How many wives does Dmitry Nagiyev have? Dmitry Nagiyev: nationality

Dmitry Nagiyev became a father for the first time at the age of 21. As he himself admits, suddenly. Alice Sher insisted that she would give birth. The boy was named Kirill. This was a difficult stage in Nagiyev’s life. First year of the theater institute, 35 rubles scholarship... He studied from eight in the morning until late in the evening, and then worked part-time to feed his family. At night I washed diapers, read a textbook, and pushed a stroller around the apartment with crying son. The young family lived with Alice's parents. She worked at Lenconcert, where the salary was not much different from a student stipend. Her parents helped, but they were not Rothschilds. Nagiyev grabbed any part-time job - he had to sell sandwiches on the street and work as a doorman in a casino. Subsequently, when he became a famous presenter of Radio Modern, Dmitry Nagiyev, together with

Alice made the “Radio Roulette” program. By the way, while married, Nagiyev did not advertise that he was married. When their son Kirill was 12 years old, Dmitry Nagiyev and Alisa Sher divorced after 18 years of marriage.

In fact, their marriage broke up much earlier. Six years before the official divorce from her husband, Alice Sher wrote the book “I Was a Wife.” “Naturally, Dima called all his adventures “friendship,” convincing me that I had an overly rich imagination. And I bought into this simple male flattery, and the dilemma - to admit to myself the lack of imagination or the groundlessness of suspicions - was always resolved in favor of the latter. At least it's not that offensive. Nevertheless love stories Dima had a dime a dozen,” admitted Alice Sher on the pages of her book. Now she works on the radio "Peter FM", hosts the program "Evening with Alice Cher."

Alisa Sher with her son Kirill Nagiyev Photo: Russian Look

After his divorce from Alisa Shchelishcheva, Dmitry Nagiyev no longer advertised his personal life. According to rumors, the showman lived for several years in civil marriage with Natalya Kovalenko, who worked as its administrator. They even name a specific number - 7 years. The affair allegedly began when Dmitry Nagiyev was still officially married to Alice Sher. Rumor has it that he even introduced Natalya Kovalenko as future wife to his friends and colleagues - Sergei Rost and Alexander Tsekalo. True, the wedding never took place.

Irina Temicheva

Dmitry Nagiyev is credited with another serious novel, which he himself does not confirm. According to rumors, the showman had a relationship with Irina Temicheva, a singer, actress and TV show heroine. The girl is 18 years younger than Nagiyev. She graduated from the Mari State College of Culture and Arts and became a member of the Arina and Razmer project group, the founder and producer of which was Viktor Bondaryuk. Actually, for his sake, according to rumors, Temicheva left Nagiyev at one time. Irina and Victor got married. Evil tongues claim that already being married, Temicheva again started an affair with Nagiyev. But Irina herself refutes this information, calling it a tale of journalists. In addition to her musical career, she starred in the TV series “Next”, “City of Temptations” and others.

Irina Temicheva and Dmitry Nagiev Photo:

Secret wife

IN Lately Information appeared in the press that Dmitry Nagiyev secretly married a girl not from the acting community, and several years ago she already gave birth to his son. The showman himself does not comment on these rumors in any way, neither refuting nor confirming them: “Why should I talk about such things? Tell me, for example, about my mother’s health, who I live with now and whether I have another child? From the age of 12, Kirill was partly a public figure: first, his mother wrote a book about all of us, “I Was Nagiyev’s Wife,” and at the age of 14, I hired him as an administrator for the “Great Race,” then he became an actor and chose a public profession. That's why I'm talking about him. But everything else that happens in my life does not concern anyone. This is absolutely intimate territory.”

Personal life of Dmitry Nagiyev now

Name: Dmitrii Nagiev Patronymic: Vladimirovich Birthday: April 4, 1967. Place of birth: Leningrad Height: 177 cm Weight: 87 kg Zodiac sign: Aries Eastern horoscope: Goat Occupation: theater and film actor, showman Instagram Wikipedia

Most bothered to meet Russian star and the bright actor Dmitry Nagiyev. He can often be seen on various film adaptations, in favorite youth TV series and on Russian holidays. Unfortunately, such fanatical popularity did not embrace the actor’s most important life partner. Nagiyev's wife, Alisa Sher, a successful radio host and writer, remained in the shadows literally until her divorce from her husband. After the collapse of the family, one could see and buy on the store shelves two of Alice’s most striking works: I Was the Wife of Dmitry Nagiyev” and “How to Never Get Married.” Most likely, it was these two books that brought Cher out of the veil of secrecy.

