Pale Chanterelle (White Chanterelle). Yellow chanterelles: characteristics of edible mushrooms

Chanterelles– typical summer mushrooms. The first chanterelles appear in our country at the end of June and grow all summer, slightly capturing the warm (one might say “summer”) part of autumn, sometimes until October. Chanterelle mushroom belongs to the mushrooms High Quality partly due to its gastronomic properties, but also due to its recognition, prevalence and resistance to worms (the mushroom fly is indifferent to the chanterelle, so chanterelles are not wormy).

There are some varieties of chanterelles in nature, but when a mushroom lover says the name chanterelles, then this, in the vast majority of cases, means a mushroom real fox(synonym - yellow fox) – Cantharellus cibarius.

Description of chanterelle mushrooms

The fox is real. The chanterelle's cap is 2.5-10 cm in diameter, thick-fleshy, initially convex with a curled edge, then almost flat and becomes funnel-shaped with age. The edge of the chanterelle's cap has uneven and strongly wavy edges, the color is yolk-yellow, yellow or pale yellow.

The chanterelle's leg is solid, widens upward, and directly passes into the cap. To the touch - smooth, bare, yellow. The diameter of the chanterelle leg is 0.8-2 cm, the length is about 1-5 cm. The flesh of the chanterelle is dense, rubbery, unbreakable, white, with a pleasant aroma and a spicy peppery taste. The chanterelle's plates descend onto the stalk, they are narrow, and yolk-yellow in color.

The false chanterelle has a velvety surface of the cap, rather smooth edges of the cap and grows in the wrong places and at the wrong time as the real chanterelle. False chanterelle was previously classified as a poisonous mushroom, but now false chanterelle is classified as an edible mushroom, but of low quality. Description of the false chanterelle - .

FAQ about foxes

FAQ, as you know, are FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. Information about chanterelles in our FAQ is presented in a question-answer format (B – question, O – answer). So:

IN: When to collect chanterelles?

A: Chanterelles grow in the summer. The first chanterelles appear at the end of June, but the main season for collecting chanterelles is, of course, July and August. When are chanterelles still growing?? They feel quite good even in September, and in October too. But this time intersects with high season collection of even better quality than chanterelles, autumn mushrooms, therefore, we believe that the chanterelle is the mushroom of summer and the emphasis on collecting chanterelles is made mainly in the second half of summer, and to a lesser extent in autumn.

IN: Where do chanterelles grow?

Chanterelles grow here somewhere

A: Chanterelles grow in forests, mainly in pine forests. Which forests specifically? Usually this old forest, not young animals. It’s good if there are patches of moss between the tall pines.

And another episode on the same topic:

Chanterelles also like to grow in places where birch trees are found (but not predominant) among the pines. If we go looking for chanterelles, then we pay attention, first of all, to precisely these areas of the forest: pine trees, moss, and a few birch trees.

The presence of moss and inclusions of birch trees is especially important in hot weather. summer weather when there is little rain:

Sometimes chanterelles come across some completely unusual places. For example, in such typically oily, young pine plantings...

IN: How to cook chanterelles?

A: Chanterelle is definitely an edible mushroom; it can be fried and cooked in other ways without necessarily boiling. Chanterelle is characterized by a slight bitterness, but it does not make a big difference in matters of preparation. Dishes with chanterelles are no less tasty than those prepared with the most popular mushrooms of the first category.

IN: What to cook with chanterelles?

A: Options how to cook chanterelles a lot: fried chanterelles, chanterelles stewed in sour cream, potatoes with chanterelles, even chanterelle soup. In fact, anyone will do mushroom recipe. Here are a few simple options recipes for cooking chanterelles, some with photos:

  • . At approximately the same time, chanterelles grow in the forest and fresh summer vegetables ripen in the fields and gardens: eggplants, zucchini, onions, tomatoes and peppers. The famous French dish ratatouille is made from this set. In our case, ratatouille with chanterelles. You just need to fry (easier - separately) chanterelles, eggplants, peppers and onions. Then mix everything in a frying pan, add chopped tomato, heat everything together for a minute or two and add a little fresh basil.

