Pokemon locations on the map. Pokemon map - the best services for the game Pokemon Go

Niantic said that third-party Pokemon cards interfere with the development of the Pokemon Go game, so the company will close them. That is why the much-loved Pokevision service with the Pokemon mega-card is still “not breathing” (and this will be for a long time, there is such a suspicion). And that is why we have to look for other options. And we will search.

We publish information as it becomes available, because STAY TUNED . It will be interesting. So:

(Added 07/08/2017)

Taking into account the fact that now you have to intensively master raids, this map is a little different. Although we also note that it is part of a large online service, which also includes a Pokemon map.

So, as you probably already understood, the most difficult thing in raids is to collect right time and in the right place a strong team with which you can really achieve something more or less sensible.

And this can be achieved in fact in only one way: personally inform, invite, order, etc. close friends and comrades-in-arms to appear at the beginning of the raid. And this, of course, does not work for everyone and not always.

That's why the Silph Road service offered alternative solution. It's called Silph Radio and has been operating quite successfully since last weekend.

Silph Radio - this is actually a map of raids, which is compiled by gamers themselves, marking the places of the nearest raids with special markers (beacons), and which allows you to share operational information (time, raid level, number of participants, etc.) with teammates that you are planning an attack against a certain raid boss.

So, instead of rushing around hoping that fate will bring you together with other raiders who may not yet have Pokemon of the right level, you can simply check Silph Radio and arrive in advance at the place where such players are already gathering. Knowing at the same time who you will have to fight against, and with whom you can team up to achieve victory in the raid.

If you already have your own flock with which you regularly participate in raids, then Silph Radio can be used as a communication channel in the group and a coordination tool. If you don’t have your own pack yet or you went out on a raid solo, then the service will help you find helpers on the spot.

Of course, there are also conditions:

  • Firstly , you need an account on Reddit (it takes a couple of minutes to register) - Silph Radio works through it;
  • Secondly , you not only receive information, but you must also provide your own information, i.e. set up beacons (if no one knows about the raid, then which one? teamwork can we talk?);
  • Thirdly , Silph Road is a new service, with all that it implies, so when you register, pay attention to the instructions - they often write practical things there.

(Added 02/22/2017)

Pokemon Go players, as before, do not value the built-in Pokemon tracker highly. There have been and still are many reasons for this since the release of the toy: it either didn’t work, sometimes it didn’t work completely, or it was simply glitchy. And even after implementation in the game itself new version tracker, which functions much better and more clearly than any of the previous ones, the tradition of disliking this game element has not gone away.

And of course, a wide variety of Pokemon cards and alternative trackers based on so-called third-party applications are still popular among gamers. True, as Niantic reveals this kind of software products, there are fewer and fewer of them left. But to the delight of Pokemon players, this quantity is still more than zero.

In general, we decided to slightly update this old post and are publishing a fresh selection of working Pokemon tracking services that have not yet been closed.

So, the routine collection of Pokemon trackers in the Winter-Spring 2017 version:

  • Pokemon map - PokiiMap (for Android)

The developers modestly named their brainchild “ PokeVision on Android". The application is not the most convenient, but it is quite effective. It can scan the surrounding area (every 2 minutes) and notify the user when certain Pokemon appear nearby, and also shows when a particular Pokemon will disappear.

  • Pokemon map – PokeSensor (for Android and iOS)

It’s also not the easiest and most comfortable program to use, but it works, is free and is very popular. PokeSensor scans the territory within a radius of 2 km (distance and frequency can be adjusted), shows Pokemon accurately, but only their names and without the usual pictures on the map.

  • Pokemon map - PokeTracker (for iOS)

There is a Pokemon filter and a notification system when the desired Pokemon appears nearby. You can also hide a Pokémon that has already been caught. In addition to Pokemon (only names are shown), the map also displays gyms and pokestops. There is a paid and free version. You can download a paid one for 3 bucks.

  • Pokemon map (for iOS)

In addition to the fact that this application is functional, it is also interesting because it shows images of Pokemon and spawning locations. PokeWhere costs $5, does not require registration (an extra guarantee from the Niantic ban-hamer), but in general it is not very popular yet.

  • online pokemon map PokeHunter.co

You can scan anywhere. The interface is simple and convenient; you can search by name in Cyrillic. The scanner updates and works relatively quickly and accurately. But sometimes it shows Pokemon with a delay, so you need to scan 2-3 times in one place.

  • online pokemon map – PokeSear.ch

The service often lags and crashes. It also requires you to disable Adblock and is full of ads. But when it works, it works well.

As you know, after January 20, many popular Pokemon cards stopped working. The prepositions were very different, but the result was the same. On the Pokemap website, for example, the service developers wrote that the Pokemon Company accused them of illegally using Pokemon images and unauthorized access to Niantic servers. Surely, Niantic will continue to fight this kind of competitors in the future.

