Tatyana Golikova in a transparent skirt. Sweet couple

Tatyana Golikova is a kind of “legally blonde”. A cascade of blond curls, wide eyes, pink business suits... In an interview, Tatyana has repeatedly stated: “First of all, I am a woman.” But sometimes she went too far in trying to emphasize this. For example, to a meeting with Vladimir Putin, then current president, Golikova appeared in a miniskirt and high leather boots. She easily wore translucent blouses decorated with lace to important meetings, and was once seen wearing a fashionable leather jacket. Of course, all these liberties did not go unnoticed. After attacks from journalists and political opponents Tatyana nevertheless decided to contact a stylist. Her outfits became more restrained. Yes she still loves bright colors and tight-fitting silhouettes, but skirts became longer, jackets became more formal, and transparent blouses gave way to elegant shirts. But still, she has not lost the main feature of her image - most Russian women accept the feminine and fragile Golikova as “one of their own” - an equally soft, romantic woman with her own sweet weaknesses, such as an irrational love for the color pink.

Tatiana GOLIKOVA, combat deputy minister of finance and husband of Viktor KHRISTENKO, minister of fuel and energy, eclipsed the glory of CICCIOLIN. Until now, only the Italian porn star, despising prim dress codes, appeared bare-chested before members of the government within the walls of parliament. Our lady of the apparatus also exposed her bust, appearing in a revealing blouse at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Svetlana ORLOVA

The meeting room of the Cabinet of Ministers has so far seen only plaster busts - in the form of the heads of political leaders. Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Minister of Finance, violated the innocence of husbands belonging to the holy of holies Russian authorities. On this day, she reported on the problems of the education and upbringing system. Through the snow-white lace of her blouse, her breasts, barely covered by her bra, were visible. Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev even took off his glasses to get a good look a rare event in government. While Madam Minister was talking about financial injections into the social sector, her male colleagues only smiled stupidly. They, of course, saw ladies in more revealing clothes. But - in places conducive to earthly joys, and not within the walls of the government. And Viktor Khristenko, Tatiana’s husband, simply beamed: his wife caused such a sensation! Everyone envied him.

Higher your skirt!

The ministers’ sincere reaction to Golikova’s sexy blouse is, of course, encouraging: there are still men in our government! But at the same time it is alarming. Officials are not used to seeing ladies' charms in a work environment: they melt right before their eyes. And it may not in the best possible way affect the interests of the country.

There was already a precedent at the time when Yulia Tymoshenko headed the Unified Energy Systems of Ukraine. The fraternal republic pumped gas from a Russian pipeline, which went to the West. Gazprom fairly issued debts to Ukraine. The cunning Tymoshenko went to settle the scandal at negotiations with the ex-head of Gazprom, Rem Vyakhirev, dressed in a miniskirt and over the knee boots. The girl offered him her debt repayment scheme. Julia's extravagant appearance did the trick. Vyakhirev, they say, laughed for a long time at the concept she proposed. But still he met the interesting lady halfway and patronized Yulia until his resignation. But with the arrival of Alexey Miller, apparently more resistant to ladies' tricks, Gazprom found more profitable partners than the Timoshenko Corporation.

Conclusion: the men of Russian power need to be toughened up! They, of course, are not as lucky as the Italians - we don’t have our own Cicciolina yet. Therefore, the only hope is for the ladies from the machine.

Tymoshenko is resting

Russian officials still adhered to an unspoken dress code: at work they appeared only in strict suits and blouses neatly buttoned with all the buttons. Irina Khakamada was considered the most courageous of the women who entered into power. She shocked everyone short hair with a perky braid at the clipped back of the head. And Yulia Tymoshenko was hitherto considered the legislator of free morals among female politicians. When she was prime minister, she came to parliament in a dress with black lace. But Julia only flashed her bare back, not daring to show her breasts. True, she has this intimate place Either warts or wen popped up. And our Tatiana has nothing to hide!

