Calculate your personal Indian horoscope online. Planets in the seventh house Sun in the 7th house for a man

Sun in the 7th house: (+) - spiritual development is formed under the influence of social life, under the strong influence of the environment. A person attracts attention to himself, life is in plain sight. There are many rumors around him, his life and his behavior are discussed, people listen to him, they are drawn to him and are guided by him. A peacemaker-mediator, balances contradictions, defeats opponents. Spiritual marriage develops well under the influence of a partner. Good standing for public recognition and popularity.

(-) - lack of tolerance towards others, a person is capricious, imposes his position on others, attracts strong, evil opponents. Decline in popularity, notoriety. Anti-spiritual marriage, destruction of marriage or celibacy, all marriage matters are highlighted through the courts and publicity. Any evil planet in the house must be aligned, otherwise it will attract situations to itself like a magnet. Example: the evil Sun gave 3 unsuccessful marriages, but the 4th marriage turned out to be spiritually successful

(+) Eisenhower. Truman, Kipling, Green, Lennon.

(-) Paul I, Robert Kennedy, Hitler, Yesenin (4 marriages with scandals).

Globa P.P.

Francis Sakoyan.

Sun in the 7th house
Not everyone knows how to resist the will of God.
The sun in the 7th house is in symbolic decline.
This is a difficult position to work through, since when interpreted naively, open enemies are seen as an imperative manifestation of karma. Of course, the motive of fighting against God is not excluded here, but in principle it is optional and most often undesirable.
The difficulty lies in the fact that a person has a strong internal enemy, which quite often manifests itself in his external life, apparently imperatively, and not always through “official” enemies, but also through acquaintances, relatives, loved ones and partners, not to mention “random” obstacles and hindrances in the implementation of life plans.
The karmic task here is to study the nature of this interfering force both within oneself and outside, and learn to get along with it, ideally - to make it your partner.
With a harmonious Sun, this has already been done to some extent from the very beginning, but, nevertheless, a certain duality in volitional impulses and imperative external influences is felt, although it does not have a destructive, tearing person apart character.
If the Sun is affected, there will be a strong, powerful, dominant partner (in childhood - the father or the figure who has taken over his functions - mother or stepfather), and then a similar marriage partner or an authoritative boss, but in all cases you need to look for ways to cooperate, and not insist on his freedom and direct victory over the usurper.
A strong person can still defeat all external enemies, but then his inner one will become unusually stronger and will begin to dominate him and his soul - outwardly he will look like a tough tyrant, suppressing everyone around him and completely crystallizing in his dead form.
Passivity, complete and unconditional submission to someone else's will and despotism, also leads to the same result.
The usual reaction of a person to this position of the Sun is that he is looking for a dominant partner, thus materializing his internal enemy and fighting him not internally, but externally, hating, cursing, but at the same time putting up with it, being even partly secretly satisfied with this state of affairs .
Working through in this case means realizing oneself with the help of a partner in joint work, which suggests, first of all, the establishment of normal (non-antagonistic) relationships. However, this is not easy; you will have to tame your internal enemy, namely, certain lower programs of the subconscious, which will be indicated by aspects of the Sun; in particular, its opposition to the 1st house means the need to develop personal humility, awareness and elimination of the inferiority or super-inferiority complex and, last but not least, the ability to see in a partner not only an enemy, but also a person with his own psychological, existential, emotional and spiritual problems .

Absalom the Underwater.

A person strongly binds himself to the opinions of others and loses his individuality. He cares what others think of him. If you are capable of working on self-awareness, then it comes with the help of a partner. One cannot act alone. We need someone who perceives it. Works together. He says “we”, not “I”. Marriage and close partnership are very important. If the rest of the horoscope is not very strong, then it follows the lead of the partner, who plays a leading role. The sun here also signifies the qualities of a partner. This is a prominent person striving for leadership.
The sun gives late marriage.
Equal relationship with father.

B. Israelite.

>> Sun in the 7th house

For a person born under, partnership is of great importance in life. The interests and desires of his partner are as important to him as his own.

He has an easy disposition, so those around him love him. Family ties are very important, and each love brings its own unique experience to life. In matters of law and justice, they are always lucky. They are brave, talented and reliable friends who attract the same people. They need a faithful and strong-willed partner who will be alone for life.

