Summary of educational activities on the sound culture of speech in the preparatory group “We are helping out Spring! Card index of games in the zkr.

Ekaterina Lopatina
Abstract of GCD on the formation of sound culture of speech in preparatory group"Sound [R]"

Target: Develop phonemic and speech hearing.

Educational objectives: consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables; exercise in determining the place of a consonant sound [P] in a word; practice in sound analysis of words

Developmental tasks: Development of phonemic hearing, development of attention, memory and logical thinking.

Educational tasks: Foster independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment: various pictures; ball; envelope with letter.

Psycho-gymnastics. Children, let's say hello to the guests. We say hello, what do we wish people with this? (children's answers)

And now we will take a deep breath - breathe in joy, good

mood, luck, and let's exhale disappointment, uncertainty, Bad mood, despondency.

And so it is with you and me good mood and we begin with a smile

Organizing time.

Guys, you know I'm in today mailbox kindergarten found a letter.

It is addressed to children preparatory group"Droplet", that is, to us, from the old man - sound artist, so we can safely read it.

(Print out and read the letter)

"Hello guys preparatory group"Droplet".

An old man writes to you - sound player. I know that you will go to school soon. How are you doing with sounds and letters? I would like to test your knowledge. I hope you are ready to take the test...

I am sending you tasks, if you complete everything, a surprise awaits you.

You will receive assignments from your teacher.

I wish you success.

Sincerely, old man - sound player»

Main part

And so you guys and I know that, sounds we hear and pronounce. We write and read letters.

Listen to the poem and tell me which one it is about sound are we going to talk today? Which sound most common?

Radish, turnip, cucumber

A fighter eats for strength!

The canary eats jam.

He says it's for feathers. (Children's answers)

Right! Today we will talk about R sound.

What words do you remember with this sound? (children take turns answering)

Educator. And now, guys, are you ready to complete the old man’s tasks - sound guy? (children's answers).

Well then let's get started. And so the first task.

We need to characterize sound"R":

- Sound"R" Which: vowel or consonant (children's answers) (consonant).

(when forming a consonant sound the exhaled air in the mouth encounters various obstacles, and this produces noise; when forming vowels sounds exhaled air passes through the mouth freely)

And what else? Voiced or voiceless (children's answers) (voiced)

Why is he loud? (children's answers) (Because it is pronounced with a voice)

Is it soft or hard? (children's answers) (Solid)

What color do we use to indicate a hard consonant?

What color do we use to indicate a soft consonant?

What about vowels?

Tell me, who or what can growl? (children's answers)

Let's all try to growl together?

Well done! We completed the first task.

Educator. And here is the second task.

Now we'll play a game "Echo". I will name the words, and you will repeat after me, like an echo, the last syllable:

Nora (ra, curtains (ry, bucket (ro, game (ra, kangaroo (ru, mountains (ry,

cobra (ra, metro (ro, balls (ry, bark) (ra).

And this task is completed.

Educator. Third task. If you hear in the word sound[R] you need to clap your hands, and if you don’t hear, raise your hands up.

Hurray, hole, winter, bark, spring, mountain, hole, hat, guitar, panther, kids, heat, music, ram, pancakes, pies, fish, cities, pirate, parade, window, Marat, aroma, jacket, hurricane, blizzard, Pinocchio, drum, wardrobe, cockroach, steamboat, telephone, round dance, ant.

And you have completed this task.


Now let's take a little rest and warm up.

Hey! They jumped on the spot.

Eh! We wave our hands together.

Ehe-heh! The backs were bent,

We looked at the shoes.

Hey - hey! Bent down lower

We leaned closer to the floor.

Turn around in place deftly.

We need skill in this.

What did you like, my friend?

Repeat again!


Let's sit down at the tables and complete the fourth task and play the game "Where did you hide sound Shall we play? So I tell you the word, and you determine which part of the word it is in sound [R] at the beginning, middle or end. Whoever is ready, raise your hand.

1Motherland 2Trigger 3Tiger

1Stream 2Mink 3Theater

2Crocodile 2Chicken 3Fence

1River 2Caramel 3 Traffic light

2Tram 2Drum 2Zebra

And they completed this task.

Educator. And the last task.

(Sound analysis of a word: fisherman.)

Finger gymnastics for the letter "R"- Fish (senior, under. groups)

Five little fish were playing in the river

The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.

