Revelations of Muslim Magomaev's sister Tatyana Zaitseva. Nephew of Muslim Magomayev: “I would never ask my uncle to put in a good word for me with Pugacheva - After that conflict, you and Maxim then talked

About thirty years ago, a tipsy man stood up to me on the stage at the 69th Parallel restaurant and smartly declared: “I bet my neighbor on the table with a box of cognac that you are the brother of the famous Muslim Magomayev!” - Yuri Magomaev recalls with a sad smile.

In the youth of the Murmansk musician, such shameless questions were extremely irritating, especially when a foot tried to step into his soul stranger. So that time, the keyboard player and singer answered the annoying music lover briefly and clearly:

You bet your neighbor on a box of cognac...

And only the closest friends knew that Murmansk resident Yuri Magomaev was not only a relative of the great singer Soviet Union, but also his own, or rather, as they used to say in the old days - one-uterine, maternal brother.

Simple story

From childhood, my mother raised my sister and me to be modest. I'm even in Murmansk high school No. 35 and at music school No. 1 was listed in class magazines under the neutral surname Kinzhalov. And only when I received a passport at the age of sixteen, my real name. I entered the Murmansk music school already with Magomayev.

The history of the Magomayev family is simple and bitter, like the history of many families in the forties. The girl Aishet married theater artist Magomet Magomayev in Baku literally on the eve of the war. In 1942, the boy Muslim was born, and his father went to the front and died in battle a few days before the Victory in 1945.

Aishet Akhmedovna, a Stalinist GITIS scholarship holder, fully tasted the delights of the nomadic life of a provincial actress. Theaters in Vyshny Volochyok, Tver, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Chimkent, Ulan-Ude.

Time has proven that my mother acted wisely by not dragging Muslim along with her on tour. He showed great talent for music, and from childhood he could only receive a full-fledged musical education in his native Baku. That's why they decided that he would live in his brother's family. dead father, although the mother could not stand it one day and took the boy with her to Tver,” says Yuri.

But life is life. Ten years after the death of her husband, Aishet Akhmedovna met her stage colleague Leonty Kavka in Ulan-Ude. Yuri was born here in 1958.

“I had a dash in the “father” column on my birth certificate,” Yuri Leontievich sighs philosophically. - The Soviet government did not recognize civil marriages, although we lived as one family all our lives.

The magnificent keyboard player buried his parents already in the Arctic Circle - twenty years ago his father, an actor at the Murmansk Drama Theater, and in 2003 his mother, a retired actress from our regional theater.

Former "Constellation"

Mom was invited to serve in the regional drama in 1971. Thirteen-year-old Yuri, after the Central Asian city of Chimkent, seemed to have found himself in another cold planet. But the planet turned out to be inhabited good people, especially musicians.

While still a student at our music school, first in the piano class and then in the pop department, the promising keyboard player began working professionally at the VIA "Constellation" of the House of Culture of Railway Workers on Oktyabrskaya Street.

The seventies were the heyday of vocal and instrumental ensembles both in the country and in Murmansk, says today the slightly graying polar Alan Price (the name of the wonderful English keyboard player from Animals was not mentioned in vain). - At that time, each of our recreation centers had its own VIA, which consisted mainly of graduates and students of the music school. In "Kirovka" the ensemble "Second Wind" shone, in the Pervomaisky Palace of Culture "Aelita" thundered, in the sailors' club "Aspiration" rocked. We were all staff members, receiving salaries as musical dance specialists.

Oh, these dance evenings in the capital of the Arctic in the ancient years, before Christmas discos! The main meeting place for young people of both sexes, an indisputable reason for creating many future families. People twice as many as the official capacity of the dance hall in the foyer on the first floor were crowded into the same "piece of iron" to dance.

It’s a thing of the past, but the then director of the cultural center managed to sell movie tickets under the guise of dance tickets. Attendance on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays grew from three hundred people to six hundred, and at the same time the film distribution plan was exceeded! - Yuri Magomaev reveals the secret of cultural mass cuisine.