Therefore, let us remind you that it is better to use third-party Pokemon cards not from your main account, but to create a spare one for this. Just in case.


(Archival publication from 09/09/2016)

Pokecrew is a Pokemon map that shows everything you need and then some. Including PokeStops and, of course, all the Pokemon in a given area. Together with a description of each individual animal. However, for this it is better to allow the service to automatically detect your location.

Only the Pokémon selected by the user are displayed on the Pokecrew map. Plus, information about the main attacks of each, its weight, the mileage required to grow it in an incubator and the number of candies that need to be collected in order to develop a particular Pokemon.

The peculiarity of Pokecrew is that this service does not use GPS data. Any requests in it are typed manually. On the other hand, since the user does not need to somehow “link” his game account to this service, Pokecrew has a greater chance of not being banned longer. By the way, search understands Russian!

On this moment time Pokecrew is a crowdsourcing project, so add it to the site up-to-date information every user can. Now there are already more than 4 million.

We also note that Pokecrew works quite quickly (for now, at least), including on smartphones. And there seem to be no problems with site overloads and/or any failures. In general, if you still have not lost hope of finding a worthy analogue of Pokevision, then, obviously, Pokecrew is the best option for now.

(Added 08/12/2016)

Pokemon tracker FastPokeMap.

The service is not as convenient and functional as the Pokevision card (it is already considered a reference model for us), but it is very similar to it and can be useful.

It is noteworthy that the FastPokeMap developers are very active in communicating with users through their Twitter. The tracker was released less than a week ago; on August 7, the developers conducted a beta test, and, most interestingly, the map is still working.

One of the main differences between the new FastPokeMap and the “old” Pokevision is the operating radius of the Pokemon scanner. In Pokevision, as you remember, the scanner covered a very large area and could show a lot of Pokemon. FastPokeMap will be more modest in this regard and, after scanning, shows only those Pokemon that can be reached on foot during the time they are visible on the map. By the way, this time is also displayed. Plus, there is also a tracking mode, and the scanner can be used without restrictions.

Pokegear GO tracker app

The program currently only works on iPhone and iPad. You can download it at App Store. For free. In short, the functionality of Pokegear GO includes a Pokemon radar and a built-in Pokédex with information about all the animals that are currently present in the game. As an additional advantage, there is a cool interface and a filter with which you can track only specific Pokemon sorted by name.

The tracker could be downloaded from the App Store:

Pokemon Card Skiplagged

...works on data from live users, not Niantic servers. That is, a person caught a Pokemon, and this Pokemon is displayed on the Skiplagged map. They are, of course, aimed mainly at the Western “consumer,” but they have some use in our area. The main disadvantage of the service is that it is useful in big cities, where there are a lot of Pokemon players. But in the absence of fish, as they say, these days there are only such nightingales.

Smart Poke 2 app

Of the products with similar functionality, we have so far been able to try out the Smart Poke 2 Android mobile application with some success.

The program is free, you can download it WAS in Play Store: But they've already taken it off.

However, it is currently only presented in beta version. This is the first thing. And secondly, how long this service will work is also not clear (given how the previous Pokemon trackers fell silent).

In short, Smart Poke 2 can also show new Pokemon on the map in a location selected by the user. If you click on the icon of any Pokemon, information appears about the exact distance to it (in meters), the remaining time during which the animal can be caught, as well as an indicator of its “rarity”. Data about other Pokemon is displayed in the sidebar.

Additionally, Smart Poke 2 can also be set to only show necessary information. For example, you can configure the application so that notifications only come when a rare Pokemon appears somewhere nearby. Let it be for now …

OLD CONTENT: Pokevision turned off

As you know, yesterday the owners of the online service Pokevision, which until recently was very popular among Pokemon fans around the world, wrote an open letter to the developers of Pokemon Go. In which they explained why millions of Pokemon Go players used this tracker every day, and why the game’s rating in the Play Store and App Store dropped so radically after the game radar was removed from it and Pokevision was turned off.

Update 03/11/2019: the article has been updated, the search operators “baby”, “hatched”, “item”, “lucky” have been added

Came out truly amazing. Among other things, the developer pleased us with the long-awaited search (search bar) according to the list of Pokemon. A seemingly simple search bar is actually fraught with incredible possibilities.

Now I will list you all the currently known search commands.

Search Bar in Pokemon GO

Filter by Pokemon name

Filtering by Pokemon name works like a regular text search, displaying Pokemon whose name matches the query. Doesn't look inside for names. Supports ASCII and Unicode. Search by name ignores nicknames.