Personal life of Dmitry Nagiyev and his wife Natalya Kovalenko photo

Biography of Nagiyev

The future showman was born in St. Petersburg in the spring of 1967. Dmitry's parents had practically nothing to do with cinematography. His father, born in Central Asia, played in the People's Theater, which was located in the capital of Turkmenistan, until he came of age, and his dreams were to become a famous actor. In Moscow, he failed to enter the theater school, so he got a job at a manufacturing plant, currently JSC LOMO.

Table of contents
1. Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Nagiyev?
2. Biography of Dmitry Nagiyev
3. Filmography: films starring Dmitry Nagiyev

5. Family of Dmitry Nagiyev
6. Children of Dmitry Nagiyev
7. Son of Dmitry Nagiyev - Kirill
8. Dmitry Nagiyev's ex-wife - Alisa Sher
9. Photo of Dmitry Nagiyev before and after plastic surgery
10. Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Nagiyev

Dmitry Nagiyev’s mother worked in the linguistic field and taught languages ​​at the academy. In this family, living on Yaroslavsky Prospekt, the eldest Dmitry and the youngest Evgeniy were born.

IN primary school Dmitry was involved in martial arts. But at that time, Nagiyev Sr.’s sports career did not work out. However, Dmitry did not give up, and after being humiliated by the coach, he returned to training and even took an honorable second place at the city sambo competition. Later Dmitry Nagiyev received sports title and USSR champion. It was precisely such youthful victories that made the future star a stubborn and purposeful person who always achieves his goal. This character trait helped Nagiyev enter the TOP 25 most successful and handsome male representatives Russian show business. Dmitry and his brother often went to Gym and maintained their figure.

Dmitry Nagiyev with his brother in the gym photo
After school, Nagiyev entered the Electrotechnical Institute named after. Ulyanov. Dmitry has served in the Army and has numerous memories of boiled herring and pearl barley porridge, which will always be associated with the service.

Having received a military ID, Nagiyev decided that the profession of an actor was his credo. Having gone through the hard competitive selection, Dmitry entered the Leningrad Theater Institute. Cherkasova. After performing at the graduation performance “The Seagull,” Dmitry Nagiyev was recognized as the best graduate of the year.
Personal life of Nagiyev

Active participation in theater scenes and two years of work in Frankfurt am Main under the program of the Vremya theater led to the fact that upon arrival in Moscow, Dmitry ended up on Radio Modern. Also, along with his good friend, Sergei Rost, Dmitry starred in a very popular film at that time humorous program"Beware, Modern!" In the photo you can see Nagiyev in various humorous roles that he played.

Dmitry's film career began in 1988, namely with the film “Purgatory”. There the actor played the role of the head of a military unit. In the same year, the film “Bobak of the Saskervilles” with the participation of Nagiyev met all the expectations of the public and the actor performed at his best.
Also, Nagiyev can be seen in the film adaptation of the work “The Most best movie" and "The Best Movie 2". This is an analogue of the American film “Scary Movie”.

Nagiyev in the film "The Best Film"

There are and have been a lot of programs with Dmitry Nagiyev. Relevant today are: “Voice”, “Voice. Children”, “Evening Urgant” and other holiday concerts and commercials.

Dmitry Nagiev - Kirill Nagiev photo

Nagiyev's first wife

Dmitry Nagiyev's first wife is Alla Anatolyevna Shchelishcheva or Alisa Sher. In 1989, the couple had a son, Kirill, who followed in the footsteps of his father and received a profession in the acting field.
Alla was born in 1966 into a wealthy and strong family. The father was a designer of oil refineries, therefore, often on business trips, he brought his beloved daughter new things that were impossible to get during the USSR.

Dmitry Nagiyev and his first wife - Alla Shchelishcheva (Alice Sher)

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Nagiyev
Like every self-respecting person, the famous actor was registered on social networks.

The official Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Nagiyev contain a huge number of photographs from filming, of a personal nature. These photographs are supported by funny and humorous comments.

He loves to surprise and amaze his fans with various videos and photographs, timed to coincide with various holidays. Dmitry Nagiyev often informs his fans about upcoming premieres and tours, clarifying what exactly awaits them there, and confesses his love to them. And sometimes he even gives them gifts, holding various drawings, and also posts advertising posts. By the way, his Instagram profile has 4.5 million subscribers.

From childhood, Alla was bright, creative and interesting child, always attracted attention. After school, Alisa entered LGITMiK (RGISI) and successfully completed it.
Alice Sher's career
After graduating from university, the girl worked at Lenconcert. The career in this place did not last long because Nagiyev’s purposeful wife was hired as a presenter at the new radio station “Modern”.
Also, Alisa managed to work as the director of Piter FM and hosted her own radio program there.

