Hvorostovsky's first marriage. The secret life of Hvorostovsky

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  • On November 22, 2018, the famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away. He was 55 years old and left behind a wife and children (see photo below). Since 2015, Dmitry suffered from a brain tumor. Due to regular treatment, he was forced to cancel his performances. Due to poor health, a concert in Vienna did not take place in September 2016, and a performance in Moscow was canceled in December.

    And already in June of this year, Dmitry refused to perform at the Vienna State Opera. On October 16, the singer turned 55 years old. President Vladimir Vladimirovich came to congratulate him. What was Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s personal life like, what is known about his wife and children?

    Photo: Dmitry Hvorostovsky during his speech

    First marriage

    The owner of such a voice was famous for being a passionate and gentle man. His first love arose on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The first lover was the ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. But this connection was not approved by others. Svetlana was already married before, but the reason for the breakup was her uncontrollable passion for men. But Dmitry was fascinated by the dark-eyed beauty and did not listen to anyone’s advice.

    Photo: Dmitry Hvorostovsky with his first wife Svetlana

    Dmitry's mentor Ekaterina Iofel made every effort to destroy this union. She tried to influence Hvorostovsky by refusing to communicate with him. But nothing helped. The relationship with the ballerina lasted two years, after which Dmitry moved her and her little daughter to his small room in a communal apartment. A year later, Svetlana and Dmitry got married.

    The blow did not take long to arrive. One day Dmitry decided to surprise his wife and returned early from a tour. He bought a huge bouquet of flowers, came home and saw Svetlana in his marital bed with his close friend. The friends got into a big fight. Those around them believed that the relationship of the unsuccessful couple would end there. But Dmitry forgave his wife. In the early 90s, he was invited to work in the UK, and he moved his family to London.

    Photo: Dmitry Hvorostovsky with Svetlana Ivanova and daughter

    Dmitry dreamed that Svetlana would be his support and support in everything. He wanted to appoint her as his director. But Svetlana did not want to take any part in her husband’s fate. She only wanted to devote all her time to herself and enjoy the social life of London. At first Dmitry took it calmly. He believed that there was nothing wrong with his wife going out into the world. In 1996, Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s personal life went uphill, his wife gave birth to two children. The singer was very happy with his wife and children. He gave birth to twins: a boy Danya and a girl Sasha. Dmitry was sure that he did the right thing by not listening to gossip about his wife.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky with his first wife and daughter

    But everything turned out to be the opposite. Svetlana did not settle down and did not calm down after the birth of her children. She became nervous and scandalous. In the house, major quarrels began to frequently arise between the spouses. As a result, the singer developed an ulcer due to nervousness. To relieve the pain, he began to drink.

    Hvorostovsky also became addicted to alcohol because he was very worried about the current family situation. He would later talk about that time that he actually drank so much that he could even lose his job.

    New wife - new life

    During a period of family crisis, Dmitry had to perform in Geneva. He was supposed to perform the part together with the charming singer Florence Illy. Florence really liked the owner of the famous baritone and she decided to make every effort to win his heart. The love story began with a kiss on stage. Florence was able to bring back the real Dmitry and heal his wounds. He again believed in love, tenderness and fidelity.

    On tour, he was completely immersed in the quiet happiness of his new love, which could exist without scandals and reproaches.

    Photo: Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Florence Illy

    Returning home, Dmitry immediately raised the issue of divorce. This was unexpected for Svetlana. She is used to the fact that her husband forgives and tolerates everything. The divorce process was very difficult and noisy. Svetlana sued Hvorostovsky for all the property that he was able to acquire.

    He lost his real estate, his car, and in addition, he was given huge alimony payments for the maintenance of his children and ex-wife. But Hvorostovsky easily endured another blow of fate. He didn’t care, since the woman he loved was next to him.

    With the appearance of Florence in Hvorostovsky's life, life took on a new meaning. He stopped drinking and his popularity grew. He became an even more famous opera singer. Florence became a talisman for him. She followed her husband everywhere and constantly supported him in everything.