  • . Peel the chanterelles, wash them, cut them along the legs into small pieces and fry until cooked. vegetable oil. Salt and season with ground black pepper. This is a simple version of the recipe. More complex - when chopped onions are fried a little, and slightly boiled (about 15 minutes) chanterelles are added to it. You need to try both options and decide for yourself which recipe you like better.
  • Chanterelles in sour cream. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, fry the diced onion in vegetable oil until soft. Add chanterelles, pre-boiled for 20 minutes. Simmer everything for 10-15 minutes, by this time the mushrooms may release a little liquid - this is how it should be. Add sour cream to taste, simmer for half an hour.
  • Potatoes with chanterelles. This recipe depends on who likes what. Let's take into account that the first chanterelles appear at the same time as the new potatoes. Therefore, you can boil the potatoes in salted water, and while they are boiling, fry the julienned onions and chanterelles in a frying pan until soft. Sprinkle boiled potatoes generously with chanterelles fried with onions - mmm... yummy!
  • Chanterelle soup. Fresh chanterelle is not the mushroom that will give a thick broth. Therefore, the options are as follows: either enjoy the delicate taste that comes from chanterelles and vegetables in water, or use a rich broth as the basis for the soup. Sort out the chanterelles, clean them of debris, and wash them. Cook for 15 minutes. Drain the broth. And then this: put a few potatoes, carrots, and a little onion in a pan with water or broth and cook until almost done. Add chanterelles. You can season the soup with fried onions.

IN: How to prepare chanterelles for the winter?

A: The main option for preparing chanterelles for the winter is pickling. Pickled chanterelles: The technology for pickling chanterelles is simple and the same as for other mushrooms. Boil the chanterelles, drain the broth, place in jars and pour in the marinade. An option for a good recipe for pickling mushrooms is. Chanterelles usually do not go to drying.

Chanterelle mushrooms – photos in nature

Here are some more photos of chanterelles in natural conditions.

If you have questions, objections or additions to our publication about chanterelles, register on the site and write comments below, we will communicate.

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Common chanterelle (true) is an edible mushroom of the Chanterelle family. The name comes from the Old Russian "fox", i.e. "yellow".

Description and appearance

There is no pronounced cap fused with the stem. The color of the mushroom body is from light yellow to orange. The diameter of the cap is up to 12 cm, the cap is smooth with wavy edges, depressed in the middle. The mushroom has the shape of a funnel.

The leg is dense, lighter than the cap, tapering towards the bottom. Thickness 1-3 cm, length 4-7 cm.

The pulp is fleshy, dense, yellow on the edge and light in the middle; if pressed, it will turn slightly red. The smell is specific, sour with notes of dried fruits and roots. The mushroom has practically no worms or wormholes in its pulp. The pseudoplate hymenophore has highly branched folds descending to the stalk.

Disputes are light yellow color, in the form of an ellipse, 8.5*5 microns. The harvest season is June and August-October. They grow in groups.


There are more than 60 species, but the most common is the common chanterelle. Mushrooms are found in different climatic zones.

Funnel fox

It has a funnel-shaped cap of brown yellow color on a long tubular stem with a gray-yellow stem. Pulp white, very dense, faint pleasant aroma. The flesh is edible but tough and requires a long cooking time. Also known as tubular lobe or tubular cantarel. Loves shade and acidic soils.

Gray chanterelle

She is also a funnel-shaped funnel. Outwardly it looks like a deep funnel with a wavy edge. The leg is short. The body is dark gray.

Thin, very brittle pulp, practically odorless and tasteless. Meets in August-September. found in mixed forests. In Europe it is considered a delicacy and is used to make sauces.

Faceted chanterelle

It has an almost smooth hymenophore, the flesh is more brittle. Distributed in North America.

False chanterelle

Bright orange color, has no smell, looks very similar to the common chanterelle.

Grows in large groups and alone. Can be found in grass and rotten wood. It is difficult to get poisoned by a mushroom, but people with weak digestion are at risk of intestinal upset.

Omphalote olive

Grows in the subtropics, loves dying deciduous trees, in particular olives. Poisonous.

