Cool aphorisms. Twelve signs of the zodiac

You can’t even imagine how nervous punctuation marks are: after all, they deal with people.

French blood flows in the veins of the shooting range.

The comma is the workhorse of punctuation.

On the fragile shoulders of a comma, order is maintained in the house called a sentence.

The comma is the poor man's punctuation mark.

You can’t get bored with a period, just like you can’t get bored with bread. The point is immortal. She can only die together with the last literate person in the world.

The exclamation mark is the only one of all punctuation marks that does not like silence. Where serious passions boil, where there is no place for calm, where there is a lot of hubbub, noise, where people scream, curse, get angry, indignant, worried, indignant, nervous, delighted, letting off steam and thinking very little - there look for him.

The exclamation mark is useful. Only in small doses!

A person who doesn't ask unnecessary questions is a boring person. And a coward at that.

If people stop exclaiming, the world will turn sour from boredom. But if humanity stops asking questions, the world will perish.

Ellipsis is a thing in itself, a riddle, mystery, mysticism, work at the subcortical level, lilac fog, intuition, the subtle world, the third eye, the flight of the soul, something intangible, metaphysical (abstract, speculative, obscure), not of this world, " Hedgehog in the Fog", sixth sense, subtext, hints, omissions and generally God knows what...

Parentheses aren't as stupid as they seem.

Quotation marks are the most insidious punctuation mark. You need to keep your eyes open and handle them with care and caution. They can give away a timid, unconfident and afraid of responsibility person.

Quotation marks are used more often than necessary by bile, envious, cowardly, vindictive, angry, complex, absurd, broken and flawed people.

The colon is composure, smartness, accuracy, dignity, harmony of phrase and rigor of thought.

Working with the colon disciplines the mind.

Only the colon and semicolon are better able than anyone else - elegantly and accurately - to formalize the most complex thought.

You need to grow into some punctuation marks, and mature into others.
What punctuation marks a person has matured to, he will automatically put them.

Punctuation for writing person- the same as road signs for the motorist.

Punctuation - cheap work force. They work conscientiously and do not ask for food. They can be used as much as you like.
They simply love to work and are very upset when they are forgotten about. After all, they also want to be successful with the public. They enjoy being looked at and appreciated for their work.

If someone else learns the rules of punctuation instead of you, he will be more successful. Consider yourself warned.

Punctuation marks need to be chosen like a bride.

Find out which sayings suit your character and lifestyle!


Aries are not selfish - they simply know how to live for themselves. Not arrogant - they just don’t consider it necessary to smile at everyone. They are not impudent - they simply do not mince words. Not jealous - just used to being the only ones.

They say that the most stubborn people are Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. Come on, have you ever tried to argue with Aries?

The Aries woman is a book written for a man. If you don’t understand, then it’s not written for you!

Aries needs to be hugged when he is not smiling, kissed when he is dumb, and fed when he is hysterical.

It’s amazing how Aries haven’t all died out yet with their boundless trust in people and excessive honesty.

Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all their lives for happiness. And Aries believe that you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment.

Aries's trust is like nerve cells: it is practically not restored.

Before you tell an Aries that he is bad, think about what made him not be good towards you...

Never deceive an Aries, always tell him the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. Aries very rarely forgive lies...

Aries have never been ideal, from their appearance to their character. But they were always themselves.


Heaven for Taurus is any place on Earth where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses.

Men think women need tough guys with money... But 90% of Taurus would choose the bear from the cartoon about Masha.

Taurus women can miraculously combine the one you can’t live without and the one you can’t live with...

Well, Taurus can’t stick their tongue up their ass!!! There was already an awl and a diploma about higher education, and dreams of a chocolate-curly future, and a prince with a horse!!! Busy, in short...

If Taurus wants chocolate, then they go and eat chocolate. Because if they eat fruits, vegetables, salad, fish, etc. instead, then they will still EAT CHOCOLATE)))

It's not difficult with Taurus. He hugged her and said she was beautiful and smart. If nothing comes to mind, ask “do you want to eat?” That's all. You are the perfect man.

Happiness for Taurus means traveling a lot, eating delicious food and sleeping with your loved one...

Yes, Taurus are terrible owners. If something belongs to them, then it is only theirs and no one else's. It doesn't matter if it's a person or a thing. But what Taurus considers “theirs”, they love more than anything else.

Taurus people are so loyal that even when they cross the road, they don’t look to the left...)))


Geminis love everyone who treats them well. Even if Geminis don't talk to you often, don't think that they don't value you.

Gemini is not a piece of cake to suit everyone's taste. They are a nut to crack that not everyone can handle!

Gemini's motto: if you can't, but really want to, then you definitely have to!

Do you know what Gemini wants? They want the summer, warm, breath-taking wind of change to blow and blow away everything unnecessary from their lives.

If Gemini decides to make someone happy, then nothing can save the person!

You will never be able to find out what's in a Gemini's soul if they don't want to. But if they trusted you, know that you are one of their closest friends!

Gemini can only be surprised by love... Real, sincere, without deception and betrayal... And Gemini has already seen the rest...

Geminis don't like to impose themselves. When they feel that a person is not treating them the way they used to, they begin to distance themselves.

Gemini women love confident men. Brave, endowed with brains, not chewing cotton wool. Men who decide, take responsibility, think quickly, don’t doubt, create, don’t destroy, think and lead you.

Gemini women cannot be re-educated. They can only crash like waves on the rock called “ a real man” and calm down.


Cancers don't have time to hate those who hate them because they are too busy loving those who love them.

Cancers do not take to heart the criticism that came from the lips of a person who himself has achieved nothing in this life.

If you are asked what you want more - Cancer or a million euros, answer: Cancer... Because they won’t give you money anyway, but with Cancer it’s cozy...

Sometimes a 90-year-old grandmother moves into Rakov. She mumbles and hates everyone.

Cancers have an excellent memory, so when Cancers say “I don’t remember,” they simply don’t want to talk about it.