He is getting younger before his eyes from dreams of that atmosphere of the 1975 holiday. He still meets with the bass guitarist of the former "Constellation" Alexander Ignatenko, who now plays music in the song and dance ensemble of the Northern Fleet and at the same time sings in the popular North Sea vocal quartet "Senator", comparable in level of performance to the famous Turetsky choir. But drummer Viktor Varnik moved away from music; he is a doctor by training and plunged headlong into medicine. Guitarist Andrey Karpenko left Murmansk long ago for middle lane. And only the vocalist of “Constellation” Vyacheslav Usov to this day works hand in hand with Magomayev in the same musical field.

“I’m happy that I no longer played at dances when, in the late 70s, soulless mechanized discos began to displace live musicians from Murmansk recreation centers and clubs,” the sophisticated dance floor veteran makes a heartfelt remark.

Ironic optimism

At the turn of the seventies and eighties, at least twenty restaurants operated in the port city of Murmansk. Perhaps this was a kind of USSR record among small regional centers (for example, in Kursk, which was then absolutely equal to Murmansk in terms of population - 380 thousand, there were only three restaurants).

And in each such “catering establishment with highest category surcharges" in the evenings its own ensemble played, which determined the status of the restaurant in contrast to canteens and cafes. It is curious that it was practically impossible to get into any such establishment after 18 o'clock. Even eateries, forgive the frankness, such as the Zapolyarny restaurant on The northern quarters were full of people, and the doorman couldn't get in without a ruble. However, excuse me, I went too far - in the mid-70s, a hard Soviet ruble was enough, which was officially one and a half times more expensive than the American dollar. And with a chervonets you could It’s a cultural way to while away the evening, unless, of course, you spend money on ordering songs in the top five.

Another country. Other people. Ironic optimism of the golden era of stagnation.

It’s not for nothing that I attached the epithet “port” to the name of our city. Thousands and thousands of Murmansk fishermen, returning from fishing, practiced pre-booking tables by radio message to the administration of a particular restaurant - “half the room for the whole crew!”

It was the sailors who brought fresh gramophone records from abroad, which instantly became popular in the city. That’s how I became acquainted with the solo work of the great keyboardists Jon Lord from Deep Purple and Alan Price from Animals,” says Yuri. - And when the English film “Oh, Lucky Man!” was released on the screens of Murmansk in 1976, where Alan Price sang his songs from the 1973 soundtrack disc of the same name to the accompaniment of an electric organ, I included them all in my repertoire, simply taking tracing paper from the tape recorder. Nothing can be done, the public insisted. But soon everyone was eclipsed by the brilliant song “Hotel California” by the Eagles. This was an unconditional hit of Murmansk taverns, as was the song “For me, there is no one more beautiful than you” by Yuri Antonov.

Magomayev was then playing in the ensemble of the most prestigious restaurant in the city at the 69th Parallel hotel that had just opened in the Valley of Comfort. It was a gorgeous place. On the ground floor there is a fireplace room, where a tape recorder played through the hi-fi acoustics the hits of "Boney M" and the Bee Gees, which turned into a new disco faith. On the second floor there is a real huge bar with a long counter and high seats. Bars had just come into sharp fashion; there were two more small ones at the Panorama restaurant near Semenovskoye Lake and at the Sever Hotel on Profsoyuzov Street. The long-term construction projects "Arctic" and "Meridian" had not yet been built, annoying the townspeople with eternal scaffolding and fences.

Construction projects of the century! - out of habit, Murmansk residents mocked the planned economy, buying fresh cod for 46 kopecks in a fish store near Five Corners.

Meridians and parallels

Our ensemble, by the way, opened the Meridian restaurant in 1985,” Magomayev says modestly but with dignity. - And, apparently, somewhere on next year Vladimir Mulyavin from Pesnyary heard me.

