Report on practice in a government agency. Requirements for specialist training

South Russian Institute management - branch

federal state budgetary educational
higher education institutions vocational education

"Russian Academy of National Economy

and public service

under the President Russian Federation»

educational practice

Direction of training 03/38/04

"State and municipal government» (Bachelor's degree)

Course 5, group No. 552 Form of study - correspondence

Place of internship South Russian Institute RANEPA Department, Department of Information Technologies

Internship supervisor from the organization

head Department of Information Technologies

Assignment to the student given by the supervisor

educational practice from the department

Exercise 1

    1. Supercomputers."
    2. Search for text and pictures using search engines Internet.
    3. Creating a text document with a complex “…” structure.

Task 2

2.1.Search for text and pictures using Internet search engines.

2.2. Creation interactive presentation on the topic "…"

Task 3

3.1. Creating calculations in Excel: " Voyage LLC", "Retentions".

Task 4

4.1. Creating a database in MS Access " Document flow».

    1. Creating 3 tables in the database: " Appeals", "Performers", "Signs".
    2. Filling with source data, created tables.
    3. Creation and design of the form " Enter».
    4. Filling out the table " Appeals» source data using the form « Enter».
    5. Creating queries: " Request1", "Request2", "Request3.
    6. Creating a report " List of letters and appeals from citizens».

Task 5

    1. Creating envelopes and letters in MS Word.
    2. Merging a text message document with database tables " Document flow» to receive letters.

Task 6. Report preparation.

Head of educational practice

from the department _________________


Trainee _________________


Daily notes on practical training

date Divisions,
in which the student
completes tasks
work performed
and training in practical skills
head of the department
1 2 3 4
6.10.17 Department
Creating a text document with a complex structure " Supercomputers».
Search for text and pictures,
using search engines... of the Internet
Creating a text document with a complex “…” structure.
Search for text and pictures,
using internet search engines
Creating an interactive presentation on the topic “...”
Creating a calculation in Excel: " Voyage LLC»
Creating a calculation in Excel: " "Retentions»
Creating a database in MS Access " Document flow", there are three tables in it
Creation and design
MS Access forms Enter for is filled with the original database data.
Creating an envelope and letter template in MS Word,
Merging letters in MS Word
with a database and receiving letters for distribution.
10/19/17 Department
Diary design
and report

Feedback from the training supervisor from the organization
about the student-intern's performance
internship programs

A 5th year student of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, group No. 551 Full name, underwent educational practice in the period from June 29, 2015. to 07/12/2017 at YuRIU RANEPA at the Department of Information Technologies.

During the internship, Stekhin D.S. was assigned to complete 5 tasks.

The results of the work of the full name are as follows:

  • collecting material on the topic “....”;
  • creating a text document with a complex structure “...”;
  • creating a presentation on the topic “...”;
  • creating calculations in MS Excel ;
  • creating a “Document Flow” database in MS Access;
  • creating an envelope and letter template in MS Word;
  • merging the letter with the “Document Flow” database;
  • receiving letters for distribution.

The practice program is completed.


educational practice _________________

from the organization M.P. (signature)

Conclusion of the head of educational practice

from the department about the student-intern's performance

internship programs

Individual assignment by a 5th year group student of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration
No. 551 Full name completed.

During his internship, FIO proved himself to be a disciplined, prepared student with good knowledge and skills in the field of: creating text documents of complex structure in
MS Word; creating an interactive presentation in MS PowerPoint, algorithmizing calculations using spreadsheets; designing and creating a database using MS Access.

Evaluation based on results



Head of practice from the department ______________________

__________________ __________________ (date) (signature)

The importance of the selected enterprise as a place of internship is explained by the following reasons:
- Completing pre-diploma internship gives the student the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. By completing tasks of a lower level of complexity in practice, the student gets an idea of ​​the work of the enterprise as a whole.
- The trainee has the opportunity to receive an employment offer from the company where the internship was completed.
- The chosen place of pre-diploma internship determines the success of the upcoming defense thesis. It is generally accepted that the work of writing a student’s pre-diploma report is preparation for writing a thesis.

In cases where the topic of the thesis is known in advance, the student can begin collecting the necessary information for inclusion in the work already during the pre-diploma internship. Also, completing an internship helps a student in cases where the topic of the thesis is revealed using the example of the enterprise where the internship is taking place.

When choosing a place for pre-diploma internship, the student must also take into account the possibility of the company providing the documents that he needs to write a report on the internship.

The possibility of the enterprise providing the student with the necessary information and documents should be clarified in advance. Such documents include: financial statements of the company (certified copies of the profit and loss statement for the last 3 years, copies balance sheet over the last 3 years of the enterprise’s activity). The exact list of financial documents of the enterprise must be clarified with the scientific supervisor.

In most cases, when writing a thesis, as well as to include applications in the work, the student needs the constituent documents of the company, such as the charter of the enterprise.