By the way

* This is not the first time Tatyana Golikova has challenged the principles of morality. Viktor Khristenko married her, leaving his wife with three children. * On February 9, Tatyana Alekseevna will turn 40 years old.


Politician Gennady Gudkov calculated how much the accessories and jacket of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova cost. Against the backdrop of her support for pension reform, when the country’s population in exchange for a “forced” extension length of service The authorities promise a penny increase in pensions, the cost of which looks like a mockery of the overwhelming population of the country, which will never be able to afford it in their lives.

And her Chanel jacket helps her a lot in her worries about the people,” wrote former MP State Duma.

Further, when enlarging the photo, he focuses attention on Golikova’s jewelry set - she is wearing ring earrings - all from white gold with diamonds. It is characteristic that the official’s ring is on ring finger right hand, which, as you know, Russian women wear wedding ring. Golikova has been married to Viktor Khristenko since 2003, who at one time also served as Deputy Prime Minister of the government. So this is the total price of these jewelry exceeds 6 million rubles.

But this is not all the accessories of Dmitry Medvedev’s deputy: the lady is wearing a watch, the case of which is made of rose gold, and the dial is studded with diamonds. This piece of jewelry costs more than 3.6 million rubles.

Excluding handbags, skirts and shoes, as well as, of course, underwear - 10,867,048 rubles,” sums up Gudkov. - Well, how can you not worry that 22 million Russians are below the poverty line?

On the one hand, Golikova could have been given all this as a gift. But, to put it mildly, this is not her first year in the civil service, where, as is known, the receipt of gifts by officials must be strictly regulated by law. And for the last five years she headed the Accounts Chamber.

Previously, Golikova promised that by 2024 pensions in Russia would increase to 20 thousand rubles.

Tatyana Golikova is another woman who is famous in our country. She had been trusted with important positions before, and now she was chosen as Medvedev’s deputy.

During her life, Tatyana managed to visit everyone she is not too lazy to visit. Her career ladder included such positions as the head of the Accounts Chamber and the Minister of Health. Tatyana even managed to be Vladimir Vladimirovich’s assistant.

We can conclude that a woman is also capable of this versatility.

Tatiana's friends sometimes jokingly call her not Golikova, but Trudugolikova.

Well, let's find out how much this workaholic earns.

It’s interesting that I couldn’t find her income statement for 2017, even though I looked very hard. The reason for the lack of a declaration was that the laws no longer oblige Golikov to do so. But there is still data about previous years. For example, in 2016

her earnings were 15 million rubles. Years earlier - 12 million.

It seems that the earnings are not bad, but the amount increases slightly over the year. But with property things are more interesting.

As they say, we found the source of the problems.

Tatyana and her family live in a village that is considered quite elite, “Fantasy Island,” purchased 11 years ago. The amount is somewhat depressing. After all, how is it possible, having an income of 2-4 million at that time, to buy something that exceeds the amount of your salary several times? After all, she didn’t own any business, so there were simply no other sources of income.

It is worth noting that this is already a certain feature, or rather the ability of our respected officials: to buy what they could not buy in any way.

There is one more small problem.

In 2015, Tatyana Golikova indicated in her declaration a plot measuring 7,500 square meters, but a year later several thousand more were added. I understand that her income probably allows this, but did Golikova really want to buy another 20 thousand meters in addition to the 7500 she already had? What is she going to do with this land? Have you decided to get into gardening? Grow fruits and vegetables?

But that’s not all, Golikova is the owner of 2 more huge apartments. The question arises: why does this lady need so many apartments and land? plots? And with whose money was all this bought?
Well, I can explain for whose and how.

As I already said, Golikova was a minister. And in 2006, some unpleasant news happened, namely the disappearance of government money. More than 32 billion was allocated for medical institutions, namely for their construction. But for some unknown reason, these billions did not reach there, or rather, they did, but not all of them. 25 billion somehow magically disappeared. Still, magic exists, as you can see.

But you know what saddens me more? The fact that after this, such people are entrusted with even more important positions... Although it should be the other way around.
