Oral delivery of the Russian language OGE. Methodological recommendations when preparing for the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language

Basic general education

English language

OGE 2018 in English. Oral part

The oral part of KIM OGE-2018 in English includes three tasks.

Exercise 1 involves reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time: 1.5 minutes.

Task 2 invites you to take part in a conditional questioning dialogue: answer 6 telephone survey questions heard in an audio recording.

IN task 3 it is necessary to construct a coherent monologue on a specific topic based on a plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

Total time response from one OGE participant in English (including preparation time) – 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio recorded. Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, speak clearly and clearly, stay on topic and follow the proposed answer plan. This way you can score the most points.

1. Read the instructions for each task carefully.
2. While waiting for your turn, it is good to say aloud a few phrases or tongue twisters in English to hear your voice and “clear” it before your answer.
3. When answering task 3, carefully follow the plan

Exercise 1. Readingtextaloud.

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

The ninth planet of the solar system was discovered not long ago. It happened in 1930. Scientists had been hunting for the planet for a long time. They had calculated its probable position but there was no proof that the planet really existed. It was too far away for the telescopes of that time to find it. It’s worth mentioning that the first photos of the planet were taken by a very young researcher. He was only twenty-four and had no formal education in astronomy. However he was deeply involved in the search for the ninth planet. The planet at the edge of the solar system was called Pluto, after the Roman god. The name for the planet was suggested by an 11-year-old British girl.


Skim the text and try to understand what is being said. It is necessary to divide sentences into meaningful phrases and observe pauses. If you see a period, choose the falling intonation characteristic of the statement. Pay attention to the prepositions that follow the verbs to understand whether the preposition refers to the verb or the word behind the preposition. This is necessary to correctly pause between words.

The workbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological set Enjoy English / “English with pleasure” for the 9th grade. The content of the workbook is closely related to the textbook and is aimed at consolidating the material studied in class. The workbook contains exercises designed to develop students' grammatical, lexical and spelling skills, as well as to develop skills writing, reading and listening. Exercises increased difficulty are marked with an asterisk and are optional. The workbook also contains an additional set of test tasks (Test Yourself), which do not repeat the test tasks included in the 9th grade textbook.

Pronunciation rules.

DO NOT confuse words that are similar in spelling and sound: since and science, through, though and thought, etc.

Take your time and read the text clearly - you will have enough time, as much as 2 minutes for a small piece.

If the text contains numbers, say them several times separately and together with adjacent words.

If you encounter unfamiliar words in the text, do not panic, but try to remember the rules for reading combinations of letters in a word or reading familiar words with similar combinations of letters. After this, be sure to speak the text clearly from beginning to end, paying attention to the endings of words (the endings are often lost plural or, conversely, it appears where it does not exist) and on small words such as articles, conjunctions and prepositions (when reading, they either drop out, are replaced by others, or are placed where they do not exist).

Also, when preparing for the exam, be sure to read aloud for a while. It is advisable that you have a listener. We recommend that you record your reading on electronic media each time, so that you can listen to yourself later and analyze the mistakes and shortcomings made.

A problem of all times: incorrect pronunciation of the sounds [θ, ð], which in writing are indicated by the combination of letters –th. ( the, this, that, think, thought ). The pronunciation in Russian [z] and [s] is incorrect! The tongue should be between the teeth.

The proposed text refers to the recently discovered ninth planet solar system- Pluto. There is one date in the text, 1930. When reading the years, we conditionally divide the number into two halves, and first read the first two digits together, and then the second two digits together. It turns out nineteenthirty, respectively. Words to pay attention to: scientists, position, existed, calculated, researcher, edge, suggest. All these words are from the English course high school, so you just need to calmly remember how they are read. Now start pronouncing the text in its entirety, clearly articulate all the words, paying attention to endings and small words.

Preparation time: 1.5 minutes. Time to complete the task is 2 minutes. Maximum score – 2.

Exercise 2. Conditional dialogue- questioning.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions.

Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let's get started.

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports? Student:_________________________

Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: ___________________________

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Student: _________________________

Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

Student: ___________________________

Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Student: ___________________________

Review the dialogue. Try to understand what each question is and highlight the key words. The answer to the question must be complete. You can't start your answer with the word because . Please note that the answer must use the same grammatical form, which is the question. The answer must be grammatically correct ( correct order words in a sentence, replacing any with some in an answer, etc.) and in meaning correspond to what you are asked to answer. Pay attention to the pronunciation - if the words are pronounced incorrectly and this interferes with the understanding of the answer, then the answer will not be counted. If the answer is spoken too quickly when recording, then it is quite difficult to wait the remaining time until the next answer. Unfortunately, sometimes students get nervous and correct the correct answer for the wrong one. Don't forget that your last answer counts, even if you got it right the first time!

According to the assignment, we need to answer questions from a sports center employee. Try to imagine a situation where you actually take part in a survey and answer questions on the points proposed in the task - what would you like to talk about, how would this answer sound in real life? If your answer is no, then you need to justify your answer using words such as because, that is why etc.

Possible answers.

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Student: I'm 14 years old. / I’m 14. / I’ve turned out 14 recently.

Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports ?

Student: I do sports twice a week. / I go to the gym three times a week. / I do gymnastics three times a week. / I play football with my friends once a week.

Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: The most popular sport in my region is football/baseball/basketball etc. / Among teenagers it’s popular to go snowboarding in Moscow.

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Student: There are a lot of sports facilities next to my house, for example: a sport center, a gym, an ice rink, a football pitch and even sports training devices./ In the place I live there are...

Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit ?

Student:I guess / I suppose / To my mind / In my opinion / I consider / I believe / I think / I suggest / As far as I am concerned / being fit is important to stay healthy. / There are many reasons to keep / to stay fit: … / It’s important to keep fit because…

Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Student: If I wanted to keep fit I would… / I would advise a person who wants to keep fit to… / I would tell him/her that it’s important not only to do sports but also eat healthy food.

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Time to complete the task is 4 minutes. The maximum score is 6. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

The workbook is part of the educational and methodological set "Forward" for grade 9 and complements the textbook with a system of tasks that ensure the comprehensive development of skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The notebook includes self-tests with answers. The educational complex for grade 9 is included in the system of educational and methodological kits "Algorithm for Success". Complies with Federal State educational standard main general education(2010)

Task 3. Construction of a coherent monologue statement.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

Why people like taking pictures

Why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past

What the best photo you have ever taken is

You have to talk continuously.

You need to tell a monologue on a given topic, based on the points of the proposed plan. List of all possible topics, which may be encountered in the exam, are indicated in the codifier on the FIPI website in the section “OGE English language 2018” oral part (speaking). Here the ability to construct a coherent speech and express a point of view, giving reasons and arguments is tested.

Start with an introductory phrase. For example: “Now I’m going to give a talk about...”.

Indicate the need for the introduction “Fromtheverybeginning...”;

Discuss all 3 points of the plan in the form: thesis - argument(s)/example(s).

Use linking words (Personally, I; in my opinion; moreover; also; for example, etc.);

Make a conclusion that contains the final phrase: “In conclusion, I would like to say that …”.

Sample answer

Well, I am going to give a talk about photography.

To begin with, I’d like to say that people have always wanted beautiful moments of life to last forever. Photography helps them to make it happen.

People like taking pictures for a number of reasons. As I have just mentioned, people want to save beautiful moments of life forever. For example, while visiting an exotic country, you see lots of things that don’t exist in your own area. You never see a coconut tree in Siberia and heaps of snow somewhere in the south. Why not to take a picture? In addition to it, people take pictures not only for fun but also for fixing details of an occurrence. It is often the case when pictures help to investigate a crime.

It is really a fact that taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past. The main reason is that taking photos has become much easier today. You just take a smartphone, click it and you’ve got it. It has also become easier to share photos with friends. You can upload themon your profile in a social net and let everyone see it.

