Easter fun and games for children. Easter games

Characters: three presenters.

The hall is decorated with willow branches and candles. Music is playing. (“Christ is Risen” by A. Chernov)

First presenter.

Holy night... the temple is filled with lights,

The sinners' prayer ascends to heaven,

Like burning incense in an altar -

Second presenter.

Nature is full of tender trepidation,

The stars twinkle in the depths of the sky,

Silence reigns over the sinful world...

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Third presenter.

Like the grass froze before the storm,

The slumbering forest fell silent before the mystery,

Only the wind whispers tender words:

"Christ is risen! Truly risen!

First presenter. Hello, dear guests!

Second presenter. Welcome to the holiday of Holy Easter!

Third presenter. On this day Christ was resurrected, which was a sign of victory over death and the triumph of life.

First presenter. On this day, bells in churches ring especially solemnly. And this ringing can be heard far, far away.

The phonogram of the “Easter Annunciation” sounds.

Second presenter. Orthodox Easter rich in rituals and customs.

Third presenter. This is how it is customary to celebrate Christ on Easter - exchange colored eggs, saying: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen!”

First presenter. The eggs were painted with red paint, which symbolizes rebirth by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Second presenter. And the egg itself symbolizes the emergence of life.

Third presenter. Painted eggs were blessed in the church. It was believed that such an egg protected the house from fire and the harvest from hail.

First presenter. The egg also served as the main character of Easter entertainment.

Second presenter. And we now invite you to take part in Easter fun. There are games with Easter eggs.

Game "Easter Egg Relay"

The start/finish and turning points are marked on the playground using a flag or pins. The game involves two teams. Each team receives a spoon and an egg. The players' task is to run a distance while holding a spoon with an egg at arm's length. The winner is the team that covers the distance faster without breaking the egg.

Game "Egg Fights"

Each team player receives an egg. Players from opposing teams take seats opposite. Then, on command, the players roll the eggs towards each other. The team with the most eggs left wins.

As a variant of the game, you can not roll the eggs, but “clink” them.

Game "Egg Shooting Range"

The game requires prize targets, which are located at some distance from the line from which the “shooting” will take place. Each player receives an egg, which must be rolled towards the target. If the egg hits the target accurately, the player takes the prize.

Third presenter. Jesus Christ suffered to redeem us from our sins, died and rose again, defeating death by His resurrection and giving us eternal life.

First presenter. The grateful people composed many poems and songs in memory of these events.

Second presenter. We invite you to listen to some of them now.

The song “You have redeemed the world from sin” is playing (Collection of worship songs)

You have redeemed the world from sin,

You gave him love and light

Lighted up extinguished hearts and gave hope.

We stand before you,

And everyone is dear to you,

We thank you and praise you for everything!

Glory and greatness to you,

Glory to centuries and nations!

Your power is limitless

Your mercy throughout all generations!

You took away sin and illness,

Washed in your holy blood,

You have given us abundant life for freedom!

How faithful are your children,

We want to know the law of love,

For everything, father, we thank and exalt you!

Third presenter. And now we invite you to the Easter feast. Please come to the table.

The participants of the holiday are seated at the tables.

First presenter. Since ancient times, the main dishes at the Easter feast were Easter cakes and Easter.

Second presenter. They also prepared the Easter lamb, the bones of which were not thrown away, but buried in the field to save the harvest from hail.

Soon we will celebrate the holiday Easter 2016. During these May days, it’s so great to get together as a family with family, friends, and loved ones and spend time together. But you shouldn’t just sit at a richly laid table, especially if children take part in the Easter celebration.

How to organize an Easter holiday for children, what to do to keep them busy at home or outdoors, come up with children's script on Easter, so that everyone would be happy, happy, noisy, and the holiday would be remembered for a long time? will tell you about this www.site.

We have selected a lot for you and the children interesting competitions, active games on fresh air and at home, creative ideas and unforgettable entertainment. You can use this Easter script in kindergarten, at school or with your friends who came to visit with their children on a holiday.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

It is best to decorate your vacation spot in Easter motifs - multi-colored ribbons and balls that look like eggs, painted Easter bunnies and chickens, baskets and compositions with flowers and angel figures - so that the meaning of this bright holiday is not lost in the general fun.