Best of all, Cancers know how to live in a family. They put their whole soul into it... And in general, it looks like the Cancers came up with the family!

When Cancers are happy, they can't stop talking. But when they are sad, you can't get a word out of them.

The family lasts as long as the Cancers want it. That's how long they can endure, stretch out, endure - that's how long the family will last. A marriage breaks down when their patience breaks down.

One of the main problems of Cancers is that they become very attached to people...

When Cancer's patience reaches its limit, then complete chaos begins.

a lion

Hugging is probably one of the most passionate forms of showing love for Leos because you feel safe and close to the person. It feels like all the sadness has gone away and it is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.

Many women are concerned with the question: “How to keep a man?” But Leo women know that if you want to be truly happy, you shouldn’t live with a man who needs to be kept.

It’s amazing how little time it takes for Leos to move from the stage of “how worried and worried I am” to “oh, go to hell.”

For some Leos are the SUN, for others they are SUN Stroke! And for some it DOESN’T SHINE at all...

Leo is never alone... They constantly come to him: now inspiration, now appetite, now laziness, now kick-ass!

The strong character of Leo is, as a rule, built from the bricks that were thrown at him.

Lions would like God to give them a guardian angel not with wings, but with a club. So that at the right moment - grist! - and Leo immediately realized his mistake and managed to act differently...

Before playing with Leo, make sure Leo is not playing with you...

Leos hate flattery, lies and gossip behind their backs. Don't like something? Tell Leo about it to his face. What was said behind your back will remain there with the one who said it.

Leos don't want life to be like a zebra, they want it to be bright like a parrot.


Virgo is not a ratio of weight and height, it is a ratio of intelligence, taste and self-confidence.

Virgos quickly get tired of being strong women, they get tired of “understanding”, “getting into the situation”, “forgiving”.

Virgos sometimes simply hate themselves for taking everything to heart.

When Virgo asks something, it is better to answer the truth, since there is a very high probability that she already knows the answer.

The wisdom of Virgos, combined with cunning, gives an effect that no higher education can give.

Appreciate Virgos who give you a second chance. This means that their love is so strong that their heart is strong enough to give you another try.

Virgo never really worries about the fact that there are many difficulties in her destiny. She uses them, like everything else in her life, to move forward.

The best way to end an argument with a Virgo is to pretend to be dead.

Smart and meticulous Virgos know how to exert a serious influence on those who have the right to make responsible decisions. And they use it successfully.


All Libras have two lives: one is seen by all those who surround them, the other they live alone.

Libra would really like to at least sometimes press the “DO NOT THINK” button and just enjoy life... What Libra says and what they feel are often different things.

Libra should learn not to hide from their problems, but to choose some solution and immediately do what is decided.

Libra needs sincere and beautiful feelings... After all, Libra is also a romantic: it is important for them that everything is beautiful...

Scales amazing people: able to find something good in any person...

Libra needs, more than anyone else, absolute confidence that they are loved. Confidence, backed up more than once by deeds.

There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Libra the owls, who, by the will of fate, have to live like larks.

Libras very rarely try, as they say, to take people’s masks off - they understand very well that often these are not masks, but muzzles...

Libras should periodically try to look at their relationships with people from the point of view of these people: imagine yourself for a second as them, and them as you and think whether you like everything, whether everything is happening correctly and the way you would like - and only then act according to your decisions.


Scorpios are those people who urgently need to find a balance between calmness and high degree energy.

About 98% of Scorpios' problems would be solved if they calmed down and stopped thinking too deeply about these problems.

Scorpios owe the strength of their character to those who, instead of lending a hand to them when they began to fall, also tripped them up.

In every Scorpio there live two people: one is calm and silent, and the second appears when the first is offended... And this meeting is very unpleasant for the offenders.

Scorpios can pretend that they did not notice the spit in the soul, but this does not mean that they forgot about it: the rancor of Scorpios is ineradicable...

Scorpio likes people who are easy to communicate with, simple-minded, sincere and do not hide their feelings.

Scorpios should not build fantastic theories to explain the incomprehensible behavior of people - it is better to learn to ask direct questions.

Scorpios rarely show aggression right away - they warn, hint, give signs... And you shouldn’t wait until their patience runs out.

It seems that Scorpios like things difficult. life situations, because it is in their nature to strive to save someone, to get out of difficult situation and generally transform your life from gray to bright and colorful, filled with emotions and movement.

It is about Scorpios that we can say that they are still “black cats”: if they cross the road, no “pah-pah” will help.


99% of Sagittarius were born so that the main meaning of their existence would one way or another be the road.

Sometimes friendships just end. Without betrayal, without quarrels and without reasons - you just become different and everyone goes their own way. Over the years, the circle of friends becomes narrower. But those who remain are no longer just friends for Sagittarius, but family.

When meeting a Sagittarius, it is advisable - and mandatory if a Sagittarius becomes your loved one - to find out what justice actually is for this Sagittarius. And never to offend this justice is dearer to yourself, believe me.

Sagittarians love with their hands. They need to touch you, stroke you, feel you, poke you in the side or tickle you (smiley) If they don’t touch you, they don’t like you.

If a Sagittarius and his girlfriends (also Sagittarius or Aries, or Scorpio) are brought together and given a drink, then they can be sent to war as a psychological weapon so that the enemy loses orientation in time and space - and combat effectiveness :))

Sagittarius women have many useful things for modern life learned from men: to knock out a wedge with a wedge, avoid answering, not call back, choose the best and have fun - however, they are often reproached for this by the same men...

Sagittarians are not so weak as to endure insults, not so strong as to forgive them, but also not so evil as to take revenge. Therefore, most often they simply turn their backs on the offender. Forever.

Very often, for Sagittarius, circumstances are such that you can hope for anything, but you can really count only on yourself.