And it was like this. In 1986, the famous Belarusian ensemble “Pesnyary” came to the Arctic capital for the first time. And he settled down at the Meridian Hotel. And at a concert in the Kirov Palace of Culture, Yuri Magomayev was taken backstage and introduced to the founding father of Pesnyary by the famous Murmansk pianist Vladimir Chaly (by the way, the work of the late Vladimir Lukich is now successfully continued by his son keyboardist Oleg Chaly, who created a high-quality jazz trio in Greece) . So, Mulyavin invited our Magomayev to come to Minsk and try to work with Pesnyary. Moreover, he meant not only his masterly command of the keys, but also Yuri’s interesting baritone. After all, it was “Pesnyary” who introduced their amazing polyphony into high fashion on the Soviet stage.

What kind of Belarusian am I? - the Murmansk resident now comments with humor on his polite refusal of an offer that promised mountains of stage gold.

What kind of Kazakh am I? - he said even when ten years earlier in Chimkent he rejected an offer to join the Arai group, now popularly known as A-studio.

What kind of Finn am I? - the polar Magomayev also joked, who ten years later received a flattering offer to remain a professional performer in Finland, which he traveled all over in the 90s with performances.

But perhaps the most tempting musical offer, capable of radically turning his life around, Yuri Magomaev still received from his brother, the legendary Muslim.

One man band

Around 1978, when Yuri once again came to Moscow to see his brother, Muslim in all seriousness asked the young Murmansk pianist to become his full-time accompanist, that is, to play along with the singer at rehearsals, on stage, and on numerous tours. But the young man was just at that romantic age when he wanted to achieve everything on his own, and even more so without family protection. In general, I laughed it off again.

Muslim first met me when I was still a two-year-old baby and my mother took me with her to his wedding in Baku,” says Yuri. - But fifteen years later, my mother and his sister Tatyana and I went to Moscow for his second wedding with the singer Tamara Sinyavskaya, but I don’t remember what I was doing at the music school. In 1996, Muslim came to Murmansk, performed at the Philharmonic, and came to visit us in our apartment on Samoilova Street.

By the way, in the Moscow apartment of Muslim Magomayev, Yuri for the first time touched with his hands the rarest instrument at that time in the USSR, which feeds him today.

Muslim himself was an excellent pianist, but when I saw a synthesizer at his home in the late 70s, not one, but two - reputable American brands "Prophet" and "Polymug", I was amazed. Although Muslim has always been modern man, and new sounds seemed curious to him. “Could I have thought then that thirty years later the synthesizer would become my musical destiny,” the keyboard player reflects.

Today, Yuri Magomaev successfully works as a kind of one-man orchestra at numerous corporate evenings, anniversaries, celebrations, he has traveled all over the region with performances. A modern synthesizer allows him to play with his own hands and store parts of various instruments from drums to saxophones in advance into computer memory, turn on his own arrangements at the right moment, but at the same time play the leading keyboard part live. And how he sings!

The other day I had the opportunity to attend the anniversary of the “Teachers Brotherhood” of Murmansk physical education teachers, which was celebrated in the “Polar Dawns” restaurant. Magomayev's one-man orchestra played and sang. Only a great master can captivate an audience with songs like this.

Yuri has a small recording studio at home, where he is preparing material for the first disc of his own compositions. He forbade his wife Svetlana, an accountant by profession, from working, rightly believing that being a housewife is one of the most difficult professions, and after all, a man must feed the family. He named his two-year-old daughter in honor of his beloved mother - Aya, a diminutive of Aishet.

Standing on October 28, 2008 at Great hall conservatory, where all of Moscow said goodbye to Muslim, for some reason I remembered how for the first time in my life he took me, a provincial, to Grand Theatre listen to live opera. He was a very witty person, a lover of funny practical jokes, but he did not make fun of his younger brother. My life, albeit in his shadow, turned out to be quite happy. And the only thing I may regret is that when I received my passport, I did not keep my mother’s stage name - Kinzhalov.

There cannot be two Magomayev singers.