Think about what Easter songs you can prepare for children, and also briefly tell the story of Easter for children. Games and competitions must be held in a friendly atmosphere, so that on the bright holiday of Easter there will be no tears, no resentment, no discord.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

Perhaps the most popular Easter entertainment, which is known to both children and adults, and which is necessarily included in the Easter holiday scenario, is paint fights, when everyone hits their neighbor’s Easter egg with their egg. The one whose Easter egg remains unbroken until the very end wins.

  • Easter Eggs: Bowling Competition

It is clear that real dyes for children can be replaced with toys - multi-colored balls, plastic cups, etc. - this way the product will be preserved and the clothes will be cleaner. A white egg is placed in the center of the room or area, and the task of each of the participants standing around is to roll their eggs as close to it as possible.

  • Easter Bunny Races

Prepare props: large bags according to the number of participants, and to make the Easter scenario more elegant and fun, draw silhouettes of rabbits on them with colored paints. Give the children bags and put headbands with bunny ears on their heads. Whoever jumps in a sack to the finish line first is declared the speedy Easter Bunny.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

  • Guessing Contest: "Easter Basket"

Easter souvenirs are pre-packed into an elegant Easter basket, for example, Easter eggs, kinder surprises, candies, gingerbread cookies, egg coasters, toy bunnies, chickens, angels, Easter-themed figurines and the like. The task of the players is to take turns placing their hand in the basket, selecting a souvenir by touch and, without looking, tell everyone what Easter gift they received. If he guessed correctly, he takes a souvenir for himself as a prize.

  • Easter pantomime game "A pair for every creature"

An educational game on Easter: a story for children will tell you how the day before global flood Noah built an ark and took a pair of each creature. An even number of children must take part in the game. The presenter distributes cards with a picture of an animal to all participants, or speaks the name in everyone’s ear. It is important that all animals are repeated twice. The participants’ task is to portray their animal (without sounds) and find their mate among other children as quickly as possible.

  • Easter relay race with Easter eggs

This fun relay race requires two teams to complete a course from start to finish with an egg in a spoon without dropping or breaking it. The first team with the minimum number of losses wins.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

  • Quest game "Search for Easter treasures"

For this entertainment, you need to prepare in advance a lot of plastic multi-colored eggs with Easter surprises inside: candies, cookies, souvenirs, and the like. Then hide the eggs in the grass and bushes throughout the area and give them to the children Easter baskets and send them to collect treasures. To avoid any disputes, you can immediately announce the number or a certain color of eggs for each participant. The prizes are in the eggs themselves.

  • Extreme game "Egg Volleyball"

A fun game for older participants. Those who don’t mind eggs and their clothes can play. The essence of the game: throw to each other a raw egg. The one who missed is the loser.

  • Easter competition: "Bring an egg"

This competition will also require an even number of participants. All couples are given multi-colored air balloons. The ball needs to be pressed against each other by its sides and thus run from the start to the finish without losing the ball. Whichever pair is first wins.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

  • Easter competition "Painting Easter eggs"

For this calm creative assignment children will need uncolored boiled eggs or wooden figures, paints, brushes and other materials, as well as sparkles, ribbons, threads, glue and imagination. Whoever gets the most beautiful Easter egg is the winner. Don't forget to praise all participants.

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Traditional folk Easter games for children– we develop by playing! Games for children and adults, at home and on the go. Developmental significance of folk Easter games, traditions and symbolism.

Easter is one of the main holidays in our calendar, a day of great joy. Easter is a holiday of renewal and rebirth of life. It opens the door to a new revived life of nature and people.

Easter traditions

Easter traditions in Rus' very rich and interesting. The celebration of Easter in Russia has always included not only a solemn service in church, evoking a feeling of involvement in a miracle, but also many folk games and round dances, customs and beliefs. They include the popular congratulation that has survived to this day - the christening: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly He is Risen” (it was said three times and people kissed three times, congratulating each other), as well as games for children and youth, which, unfortunately, are very rarely found in modern families. But in vain, since these games are not just interesting, but also truly educational. But not everyone will see this developmental beginning, because to do this you need to look deep into the games, think, watch the children playing! And in this article I will share with you, Dear friends, with their findings and discoveries:), with their experience of using these games in communication with children and adolescents.