Where does it grow

The fungus is common in temperate and subtropical climate zones. Loves acidic soils. Grows in grass, moss, under fallen leaves. Can be found in coniferous and mixed forests.

You can find out where chanterelle mushrooms grow and how to find them faster by watching the following video.

Method of making seasoning

During heat treatment (over 60 C), chanterelles lose most of their beneficial substances. But raw mushrooms have a specific taste, although they are edible. You can prepare a seasoning from chanterelles and add them to ready-made cold or warm dishes, and use them for medicinal purposes.

Fresh mushrooms are cleaned of dirt with a soft brush. It is recommended not to wash mushrooms, but very dirty ones can be rinsed under running water. Dry the mushrooms in the sun or in a heat dryer at a temperature of 40-50 C.

If the mushrooms are large, then they need to be torn into pieces along the fibers or cut with a ceramic knife. Metal cannot be used, because... it will oxidize all the nutrients in the pulp.

Dried mushrooms should be ground into powder. Store in a thick canvas or fabric bag. Shelf life - 1 year.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Per 100 grams of product:

Chemical composition

Beneficial features

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antitumor;
  • bactericidal;
  • antihelminthic;
  • strengthen nervous system;
  • help enrich the blood with hemoglobin;
  • restoration of vision.

Watch the following video, from which you will learn even more about chanterelle mushrooms and their beneficial properties.


  • individual intolerance;
  • childhood up to 5 years;
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


In cooking

They boil, marinate, simply salt, but fried ones are the most delicious. In Jewish cuisine they are kosher.

As a side dish, serve with buckwheat, durum wheat pasta and brown rice.

Preferred spices:

  • allspice,
  • dill,
  • carnation,
  • coriander,
  • marjoram,
  • celery,
  • dried carrots,
  • Bay leaf.

Mushrooms are used as an independent dish, added to pizza and casseroles, and used as a filling.

Chanterelle salad

Sauce: In a water bath, mix 35 g of dry white wine and 3 egg yolks until a light foam forms. Without ceasing to mix, carefully pour in 150 ml of olive oil. Beat everything thoroughly until smooth foam. Add 1.5 tsp. lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Salad: Boil 100 g of small potatoes in their skins. Then cool, peel and cut each in half. Fry 150 g of fresh chanterelles in olive oil along with boiled potatoes, 70 g of green and 100 g of pearl onions, add 6 cloves of garlic and season with 1-2 sprigs of thyme. Place everything on a large plate, top with 100 g of lettuce leaves and 150 g of cherry tomatoes cut in half. Pour sauce over everything.

Cream soup with truffle flavor

Cut 300 g of potatoes and fry in vegetable oil (40 g) until crispy. Dice 1 medium onion and fry along with the potatoes for about 5 minutes with the addition of butter (50 g). Add 1 kg of coarsely chopped fresh chanterelles to them and fry for another 3-5 minutes.

Add fried vegetables with mushrooms to 1.5 liters of water and cook until tender (about 20 minutes). Grind the finished soup in a blender until smooth. Add 200 g of cream, salt, pepper to the soup and bring to a boil. Serve in plates, drizzling with truffle oil (only 15 ml for the entire recipe).

Chanterelle mousse with buckwheat porridge

For the mousse you will need 200 g of fresh chanterelles. Fry in vegetable oil (25 ml). Then pour in a little water, 30 ml of cognac and 150 ml of cream. Simmer until done. Grind the mushrooms in a blender until smooth and add salt.

For the garnish you will need 300 g of porcini mushrooms, 300 g of buckwheat, 100 g of onions, several sprigs of fresh parsley. Boil the buckwheat. Cut porcini mushrooms into slices and fry in vegetable oil (25 g). Then cut the onion into strips and add to the mushrooms. Fry for about 3 minutes more. Remove from heat. Add buckwheat, finely chopped parsley and mix. Place on plates and top with mousse.

