The role of antioxidants in modern production message. Antioxidants - what are they in simple words?

How often do we hear that people absolutely need certain mysterious antioxidant substances to improve health, prolong youth and longevity. And I really want to know more precisely: an antioxidant - what it is, what preparations it contains, what it is eaten with, both literally and figuratively, what it opposes (after all, as you know, the prefix “anti” means “against”) . This topic is very relevant, because today a healthy lifestyle is trending. We invite our readers to look into the questions that have arisen in more detail.

Oxidant and antioxidant - what are they?

Our entire world is built on the unity and struggle of opposites: if there is a plus, then there must certainly be a minus nearby, light lives side by side with darkness, etc. And it would be logical to assume that since antioxidants exist in the world, this means that they are inextricably linked with something directly opposite, that is, with oxidants. And what binds this couple is nothing more than the constant struggle of the former with the latter.

After a lyrical digression, let's plunge into dry scientific facts. Research has long proven that so-called free radicals (oxidants) are indispensable participants in the metabolic processes of our body - these are not substances, as many mistakenly believe, but molecules - much smaller matter. Each oxidant has a free unpaired electron. And it is this property that gives them high chemical activity.

Oxidants themselves are neither harmful nor bad; they are needed by the body and actively participate in its work. But under the influence of certain factors (disease, poor environment, stress, unhealthy diet, smoking, etc.), their number begins to grow uncontrollably, and these extra, chemically active molecules begin to destroy healthy cells and tissues; harmful oxidative processes begin to occur. To resist destruction, we need antioxidant substances that can neutralize the effects of harmful molecules.

What are antioxidants?

Our smart body knows how to produce its own internal antioxidants. Many healthy foods also contain them, so by eating healthy foods we help the body fight oxidants. In childhood and adolescence, a lot of antioxidants are produced, but over time their deficiency begins to increase more and more, which negatively affects health: a person gets sick more and more often, and the aging process increases faster.

But we can help our body by supplying it with vital substances from the outside not only with food, but also with various medications and vitamins. Summarizing what has been said, we conclude that antioxidants can be internal and external (food, various vitamins, drugs). It is the second group that we will consider in more detail in the future.

How do antioxidant substances act on the human body?

There are antioxidants - drugs that are very expensive, and yet people spare no expense in purchasing them. This happens because these substances can literally transform our body, both inside and outside, and even at a very old age. Here is a list of what happens to the body due to the activity of antioxidants:

  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • The formation of altered cells is prevented and tumor growth is inhibited.
  • Collagen is restored.
  • Rejuvenation processes are launched, etc.

Cure for old age

To the question: “Antioxidant - what is it?” You can give a completely reasonable answer that this is a cure for old age. It is believed that increased levels of such substances in the body can directly affect the increase in life expectancy. This conclusion was made after an experiment by US scientists conducted on mice. Animals in which increased production of internal antioxidant enzymes was stimulated lived much longer than other animals and suffered much less illness. If the same thing works for humans, then this means that the average life expectancy of people could increase to 100 years.

Indeed, there are research results that confirm that taking antioxidant drugs in old age greatly reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. In general, people who took antioxidant supplements along with a healthy diet began to feel much better, more active and younger.

List of the most famous antioxidants

From the group of vitamins:

  • Tocopherol - vitamin E - an antioxidant that counteracts the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes by radicals.
  • Vitamin C. Actively neutralizes oxidants and at the same time restores vitamin E used up in the fight against them.
  • A (carotene).

C, E and A are antioxidant vitamins that make up a very strong combination; they can multiply the effect of each other.


There are some plants and foods that are considered antioxidants in their own right. These include:

  • Green tea.
  • Ginseng.
  • Blueberry.
  • Grape.
  • Medicinal mushrooms (meitake, veselka, shiitake, cordyceps, reishi).

What foods contain a lot of antioxidants?

The substances of interest to us are most abundant in foods such as fruits, berries and vegetables (fresh, of course), as well as in a number of oils and nuts, but not in all, but only in those presented in the following lists:

1. Fruits and berries:

  • Plums.
  • Chokeberry.
  • Citrus.
  • Grenades.
  • Black currant.
  • Cranberry.
  • Blueberry.
  • Cherry.
  • Blackberry.
  • Radish.
  • Broccoli.
  • Eggplant.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Beet.
  • Spinach and asparagus.
  • Beans.
  • Radish and turnip.
  • Carrot.
  • Palm.
  • Milk thistle.
  • Wheat germ.
  • Corn.
  • Almond.
  • Pistachios.
  • Walnuts.

You can't ignore some spices and herbs: oregano, parsley, cinnamon, turmeric and cloves - they are all excellent antioxidants. Preparations containing these herbal components are often found and are in good demand.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

The nutrition of modern man is far from ideal; most people today live in cities; He picks up vegetables and fruits not from the garden beds, but from store shelves, sometimes not of the first freshness. Such products lack valuable nutrients. To make up for their deficiency, you have to go to the pharmacy and buy various mineral complexes and antioxidant vitamins.

Fortunately, the choice of such drugs is very large, even the eyes run wide from the beautiful multi-colored boxes with useful tablets and capsules inside. Moreover, it is very convenient that in many such health products the necessary minerals and vitamins are combined together. That is, just as it happens in nature. Here is an approximate range of what can be freely purchased in the pharmacy chain today:

  • "Selmevit".
  • "Vitrum Memory".
  • "Selenium-active".
  • "Retinol acetate".
  • "Complete selenium."
  • "Selmevit intensive"
  • "Oxylic".
  • "Glutathione."
  • "Doppelgerts asset"
  • "Vetoron".
  • "Triovit".
  • "Sinergin".
  • "Reabilar" and others.

I would like to say a few separate words about “Complivit” - an antioxidant that is in constant demand. A small tablet of the drug contains about 19 essential elements for humans, including minerals: magnesium, zinc, cobalt, copper, calcium, manganese; vitamins E, B1, C, B2, A, B12, PP, B5, P, B6, folic acid and thioctic (lipolyic acid). We can say that this is an ideal composition for a vitamin-mineral complex that can fully satisfy all the body’s needs.