Sagittarius loves cozy people, without “thorns” or deep whirlpools in their character. He loves when he can talk to a person about anything without arguing or finding out who is more right - when it is precisely such intimate conversations and lively, sincere warmth in the relationship that is most important for both. Such people become part of Sagittarius' life and he worries about them as much as about himself.

Sagittarians are not afraid to admit anything. They are afraid that their confessions will be misunderstood, because most often this is what happens.


Capricorns know that there is a time for everything. There are events whose course no one can change; there is a destiny thanks to which they will sooner or later find their place in life.

True Capricorns will never smile at people who are unpleasant to them. But they will behave politely towards everyone - their upbringing will not allow them to become rude.

By the way, it will not be possible to insult a Capricorn from a stranger or someone unimportant to him: Capricorns cannot be seriously offended by people whom they do not value.

Most Capricorns believe that there is age discrimination: the older Capricorn is, the more childish he is (“so what if I’m not 9 years old - I also want to jump on a trampoline!”

Capricorns love strange people.

This joke is about Capricorns: “they don’t like to be touched just like that: either there is something between you, or you are a cat, or “don’t touch me, please”

If you want to please Capricorn, then be sincere, do not humor every now and then and do not floridate with words: what is said simply, clearly and reasonably reaches Capricorn the fastest and he likes it the most.

Do you know why Capricorns are sometimes called strange and on their own? Because they strive to live the way they want, and not the way many are accustomed to.

If there is a Capricorn among your loved ones, then you are not afraid of any enemies or problems.

Capricorn is not afraid of time, distance, or difficulties... After all, they are the ones who help Capricorn realize his strength, become himself and respect himself as an individual.


Sometimes people think that they have some kind of special power over Aquarius. This is wrong.

Most of all, people are offended by Aquarius because they cannot and do not want to meet their personal expectations.

If Aquarius behaves like a child, then he is happy.

A true Aquarius is characterized by some kind of... alien intelligence.

Aquarians are not surprised by someone’s oddities... They can’t always explain their own.

The reality of Aquarius women is that the presence of a man nearby is not so important as the absence of an idiot who drains all your vitality.

Aquarians, when all their plans collapse, smile, look great and know that if it didn’t work out the way they needed it now, then it will be even better later!

For Aquarius, the aftertaste often decides everything. In everything. It all depends on how you feel afterwards. After communication, after a kiss, after a quarrel, after coffee, after a look. This “after” is largely decisive.

If you meet an Aquarius who is absolutely devoid of energy and strength, who has no desires and who has stopped dreaming, it is not because he is a sad weakling. But because this Aquarius was very strong for too long...

When Aquarians want to escape reality, they withdraw into themselves...


Pisces have an excellent memory and never forget. good attitude to yourself. Bad things can be forgiven and thrown away. And good things will warm the soul even after years. Pisces will never forget someone who was with them in difficult times.

There are devils in still waters - this is about Pisces.

Pisces are not afraid to feel, they are afraid to drown in feelings.

If it is necessary to choose, then most likely, instead of secular and beautifully speaking, Pisces will choose economical and silently doing things.

For Pisces, one person can truly become the whole world.

I really want to sit down and just have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Talk all night long. Looking at the night sky together, discussing something, dreaming together, remembering beautiful and funny moments from the past, being silent meaningfully... Pisces often terribly miss just such a pastime.

It is the Pisces woman who is able to seriously ask the question: why do I need this man in the house if I solve all my problems myself?..

“Suddenly” is the middle name of Pisces! Suddenly they became sad, suddenly they laughed, suddenly they became offended... - and again everything was as usual...

Pisces is probably the most unobtrusive sign of the zodiac, but if they really need something, they will definitely achieve it

1. A.P. Chekhov about punctuation marks A.P. Chekhov said that “punctuation marks serve as notes when reading.” 2. K.G. Paustovsky about punctuation marks “Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct relationship and give the phrase lightness and correct sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and do not allow it to fall apart.” (K.G. Paustovsky) 3. "More dots!" Isaac Babel: “More dots! I would write this rule into the government law for writers. Each phrase is one thought, one image, no more! So don’t be afraid of dots.” 4. Ellipsis “The ellipses must represent traces on the tiptoes of words that have passed away...” (V. Nabokov) 5. "...punctuation marks live their own independent life." “Today it is difficult for us to imagine that books were once printed without the well-known icons, which are called punctuation marks. They have become so familiar to us that we simply do not notice them, and therefore cannot appreciate them. Meanwhile, the signs punctuations live their own independent life in the language and have their own interesting story". (N. G. Goltsova, professor) 6. "Spring Summer Autumn Winter?" A fragment of Tatyana Tolstoy’s story “Dear Shura” demonstrates an exhaustive set of punctuation marks possible at the end of a sentence: “It is decomposed into four seasons human life. Spring! Summer. Autumn winter?" 7. “Execution cannot be pardoned” We all know famous story with the sentence “Execution cannot be pardoned.” A person’s life depends on the placement of a comma here.

8. Wordless correspondence

And sometimes we even read them... instead of words! The fact of such “wordless” correspondence is known. Victor Hugo, having completed the novel Les Misérables, sent the manuscript to the publisher. He attached a letter to it, in which there was not a single word, but only the sign: “?” The publisher also responded with a wordless letter: “!” This little epistolary joke turned out to be possible because both participants in the correspondence knew how not only to write, but also to “read”, i.e. understand punctuation marks well. 9. Punctuation humor Somerset Maugham: “It was not the humor of thoughts, or even the humor of words; it was something much more subtle - the humor of punctuation marks: in some inspired moment she realized how many hilarious possibilities the semicolon contained, and used it often and skillfully. She knew how to stage it in such a way that the reader, if he was a cultured person with a sense of humor, would not exactly roll with laughter, but chuckle quietly and joyfully, and the more cultured the reader was, the more joyfully he chuckled." 10. "Punctuation" joke When a sign is omitted or placed incorrectly, it can lead to serious distortions in meaning. One “punctuation” anecdote tells of a traveler who, in a moment of danger, promised to “put up a golden statue holding a pike.”But, when the danger had passed, he did not want to fork out money for a gold statue, and he gave the order: “Put up a statue holding a golden pike.” So, without breaking his promise with a single word, he greatly reduced his expenses by moving the comma.