Pickled chanterelles

Peel 1 kg of chanterelles. Place in an enamel bowl and add 100 ml of water. During the cooking process, the mushrooms will give juice, so you do not need to add more water than specified. Cook for 10 minutes, skimming off any foam. Add spices (bay leaf, cloves, black pepper), salt (1.5 tbsp), sugar (1/2 tbsp), vinegar (125 ml) and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Place hot mushrooms with marinade in jars and roll up. Turn the jars upside down and leave until completely cool.

In medicine

  • liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis C, fatty liver, etc.);
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • night blindness;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases, pharyngitis, sore throat, ARVI;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sarcoma;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • fungal infection of the skin, purulent wounds, ulcers, boils and other skin inflammations;
  • remove radionuclides from the body;
  • for worms.

Used in the form of alcohol tinctures, powder or oil extract.

Alcohol tincture of chanterelles

2.5 tbsp. dried chanterelle powder pour 500 ml of vodka (preferably with Alpha alcohol). Seal and leave for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Don't strain! Be sure to shake before use. This tincture is used:

  • When treating the pancreas take 1-2 times a day, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. When treating liver disease (including hepatitis C), take the drug in the same way, but the course of treatment can be extended to 4 months.
  • To cleanse the liver take 2 tsp. before bed for 15 days. The course is held once a year.
  • To remove worms take 2 tsp before bedtime. from 2 to 4 weeks. Chanterelle tincture is more preferable than pharmaceutical preparations, because has a gentler effect on the body, affects only worms.

When losing weight

Satisfies hunger for a long time, while mushrooms are low-calorie. It is recommended to replace meat with chanterelles 4 days a week. With such a simple diet you can lose up to 6 kg in a month.

In the diet menu, it is preferable to use stewed or boiled chanterelles with sauce: mix low-fat yogurt with fresh dill, green onions and spices to taste.

Porridge for weight loss

Peel 1 kg of chanterelles and cook for 1.5 hours. Drain the water and mince the mushrooms. You can eat it as a separate dish with yogurt sauce or add it to other dishes.

Weight Loss Powder

Prepare powder from dried mushrooms. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day on an empty stomach with 1 glass of water. This method is especially effective if obesity is caused by improper liver function.

In cosmetology

Chanterelle extract and powder are added to face creams, which help fight fungal formations, while moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

How to choose and where to buy

It is best to purchase mushrooms in stores and markets. There the mushrooms are checked and the sellers are given an appropriate conclusion.

Fresh mushrooms


Pay attention to the expiration date on the packaging. If the can is iron, there should be no dents on it. If it is glass, the lid should not be swollen.


There are two ways to grow chanterelles at home:

  • using spores;
  • using mycelium.

In the first case, you will need caps of old mushrooms that need to be dried. Then the caps themselves must be dug into the prepared soil. Or soak the caps in water for several hours, and then water the ground with this water.

In the second case, you will need a mycelium from the forest. There is a clearing with chanterelles, and closer to the tree a piece of earth 20 by 30 cm wide and deep is dug up. You should take soil only near healthy trees, without external signs of drying out.

The brought soil should be thoroughly dried. This is necessary so that other competing organisms die.

It is best to prepare seed soil at the end of summer and store it for a year in a dark, cool room, for example, in a basement or cellar. The container itself must be breathable.

Next, the sowing itself is necessary. It is best to carry out work at the end of June. Several holes with a diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 20 cm are dug around the tree. The seed is tightly packed into the holes and watered with water from a watering can (1 liter per hole). Then cover the holes with moss or fallen leaves. The harvest should be expected no earlier than in a year.

It is preferable that the mushroom is planted under the same type of tree where the soil was taken. The best symbiosis of chanterelles with coniferous trees, birch, beech, oak.

How to freeze

You can prepare fresh and boiled mushrooms for the winter. In the first case, thawed chanterelles may taste a little bitter. But if these are young, strong mushrooms, then bitterness will not be felt.

Boiled chanterelles are safer because... will not spoil if the freezer is defrosted, and take up less space.

Mushrooms should be frozen on the day of collection.

It is preferable to select young, strong mushrooms, without signs of drying out or mold. Can be cut into large slices. Next, the mushrooms should be washed well and drained in a colander. You can blot it with a paper towel. Place into bags and place in the freezer.

Freshly frozen chanterelles can be stored for no more than 6 months.