Antioxidant drugs

Even taking good vitamin complexes and trying to eat only healthy foods, people, without knowing it, may experience an acute lack of substances in the body that fight free radicals. This is especially true for those who work in some hazardous industry, heavy smokers or residents of areas with poor ecology. In this case, you can call on the following drugs to help:

  • "Coenzyme Q10" - strengthens the defenses, removes oxidants, activates blood circulation, and inhibits the aging process.
  • "Lipin" is an immunomodulator that supports high activity of the antioxidant system.
  • "Debicor" and "Kratal" are two very important amino acids that help the body establish many processes.
  • "Panangin" and "Asparkam" - effectively improve the functions of the heart and blood vessels, stimulate the formation of ATP, activate intestinal motility, and tone skeletal muscles.
  • "Omacor", "Epadol", "Tecom" and others - are engaged in restoring the balance of polyunsaturated acids in the body.

What to choose

So which antioxidants should you choose? Reviews and recommendations from doctors about various products should help you make your choice. It is especially important for people who have serious health problems to discuss with their doctor which drug to start taking.

Antioxidant cosmetic creams against skin aging

Today, many women try to be sure to use some good antioxidant cream to maintain the beauty and freshness of their skin. Indeed, such external cosmetics can amazingly transform one’s appearance: smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion, even out skin texture, make the skin radiant and youthful. The main rule: to achieve the desired effect, you need to use this cream for at least 30 days.

The best cosmetic anti-aging products contain a whole complex of different antioxidant substances that can stimulate each other’s action. And the presence in the formula of the famous trinity - vitamins A, B and C is almost mandatory. Well, then each manufacturing company develops its own special compositions and recipes. Various extracts of natural oxidant plants, fruits, oils can be added to the cream: green tea, grapes, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut, rosemary, witch hazel, sea buckthorn, peach, sesame, just too many to list. Coenzyme Q10 is also a common integral part of antioxidant skin care products.

Creams with antioxidant complexes are available for different skin types, so any woman can choose the most suitable product. But there is one secret in using such cosmetics: you should not abuse it. Sometimes people believe that since antioxidants are so beneficial, then if they smear themselves with a cream that contains them morning, noon and evening, and apply more of it to the skin, this will speed up the rejuvenation process. In fact, it turns out the opposite: the natural balance of the skin is disrupted and this does not lead to anything good.

Final word

Our review on the topic: “Antioxidant - what is it” has come to an end. We hope we were able to convey the information in an intelligible form. The drugs we were talking about are not medicines in the full sense of the word. You can probably live without them, but with them, the cure for most diseases occurs much faster, and the quality of life of even healthy and young people improves much, thanks to the surge of energy that they will receive. Whatever you choose for yourself, be it preparations with coenzyme Q10, the Complivit mineral complex, antioxidants of youth hidden in tubes of cream, it should certainly be beneficial, because such a choice in itself means an interest in strengthening your own health .

Peroxide (RO 2 *), alkoxy (RO *), alkyl (R *), as well as reactive oxygen species (superoxide anion, singlet oxygen). Chain branched oxidation reactions are characterized by an increase in speed during the transformation (autocatalysis). This is due to the formation of free radicals during the breakdown of intermediate products - hydroperoxides, etc.

The mechanism of action of the most common antioxidants (aromatic amines, phenols, naphthols, etc.) is the termination of reaction chains: antioxidant molecules interact with active radicals to form low-active radicals. Oxidation is also slowed down in the presence of substances that destroy hydroperoxides (dialkyl sulfides, etc.). In this case, the rate of formation of free radicals decreases. Even in small amounts (0.01-0.001%), antioxidants reduce the rate of oxidation, so for a certain period of time (period of inhibition, induction) oxidation products are not detected. In the practice of inhibiting oxidative processes, the phenomenon of synergism is of great importance - the mutual enhancement of the effectiveness of antioxidants in a mixture or in the presence of other substances.


It is widely believed that antioxidants can prevent the damaging effects of free radicals on the cells of living organisms, and thereby slow down the aging process. However, the results of numerous studies do not support this hypothesis. Moreover, dietary supplements with antioxidants increase mortality.

Antioxidant Rich Foods

The most well-known antioxidants are ascorbic acid (vitamin C), tocopherol (vitamin E), ß-carotene (provitamin A) and lycopene (in tomatoes). These also include polyphenols: flavonoids (often found in vegetables), tannins (in cocoa, coffee, tea), anthocyanins (in red berries).

Antioxidants are found in large quantities in prunes, fresh berries and fruits, as well as products made from them (freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, etc.). Antioxidant-rich berries and fruits include sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, cranberries, rowan, chokeberry, currants, pomegranates, mangosteen, acai. Other foods that contain antioxidants include cocoa, red wine, green tea and, to a lesser extent, black tea.


Antioxidants are widely used in practice. Oxidative processes lead to spoilage of valuable food products (rancidity of fats, destruction of vitamins), loss of mechanical strength and discoloration of polymers (rubber, plastic, fiber), tarring of fuel, formation of acids and sludge in turbine and transformer oils, etc.

In the food industry

To increase the stability of food products containing fats and vitamins, natural antioxidants are used - tocopherols (vitamins E), nordihydroguaiaretic acid, etc. - and synthetic antioxidants - propyl and dodecyl esters of gallic acid, butyloxytoluene (ionol), etc.

Antioxidants used as food additives:

  • Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
  • Anthocyanins

Additional components for binding transition metal ions:

To stabilize the fuel

Resinization of fuels slows down sharply when small amounts of antioxidants are added (0.1% or less); These antioxidants include paraoxydiphenylamine, alpha-naphthol, various fractions of tree resin, etc. The following antioxidants (1-3%) are added to lubricating oils and greases: paraoxydiphenylamine, ionol, tributyl phosphate, zinc (or barium) dialkyl dithiophosphate, zinc dialkyl phenyl dithiophosphate, etc. .