Previously, not only the Easter holiday, but also the entire Easter week that followed it, was filled with entertainment: they danced in circles, swung on swings, walked through the streets singing songs, and went around houses with congratulations. Main entertainment Easter week there were games with colored eggs: rolling from a tray, beating, hiding and guessing eggs. These are unique games, truly educational, entertaining, training ingenuity, sensorimotor coordination, spatial orientation and many other vital qualities and skills. Shall we play together?

Why are Easter children's games games with eggs and where are their origins? The egg is a symbol of Easter, but not only Easter. Some of the blessed eggs were kept throughout the year and used as a talisman against fire or as a talisman for crops against hail. And this is no coincidence - after all, for many peoples, the egg is a symbol of life, the awakening of nature, the earth, the sun. Therefore, all the children's Easter games that have come down to us with an egg, with its rolling on the ground, are a reflection of ancient beliefs and rituals associated with the challenge of the Earth's fertility. Therefore, do not be surprised that in the descriptions of many games you will find actions related to land. Play these games on your walk! But in many games it is quite possible to replace the ground with both the table and the floor (especially if the game is played in a kindergarten or a children's center).

Boys (teenage boys) and girls (girls) had different Easter games. And when playing these games with children now, their gender should also be taken into account. Girls will enjoy watching the boys play, and boys will enjoy watching the girls play, because traditional Easter games are so exciting that the fans will be happy too! You will see this for yourself!>

Easter games: children's folk games for boys.

A traditional Easter game for boys is rolling eggs from a wooden tray. How we play:

  1. We take the gutter. Previously, such a gutter was made of wood. Its length should be 1 meter or more, width approximately 20 cm, edges 3-5 cm high. One end of the gutter is raised above the ground / above the floor by 20 cm. The stand for the gutter can be a stump, log, brick, overturned basin or bucket. Now we can easily replace the wooden gutter with thick cardboard by cutting out a long strip of the required size and folding it in the letter p to form a “pipe-slide”.
  2. We place the eggs of all participants in the game on the table next to our slide (each player places 1 egg). We arrange the eggs so that, rolling down the slide and rolling across the table, the player’s egg could knock down the eggs of the game participants or roll past them (remember modern game in skittles). In the first game, the boys usually place their eggs at random. And later, watching the trajectory of the eggs, they begin to notice where it is better to place their egg.
  3. Each boy sends his egg down our slide (this is done in turns). The player sending the egg must use the egg to knock down one of the eggs of other players in the game placed on the table.
  4. If the boy managed to knock down the egg, he takes the knocked egg for himself and continues the game - he launches his egg down the slide again. If he failed to knock down the egg, then he gives way to the next player. An egg that has rolled down and not knocked down other eggs remains in the game.
  5. The one who collects the most eggs in this game wins.

The game is very exciting and requires observation and skill. Develops sensorimotor coordination. Teaches to experiment, invent, encourages boys to invent new ways of rolling eggs. Our little player tries to win and always successfully roll his egg down the slide. And for this you need to understand:

- how best to hold your hand,

— from what angle should you throw the egg so that it moves along the desired trajectory,

— at what speed is it better to throw it in order to knock down more eggs of other participants in the game.

And this is the developmental significance of this game. This is a truly educational game - experimentation, a game - an invention for our modern children. In this game they are not given a ready-made way of how to do it. They themselves discover from their own experience the most effective method actions, try, search and find it. And this is the main point! Indeed, in life you will often have to look for your own effective way to solve problems and not despair, but strive for victory! Tell the boys to try different ways throwing and rolling eggs, checking them, observing the successful moves of other players and looking for this most effective method! Try to act differently with the egg yourself and find your own successful way. This is also a very exciting activity - a real discovery!

Children's folk Easter games for girls

On Easter, girls and young women enjoyed watching the boys' game of skating from a tray, but they themselves played completely different games.

The first game for girls is beating eggs.

How to play:

  1. Two girls (or a girl and her mother in modern version families) stand facing each other. Each one holds an egg in her fist so that either its “toe” or “heel” is visible. The toe is the sharp end of the egg, and the heel is the blunt end.
  2. They hit the eggs and see whose egg remains intact. The winner whose egg remains intact takes the broken egg for herself.

A version of this game for a group of girls (5-8 people).