    In 2003, the couple had a son, he was named Maxim, and four years later a daughter was born. Personal life, wife and children became the most important for Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

    Florence completely immersed herself in Russian life. In the first year of their life together with Dmitry, she learned Russian at a conversational level. They went on all the tours around the world only together. Sometimes they performed in concerts together.

    Dmitry with his wife and children

    As soon as the singer’s personal life improved, old relationships resurfaced. His wife Svetlana appeared and demanded that her alimony amount be doubled. The court approved her demands. Until the end of her days, she never worked anywhere, but lived only off these alimony payments. After Svetlana learned about Dmitry’s diagnosis, she called him for the first time in 15 years.

    After Svetlana's death, Dmitry learned that she was a very religious person. She often helped churches in London. She was greatly respected by her parishioners for this. Dmitry did not abandon Svetlana’s children after her death. He continued to help them. His daughter from his first marriage became an artist, and his son became interested in music.

    Dmitry with his family

    In 2015, misfortune came to the family. Dmitry became seriously ill. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Regular chemotherapy brought relief for a short time. The singer was forced to suspend his tours, and many concerts had to be abandoned.

    His performances were supposed to take place this summer, but his health did not allow his plans to be realized.

    Photo: Dmitry with his wife Florence and children

    Today, November 22, 2018, the famous opera singer, a kind man, a loving husband and father, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, passed away. No efforts of medical workers could overcome the terrible diagnosis. The man who will be remembered by many for his magnificent voice and his radiant smile has passed away. The wife and children experience indescribable grief...

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky lived in a marriage with half-French, half-Italian Florence Illy for a decade and a half. The singer has said more than once that it was she who saved him from alcoholism, depression and the inevitable collapse of his career.


    The fact is that Hvorostovsky was having a very hard time with his divorce from his first wife, corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova. Dmitry met her in 1986 at the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater and, despite the warnings of others, married her in 1991, adopting her daughter Masha from a previous marriage. In 1994, the couple settled in London, where their twins Danila and Alexandra were born.

    But they were unable to create a quiet family home in Great Britain. Constant quarrels, his wife’s betrayal, a fight, after which only the intervention of the top officials of the state saved the singer from opening a criminal case... Due to constant scandals with his wife, Hvorostovsky developed an ulcer, he began to abuse alcohol and drown his grief in it. The singer has said more than once that the threat of singing not on the opera stage, but perhaps at a table lined with bottles, was real.

    The artist appeared on stage less and less often - he developed serious memory lapses. Perhaps this was the first signal that something was wrong with the brain. His wife’s infidelity and alcohol could well have caused Hvorostovsky’s cancer. And on June 24, 2015, an announcement appeared on the singer’s official website about the cancellation of performances due to a tumor diagnosed in him.

    And Svetlana methodically finished off Dmitry. Their divorce was finalized in 2001, but in 2008, the amount of alimony and annual payments to Hvorostovsky’s ex-wife was increased by a London court decision. She pulled more and more out of him, making him worry and nervous.

    Svetlana Hvorostovskaya died suddenly in London on December 31, 2015. Dmitry outlived her by almost two years.

    As you know, the famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in November 2017. Then, along with the whole world, Hvorostovsky was mourned by his second wife Florence. The baritone's first wife died a few months before Hvorostovsky's death as a result of a tragic coincidence.

    The windy artist from the corps de ballet

    Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk. It was within the walls of the local opera and ballet theater that he began his rise to fame. The future wife of the baritone, Svetlana Ivanova, also served there. Ivanova did not show much hope and was just a corps de ballet dancer. In addition, Svetlana turned out to be 3 years older than Hvorostovsky and had a daughter from her first marriage. But you can't order your heart. In 1991, a few months after they met, Ivanova and Hvorostovsky officially registered their relationship.

    How strong the singer’s feelings for the ballerina were can be judged by the story that happened shortly after the wedding. One day, Dmitry returned home earlier than usual and found his wife in bed with another man. The singer attacked both the traitor herself and her boyfriend with his fists. Then Hvorostovsky faced a prison sentence. But everything worked out. Moreover, Dmitry forgave his flighty wife.