As for me, I like taking photos very much. Frankly speaking, I have many good photos, but the best one was taken last year in the Altai Mountains. My friends and I reached the top of the mountain and took a picture. The picture is just awesome! When I look at it, I admire wonderful nature and remember my friends.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that taking pictures is a never-ending hobby, which will carry away more and more people.

In fact, this is another of the many school “topics” that many of you have probably covered more than once in English lessons at school, so this task should not cause any particular difficulties. Time to prepare – 1.5 minutes, time to execute – 2 minutes. The maximum score is 7.

In total, you can get 15 points for the oral part. The total delivery time is 15-20 minutes.

The workbook is an integral part of the English language teaching materials for grade 9 in the "Rainbow English" series and corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. The manual is intended for independent work students at school and at home and contains tasks for repeating and consolidating the material studied in the textbook. Special icons mark tasks aimed at developing meta-subject skills and personal qualities of students.

Option #1
Exercise 1.

This is the only museum in the country about the life and tragic fate of a simple Russian woman - Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova, who put on the altar of her Motherland the most precious thing she had - the lives of her sons. The mother of many children raised nine sons, and they all died on the fronts of different wars. The eldest Alexander was taken from his mother by the civil war, Fyodor was killed by the Japanese in 1939, the rest of the sons died in the Great Patriotic War.
In the central exhibition hall, each of the sons is given a separate showcase, telling about their life and feat. There are also nine busts of the Stepanov brothers, in the center there are nine mangled cartridges - nine broken lives, and above them there are nine red crystal bells - nine drops of blood on the mother’s heart.
And four kilometers from Timashevsk, in the Olkhovsky farm, a small house has been preserved, from where a mother accompanied her sons to the front. Her eyes, full of hope and fear, looked out of this window; the postman approached this gate with “funerals”... Until the end of her life, Epistinia Fedorovna did not get tired of peering into the distance of the roads until her eyes hurt. I was expecting sons. Until my last hour.
The civil feat of Epistinia Stepanova was awarded a military order Patriotic War first degree, medal of motherhood.
(179 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the words of Maxim Gorky:

"Mother is always against death."

Task 3.

1) Holiday (based on photo description).
2) The hike (excursion) that I remember most (narration based on life experience).
3) Is it always necessary to follow fashion (reasoning on the question posed)?

1) Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. place and time of the holiday;
2. the event to which, in your opinion, the holiday is dedicated;
3. those present at the holiday;
4. the general atmosphere of the holiday and the mood of the participants.

Don't forget to describe:
1. where and when did you go hiking (on an excursion);
2. with whom did you go on a hike (excursion);
3. how did you prepare for the hike (excursion);
4. why did you remember this trip (excursion).

Don't forget to describe:
1. What does it mean to follow fashion?
2. Is it important for you to follow fashion and why?
3. Is it possible to follow fashion only in clothes?
4. How do you understand the expression “good taste”?

Task 4.

1) Describe the photo.

1. Which holidays do you like best and why (home, school, holidays with friends)?
2. When can you say that the holiday was a success?
3. Do you prefer the holiday or the preparation for it and why?

2) Tell us about how you went on a hike (excursion).

1. How, in your opinion, are hikes (excursions) useful?
2. What would you recommend to your peers who are going on a hike (excursion) for the first time?
3. What, in your opinion, is the most important thing on a hike (on an excursion)?

3) Is it always necessary to follow fashion?

1. What do you think the word “fashionable” means?
2. Do you listen to other people's advice? Whose advice is most important to you?
3. Give an example negative influence fashion.

Option No. 2

Exercise 1. Read the text aloud expressively.