Nagiyev’s life after his divorce from his first wife

The marriage of Dmitry and Alisa was long-lasting, but not strong, as many would like. After 18 years life together They've divorced. Alisa Sher is the author of the books “I Was the Wife of Dmitry Nagiyev” and “How to Never Get Married.” These works were written precisely after the breakup

Personal life of Dmitry Nagiyev: Alisa Sher photo

Still, the divorce increased the notes of creativity and determination of Nagiyev’s first wife. After breaking up, Alice Sher continues to work on the radio, write new works and improve herself. She got the second higher education and the profession of psychologist. Cher founded her own radio training school and created Megabyte radio together with her students.
Based on information from various sources, Alice Sher never got married a second time. She devotes herself entirely to her work and her beloved son.

Nagiyev's secret wife

It’s interesting that the star lives “in two families.” In Moscow, Nagiyev spends time with Anna Spektor, shown in the photo.

Pictured is Anna Specter

In St. Petersburg, Nagiyev is met with Natalya Kovalenko and her son Mark, who is very similar to Dmitry Nagiyev.

Personal life of Dmitry Nagiyev photo:

Nagiyev with Natalya Kovalenko see photos

History is silent about the number of Nagiyev’s novels, because he can be seen in the style of brutality and a frivolous, unencumbered man. But, in the end, there are rumors that Nagiyev married a second time, but who is not yet known.
Not long ago, the press advertised that Dmitry secretly got married and a child was born into their family. The showman did not give any comments on this information, saying that he would not communicate on such topics. Therefore, only he himself and his close circle of friends and relatives know who got the title of Nagiyev’s second wife.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Nagiyev?
So, the height, weight, age of Dmitry Nagiyev is not a secret. Famous actor turned fifty because he was born in 1967. According to his zodiac sign, the showman is a passionate Aries, and according to eastern horoscope- stubborn and economical Goat.

Nagiyev’s height seems to be constant. He looks at us sinners from a height of one meter and seventy-seven centimeters, although some sources flash the figure - a meter and seventy-three centimeters. And in 2013, in an interview with Antenna magazine, Dmitry claimed that his height does not exceed one meter and seventy-four centimeters.

Children of Dmitry Nagiyev
There are constantly rumors on the Internet that there are natural and illegitimate children of Dmitry Nagiyev, born from various women, with whom the actor had a casual love affair. But Dmitry confidently declares that he has only one beloved son.

The guy calls his father Dima and perceives him as a friend, although some film critics and psychologists ambiguously comment on this attitude of Kirill towards his famous father.

Kirill is in no hurry to marry or make Dmitry a star grandfather, which does not change his father’s attitude towards him.

The son of Dmitry Nagiyev, Kirill, was born on August 31, 1989.The boy was raised by his grandmother, as his parents were actively pursuing careers. Grandfather not only replaced Kiryusha’s father, but also infected him with the dream of becoming an archaeologist.

The personal life of Dmitry Nagiyev is considered very turbulent, although he himself strives to maintain the image of a macho and super hero. He created for himself the image of a bachelor who gets along well without a family.

Although Dmitry does not allow anyone onto his personal territory, there are rumors about his hobbies. In addition to his wives, the man allegedly lived with his administrator Natalya Kovalenko, singer Irina Temicheva and TV presenter Olga Buzova.

Personal life of Dmitry Nagiyev and his wife Natalya Kovalenko photo
Every year the press spreads rumors that Nagiyev marries young girls who give birth to children from him. However, the actor himself only chuckles in response to these statements.

Details Created: 08/21/2016 19:04 Updated: 10/01/2017 20:23

Dmitry Nagiyev is an eccentric, charming and very brutal actor, TV presenter and showman. In this article you will find a biography, details of personal life and interesting photos celebrities.


According to sources, the future sex symbol of the country was born in the historical city of Leningrad (today St. Petersburg). Year of birth - 1967 (fourth of April). P According to the horoscope, he is an Aries, just as stubborn and assertive. So how old is he? You won’t believe it, but he’s already 49, and he’s still in good shape and looks fit and sexy. His nationality- Russian, but his unusual appearance indicates that he has other roots, because the actor’s ancestors were of different nationalities.

Nagiyev in childhood

For example, his grandfather Guram (on his father's side) was born in Iran, but during the First World War, he fled with his parents hometown to Turkmenistan due to famine. There, he was placed in a local orphanage, because during the trip all his relatives died. Grandma Gertrude(Guram's wife) had ancestors from Germany and Latvia. Another grandfather (on my mother’s side) was a very respected person and held a high position (first secretary of the district committee of the CPSU).

Dima is not the only child of his parents. Dmitry Nagiyev's family is small and consists of four people: Dima, mom, dad and younger brother Zhenya. The star's parents did not have a creative education and did not work in this field.