    Cheating, alcohol and new love

    Soon the Hvorostovsky couple, together with Svetlana’s child, moved permanently to the UK. In 1996, in London, the former ballerina gave birth to twins to the singer: daughter Alexandra and son Danila. However, the appearance of children did not affect Ivanova’s behavior at all. She continued to be actively interested in men and lead a wild lifestyle. Constant quarrels in the family led to the fact that Hvorostovsky began to abuse alcohol and developed a stomach ulcer.

    Perhaps the artist would have slipped into the abyss if in 1999 he had not met the singer Florence Illy on his next tour in Geneva. That same year, Hvorostovsky left Svetlana. However, a quick divorce did not work out. All papers were completed only 2 years later. Despite the fact that the London court already awarded considerable alimony to the singer’s ex-wife, Dmitry Alexandrovich never ignored either his own children or Ivanova’s daughter from his first marriage.

    The absurd death of his ex-wife

    Svetlana remained to live in London. Despite the fact that Ivanova did not work anywhere, thanks to the support of her ex-husband, she and her three children never needed anything. Until the end of her days, Svetlana lived on Hvorostovsky’s money. She passed away in 2015. Shortly before the tragic ending, the ballerina was diagnosed with meningitis, but the woman gave up on the doctors and refused treatment. The consequence of the disease was sepsis (blood poisoning), which killed the opera singer’s first wife.

    Svetlana Ivanova died and was buried in the English capital. Hvorostovsky did not come to the funeral of his first wife. At that moment he was on tour. In addition, at that time Dmitry Alexandrovich had already been diagnosed with cancer, from which he died 2 years later.

    This old story surfaced many years later in connection with the tragic events in the life of the people's artist, famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky. It would seem that everything has been experienced and long forgotten, but at some point the past returns.

    For the first time in many years after the divorce, the singer’s first wife decided to communicate with Dmitry Hvorostovsky personally by phone when she learned about his illness. The singer was undergoing chemotherapy at that time (for a brain tumor). It is unknown what the former spouses talked about, since Dmitry does not like to talk about his personal life, especially since he has long had another family. A few months later, Svetlana Ivanova died suddenly at the age of 56. Dmitry was unable to come to London to attend the funeral, as he was on tour at that time.

    Despite the fact that he broke up with this woman a long time ago, they still had children together. AND he once loved her very much.

    Very young, not yet a star, Hvorostovsky met the ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. They served together at the Krasnoyarsk Opera House. His passion for the young artist was so strong that he swept away any obstacles on the path to happiness.

    Sveta was a little older than Dmitry, so she not only managed to be married, but also divorced. However, she continued to share the same apartment with her ex-husband. In addition, she raised a small daughter.

    For obvious reasons The singer's parents were not happy with their son's choice, tried to dissuade him from getting married. The young woman seemed to them not serious and responsible enough. Favorite vocal teacher Ekaterina Yofel also spoke unflatteringly about her student’s chosen one, considering her a person of easy virtue. And she still claims that Svetlana never loved Dmitry.

    But, as usual, there is an opposite opinion. The ballerina's mentor Lyudmila Shchapina remembers Sveta as a very charming blonde, a thrifty wife, whom Hvorostovsky loved madly, not paying attention to the rumors.

    However, she still cheated on Dmitry. It was not possible to keep the family scandal a secret. The shock for the singer when, upon arriving from a tour, he found his wife and her lover at home, caused such rage that he could not control himself. The loving fan escaped with two broken ribs. My beloved wife suffered much more. As a result of the beating, her ovaries were broken off. The reason for such anger was not only the betrayal, but also the person of the lover - he turned out to be Dmitry’s colleague and best friend. Only the intercession of the famous singer Irina Arkhipova and some high-ranking officials saved the rising star from prison.