11. Writers. your preferences of signs

Writers have their own preferences for signs. Karamzin respects the ellipsis (which he introduced into the letter), Gorky and Tsvetaeva love the dash, and Konstantin Paustovsky writes about the period. As a young writer, he wrote a bad story and gave it to an experienced editor for corrections. And so. “I read the story and was speechless. It was transparent, flowing prose. Everything became convex and clear. Not a shadow remained of the former crumpledness and verbal confusion. In fact, not a single word was deleted or added. - This is a miracle! - I said. - How did you do that? “Yes, I just put all the punctuation marks,” he said. - I placed the dots especially carefully. And paragraphs. This is a great thing, my dear. Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct relationship and give the phrase ease and the right sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and do not allow it to crumble. After that, I was finally convinced of the amazing power with which a period placed in the right place and at the right time has an effect on the reader.”

12. “...a comma makes perfect speech.”

The number of commas and other symbols is decreasing and decreasing; compared to Pushkin’s time, there are already half as many of them. All this is connected with the general process of understanding and standardizing the written text, which would be convenient to “grab on the fly” and immediately understand its meaning. Judge for yourself whether it was easy to read such a text at the beginning of the 20th century: “In Moscow, one can often see, not without amazement, how whole crowds of beggars receive food or some other alms near the houses of rich people. This way of life, perhaps, frees them, as they rather temptingly put it, from mental sorrows and frustrations, but in reality, drowning their worries, they drown themselves.” Truly, as it is said in the ancient alphabet, “a comma makes a perfect speech,” and “sometimes one comma breaks all the music” (these are the words of Ivan Bunin). 13. Be careful with punctuation! The man lost his comma and became afraid complex sentences, I was looking for simpler phrases.Simple phrases were followed by simple thoughts. Then he lost the exclamation point and began to speak quietly, withwith one intonation. Nothing pleased or outraged him anymore; he treated everything without emotion. Then he lost the question mark, stopped asking any questions, no events aroused his curiosity, no matter where they happened - inSpace, on Earth or even in your own apartment. A couple of years later he lost his colon and stopped explaining to peopleyour actions. By the end of his life, he had only quotation marks left. He did not express a single idea of ​​his own, he quoted someone all the time - so he forgot how to think and reached a point. Watch out for punctuation! 14. About the purpose of punctuation

Theorist of the logical or semantic direction, F.I. Buslaev, formulated the purpose of punctuation as follows: “Since through language one person conveys his thoughts and feelings to another, then punctuation marks have a dual purpose: 1) contribute to clarity in the presentation of thoughts, separating one sentence from another or one part of it from another, and 2) express the sensations of the speaker’s face and his attitude towards the listener.” Based on Internet materials

Accurate statements about the signs of the Zodiac have always existed, because... There is common features characters that were observed for a particular person born under the same constellation. Look, maybe you will see your deepest secrets there?


Aries are not selfish - they simply know how to live for themselves. Not arrogant - they just don’t consider it necessary to smile at everyone. They are not impudent - they simply do not mince words. Not jealous - just used to being the only ones.

They say that the most stubborn people are Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. Come on, have you ever tried to argue with Aries?

The Aries woman is a book written for a man. If you don’t understand, then it’s not written for you! Aries needs to be hugged when he is not smiling, kissed when he is dumb, and fed when he is hysterical.

It’s amazing how Aries haven’t all died out yet with their boundless trust in people and excessive honesty.

Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all their lives for happiness. And Aries believe that you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment.

Aries's trust is like nerve cells: it is practically not restored.

Before you tell an Aries that he is bad, think about what made him not be good towards you...

Never deceive an Aries, always tell him the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. Aries very rarely forgive lies...

Aries have never been ideal, from their appearance to their character. But they were always themselves.


Heaven for Taurus is any place on Earth where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses.

Men believe that women need cool guys with money... But 90% of Taurus would choose the bear from the cartoon about Masha.

Taurus women can miraculously combine the one you can’t live without and the one you can’t live with...

Well, Taurus can’t stick their tongue up their ass!!! There was already sewing, and a diploma of higher education, and dreams of a chocolate-curly future, and a prince with a horse!!! Busy, in short...

If Taurus wants chocolate, then they go and eat chocolate. Because if they eat fruits, vegetables, salad, fish, etc. instead, then they will still EAT CHOCOLATE)))

Even if the Taurus asshole in life will find beautiful lace panties for her.

It's not difficult with Taurus. He hugged her and said she was beautiful and smart. If nothing comes to mind, ask “do you want to eat?” That's all. You are the perfect man.

Happiness for Taurus means traveling a lot, eating delicious food and sleeping with your loved one...

Yes, Taurus are terrible owners. If something belongs to them, then it is only theirs and no one else's. It doesn't matter if it's a person or a thing. But what Taurus considers “theirs”, they love more than anything else.

Taurus people are so loyal that even when they cross the road, they don’t look to the left...)))


Geminis love everyone who treats them well. Even if Geminis don't talk to you often, don't think that they don't value you.

Gemini is not a piece of cake to suit everyone's taste. They are a nut to crack that not everyone can handle!

Gemini's motto: if you can't, but really want to, then you definitely have to!

Do you know what Gemini wants? They want the summer, warm, breath-taking wind of change to blow and blow away everything unnecessary from their lives.

If Gemini decides to make someone happy, then nothing can save the person!

You will never be able to find out what's in a Gemini's soul if they don't want to. But if they trusted you, know that you are one of their closest friends!

Gemini can only be surprised by love... Real, sincere, without deception and betrayal... And Gemini has already seen the rest...