Although, dad Vladimir (originally from Azerbaijan) at a young age and tried to perform on the theater stage in his homeland, but conquered Moscow and became famous artist he was not sued ( creative career remained only in dreams). In order to somehow provide for his life and family, he worked in Leningrad at a mechanical plant. The family lived modestly and crammed into a small apartment, like most at that time. Mom Lyudmila worked as a teacher at the Military Academy of Communications.


According to the media, in school years Dimka was a very athletic and active child. He was seriously involved in wrestling (sambo) and gymnastics. In this sport I have achieved high altitudes, simply became a master of sambo. But this is where the artist’s sports career ended. After all, after graduating from school, he enters Electrotechnical Institute. And after graduation he goes to serve in the army. Since the star’s character is not sweet and even hot-tempered, it was difficult for him to serve in the army. He often got into fights with fellow soldiers and ended up being demobilized with a broken nose and ribs.

Photo of Nagiyev in his youth

Then, he decided to make his father's dream come true and become an actor. Enroll in Theater Institute named after. Cherkasova he succeeded the first time, beating many applicants. But life and study at the institute was not easy. They even wanted to kick him out after the first year, but they still left him. At the final exam (in the play “The Seagull”), playing the role of Doctor Dorn, Dima impressed the examiners so much that he was recognized as the best student of the year among all graduates.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiev. Born on April 4, 1967 in Leningrad. Russian actor, musician, showman, TV presenter, radio host.

Grandfather - Nikolai (Gulam) Nagiyev, Persian (Azerbaijani from Iran).

Grandmother - Gertrude Sopke, of German-Latvian origin. Her ancestors were Balts with the last name Leie and Germans with the last name Sopke.

Father - Vladimir Nikolaevich Nagiyev. In his youth, he wanted to become an actor; in Ashgabat, until he was 17 years old, he played in the Red Army Theater, he was not accepted into the theater, and therefore he worked at the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Plant, and moved with his mother to a room on Yaroslavsky Prospekt.

Mother - Lyudmila Zakharovna Nagieva, teacher foreign languages at the Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg), daughter of the first secretary of the Petrograd district party committee.

The family had two children - Dmitry and his brother Evgeniy.

The surname Nagiyev is Tajik, he received it in an orphanage, where he ended up after the entire family died of hunger after the First World War.

The ancestors of Dmitry Nagiyev’s father moved to Turkmenistan from Iran after the First World War. On the way to a foreign land, everyone was starving, including grandfather Dmitry Gulam, who was then nine years old. He was assigned to the Turkmen Orphanage, where they gave the Azerbaijani surname. In addition to Russian, my grandfather also spoke Arabic and Turkmen.

In his youth, Dmitry was involved in sambo and artistic gymnastics. In the 1980s he was the USSR champion among juniors.

At school he was involved in blackmail, for which he was prosecuted.

After school, he became a student at the Ulyanov Electrotechnical Institute (faculty of automation and computer technology).

Then he served in the army. As an athlete, Nagiyev was sent to the sports company, but there was no sambo section there. Dmitry had to go to the air defense forces near Vologda.

He returned from the army with a broken nose and ribs.

In fact, his nose was broken several times. Not only in the army. His ex-wife Alisa Sher writes about another case in her book (“I Was Nagiyev’s Wife”) - after a bath with friends, he got into a fight and was taken home with his face smashed to a “blue-red-gray mess” and the bridge of his nose sticking out bone. Also in March 2008, while filming a film in Vietnam, the actor was pulled under a boat and severely injured his face; doctors even feared that he would lose his sight.

In 1991 he graduated from LGITMIK (Leningrad state institute theater, music and cinematography), where he studied at the acting workshop of V. B. Petrov.

Nagiyev’s permanent squint remained after he suffered paralysis of the facial nerve, which happened to him during his final year of theater. It took doctors six months of treatment to restore facial mobility, but the “signature” squint, which many perceive as coquetry, remained.

As Dmitry admitted, in his youth he received offers to star in porn films, but despite his poor financial situation, he still refused.

He worked in St. Petersburg at the Vremya Theater, then was a presenter at Radio Modern and was recognized as the best radio presenter in the country 4 times. At the same time, he worked in St. Petersburg as a DJ in clubs and dance halls. He was also a presenter at beauty pageants.

Music career started while working at Radio Modern.

From 1993 to 2001, he performed songs and monologues in the “Radio Roulette” program on Radio Modern to the music of Beethoven.

In 2004, he wrote and performed the song “I am her hoy” with the group “Russian Size” and Professor Lebedinsky (a parody of the song “Dragostea Din Tei” by the group O-Zone), which lasted several weeks in the “Golden Gramophone” on Russian radio.

He collaborated with the group “Russian Size” and with Sergei Rogozhin (single “The Last Butterfly”).

