Libyan Sea Crete water temperature. Crete and the sea

البحر الليبي‎) - part of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of North Africa from Sirte to Crete.

This name was often used by ancient cartographers and sailors, and unofficially this term is still used today.

Libyan Sea

34° N. w. 22° east d.

Libyan Sea


Koufonision (Lasithion)

Koufonision (Greek: Κουφονήσιον) is a small uninhabited Greek island located three nautical miles south of Cape Gaudero on the coast of Lasithion, south of Crete, in the Libyan Sea. The island is about 6 kilometers long and 5.5 kilometers wide. The area of ​​the island is 5.25 km². Forms a group of islands together with the islands of Makrulo, Marmaro, Strongili and Trachilos.

Ancient ruins have been found on the island that can be dated back to the Minoan civilization and the post-Byzantine era, when some of the caves were used as chapels during the Ottoman persecution of Christians. Due to the significant archaeological interest that the island attracts, it is sometimes called "little Dilos". In ancient geography, the island was called Levka (ancient Greek Λευκή “white”).

During the summer, the island is visited by many tourists from the port of Makry Gialos, which is located at a distance of 18 kilometers from Koufonision.

Roman ruins have been discovered on the island, including an ancient Roman amphitheater that could seat 1,000 people, a temple, an eight-room villa and several huts (presumably fishermen's huts). Also in the temple are fragments of statues of Roman deities.

There is also a lighthouse on the island that was bombed during World War II.


Marmarica (ancient Greek ἡ Μαρμαρική, lat. Marmarica) is a historical region in North Africa. It is located between the Nile delta and Cyrenaica, in the south it is limited by a conditional line from the Avgil (modern Jalu) to the Ammon (modern Siwa) oases. In the past it was also called Libya, Anhydrous Libya, Lower Libya.

The region lies with its western part in the northeast of the modern state of Libya, and its eastern part in the northwest of modern Egypt.

The period of use of the toponym is from Late Antiquity to the present day.

In ancient times, this territory consisted of Libya, otherwise the Libyan nome (eastern part), and Marmariki proper (western part), sometimes these areas were not united and were mentioned separately. Most geographers attributed all of Marmarica to the region of Cyrenaica, but in fact the territory was more often controlled by Egypt or its conquerors.

The approximate area is 200,000 km².


Paximadia (Greek Παξιμάδια) - two small uninhabited islands - Paximadia Aena (Παξιμάδια ένα) and Paximadia Duo (Παξιμάδια δύο), located in the Libyan Sea near the southern coast of the island of Crete, in Mesara Bay, 12 kilometers south of Ayia -Galini. They belong to the community of Agios Vasilios in the peripheral unit of Rethymni. Due to their close proximity to each other, the islands are considered one and have a common name.

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is an intercontinental sea, which in origin is a deep-sea pseudo-abyssal intra-shelf depression connected in the west to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar.

In the Mediterranean Sea, the following seas are distinguished as its constituent parts: Adriatic, Alboran, Balearic, Ionian, Cypriot, Cretan, Levantine, Libyan, Ligurian, Tyrrhenian and Aegean. The Mediterranean basin also includes the Sea of ​​Marmara, Black and Azov.

Inland seas of Eurasia
Mediterranean Sea
Seas in the north and west of Europe
Seas in America
Seas in Antarctica

Crete is one of the largest and most popular islands in all of Greece and the entire Mediterranean. A huge number of tourists from all over the world come here every year who want to soak up the beach, get acquainted with the history of Greece, as well as its flavor and main attractions. The island's territory occupies about 8261 square meters. km, and has mountainous terrain. There are several seas, rivers and lakes that will undoubtedly interest all guests of the island.

What seas is the island of Crete washed by?

The island of Crete is located almost in the center of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, which can also be divided into several small seas. Therefore, on each side, Crete is washed by different waters.