Geminis don't like to impose themselves. When they feel that a person is not treating them the way they used to, they begin to distance themselves.

Gemini women love confident men. Brave, endowed with brains, not chewing cotton wool. Men who decide, take responsibility, think quickly, don’t doubt, create, don’t destroy, think and lead you.

Gemini women cannot be re-educated. They can only, like waves, crash against the rock called “a real man” and calm down.


Cancers don't have time to hate those who hate them because they are too busy loving those who love them.

Cancers do not take to heart the criticism that came from the lips of a person who himself has achieved nothing in this life.

If you are asked what you want more - Cancer or a million euros, answer: Cancer... Because they won’t give you money anyway, but with Cancer it’s cozy...

Sometimes a 90-year-old grandmother moves into Rakov. She mumbles and hates everyone.

Cancers have an excellent memory, so when Cancers say “I don’t remember,” they simply don’t want to talk about it.

Best of all, Cancers know how to live in a family. They put their whole soul into it... And in general, it looks like the Cancers came up with the family!

When Cancers are happy, they can't stop talking. But when they are sad, you can't get a word out of them.

The family lasts as long as the Cancers want it. That's how long they can endure, stretch out, endure - that's how long the family will last. A marriage breaks down when their patience breaks down.

One of the main problems of Cancers is that they become very attached to people...

When Cancer's patience reaches its limit, then complete chaos begins.

Hugging is probably one of the most passionate forms of showing love for Leos because you feel safe and close to the person. It feels like all the sadness has gone away and it is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.

Many women are concerned with the question: “How to keep a man?” But Leo women know that if you want to be truly happy, you shouldn’t live with a man who needs to be kept.

It’s amazing how little time it takes for Leos to move from the stage of “how worried and worried I am” to “oh, go to hell.”

For some Leos are the SUN, for others they are SUN Stroke! And for some it DOESN’T SHINE at all...

Leo is never alone... They constantly come to him: now inspiration, now appetite, now laziness, now kick-ass!

The strong character of Leo is, as a rule, built from the bricks that were thrown at him.

Lions would like God to give them a guardian angel not with wings, but with a club. So that at the right moment - grist! - and Leo immediately realized his mistake and managed to act differently...

Before playing with Leo, make sure Leo is not playing with you...

Leos hate flattery, lies and gossip behind their backs. Don't like something? Tell Leo about it to his face. What was said behind your back will remain there with the one who said it.

Leos don't want life to be like a zebra, they want it to be bright like a parrot.


Virgo is not a ratio of weight and height, it is a ratio of intelligence, taste and self-confidence.

Virgos quickly get tired of being strong women, they get tired of “understanding”, “getting into the situation”, “forgiving”.

Virgos sometimes simply hate themselves for taking everything to heart.

When Virgo asks something, it is better to answer the truth, since there is a very high probability that she already knows the answer.

The wisdom of Virgos, combined with cunning, gives an effect that no higher education can give.

Appreciate Virgos who give you a second chance. This means that their love is so strong that their heart is strong enough to give you another try.

Virgo never really worries about the fact that there are many difficulties in her destiny. She uses them, like everything else in her life, to move forward.

The best way to end an argument with a Virgo is to pretend to be dead.

Smart and meticulous Virgos know how to exert a serious influence on those who have the right to make responsible decisions. And they use it successfully.


All Libras have two lives: one is seen by all those who surround them, the other they live alone.

Libra would really like to at least sometimes press the “DO NOT THINK” button and just enjoy life... What Libra says and what they feel are often different things.

Libra should learn not to hide from their problems, but to choose some solution and immediately do what is decided.

Libra needs sincere and beautiful feelings... After all, Libra is also a romantic: it is important for them that everything is beautiful...

Libras are amazing people: they are able to find something good in any person...

Libra needs, more than anyone else, absolute confidence that they are loved. Confidence, backed up more than once by deeds.

There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Libra the owls, who, by the will of fate, have to live like larks.

Libras very rarely try, as they say, to take people’s masks off - they understand very well that often these are not masks, but muzzles...

Libras should periodically try to look at their relationships with people from the point of view of these people: imagine yourself for a second as them, and them as you and think whether you like everything, whether everything is happening correctly and the way you would like - and only then act according to your decisions.


Scorpios are those people who urgently need to find a balance between calmness and a high degree of energy.

About 98% of Scorpios' problems would be solved if they calmed down and stopped thinking too deeply about these problems.

Scorpios owe the strength of their character to those who, instead of lending a hand to them when they began to fall, also tripped them up.

In every Scorpio there live two people: one is calm and silent, and the second appears when the first is offended... And this meeting is very unpleasant for the offenders.

Scorpios can pretend that they did not notice the spit in the soul, but this does not mean that they forgot about it: the rancor of Scorpios is ineradicable...

Scorpio likes people who are easy to communicate with, simple-minded, sincere and do not hide their feelings.

Scorpios should not build fantastic theories to explain the incomprehensible behavior of people - it is better to learn to ask direct questions.

Scorpios rarely show aggression right away - they warn, hint, give signs... And you shouldn’t wait until their patience runs out.

It seems that Scorpios love difficult life situations, because it is in their nature to strive to save someone, get out of a difficult situation and generally transform their life from gray to bright and colorful, filled with emotions and movement.

It is about Scorpios that we can say that they are still “black cats”: if they cross the road, no “pah-pah” will help.


99% of Sagittarius were born so that the main meaning of their existence would one way or another be the road.

Sometimes friendships just end. Without betrayal, without quarrels and without reasons - you just become different and everyone goes their own way. Over the years, the circle of friends becomes narrower. But those who remain are no longer just friends for Sagittarius, but family.

When meeting a Sagittarius, it is advisable - and mandatory if a Sagittarius becomes your loved one - to find out what justice actually is for this Sagittarius. And never to offend this justice is dearer to yourself, believe me. Sagittarians love with their hands. They need to touch you, stroke you, feel you, poke you in the side or tickle you. Doesn't touch - doesn't love.