In medicine

Classification of antioxidants

(Okovity S.V., 2009):

  • 1. Antiradical agents
  • 1.1. Endogenous compoundsα-Tocopherol (Vitamin E), β-Carotene (Provitamin A), Retinol (Vitamin A), ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), reduced glutathione (Tathionil), α-lipoic acid (Thioctacid), Carnosine, Ubiquinone (Kudesan)
  • 1.2. Synthetic drugs Ionol (Dibunol), Thiophane, Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC), Probucol (Phenbutol), Succinobucol (AGI-1067), Dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide), Tirilazad mesylate (Fridox), Emoxypine, Olifen (Hypoxen), Echinochrome-A (Histochrome), Ceroviv (NXY-059))
  • 2. Antioxidant enzymes and their activators
  • 2.1. Superoxide dismutase drugs(Erisod, Orgotein (Peroxinorm)
  • 2.2. Ceruloplasmin ferroxidase preparations(Ceruloplasmin)
  • 2.3. Antioxidant enzyme activators Sodium selenite (Selenase)
  • 3. Free radical blockers[(Allopurinol (Milurit), Oxypurinol, Antihypoxants)

The main indications for the use of antioxidants are excessively activated free radical oxidation processes that accompany various pathologies; however, evidence of the effectiveness of antioxidants in these processes based on the results of well-designed clinical studies is still insufficient. The choice of specific drugs, exact indications and contraindications for their use have not yet been sufficiently developed and require further experimental and clinical research.

see also



  • Emanuel N. M., Lyaskovskaya Yu. N., Inhibition of fat oxidation processes, M., 1961.
  • Emanuel N. M., Denisov E. T., Mayzus Z. K., Chain reactions of hydrocarbon oxidation in the liquid phase, M., 1965.
  • Ingold K., Inhibition of autoxidation of organic compounds in the liquid phase, trans. from English, “Advances in Chemistry”, 1964, v. 33, v. 9.
  • Halliwell B. 1999. Antioxidant defense mechanisms: from the beginning to the end (of the beginning). Free Radical Research 31:261–72.
  • Rhodes C.J. Book: Toxicology of the Human Environment - the critical role of free radicals, Taylor and Francis, London (2000).


  • All about antioxidants. Table of foods containing antioxidants
  • Damage-Based Theories of Aging Includes a description of the free radical theory of aging and a discussion of the role of antioxidants in aging.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Antioxidants” are in other dictionaries:

    - (antioxidants) natural or synthetic substances that slow down or prevent the oxidation of organic compounds. Antioxidants are used, for example, to stabilize fuels, polymers, prevent food spoilage... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    antioxidants- (antioxidants) – substances that slow down or prevent oxidative processes. The mechanism of action is based on the ability to break the oxidation chain reaction as a result of interaction with active radicals and/or intermediates. Antioxidants... Chemical terms

    In drilling (a. antioxidantes; n. Antioxydationsmittel, Antioxydanzien, Oxydationsverzogerer; f. antioxydants, antioxygenes; i. antioxidantes) synthetic and natural substances that increase the stability of chemicals. drilling fluid reagents to... ... Geological encyclopedia

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Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cell destruction due to the process of oxidation. Every day, the human body consumes oxygen, as a result of which chemical elements are oxidized and converted into free radicals. Their negative influence is increasing due to sunlight, bad habits, and poor ecology. To restore cells and prevent the development of many diseases, antioxidants are used in natural or synthetic form.

A huge number of physiological processes occur in the human body every second. One of their main sources is oxygen, which participates in oxidative processes in tissues. The resulting energy is responsible for biological combustion. Oxidants neutralize bad toxins, keep internal organs healthy, and help the body cope with stress. The situation worsens when this element approaches a critical point.

Free radicals penetrate cells, destroying them. The process leads to premature aging, problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and development. Antioxidants will help restore the natural balance by preventing the formation of harmful molecules. Internal reserves may not be enough, so you have to take additional medications or foods high in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are synthetic or natural substances that protect body cells from the negative effects of free radicals; they are also called antioxidants. The normalization of organ function is facilitated by a decrease in active oxygen. Such compounds (antioxidants) are associated with hydroperoxides and useful atoms block the catalysts.

Action of antioxidants:

  • increasing overall stress resistance;
  • acceleration of cellular recovery after injury;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases;
  • strengthening protective functions;
  • protecting the body from harmful radiation.

Antioxidants are necessary for humans to function properly in all organs and systems of the body and to protect against free radicals.

Functions of antioxidants in the body

The main function of antioxidants is to protect the human body from excess free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules and atoms that form themselves at the expense of “donors”, turning other atoms and molecules into new free radicals. This chain reaction leads to the destruction of cells, resulting in the development of chronic diseases and the acceleration of the aging process. Free radicals are necessary for the body to function properly; only their imbalance is harmful. Antioxidants act as “donors” without further conversion into free radicals. There are two types of free radicals - reactive nitrogen and reactive oxygen.

Causes of free radicals in the body:

  • bad habits;
  • bad ecology;
  • radioactive radiation;
  • taking medications;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation.

According to statistics conducted by the Research Institute of Food Hygiene, half of people suffer from a lack of vitamin A and 85% of the population does not have enough minerals and ascorbic acid in the body. The reason for this is physical and moral exhaustion, which increases the burning of nutrients. Negative factors for humans are also unbalanced nutrition, stress, and environmental degradation.

The benefits and harms of antioxidants

Antioxidants are donors of their own, stopping the formation of free radicals by donating their electrons. As a result, the oxidative process is reduced or completely suppressed. The first scientist to prove the possibility of extending life with antioxidants was Denham Harman.

Here are the main beneficial properties of antioxidants:

  • detoxification of the body;
  • preservation of vision;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • body support for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases;
  • prevention of heart failure, stroke.

Slowing down aging occurs by protecting cells of all organs and systems from the harmful effects of free radicals.

If used uncontrolled, antioxidants can cause harm to the human body. Excess substances cause the following conditions:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • skin irritation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • vision problems;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • metastases in the presence of a tumor.

Excess, as well as lack of useful components in the body, including antioxidants, leads to serious consequences.

Antioxidants against aging

Cosmetology is developing rapidly, releasing new products every year to prolong youth. At the moment there is no universal antioxidant, but to improve the effect it is worth choosing products with several antioxidants. For example, the combination of vitamins E and C works better than separately. Substances in cosmetics slow down skin aging and help other active ingredients maintain their properties. The positive results of using antioxidants in the fight against aging have been proven, but you should not rely on them alone. Aging skin needs products that contain collagen and antioxidants.