A large log lay on the sand, hands pressed to each other. We turn them from side to side.

And the fish said: "It's easy to dive here!" The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them.)

The second one said: “It’s deep here.” Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).

And the third one said: "I want to sleep!" The palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)

The fourth began to freeze a little. We quickly shake our palms - trembling.)

And the fifth one shouted: "There's a crocodile here!

Swim away from here so you don’t swallow it!” The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)

Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - they float away.)

What does a word consist of? (from syllables). How to determine how many syllables are in a word? (Children's answers) (We need to count the vowels).

That's right, because we know rule: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables. Now we will make a diagram words: fisherman. Place a long one in front of you "stripe - word".

Now let's all chant the word fisherman. How many vowels did you hear? (children's answers) So how many syllables are there in a word? -Now let’s slap the word fisherman syllables: fish-tank. How many syllables? (two) Place two short strips under the long one.

What's the first syllable? "ry". Which one is the first? sound in a syllable"ry"? (sound"R").

- "R"- Which sound? What color do we designate it with? (children's answers) (blue). Place the blue cube under the first short strip.

What's the second one? sound in the syllable ry? (sound"s").

- "s"- Which sound? (children's answers) (vowel). What color will we use? (children's answers) (red).

The second syllable - we analyze the tank by analogy.

How many syllables are in a word? (two). How many vowels sounds? (two). How many consonants? (three). Who can tell what word the word FISHERMAN comes from?

Children: From the word FISH.

What other words can you come up with from the word FISH? (children's answers)

(fishing, fish)

Guys, we completed all the tasks.

There are no more tasks and the old man - sound guy sent you coloring pages with the letter R.


1. Which one? the sound we spoke today?

2. Do you think we completed the task?

3. What was the most interesting for you?

Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in preparatory school speech therapy group in kindergarten