They say that chanterelles help cleanse the liver, remove radionuclides from the body and feed it with vitamins. But often, instead of nutritious and tasty ones, they end up in the basket poisonous doubles. Unfortunately, even experienced lovers of quiet hunting in many cases rely not on knowledge, but on intuition. Let's figure out how to distinguish false chanterelles and what to do if you are poisoned by them.

Where and when to look for them

The chanterelle season starts in the summer and largely depends on weather conditions. Often in June on forest edges between and deciduous trees you can find single mushrooms. And already in July their mass appearance begins.

Did you know? Latvian mushroom pickers begin collecting chanterelles from the end of May, and this season lasts until frost. IN Lately when winters differ abnormally warm temperatures, on chance find You can stumble across it even in December and January.

When they go heavy rains chanterelles do not rot; during a long absence of precipitation, they do not dry out, and in the heat they simply stop growing. They are loved for their excellent taste and ability to maintain juiciness and freshness in any conditions. In addition, there are never wormholes in these forest gifts. These are one of the few mushrooms that do not spoil during transportation. During the harvest season, chanterelles can be collected in bags, and at the same time they will not lose their attractiveness and value.

Experienced mushroom pickers advise go searching in birch groves. In places where chanterelles grow, there may be damp and dry, shade and sun, deciduous soil and mosses. Feature The thing about these mushrooms is that they never grow alone. Therefore, if you find one specimen, look around, look under the fallen branches and leaves - perhaps there is a whole family there. But before cutting the mushroom, carefully inspect the find. We will talk about natural signs of authenticity that you need to pay attention to below.

Unlike real ones, false chanterelles, which are popularly called “talkers,” can live on dead trees, old rotting stumps and broken ones. In addition, single mushrooms are very common.

Did you know? Chanterelles that grow in our latitudes have caps with a diameter of 2 to 8 cm, and in other countries they can be much larger. These mushrooms grow largest in California. For example, one of the giants weighed up to half a kilogram.

Main differences: how to avoid falling for a false chanterelle

As it turned out, chanterelles are very tricky mushrooms, so let’s look at the photos and descriptions of real and false specimens in detail.

Shapes and hat

External signs Both mushrooms seem exactly the same only at first glance. In fact, there are many differences. Just by the color and shape of the hat you can tell who is who.

This mushroom is characterized by light yellow tones, sometimes they can flow into cream and yellow-orange colors. And here The deceiver fox looks very bright. It is distinguished by its red, fiery orange color, which is often mixed with brown shades. It is characteristic that the edges of its cap are always lighter than the core.

It is easy to distinguish between the common chanterelle and the false chanterelle by the surface structure and shape of their caps. For a “fake” it is slightly velvety with smooth, neatly rounded edges, up to 6 cm in diameter. But for a real one it is slightly large sizes, smooth, irregular shape, with a wavy edge.

Important! In both mushrooms, the center of the cap, during the initial periods of growth, is slightly raised, and as it matures, it bends in the form of a funnel. Therefore, this sign should not be taken into account to distinguish between edible and poisonous specimens.

Mushroom pulp

Inside the “talker” is yellow, tasteless with a loose porous structure. In addition, it has a strong unpleasant odor. If you press hard with your fingers, the color of the pulp will not change.

Cutting a real fox, you will see yellowish edges and a snowy white center. The mushroom is very dense, with a pleasant aroma, slightly sour in taste. When pressed, scarlet marks remain on it.

Differences between legs

Knowledgeable mushroom pickers, when picking chanterelles, always look at the stem of the mushroom. If it is thick and strong, then you have an authentic specimen in your hands. It is distinguished by a smooth transition of the stem into the cap, uniformity of color, smoothness of the surface and density of the structure. The conical shape of the leg tapers slightly towards the bottom.

But in a fake, this part is very thin, bright orange-crimson in color; in old mushrooms, it is hollow inside. It is characteristic that the bottom of the “talker” is always darker than the top. Its leg acquires a uniform cylindrical configuration and is clearly separated from the cap.