Depending on the subject of study, specialty, awarded qualification and practice program, the student may also need internal documents: regulations, collective agreement, job descriptions enterprises.

The procedure for admitting students to practice

Since for a student, completing pre-diploma internship is one of the final tests of training, it is necessary to listen to all the recommendations of the supervisor on pre-diploma practice, asking him all the questions that arise.
The procedure for admitting students to pre-graduate practice is not regulated by labor legislation, but the enterprise itself and the educational institution must formalize their relationship in the form of an agreement. Thus, most Russian universities enter into agreements with organizations on the terms of providing a place for internship to a student.

Under the terms of such an agreement, the organization undertakes to accept into practice and provide the necessary practical knowledge student, create the necessary conditions for pre-diploma internship, provide him with a workplace.

For companies, attracting trainees to their work is beneficial because, as a rule, students are assigned simple but routine functions. Thus, the company saves time, frees itself from current hassles and can focus on its main tasks.

Another reason why enterprises agree to cooperate with universities is that the work of students in their departments and divisions is low paid. There are also cases when trainees are not provided with wages during their pre-graduate internship.

Considering the features of pre-graduation internship, it is worth noting that there are cases when companies formalize a relationship with an intern by concluding a fixed-term employment contract, enter individual positions into the timesheet, accruing them accordingly wages. In this case, the student has the rights of an employee of the enterprise and receives full wages.

Therefore, those universities that have entered into agreements with enterprises in advance have the opportunity to offer their students options for pre-diploma internship to choose from.

The options most often represent a list of organizations in which brief information: name of the organization, type of activity, legal / actual address, contact numbers and contact persons.

The student, having studied information about a potential company, makes his choice and then receives an internship assignment. During pre-diploma internship, the student keeps a diary.

In cases where the educational institution insists on independent choice student at the place of pre-diploma internship, it is worth studying information about them from public sources. Such sources may be directories with a list of companies that match the profile; Internet sites that also contain contact information. The student should also study the media (newspapers, magazines), employment sites on the Internet, where employers post advertisements for interns for internships.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that trainee positions must meet the requirements of the internship program and the specialty being acquired.

Then, having chosen a certain company, you should call the specified contact phone number. It is recommended to call the company's HR department, since it is they who determine the need for candidates. After introducing yourself, you need to find out with whom you can discuss the issue of doing an internship in this company. When you are connected to the necessary official (this can be either the head of the enterprise or the secretary), you should briefly explain the essence of the issue that has arisen.

The company will schedule a meeting at which it will provide the necessary information of interest to the student and talk about upcoming job responsibilities. You should discuss with the company the terms of completion, functions, and also clarify the possibility of providing necessary documents: general, constituent, reference and financial information of the enterprise.
It must be remembered that conscientious completion of the internship determines the student’s subsequent potential employment.


Practice of students of the Federal Budgetary State educational institution higher professional education "Russian State University justice" is integral part basic educational program both higher vocational education and secondary vocational education. In addition to versatile theoretical knowledge, students must have good practical training, allowing the graduate to actively engage in a professional field after graduating from the University.

Practice helps to consolidate students’ theoretical knowledge and accumulate practical experience. The goals, scope and content of practice are determined by the educational standards of higher professional and secondary vocational education:

1. Higher education:

Federal State educational standard higher professional education (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education) in the field of training 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “bachelor”);

Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FSES HPE) in the field of training 40.04.01 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “master”);

2. Secondary vocational education:

Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education (FSES SPO) in specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization social security(with advanced training) - qualification “lawyer”;

For students in master's degree areas, the types of internships are determined according to the federal state standards and may include research, pedagogical practice, legal advice, etc.

For students in bachelor's degree programs and students in secondary vocational education programs, educational and practical training is provided.

The Branch conducts work on practice in accordance with the regulations on practice, taking into account the specialization of specialist training and practice programs. Practice programs are developed by major departments in accordance with the working curricula in the areas of training (specialties) and programs of academic disciplines.

Students' internships are carried out on the basis of agreements between the Branch and relevant organizations that serve as practice bases, the main ones of which are: the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, the system of investigative and other bodies state power. Students can also do internships at the Branch’s legal clinic, providing free legal assistance to socially vulnerable categories of citizens.


The Branch carries out activities to assist in the employment of students and graduates. Subject matter this direction is the work of the Branch to promote the employment of students and the employment of young professionals, providing information and analytical reports on labor and employment problems, interaction with organizations and institutions that influence the labor market of young professionals.