If a Sagittarius and his girlfriends (also Sagittarius or Aries, or Scorpio) are brought together and given a drink, then they can be sent to war as a psychological weapon so that the enemy loses orientation in time and space - and combat effectiveness :))

Sagittarius women have learned a lot of useful things for modern life from men: to knock things out with each other, avoid answering, not call back, choose the best and have fun - however, they are often reproached for this by the same men...

Sagittarians are not so weak as to endure insults, not so strong as to forgive them, but also not so evil as to take revenge. Therefore, most often they simply turn their backs on the offender. Forever.

Very often, for Sagittarius, circumstances are such that you can hope for anything, but you can really count only on yourself.

Sagittarius loves cozy people, without “thorns” or deep whirlpools in their character. He loves when he can talk to a person about anything without arguing or finding out who is more right - when it is precisely such intimate conversations and lively, sincere warmth in the relationship that is most important for both. Such people become part of Sagittarius' life and he worries about them as much as about himself.

Sagittarians are not afraid to admit anything. They are afraid that their confessions will be misunderstood, because most often this is what happens.


Capricorns know that there is a time for everything. There are events whose course no one can change; there is a destiny thanks to which they will sooner or later find their place in life.

True Capricorns will never smile at people who are unpleasant to them. But they will behave politely towards everyone - their upbringing will not allow them to become rude.

By the way, it will not be possible to insult a Capricorn from a stranger or someone unimportant to him: Capricorns cannot be seriously offended by people whom they do not value.

Most Capricorns believe that there is age discrimination: the older Capricorn is, the more childish he is (“so what if I’m not 9 years old - I also want to jump on a trampoline!”

Capricorns love strange people.

This joke is about Capricorns: “they don’t like to be touched just like that: either there is something between you, or you are a cat, or “don’t touch me, please”

If you want to please Capricorn, then be sincere, do not humor every now and then and do not floridate with words: what is said simply, clearly and reasonably reaches Capricorn the fastest and he likes it the most.

Do you know why Capricorns are sometimes called strange and on their own? Because they strive to live the way they want, and not the way many are accustomed to.

If there is a Capricorn among your loved ones, then you are not afraid of any enemies or problems.

Capricorn is not afraid of time, distance, or difficulties... After all, they are the ones who help Capricorn realize his strength, become himself and respect himself as an individual.


Sometimes people think that they have some kind of special power over Aquarius. This is wrong.

Most of all, people are offended by Aquarius because they cannot and do not want to meet their personal expectations.

If Aquarius behaves like a child, then he is happy.

A true Aquarius is characterized by some kind of... alien intelligence.

Aquarians are not surprised by someone’s oddities... They can’t always explain their own.

The reality of Aquarius women is that the presence of a man nearby is not so important as the absence of an idiot who drains all your vitality.

Aquarians, when all their plans collapse, smile, look great and know that if it didn’t work out the way they needed it now, then it will be even better later!

For Aquarius, the aftertaste often decides everything. In everything. It all depends on how you feel afterwards. After communication, after a kiss, after a quarrel, after coffee, after a look. This “after” is largely decisive.

If you meet an Aquarius who is absolutely devoid of energy and strength, who has no desires and who has stopped dreaming, it is not because he is a sad weakling. But because this Aquarius was very strong for too long...

When Aquarians want to escape reality, they withdraw into themselves...


Pisces have an excellent memory and never forget to treat themselves well. Bad things can be forgiven and thrown away. And good things will warm the soul even after years. Pisces will never forget someone who was with them in difficult times.

There are devils in still waters - this is about Pisces.

Pisces are not afraid to feel, they are afraid to drown in feelings.

If it is necessary to choose, then most likely, instead of secular and beautifully speaking, Pisces will choose economical and silently doing things.

For Pisces, one person can truly become the whole world.

I really want to sit down and just have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Talk all night long. Looking at the night sky together, discussing something, dreaming together, remembering beautiful and funny moments from the past, being silent meaningfully... Pisces often terribly miss just such a pastime.

It is the Pisces woman who is able to seriously ask the question: why do I need this man in the house if I solve all my problems myself?..

“Suddenly” is the middle name of Pisces! Suddenly they became sad, suddenly they laughed, suddenly they became offended... - and again everything was as usual...

Pisces is probably the most unobtrusive sign of the Zodiac, but if they really need something, they will definitely achieve it.

Every joke contains a sea of ​​truth! Or a pea, or a speck of dust... Well, something like that...


Aries are not selfish - they simply know how to live for themselves. Not arrogant - they just don’t consider it necessary to smile at everyone. They are not impudent - they simply do not mince words. Not jealous - just used to being the only ones.
They say that the most stubborn people are Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. Come on, have you ever tried to argue with Aries?
The Aries woman is a book written for a man. If you don’t understand, then it’s not written for you!
Aries needs to be hugged when he is not smiling, kissed when he is dumb, and fed when he is hysterical.
It’s amazing how Aries haven’t all died out yet with their boundless trust in people and excessive honesty.
Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all their lives for happiness. And Aries believe that you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment. Aries's trust is like nerve cells: it is practically not restored.
Before you tell an Aries that he is bad, think about what made him not be good towards you...
Never deceive an Aries, always tell him the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. Aries very rarely forgive lies...
Aries have never been ideal, from their appearance to their character. But they were always themselves.