On February 13, 1934, the whole world learned about the tragedy in the Arctic Ocean. Then the steamer Chelyuskin, traveling from Murmansk to Vladivostok, found itself captive in ice and drifting. An eight-meter ice shaft was slowly moving towards the steamer, the ship was cracking, and it was in danger of imminent destruction. By order of O.Yu. Schmidt, 104 people were forced to abandon the ship in the polar night and found themselves on drifting ice. Pessimists predicted their inevitable death. In world practice, there has never been a case of rescuing so many people caught on drifting ice. Arctic Ocean. Optimists hoped for a successful outcome and a fantastic rescue of the participants in the ice epic. On April 13 - exactly two months after the death of the ship - the rescue was completed.
Over the 75 years that have passed since the sinking of the steamship Chelyuskin and the rescue of all the people caught on the ice, dozens of articles, legends, fantastic and pseudoscientific publications have appeared in the press on the preparation and progress of this unusual voyage at that time. Some blame the government of the country, O.Yu. Shmidt, V.I. Voronin in adventurism, incompetence, frivolity, ill-conceived decisions that led to the death of the ship. Others admire the courage and heroism of people who found themselves in extreme conditions, and the pilots who took part in the rescue operation.
(based on Internet materials)
(176 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including in the retelling words from the French newspaper “Tan”:

“Russian pilots put an end to the terrible drama, which at moments seemed destined to lead to a tragic outcome. Their courage, endurance, and dedication deservedly evoke the admiration of the whole world.”

Task 3. Select one of the suggested conversation topics.

1) At a summer camp (based on the photo description).

2) Common cause (narration based on life experience).

3) Why is kindness needed (reasoning on the question posed)?

1) Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. who is shown in the photograph;
2. where the event depicted in the photograph takes place;
3. the general mood that is conveyed in the photograph;
4. impressions of the participants in the photo.

Don't forget to tell:
1. what common thing have you decided to do with your friends;
2. what result did you get;
3. how your relationship changed after this;
4. Did the common cause help you personally get to know your comrades better?

3) Why is kindness needed?

Don't forget to answer the questions:
1. What is kindness?
2. Is kindness an important quality of a person for you?
3. Is it easier to live when you are surrounded by kind people?

Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

4. Task 4. During the conversation you will be asked questions on the topic of conversation you have chosen. Please provide complete answers to questions asked by your interlocutor-examiner.

1) Describe the photo.

1. Have you ever vacationed at a summer camp?
2. How do you think summer camps are beneficial?
3. What would you recommend to those going to camp?

2) Tell us about the business that brought you together with your friends.

1. When can a matter become common?
2. Do you consider collective leaving the lesson a common cause?
3. Who can become the initiator of a common cause?
4. Are you ready to unite your friends around you and what joint business could you offer them?

3) Why is kindness needed?

1. Should you always be kind?
2. How often have you seen acts of kindness in your life?
3. Have you ever done good deeds?
4. How did you feel after that?
5. Why do you need to do good?


During the dialogue with the examiner, try to give complete, detailed answers. Don't be afraid to give the "wrong" answer, because... dialogue presupposes the possibility of speaking different points point of view, but remember that you must be able to justify your opinion. During the dialogue, your ability to communicate is assessed.

During the dialogue, use words correctly, put emphasis, make sure that sounds and words are pronounced clearly and competently. Pay attention to the correct construction of sentences. 2-2.5 minutes are allotted for this task.

One of the two compulsory subjects in which ninth grade graduates take exams is the Russian language. It is considered quite difficult by foreigners. But it is not at all easy for native speakers. Throughout the years of schooling, inquisitive students try to master the intricacies of this science - to speak and write, read and think freely in their native language. Are there any changes to the OGE in the Russian language in 2018 that are worth paying attention to? We’ll try to figure it out now.

Native does not mean simple

Not all schoolchildren understand the importance and complexity of learning the Russian language. And not only them. A lot of blunders and ridiculous typos are found in the media. Even television and radio announcers, and other people for whom language proficiency is a professional responsibility, sometimes make gross mistakes.

The other day, a correspondent for one of the central channels, while reporting from the State Duma about new laws in support of families with children, twice said “material capital” instead of ““. The accents are generally gloomy, they are placed “as it is convenient for anyone.”