Baranova Ekaterina Evgenievna - teacher-speech therapist SP kindergarten“Little Red Riding Hood” GBOU Secondary School No. 1 “OTs” p. Bolshaya Glushitsa
Description of material: I offer a summary of a literacy lesson for children 6 years old with general underdevelopment speech. This material will be useful to speech therapists and educators working in general developmental and correctional kindergartens. During the lesson, children, together with the fairy-tale hero Pinocchio, get acquainted with new sounds “b, b”, reinforce the concept of “consonant” hard - soft sound”, work with the proposal.
Summary of a lesson on sound culture of speech in a preparatory speech therapy group.
Topic: “Let's teach Pinocchio. Sounds “b, b”, letter B.”
1. consolidating children’s knowledge about consonant sounds, an exercise in determining the hardness and softness of sounds.
2. familiarization with the sounds “b, b”, the letter B.
3. naming words with sounds “b, b”
4. development of the ability to select antonym words
5. exercise in determining the number of syllables in a word
6. exercise in the use of nouns in the instrumental case
7. development of the ability to work with deformed phrases
8. development of the ability to pronounce a tongue twister in different timbres and tempos (loud, quiet, fast, slow)
Materials and equipment: Pinocchio doll, blue and squares Green colour for each child, a ball, envelopes, pictures, syllable diagrams, an easel, two tables, a tray, leaves with words.
Methods and techniques: game - arrival of Pinocchio, verbal - D\i “Who is attentive”, “Treat Pinocchio”, “divide the words into syllables”, “Say the opposite”, “Say a tongue twister”, “Make a sentence”, practical - drawing a letter with a finger in the air.
GCD logic:
1.Organizational moment.
-Speech therapist: Guys, say hello to the guests. Today we will have another guest. You will find out who he is by guessing the riddle.
Father has a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key
His long nose sticks everywhere,
Who is this? (Pinocchio)
- Speech therapist: That's right, guys. (Pinocchio appears). Pinocchio wants to learn to recognize sounds and letters in order to go to school. Want to help him?
-Pinocchio, do you know what the first sound is in your name? (no) Guys, do you know? Today, together with Pinocchio, let’s get acquainted with the sounds “b, b”, the letter B.
2. Main part.
(Children stand in a semicircle near the easel)
1)-Speech therapist: Guys, look at my lips, what happens to them when pronouncing the sound “b”. (Lips close)
-What happens to the air? (The air meets an obstacle)
-Put your hand on the neck, make a sound. Does the neck work or not? (works, means the sound is loud)
- Who can tell Pinocchio the characteristics of the sound “b”? (The sound “b” is a consonant, hard, sonorous) (Conventional meanings are attached to the easel - a blue square, a bell)
-Guys, the sound “b” has a soft brother “b”. Who will tell the characteristics of the sound “b” (The sound “b” is a consonant, soft, sonorous) (Conventional meanings are attached to the easel - a green square, a bell)
2) - Speech therapist: Guys, sit on the chairs. Let's help Pinocchio distinguish the sounds "b, b". Let's play the game "Who is attentive."
If you hear a hard sound “b” in a word, what color square will you pick up? (blue) if you hear the sound “beat”? (green)
Bow, bandage, dog, lunch, Saturday, ticket, cabin, fur coat.
Well done.
3) Speech therapist: Guys, let’s come up with words with the sounds “b, b” for Pinocchio. Where is the sound “b” in your word (at the beginning, middle, end)
4) Speech therapist: Let's play the game “Say the opposite” - in a circle with a ball.
Game "On the contrary".
Small - big, slow - fast, long - short, evil - kind, ruddy - pale, affectionate - rude, black White, scold - praise, cowardly - brave.
5) Speech therapist: The next game is “Treat Pinocchio.”
On the table, select those pictures whose names contain the sounds “b” or “b”.
-Everyone thought, treat Pinocchio, saying the phrase: “I will treat Pinocchio...(what?) apricot, banana, pancakes, bread...
Thanks for the treat!
6) Speech therapist: Guys, Pinocchio has prepared tasks for you in an envelope, help him determine how many syllables there are in a word. What rule do we know? (a word has as many syllables as vowel sounds)
Children go out, name what is drawn in the picture, divide the words into syllables, check by clapping, and match the picture with the diagram of the word.
Bread, ball, strawberry, fish.
7) Speech therapist: Guys, Pinocchio has prepared tongue twisters for you. The speech therapist pretends that Pinocchio is whispering a tongue twister in his ear)
White sheep beat the drums
-Repeat it loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly.
Well done.
8) Speech therapist: Pinocchio brought unusual leaves with words. Help me make sentences out of them. (The child collects three leaves each)
Squirrel, store, cones
Mushrooms grow in the forest
9) Introducing the letter, showing the letter, reading a poem
Speech therapist: Letter B with a big belly, wears a cap with a visor
-let's write a letter in the air with your finger
The speech therapist shows in a mirror image.
3. Summary. What do you think Pinocchio learned today? (children's answers). He says thank you and gives you golden key stickers for your work in class. Summary of educational activities in the compensatory preparatory group with severe speech impairments

tic hearing

2. Strengthen the Russians folk tales and the main characters

3. Develop the ability to work in a team

4. Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards each other

Equipment: ball, flashcards, balls different shapes, buckets, cut alphabet, picture of Emelya, multimedia installation

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing a group to work

2. Updating knowledge

Ball game Name the last sound in the word

Problem situation

Look, I have a word written on my card (THOP), who can tell me how many letters it contains? Sounds? Are there sounds in the word that we have not studied?

That's right, we haven't talked about the sound (Ш) yet.

3. Learning new material

Let's all try to characterize the sound (Ш). Try singing it. (It is not sung. This means that this sound is CONSONANT).

Place your palm on the neck and listen, does the voice ring? (The voice does not ring, which means this sound is DEAF)

Well done! And the sound (Ш) is always soft! Artem, how will we designate the sound (Ш)? (We will denote the sound (Ш) with a green circle.)

Well done! The sound characteristics (Ш) were given correctly!

Guys, listen carefully and guess my riddle.

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy is riding on a stove.

Goes straight to the palace.

Who is this fellow?

That's right, this is Emelya. Who remembers the name of the fairy tale in which Emelya - main character? (the fairy tale is called “On the Pike”). That's right, remember who helped Emela in this fairy tale and fulfilled all his wishes? (Pike). Well done! Today you and I will visit Emelya and the pike! How many of you remember which magic words Emelya said before making a wish? (At the behest of the pike, at my will!). Right! Let's hope that these words will help us today! At the command of the pike, at my will, turn around and find yourself in a fairy tale! And here are our fairy-tale heroes - Emelya and the pike. Today, together with Emelya, we will get acquainted with a new sound and the letter that represents this sound.