Tamara Sinyavskaya was indignant that Yuri performed under the name of her late husband

In addition to the wives, children and grandchildren who are dragged onto the stage by living celebrities, relatives of those who have long since passed on to another world are periodically announced in show business - sometimes a great-grandson younger brother Fyodor SHALYAPIN, either the illegitimate grandson of Leonid UTESOV, or the great-nephew of Valery OBODZINSKY... Usually these are “children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, who have nothing to do with their illustrious “ancestors”. One of the few exceptions is the singer from Murmansk Yuri MAGOMAEV, who is indeed the nephew of the late Muslim MAGOMAEV. The Express Gazeta music columnist found out from Yuri about where the famous Azerbaijani performer’s relatives came from in the distant northern city and whether their high-profile surname helped them in life.

“My dad is the son from the second marriage of Muslim’s mother Aishet Akhmedovna Magomayeva,” said Yuri Magomayev. - She was a theater actress. Her maiden name- Kinzhalova. Before the war, my grandmother married theater artist Magomet Magomayev and moved from her native Maykop to him in Baku. On August 17, 1942, their son Muslim was born. And in 1945, literally a few days before the victory, Mohammed died at the front. Grandmother needed to continue her studies at the theater institute and at the same time earn a living. She left little Muslim in Baku with the family of his uncle Jamal. And she herself went to Vyshny Volochek, where she was offered a job at the local theater. Then her acting fate took her to various cities of the Soviet Union - in Ulan-Ude she became close to the actor Leonty Bronislavovich Kavka. They were not officially registered; according to her passport, the grandmother remained Magomayeva. In 1956, their daughter Tanya was born. And in 1958 - son Yura, my dad. Since civil marriages were not recognized then, they had a dash in the “father” column. And Aishet Akhmedovna gave them her last name.

Muslim for a long time was offended by my mother. He thought that she had abandoned him. We have his childhood letters to her, where he wrote: “I miss you very much. Take me to your place!" When Muslim was nine years old, Aishet Akhmedovna took him to Vyshny Volochek. They lived together for a whole year. But then she returned Muslim to Baku to his uncle to receive a musical education. If she had not done this, we would never have heard the Muslim that everyone knows. What could a widow who wandered around provincial theaters give a child? But Uncle Jamal was not last person in Baku. Lived in the same house with singer Bul-Bul, father of Polad Bul-Bul oglu, and others famous people. His table was always full of black caviar.
Later, Muslim himself admitted that his mother did the right thing. Their relationship improved. My dad and Aunt Tanya became Muslim’s brother and sister. While still small children, they went with Aishet Akhmedovna to his first wedding and to his first solo concert in the Kremlin. And then they constantly visited him.

Southern nights

In 1971, my grandmother received profitable proposition from the Murmansk Regional Drama Theater and moved with her family to Murmansk, where she lived until the end of her days. There, in 1979, I was born. My parents met in a restaurant. Mom worked as a waitress. And dad played the keyboard and sang in a restaurant ensemble. In 1981, he tried to get into the TV show “Wider Circle” with his songs. I went specifically to Moscow. But it was never shown. Why dad didn’t use the help of his famous brother - I don’t know. At one time, Muslim invited him to Moscow. He offered to work with him. But dad refused. Apparently, he wanted to achieve everything himself. He also refused offers to join the Belarusian ensemble “Pesnyary” and the Kazakh group “Arai”, which was later renamed “A-Studio”. So he worked for 35 years in Murmansk restaurants.
I was also introduced to music from childhood. They forced me to go to music school. But for seven years she became so weepy that after her graduation I did not go near the piano for a long time. I sold game consoles, worked as a security guard for children's slot machines. And I didn’t think about becoming a musician. But at the age of 17, I suddenly felt drawn to the instrument again. For some time I played with my dad in restaurants. And in 2001, he began traveling to Sochi to work. The first time I was lucky. I immediately got a job at the Filibuster restaurant near the Zhemchuzhina hotel. But the next year I couldn’t find a job for a whole month; I was hungry and without money. Fortunately, I met a musician friend and he matched me with the music director of the Rosary restaurant. There was very good job. For this money I could buy an apartment in Sochi. But I wanted to show off and return to Murmansk in a good car. After that I sang in the Rosary for four seasons. Then an acquaintance from “Filibuster” invited me to “rock” a new establishment - “Golden Barrel” (now “Caravelle”). I was already a co-founder there. He worked for five seasons until he met a Muscovite and moved to Moscow with her.