Western Crete

From the western part of the Island of Crete it is washed by Ionian Sea, which can confidently be considered part of the Mediterranean Sea, which is located between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas, as well as the islands of Sicily and Crete. On the shores of the Ionian Sea there are resorts such as, for example, Agia Marina, Maleme, Platanias and Gerani. This coast boasts a greener and more flourishing nature when compared to the rest of Crete, but there are not so many attractions here. The features of the Ionian Sea include historical and mythological significance, developed fishing, a favorable climate for recreation, salinity, which is about 40 ‰, deep water (more than 5000 meters) and so on.

The southern part of the island of Crete is washed by Libyan Sea, which is located between Crete and Libya, where its name comes from. The sea is just 55 km from Crete, and even despite the fairly short distance, the difference in water temperatures is significant. The thing is that in the Libyan Sea there are many mountain springs, so the water temperature here is always several degrees below than in the neighboring one - Cretan. This coastline is perfect for lovers of a relaxing beach holiday. There are numerous small quiet villages scattered along the coast, accessible only by ferry, as well as lonely coves. For tourists with children, the resort of Plakia is suitable.

The entire northern part of the island is washed by the Cretan Sea, from which the name of the island comes. This coast is incredibly popular among tourists, which is due to the huge number of smooth approaches and their amenities. This is where most of the beaches are located, which have " Blue Flag of Europe", which guarantees cleanliness and environmental friendliness. This area is literally strewn with a wide variety of ports, as the sea is smooth and smooth. And even though the Cretan Sea borders the Aegean, it is still part of the Mediterranean.

These waters are significantly warmer than the waters of the Libyan Sea, which is located in the south. But it is worth remembering that it is very unpredictable. Thus, it can either bring joy with calm during the entire holiday, or cause a lot of inconvenience with the waves that come due to the northern winds. In the summer, the air temperature reaches 25 degrees. In addition, throughout the fall the water here is warm and suitable for swimming. On this coast there are resorts such as Elounda, as well as Ag. Nikolaos and much more.

The eastern part of Crete is washed by Carpathian (Cyprus) Sea. There is no such name officially, but locals call it that way. But even looking at the map, you can be convinced that this sea is more likely a part of the Aegean Sea, but an independent water area. If we talk about the local beaches, they are quite diverse, ranging from sandy to pebble. Moreover, most of them are hidden in quiet coves. Also, do not forget that the Carpathian Sea resembles the Libyan Sea, because it also has many natural slabs, pebble coves, turtles that lay eggs in the sand, as well as peace, tranquility and crystal clear water.

In all the waters of Crete you can find a huge variety of marine inhabitants. Sea sponges, sea urchins, cuttlefish, crabs, sperm whales, octopuses, striped dolphins, different types of turtles and various fish live here. Rare fish include sea bream, wrasse, scorpionfish and silversides, as well as monk seals.

Undoubtedly, each sea that washes Crete is completely different. The most important thing to remember is that the Cyprus and Libyan Seas are suitable for a romantic getaway, the Ionian Sea is suitable for a family holiday with children, and the Cretan Sea is an excellent choice for everyone. Among such diversity, every tourist will be able to find the ideal place for themselves.

In contact with

It is located in the eastern part of its basin. The island divides the expanses of water with a long and narrow strip, forming the Cretan Sea in the northern part, and the Libyan Sea in the southern part. From the west the island is washed by the Ionian Sea. Thus, Crete is washed by three seas.

Sometimes called part of the Aegean, but most geographers separate it. In the north, the sea is limited by the Cyclades islands, in the west by the eastern coast of the Peloponnese and mainland Greece, in the east by Rhodes and the shores of Turkey. And in the south it is separated from the rest of the Mediterranean Sea by a long strip of the island of Crete.

The Cretan Sea is the warmest in Greece. The water temperature off the northern shores of the island reaches 26 degrees in the summer months. The coast of this sea of ​​Crete is flat, mostly sandy, the water is very clean and clear, so tourists prefer to relax in the north of the island. Most of the beaches of the Cretan Sea are proudly decorated with the Blue Flag due to their ideal cleanliness.

