Thrifty owners of the land zarubezhneft children's drawing competition. Zarubezhneft scares with abandoned wells

The company asks for funds to eliminate the environmental threat in the Arctic
Zarubezhneft reminded the Ministry of Energy about ten wells abandoned since Soviet times on the shelf of the Barents and Kara seas. The company is ready to undertake their liquidation if it receives targeted funding. Experts estimate the cost of such work at $200–700 million

Arctic shelf without a host

The head of Zarubezhneft, Sergei Kudryashov, asked Deputy Minister of Energy Kirill Molodtsov to hold a meeting with the participation of the Federal Property Management Agency, Rosnedra and the Ministry of Natural Resources to determine who is responsible for the repair or liquidation of ten orphan wells on the shelf of the northern seas. This is stated in his letter dated April 19 (RBC has a copy). Wells back in Soviet times (in the 80s of the last century) in order to search for oil or gas were drilled by a subsidiary of Zarubezhneft - Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka (AMNGR).

What is Zarubezhneft

Zarubezhneft is 100% owned by the Federal Property Management Agency. In 2016, the company produced 5.2 million tons of oil and received 60 billion rubles. revenue and 6.4 billion rubles. net profit according to IFRS. Zarubezhneft develops oil fields in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vietnam and Cuba, and owns an oil refinery in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As Kudryashov writes, these wells are now on the off-balance sheet account of Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka. That is, the company is not their owner and has neither the grounds nor the means to work with these wells itself. According to Kudryashov’s letter, the formal owner of these objects is the regional department of the Federal Property Management Agency. Now the wells are mothballed, but for many years they were not even inspected. “Taking into account the limited period of conservation of wells, as well as the lack of a systematic inspection of the underwater wellhead, there is a possibility of a violation of their tightness. The scale of the consequences of such developments in the Arctic may be comparable to the scale of the environmental disaster that occurred in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico,” warns the head of Zarubezhneft.

Eco-disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

The BP-operated Deepwater Horizon platform sank in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana on April 22, 2010, after a fire and explosion. As a result, 11 people went missing and the largest oil spill in US history occurred: 4.9 million barrels got into the water. oil. ?In November 2012, BP admitted responsibility for the disaster and agreed to pay a $4.5 billion fine for the oil spill. In total, by the end of 2013, BP had spent more than $14 billion to compensate for the damage caused by the man-made disaster.

He points out that since 2013, the company has repeatedly applied to the Federal Property Management Agency with the aim of transferring these assets to the state balance sheet and determining who is responsible for their inspection and liquidation, but has not received a response.

A representative of Zarubezhneft confirmed to RBC that the company had asked the Ministry of Energy to hold a meeting on the problem of repairing or abandoning orphaned wells on the Arctic shelf. According to him, the ten wells indicated in the letter are not on the balance sheet of AMNGR or Zarubezhneft itself. However, the company wants to warn the authorities about the need to examine and eliminate them, since the Arctic is a strategic region and needs to prevent any environmental problems.

“We wrote to the Federal Property Management Agency, which formally owns these wells, but they do not have the budget for their maintenance. Therefore, we turned to the Ministry of Energy as a regulator so that they could decide what to do: oblige new license holders to finance and carry out this work, or identify a company authorized for this,” he told RBC. According to a representative of Zarubezhneft, the company has the appropriate competencies and, if necessary, is ready to carry out liquidation work on Arctic wells itself with the allocation of targeted funding. He does not comment on the correspondence between the head of the company and the Ministry of Energy.

A representative of the Ministry of Energy declined to comment. A source in the department told RBC that meetings on this issue have not yet been held. A representative of the Federal Property Management Agency did not respond to RBC's request. A source close to the Federal Property Management Agency explained that now the wells are indeed ownerless, but the process of transferring them to the balance of the state is underway, including the transfer of all documents. When it is completed, it will be possible to return to the issue of determining who is responsible for their liquidation.