Uncle Muslim

I met my famous uncle only once in my life, when in 1995 he came to visit us in Murmansk. But 15-year-old me was of little interest in this. And when, as I grew older, I wanted to meet Muslim, my relatives on my father’s side prevented this in every possible way. When my grandmother died of a stroke on August 21, 2003, I learned about it from strangers. And when I came to Moscow and tried to go visit Muslim, my aunt and dad kept saying: “Don’t you dare! Do not go! They won't let you in there. So we’ll come to Moscow and go to see him together.”
Don’t think that I was counting on any help from my uncle. By that time, Muslim was retired and needed help himself. He actually lived at the expense of the Azerbaijani consulate, from where food was brought to him every day. But most of all, my uncle missed human communication. According to the stories of Aunt Tanya, in Lately he often asked her about our family and wanted to be friends with all relatives. "Come to me! - Muslim told her. - I'm so lonely. My daughter doesn’t come to me.” I now communicate with his daughter Marina on Odnoklassniki. She lives in Cincinnati, USA. Invites me to visit. But relations with Muslim’s widow Tamara Sinyavskaya did not work out. I was introduced to her in 2008 at a farewell to Muslim in the Tchaikovsky Hall.

“Yurochka is also Magomayev? - she was surprised. - And he sings too? Oh, how nice!” Then Tamara Ilyinichna asked Aunt Tanya if we had our foreign passports with us. “Fly with me to Baku for the funeral!” - she suggested. I had a foreign passport. And I was ready to fly with her. But dad and aunt, who did not have passports, began to object. And when Sinyavskaya came to her senses after Muslim’s funeral, she called Aunt Tanya and began to figure out how I, too, became Magomayev and why I perform under this name. This was very unpleasant for me.
No less unpleasant words for me were heard at a concert in memory of Muslim, which on the first anniversary of his death was organized by Azerbaijani billionaire Aras Agalarov in his Crocus City Hall. “For us, there will always be one and only Magomayev,” Larisa Dolina said then. “We will not give way to other Magomayevs.” And everyone began to assent to her: “We won’t let her!” We won’t let you!” A year ago, at the opening of the monument to Muslim in Voznesensky Lane, I managed to meet Aras Agalarov and his son Emin. But there are so many ambitions that they didn’t even listen to me. Apparently, Emin, who also sings, considers himself Magomayev’s heir.
I am especially offended when they ask: “Aren’t you ashamed to use the surname Magomayev?” To this I answer: “Ask better than Ivan Urgantail or Stas Piekha - aren’t they ashamed! And I haven’t received any benefit from my last name yet.”

Alpha singer

If anyone tried to profit from Magomayev’s surname, it was some dishonest people who became my friends and offered to take care of my affairs. One of them was the father of the late “queen of chanson” Katya Ogonyok - Evgeny Penkhasov. At one time he played the role of my director. Externally - God's dandelion. But he robbed me! Penkhasov behaved equally ugly when he received a call about me from Stas Mikhailov. Stas opened his own production center and began looking for artists. He surfed the Internet, came across me, and wanted to meet. But Penkhasov hid me from Mikhailov for a long time.
The meeting with Mikhailov did take place. We had a heartfelt conversation. Stas offered me production. “You won’t get further than the La Minor TV channel,” he said. But Stas did not promise anything concrete except beautiful clothes and a ghostly confession. Why do I need clothes? His wife showed me some magazine and said: “This is what you’ll look like!” And there was a picture of some kind of I politely declined. Stas was terribly offended. But soon he got another artist - the co-author of my songs, Maxim Oleinikov. A production agreement was signed with Maxim for standard conditions: ten percent of income for the artist, 90 for the producer. The money that, according to the information I have, he is now paid per month, would not be enough for me even for a week. And Maxim, for this money, travels with Mikhailov around the cities and performs as his opening act.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/