Communication with a person with the Sun in the 7th house

With the negative influence of the Sun, partnerships will not be equal. This personality needs to learn to work on their emotions in order to show respect and get along with others. After marriage, their success increases dramatically. This is facilitated by popularity and self-confidence. Action at the right time will help in entrepreneurial endeavors, advertising ideas and in concluding profitable agreements with superiors. These people are proud, but not stingy with money and emotions. Strong and permanent relationships bring happiness to your personal life.

He is promised success in concluding contracts and organizing large companies. Characterized by peacefulness and diplomacy, which can smooth out any conflict and calm all its participants. She loves comfort and luxury very much, marriage can be financially profitable, and the proud significant other often comes from an influential and good family.

Character of a person with the Sun in the 7th house

This person tends to enter into profitable trade contracts that help improve social status. Influential allies will always help him, and his enemies will be defeated. Their life and destiny are very dependent on relationships with others and society. The choice of partners must be scrupulous, careful and attentive, because partnership implies mutual sympathy and absolute understanding of the desires and requirements of the second participant.

A business partner must have certain professional skills and be a like-minded person. The opinions of his closest colleagues and the team as a whole mean more to him than personal desires and ambitions. All difficult issues are resolved and eliminated successfully, without going beyond the framework of existing legislation.

The second part of life and old age of these people are calmer and better than the first part. A favorable moment promotes longevity and fruitfulness, as well as high social status. His old age is often popular; odes are sung to him and he is rewarded in various ways.

Here are interpretations of the positions of the horoscope elements that are not affected by aspects. You can deduce the interpretations of the affected planets yourself.

The position of the Descendant describes the extent to which the spouses' relationship can be called a partnership. This includes the possibility of divorce and the peculiarities of the divorce process. On the other hand, these are the enemies of the couple, the attitude towards this family in society, the way other people see this couple. It is also the couple's tendency to take part in social activities.

Sun in 7th house– relationships with the environment, place in society are very important for spouses. They need to act in contact with someone, to feel a sense of comradeship. The couple is well received in society.

WITH Moon in the 7th house the couple is very popular in society. Spouses have excellent relationships with others, as they are sensitive and subtly understand the needs of other people.

Mercury in the 7th house. The spouses are sociable and the moment of communication itself plays a very important role in their lives. If the spouses do not have the opportunity to make any public appearances or they do not go well, this may lead to discontent and disagreements. This position of Mercury results in frequent changes in social circles, relationships with partners and within the family.

Venus in the 7th house of the marriage horoscope. The couple is loved for their ability not to create conflicts in their own family and to resolve them in the environment. This is one of the indicators of a happy marriage. They are not interfered with, they like to be accepted in society.

Mars in the 7th house. Spouses enthusiastically enter into any altercations, trying to prove their point of view. Active and strong in the sea of ​​life. They often find themselves in extraordinary situations of an unpleasant nature. It is very important for them how their couple (family) looks in the eyes of others, although they are not always able to make adjustments for this and in connection with this.

Jupiter in the 7th house– one of the indicators of marriage stability. This is a nice, elegant couple. Their surroundings are harmonious. They attract rich people. Refined manners, a healthy lifestyle, the ability to make compromises and respect the opinions of others attract a wide circle of acquaintances.

At Saturn in the 7th house marriage is fraught with disappointment. Spouses are cautious even in their relationships with each other, distrustful of strangers and rarely engage in family contacts. The family may feel lonely in society or even deliberately go into isolation.

Uranus in the 7th house. Characterized by an unusual environment, unusual connections, or an unusual manner of making and maintaining contacts. Sometimes they don't seem too peaceful. A marriage can be destroyed on the spur of the moment. The couple itself sets the standards of behavior in their family and in society. Whether they will be accepted in society or not is already a problem for society.

Neptune in the 7th house. When conducting family affairs, spouses pay attention first of all to the opinions of others, especially if the person who expressed it is likable and worthy of trust. It can be difficult for spouses to understand each other's feelings, find the key to their hearts, and find words to express their own emotions and needs.

Pluto in the 7th house– the spouses are attractive, impressive, know how to present themselves and gain popularity. Their life position is active, and with their activity they infect others. In relation to others, the spouses feel a lack of diplomacy and tact.