For example:

  • On request "My Tyranitar" there is a pokemon named "My Tyranitar"
  • On request "Tyranitar" all yours will be found.

Filter by Pokemon type(s)

You can now filter Pokemon by type! To search, enter the type of Pokemon you want in the search bar. You can also enter multiple Pokémon type names, separated by a colon (:), semicolon (;), or comma (,)

For example:

Filter by type

You can find all Pokemon belonging to a specific species group by searching for the species name with + In front of them. Works with Pokemon nicknames too.

For example:

  • On request "+bulbasaur" all your Bulbasaurs, Ivysaurs and Venusaurs will be found.

Filtering by Gym Defenders

You can find all your Pokemon that are currently defending Gyms.

For example:

  • On request "defender" will find all your Pokemon that are in gyms at the moment

Filter by legendary Pokemon

Now you can easily find all your legendary Pokemon in your collection.

For example:

  • On request "legendary" all yours will be found

Filtering by number in the Pokédex

You can find a Pokemon using its Pokédex number. You can also search by number range.

For example:

  • On request "248" you will find all your Tyranitars
  • On request "200 – 248" you will find all Pokemon with Pokédex numbers from 200 to 248

Filter by Pokemon attack

You can search for Pokemon with specific attacks using a query like @character

For example:

  • On request "@rock smash" there will be all your Pokemon that have the Rock Smash attack

Filtering by CP and HP

Finally we can filter Pokemon by CP and HP by entering special queries like "cp2000-3000" and "hp200-300"

For example:

  • On request "cp2000-3000" there will be all Pokemon with CP from 2000 to 3000
  • On request "hp200-300" there are all Pokemon with HP from 200 to 300

Filter by possibility of evolution

You can filter all Pokemon that can evolve using the query “evolve”. Availability is taken into account required quantity sweets to carry out evolution.

For example:

  • On request "evolve" there are all your Pokemon that can be evolved right now
  • On request "evolve & 10,13,16" there are all Weedles, Caterpies and Pidgeys that can be evolved
  • On request "item" all the Pokemon you need will be found

Filter by shiny pokemon

You can quickly find all your shiny Pokemon (shiny). To do this, you need to use the "shiny" query.

For example:

  • On request "shiny" all your shiny pokemon will be found

Advanced Search Features

In addition to the above filters, you can create your own complex filters.

For example:

  • You can run multiple queries at once by separating simple queries colon (:), semicolon (;) or comma (,)
  • On request "pidgey,rattata" you will be able to find all your Pidgey, Rattata and other Pokemon with similar names
  • On request "Cp10.147" all your Pokemon with CP10 and all your Dratini will be found
  • @hatched– will show all Pokemon that were obtained from eggs
  • baby will show everyone
  • defender will show all Pokemon that are in gyms
  • legendary will show everyone
  • mythical will show everyone
  • lucky will show all your lucky pokemon

Our short material is devoted to a review of the best online services for tracking Pokemon on a map (Google). You will learn how they work and whether it is possible to track the location of rare Pokemon with their help.

As the popularity of Pokemon GO grows, the number of players who want to know for sure where to look for Pokemon in their city is growing. In this regard, they gained sharp popularity online services for such a search. We've scoured the web and collected the best tracking resources, in our opinion.

Poke Radar - map created by players


I think that all services that promise exact location Pokemon - in many ways they lie and are not accurate. The situation is that Niantic is actively fighting a huge number of hacks, cheats and web resources like this. As a result, a working method may become broken after a couple of days. This is exactly what happened with the script. But Poke Radar and PokeCrew are sites with a different approach to helping with searches. I would recommend them.

If you know about other services with online maps Pokemon, please write about them in the comments - let others know too. Thank you!

In contact with

I decided to merge all the points that I know myself. I think you yourself know what to do with all this.
I'll start with the densest ones.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: New York Central Park

40.781695, -73.966492
You could say it’s an ideal point, almost all the Pokemon are found there, but at the same time everything is overflowing with useless Pinsirs.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Sydney Opera House

33.8590635805737, 151.2131743133068
A good place In terms of Pokemon density, it’s almost like Central Park, only without the trash. Lots of water Pokemon.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

35.701695, 139.771198
A VERY good point EXACTLY for farming exp. The density of Pokestops is simply HUGE, but there are few strong Pokemon. This point is intended only for farming experience, so far the most the best option in this plan.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

34.70430269315191, 135.5077850818634
Pikachu is your lifelong dream? Then this park is for you.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Lilydale Lake, Melbourne

37.7651298, 145.3509665
A lot of Dratini for farming Dragonites.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Hamburg, Germany

53.5530600326993, 9.923685193061829
I can’t say anything for sure, but there are often rare Pokemon here, like Porygons, Vaporeons, Aerodactels, etc.