On Saturday, March 3, the broadcast of the “Tonight” program with Yulia Menshova was dedicated to the memory of the legendary performer and composer Muslim Magomayev. The artist’s relatives and friends gathered in the broadcast studio and shared their memories of him. The guest of honor was the widow of the star Tamara Sinyavskaya. The romance between her and Magomayev began in Baku in the fall of 1972. A couple of years later, the lovers registered their relationship.

The relationship between Sinyavskaya and Magomayev was often discussed in secular circles. It was rumored that sometimes serious passions boiled in their house. At times, the singer even went to Baku to recover. It is known that there was a moment in the artist’s life when he had a serious quarrel with his wife, but Magomayev’s marriage was saved by the song “Farewell, beloved.”

“We were all worried. And not only us, a lot of people, including the editorial staff of the All-Union Radio. And then we wrote such a song for Tamara. It so happened that when this song was played, they made peace,” shared the authors of the composition, Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov.

Presenter Yulia Menshova asked Tamara Sinyavskaya to talk about what preceded the writing of this song. Answering this question, the artist revealed the reasons why she quarreled with her husband.

“Well, as always happens, but how? Temperaments, characters, already adults, behind everyone’s back, so to speak... We met when he was 30 years old, but I won’t tell you how old. I already had the Bolshoi Theater hanging - not like a train or a weight, but like a royal robe. Of course, all this was not just like that. But when he appeared nearby, there was none of this - no robes or royal crowns,” the singer said.

In his first marriage, Magomayev had a daughter, Marina. Currently she lives in America with her loved ones - her husband Alexander Kozlovsky (son of the author of the lyrics of the song “Blue Eternity”) and heir Allen. The program aired interviews with relatives famous artist. “I remember the dacha, I remember Muslim, although I was only four years old. I remember how I swam in the pool, and Muslim walked next to me and conducted,” recalls Magomayev’s grandson.

Tamara Sinyavskaya considers her husband’s daughter from his first marriage to be very talented. After Magomayev divorced her mother Ophelia, he continued to communicate with the heiress.

“That's not the right word. But this was already a conversation between an adult and a growing daughter, who had already begun to understand what music was. She is very musical, but for some reason she graduated from a geographical institute... And Alex [Alexander Kozlovsky], by the way, is a singer. In his youth he had a clear, beautiful voice. But then he grew up and decided to become the husband of Muslim’s daughter,” Sinyavskaya said, laughing. - Alex went to America and took Marina there. Now she is a working mother.”

Yuri Yuryevich Magomaev is widely known as a singer and author of his own compositions. Muslim Magomayev’s nephew in no way owes his great popularity solely to his famous relative. Yura has personal talents that helped him achieve success in his work. The singer has his own music albums and several famous hits.

Biography of Yuri Magomaev. Start

Yura Magomaev was born in the city of Murmansk on September 12, 1979. The baby's future fate was determined by his mother. From the early childhood she hired him piano tutors. Upon reaching the age of seven, the boy entered a music school, while at the same time participating in the boys’ choir located in the Kirov Palace of Culture.

TO creative biography Yuri Magomayev also had a hand in Muslim Magomayev's sister, Tatyana. With her easy encouragement, the young talent took up ballroom dancing. Classes took place at the Inter-Union Palace. But Yura did not appreciate his aunt’s impulse and soon abandoned these classes. Tatyana believed that Muslim Magomayev’s nephew should be talented not only in music, but also in dance. However, this direction creative life Yura was not allowed to come true.

