deeply. However, people then could not resist hunger, disease, and natural disasters. The people felt their powerlessness before nature. The inability to resist and explain natural forces forced people to come up with truly fantastic explanations for environmental phenomena. Trees and plants, and even some people, could then be endowed with supernatural properties. Thus, local residents imagined that the inhabitants of the volcanoes were actually spirits called Gamuls. It was believed that when the spirits were preparing their lunch, smoke came out of the volcano.

Tales of the evil spirits of Kamchatka

The ancient inhabitants of Kamchatka believed in the existence of evil spirits, which had to be appeased. For this purpose, sacrifices were made to them. Every housewife knew that in order to protect her family and home from the influence of evil spirits, it was necessary to have on hand amulets made of wood or stone. Each settlement had its own guardian spirits; they lived in wooden pillars with human faces. Such pillars were placed at the beginning of each village. Then there were even guardians of nets and boats.

Families were protected by the spirits of their patron ancestors. The most ancient spirit of the patron ancestor is the grandmother (yllapil). A little later, in the legends of Kamchatka, mentions of another patron spirit appeared - grandfather (allapil). Ancestors were always remembered with great respect.

However, people could not always fight evil spirits on their own. In such cases, they went to local shamans for help. It was believed that shamans had the ability not only to communicate with spirits, but also to command them. People believed that shamans had the power to help fishermen and hunters, pacify the forces of nature, and drive out evil spirits, because of which all the misfortunes occurred. Shamans, like ordinary people, had a rather fantastic idea of ​​the universe. However, at the same time, in their practice they used the already accumulated human experience and knowledge about the forces of nature. People always went to shamans for help also because they had knowledge about the inner world of a person, his mental torment.

How was the daily life of the peoples of Kamchatka reflected in local fairy tales?

It is worth considering that living conditions in Kamchatka were not very favorable. This explains that the locals willingly believed in the existence of evil and good spirits. People believed that everything that happened around them was directly related to the actions of these spirits. At the same time, people have always tried to rely on their own strength.

Almost all local peoples (Chukchi, Itelmen, Koryaks) had a similar idea of ​​the universe. They believed that the world was divided into three parts. In the upper world there was a “celestial being”, which the Koryaks called “nynyen”. It constantly watched humanity. The creature that lived in the sky was associated with the sun, “on top.” It did not wish people harm, but, on the contrary, promoted world harmony and patronized good deeds.

Residents of Kamchatka have always believed that there are good creatures who are the owners of the forest, sea, rivers, animals, and mountains. So, the Itelmens had their own master of the sea, who was called Utleygana. The patron of fish, a fish-shaped god named Mitt, was especially respected. Respect for this deity was explained by the fact that local residents lived mainly from fishing. It is interesting that the owner of the sea, according to local residents, was half-man, half-walrus. The inhabitants of Kamchatka also held the owner of the earth's animals in reverence, named Pilya-chucha. The Itelmens even knew what this divine creature looked like. The god of animals lived in the sky and moved on birds. He wore a chic wolverine collar and was not very tall. The Chukchi Koryaks revered another deity who patronized animals - Pisvusyn. He was the master of deer, rode mice, and flew on kites.

People turned to the patrons of animals, rivers, mountains, forests, and seas when they were going hunting or fishing. They also tried to gain favor with evil spirits when driving deer out to pasture. To please the gods, it was necessary to sacrifice food to them. The ancient inhabitants of Kamchatka even sketched some gods, and always carried the images with them, so that they would always be under the protection of divine creatures.

In the lower world, evil spirits lived underground. They caused people suffering, pain and even death. It was the evil spirits who were responsible for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, non-arrival of fish, and cold weather. The Itelmens called the evil spirits Kana, and the Koryaks called them Kala, Kamaku. The Chukchi called the culprits of all troubles - Kale. Evil spirits have always lived underground or in abandoned desert places. They reached people through chimneys and made their way into the hearth. Evil spirits could send illness, death and hunger to people.

What were the ancient inhabitants of Kamchatka afraid of? The Itelmens were most afraid of the appearance of lizards near their homes. They were taken to be assistants to the master of the underworld, Gaech. The culprit of the earthquakes was the evil spirit Tuil, who was always accompanied by the dog Kozey, who constantly shook, shaking off the snow. Local residents were also afraid of meeting dwarfs, who were called pihlachs.

The main characters of local folk tales

The main characters in the legends of the inhabitants of Kamchatka include the first ancestor of the Chukchi, Koryaks and Itelmens - Raven. Each people called it differently. Among the Itelmens, the first ancestor was called Kutkh, among the Koryaks - Kutkynnnyaku, among the Chukchi - Kurkyl. The Itelmens were the first to mention the Crow-Kutkha. Afterwards the Chukchi and Koryaks started talking about him. It is interesting that the Raven is spoken of not only in the tales of the inhabitants of Kamchatka. It is mentioned in the myths of the Indians and Eskimos.

The Itelmens believed that Kutkh was the creator of the world. He was able to lower the mountains and the earth from the sky. He created rivers and valleys. Among the Koryaks, the first ancestor was not the creator of the world. He fought with evil spirits. The Chukchi believed that Raven created deer, dogs, and whales.

Kutkh created Kamchatka, and after that he himself became a local resident. It was then that he married Mitya. Soon they had children, who are also spoken of in Kamchatka fairy tales. The Creator of Kamchatka became the father of a son, Ememkut, and a daughter, Sinanevt. Interestingly, the local residents were not afraid of Crow-Kuht. They could even make fun of him in a joking manner. After all, life in Kamchatka was not characterized by good conditions, so some inconveniences could be blamed on the creator of Kutkh. And Kutkh himself was considered quite good-natured and could joke. He created life with his own hands, and then he himself began to take part in it. Outwardly, Kutkh was the embodiment of a man and a raven.

Oral creativity of the inhabitants of Kamchatka

It is worth highlighting the oral creativity of the residents of Kamchatka. It was passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. At the same time, fairy tales tell both about very ancient times and about events of the recent past. Fairy tales place a lot of emphasis on nature and animals. This is largely due to the fact that the ancient inhabitants of Kamchatka were especially close to nature. The main characters of fairy tales quickly transform into plants and animals. Natural phenomena and inanimate objects are spiritualized. In local fairy tales, people are friends with animals. This can easily be explained by the fact that animals are a source of existence for humans, and therefore cannot be at enmity with him. Animals in local legends are always endowed with human traits. They know how to think and speak, build houses, and cook food.

In local fairy tales, people always go out to fight evil spirits and win, thanks to their own ingenuity and strength. A famous hero of Kamchatka fairy tales is a hero named Tylval. He goes into battle with enemies, helps his own people, saves them from hunger and disease. Moreover, each local resident, telling a fairy tale about Tylval, settles him in the area where he himself lives. This gives local fairy tales a special authenticity, intrigues and captivates the listener. There is no place for magic in the tales about the local hero, and the residents claim that everything that happened to Tylval happened in reality.

Tales of Kamchatka are a unique reflection of events that once took place in this area. The indigenous people of Kamchatka still willingly share tales about their native land.

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