$700 million liquidation

In Soviet times, underwater wells in the Arctic were preserved by filling them with cement, recalls Vyacheslav Urmancheev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, former General Director of Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka. According to him, the rules for conducting mining operations provide for inspection of such wells for leaks with the help of divers at least once every six months, but no one has carried out inspections of wells for more than ten years. “I raised the issue of abandoning these wells when I was still managing the company. At a meeting in Rosnedra about seven years ago, they promised to create a company that would receive money and authority for this work, but they never did anything,” he told RBC.

A representative of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the agency that controls Rosnedra, told RBC that neither the Ministry of Energy nor Zarubezhneft had contacted them over the past few months regarding the fate of wells in the Arctic. According to him, the owners of the license areas on which they are located must liquidate these wells. Some of the areas belong to Rosneft, some to Gazprom, and some are still in the undistributed fund, a Zarubezhneft source clarifies to RBC. Representatives of Rosneft and Gazprom did not answer RBC’s question whether they are ready to pay for and carry out the disposal of wells in the Arctic that they inherited.

Urmancheev estimated the cost of work to abandon wells at 10% of the current cost of drilling them: that is, $20–70 million for each well, depending on its depth, that is, $200–700 million for the entire fund. For example, two years ago Rosneft drilled the Universitetskaya-1 well in the Kara Sea for $700 million, which made it possible to open the Pobeda field there. He noted that for such work it is necessary to rent a drilling rig and own modern technologies for underwater liquidation work. Did a member of the scientific council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation, chairman of the expert group on the development of mineral resources and the development of the transport system in the Arctic, agree with his assessment of the cost of such liquidation? Mikhail Grigoriev. He notes that AMNGR has the technical solutions to abandon these wells, while other companies will most likely have to attract an outside partner.

Description of material: The material will be of interest to primary school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The class hour is held on the eve of the parent meeting “Thrifty Masters of the Earth!” and serves as the main material for further work with parents (creation of a joint project)
Target: formation of sustainable motivation for an energy-saving lifestyle.
Tasks: - develop the ability to communicate competently with energy resources;
- consolidate knowledge about electrical appliances;
- expand the active dictionary,
- develop monologue speech;
- cultivate pride in the benefits brought;
- develop elements of cooperation and co-creation in a team.
Equipment: pictures depicting electrical appliances, “energy saving cards”, sheets of paper with labyrinths printed on them, envelopes with tasks, story pictures, presentation. Drawings of an energy saving competition.

Class hour “Thrifty owners of the Earth!”