  1. The girls choose a “slaughterer” according to a rhyme, who will have her egg in her hands – “slaughtered”.
  2. The slaughterer with her egg - the slaughterer goes around all the participants in the game and knocks her egg on the player’s egg (the players also hold the egg in their fist so that either the heel or the toe of the egg is visible).
  3. The slaughterer goes around everyone until her slaughterer breaks on both sides. Then everyone opens their hands and shows their balls. Place all the broken eggs in a basket. And those girls whose eggs remain intact will win. They take the broken eggs for themselves.

The second game for girls is hiding eggs.

The game requires ingenuity and the ability to navigate in space. The game is similar to blind man's buff.

How to play:

1. An egg is placed on the ground (or in the modern version, on the floor, on a table, on a chair).

2. One girl is blindfolded and taken away from the place where the egg lies. The first time, girls rarely remember the “road”, later they themselves figure out that they need to count steps and remember turns in order to understand where they took you and where the egg is from you.

3. A girl blindfolded goes to the egg. She walks until she decides that she has already approached the egg (no one tells her and no one stops her).

4. Having reached the right place (as she believes), she stops and removes the bandage.

5. Now she needs to get this egg and take it in her hands. If the girl has come to the right place, then this problem will be solved simply. What if it’s far away? You'll have to be creative to get the egg!

If the girl managed to get the egg, she takes it for herself.

It was believed that winning an egg brings happiness to the home, health and wealth!

And now I’ll tell you about several more very interesting Russian folk Easter games.

More Easter games for children

Egg rolling game.

How to play:

  1. Put it in a row painted eggs at a distance of approximately 8-10 cm from each other.
  2. Move 10, or better yet 20 steps away from them.
  3. Take a small soft ball (patchwork, felt, leather) and roll or throw it. If the ball hits the egg, you win and take this egg for yourself, and your egg remains with you. Then you make the next move.
  4. If your ball does not hit a single egg, then you pass the move to another player. And your egg remains in the general game.
  5. The goal is to collect as many eggs as possible.

This outdoor game develops accuracy, vigilance, ingenuity, sensorimotor coordination, the ability to obey the rules of the game, not to despair in case of failure, the ability to rejoice and empathize with other players. It also requires ingenuity - after all, you need to invent the most deft way of throwing or rolling a ball to hit the target.

Egg twisting.

This game can be played either alone or in a large group. All players spin their eggs at the same time. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner. He takes the loser's egg.

But in order for your egg to spin for a long time, you also need to figure out how best to spin it - place the egg horizontally or vertically, how to hold your hand, etc. Invent! This method is found through trial and error, but it exists! J. I wish you success!

"On the butt."

The game is similar to the previous one, but the task in it is completely different. You need to spin your egg so that it stands “on its butt,” that is, vertically! Whoever succeeds wins and takes the eggs of the losers. Here's another way to develop your ingenuity in the game. Have you figured out how to twist an egg so that it rests on its “butt”? No? Then let's get to work! Start trying! And you will definitely find this way.

Since at the webinar on invention V.A. Kaye, at our Workshop of educational games, I sat next to the author, I saw this method and will give you a little hint. The whole secret is in how you launch the egg (how you hold the egg and what is the position of your hand when launching).

It turns out that not only modern inventors This game is offered to children, but the Russian people invented it a long time ago!


How to play Kono?

  1. Make small depressions (maidans) in the ground. There should be a lot of them. They are located in a semicircle. If there are many participants in the game, then you can make two semicircles (and arrange the recesses in a checkerboard pattern).
  2. Place the eggs on the ground vertically in a semicircle into the resulting depressions
  3. You need to try to knock the egg out of the groove (by rolling your egg or your ball along the groove). If we manage to knock it out, we take the egg for ourselves. If you haven’t knocked out a single egg, then you don’t take anything for yourself, but leave your egg “on the Maidan.”

Stop, don't take it!

Game for a large group - at least 10 people. Very fun game, developing observation skills. You can play with both children and adults.

How to play:

  1. You need eggs, but they must be different for different players (in color, design, etc., so that it is clear where whose egg is).
  2. The driver is selected. He turns away, and the players wish for one egg.
  3. Then the driver comes up and begins to take eggs for himself one by one. When he touches the hidden egg, everyone shouts to him: “Stop, don’t take it!” The driver gives all the eggs back. And another driver is chosen. The game repeats itself.
  4. The winner is the one who gets greatest number eggs to the words “Stop, don’t take it!”