Listen to the proverbs about pike, how do you understand them?

Well done! Nice work today! Emela needs to learn from you! Do you know how to rest? Let's relax a little and tell a short poem about a pike! (Poetry)

Now let’s play a little with our heroes and find out which of you has the most attentive ears. As soon as you hear a word with the sound (Ш), clap your hands! At the behest of the pike, at my will, close your eyes and start playing!

Game: “Attentive ears”

words: pliers, brush, chocolate, tickle, pinch, checkers, soup, tongs, neck, teeth, thicket, question, pike, roll, trainer.

Well done! We completed the task! And now for you the next game “One - Many”.

Game: “One - many”

(I have a pike, and I have a lot of pikes; I have a raincoat, and I have a lot of raincoats. etc.)

Guys, you have completed all the tasks, it’s time for us to rest.


Let's get acquainted with the letter that represents the sound (Ш). Look, here she is. What does she look like? (Children's answers).

It looks like a comb.

Three teeth in total?

Well then!

4. Consolidation of the studied material

Do you remember what the letter Ш looks like? Then try to find it among other letters. (Children find the letter among other letters of the split alphabet). Well done! Now be careful! Emelya has prepared a tricky task for you! Look how many balls he brought for you! Are the balls the same or different? (Different) How do the balls differ from each other? (They differ in color, shape and size.) Correct. Listen carefully to the task. You must find balls that are the same in shape, size and color and read the words that you get.

Game: “Collect balls” (MUSIC SOUNDS)

Read the words that you got (pike, tongs, thicket, food, vegetables, shields).

Oh! Guys, while we were playing, Emelya prepared these unusual buckets for us! Look at them carefully - the patterns on them are somehow interesting. Do you know what they mean? (They show the place of the sound in the word)

Right! Let's help Emela put the objects that we have drawn in the pictures into the right buckets. Just explain why you chose this particular bucket.

Game: “Lay out the pictures” (MUSIC SOUNDS)

5. Reflection. (Result)

Well done! We completed all the tasks today. Well, now it’s time for us to say goodbye to our heroes. At the behest of the pike, at my will, turn around and find yourself in kindergarten!

Which Emelya task did you like best and why?

Tell me, who found it difficult to complete Emelya’s tasks today? And who doesn't?

Was it interesting for you to study with Emelya today? Will you invite him to visit again?

Zhelyabina Tatyana Viktorovna
Job title: a kindergarten teacher
Educational institution: MADOUTSRR No. 8
Locality: Kurganinsk, Krasnodar Territory
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: ECD "Sound culture of speech" (school preparatory group)
Publication date: 12.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Target: Develop phonemic and speech hearing.

Software tasks: teach children to match word patterns to pictures, producing

letter analysis; continue to teach children to identify and name the common sound in

words; consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables; develop pronunciation skills

phrases at different tempos; Exercise children in pronouncing words by changing the strength of their voice.

Cultivate kindness, independence, initiative,


Preliminary work: acquaintance with sounds, games to find sounds in

words, inventing words with a certain sound; examination

illustrated alphabets; working with coloring books; memorizing quatrains

a certain letter.

Equipment: various pictures; interactive board; presentation: “First

sound", "Make a word", "Schemes for word-pictures for the sound K"; musical

tools; ball; envelope with letter, parcel.

Psycho-gymnastics. Children, let's say hello to the guests. We are speaking

Hello, what do we wish for people? (children's answers)

And now we will take a deep breath - breathe in joy, good

mood, good luck, and let's exhale disappointment, uncertainty, bad mood,

despondency. And so you and I are in a good mood and we set to work with a smile

Organizing time.

Guys, you know, today I found a letter in the kindergarten mailbox.

It is addressed to children of the preparatory school group, that is, to us, from the old man

- sound, so we can safely read it.

(Print out and read the letter)

“Hello, guys from the pre-school group.

An old man, a sound guy, is writing to you. I know that you will go to school soon. Like

do you deal with sounds and letters? I would like to test your knowledge. I

I hope you are ready to take the test...

I am sending you tasks, if you complete everything, a surprise awaits you.

You will receive assignments from your teacher.

I wish you success.

Sincerely, the old sound man."

Main part

Educator. Well, guys, are you ready to complete the tasks? (answers

children). Well then let's get started. And so the first task.