After finishing school, Yuri Magomaev decided to enter the music school in the pop department. But this did not happen, since the future artist began to earn his livelihood early, forgetting about his studies. When he turned eighteen, he had already worked in various restaurants in his hometown.

early years

Three years after that, he started working seasonally in Sochi. For ten years, life continued in such a monotonous manner. After seasonal work, in winter, Muslim Magomayev’s nephew sometimes returned to hometown. By 2006, Yuri finally moved to Moscow.

At some point, the young man even dreamed of becoming a pilot. civil aviation. But this also was not destined to come true due to poor eyesight at the boy's. At that time he didn't even think about musical career.

A sharp turn in the biography of Yuri Magomayev occurred after the death of Muslim Magometovich, who died on October 25, 2008. Until then, Yuri worked part-time as a musician and DJ in various restaurants in the capital. Obviously, his father’s credo had an effect, which said that there should not be two Magomayevs.

Magomayev family

Few people knew that Yura’s father, the elder Yuri Magomaev, was the brother of Muslim Magomaev. In his youth, the Murmansk musician often had occasions when he was shamelessly questioned about his family, and in particular about a great and famous relative. It irritated him greatly when strangers got into his soul like that. And he hid it from strangers. Only the most trusted friends knew that Yuri was Muslim’s brother on his mother’s side.

The depth of the history of the Magomayev family begins with the fact that no one unknown girl In the forties, Aishet became the wife of Magomet Magomayev, who worked as a theater artist in Baku. In 1942, the couple had a child, a boy, who was named Muslim. The father of the family, like many men then, went to the front. I went through the entire war, almost to the end. He died in May 1945, a few days short of victory.

Aishet Akhmedovna Magomayeva was a provincial actress and often went on tour. It was decided to leave little Muslim with his father’s brother in Baku. The child showed talent for musical art, and he needed to get the appropriate education. But given the mother’s nomadic life, this was impossible.

Continuation of the family line

Aishet toured different cities: Tver, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ulan-Ude, Chimkent and many others. Life went on, and at some point Muslim’s mother met Leonty Kavka in the capital of Buryatia. He was her creative colleague, they performed on the same stage. Here in 1958 Magomaev Yuri Leontievich was born. Aishet never entered into an official marriage with Leonty Kafka, although they lived their entire lives together in civil marriage. Yuri Leontievich recalls with philosophical nostalgia that he still had a dash in his birth certificate opposite the column father.

The musician buried his parents a long time ago. His father, who recently worked at the Murmansk Drama Theater, died almost thirty years ago, and his mother lived until retirement and died in 2003.

But then, back in 1971, everything was just beginning for thirteen-year-old Yuri. While studying at a music school, the talented keyboard player simultaneously played in the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Constellation" of the Railway Workers' Palace of Culture on Oktyabrskaya. He did all this already at a fairly high professional level. At that time, each palace of culture had its own ensemble assigned. The participants of such VIAs were, for the most part, graduates and students of music schools. These were full-time staff and, according to all the rules, they received wages as music specialists.

Creativity of past years

In the seventies, the main place of entertainment for young people was discos. Young people got to know each other and often at such events a new unit of society was born. The Palace of Culture, where Yuri Magomayev, the brother of Muslim Magomayev, played, was often crowded with twice as many people as planned as part of the Constellation. Yuri warmly remembers those times, that festive atmosphere. He still meets with members of his then ensemble: bass guitarist Sasha Ignatenko, drummer Vitya Varnik, guitarist Andrei Karpenko. Yuri Valentinovich still collaborates with vocalist Vyacheslav Usov in the musical field.

In the early 80s, more than twenty restaurants operated in Murmansk. Many had their own live music ensemble. Frequent visitors of that time were sailors. They promoted our musical progress, bringing vinyl records of modern popular performers from abroad. This is how Yuri Magomaev Sr. got acquainted with creativity legendary bands"Deep Purple", "Animals" and "Eagles". The composition of the latter was an undoubted hit in Murmansk restaurants, which Yuri performed by ear with his group upon frequent orders from visitors.