He starred in videos for the songs “Your Train Has Left” with Elena Vilyuchinskaya (1998), “Blizzard” with Elena Vasilyeva (2007), “My Moscow Love” with Arina and the group Size Project (2012).

Dmitry Nagiyev in Elena Vilyuchinskaya’s video “Your train has left”

Released two discs: 1998 - “Flight to Nowhere” (with Anna Samokhina and the group “Trumpet Call”); 2006 - “Silver” (with the group “Size Project”).

In 1997, Dmitry Nagiyev performed his own show at the St. Petersburg dance hall “Continent”. There he holds competitions, theater drawing rooms, and a comic auction. Various artists are invited to the entire event. That same year he played his first main role in cinema - Chechen field commander Dukuza Israpilova in the film by Alexander Nevzorov "Purgatory".

By the way, Alexander Nevzorov, seeing Dmitry for the first time, said: “What amazing scum!”

In 1998, another film with his participation was released - “The Hound of the Baskervilles” - based on the work of Arthur Conan Doyle “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles.”

In 1998, he managed to play in the series "Kamenskaya", which immediately became popular, and all its heroes also became famous. Filming of the multi-part film continued until 2008.

After finishing his work at Kamenskaya, he was invited to the next two crime series, which also became popular with viewers - « destructive force» And "Mole".

Then he starred in the film adaptation of Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita" Vladimir Bortko, appearing in two small roles - Baron Meigel and Judas.

He actively participated in projects on television - he hosted the programs “Telecompact”, “One Evening”, “Burden of Money”, and the talk show “Windows”. He played leading roles in the humorous television series “Caution, Modern!”, “Caution, Modern! 2" and "Careful, Zadov!"

Dmitry Nagiyev - "Caution, modern!"

He was the host of the sports and entertainment show “Big Races”, in 2003 he hosted the final show of the “Dom-1” project on the TNT channel. In 2011, together with Natalya Andreichenko, he hosted the reality show “Mother in Law” on the “Peretz” TV channel.

In 2008, there was a decline in his career: the filming of the television series “Kamenskaya” came to an end, and the contract with the STS channel for the project “Beware, Zadov!” also came to an end.

He often takes part in the jury in the KVN Major League.

In 2010 and 2011 with ex-wife Alisa Sher conducted the Peter FM award ceremony.

Be careful, Nagiyev!

In 2012-2015 starred in a comedy series "Kitchen"(the role of the owner of the restaurant "Claude Monet"). He also led the projects “Big Races”, “Voice” and “Voice. Children" paired with Natalia Vodianova.

On December 20, 2012, he became the new face of “Russian Radio Jokes”, replacing Vadim Galygin in this post.

Since October 2013, he has been starring in the TV series “Two Fathers and Two Sons.”

Since 2014 he played the main role in the series "Gym teacher".

Dmitry Nagiyev in the TV series "Fizruk"

In 2017, Nagiyev created an image on the screen who, on July 1, 2002, lost his entire family due to a mistake Swiss air traffic controller Peter Nielsen. Film directed by Sarik Andreasyan "The Unforgiven" describes the tragedy of a man who decided to avenge the death of his wife, son and daughter.

Dmitry Nagiyev in the film "Unforgiven"

In 2015, he voiced one of the main characters in the cartoon “Three Heroes. Knight's move." In the same year, the comedy “The Best Day” with the participation of Nagiyev was released.

In 2016, Nagiyev became the richest actor in Russia according to Forbes magazine. His income for the year was $3.2 million.

Dmitry Nagiyev's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Dmitry Nagiyev:

The actor's personal life has always been the focus of media attention. It's no secret that he has thousands of fans. There is at least one known case in which a fan of the actor committed suicide because she did not achieve his love.

At one time, young Russian women sent him nude photos of themselves by mail so that he could appreciate their beauty. Nagiyev and his former partner Sergei Rost made cards from these photographs, then played “fools” with these decks themselves and distributed them to friends.

His first love was his classmate Olga Arefieva. As his teacher Galina Volobueva said, Dmitry and Olga “have been walking hand in hand since the seventh grade.”

And Olga Arefieva herself admitted in an interview with journalists that Nagiyev was her first man: " Serious relationship We started after school. Dima was my first man. As it turned out after a long time, he had me too.”

And the first wife was Alla Shchelishcheva (known as).

He met her when he came back from the army on leave for New Year. According to Alla (Alice), when leaving, Nagiyev told her: “If you wait for me, we will get married.” At the same time, Dmitry said that Alla arranged everything in such a way that he had nowhere to go except to get married.

Alla Shchelishcheva's height is 180 cm. She was three centimeters taller than her husband. That's why the bride wore flat shoes at the wedding. And Dmitry put on his father's shoes - they were on high heels, although a couple of sizes too big.

Subsequently, Alla followed him to the radio - this is how Alisa Cher turned out.