Benefits of Antioxidants for Athletes

Negative factors have a huge impact on the human body. When tissues are destroyed by free radicals, many toxins are formed; only antioxidants fight them. These substances can reduce muscle fatigue, allowing you to recover faster after physical activity. Antioxidants are essential for athletes; they protect the body from stress due to intense training. Additionally, antioxidants maintain health and youth.

Antioxidants for children

A lack of nutrients that have an antioxidant effect reduces the child’s body’s resistance to various infections and viruses. Many diseases arise against the background of impaired functionality of biological membranes, which are destroyed by free radicals due to the lack of antioxidants.

Important! In children, antioxidant defense mechanisms are unstable, therefore, for the full development of a child, vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants, are needed.

The diet should include all the necessary substances, especially in unfavorable environmental conditions, unbalanced nutrition, and frequent colds.

Types of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are conventionally divided into two types - synthetic and natural. Natural antioxidants include:

  • low molecular weight compounds (micro-, macroelements, vitamins);
  • enzymatic antioxidants (enzymes);
  • hormones produced by the human body by endocrine glands.

Synthetic antioxidants are derivatives of phenols. These include gallic acid esters. These are vitamins that are developed and synthesized in the laboratory. Chemical origin helps to make the most active form of the component with the maximum concentration.

The most effective antioxidants that fight free radicals:

  • vitamins A, B, C and E;
  • resveratrol;
  • unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6;
  • superoxide dismutase;
  • milk serum;
  • Coenzyme Q10.

Other beneficial antioxidants include botanical extracts including ginkgo biloba, pine bark and green tea.

There are primary and secondary types of antioxidants based on their antioxidant protection. The primary type converts free radicals into passive and safe for the human body. Secondary antioxidants consist of vitamins that eliminate harmful components and prevent the formation of new ones.

There are a huge number of different multivitamin complexes containing antioxidants. These include:

    Vitamin C. The most powerful and necessary antioxidant for the human body. It is included in almost all vegetables and fruits. The substance helps strengthen protective functions, fights colds, cleanses blood vessels, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Ascorbic acid activates collagen production and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is a real record holder for neutralizing free radicals, so vitamin C must be taken daily.

    Selenium. When this substance enters the body, it reacts with heavy metals, then removing them from the body. The selenium complex with vitamins E and C strengthens the nervous system, relieves depression and increases resistance to stress. The substance is necessary for the full functioning of the entire body, especially the heart, brain and digestive tract. Additionally, selenium reduces the negative effects of radioactive radiation.

    Vitamin E. Another strong antioxidant that improves overall health, preserves youth and strengthens the nervous system. The best results are observed in the fair sex, because the substance has a positive effect on the reproductive function of women. Research data confirm that regular intake of vitamin E in an individual dosage reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by 3 times.

    Carotene. The antioxidant shows good results, restoring the body from the negative effects of free radicals. The component strengthens the immune system, protects DNA from various pathologies, and reduces the harmful effects of the environment. Regular intake of carotene reduces the risk of developing cancer of the skin, bladder, intestines and uterus.

    Zinc. The antioxidant is part of the enzyme superoxide dismutase. The substance improves the absorption of vitamin A and stabilizes the level of vitamin E in the body. The mineral improves immunity and normalizes the functions of the glands, including the reproductive glands.

    Melatonin. The hormone is produced by the pineal gland, which is located in the brain. This antioxidant is valuable because it can penetrate into any part of the body. The substance helps repair DNA when damaged. The production of melatonin is promoted by vitamins B6 and B12, protein and acetyl-carnitine. Lack of sleep, consumption of alcoholic beverages, and constant exposure to light interfere with the production of the component.

Natural antioxidants are much more effective compared to substances of chemical origin. But getting the required dosage in winter is very difficult, so multivitamin complexes help maintain health and a youthful appearance.

How many antioxidants does the body need?

After eating food, antioxidant protection decreases sharply because reactive oxygen species are formed during food digestion. Therefore, antioxidants must be constantly supplied to the body, and their amount depends on the overall diet and the number of calories consumed. Professor Ronald Prior presented a scheme according to which one’s own daily intake of antioxidants is selected:

  • 500 kcal - 2.5 mmol;
  • 1000 kcal - 4.5 mmol;
  • 1500 kcal - 6.5 mmol;
  • 2000 kcal - 9 mmol;
  • 2500 kcal - 11 mmol.

You need to be guided by your own calorie intake. Women consume approximately 1800 kcal per day, and men - 2500 kcal. Therefore, the stronger half requires about 11 mmol of antioxidants, while the fairer sex needs 8 mmol.

The body needs higher doses of antioxidants during physical activity, bad habits, and poor ecology. But uncontrolled use of supplements can lead to a stroke and provoke prostate and lung cancer. You cannot take only one type of antioxidant; only a combination of substances will benefit.

Foods that are rich in antioxidants

To prevent cell destruction, it is necessary to consume foods high in antioxidants.

First you should consider fruits and berries:

Here are some healthy vegetables for the human body and its cells with a lot of antioxidants:

    kale contains flavonoids such as kaempferol and querzenin, which are essential for cancer;

    Spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene and lutein, which help maintain healthy vision and protect against heart disease;

    Broccoli is an indole-3-carbidol that improves liver health and prevents cervical, breast and prostate cancer;

    Brussels sprouts contain Vitamin A, C, isothiocyanates, which protect genes from damage;

    Beetroot in combination with other antioxidants prevents the development of cancer and maintains eye health.

The list of vegetables that contain large amounts of antioxidants includes:

  • bell pepper;
  • alfalfa sprouts;
  • corn;
  • eggplant.

It is also worth considering which nuts and dried fruits contain large amounts of antioxidants:

    Raisin. The product additionally contains anthocyanins, which help maintain the health of the skeletal system.

    Prunes. Dried plums are a source of antioxidants and fiber and should be consumed to prevent diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and breast cancer.

    Dates. The product contains B-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, vitamin A, tannins. It has anti-infective, anti-hemorrhagic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Almond. Nuts reduce the risk of developing cataracts and other eye diseases. The composition includes vitamin E, gamma-tocopherol, isorhamnetin, kaemferol, quercetin, these components fight skin cancer.