    The couple reconciled and left for London. After suffering trauma as a result of beatings, Svetlana could not get pregnant. Dmitry found the best doctors and spent a lot of money so that twins, Alexandra and Danila, were born using new fertilization techniques. But even the children could not help restore the old relationship. There was neither trust nor unity in the vision of the future between the spouses. This almost ruined Hvorostovsky’s talent, who began to abuse alcohol.

    Only thanks to Florence Illy, who not only “picked up and warmed up”, but was able to understand and made a lot of efforts to create comfortable conditions so that nothing would interfere with the flowering of the talent of her beloved man.

    The divorce from my wife was painful and long. As a result, she remained with the children to live in London and received 17 million rubles in child support annually. This gave her the opportunity not to work, but to raise children.

    After the death of Svetlana, Hvorostovsky continues to support morally and financially all his children, including the adopted daughter of his first wife.

    According to friends, the famous singer’s first wife walked left and right

    According to friends, the famous singer’s first wife walked left and right

    Dmitry HVOROSTOVSKY is a great baritone who glorified Russia throughout the world. A handsome man, a favorite of all women, a friend of Placido DOMINGO, the late Luciano PAVAROTTI, Anna NETREBKO, Igor KRUTOY. In this life he received everything that an opera singer could dream of: fame, wealth, four children, invitations to sing in the best opera houses in the world, a young beautiful wife. But he has another dream: to sing Othello in VERDI's opera! Why Othello? Because Dmitry knows firsthand about ardent love and mad jealousy.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk in a family where opera music was played on records from childhood. His father Alexander Stepanovich, a chemical engineer by training, played music on the piano in all his free time after work. This passion and love for music was passed on to Dmitry. After school, he entered the Gorky Pedagogical College in the choir department. And then I decided to go to the Institute of Arts for a course as an Honored Vocal Teacher Ekaterina Yofel. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, everyone knows: if you want to learn to sing well and correctly, you need to go to “Grandma Yofel.”

    Voice production

    When Dima came to me after the choir department, - 90-year-old Ekaterina Konstantinovna recalls with love in her voice, - and asked to take me to his class, I refused him, because I was overloaded - I had the first graduation of my students. And then everyone started asking for him! Dima’s parents persuaded me, and his teachers from the pedagogical school, and my old friend the piano tuner. In general, I gave in and we started studying. I began to correct him. He got excited: “So, I can’t do anything?!” And I said to him: “Where is the voice coming from?” At the beginning of the third year there was already significant progress. Just imagine: he stood at the piano, and I sat down at the other end of the class - and all I needed was one glance for him to understand me and do the right thing! Then he was invited to perform with a symphony orchestra.

    - And now he sings well, in your opinion?- Now his talent is fully manifested, and what I see on TV on Saturdays, in my opinion, sounds very worthy: he has not lost his skills! This is, of course, a talented person, obsessed with singing and music. - And who taught him artistry? I watched his master class, and there he didn’t teach vocalists how to form a sound, but taught them how to act... - I told him from the first day that you can’t make sounds that don’t say anything. Nobody needs a singer who sings just sounds! You need to sing feelings, you need to sing music. By the way, we learned to sing these feelings, including songs from the war years. From which he later made a whole program. - Did he thank you with some kind of generous gift?- What are you doing? I always told students before the holidays: only one flower from the whole class - no more! - Are you communicating now? He used to call you all the time...

    It seemed to me that he was offended by me. I somehow didn’t congratulate him on his birthday - I felt very bad. But he didn’t congratulate me in return. So they stopped calling each other... Hvorostovsky was a third-year student at the Institute of Arts when he was invited to the Opera and Ballet Theater to play the part of Vanya Zemnukhov in The Young Guard. Dmitry performed only three small parts, then he was immediately transferred to the main roles - in the operas “Eugene Onegin”, “Rigoletto”, “La Traviata”, “Pagliacci”. Then the People's Artist of Russia became his partner, and then his close friend Larisa Marzoeva.