Chiron in the 7th house. Such a family has difficulty in relationships with others. In the sense that strangers can be mistaken for their own, and close people devoted to their spouses can be rejected. The attitude towards these spouses from those around them is ambivalent. Many are surprised by the changes in the couple’s behavior, tastes and observance of the rules of decency. Spouses are often let down by a sense of justice, which can be pompous and violent, or completely absent. Spouses also tend to find themselves in ambiguous situations.

Proserpina in the 7th house. The social life of the spouses, their position in society, and their sphere of contacts are subject to changes that are quite unexpected and drastic. Little things in relationships with people mean a lot to spouses.

North Lunar Node in the 7th house gives greater courage in the fight against the vicissitudes of fate, but sometimes to the detriment of justice, equality and harmony of the environment. The instincts of a fighter for survival should be somewhat moderated. They need to become familiar with the sense of beauty, social morality and community standards. Marriage will require daily sacrifices, consideration of the feelings and needs of the partner.

White Moon (Selena) in the 7th house gives spouses harmonious relationships with others, facilitates finding their place in society. Often this is a pair of peacemakers, at least in their own small circle. Selena also ennobles the relationship between the spouses. Sometimes this is an indicator of an ideal marriage.

Black Moon (Lilith) in the 7th house. Spouses usually believe that their marriage is unsuccessful, and this attitude is transferred to everyone around them. They may be characterized by abusiveness, selfishness, and violation of elementary norms of justice and coexistence. Society punishes such couples with rejection, dislike, or too much demand for their participation in its life.

Wheel of Fortune in the 7th house makes common life guidelines important for spouses. Provides the opportunity to exist on a parity basis within the family. They tend to value partnership as such, even if the relationship has exhausted itself. They often perceive their spouse as a gift from God.

WITH Cross of Fate in the 7th house spouses are unlucky in relationships with others, contacts break down, introducing disharmony and imbalance into the life of the family. There may be losses from official structures, authorities and law enforcement. They can be drawn into exhausting feuds, other people's litigation and lawsuits. Spouses are constantly tempted to start divorce proceedings.

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Your relationships, as a rule, gravitate towards people who are witty, erudite, intelligent, and at the same time giving you food for thought. You want your spouse or business partner to be witty, curious, intelligent and alert, but you expect them to constantly communicate and exchange ideas and information. Promoting ideas and getting them from others is typical of you, and you are always up for a good debate, debate or argument.

You may spend a lot of time thinking about your relationship specifically or collaboration in general. The idea of ​​marriage is quite often on your mind, seeking it or a business partnership that provides you with mental satisfaction and development. A partner who challenges you and stretches your mind to reach a higher intellectual level is what you are looking for and need. The importance of a partner is enhanced if he helps you adapt better and communicate more effectively with others. A person who gives you a lively flow of ideas, who challenges you to constantly test your thought processes, who brings out your best moral qualities, who stimulates you in a way that others may not understand is what you look for in a partner .
Your partner can be smart, laid-back, fickle, restless, excitable, or outspoken, argumentative, verbose and critical. Nervousness or mental instability may be present. Your partner may be involved in education, writing, travel, sales, translation of foreign languages ​​or clerical work, secretariat, typing or computer work.

In order to achieve positive results from any partnership, you must learn to control your desires - to argue and criticize.

Venus in the seventh house

You are charming, sociable and friendly, and people quite easily notice this natural passion in you. Partnerships are usually prosperous and harmonious. But at the same time, your desire for peace and harmony at any cost can have detrimental consequences for you if you do not stand up for your own values. You need an attractive and probably financially secure spouse to enjoy all the benefits of civilization with. Be careful not to get into the habit of expecting too much from others.

You have a deep understanding of the value of relationships, and placing too much emphasis on affection can cause problems for you. The desire for a perfect relationship is so strong that any shortcomings in your relationship can be taken extremely seriously. Balance and poise are essential to your relationship.

You are looking for a partner who can provide you with a “better life.” You want beauty, luxury and the finer things in life and are looking for a partner who can provide it all for you. Perhaps marriage can advance you to a higher social level. Your weaknesses and overemphasis on sensual pleasures can lead to serious problems. Your partner should help you, not be your rival. If the influence of Venus is not strong or unfavorable, then perhaps your partner’s moral standards may raise a big question.