It is very interesting to play this game with teenagers - in the game they do not just grab the first eggs that come to hand, but carefully watch the players’ reactions - they raise their hand and suddenly remove it, make deceptive moves to catch the players and guess which egg is hidden. And don’t touch this mysterious egg until the last moment.

You can play this game with other objects, for example, in the summer at camp. Everyone will like it. For example, we played this game in the summer even... with the slippers and Panama hats of all the players on the beach :). And everyone was interested!

If you are playing with a small number of players (2-4), then take 3-4 items from each of them, and the game will take place and will be just as entertaining!


  1. Make a gate. To do this, place two twigs (sticks, skittles, glasses or other objects) at a distance of approximately 8 cm. younger age children, the wider the collar needs to be made. The older the children, the narrower the collar - slightly wider than the egg.
  2. Install a gutter not far from our gate (the approximate distance from the end of the gutter to the gate is one step).
  3. All players place an egg in a common pile behind the goals at a distance of approximately 30-50 cm.
  4. The player takes his egg from the pile and rolls it along the groove. The task is that the egg must pass through the gate and get into one egg from the pile. Whose egg you hit, you christen/hug and congratulate.

For small children, you can simplify the task and not put the eggs in a pile. For kids, the goal of the game will be to roll the egg so that it ends up in the goal.

Rolling eggs towards you.

Playing in pairs. Each player stands against the wall of the room. One says: “Christ is Risen!” The second one answers him: “Truly he is risen!” After this, the players roll the eggs along the floor towards each other. The goal is for the eggs to meet and collide. Whoever's egg breaks in this case gives it to the winner.

You can play this game with a large group. Then one team stands at one wall, and the other at the other wall. Each pair rolls their eggs towards each other. The task is to roll so that the eggs meet. If this happens, then the couple hugs (christens).

It used to be believed that a person who wins a colored egg in a game ensures health and wealth for the whole year ahead! Play Easter games for children after the holiday in the family, in kindergarten, at school, in the children's center, and you will see how wise and interesting, educational and fun these ancient games were! Let's revive Easter traditions in our families! And let's play with each other, with guests, acquaintances, and children's friends!

In the next article I will talk about another Russian folk game - also a spring, Easter game, associated with the traditions of Krasnaya Gorka. This is a swing game. Also a very educational game! And I’m sure that many of you will like it and will be very useful when walking with your children. I look forward to visiting you again on the “Native Path”!

You can read more about Russian traditions and games for children:


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

This is a simple competition as a warm-up for the brain. Whoever remembers and gives the answer the fastest wins a prize. The questions are: eggs with their own designs? (paintings); eggs in the same color? (colors); eggs painted using a special technology? (pysanky); eggs with a plain background and spots or stripes? (speckles); painted eggs with a scratched pattern? (rags); decorative eggs made of wood, for example, or beads? (eggs).

Easter Quiz

The competition is quite simple and does not require special effort from guests. The presenter asks questions, and whoever is the first from the audience to raise their hand answers. If the answer is correct, the participant earns his point. At the end, you can select 3 prizes, for example, with certain awards. Questions may be of the following nature: bread kvass, distributed in Orthodox Church, and they say that if you drink it on an empty stomach, you can get rid of all diseases (artos); name a product or object that is made before Easter in Bulgaria, it is thrown out of the window during the holiday, and the one who picks up a fragment of this object will find happiness (pot); the word "Easter" comes from the Hebrew word meaning "passes by", from the Egyptian expression "bestows light" or from the Romans "unearthly joy" (from Hebrew); this is the name for the solemn ringing of bells at Easter (blagovest); and Easter cookies in Poland, and the name of the dance (mazurka) and so on.

Fight, don't be afraid

Guests are divided into pairs. The host asks riddles to each pair, and whoever guesses first gets the right to be the first to beat the egg. Riddles can be very different, depending on the age and circle of guests, for example: the sun is shining brightly and birds are singing around, everyone has red... (testicles) on the table today; painstaking work before the holiday, bake delicious and rich miracles in the oven - ... (Easter cakes); Everything in the house is clean, but my soul is joyful, like in a fairy tale, because everyone is prepared for... (Easter) and so on. Then, in pairs, the participant who first guessed the riddle beats his partner’s egg. Whoever's egg remains intact has the right to make a wish, which the guest grants, with broken egg.