Modern young people are accustomed to communicating on social networks, or via SMS, where they are not particularly worried about the literacy of expressing thoughts. We began to read less - and in general, and especially, interest in Russian classics as a model of mastery of words fell. Therefore, even visual memory does not help remember the correct spellings.

The OGE in the Russian language of grade 9 in 2018 forces you to work through many different tasks when preparing for it. This includes testing knowledge of literary language norms and the ability to use the rules of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.

Dates of the OGE in Russian in 2018

Dates for state final certification after finishing 9th grade:

  • April 25, 2018 tests can be completed ahead of schedule; or on a reserve day - May 7;
  • May 29 will be the date of the main exam (in reserve - June 20, 28 and 29);
  • 4 September an additional stage of testing will come; The date September 17, 2018 has also been reserved.

In 2018, no changes were made to Russian language tickets.. There are no surprises in the testing regulations. The student has the right to prepare for the answer for 235 minutes. orthographic dictionary You can use it, but only the one provided by the exam organizers. You cannot bring smartphones and any other gadgets, cameras, your reference books, cheat sheets and other “auxiliary” materials into the classroom where the state examination is taking place.

During the exam you can neither leave (without the permission of the commission) nor move around the audience; All kinds of conversations and other exchange of information with neighbors are prohibited, and even more so, the removal of any materials from the premises where the exam is taking place. Violators will be expelled from the exam and receive a well-deserved failure.

Innovations: teach to speak!

There is a joke that parents spend a whole year teaching their child to speak, and spend their whole life trying to teach him to be silent. As with any joke, there is some truth here. The child actively absorbs features speech behavior adults, copies them. And the speech of others, to put it mildly, is usually far from ideal. If we learn the rules of writing thoughts in school at the very least, then with oral speech everything is much worse.

That is why In 2018, the GIA in the Russian language will also include an oral part, which is called “Speaking”. Here, 9th grade graduates must show their oral communication skills, the ability to clearly formulate thoughts and express them competently. The culture of speech must be improved, the authors of the innovation are sure. IN modern society Communication skills are very important; they will help you to succeed in your profession and not get lost in society.

Oral part of the exam: speaking

How much in our lives depends on mutual understanding! In turn, in order for us to be understood correctly, we must be able to express our thoughts clearly, competently, and moderately emotionally. The oral part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018 will also help you learn communication skills. Here students will be able to demonstrate their oratorical talents in a monologue, the ability to conduct an equal dialogue, as well as the skills of reading text with adequate intonation and accurate emotional coloring. There will be tasks on retelling what you read and on the ability to substantiate your opinion.

In 2018, ninth-graders will undergo such tests for the first time. The CMM structure provides 4 tasks:

  • reading a fragment of scientific and journalistic style, for which you can score 2 points;
  • a retelling of what you read, supplemented by analysis, your own comments, and the inclusion of additional information is also welcome. The maximum for this task is also 2 points;
  • a monologue on a chosen topic will bring the examinee a maximum of 2 points;
  • dialogue with the examiner, which can add another 3 points to the student’s treasury.

Additional bonuses are also provided. For compliance with literary language standards, examiners have the right to add 2 points for the first and second tasks. And impeccable speech when performing tasks number three and four will allow the student to earn another 3 points. As a result, the maximum score for speaking is 14.

Only 15 minutes are allocated to complete all four tasks of the oral block. Experts believe that the main topics of exam texts will most likely be biographies of famous scientists and other major personalities.

There will be no marks given for this part of the test.. Based on the preliminary scores, the examiners will make a verdict: either “ test", or " failure" To control and prevent possible disagreements, an audio recording must be made in the room where the testing will take place.

Written part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018

The written part of the exam is allocated 3 hours 55 minutes. During this time, a 9th grade graduate must complete 15 tasks, divided into 3 sections.