    Cashew nuts. The useful product contains zeaxanthin, lutein, eliminates free radicals and improves bone health. Additionally, this list includes dried apricots, figs, pistachios, walnuts, and peanuts. It is necessary to eat nuts regularly, but in small quantities due to their high calorie content.

How cooking affects the presence of antioxidants in it

Products lose their beneficial components by 30% when stored in the refrigerator and by 50% at room temperature. Vitamins are also destroyed by sunlight. Greens, green onions, and spinach are especially sensitive to light.

Some foods cannot be left in the air for a long time because they begin to deteriorate when exposed to oxygen. Vegetable oil can be included in this category.

Meat, fruits and vegetables must be washed with running water. In case of severe contamination, soaking for a maximum of 10 minutes in a small amount of liquid is allowed. If this rule is not followed, sugar, minerals and vitamins will remain in the water. Most of the nutrients are found under the skin, so it should be cut very thin. Products are cut before placing them in the pan to avoid the occurrence of an oxidation process. For this reason, salads are dressed with oil just before serving.

Frying is the most traumatic method of food processing because high temperature destroys vitamins and leads to fat oxidation. The optimal cooking methods are oven baking and steaming. Cooking takes less time due to the absence of oxygen and high pressure. Food should not be cooked for long. Vegetables should be immersed in boiling water to eliminate enzymes that destroy vitamin C. Ascorbic acid can be saved if you add dressings, salt, and acids to your food.

Try to keep antioxidants in your food to get the most benefits from it.

What antioxidants can't you live without?

A wide variety of antioxidant substances will bring optimal results to the human body. One of these is glutathione, which is a peptide. It enhances the effect of other antioxidants that enter the body with foods or vitamin complexes. Glutathione protects cells from mitochondria.

Other antioxidants that a person needs for a full existence:

    Alpha lipoic acid. The substance enhances the action of certain cells in the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Effectively and quickly removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. The only antioxidant that can penetrate the brain.

    Resveratrol. Establishes a blood-brain barrier. The substance protects the nervous system and brain. Additionally, it lowers blood pressure and prevents the spread of cancer cells.

    Ubiquinone. The component stimulates energy production by cells, strengthens the immune and cardiovascular systems, and prevents rapid aging.

    Carotenoids. This type of antioxidant has many varieties, ten of which every person has.

These are the main antioxidants that help all organs and systems work intensively.

Antioxidants in medicine

Anticosidants are used as an adjunct to the main treatment. The biochemistry of antioxidants allows them to be used in treatment regimens for various diseases. Tocopherols and carotenes protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Mexidol improves metabolism in the tissues of the nervous system and improves blood circulation. This helps to cope with diseases associated with age-related changes.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) protects nerve and muscle tissue from harmful compounds. Ubiquinone helps build muscle mass. The functions of antioxidants and the action of reactive oxygen species allow scientists to assume that the mechanism could in the future be used to prolong life. At the moment, there are no methods to radically increase the time allotted to a person.

Antioxidants in cosmetology

Antioxidants are added to cosmetics as a complex. The larger the composition, the faster it will cope with free radicals. All components help each other to be synthesized and restored. The following antioxidants are most often added to cosmetics:

    Vitamin C. Increases collagen production, relieves inflammation, protects from the sun, strengthens the natural skin barrier.

    Raises the tone and immunity of the dermis, participates in restoration processes.

    It is used in anti-aging drugs, improves cellular metabolism, relieves peeling and redness, and is found under the names retinol and retinoic acid.

    Selenium. It is part of glutathione peroxidase, improves the absorption of vitamin E, and moisturizes the skin.

    Coenzyme Q10. The fat-soluble compound dissolves under the influence of ultraviolet rays, reduces skin damage from the sun and activates collagen production.

    Vitamin F. Improves the condition of fading and dry dermis, restores hydrolipid balance.

    Vitamin K. Eliminates pigmentation and dilated blood vessels on the surface of the skin.

Additionally, the following components with an antioxidant effect are used in the production of cosmetics:

    grape seed extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, which have anti-aging properties and reduce the damaging effects of the sun;

    carotenoids accelerate wound healing, eliminate peeling and dryness of the skin, and protect from ultraviolet radiation;

    witch hazel consists of concentrated tannins that have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect;

    bioflavonoids are plant polyphenols that are structurally similar to human estrogen;

    green tea reduces the risk of skin damage at the DNA level from reactive oxygen species of radicals and prevents the destruction of collagen;

    superoxide dismutase neutralizes free radicals; in cosmetic products the enzyme is used of plant, microbial and animal origin;

    Ginkgo biloba strengthens blood vessels, reduces inflammation, enhances collagen synthesis and protects elastin from destruction.

The protein glutathione is sometimes added to cosmetics; these are antioxidants that effectively fight free radicals and maintain cell health after sun exposure.

Antioxidants in industry

Antioxidants are widely used in the food industry. Intracellular processes lead to spoilage of products, changes in the color of polymers, a decrease in their strength, the formation of acids, etc. To increase the stability of food that contains vitamins and fats, natural (vitamin E) and synthetic (dodecyl ether, propyl ether) antioxidants are used.

There are several antioxidants in the form of dietary supplements used in industry:

    Pectin. The substances are found in some algae and all land plants. They increase the stability of berries, fruits and vegetables during storage and prevent premature drought of plants. Pectin is a purified polysaccharide that facilitates the filtration process and is a thickener and stabilizer.
    Pectin is used in the production of jelly products, candies, ice cream, desserts, dairy products, and fruit fillings. The substance is also important in the production of jam, marshmallows, ketchup, mayonnaise, marmalade and jam. Pectin is used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Registered as additive E440.

    Lemon acid. It is a white crystalline substance, slightly soluble in ethereal alcohol and highly soluble in water. Propanetricarboxylic acid takes part in the biochemical reactions of various organisms. Included in Chinese lemongrass, shag stems, pine needles, citrus fruits, berries, and unripe lemons. Sodium citrate and acid are widely used in the beverage industry as a flavoring agent. Registered as additive E330.

    Dihydroquercetin. The flavonoid is extracted from wood. The substance is presented in the form of a yellow, fine-crystalline powder. It is used as an antioxidant for fat-containing products, increasing their shelf life several times.