“Identify the first sound in words and name the letter.” (presentation. 1 slide –

pictures: headphones, threads, socks, Dunno.2 slide – cloud, windows, donkey, wasps. 3

slide – Cat, chicken, basket, candy. Slide 4 – sun, chair, elephant, sausages.

Slide 5 – apricot, orange, watermelon, stork. 6 slide – tiger, notebook, plate,

Who knows a poem about letters?( N.On the letter N I’m like on a ladder, I’m sitting and

I sing songs. ABOUT. Look at the wheel and you will see the letter O.

TO. The bird opened its beak with the letter K, surprising us. WITH. The mouse sat in the corner and ate it

piece of bagel. A– the beginning of the alphabet, that’s why it’s famous. And it’s easy to recognize her -

puts his feet wide. T the tourist has a hatchet. He walks quickly through the mountains). Well done,

Educator. And here is the second task. We need to divide words into syllables.

We will share using musical instruments. (On the table are

inverted pictures: umbrella, parrot, glue, tram, boat, gloves,

mouse, trousers, horses, fox; and musical instruments: metallophone, tambourine,

maracas, rattles.) You need to take one picture and name the object,

pictured on it, select musical instrument and with his help

tap out the word. (children completing the task)

And this task is completed.

Educator. You need to pronounce the phrase at different tempos. First in

moderate, and then as quickly as possible, but try to pronounce the words clearly.

(Seni and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache... A hedgehog doesn’t need a beetle for dinner).

Well done, it turned out well.

Educator. Next task “Continue the word” (with a ball) I

I pronounce the first syllable and throw the ball to the child. He says a two-syllable word,

which begins with this syllable and throws the ball back: ma -, pa-; la-li-; book;

zha-; ut-; RU-; But-; behind-; lu-; We-; shore-;de-; pu-...

Educator. Exercise “Make a word” (presentation)

1 slide – pictures: boat, duck, doll. ONION(the latter appears on click,

if you spelled the word correctly). Slide 2 – carrots, orange, chair. POPPY

appears on click. Slide 3 – melon, wasps, car. HOUSE appears also. 4

slide pan, needle, TV. WHALE appears also. 5 slide – snail,

bread, cloud. EAR appears also. Slide 6 – Nyusha, windows, candle. NOSE

appears also.

The child not only names the word he received, but also explains how he found it.


Educator. And now it’s a very difficult task. Need to pick up

pictures of word schemes. Let's look at the pictures: apple, ball, cat, juice,

wolf, squirrel. What common sound and letter are there in all these words. We define

place of sound K.

The following diagrams appear on the screen in turn:

To_ _; _ _ To; to _ _ _ _ to; _ _ _ To; _ _ _ To _ ; _ _ _ _ To _.

And you have completed this task.

Educator. And the last task. There are pictures on the table, take each

alone and listen to the task. You need to pronounce the name of the picture with different strength

Well, you guys are great!

There are no more tasks.


Do you think we coped with the task?

What was the most interesting for you?

A janitor comes in and brings a package for the children in the preparatory group.

Children open it, there are vitamins, plasticine and letters for

coloring. The children continued to work in art activities (they sculpted letters,

painted, cut out and composed compositions)

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 8 in Kurganinsk

Joint educational


on sound culture of speech

(for preparatory children

to school group)

Teacher of the first qualification category

Tatyana Viktorovna Zhelyabina.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution –
kindergarten No. 9 “Rosinka”

Abstract of GCD
Topic: “Sound “F”
(as part of the implementation of the NGO " Speech development": preparation for learning to read and write - training on ZKR in the preparatory group)

Compiled by:
High teacher categories
Amosova O.S.


ZKR training
Topic: Sound "Zh"
Goal: to teach children to distinguish the sound “zh” by ear.
Objectives: Learn carefully, listen and solve logic problems. Teach how to pronounce the sound “F” correctly, and perform a sound-syllable analysis of words with this sound. Consolidating the sound “Zh” in dialogic speech. Introduce children in an accessible form to the concept of “ related words" Learn to select related words from a stream of words and connected text. Learn to cut along the contour. Reinforce the recognition and naming of objects using diagrams.
Vocabulary: heavy, bending, bending, fishing net, snowfall.
Material: demonstration: Phone with a recording of a beetle's song, a beetle on a stick, a picture - the symbol “Beetle”. Pictures for the game: beetle - tree, cook - knife, girl - scissors, apple tree and pumpkin hats. Pictures - snowflake, Snow Maiden, snowman, snowfall. Pictures: toad, ground beetle, lark, woman, hedgehogs, crane, snake. Vests in blue and purple.