Important! Don't forget that mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb everything around them. So avoid« quiet hunt» in places close to highways and industrial enterprises. It is better to go deep into the forest to find chanterelles.


You can also recognize a true chanterelle by its yellowish spores. In the false mushroom they are white.

Eating mushrooms

Some naturalists believe that nature is completely subject to man. Therefore, even poisonous mushrooms after special processing they will become edible. Let's figure out whether this is true, whether such dishes are healthy and, in general, what can be prepared from chanterelles.

How to eat chanterelles

Along with good transportability and lack of worminess, chanterelles have one drawback - they cannot long time keep warm. That's why harvested must be recycled immediately. The process is simplified by the fact that the mushrooms do not need to be peeled. They are freed from leaf particles and washed, after which they are put into the culinary process.

This variety is suitable for stewing, frying, boiling in soups and baking as a filling for pies and pizza. During the process of preparing them, there is a very pleasant aroma in the kitchen, which encourages improvisation. As a result, there are many dishes using chanterelles. They are rarely served in their pure form. Often combined with fried “roast”. It will take about half an hour for the forest delicacy to reach its readiness.

Did you know? H Worms do not grow in real chanterelles due to the chitinmannose they contain, which has an antihistamine effect. The larvae that get on the mushroom die after some time.

Some housewives practice freezing chanterelles after frying them in sunflower oil. In winter, such a product needs to be re-fried or boiled, depending on the dish you plan to prepare.

Is it possible to eat false chanterelles?

Speaking in scientific terminology, then These mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible. You should not eat them, especially since during the same period you can collect real tasty and healthy chanterelles.

Some lovers of “silent hunting” share their experience of preparing false specimens. At the same time, they are pre-soaked for 3 days with a daily two-time change of water. Then it is boiled with onions for 20 minutes and only after all these manipulations do they begin cooking.

These gifts of the forest do not need any special introduction. What chanterelle mushrooms look like is known not only to avid mushroom pickers, but also to those who manage to visit the forest from time to time.

Moreover, photos and descriptions of chanterelle mushrooms can be found in any textbook for primary schoolchildren - they are extremely popular both in Russia and abroad.

Is it possible to eat raw chanterelles and how chanterelles differ from saffron milk caps, you will find out on this page.

What is the difference between chanterelle mushrooms and saffron milk caps?

The plate is yellow, otherwise the yellow chanterelle is popularly called chanterelle. But in many places it is also called sloen, which, however, cannot serve as its specific name, because it means the same as lamina, and therefore is a common generic nickname for all the above mushrooms.

In some places, the mushroom is confusingly and incorrectly called honey agaric, whereas it belongs to the milkweed species, and is far from being a honey mushroom. Below are photos and descriptions of chanterelle mushrooms, where they grow and how they differ from other mushrooms.

The external shape of this mushroom is often so similar to the shape of the red lamina that among the common people both these types of mushrooms are collected and sold inseparably. According to the information collected, it is clear that the fox is not very common in our country, although this species belongs to all areas of Europe and everywhere grows in abundance at the end of summer in forests, and even sometimes in deciduous forests.

You can distinguish a chanterelle from a saffron milk cap only by its large concavity and curly edges of the cap, from the plates extending onto it. And the color of the chanterelle is always, and not even rarely, much lighter than saffron milk cap, so that, sometimes being purely yellow, it even reaches a white tint, and its internal meat is the same color, and its milk is paler. The relative advantage of this mushroom, compared to all others, is that it is almost never wormed, and therefore can be preserved on the vine, without loss of taste, until old age. So, when lying down, it can be saved more than others. The chanterelle often grows alone, but sometimes comes across in large groups.

Description of the chanterelle mushroom: cap, stem and plates

Check out the photo and description of what chanterelle mushrooms look like and what are their distinctive features.

Signs of yellow laminaria consist of a light orange cap, similar in color to egg yolk, however, sometimes the yolk is darker yellow, and sometimes whitish. The surface of the cap is bare and fatty, and its width varies from 2 to 7 cm.

Young chanterelle mushrooms have a convex, almost spherical cap, while old ones are very concave, glass-shaped, with downward curved edges, somewhat hairy and always excised, behind the plates that cover the cap. The older the mushroom, the more obvious this excision is and the more hairs appear on the edges.