Antioxidants are used in industry to increase the stability of food products that contain vitamins and fats. These are citric acid, vitamin E, etc. Some of the substances are very useful for the human body, having a pronounced restorative property.

Antioxidant preparations

Medicines containing antioxidants are very common and very popular. Among the huge list of such drugs, it is worth highlighting the most popular:

    Vitrum Superstress Plus. The product is a dietary supplement produced by the Japanese company Takeda. Contains all the necessary components for the body.

    Active Antistress Doppelhertz. The drug helps replenish vitamin deficiencies, improves metabolism, strengthens the nervous system and increases the body's resistance to stress.

    Radiance Complivit. Women prefer to take youthful antioxidants, which improve skin condition and fight the signs and consequences of aging.

    Antioxidant NSP. The product has the characteristic properties of this type of drug, but it contains more natural ingredients.

Medicines and dietary supplements that contain antioxidants are selected only by the attending physician, who will determine the individual dosage.

Astaxanthin is a strong antioxidant; it is included in most vitamin complexes. The substance is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, exerting a pronounced effect on the entire body. Action of astaxanthin:

    improved vision, reduced severity of age-related changes, increased visual acuity;

    protection of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalization of metabolism, strengthening of organ tissues, reducing the impact of negative factors;

    improving the condition of the skin from ultraviolet rays, preventing dryness and loss of elasticity.

Astaxanthin is included in dietary supplements both in pure form and in combination with other substances.

Why don't antioxidants always work?

Natural antioxidants found in vegetables and fruits always have a positive effect on the human body. But dietary supplements do not always cope with their task. Antioxidants in drugs and foods may act differently due to different chemical structures. For example, tocopherol (vitamin E) is found in 8 different forms in foods and one in supplements. Dietary supplements do not act instantly, so for long-lasting and lasting results you will have to take the capsules for a long time.

Why are free radicals dangerous?

Free radical molecules require one or more electrons. To make up for this loss, they aggressively break down healthy molecules, causing a chain reaction. This is an oxidative process or, as it is also called, biological “rusting.” Basically, free radicals accumulate in cell membranes, which become leaky and fragile. As a result, the cells of the human body are destroyed and die. Next, tissue damage occurs, premature and accelerated aging, and a decrease in protective functions. Against the backdrop of the negative effects of free radicals, the risk of developing heart disease, eye disease, atherosclerosis, etc. increases.

Antioxidants: how to achieve maximum effect?

It is worth remembering that supplements cannot completely replace natural antioxidants, especially with an unbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking and drinking alcohol only worsen the situation and activate the formation of free radicals. To improve the condition of body cells and prevent premature aging, it is recommended to follow some rules:

To stay healthy for a longer period, you should breathe more clean air, use chemicals to a minimum, and do not abuse medications.

Antioxidants: Scientific Research

To date, there is no complete confirmation of the effectiveness of antioxidants in the fight against heart disease and malignant tumors. Some data indicate positive changes when taking medications, while others indicate the dangers of the substances.

As a result, it has been proven that large doses of antioxidants can lead to the protection of cancer cells from free radicals. Here are the supporting studies:

    experiments on rodents have shown that antioxidants increase the risk of malignant melanoma spreading to different parts of the body;

    A 1994 trial confirmed that daily beta-carotene supplementation increased the risk of lung cancer by 18% in male smokers;

    In 1996, studies had to be stopped early when it was discovered that there was a high risk of developing lung cancer when taking retinol and beta-carotene. The likelihood was increased to 28%, changes were seen in people who worked with asbestos and in smokers;

    in 2011, they conducted research among 35 thousand older men. The results found that high doses of vitamin E increased the risk of prostate tumors by 17%.

Based on the data provided, antioxidants can prevent cell damage and prevent the development of cancer. But in the presence of a tumor process, substances can activate the proliferation of cancer cells. So when thinking about protecting against free radicals, be aware of the risks of consuming antioxidants.

Myths about antioxidants

There are several common myths surrounding substances that fight free radicals. Let's look at some myths about antioxidants.

    There are not enough antioxidants in food. The best sources of this component are nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain the optimal amount of antioxidants for the human body. This only applies to a nutritious diet, and not to snacking on a banana once a week.

    Dietary supplements are the best alternative to natural antioxidants. If there is a lack of vitamins, a person begins to run to the pharmacy and buy unnecessary drugs. Dietary supplements are prescribed to those who urgently need to solve a problem, but the body is unable to cope with it on its own. This remedy is ineffective if you regularly eat junk food and lack physical activity.

    It is better to replace natural antioxidants with synthetic ones. It is better to give preference to natural ingredients found in food products. Manufacturers often skimp on nutrients when making drugs. But there is no doubt about the quality of nuts or fresh carrots.

    Antioxidants are found only in fruits and vegetables. This is one of the main myths. The main source of substances is indeed fresh vegetables and fruits. Other foods also contain large amounts of antioxidants. This is cocoa, red wine, green tea, etc.

    Oxidants are an enemy to the human body. It is not the substance that causes harm, but its excess. In normal quantities, they help the body fight bacteria and viruses.

    The label states that it is enriched with antioxidants. Such an inscription does not always indicate that the product has been enriched with substances beneficial to the body. The composition should include ascorbic acid, vitamin E, selenium or beta-carotene.

    There is another myth that all antioxidants have the same effect. Any molecule that protects cells from an oxidant is this beneficial substance. Today, over 8 thousand different compounds have been registered. Each of them performs its function under certain conditions.

Antioxidants are substances that help the body's cells stay healthy. Free radicals tend to destroy molecules in the body, causing the development of many diseases. Today you can find antioxidants in food, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. Giving up bad habits, an active lifestyle and daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables will help you maintain health and beauty for a long time.

It is probably difficult to find a person who has not heard the word “antioxidants”. Various distributors of anti-aging potions and preparations are very fond of speculating with this term. And most often this word has a magical effect on the consumer. If you mention that a particular product contains antioxidants, then this increases interest in the product significantly, although no one can really explain what kind of “beast” this antioxidant is and why it is needed at all. For most, this definition is associated with incredible benefits, and therefore anything that contains antioxidants should be consumed frequently and in exorbitant quantities. Is this really so and what are the incredible benefits of these same antioxidants, and where can you get them?

Antioxidants: what are they?