The Branch's priority activities for the employment and employment of students and graduates are: . Cooperation with judicial authorities and other organizations acting as employers for students and graduates of the Branch;

Interaction with employment authorities: obtaining information about graduates registered with employment services, participation in city “Career Days”, “Job Fairs”;

Questioning graduates to identify those in need of employment;

Assistance in writing a resume, characteristics, adaptation to a new workplace (conducting training seminars on job search, interviewing with an employer, self-presentation when applying for a job);

Conducting organizational events (job fairs, career days, presentations of employing organizations);

Organizing meetings of students with prospective employers and graduates of the Branch;

Involving members of the “Alumni Club” in cooperation on clarifying information about the employment of graduates and the availability of graduates in need of employment;

Direction of training - 081100.62 "State and municipal administration"

Training profile - "Effective public administration".

Qualification: Bachelor.

Full-time form of education.

Moscow - 2014

Place of internship:

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation


at the Address: Moscow, Okhotny Ryad street, building. Metro 1: Okhotny Ryad.

The practical training was carried out in a group of students of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, in the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Head of Practice: Chief of Staff of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Shelemin Stanislav Aleksandrovich.

Prepared a report on industrial practice: 3rd year full-time student at the Faculty of the International Institute of State and Municipal Administration Russian Academy National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Stepan Timurovich Shumilin.

The State Duma(the abbreviation State Duma is also used in the media) - the lower house of the Federal Assembly. Elected by adult citizens of Russia who have the right to vote in elections, based on the results of alternative and free elections held every five years.

Legal status State Duma defined in the fifth chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 103) defines the following powers of the State Duma and gives the right to make decisions on them:

    giving consent to the President of the Russian Federation to appoint the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

    hearing annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its activities, including on issues raised by the State Duma;

    resolving the issue of trust in the Government of the Russian Federation;

    appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

    appointment and dismissal of the chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and half of its auditors;

    appointment and dismissal of a commissioner for human rights, acting in accordance with federal constitutional law;

    amnesty announcement;

    bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his removal from office.

The State Duma consists of 450 deputies, exactly half of whom are elected directly and in one round based on the results of voting in single-mandate constituencies. The second half is formed by Russian political parties that have overcome the 5 percent threshold based on the results of voting for party lists. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections can be elected as a deputy of the State Duma (and the same person cannot be simultaneously a deputy of the State Duma and a member of the Federation Council. A deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation could simultaneously be a member of the Government of the Russian Federation (according to the transitional provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The State Duma adopts federal laws by a majority vote of the total number of deputies, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Under the adopted federal law within the meaning of Part 1 of Art. 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation means: laws adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council in accordance with Part. 1, 2, 3 and 4 tbsp. 105 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws re-adopted by the State Duma in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 105 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws approved by the State Duma and the Federation Council in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition, adopted the federal law signed and promulgated by the President of the Russian Federation.

In the same manner, an act of the legislative body must be adopted, signed and promulgated, through which an official clarification of the federal law is carried out, having the force of law. If the clarification is taken in the form of a resolution of the State Duma, that is, without complying with the requirements of Art. 105, 106, 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, requirements for the adoption of federal laws, then it cannot be considered as an act of the Federal Assembly - the legislative body of the Russian Federation. Being an act of only one of its chambers, such a resolution is not an authentic official explanation of the law. It cannot be recognized as a delegated official explanation of the law, since the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not provide the State Duma with the corresponding right

IN government agency is considered one of the necessary components of the educational process in the preparation of students of all specialties. At the end, students must submit a practice report. This is the result of individual research work based on practice.

Student practice can be educational, industrial and pre-diploma.

What needs to be in the practice report

Regardless of the type of practice, the structure of the report should be as follows:

  1. The main text of 2-3 parts should include theory and analytics. You need to start with a description of the practice base, moving on to the analysis of information and documents, with calculations and graphics. The very last section is recommendations for improving the operation of the enterprise.
  2. List of information sources.
  3. Application.

Depending on the type of practice, report writing has different properties.

The report on practice in a government agency covers less analytical data. IN in this case Include calculations as desired. No protection required.

The report on pre-graduation practice must be treated with keen attention. In the vast majority of cases, the basis of pre-graduate practice must coincide with the object of study of the work. Therefore, working on the report is a contribution to the graduation project.

Information can be taken from the following documents: contracts, reports. If possible, useful documents should be included in the annex to the report.

It is best to start working on a report when you begin practice. Having immediately figured out what information is required for registration, you can start collecting it, look for documents, etc. After completing the practice, such an opportunity will no longer be found.

Maintain communication with practice leaders. The scientific supervisor will advise on how best to create, and the production supervisor will assist in collecting data. Yours equally depends on the second.

When creating a report, it is important to adhere to the rules of creation. It is better to find out the requirements from methodological recommendations. Violating them will result in a lower grade.

Do it on time. Finished work can be shown for inspection in advance. Then you have enough time to correct the mistakes. And if there are no mistakes, you will be able to confidently prepare for the test.

Remember! in a government institution - this is your admission to the session, take it seriously or contact our company. We offer information support and writing assistance.