The plates of the yellow chanterelle are as thick as a thick sheet of paper, and reach almost 0.5 cm in width. They are located in close rows, the color is always the same - light yellowish, and the longest of them extend onto the stem and, descending quite far along it, disappear unnoticed. In young mushrooms, the plates are single, parallel located, and the older the mushroom, the more branched they become, especially along the edge of the cap, where two or even three branches are separated, so that even the mushroom itself looks like a sinewy network.

Look at the photo what chanterelles look like: the leg of the yellow plate is from 2 to 5 cm in height, and from 0.5 to 1 cm in thickness, solid throughout its entire length, but gradually begins to expand towards the cap, and, getting lost in the plates lowered onto it , she takes on the appearance as if the hat were an extension of her. Young mushrooms have a solid stem, which later forms an irregular cavity inside. In general, it is fleshy, hard and smooth, although from a distance it always looks as if covered with frost, the same color as the cap. In deciduous forests this mushroom can be very large.

Can you eat raw chanterelle mushrooms?

The yellow plate has a greasy appearance. But, despite this, that it is sometimes even oily, the taste raw mushroom viscous, cruel and, moreover, sharp that after chewing, the burning sensation remains in the mouth for a long time. The smell of the mushroom is very pleasant, as if creamy. Before preparing chanterelles in the kitchen, you should rinse them lightly in cold water, and then, with the old ones, having cleaned the plates, cook as usual. Even after cooking, the taste of chanterelle remains peppery, and the smell becomes only somewhat similar to the aroma of cardamom. That is why this mushroom is very popular abroad, and they serve these mushrooms cut, after boiling, into pieces and seasoned with butter, crushed breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, and lemon peel.

Many people like to pick mushrooms: boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle. But there are representatives that are very similar to edible mushrooms, but in fact it turns out that they are doubles. The false fox is a prime example of such representatives.

How not to collect a basket of “doubles”

The false chanterelle, belonging to the family Hygrophoropsidaceae, is quite common in the forests of Russia. Its description can be found in many literary publications. The second name is the yellow talker

Previously, there was an opinion that such a mushroom was poisonous. Today this representative is classified as conditionally edible. A false representative cannot boast of excellent taste qualities like the real one.

How to distinguish false chanterelles from ordinary ones? Inedible mushroom can be found in any forests. The false chanterelle appears in August-November. IN last month In autumn it can be found only if frost has not yet set in. It grows on stumps and on the ground. You don't often see it on rotten wood. The true chanterelle, a description of which can easily be found in books for mushroom pickers or on our website, grows on mossy stumps, but not on fallen trees.

The “double” grows strictly alone.

False fox (photo)

Key differences

A mushroom similar to a chanterelle can be distinguished from a real one by its appearance."Double" has more bright color hats. The diameter of its cap is about 2-5 cm, while that of a real specimen is about 10 cm.

The hat looks like a funnel. Its color can be orange-brown, sometimes with a copper tint. The edges of the cap have a smooth shape. Real mushroom has lumpy edges. Under the cap you can see branched plates. The false chanterelle has a thinner leg that tapers towards the bottom.

The diameter of the double cap is about 2-5 cm, and the stem tapers towards the bottom

If in doubt, mushrooms can be distinguished by their pulp. The pulp of the “double” does not have a pleasant aroma. back side the caps are a little bitter. The mushroom has yellow or orange flesh. If you press on it with your finger, the color will remain the same.

False chanterelle has white spores. A real mushroom is not wormy due to the content of chitinmannose, which has an anthelmintic effect. The “double” does not contain chitinmannose, which is why insect larvae can feed on it.

The product is allowed to be eaten, but it does not have a special taste. If you prepare it correctly, poisoning will not occur. Like any conventionally edible mushroom, it is soaked for 3 days. It is important to change the water twice - in the morning and in the evening. Then you need to boil the product for a quarter of an hour in boiling water. After this, it is ready for marinating and also frying. In sensitive people, consumption of this product may cause nausea, headache, vomiting, stomach upset.