The first part of the test consists of a written presentation of the text listened to. The audio recording will play twice. Separately, the rules stipulate that during the initial audition the student has the right to make some notes on the draft. Then you are given 3 minutes, during which you need to understand what the examinee missed and what to pay attention to during the second listening. Next, the text recording is repeated. Then the student retells it in writing. The maximum number of assessment points for this stage of the exam is 7.

In the second part of the KIM - tasks from numbers 2 to 14, only a short answer is required based on the results of studying the proposed text. You can choose from the available answer options or formulate your own. Each correct answer is worth 1 point, and for all correct answers you can get 13 points.

In the third part, 3 topics for the essay will be identified. The student chooses one and outlines his version of understanding of the topic. The maximum you can get for an essay is 9 points.

And for this block of tasks, the commission can add points if it considers that the student has demonstrated special skills in accuracy, literacy in expressing thoughts, and figurative speech. The maximum bonus is 10 points, which can result in a total of 39 points for the entire writing task.

What about on a five-point scale?

As we said above, there are no grades for the “Speaking” block; the result will only be expressed as a “pass” or “fail” verdict. To be considered a successful test taker, the student needs to score at least 8 points for this part of the test.

As for the written version of the exam, points are given here, their translation into the usual five-point grading system is as follows:

  • 0-14 points- “two”, unsatisfactory result;
  • 15-24 points correspond to the traditional “troika”;
  • 25-33 points- the work was done well, with a “B”;
  • 34-39 points they talk about the excellent preparation of a 9th grade graduate, this is a “five” rating.

How you prepare is how you pass

There is such a thing as linguistic flair, innate literacy. But there are few people endowed with such talent. Everyone else has to work hard to understand the structuring system of the language, its features, remember the rules and exceptions to them. And most importantly: learn to apply this knowledge in practice.

Preparing for the State Examination, many ninth-graders turn to the demo version of the State Examination in the Russian language of grade 9 in 2018 and other reference and training documentation and literature. Another option for productive preparation is to study the versions of previous years' exam papers.

Those who work hard for a year before the exam, or even longer, usually do not encounter any particular difficulties in CMMs. But even if something goes wrong, there is a fallback option: retaking the State Examination Test in the fall.

Demo version of the OGE in Russian language 2018

Using the buttons below you can download the official versions of the OGE in the Russian language 2018.

Russian language is required OGE subject, which is taken by 9th grade graduates in all regions of the Russian Federation. For all students of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums who are faced with the difficult task of preparing for final tests, we offer answers to pressing questions regarding the upcoming Russian language exam.

There is very little left before the start of exams and the preliminary exam calendar for ninth-graders is already known. The draft schedule, which can be found on the FIPI website, says that the preliminary session of the 2018 OGE starts on April 20, and the following dates are reserved for Russian language exams:

Day of the week

Early period



Main period


Additional period



Innovations in 2018 regarding the OGE in the Russian language

Good knowledge of oral and written communication - required condition for entry into any college or university in the country, and therefore FIPI insists on modifying the format of the final tests.

Introduction of the oral part

Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva said that in 2018 all ninth-graders will take the Russian language not only in test format, but also orally, which will allow them to assess their real level of language proficiency.

So, there will be an oral part of the OGE in Russian! What should 9th grade students focus on when preparing for the final certification? The official website of FIPI has all the necessary information about the 2018 OGE, as well as demo versions of tasks that will help you prepare and pass the Russian language well.

For the “Speaking” section, the oral part of the exam will consist of 4 tasks, for which each examinee will be given 15 minutes to complete (including preparation).

  • Part 1 - expressive reading text out loud.
  • Part 2 – retelling the text read using quotes.
  • Part 3 – a monologue on a chosen topic based on a plan.
  • Part 4 – dialogue with the examiner.

An audio recording will be made during the exam.

Written part of the OGE in Russian

The introduction of the oral part will not entail a reduction in written tasks. As in 2017, when taking the OGE, students are expected to complete three types of tasks:

  1. Brief summary of the text read.
  2. Questions with short answer (number, letter, word).
  3. A detailed and reasoned answer to the question posed in the ticket.