Uranus in the seventh house

Your partnerships are unique and unusual, and they can be dominated by either excellent mutual understanding or its complete absence. You or your partner tend to be unconventional and tend to do things that may shock others. There should be a lot of freedom in your relationship, but there may be a lack of commitment. In fact, you may be choosing this position in your relationship that provides you with a low degree of commitment. You may be more attracted to those who are already in relationships or “unavailable” partners.

Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnership, it is likely that others may not always understand your relationship even though you may not be able to understand it yourself. You meet the most interesting and extraordinary people in your life.

Any need to control the other person in your relationship is likely to lead to disaster. Your partner and you should establish your comfort level regarding the amount of time and attention you are willing to spend on each other. You may need ample personal space. A relationship in which you feel free to grow is what makes it truly possible for you. Any limits or restrictions placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a "run away" attitude. There is a high probability of sudden and unexpected turns in your relationship. Perhaps in your relationship someone needs to be away from your partner for a long time. This position can create long-distance communication and the emergence of "casual" types of relationships.

You are most likely looking for a partner who will provide you with thrills and a surge of emotions in your life. You need a partner who can challenge you both mentally and emotionally. Your relationships are like laboratory experiments where you hope to find out “you don’t know what.” Someone who is inventive, has personality, creativity and originality, while also being outgoing, eccentric or radical may attract you. Your partner may have strong personal magnetism and may even be a genius at times, but eccentricity, instability and even fanaticism may also be present in his character.

Your approach to marriage may be quite idealistic and utopian, with a leaning towards a platonic union. You need a partner who is willing to become your friend. Most of your relationships most often begin as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and intense emotions in romantic adventures, which can lead to loss of passion and discord with the marriage partner.

The greatest threat to a marriage is the development of one of the partners at a rate that significantly exceeds the self-development of the other, leading to the fact that one of the spouses can no longer remain who they were before marriage.

For a successful partnership, you and your partner must develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom.

Saturn in the seventh house

There may be a desire to attract a partner who is somewhat older and more serious, which makes the relationship more obligatory and responsible, with hard work to build it. It is quite possible that there is a karmic connection from the past that carries over into present life. In any case, restrictions, dependency, depression and anxiety may also be felt in your relationship, although the connection will, of course, be long-term.

Saturn here indicates that you need to learn to cooperate and develop empathy for others. You may be very cautious when it comes to marriage, but once it's done, you find it very difficult to leave your spouse, even if you are unhappy with him. You may marry for security, not for love. Discipline is necessary in your relationship.

There may also be a reserve and sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of partnership. You tend to look for a partner who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you more determination and will to achieve success. For a woman, there may be a subconscious desire to marry the “father”, and the partner, feeling the impulse to care, can organize your life in a more effective manner.

The responsibilities and fears of marriage can delay legal marriage. If Saturn has a good influence on your natal chart, then this position usually indicates that the marriage vows will be faithfully observed and marital duties will be strictly fulfilled. In a favorable position and influence of natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be honest, loyal, constant, reliable, hardworking, persistent and economical, perhaps not overly demonstrative, preferring actions to words and providing a real anchor for family relationships.

If the influence of Saturn is unfavorable in the natal chart, there is a tendency to endure an unhappy marriage rather than lose face in a divorce. If you neglect to take care of your spouse, you are likely to receive care and attention in the same proportion. This position may also mean choosing a second marriage option, which will have to be endured despite boredom, dissatisfaction and lack of love. In other words, you might want to marry someone else, but choose the second option instead. The partner may act in ways that become a burden, being uncommunicative, narrow-minded, cold, and overly critical. In some cases, a spouse may be deeply loved but prone to health problems. Possible marriage with a widow or widower.

Neptune in the seventh house

There is likely a tendency to idealize marriage or marriage partner. You may make great sacrifices for your spouse. A marriage partner may be spiritual, artistic, or simply confused. Communication can be problematic due to the discrepancy between your concepts and ideals. There is a tendency to attract a partner where you or he plays the role of martyr or savior, giving the feeling that your partner “needs” saving and that you are the only one who can “save” or change him. Because of this, your partner may have an alcohol addiction or be a drug addict.