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we will talk about energy saving.
- What is energy saving?
(children's answers)
Energy saving is not only about saving money in the family budget, but also about caring for those who will live after us on planet Earth. To do this, we have to learn how to use natural resources efficiently and safely in relation to the environment in our today’s game “Thrifty Masters of the Earth!”
- How to become a master?
(children's answers)
Children are divided into teams.
Leading: - Meet our guest – gnome Economy!
Dwarf: -Did you recognize me? (Children's answers.) I'm not just a gnome. I am Gnome Economy.
I have water and gas
They just don't flow like that.
Light, heat, water and gas
They are expensive.
So that everyone becomes richer,
We need to study
Showing patience,
Energy saving.
- I have come up with many interesting, difficult and educational tasks for you. And the one who is the most thrifty, thrifty and caring can win. First, let's do a general warm-up. Listen carefully to the riddles:
1. Warm-up: - Transparent, like glass,
You can't put it in the window.
- I spent the sun
Through your window,
I hung it from the ceiling,
The house became cheerful.
(Light bulb)
- I carry some water in me
Everyone will need some water.
You can wash without hassle
If there is...
(water pipes).
- I'm running along the path,
I can’t live without a path,
Where am I, guys?
The lights in the house won't come on.
- I’ll save you from work,
I won't leave a speck of dust behind.
(Vacuum cleaner)
- To distant villages, cities
Who's walking the wire?
Light Majesty -
The warm-up is summarized. For each correct answer the team receives a point.
Dwarf: - Now pay attention - let's check your homework. Who will tell the poems
or proverbs about how to save heat, water, electricity?
2. Homework. Children recite poems learned in advance:
Turn on the light when it's dark.
With the sunshine, open the window curtains.
Take care of heat and water,
And the house will be cozy.
Save light, save gas -
And life will become happier for us.
We love water, water, water,
Let's turn the tap and we'll lose it in liters.
Know, saving water, sister,
You will give your descendants the opportunity to get drunk.
People always need gas
Our food is cooked on gas.
But if you don't want to blow up your house,
Watch him strictly both night and day!
Children, wash yourself in the shower more often -
The whole planet will be better!
There is no need to wash in the bathroom,
There is a lot of water consumption there.
The lamp will burn for a day -
He'll burn a hundred kilos of coal!
If she shines in vain,
Where are the savings in raw materials?
Didn't sneak into your houses
You insulate the windows -
And live in warmth!
I'll tell you one secret -
I'll give you an economical recipe:
Turn on the oven. It will boil -
Turn it off a little
Wait a minute...
Slowly the food boils
Electricity is stored.
The thermos will not surprise us
That he keeps some water for us.
Hot, cold,
Suitable for everything.
And the irons said:
- “We are not hostesses’ enemies!”
As you iron your jacket,
Turn off your iron
And the remaining warmth
We will iron all the silks.
The refrigerator got angry
He took it and passed out himself.
“It’s hard to work,” he says, “
If thick ice hangs.”
With best regards
We are committed to energy saving!
1. Thrift is more valuable than wealth.
2. If you don’t save someone else’s, you won’t see your own.
3. Stock does not spoil a person.
4. Don’t pour too much, have mercy!
5. Thrift - the same money.
6. If you save someone else’s property, you will be the owner yourself.
7. What you save today will be useful tomorrow.
8. Thrift is better than profit.
9. He who saves money lives needlessly.
10. Money is not wealth, but frugality and reason.
Dwarf: - Tasks of the 3rd round “Our cozy home” are in these envelopes.
(Children use a top to choose an envelope for themselves. Animals are drawn in one envelope,
in the other there are people.)
1 task. Talk about how animals prepare for winter.
Task 2. Talk about how people prepare for winter.
3 task. What rules must be followed to preserve heat in the house? Summarizing.
Dwarf: - Tasks4 rounds “Our good helpers” .
(On the gaming table, the gnome Economy lays out envelopes containing pictures of electrical appliances: a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator, an iron, an electric lamp, etc.
Children come up with a pantomime-riddle about the device they got for the opposing team, which must guess what the guys are depicting and talk about how to handle it in order to use less energy.)

Gnome: - Tasks of the 5th round “Energy saving cards”
The task is to explain what is encrypted on them.
The results of the competition are summed up.
Dwarf: - I announceRound 6 “Help the electric current run into the house.” (Children receive sheets with labyrinths, where they try to quickly and correctly find the path of electricity from the power plant to the house) Gnome: - Round 7 “Without water, we are in neither direction nor here” will help identify the winners.
(On the game table there are pictures depicting scenes: brushing teeth, washing clothes, washing dishes, wiping dust. The guys choose pictures and explain how these jobs can be done with the least loss of water) After the end of the last round, the results of the entire game are summed up.
Dwarf: - Well done boys! You turned out to be thrifty and thrifty real owners!(Gives them souvenirs.) I hope that you will remember to apply the rules of frugality in your everyday life.
Conclusion (children read): 1. Take care of the light, people!
We have no life without light.
If there were no light,
If we lived, I don’t know how.
A person wouldn't have
No benefits for life.
It is unknown how in the cave age
Did a person live without light?
2. Electricity is a useful thing!
Even if we don’t wear it and eat it,
At least not to hear her, not to recognize her,
Even if you don’t see it, you don’t understand it.
Everyone should save!
Everyone must understand
That your attitude
It needs to be changed urgently!
3. Everyone always needs water!
We know all this, friends.
Well, what is its price?
Who remembers sometimes?!
4. We waste electricity, water and gas.
Everything is fine with us now.
And if you spend it crazy -
Everyone will have to pay in full.
And if you save all your wealth,
Consider that you are not living in vain.
5. A drop fell. So few!
This doesn't seem to be a problem.
They leave with just a drop
Our money is forever.
6. And behind the adults in the kitchen,
You just need an eye and an eye.
So that you don't waste it in vain
Expensive natural gas.
7. We insulate the windows in the house
We are trying, as always.
And therefore not scary
Any cold weather suits us.
8. The light is on both day and night
Where you need it and where you don’t.
To adults, you, baby, remind:
“When leaving, turn off the lights!”
9. To become in this world
Tomorrow is better than yesterday -
Keep it in your apartment
Water, gas, heat always.
Thanks everyone for your work!