Career opportunities

In 1985, the father of Yuri Yuryevich Magomayev and his ensemble opened the prestigious Meridian restaurant. At this event, he was noticed by the founder of the most popular VIA Pesnyary at that time. Yuri was invited to try to work with the ensemble, not only as a keyboard player, but also as a singer. Magomayev refused, joking: “What kind of Belarusian am I?”

Ten years before this incident, Yuri rejected an invitation to participate in the Arai group, which later gained popularity under the name A-Studio.

In the 90s, he received an offer to settle in Finland as a professional performer, but even here, as a singer, Yuri Magomaev did not succeed.

Legacy of the Magomayevs

The son of Yuri Leontievich experiments in his songs with such directions as pop, chanson, rock, jazz, mixing them in search of new unique compositions. After the release of the album "Fly Away", our hero is preparing new musical works. Many of them have already seen the light of day and are undoubtedly popular.

A separate moment in the biography of Yuri Magomaev is his meeting with the father of the popular performer Katya Ogonyok - Evgeny Penkhasov. This man became a very close person and mentor for Yuri.

Magomaev Yuri Yurievich born on September 12, 1979 in the city of Murmansk. Since childhood, his mother wanted him to grow up to be a musical person and therefore sent him to piano tutors, and at the age of 7 Yura entered a music school, while simultaneously studying in the boys’ choir at the S.M. Palace of Culture. Kirov. “A talented person should be talented not only in music, but also in dancing,” - this was the opinion of Yuri’s aunt, Tatyana, Muslim Magomayev’s sister, and, without thinking twice, Yuri began to attend ballroom dancing in the Inter-Union Palace, where, after working out a little, he realized that dancing was not for him and gave up classes. After graduating from school, I decided to enter a music school in the pop department, but, carried away by work and making money, I quickly forgot about this idea. Then, already at the age of 18, he had the opportunity to work in the best restaurants in the city, and three years later he rushed to Sochi for seasonal work, where he stayed for 10 years, periodically returning home to his native Murmansk in the winter, and already in 2006 he completely moved to Moscow.

Yura never thought about any kind of musical career. After the death of Muslim Magomayev, a symbol of the Soviet stage, everything turned upside down. The surname Magomayev became famous thanks to Muslim’s grandfather, known as Abdul Muslim Magomed ogly Magomayev, born in 1885. In 1935, Magomayev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR. His grandson, Muslim Magometovich himself, also became his follower.

"Since childhood I have not attached special significance relationship with the famous Muslim Magomayev, and that in the future I will be proud of such an uncle, and that I myself bear the surname given by my father,” says Yura. It is known that Yura’s dad, Magomayev Yuri Leontyevich, brother Muslim Magometovich on his mother’s side also devoted his entire life to music. One way or another, for Yura, the passing of Uncle Muslim greatly influenced him to rethink his life and try himself not only as a restaurant musician - a DJ. At that very moment, Max Oleinikov, a friend and later a companion, had already clearly defined further creative plans, writing the first two songs: “For the Beloved” and “You, like everyone else,” which became the beginning of a new path in the life of Yura Magomaev.

“Max and I have been friends for a long time, we worked together in Sochi, we were involved in my project for a long time,” Yuri continues to say. “We worked on the first album for almost two years until it was released. The album is called “Fly Away” and it includes 15 compositions, one of which is our duet with Max, the song “It’s High There.” Now we are recording new songs for new albums, and Maxim left our project and is now successfully working on his solo career.

About family life Yura tries not to spread the word. He has a son and daughter and believes that knowing this is enough. His mother told us how inquisitive Yura was as a child and always striving upward, just like the planes, which he could admire for hours. “He really wanted to be a civil aviation pilot, but because of his eyesight, it didn’t make sense to enter a flight school,” says Elena Ivanovna. Computer program and flight simulators to this day are an integral part of Yura’s life, thanks to which, at least for a short time, he feels in a different role.

Elena Bader.