Your imagination and idealization of your partner may be more real to you than what your partner actually is. If this is the case, then the day will come when the rose-colored glasses are taken off and you see his true nature - this can lead to great disappointment and despondency when you find out that you have been living a lie and that things are not at all like that. what they seemed like to you. From this position, you must be absolutely sure that you are dealing with the hard, depressing facts of your relationship, and not with romantic notions and dreams from children's fairy tales.

You are likely to expect your spouse to be a source of inspiration and to bring out your capacity for compassion and loving understanding, but there may be a tendency to see a potential partner through rose-colored glasses or to dream up fantasies about new contacts or long-awaited meetings. Subsequently, there is a possibility that your partner may not be the person with whom your fantasies were associated.

There is some tendency to form partnerships based on admiration or pity. If Neptune in your natal chart causes fear, such admiration may be directed towards glamorous clothing, while the prevailing feeling of pity, exploited by a potential partner, will lead you into marriage under a certain mood or misplaced sympathy.

There is a possibility that the partner is very sensitive and needs the utmost attention. The partner may have a penchant for artistry and music or be associated with the stage. The material side of life may not bother him, so your relationship may be completely spiritual and above the selfish things that exist in this life. Because of this, the relationship is more platonic than sexual. The other side of the coin is that you may be drawn into a relationship with an unreliable, fickle and unlucky type whose sympathies are largely self-oriented, or, in some way, a low-income neurotic, or perhaps even a disabled person suffering from chronic illnesses.

A subconscious willingness on your part to indulge in self-deception about your partner exists within you. This can lead you into difficult relationships because you refuse to see the truth or mistakenly believe that only you can change things.

To get the best results from your marriage, you must learn to overcome vague desires for an unattainable ideal, control any tendency to get carried away by petty romanticism, and be sober and practical as possible in assessing the merits and attractiveness of potential partners. Be reasonable.

Pluto in the seventh house

Issues with control and power, along with a sense of belonging with a partner or spouse, may be present in a relationship, so it is necessary to learn to cooperate with your partner. He may be selected based on his ability to stand his ground and not give in. With such a partner, relationships from the outside can be very belligerent and competitive, rather than harmonious and equal.

You tend to seek a partner who will help you discover new resources within yourself, which will give you the strength to overcome previous doubts and transform certain aspects of your inner world. A partner who makes you feel empowered and personally grown is the one you are looking for. There is a tendency to admire well-developed willpower in others, with the result that you may attract someone who tends to dominate you, perhaps feeling that if you have to deal with a personality who tends to suppress, you will be able to productively discover the full resources within yourself.

There are strong feelings and reactions in your relationship. You have a need to collaborate with others, expecting full commitment in your partnerships. Trouble can arise when these feelings of responsibility are not shared by the other person in the relationship.

Mars in the seventh house

You are independent, would like to have your own way and must develop gentleness and diplomacy to avoid negative attitudes towards people. You need to learn to collaborate with others.

Relationships energize you and you will get a lot of excitement from them. You need an active partner who can share your lifestyle with what is happening in the world. Your partner should constantly challenge you, help you start projects, and perhaps compete with you. You need a sparring partner! Your relationship is seething with energy, which you must direct in a constructive direction, and not in a destructive one. The competition between you and your partner is best directed towards the outside world.

In all your relationships with others, you enjoy elements of challenge and competition. You may provoke others just to see how they react. The excitement of the chase is more important to you than the end result. Since you love fighting, you don't mind losing a battle to a partner who is always ready to fight you again. Your spouse is likely to be very passionate, positive, active, capable and courageous with a lot of strong will.

The partner you are looking for should play the role of champion or crusader in your relationship. Mars in this position gives the association that passions are simply raging here and love is combined with as strong devotion as possible. There is a tendency to marry early, often as a result of love at first sight, although if the influence of Mars is unfavorable, you may “marry in haste, but for a long time.”

There is a possibility of discord and friction in the marriage as a result of sudden temper, intemperance, extravagance, impudence, intolerance, excessive demands or violence of the partner.

In order to get the best results from your marriage and partnership, you should try to be responsive and tolerant as much as possible, practicing gentleness and diplomacy instead of allowing any harsh and nagging qualities to take over.

Jupiter in the seventh house

Benefits, opportunities and wealth can usually come as a result of marriage or partnership. You are looking for a partner who can expand your vision, opening up opportunities for expansion and personal growth. Your partner will help strengthen your faith and deepen your religious and philosophical views and ideas. You may feel that you need a partner to help develop your moral outlook and social consciousness.