The Cretan Sea also has its drawbacks. It is quite unpredictable even in summer: after a long calm, a north wind can suddenly arise, driving up strong waves. But the sea calms down just as quickly as it gets rough. Therefore, it will not spoil your vacation, but will only add variety.

washes the western tip of the island. It is a large, deep sea without many islands. The Ionian Sea is slightly colder than the Cretan Sea - in August it heats up to 25 degrees. Only those tourists who choose Chania as their holiday destination and go to the westernmost point of Crete can swim in its waters. Here is Balos Bay, the confluence of the three seas of Crete: the Cretan, Ionian and Libyan. Water of different shades mixes along the sandy shores of the bay, forming a beautiful picture.

not on modern maps. This is the old name for that part of the Mediterranean basin that lies between Crete and North Africa. However, in the tourism industry this name is often found, and in the list of seas of the island of Crete it is indicated.

The Libyan Sea washes the southern shores of Crete, and it can be assumed that the water there is warmer than that off the northern coast of the island. In fact, the opposite is true - the Libyan Sea is a couple of degrees colder, at least off the coast of Crete. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that cold springs flowing into the sea off the coast of the island, originating in the mountains of Crete.

The Libyan Sea in Crete is a calm sea; there is complete calm here for almost the entire summer: the mountains of Crete protect the southern coast of the island from the northern winds that agitate the waters of the Cretan Sea. The beaches of the Libyan Sea are mostly pebble, but there are also sandy coasts. The shores of the northern part of Crete are more rocky and wild, less populated, making them look more picturesque. They are heavily indented with capes, bays, and ledges, so it is often difficult to get to the desired beach. Several beaches of the Libyan Sea are covered with black sand.

The island of Crete is located almost in the very center of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, which is sometimes divided into smaller ones, such as the Aegean, Libyan or Cretan. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Ionian Sea. Western Crete

The Ionian Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea and is located between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas, also between the islands of Sicily and Crete. The Ionian Sea washes the western part of the island of Crete, where resorts such as Agia Marina, Maleme, Platanias and Gerani are located. Note that western Crete has a greener and more flourishing nature than the rest of the island, but there are not too many attractions here.

Libyan Sea. South Crete

South Crete is washed by the Libyan Sea, which is believed to be always a couple of degrees cooler than the Cretan Sea in the north of the island. The southern part of the island is more suitable for those who love a relaxing beach holiday.

Here you will find small, quiet villages scattered along the coast, and some, due to the lack of roads, can only be reached by ferry. One of the most favorite places to relax with children on the south coast is Plakia.

Cretan (Aegean) Sea. North Crete

The northern coast of Crete is very popular among tourists, and the reason for this is the large number of beautiful sandy beaches with smooth sunsets and their amenities. It is on the Cretan Sea that there are the most beaches that have received the “Blue Flag of Europe” for the cleanliness of the sea.

The beaches of the Cretan Sea are the owners of the largest number of Blue Flags

The Cretan Sea is believed to be warmer than the Libyan Sea, located to the south, but it is also very unpredictable. It can either delight you with calm water throughout your vacation, or cause inconvenience with decent waves rising due to the north wind.

The Cretan Sea has many beautiful sandy beaches, the best of which are located in the village of Bali, in the area of ​​Elounda and Ag. Nikolaos in Mirabello Bay.

Cyprus (Carpathian) Sea. East Crete

Officially, this name for the eastern sea is almost never mentioned, but the locals themselves call it that way. However, if you look at the map of the island, you can see that it is really more of an independent water area than part of the Aegean (Cretan) Sea. The beaches on the east coast vary from sandy to pebble, most of which are hidden in secluded coves.

In general, the Carpathian Sea is more reminiscent of the Libyan Sea, where there are many natural slabs, pebble coves, turtles laying eggs in the sand and, of course, crystal clear water, peace and tranquility.

So, the sea on different coasts of Crete is really different. The Ionian Sea is more suitable for families with children, the Libyan andCypriot - forromantic getaway, and Crete is ideal for everyone. With such a wide variety, every tourist will find his favorite corner.

Greece ranks first among European countries in the number of seas washing the country's shores. Tourism is a significant part of the country's economy: a lot of tourists come to the shores of Greece every year from all over the world in the hope of combining a holiday in the luxury of local nature with a tour of historical and cultural attractions.