The couple lived together for 18 years. In fact, they separated in 2002, and officially divorced only in 2009.

This marriage produced a son (born 1989). Today Alisa Sher is the host of the “Evening with Alice Sher” program on Peter FM. Kirill Nagiyev is a theater and film actor, DJ.

Dmitry Nagiyev and Alisa Sher

Dmitry Nagiyev with his son Kirill

Being married to Alice Sher, the actor did not deny himself romances on the side.

So, at the beginning of 2016. Both were married at the time.

The actor himself admitted that in the mid-90s he was in love with Anna Samokhina and there was a relationship between them. He told about this after the death of the actress.

He first saw her in 1994, on one of the television programs. A few years later, the actress herself called him when he was working as a radio DJ and offered to record a joint album. When they started working in the studio, they felt mutual sympathy, which soon grew into stronger feelings: “We tried to control ourselves, although it was difficult and sometimes impossible. After recording the songs, we began working in clubs. The feeling of sympathy grew into something big. We went on tour, earned money, etc. .. loved each other,” Nagiyev recalled.

At that time both were married.

In the fall of 2007, he had an affair with the singer. They had already known each other for several years, and passion flared up on the set of “New Year’s Light.”

After his divorce from Alisa Shchelishcheva, the showman lived for several years in a civil marriage with Natalya Kovalenko, who worked as his administrator. The romance began when Dmitry was officially married to Alice Sher. They said that at one time he even introduced Natalya Kovalenko as his future wife to his friends and colleagues Sergei Rost and Alexander Tsekalo. But the wedding never took place.

Then he had a relationship with singer, actress and TV show heroine Irina Temicheva. She is 18 years younger than him. Temicheva graduated from the Mari State College of Culture and Arts and became a member of the Arina and Razmer project group, the founder and producer of which was Viktor Bondaryuk.

Subsequently Bondaryuk became her husband. There were rumors that already being married, Temicheva again started an affair with Nagiyev. But Irina herself denied this information.

Victor Bondaryuk, Irina Temicheva and Dmitry Nagiev

The actor has not commented on his personal life lately: “Why should I talk about such things? Talk, for example, about the health of my mother, about who I live with now and whether I have another child?.. what is happening in "my life doesn't concern anyone. This is absolutely intimate territory," he says.

However, journalists found that last years- one in Moscow, the other in St. Petersburg.

In Moscow, Dmitry has 41-year-old Anna Spektor; they have a daughter together, who turned five in 2016. Nagiyev’s second family lives in St. Petersburg - the editor-in-chief of Channel One Natalia Kovalenko, their common son Mark with the artist, who was six years old in 2016.

Anna Spektor (far left) - Nagiyev's Moscow wife

Natalya Kovalenko - St. Petersburg wife of Dmitry Nagiyev

Filmography of Dmitry Nagiyev:

1990 - Executioner - bartender
1992 - Child - episode
1995 - Bullet to Beijing (Express to Beijing) - episode
1996 - Beware, modern!
1997 - Purgatory - Dukuz Israpilov, Chechen field commander
2000 - House of Hope - an Italian who came to Russia for a bride
2000 - Kamenskaya - police captain Lesnikov
2001 - Beware, modern! 2
2001 - Mole - Vakhtang Margeladze, crime boss
2002 - Lethal force, series “Chinatown” - Marat, crime boss
2002 - Kamenskaya 2 - police captain Lesnikov
2002 - Mole 2 - Vakhtang Margeladze, crime boss
2002 - Camera, motor!
2003 - Kamenskaya 3 - police captain Lesnikov
2003 - Russian special forces - Omar, leader of the International terrorist organization"The Great Jihad"
2003 - Game without rules - Viktor Tsikalov, director of the night club
2003 - Upside down - Ilyin, producer
2004 - Special Forces in Russian 2 - Omar
2004 - Yeralash (issue No. 177 “Hard rock - lesson”)
2005 - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - Hasan, Ataman of the Thieves
2005 - Kamenskaya 4 - police captain Lesnikov
2005 - The Master and Margarita - Judas of Kiriath / Baron Meigel
2005 - Hunting for wapiti - “Mozart”, crime boss
2005 - Fight without rules
2005 - Balzac’s age, or All men are their own... - director Guriy Vasilyevich Drymov
2005 - New Year's killer - killer nicknamed "Fiddler" / his twin brother Pisyukov
2006 - Weaknesses strong woman- Stas
2006 - Sonya Golden Pen- Solodov, commandant of the Sakhalin penal servitude
2007 - On the way to the heart - a clown with a bad heart
2007 - Paradox - Director of NIICHMO
2007 - Climber and the Last of the Seventh Cradle - Colonel Baker
2007 - Fatal Similarity - Viktor Rykov, producer
2007 - Zero Kilometer - Nosy, crime boss
2008 - Return of the Musketeers, or The Treasures of Cardinal Mazarin - Leon du Vallon, son of Porthos
2008 - The best film - Ensign
2008 - Happy Together - Devil (role of R. Englund)
2008 - Traffic police, etc. - Ilya, car thief
2008 - Women's League - cameo
2009 - BURDS: episode one - Alain Delon
2009 - The best film 2 - Gennady Malakhov / Healer / Jeweler
2009 - Katya - headman Gregory
2009 - City of Temptations - Lavrenty Pavlovich “Doberman”
2009 - The last carriage
2009 - If only - Bedo
2009 - Savva Morozov - Leonid Krasin
2009 - Russian Cross - Captain Yakovlev
2010 - My widow's husband - Albert Kastandi
2010 - Robinson - Pavel
2010 - Frozen Dispatches - Major Alexander Gromov, pseudonym “Engineer”
2010 - Capital of Sin - Roman Petrovich (Romeo), producer
2011 - Two pistols - Diamond
2011 - Run - Ilya Mokhov
2011 - Masquerade Rules / Child in half - Igor Druzhinin
2011 - Mayakovsky. Two days - David Burliuk
2011 - International airline pilot - Emelyan Streshnev
2011 - Kamenskaya 6 - Mikhail Lesnikov, FSB major
2012 - Kitchen - Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiyev, owner of the Claude Monet restaurant, cameo
2012 - Territory Jah - specialist in negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations
2012 - A man with a guarantee - Vladimir (the main antagonist of the film)
2013 - What men do! - organizer of the competition
2013 - Courier from “Paradise” - Orlovsky
2013 - Polar flight - Yuri Nikolaevich
2013 - Two fathers and two sons - Pavel Gurov
2014 - Shell-shocked, or Freestyle swimming lessons - Taras Mikhailovich Totovets
2014 - Physical education teacher - Foma (Oleg Evgenievich Fomin)
2014 - Kitchen in Paris - Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiyev, owner of the Claude Monet restaurant
2015 - Cell - loan shark Moser
2015 - Horoscope for luck - astrologer
2015 - One left
2015 - The best day! - traffic police officer Petya Vasyutin 2016 - Superbad
2016 - Kitchen in China - cameo
2016 - Like an angel
2016 - All about men
2017 - Sorcerers (was not completed) - Director of NIICHMO
2017 -
2017 - New Christmas trees
2018 - - Vitaly Kaloev
2018 - Another comedy about a loser - a teacher

Scoring of cartoons by Dmitry Nagiyev:

2012 - Gladiators of Rome - Timo
2012 - The Snow Queen- teacher
2014 - Three heroes. Knight's move - oak
2015 - Puzzle - Anger
2016 - Smeshariki. Legend of the Golden Dragon - Diesel
2016 - Sinbad. Pirates of the Seven Storms

Name: Alisa Sher (Alla Selishcheva)

Age: 52 years old

Height: 180

Activity: Russian radio presenter, writer

Family status: divorced

Alice Sher: biography

Alisa Sher, or Alla Shchelishcheva - this is exactly what the real name of this bright woman sounds, who will probably forever remain a wife. And this despite the fact that the couple officially divorced in 2010. But, in addition to a long relationship with famous actor, Alla Alisa has many other achievements that a woman can be proud of.

Alice Sher ran a radio station, launched a number of signature radio shows, wrote popular biographical books and opened radio training courses. But, as Cher herself says, she doesn’t feel the need to talk about her successes in every interview.

Alla Anatolyevna Shchelishcheva was born in June 1966 into an intelligent and strong Leningrad family, where the parents doted on their only child. The girl did not need anything, but at the same time Alla could hardly be called spoiled. Dad worked as an oil refinery designer and often went on business trips abroad. The man brought his daughter things that could not be bought in the Union. Therefore, Alla always looked stylish. At the same time, it’s not at all fashion clothes distinguished Alla from her peers. Since childhood, Shchelishcheva has shown herself to be a bright and creative person.

After graduating from school, the girl went to the famous LGITMiK and easily entered the Faculty of Theater Studies. Here Alla thoroughly studied the organizational and economic side of the theater’s work, but she also did not ignore the creative side: in the evenings Alla attended the theater studio.


For a couple of years after graduating from university, the girl worked at Lenconcert and even appeared in several performances. At that time she already had a family. My son was growing up. A theater work did not bring in enough income. This was the reason that Alla went looking for suitable job. And I found it - on the radio. A young and assertive woman was hired as a radio presenter at the new radio station “Modern”. Soon Alice Cher - Alla came up with this creative pseudonym for herself - became a Modern legend.