Before defining this concept, we should consider a related one - the free radical theory of aging, in connection with which these same antioxidants have gained popularity, the benefits of which everyone knows today. This theory was first put forward by Denham Harman back in the 50s of the last century. The brief essence of the free radical theory of aging is that the cause of aging of the body is cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are particles (atoms or molecules) that in their structure contain unpaired electrons at the outer electronic level. Free radicals cause damage to proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and other types of biomolecules. Damage to cells by free radicals leads to disorders in the body and, as a result, to aging and death. There is an assumption that mitochondria are involved in the formation of free radicals.

What are free radicals? Free radicals are reactive forms of oxygen, which are produced by mitochondria. How to neutralize the effect of free radicals on the body? First of all, it is necessary to follow a low-calorie diet - we will consider this issue below. There is also a version that accelerated metabolism is the cause of oxidation of the body and the formation of free radicals. Versions have already been expressed more than once in scientific and pseudo-scientific circles that life expectancy depends on breathing rate. That is, the more often we breathe, the shorter our life expectancy. And if we consider this theory using the example of animals with different respiratory rates, then it fully justifies itself.

For example, a dog that breathes too frequently lives at best for a couple of decades, while a turtle that breathes about two per minute can live over 500 years. Thus, it can be assumed that the respiratory rate actually affects the rate of oxidation of the body, as a result of which it ages. It is also worth paying attention to professional athletes who, due to extreme physical exertion, regularly perform rapid breathing: their career most often ends by the age of 30, and by this time their health in most cases leaves much to be desired. It is possible that the reason for this is an inadequate frequency of respiratory cycles on a regular basis.

How can we neutralize the effect of free radicals on our body and prevent cell oxidation?

  • First, change your breathing rate. If the theory is that accelerated metabolism, which occurs as a result of high breathing rates, leads to aging, then you should gradually accustom yourself to deeper breathing and thereby reduce its frequency. For this, there is a special breathing practice Apanasati Hinayana, as a result of which we gradually stretch our breathing and thereby slow down our metabolism.
  • Secondly, the human internal antioxidant system should be launched. The human body has already developed a system for rejuvenation and restoration of damaged cells; you just need to adjust its functioning. The pineal gland in the human brain produces the most important hormone - melatonin, which has a powerful antioxidant effect. The function of the pineal gland is inhibited by an incorrect daily routine (primarily staying awake at night) and an unhealthy diet with a predominance of fatty, fried, flour, sweet, salty and the presence of animal foods in the diet. Inverted asanas will help improve the functioning of the pineal gland and the production of the hormone melatonin.
  • Thirdly, you should eat natural foods that contain natural antioxidants.

Antioxidant Products

As already mentioned, to neutralize the effects of free radicals on our body, we should follow a low-calorie diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits saturate our body with inhibitors of free radical reactions - antioxidants. Antioxidants can be enzymatic, that is, produced by our body, and non-enzymatic, that is, coming from the outside. In principle, nature designed it so that each cell itself can destroy free radicals entering the body, but if the amount of these free radicals exceeds the norm, then enzymatic antioxidants become insufficient. In this case, non-enzymatic antioxidants, that is, those supplied with food, will come to the rescue. The main non-enzymatic antioxidants are:

  • lycopene,
  • flavin and flavonoids,
  • tannins,
  • anthocyanins.

Vitamin C, vitamin E and provitamin A are found in fresh fruits, and lycopene is found in tomatoes. Flavin and flavonoids are found in fresh vegetables, tannins are found in cocoa, coffee and tea, but given the negative consequences that these drinks have, it is better to exclude them, since there will be more harm than good. Anthocyanins are found in berries, mainly red ones.

Antioxidants in food: table

This table shows the amount of antioxidants per 100 grams of product. Antioxidants are mainly found in fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts. In canned or heat-treated fruits, their quantity is reduced or absent.

The product's name Product weight Amount of antioxidants
Papaya 100 g 300
Paprika 100 g 21932
White peppers 100 g 40700
Red peppers 100 g 19671
Fresh eggplant 100 g 932
Beans raw 100 g 799
Brazilian nut 100 g 1419
Fresh broccoli 100 g 3083
Vanilla 100 g 122400
Ripe cherries 100 g 3747
Grapes white, green 100 g 1018
Red grapes 100 g 1837
Black grapes 100 g 1746
Fresh blueberries 100 g 4669
Frozen peas 100 g 600
Fresh celery 100 g 552
Fresh plum 100 g 6100
Soybeans 100 g 962
Fresh tomato 100 g 546
Raw pumpkin 100 g 483
Raw pistachios100 100 g 7675
Fresh pineapples 100 g 385
Fresh oranges 100 g 2103
Peanuts raw 100 g 3166
Ripe watermelons 100 g 142
Raw hazelnuts 100 g 9645
Mustard 100 g 29257
Fresh pomegranates 100 g 4479
Fresh grapefruits 100 g 1548
Walnuts raw 100 g 13541
Raw pear 100 g 2201
Fresh strawberries 100 g 4302
Fresh white cabbage 100 g 529
Cardamom 100 g 2764
Curry 100 g 48504
Fresh potatoes 100 g 1098
Fresh kiwi 100 g 862
Fresh cranberries 100 g 9090
Cinnamon 100 g 131420
Fresh gooseberries 100 g 3332
Black peppers 100 g 34053
Sweet peppers 100 g 821
Fresh peach 100 g 1922
Ripe bananas 100 g 795
Fresh basil 100 g 4805
Dried basil 100 g 61063
Fresh corn 100 g 728
Raisin 100 g 4188
Lemons 100 g 1346
Fresh apricots 100 g 1110
Avocado fresh 100 g 1922
Fresh raspberries 100 g 5065
Fresh mandarin 100 g 1627
Fresh carrots 100 g 436
Papaya 100 g 300
Paprika 100 g 21932
Fresh radish 100 g 1750
Fresh salad 100 g 1532
Raw beets 100 g 1776
Artichokes raw 100 g 6552
Olive oil 100 g 372
Fresh cucumbers 100 g 232
Fresh blueberries 100 g 5905
Prunes 100 g 8059
Chile 100 g 23636

Foods High in Antioxidants

The leaders in antioxidant content are:

  • By vitamin C content: Barbados cherries, green sweet peppers, parsley, Brussels sprouts, dill, wild garlic, kiwi, garden strawberries, apples, fresh rose hips, red bell peppers, walnuts, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pine and fir needles .
  • By vitamin E content: cold-pressed vegetable oils, carrots, potatoes (raw), buckwheat, lettuce, spinach, hazelnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, olives, dried apricots, turnip tops.
  • According to the content of provitamin A: sorrel, parsley, apricot, red cabbage, peach, turnip, dandelion, carrots, chervil, sea buckthorn, rose hips, celery, wild garlic, mango, melon, lettuce, pumpkin, broccoli.
  • Lycopene content: tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, watermelon, grapefruit, guava, rose hips, papaya, persimmon.
  • According to anthocyanin content: blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, serviceberries, elderberries, black currants, grapes, plums, pomegranates, eggplants, basil, red leaf lettuce, red cabbage.

What foods contain antioxidants?

Antioxidants are found in the following foods: prunes, plums, rowan berries, currants, pomegranate, mangosteen, acai, sea buckthorn, blueberries, grapes, cranberries, chokeberries, black plums, raisins, blackberries, strawberries, kiwi, fresh apples with peel, tangerines, gooseberries , blueberries, grapefruit, raspberries, orange, cherry, cabbage, spinach, Brussels sprouts, fresh tomatoes, fresh cucumbers with peel, raw pumpkin, alfalfa sprouts, rose hips, broccoli, beets, red peppers, eggplant, fresh corn, fresh radishes, cabbage fresh white cabbage, raw potatoes, as well as some legumes: small red beans, regular red beans, artichokes, black beans, peas. Among the nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios.

It should, however, be recalled that no matter what benefits certain natural and fresh products provide, overeating and abusing them will not be beneficial. Any food that is consumed in excess is not adequately digested and becomes poisonous. You should also be careful about mixing different types of products - this leads to fermentation and rotting. Thus, fruits and foods high in protein are best consumed separately from the rest: they are not compatible with other types of foods, as well as with each other. Protein products can only be combined with low-starch vegetables, but they cannot be combined with vegetables that have a high starch content.

Antioxidants are inhibitors of oxidative processes in the human body, helping to neutralize free radicals and other harmful substances.

Most diseases are caused by free radicals. They cause cancer and heart problems. Negative environmental effects, nutrition, and stress increase the number of abnormal molecules. Antioxidants fight for human health, neutralizing their negative effects.

Antioxidants in the body

Humans obtain energy from the oxidation of organic compounds in the cell. This process helps:

  • maintain a constant body temperature;
  • convert amino acids in the body;
  • release carbon dioxide;
  • fight against toxic and foreign substances.

It would seem, why are antioxidants needed if everything works. But any mechanism can fail. Chronic diseases, radiation, stress cause the formation of abnormal molecules, which also begin to participate in the processes of cellular respiration.

A small amount of free radicals will not cause harm. But the frantic pace of life, products with “chemicals” on the shelves, cleaning powders and gels poison the human body. The number of harmful compounds is growing, and you can’t cope without “helpers.”

This is where antioxidants come into play, preventing free radicals from destroying healthy cells and causing the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • heart diseases,
  • oncology.

The main antioxidants include:

  • glutathione;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins A, C, E.

The above substances cleanse the body and delay the onset of old age.

The role of antioxidants for humans

Antioxidants begin to fight free radicals immediately after a person is born. During childhood, our defenses are strong, but gradually the level of antioxidant production decreases.

The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, bones become more fragile, and the skin fades. If you start consuming foods with antioxidants, the aging process will slow down.
Scientists have found that mice whose production of antioxidants is increased live 20% longer. This means that most people would be able to celebrate their centenary.

Products with nutrients help a person stay active and healthy longer. They increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of cancer.
They are used in cosmetology, medicine, and the food industry.

What substances are antioxidants?

The main vitamin antioxidants include:

  1. Tocopherol (vitamin E). Improves mood, gives strength, heals the lungs and heart, and prevents the appearance of cataracts.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A). It is recommended to be consumed together with vitamin E. Improves skin condition, delays the appearance of the first wrinkles, helps eliminate insomnia, destroys viruses and carcinogens.
  3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Increases, protects the body from the action of free radicals, helps nerve cells work.

Minerals that guard longevity and beauty:

  • Selenium. Ensures normal functioning of the liver, lungs, and heart.
  • Manganese. Improves the absorption of vitamin E and C.
  • Zinc. Preserves the genome, protecting it from the action of abnormal molecules.
  • Copper. Helps the body resist ARVI. Normalizes oxidation processes in cells.

Antioxidants - carotenoids include:

  • Beta carotene. Fights premature aging, protects cells from abnormal chemical compounds.
  • Lutein. Helps maintain vision longer. Protects eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Lipoken. Reduces the risk of cancer.

How do antioxidants work?

Free radicals are molecules with an unpaired electron. They strive to find the missing “particle”. As a result, harmful compounds “rip out” the missing electron from the atom of a healthy cell.
The destroyed electron also strives to find a “pair” for itself. It destroys another healthy cell.

The number of free radicals increases at a frantic pace, which affects a person.
Antioxidants donate the missing electron to the abnormal molecule, thereby protecting cells from the destructive process.

What foods contain antioxidants?

Some antioxidants are produced by our body independently, and some are obtained through diet. The older we get, the more foods with antioxidants we need to include in our menu.

Humans receive natural antioxidants from plant foods:

  1. Vitamin C. found in potatoes, citrus fruits, currants, kiwi.
  2. Retinol. Contained in animal tissues (fish, liver, seafood).
  3. Beta carotene. It is found in all orange fruits - peach, pumpkin, apricot, carrot.
  4. Selenium. There is a lot of mineral in algae, fish and cereals.
  5. Vitamin E. To get it, you should include nuts, liver, and grains in your diet.

Coffee lovers are in luck. Their favorite drink has an antioxidant effect. You should drink natural coffee without additives. The maximum of nutrients is preserved in freshly ground grains.
Fresh juices contain a large number of useful substances. But freshly squeezed juice cannot be stored. Within 15 minutes after cooking, it will lose most of its vitamins.