Heaven for Taurus is any place on Earth where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses.
Men believe that women need cool guys with money... But 90% of Taurus would choose the bear from the cartoon about Masha.
Taurus women can miraculously combine the one you can’t live without and the one you can’t live with...
Well, Taurus can’t stick their tongue up their ass!!! There was already sewing, and a diploma of higher education, and dreams of a chocolate-curly future, and a prince with a horse!!! Busy, in short...
If Taurus wants chocolate, then they go and eat chocolate. Because if they eat fruits, vegetables, salad, fish, etc. instead, then they will still EAT CHOCOLATE))) Even if the Taurus ass in life finds beautiful lace panties for her.
It's not difficult with Taurus. He hugged her and said she was beautiful and smart. If nothing comes to mind, ask “do you want to eat?” That's all. You are the perfect man.
Happiness for Taurus means traveling a lot, eating delicious food and sleeping with your loved one...
Yes, Taurus are terrible owners. If something belongs to them, then it is only theirs and no one else's. It doesn't matter if it's a person or a thing. But what Taurus considers “theirs”, they love more than anything else.
Taurus people are so loyal that even when they cross the road, they don’t look to the left...)))


Geminis love everyone who treats them well. Even if Geminis don't talk to you often, don't think that they don't value you.
Gemini is not a piece of cake to suit everyone's taste. They are a nut to crack that not everyone can handle!
Gemini's motto: if you can't, but really want to, then you definitely have to!
Do you know what Gemini wants? They want the summer, warm, breath-taking wind of change to blow and blow away everything unnecessary from their lives.
If Gemini decides to make someone happy, then nothing can save the person!
You will never be able to find out what's in a Gemini's soul if they don't want to. But if they trusted you, know that you are one of their closest friends!
Gemini can only be surprised by love... Real, sincere, without deception and betrayal... And Gemini has already seen the rest...
Geminis don't like to impose themselves. When they feel that a person is not treating them the way they used to, they begin to distance themselves.
Gemini women love confident men. Brave, endowed with brains, not chewing cotton wool. Men who decide, take responsibility, think quickly, don’t doubt, create, don’t destroy, think and lead you.
Gemini women cannot be re-educated. They can only, like waves, crash against the rock called “a real man” and calm down.


Cancers don't have time to hate those who hate them because they are too busy loving those who love them.
Cancers do not take to heart the criticism that came from the lips of a person who himself has achieved nothing in this life.
If you are asked what you want more - Cancer or a million euros, answer: Cancer... Because they won’t give you money anyway, but with Cancer it’s cozy...
Sometimes a 90-year-old grandmother moves into Rakov. She mumbles and hates everyone.
Cancers have an excellent memory, so when Cancers say “I don’t remember,” they simply don’t want to talk about it.
Best of all, Cancers know how to live in a family. They put their whole soul into it... And in general, it looks like the Cancers came up with the family!
When Cancers are happy, they can't stop talking. But when they are sad, you can't get a word out of them.
The family lasts as long as the Cancers want it. That's how long they can endure, stretch out, endure - that's how long the family will last. A marriage breaks down when their patience breaks down.
One of the main problems of Cancers is that they become very attached to people...
When Cancer's patience reaches its limit, then complete chaos begins.

a lion

Hugging is probably one of the most passionate forms of showing love for Leos because you feel safe and close to the person. It feels like all the sadness has gone away and it is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.
Many women are concerned with the question: “How to keep a man?” But Leo women know that if you want to be truly happy, you shouldn’t live with a man who needs to be kept.
It’s amazing how little time it takes for Leos to move from the stage of “how worried and worried I am” to “oh, go to hell.”
For some Leos are the SUN, for others they are SUN Stroke! And for some it DOESN’T SHINE at all...
Leo is never alone... They constantly come to him: now inspiration, now appetite, now laziness, now kick-ass!
The strong character of Leo is, as a rule, built from the bricks that were thrown at him.
Lions would like God to give them a guardian angel not with wings, but with a club. So that at the right moment - grist! - and Leo immediately realized his mistake and managed to act differently...
Before playing with Leo, make sure Leo is not playing with you...
Leos hate flattery, lies and gossip behind their backs. Don't like something? Tell Leo about it to his face. What was said behind your back will remain there with the one who said it.
Leos don't want life to be like a zebra, they want it to be bright like a parrot.


Virgo is not a ratio of weight and height, it is a ratio of intelligence, taste and self-confidence.
Virgos quickly get tired of being strong women, they get tired of “understanding”, “getting into the situation”, “forgiving”.
Virgos sometimes simply hate themselves for taking everything to heart.
When Virgo asks something, it is better to answer the truth, since there is a very high probability that she already knows the answer.
The wisdom of Virgos, combined with cunning, gives an effect that no higher education can give.
Appreciate Virgos who give you a second chance. This means that their love is so strong that their heart is strong enough to give you another try.
Virgo never really worries about the fact that there are many difficulties in her destiny. She uses them, like everything else in her life, to move forward.
The best way to end an argument with a Virgo is to pretend to be dead.
Smart and meticulous Virgos know how to exert a serious influence on those who have the right to make responsible decisions. And they use it successfully.
To maintain relationships, Virgos should use their innate stubbornness in limited quantities in love.


All Libras have two lives: one is seen by all those who surround them, the other they live alone.
Libra would really like to at least sometimes press the “DO NOT THINK” button and just enjoy life... What Libra says and what they feel are often different things.
Libra should learn not to hide from their problems, but to choose some solution and immediately do what is decided.
Libra needs sincere and beautiful feelings... After all, Libra is also a romantic: it is important for them that everything is beautiful...
Libras are amazing people: they are able to find something good in any person...
Libra needs, more than anyone else, absolute confidence that they are loved. Confidence, backed up more than once by deeds.
There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Libra the owls, who, by the will of fate, have to live like larks.
Libras very rarely try, as they say, to take people’s masks off - they understand very well that often these are not masks, but muzzles...
Libras should periodically try to look at their relationships with people from the point of view of these people: imagine yourself for a second as them, and them as you and think whether you like everything, whether everything is happening correctly and the way you would like - and only then act according to your decisions.