I’ll also add a couple more points for farming individual Pokemon:
-37.7633869612057, 145.35428166389465 Aerodactel(spawn from 30 minutes to 6 hours)
-33.859431, 151.229435 Electrobuzz
37.80198532630738, -122.41267204284668 Squirtle
40.75696123684052, -73.98322105407715Magnemite

P.S. You probably already know this, but I’ll say it again, when moving a long distance there is a high chance of getting a soft ban for ~2 hours, so to avoid this you need to not log into the game for 6-12 hours before moving.

Good luck to everyone in catching Pokemon!

Pokemon GO is one of the most popular mobile applications recent years. Searching for and catching magical creatures using the phone has captivated the global community. Pokemon coordinates can be very diverse, and sometimes players have difficulty finding new pets. Our short review will help you cope with this problem, telling you about simple ways capturing creatures.

Pet spawn system

The algorithm for the appearance of a particular creature in the game is based on a random principle. However, this does not mean that Pokémon coordinates appear randomly. Certain things increase the likelihood of encountering a common or rare pet. Useful items that can be purchased in the store significantly increase the chance of catching Pokemon. In addition, the probability of capture increases in certain locations that are rich in the drop of excellent items or creatures.

Best Pokemon coordinates

Fishing spots in the game are landmarks or places with large crowds of people. The most famous of them:

  • city ​​of New York. Location coordinates: 40.781695-73.966492. A huge number of different Pokemon have been recorded in this area, including rare specimens.
  • Opera House in Sydney. Pokemon coordinates: 33.8590635805737-151.2131743133068.
  • Lake Lilywood in Melbourne. The location is located at the following coordinates: 37.7651298, 145.3509665. In this area, a large concentration of rare ones has been noticed, which can subsequently evolve into powerful Dragonites.
  • An excellent place to look for pets is the city of Tokyo.
  • In the German city of Hamburg there is a great chance of finding legendary Pokemon.
  • Arbat in Moscow.
  • Shevchenko Park in Odessa.

Of course, that's not all best places for catching Pokemon whose coordinates are known. To find out about such locations, you need to get acquainted with the most common programs and sites that offer information about the appearance of pets on the world map.

Fishing programs

Coordinates for catching Pokemon can be found in special programs, such as Pokevision. This official map Shows available creatures near you in real time. A special convenience in this program is the countdown until the Pokemon disappears. But Pokevision has one huge flaw. This card is extremely difficult to use due to technical reasons. The fact is that the servers of this program are heavily overloaded, and service maps can be studied very rarely.

Additionally, this program only works in certain areas of the world. The project is quite “raw”, but continues to develop, so that soon this program will work at full capacity and will become useful for our region.

Poke Radar

The best site where you can find out the coordinates for catching Pokemon is Poke Radar. This resource is created by the players themselves, who contribute places where they were able to catch a rare creature. This program is not a cheat or hack, so it can be used officially. In addition, Poke Radar offers its users many useful features such as a Pokemon filter on the map. But keep in mind that there are quite a few players on the Internet who deliberately enter incorrect coordinates of rare Pokemon. So before you go searching, study the information in detail and read about the reviews of other players.


This site is one of the best, but since it is designed for the United States, Russian players will find little useful there. Of course, unless they want to go to America in search of rare Pokemon.


This program is much more useful than the previous one. Pokefind allows its users to see the closest Pokemon certain type. Such a program will become indispensable for those who want to collect a complete collection of creatures.


This site marks the coordinates of rare Pokemon that have been found by other players in your city. Of course, the service is designed for large cities, for example, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kyiv, Kharkov and so on. How the Radar service works. That is, active players mark places on the map where they managed to catch rare pokemon. When using the service, be aware of “virtual trolls” who are very fond of setting incorrect coordinates. Please read comments carefully before accepting information. This will help avoid the frustration of unnecessary searching.

Finding training halls and pokestops

In addition to the coordinates of the Pokemon, many players will find it useful to know where the GYM and PokeStops are located in their city. A special page will help you find the nearest similar locations. Google Maps. Unfortunately, so far in most cases only PokéStops and halls in Europe and America are marked on it. But since the game is gaining popularity in our region, soon you will be able to see all similar locations located in your city.

Virtual travel

Many players cannot afford to travel to Australia, Japan or America to catch rare and valuable Pokemon. After all, this activity is quite expensive. In order to virtually travel to places rich in pets, users can use some programs or utilities, for example, Fake GPS. With its help, the player enters the coordinates of the best Pokemon and virtually goes on a search. Please note that the use of such programs is strictly punished by the Pokemon GO administration. If the moderators catch you with this cheat, then you will face at least temporary blocking of your account.