The creative biography of Alice Sher developed brilliantly. But unlike Dmitry Nagiyev, whom St. Petersburg residents saw on screens, the radio presenter remained in the shadows. Fans recognized the voice, but no one knew what Alice Cher looked like. Although this circumstance did not seem to upset the radio star.

Alisa Sher confidently moved along career ladder, and tried herself in different roles. For some time, Cher worked as the director of Piter FM. There she also hosted a popular author’s program called “An Evening with Alice Cher.”

Shchelishcheva turned out to be very popular in the world of radio. She changed 5 popular radio stations, where she was offered positions as a creative director. She was excellent at “promoting” a not very successful station to a top rating one. Alice Sher was so successful in this activity that she soon opened a new radio station, which was called “Maximum”. For this, in 2010 she was awarded the Alexander Popov Prize.

Literature and creativity

This woman became famous not just on radio. At that time, Alice Sher's personal life began to crack. The marriage with Nagiyev collapsed, although unofficially. This became a reason for the creative Alla, allowing her to add another title to the title of St. Petersburg radio star - popular writer. The book “I Was Nagiyev’s Wife” became a bestseller.

As the writer herself said in the prologue, the main motive for writing a book about life together with Dmitry Nagiyev was the total secrecy of her husband. Cher and Nagiyev were married for 18 years, but even when asked direct questions from journalists about the family, the showman managed to laugh it off and get out of it, without giving an exact answer. Once Nagiyev even stated that he did not know what gender Cher was, a man or a woman, but expressed his readiness to marry if the radio presenter turned out to be a woman, and only become friends if he was a man.

The second reason to write a book dedicated to her ex-husband was the shocking image that Dmitry constantly supported in public. His wife saw that the grimace, cheeky behavior and jokes “below the belt”, which the man chose as part of his own public self, irritated some of the viewers, and therefore decided to show the real Nagiyev to the public.

In her debut book, the radio presenter did talk about her own relationship with the famous showman, but although the book is based on the personal biography of a woman, it is not a leisurely classic memoir, but an ironic novel in which a woman examines gender relations in general. The main idea of ​​Alice Sher's thoughts was the phrase: "Men always come back", which was then repeatedly quoted in reviews by fans of the book. "I Was Nagiyev's Wife" received mostly positive reviews.

Alice Sher, inspired by success, wrote another book - “How to Never Get Married.” In it, the woman spoke with her characteristic sparkling humor about the conflicts and problems girls face after marriage.

The book is written in the format bad advice. Readers were divided on how serious the book was in the information it presented. Some called “How to Never Get Married” an entertaining read and even a talented female stand-up, expressed in printed form. Others noted that the writer in reverse form gives important and smart advice on family life, and raises questions that are rarely raised in this kind of literature. While colleagues talk about how to find love, Cher writes about how to keep it and what to do if love has passed.

The writer shows that even a quarrel with a loved one can be treated with humor; Cher also boldly raises the topic of divorce, telling why husbands leave and how not to lose your own self in the difficult process of separation.

Another interesting project of Cher is the program “Parents Meeting”, which Alisa hosted not in radio format, but as a TV presenter. The program aired on the St. Petersburg channel “VOT”. Fans of Alice's voice were able to regularly observe the radio presenter with their own eyes. And it was worth it, because Alice Sher beautiful woman With long hair And slim figure(height 180 cm).

To all these achievements, the St. Petersburg star added one more: Alice Cher starred in the TV series “Time to Love.” Moreover, she was very convincing as an actress.

Personal life

After her divorce from Dmitry Nagiyev, with whom the radio host lived for 18 years, she never married again. Alice Sher's personal life is her talented son, who makes a wonderful acting career. Both his mother and father closely monitor his progress. In addition, the young man began a career as a DJ and showman.

Journalists often ask Alice Sher questions about her son, who is gaining popularity, but the woman refuses to assess the young man’s prospects. According to the radio presenter, adult children become friends with their parents, and evaluating friends is a thankless task. The only thing the radio presenter regrets regarding children is that she gave birth to and raised only one son.

It is noteworthy that Alice still communicates with ex-husband, who also seems to be left alone. Although there are many rumors about the ups and downs of his personal life, there is no information about his official marriage. Alisa Sher remains the only official wife in Dmitry’s life, albeit a former one.

Alice is a morning person. The woman claims that such biorhythms were instilled in her by the morning broadcasts that Cher hosts on the radio, as well as age-related changes.

There is information on the Internet that Alice Cher moved to Cologne and lives there today, but the radio host herself denies these rumors. According to her, her Facebook clone most likely lives in Cologne. The woman is philosophical about confusion and refers to the fact that today this is a common practice - and this does not happen.

The radio presenter herself does not communicate on Facebook, but the woman has pages on “