Scorpios are those people who urgently need to find a balance between calmness and a high degree of energy.
About 98% of Scorpios' problems would be solved if they calmed down and stopped thinking too deeply about these problems.
Scorpios owe the strength of their character to those who, instead of lending a hand to them when they began to fall, also tripped them up.
In every Scorpio there live two people: one is calm and silent, and the second appears when the first is offended... And this meeting is very unpleasant for the offenders.
Scorpios can pretend that they did not notice the spit in the soul, but this does not mean that they forgot about it: the rancor of Scorpios is ineradicable...
Scorpio likes people who are easy to communicate with, simple-minded, sincere and do not hide their feelings.
Scorpios should not build fantastic theories to explain the incomprehensible behavior of people - it is better to learn to ask direct questions.
Scorpios rarely show aggression right away - they warn, hint, give signs... And you shouldn’t wait until their patience runs out.
It seems that Scorpios love difficult life situations, because it is in their nature to strive to save someone, get out of a difficult situation and generally transform their life from gray to bright and colorful, filled with emotions and movement.
It is about Scorpios that we can say that they are still “black cats”: if they cross the road, no “pah-pah” will help.


99% of Sagittarius were born so that the main meaning of their existence would one way or another be the road.
Sometimes friendships just end. Without betrayal, without quarrels and without reasons - you just become different and everyone goes their own way. Over the years, the circle of friends becomes narrower. But those who remain are no longer just friends for Sagittarius, but family.
When meeting a Sagittarius, it is advisable - and mandatory if a Sagittarius becomes your loved one - to find out what justice actually is for this Sagittarius. And never to offend this justice is dearer to yourself, believe me.
Sagittarians love with their hands. They need to touch you, stroke you, feel you, poke you in the side or tickle you (smiley) If they don’t touch you, they don’t like you.
If a Sagittarius and his girlfriends (also Sagittarius or Aries, or Scorpio) are brought together and given a drink, then they can be sent to war as a psychological weapon so that the enemy loses orientation in time and space - and combat effectiveness :))
Sagittarius women have learned a lot of useful things for modern life from men: to knock things out with each other, avoid answering, not call back, choose the best and have fun - however, they are often reproached for this by the same men...
Sagittarians are not so weak as to endure insults, not so strong as to forgive them, but also not so evil as to take revenge. Therefore, most often they simply turn their backs on the offender. Forever.
Very often, for Sagittarius, circumstances are such that you can hope for anything, but you can really count only on yourself.
Sagittarius loves cozy people, without “thorns” or deep whirlpools in their character. He loves when he can talk to a person about anything without arguing or finding out who is more right - when it is precisely such intimate conversations and lively, sincere warmth in the relationship that is most important for both. Such people become part of Sagittarius' life and he worries about them as much as about himself.
Sagittarians are not afraid to admit anything. They are afraid that their confessions will be misunderstood, because most often this is what happens.


Capricorns know that there is a time for everything. There are events whose course no one can change; there is a destiny thanks to which they will sooner or later find their place in life.
True Capricorns will never smile at people who are unpleasant to them. But they will behave politely towards everyone - their upbringing will not allow them to become rude.
By the way, it will not be possible to insult a Capricorn from a stranger or someone unimportant to him: Capricorns cannot be seriously offended by people whom they do not value.
Most Capricorns believe that there is age discrimination: the older Capricorn is, the more childish he is (“so what if I’m not 9 years old - I also want to jump on a trampoline!”
Capricorns love strange people.
This joke is about Capricorns: “they don’t like to be touched just like that: either there is something between you, or you are a cat, or “don’t touch me, please”
If you want to please Capricorn, then be sincere, do not humor every now and then and do not floridate with words: what is said simply, clearly and reasonably reaches Capricorn the fastest and he likes it the most.
Do you know why Capricorns are sometimes called strange and on their own? Because they strive to live the way they want, and not the way many are accustomed to.
If there is a Capricorn among your loved ones, then you are not afraid of any enemies or problems.
Capricorn is not afraid of time, distance, or difficulties... After all, they are the ones who help Capricorn realize his strength, become himself and respect himself as an individual.


Sometimes people think that they have some kind of special power over Aquarius. This is wrong.
Most of all, people are offended by Aquarius because they cannot and do not want to meet their personal expectations.
If Aquarius behaves like a child, then he is happy.
A true Aquarius is characterized by some kind of... alien intelligence.
Aquarians are not surprised by someone’s oddities... They can’t always explain their own.
The reality of Aquarius women is that the presence of a man nearby is not so important as the absence of an idiot who drains all your vitality.
Aquarians, when all their plans collapse, smile, look great and know that if it didn’t work out the way they needed it now, then it will be even better later!
For Aquarius, the aftertaste often decides everything. In everything. It all depends on how you feel afterwards. After communication, after a kiss, after a quarrel, after coffee, after a look. This “after” is largely decisive.
If you meet an Aquarius who is absolutely devoid of energy and strength, who has no desires and who has stopped dreaming, it is not because he is a sad weakling. But because this Aquarius was very strong for too long...
When Aquarians want to escape reality, they withdraw into themselves...


Pisces have an excellent memory and never forget to treat themselves well. Bad things can be forgiven and thrown away. And good things will warm the soul even after years. Pisces will never forget someone who was with them in difficult times.
It’s good that no one can read Pisces’ thoughts, otherwise the image of shy and self-conscious people would go to hell.
There are devils in still waters - this is about Pisces.
Pisces are not afraid to feel, they are afraid to drown in feelings.
If it is necessary to choose, then most likely, instead of secular and beautifully speaking, Pisces will choose economical and silently doing things.
For Pisces, one person can truly become the whole world.
I really want to sit down and just have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Talk all night long. Looking at the night sky together, discussing something, dreaming together, remembering beautiful and funny moments from the past, being silent meaningfully... Pisces often terribly miss just such a pastime.
It is the Pisces woman who is able to seriously ask the question: why do I need this man in the house if I solve all my problems myself?..
“Suddenly” is the middle name of Pisces! Suddenly they became sad, suddenly they laughed, suddenly they became offended... - and again everything was as usual...
Pisces is probably the most unobtrusive sign of the Zodiac, but if they really need something, they will definitely achieve it.