Methodical techniques:
Org. Moment: solving logical problems.
Sound analysis.
Game "Who needs what?"
Physical exercise.
Related words.
Paper tearing.
Game "Which hand, which leg?"
Bottom line.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment: solving logical problems.
Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Buddy and a daughter Dasha. How many children does mom have in total?
The dog Mickey gave birth to kittens: three white and one black. How many kittens does Mickey have?

Guys, we have an unusual guest today. And you will know who it is as soon as you listen to his song. (Phone with a beetle song).
-Well, what did you find out? Of course, this is a beetle that sings its buzzing song all the time. And here he is.
Sound analysis
- Guys, who is this? (bug). How does a beetle buzz? (w-w-w) right.
- The sound “Zh”, what is it? (consonant, hard, voiced)
-Let’s show on the diagram the sound “ZH” (Blue square, bell)
- Guys, now we’ll be beetles, but we’ll buzz in different ways: if our beetle flies far, then how do we buzz? (quietly). Is the beetle flying up to us like it’s buzzing? (loudly). Let's fly. (A beetle on a stick with a string flies around the group).
- Well done, we've been buzzing, and now let's play an interesting game.
3. Game “Who needs what?”
- Let's play the game “Who needs what?”
There are three pictures on the table: a tree, a cook, a girl cutting paper. You need to choose pictures that go with everything drawn. They chose correctly: a beetle was given to the tree, the cook was given a knife, and the girl was given scissors. All of these words contain the sound...? ("AND")
-Where is it? (in the word “beetle” at the beginning, in the word “knife” in the middle, in the word “scissors” - in the middle)

4. Re-enactment. (Two children in apple tree and pumpkin hats are playing)
- Guys, listen to the skit.
-Oh, it's hard.
- Why is it hard for you, apple tree?
- The apple branches are bending on me, leaning towards the ground, I can barely hold it up.
- Oh, it's hard!
- What’s hard for you, pumpkin?
- Lie on the ground and hold yourself!
Educator: - Guys, what sound is most common here? ("AND")

5. Physical exercise “Beetle”
The beetle lies and cannot get up,
He is waiting for someone to help him.
6. Game "Carousel"
-And now, together with the beetle, we’ll go to the park for a ride on the carousel. But those objects will sit on the carousel whose names contain the sound “F” (toad, ground beetle, lark, woman, hedgehogs, crane, snake).

6. Related words. (The corresponding pictures are displayed according to the text of the fairy tale)
- Guys, I'll tell you a fairy tale.
“A long time ago, people lost the word “snow” and forgot about it, but the word fell into the ground, and the sprouts of the word appeared - Snow Maiden, snowman, snowfall, snowflake. People looked, listened, and the words were similar, like family, like relatives. And people called such words related.”
The words are like native words, a little similar,
They hardly carried them,
Listen a little and think about the essence,
They are talking about the same thing.
- And now, I’ll read you a poem, and you find related words.
The fishermen have an unprecedented catch,
The old fisherman also caught the fish.
We will assemble a fishing net,
Pour fish soup into plates.
- What words are related here? (fishermen, fish, angler, fishing, fish) What is the common word? (fish)

7.Tearing paper.
- Well done boys. And now I suggest you make a sky with clouds where our beetle loves to fly. You need to use cutting to make clouds. We cut off with the tips of three fingers or a probe. This is how we got the sky with clouds. We will glue the clouds and draw a lot of beetles so that our beetle will have friends..
-What time of year is it in our picture? What else can you quickly do and add?
-Children, how many legs does our beetle have? What do we have? Let's play a game and tell you where the left and right sides, arms and legs are.

8. Game “Which hand, which leg?”
There are stencils of “arms” and “legs” on the floor. We attach the right hand and call it. We place the desired foot on the footprint and call it. (For example, right hand, left leg etc.)

9. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.
- We worked fruitfully today. What difficulties did you encounter? What did you like? I have bug vests in two colors on my desk: if you liked the lesson, then take a blue vest, and if you have questions about the lesson, take a purple vest and Thank you for the lesson.