Assessing the OGE in Russian and interpreting the results

There will be no mark for speaking as such. Although the examinee can score a maximum of 14 primary points, the oral portion will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. To successfully pass the test, ninth-graders will only need to overcome the minimum threshold of 8 primary points.

The written part can be awarded a maximum of 39 points. In this case, the table for converting the primary score into a grade is as follows:

Russian language

Please note that it is not only the total number of points that is important, but also what they were awarded for. Thus, a score of “4” is given if, out of a total of 25-33 points scored, at least 4 are awarded for literacy, and a score of “5” is given if the commission gives at least 6 of the points scored for literacy.

Retaking the OGE in Russian

Since Russian is the main exam, without successful completion which a 9th grade graduate will not be able to obtain a certificate, the possibility of retaking is provided.

The official FIPI portal says that a second attempt to pass Russian in 2018 will be given to those who “failed” no more than 2 mandatory OGE exams. To do this, you will need to submit an application for re-examination and appear at the specified test location on one of the reserve dates of the main or additional (autumn) stage.

Preparation for the oral and written OGE in the Russian language

Teachers are unanimous in their opinion that students who have fully mastered school curriculum They will be able to cope with the 2018 OGE tickets without any problems. Psychologists warn that one of the most important factors is self-confidence and the right attitude.

In order to get rid of the fear of the exam, it is enough to review the demo version of the tickets and analyze the tasks of 2017, which in their structure and subject matter will hardly differ from the questions that may appear in the tickets of this season of the OGE.

It will be somewhat more difficult for children in those regions where other languages ​​and dialects are widely used in parallel with Russian. If you feel that your existing knowledge may not be enough to obtain a certificate or enter the desired college, it’s time to begin active preparation by self-education or by contacting an experienced tutor.

Erase also video press conference on the issues of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, which took place on September 5, 2017:

The oral part of the OGE in the Russian language is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Concept of teaching the Russian language and literature to test the oral speech skills of schoolchildren. It is planned that passing the final interview will in the future become admission to the State Examination Academy for ninth grade graduates.

Oral part in the Russian language OGE 2018 - demo version from FIPI

Additional materials and equipment

To conduct the oral part of the exam, language laboratories with appropriate equipment can be used.

The oral interview in Russian consists of four tasks.

Task 1 – reading a short text aloud. Preparation time: 2 minutes.

In task 2 it is proposed to retell the text read, supplementing it with a statement. Preparation time – 1 minute.

In task 3, you are asked to choose one of three proposed conversation options: a description of a photograph, a narration based on life experience, a reasoning on one of the formulated problems. Preparation time – 1 minute.

In task 4 (dialogue) you will have to participate in a conversation on the topic of the previous task. Your total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. The entire response time is audio and video recorded.

Characteristics of the structure and content of CMMs OGE Russian language oral part

Each version of CMM consists of four tasks of a basic level of complexity, differing in the form of tasks.

Task 1 – expressive reading aloud of a text in a scientific-journalistic style.

Task 2 – retelling the text using additional information.

Task 3 – thematic monologue statement.

Task 4 – participation in dialogue.

All assignments are assignments open type with a detailed answer.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

The answer to task 1 (reading the text) of the work is assessed according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for reading is 2. For correct completion of task 2 (retelling the text using additional information), the graduate receives 4 points. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language while working with the text is assessed separately.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the verbal formulation of the answer to tasks 1 and 2 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points for working with the text (tasks 1 and 2) is 10. The answer to task 3 of the work is assessed according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for a monologue statement is 3.

The maximum number of points that a student can score for completing task 4 is 2. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language when answering is assessed separately.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the verbal formulation of the answer to tasks 3 and 4 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for completing the entire oral part is 19. The student receives credit if he scores 10 or more points for completing the work.

When reading the demo version of an oral interview in the Russian language, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content that can be checked using variants of control measurement materials.