Fun rides

In this competition, children will simply have fun, and adults can resort to knowledge of physics and mathematics, calculating the trajectory and speed. The participants' task is to roll their egg down a slide, which can be used as a board, or to make a special slide out of plastic. Whose egg stops the farthest wins. For general interest, multiple winners may be selected.

Each of the guests takes turns writing on a common sheet 3 words that he associates with today, for example, holiday, joy, eggs, and so on. Then the presenter announces that it is the turn to write a story or sing a song, that is, each of the guests, only in reverse order from the beginning of the sheet (from the first words), must make up sentences from which the Easter story will be built. At the request of the guests, you can make up not a story, but sing a song, whoever is good at what, in general.

Delicious Easter cake

For this competition it is necessary to prepare several small Easter cakes that the participants will eat. You need to be the fastest to eat your cake without using your hands. The most dexterous and fastest one wins a prize.

This is an interesting and fun fortune telling, a competition for the most interesting and fun future. But before the start, the host does not say anything to the guests. The task of each participant is to take turns going outside and name 3 objects they saw. When all the guests are outside, everyone stands up in turn and names their objects, for example, grass, sun, puddle. And the host turns on his imagination and talks about what awaits the guests in the future. For example, grass - great luck and green light awaits you in any endeavor, the sun, you will shine like the sun, warming everyone with its warmth, a puddle - you saw it, which means you have been warned, and no one can put you in a puddle.

Fun coloring pages

For this competition you will need eggs (wooden, chicken, paper, etc.), paints and brushes. For a certain time, each of the guests must decorate their egg in their own way, while trying to do it very beautifully and better than the others. The best decorated Easter egg (maybe several) is chosen by voting, for which guests receive their prizes.

And it is customary to celebrate it with close people. And if there are children in the family, they are of little interest to the feast. For them, games, fun, and competitions are more important.
Therefore, today we decided to describe interesting Easter games for children, fun competitions and fun.

So, Easter games for children:

1. Paint fight

This is not just a game, but a whole Easter tradition, in which eggs are checked for strength. Two people are required to participate. Krashenki need to be hit against one another, either side can be, but the same for both participants.

Most often in the game, eggs are hit with the sharp sides. The participant whose egg remains intact wins.

2. Whose egg takes longer to spin?

If you feel sorry for breaking colored eggs, you can play another game. Check whose egg will spin longer. Several people can take part in this game. They must simultaneously spin the eggs on a flat surface. The winner is the one whose egg spins the longest.

3. Easter relay

4. Hot egg

Children should stand in a circle, and adults should turn on music. The essence of the game is this: while the music is playing, children must pass the eggs around in a circle. When the music stops, the player holding the egg leaves the circle. The winner is the player who is left alone at the end of the game.

5. Easter egg hunt

Need to hide the eggs in different places and give the children the task of finding them. The one who finds more eggs wins.

6. Easter mini-quest

Children need to be divided into two teams, and the eggs should be hidden in different places, as in previous game. Each team needs to be given a hint note that hints at where the egg can be found. Along with the egg, players receive the following note, etc. The team that collects all the Easter eggs the fastest wins.

7. Easter Cossack Robbers

Again you need to hide the eggs, and the path to them can be drawn using arrows.

8. “Rolling” eggs

You need to spread an oilcloth on the floor, and place toys, souvenirs, and surprises along its edge. Children take turns rolling the egg towards a certain object and receive it as a gift if the egg touches it.

9. In which hand

This is a simple game that everyone knows. One child hides his Easter egg and the egg of the second child in his hands behind his back. And he must guess which hand his egg is in. If he guesses correctly, he takes both for himself, if not, he gives his own.

10. Damaged phone

This is for everyone famous game. But you need to think of words that correspond to the theme and characterize the tradition, the history of Easter.

The essence of the game is that the presenter thinks of a word, quietly and quickly pronounces it in the ear of the first player, and he passes on what he heard next. And so, along the chain, until your turn will come until the last player. And he must say out loud the word he heard. The result is usually funny and unusual.

11. Game of riddles

To play, you need to prepare a prize, which is wrapped in several layers of paper. On each layer write a riddle that matches the Easter theme. If the child, while unwrapping the prize, knows the answer, names it and continues further; if not, the one who guessed reads aloud and continues to unwrap the prize.

Only by solving the last riddle can you reach the prize.

These are the children's Easter games we suggest using for the holidays. The kids will be happy and busy, and parents will be able to enjoy the feast and relaxation.