One of the main centers of attraction for tourists since ancient times is the island of Crete with delightful local conditions for a good rest. The island's seaside resorts are especially famous. The Cretan, Ionian and Libyan seas from different sides reliably protect Crete from cold winds, storms and cyclones.

What seas wash Crete

A popular holiday destination, known since ancient times, the island of Crete is the fifth largest in terms of territory of all the islands of the Mediterranean Sea. In the list of Greek islands, Crete occupies an honorable first line.

To find out more about the island of Crete, which sea washes it, you need to get an atlas and look at a map of the region. The island is washed by three seas belonging to the Mediterranean basin:

Each of them is unique in its mesmerizing beauty of the coasts, the amazing purity of the waters, and the variety of species of inhabitants of the depths of the sea.

Mediterranean waters of the island

The water area around the island belongs to several seas, which have both similar conditions (climatic conditions, active season), and significantly different in terms of the improvement of the coastal area, the quality and variety of recreation.

Mediterranean Sea

The waters of several seas, united into the Mediterranean Sea, wash the shores of three continents - Europe, Africa, Asia.

The peculiarities of the local climate contributed to the rapid development of numerous recreation areas in the region. Along the picturesque shores there are numerous cities and towns with magnificent hotels, beaches, amazing flora and fauna.

It is difficult to indicate the exact size of the Mediterranean basin - the coast is very mobile, the coordinates are often adjusted. If we focus on the average, then all the seas belonging to the Mediterranean are located on an area of ​​2,500 square meters. km.

On a note. The climate is subtropical, making summers dry and hot and winters extremely mild.

The sea is distinguished by:

  • highest transparency;
  • increased salinity;
  • absence of storms;
  • weak infrequent hot flashes.

The water warms up in summer to 25-26 degrees above zero, in winter it cools down to +10.

The flora and fauna is distinguished by an impressive number of marine inhabitants and a wide variety of land birds and animals.

Mediterranean landscape

Ionian Sea

The first place in depth among all Mediterranean waters is occupied by the Ionian Sea, separating Italy and Greece - at the deepest point the distance to the sea surface reaches 5 km.

The origin of the name has three versions:

  • Named after the mythological cow Io, who swam across the sea.
  • The local tribe was immortalized (Ionians lived along the banks).
  • The name reflects the unusual, purple (“ion”) hue of the water.

The warmest month on the shores of the Ionian Sea is August, when there is the greatest influx of tourists.

Main characteristics:

  • The area is almost 170 thousand square meters. km.
  • Climate - Mediterranean, almost without northern winds
  • Sea water temperature - + 27 (summer), +14 (winter).
  • Salt content - 3.8%.
  • Character - calm, storms very rarely.
  • Beaches - white sand, cozy mild climate. Half of the area of ​​the picturesque coastline is occupied by forest.
  • Marine fauna - many species and subspecies of fish. In addition, here you can meet dolphins, sea turtles, and octopuses.

Important! A lot of sea urchins live in coastal waters, so it is dangerous to enter the sea barefoot.

Tourists are lured to the shores of the Ionian Sea by the unusual pink sand of the local beaches and the fantastic number of shades of coastal waters - there are more than a dozen of them.

Note! Despite the frightening numbers of local depths, the shell rock bottom near the shore is shallow and flat, which allows even small children to swim without any problems.

On a detailed map of the seas that wash the island of Crete, you can see that the waters of the Ionian Sea wash the islands of Corfu, Lefkada, Zakynthos, Kefalonia and other smaller islands.

Libyan Sea

The water area probably got its name from its geographical location - the sea washes the shores of Libya. At the southern tip of the island of Crete, the sea serves as the water boundary between the territory of European Greece and the African continent.

Among the seas washing Crete, the Libyan is distinguished by its unusual “coldness” for these places - the water temperature in it is an order of magnitude lower than in the Aegean or Ionian. The reason lies in the mountain springs, which constantly “dilute” the warm sea waters of the Libyan Sea with cold streams.

Note! In summer, even in the warmest months, the water off the coast rarely rises above +23 degrees.