    Dima came to us as a young boy,” Larisa Vladimirovna recalls very touchingly, “and at first he was very shy at rehearsals. Well, imagine, I’m 13 years older than him, and in “Rigoletto” we have to play love scenes. And I simply told him: “Dima, imagine that I am not me, and you are not you, and we are playing our characters.” And he quickly rebuilt himself, reincarnated. That's just a little help from me and my husband, also a baritone Georgy Motinov. Even then we all understood that Dima was so passionate about his profession that he would go very far and would not stay long in our provincial theater.

    - How did he behave, after all, he’s a newcomer, and there are masters around him?“He always behaved with dignity, was independent, knew his worth and did not let everyone get close to him. And this is correct, because there are plenty of skeptics in the theater. We had one, I won’t name him, let’s say Petrov. He kept grumbling and grumbling in Dima's direction. And he “took revenge.” Once, my husband and I were leaving late at night after celebrating the premiere, and the singer who lived in our house shouted loudly and loudly towards the window: “Petrov, are you sleeping? Petrov! It is clear that he woke up...

    Many people say: he’s arrogant. But when he arrives in Krasnoyarsk, and my husband and I meet him in the Niva, he calmly gets into it. And it’s also very funny to see how, as soon as a plane lands in Krasnoyarsk, it gets out and starts inhaling loudly. “Dima, what are you doing, everything is polluted,” we tell him. “It doesn’t matter how much I love this native air!” - speaks. He knows how to truly be friends with people close to him. When he left for Moscow, he gave his entire rich music library to a tenor friend. - They say there was such an accompanist Rekha Dravina who loved him very much...- Yes, she was a very good pianist, we called her “perpetuum mobile” - she had so much energy. And it seems to me that she slightly strangled him with this energy, so they parted...

    Spicy lady

    It is behind the scenes of the theater that Hvorostovsky meets the corps de ballet dancer - the beauty Svetlana Ivanova- and falls passionately in love with her. He is not even embarrassed by the fact that she is a divorcee with a child. Moreover, she lives with her ex-husband, a musician, in the same apartment, but in different rooms! Only two years after they met, Dmitry will move his beloved to his own room in a communal apartment, and a year later he will marry her. But no one from his circle approved of this marriage.

    When he told me about his intentions,” sighs Ekaterina Yofel, “I told him: “If you marry her, you will forget how the door to my class opens!” Why did I react this way? Yes, because conductors came to me and told me: “She’s so melting, she sleeps with everyone!” Moreover, both with aunties and with men! Everyone was worried: why did Dimochka contact her? So I told him. He ran out of the class, freaked out, then came back and knelt down: “Forgive me! Can I get married when I finish my studies?” “We’ll live until Monday,” I replied. He fell in love with her because he was still inexperienced! No, he didn’t fall in love! He was just doing art, not women, and this prostitute worked him over!

    Thank God, now Dima has found himself a decent one. We came here together, he said: “I’ll introduce you to Flo.” And I told him: “What other bullshit?!” He wanted me to teach her to sing. Florence is so pretty, smart, well-mannered. I suggested to her: come, live with me, I’ll teach you everything. But she refused. “This is all nonsense that they say about her,” defends Hvorostovsky’s first wife, the head of the ballet troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Lyudmila Shchapina. – Svetochka was a very interesting girl, such a whole figurine with slanted eyes – a very piquant person! A needlewoman, she knew how to do everything! Since Dima chose her, it means there was something in her. After all, there was a line of girls behind him - how to walk through the foyer - handsome, athletic, gallant - how can you resist! Yes, he liked brunettes, but he married a blonde. That means there was great love. And I can say that for him there were no other women except Sveta - he carried her in his arms, showered her with bouquets of flowers. How his accompanist Rekha Dravina was in love with Dima - a burning brunette, Jewish - she idolized him! If he had chosen her, he would have had everything, the whole world would have been at his feet: she was just about to emigrate to America, where she had great connections in the musical world. But Dima is a real man, not a careerist. I remember that the ballet dancers and I were on tour in Chita, and Svetochka came running to me and said: “Dimka won a gold medal at the competition! I just called and said: “Well, mother, let’s get married!” And she rejoices, dances, and glows all with happiness! In general, Dima is a real gentleman. He recently came up to me backstage and took my hands in his: “Lyudochka, my little hands are getting fatter, you can’t, you can’t!” This is his hint that I should keep in shape...