There are traditional interpretations of Saturn in the 7th house, and there is the personal life of women with Saturn in the 7th house of the horoscope.

What is true and what is myth in the position of Saturn in the 7th house?

Let me remind you that in traditional astrology Saturn has the nature of a malefic, so everything he touches in the birth chart slows down and requires incredible effort.

1 statement with Saturn in the 7th house - the husband will be much older in age.

Saturn is the planet of seriousness, wisdom and responsibility. These qualities appear with age, so the husband of a woman in whose chart Saturn is in the 7th house is considered to be of considerable age.

But as real life shows, this is not 100% true.

You can be serious and responsible at 20, and irresponsible at 60. A woman with Saturn in the 7th house can marry a man of the same age, but he will have the qualities of the planet Saturn.

For example, being Capricorn according to the Sun or having a profession according to Saturn.

Professions according to Saturn are, first of all, managers and officials; people in the service of the state and people associated with construction.

How to understand what exactly will be lost in your case?

A hint is what sign Saturn is in, what it rules and what aspects it has from other planets.

For example, a woman in her chart has Saturn conjunct Jupiter in the 7th house. Jupiter is the planet of the giver, the planet of status and authority. Her husband holds a high position, he is a manager, a serious and responsible person. According to her, she feels with him as if behind a stone wall.

Another position is Saturn conjunct Neptune. A woman can attract men who will tell her: I’m sorry, I’m not ready for a relationship. Neptune, the planet of uncertainty, will turn a man's determination in a relationship into indecisiveness.

So, for some, he’s a careerist in the good sense of the word, and for others, “I’m not ready yet.” For some he is serious and responsible, and for others he is a jealous tyrant. All this is the same Saturn, only in its different manifestations.

2nd statement with Saturn in the 7th house - the husband will be sick.

In ancient astrology, Saturn was an indicator of death, illness, poverty, ugliness, and therefore all these misfortunes were attributed to the husband of a woman in whose natal chart Saturn fell in the 7th house.

We can talk about a husband’s illness or deformity only if there are factors that seriously damage Saturn. As a rule, this is quite rare.

3rd statement with Saturn in the 7th house - late marriage or marriage of convenience.

High demands on a partner (inadequate demands when Saturn is affected) force one to postpone the time of marriage. This is a psychological “protection” from relationships: if we don’t know how to do something - for example, build relationships with the opposite sex - then we will be afraid to do it.

The revolution of Saturn is about 30 years, so astrologers usually say: the marriage of a woman with Saturn in the 7th house will be late, after 30 years.

But life shows that not everyone has a delay in getting married. Having Saturn in the 7th house of the horoscope, people get married at both 20 and 22 years old.

Why is that? I tell you in the video:

So, Saturn in the 7th house does not always cause a delay in marriage, but almost always gives a reassessment of relationships around 28-30 years. Usually this age becomes a crisis for the first marriage. Perhaps it’s worth holding off on early marriage and getting out after 30. But, as I said in the video, it doesn’t depend on our “whether we want it or not.”

4th statement with Saturn in the 7th house - a long marriage or a marriage of convenience.

In traditional astrology, it is believed that “an intact Saturn in the 7th house gives a successful marriage of convenience (the person got what he wanted), a lasting marriage based on mutual respect (there is no love in any case) and compliance with pre-agreed conditions.”

Saturn with intense aspects gives a long but unhappy marriage.

I only agree that marriage is really long. And not necessarily unhappy.

Is there love or not love in the marriages of women who have Saturn in the 7th house?

Perhaps for some, responsibility and fidelity in a relationship is love, but for others, love is spontaneity and a flow of emotions.

Conclusion from all of the above.

Firstly, the planet in the house, in my opinion, describes more the qualities of the partner than the nature of the marriage itself.

Secondly, the generally accepted interpretation from traditional astrology “Saturn in the 7th gives late marriage” should be supported by additional pointers to late marriage.

Thirdly, the aspects of Saturn and which houses it rules in the chart significantly change the qualities of a marriage partner.

I wish everyone who has Saturn in the 7th house of their birth chart a faithful, reliable husband with a decent position!

Girls, if you have Saturn in the 7th house, write whether Saturn gave you an older husband or a late marriage?