The coast for the most part consists of densely touching stones that become very hot in the sun. Small sections of the winding coastline, covered with sand (it is black here) or small pebbles, are more suitable for spending time on the beach. There are two ways to get to the sea: either on foot through the mountains or by water. The terrain is difficult and often impassable for any vehicle. The beach season lasts until the end of September,

The seabed along the coast is also heterogeneous - it is either pebbly or consists of huge monolithic blocks of stone.

Libyan coastline

The main attraction of the Libyan Sea is its amazingly clear water, which is why divers come here with pleasure. Scuba diving allows you to spend as much time as you like in a pleasant neighborhood with local inhabitants - fish of the most incredible colors, sea crayfish, crabs, lobsters, and turtles. There are many jellyfish, but especially dangerous ones are found in abundance only after long tides.

Aegean (Cretan)

The list of which seas Crete is washed by would be incomplete without the Aegean Sea, well known to everyone from ancient Greek mythology. In the sources, its southern part near the coast of the island is called the Cretan Sea.

Area - 215,000 sq. km.

A detailed map of the region clearly shows many small and very tiny islands located in the Aegean Sea. More than 2000 fragments of land in the middle of the sea waves are all that remains of a single continental space, which was subsequently absorbed by water.

The seashores are rocky, and there are many desert areas on the coast.

On a note. The bottom off the coast is sandy, the water is warm, even in winter the temperature does not drop below +10 degrees. In summer the sea warms up to +20 degrees.

Depth - from 200 m to 1 km, the greatest depth of 2.5 km was recorded in the southern part.

The Aegean Sea is distinguished by a rich fauna - there is a lot of fish and seafood.

In terms of recreation, there is hardly any other sea on Crete that has the same massive number of places for unforgettable vacation experiences, except the Aegean. The northern coast is literally strewn with numerous resorts of varying levels of service and star rating, with an abundance of sandy beaches, famous for their cleanliness.

On a note! Local beaches are marked with the Blue Flag of Europe - a special sign awarded for the environmental cleanliness of the territory.

Holidays on the Aegean Sea will appeal to lovers of sea extremes - during storms you can swim here without fear with a wave height of 1.5 meters.

Shore of the Aegean Sea

The best seas for a holiday on the island

Each of the seas washing the shores of Crete can offer excellent conditions for recreation, create comfort and cozy conditions for tourists.

The coastal zones of the Aegean and Ionian seas are famous for their amazing sandy beaches.

Holidays on the Aegean coast

The main group of resort hotels is located on the shores of the Aegean Sea. The only big problem with its coastline is the unstable weather. A quiet calm can be unexpectedly interrupted by a storm with waves of several meters.

Platanias (located 10 km from Chania) is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. At the service of vacationers:

  • diving;
  • windsurfing;
  • water skiing, banana boat rides;
  • parachutes.

People willingly come to the resort with children - vacationers are attracted by clean water, comfortable beaches equipped with everything necessary: ​​showers, umbrellas, sun loungers.

Heraklion (the main city of the island, the center of the largest province of Heraklion) is an ideal place on the Aegean coast to combine recreation and tourism. The region has sandy and pebble beaches; here you can relax in cozy small bays, reliably hidden from prying attention.

Youth tourism centers: Malia, Hersonissos.

Note! Agios Nikolaos is a must-see for lovers of educational travel - there is a lot to see in the town.

What is interesting about the Ionian Sea

Balos Lagoon is famous for the fact that the warm waters of three seas meet here: Libyan, Aegean, Ionian. Snow-white warm sand and serene surrounding silence create unique conditions for complete relaxation.

The discreet charm of the Libyan Sea

A mecca for divers, the Libyan Sea is popular among lovers of wild holidays - the water here is cool, the infrastructure is undeveloped, and the beaches are not comfortable.

This is not a suitable place for vacationers demanding comfort and service.

Not many places on the planet can compete with the Mediterranean in terms of favorable climate, diversity of landscape, and friendly atmosphere of local resorts. The mild climate, delightful nature, gently caressing waves of the sea evoke only one feeling - the desire to return here again as soon as possible, at least for a couple of days.