    Bitter betrayal

    Dima did not pay attention to the rumors about his beloved: for him she was the sweetest and most desirable. But one day what he saw turned out to be more eloquent than words!

    Dima decided to give his wife a surprise and came home from the tour without warning, a dancer from the ballet troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater told Express Gazeta. Andrey Satuev. There he found an intimate scene in which his beloved and another man played the main roles. Hvorostovsky, in a rage, beat both of them so much that it was not enough. The man had two broken ribs, and Sveta had his ovaries completely knocked off. That’s why she couldn’t give birth for so long and had to undergo treatment. And in London, he had already “bought” children for her: they did a transplant and the twins were born. Do you know who he found Sveta with? With his best friend - also a dancer in a ballet troupe... In the end they wanted to open a criminal case, but Hvorostovsky, of course, was cleared away. An opera singer stood up for him Irina Arkhipova. It could not have happened without the assistance of the top officials of the state, because even then, after his victory at the International Singing Competition in the Scottish city of Cardiff, they placed a bet on him. And such a scandal could put an end to his career. Be that as it may, the couple forgave each other and left for London. But even the twins Alexandra and Danila, born in 1996, did not mend the cracked vase of relationships. Life abroad was still not easy for a Russian baritone, albeit a talented one. “Everyone thinks that Dima is very rich. And he himself told me,” recalls Larisa Marzoeva, “that there were times abroad when there was not enough money even for bread!” - Larisa Vladimirovna, why did they divorce?- Well, how can we know? I will just say that Dimochka himself sometimes complained to me that Svetlana does not learn English. He wanted to make her his director, but she only understands English, but cannot speak. And I’ll also add that, after all, his Florence is a great guy! No matter what, take the children under your arm and follow your husband - after all, he accompanies him everywhere! And rightly so! If you are married to such a great singer, you must completely devote your life to him. So Flosha does this... I remember they were visiting us, it was only the first year of their marriage: we communicate, remember old times, laugh, Flosha just bats her eyes. And a year later we arrived, and she was already speaking Russian with all her might! Smart girl, what can I say...

    How do we know what happened between them, - Lyudmila Shchapova is also sad, - they broke up because she, apparently, like him, did not develop. Dima constantly moved forward, progressed, but Svetochka, apparently, stopped at some point... You have to be able to match such a husband.

    Seduced and married

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky himself admitted more than once in interviews that at some point he began to relax with the help of alcohol, but it was Florence who brought sobriety, light, romance, and tenderness back into his life. He met her three years after the birth of his twins - in 1999. Dima was supposed to perform the part of Don Juan at the Geneva Theater. And Florence, a pianist and singer, played one of his mistresses, with whom, according to the script, he kissed on the lips. The fiery brunette suddenly began to actively pursue the Russian baritone, although Dima immediately told her that he was married and had two children. "So what?" – and Flo didn’t raise an eyebrow. Dmitry resisted for a long time, pretending that she didn’t bother him at all. But how can you refuse a persistent and loving beauty? Dmitry also fell in love. They have been together for more than ten years and are raising two charming children, Nina and Maxim. Florence not only learned spoken Russian, but also read everything in the original Dostoevsky And Chekhov.

    The divorce from his first strongest love, the mother of his two children, Svetlana, was very difficult. She, of course, did not expect that her eternally faithful and devoted Dimochka would be taken away. Therefore, during the division of property, she took everything for herself: house, apartment, cars and 170 thousand pounds sterling a year for maintenance. Moreover, out of resentment and jealousy, she stopped all communication with him. Hvorostovsky developed an ulcer from the stress he experienced. Ten years after the divorce, Svetlana again sued her ex-husband, demanding that her annual allowance be increased in connection with his increased income. Now Hvorostovsky pays his former family twice as much as before, namely 340 thousand pounds sterling - that’s just over 17 million rubles a year. According to the terms of the contract, Hvorostovsky would stop paying for her maintenance if she remarried.