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In September 2017, Zarubezhneft turned 50 years old. The company has many successful projects behind it, including the development of the shelf of southern Vietnam, large-scale work in Iraq and much more. “Zarubezhka” still maintains a high bar today. At the beginning of 2014, a new development strategy was adopted, which made it possible not only to proactively prepare for the difficult times of falling world oil prices, but also to achieve high production and financial results.


It all started in the mid-1960s. The then Minister of the Oil Industry of the USSR, Valentin Shashin, raised the question of the active participation of the industry in foreign projects to the country's leadership. In his opinion, the Soviet oil industry had reached a level where it was ready to export services on a large scale to the foreign market: fulfill drilling contracts and prepare technological schemes for field development.

The political leadership of the USSR supported the minister. The idea of ​​exporting services fit perfectly with the goal of “strengthening friendship” with ideological partners. Relations with third world countries, which declared that they were oriented towards the socialist path of development, were considered especially promising.

On September 30, 1967, the all-Union association “Zarubezhneft” was created within the ministry, which received the functions of conducting all the work of Soviet oil workers abroad. Nothing like this existed in the USSR at that time.

The association was headed by Evgeny Ivanovich Osadchuk, who later held high positions in the system of the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (GKES) and the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. Within a few years, Zarubezhneft operated in about 20 countries, and by the end of the Soviet period the number of partner countries exceeded 40.

The Middle East is a strategic region

The largest volume of Zarubezhneft's work in the 1970-1980s was provided by the countries of the Middle East, where more than a third of all the world's oil was produced. The most ambitious project of those years were contracts in Iraq.

The Arab Socialist Renaissance Party, which came to power in 1968 as a result of a military coup, relied on oil workers from the Soviet Union. On July 4, 1969, a Soviet-Iraqi government agreement was signed in Moscow, which provided for a significant amount of work. Soviet oil workers were also supposed to assist in the development of the first national oil field at the North Rumaila field, one of the largest in southern Iraq. The list of works included the development of surface facilities, a geological development project, supply of equipment, drilling, and construction of an oil pipeline to the port of Fao.

When, less than three years after the agreement, an exemplary oil field sprang up in the desert, it made a strong impression.

“Who designed and built the facility?” - clarified the shocked Prime Minister of the USSR A.N. Kosygin, who arrived at the grand opening of Northern Rumaila in April 1972. “Soviet builders, installers, electricians,” was the answer. “Why don’t we build houses so well?” – the prime minister was surprised. One of the members of the delegation was not at a loss: “Alexey Nikolaevich, if they were building here like houses, you would not be here today.”

In 1972, oil production in Northern Rumaila amounted to 5 million tons, and three years later - 42 million tons.

Over time, Soviet-Iraqi cooperation reached great proportions. Work did not stop even during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988, when almost all foreigners left Iraq. Soviet specialists continued to work in close proximity to combat areas.

On July 3, 1987, after difficult negotiations, a contract was signed for the development of the 1st stage of the richest field in the south of Iraq, West Qurna. Design capacity is 12 million tons per year. The first stage of work included the construction until October 1990 of facilities ensuring oil production, the second - the construction until April 1991 of facilities for the preparation and transportation of associated gas, as well as the injection of water into the reservoir. The contract value exceeded $600 million.

The White Tiger sensation

In the late 1980s, Zarubezhneft joined the development of the shelf of southern Vietnam. As a result of the reorganization of Soviet ministries, all foreign maritime projects were transferred to the association, including participation in the Vietsovpetro joint venture, which had not been doing very well before. The country's top leadership said that the Vietnamese adventure should be curtailed.

In September 1988, while testing an offshore well, a powerful influx of oil was obtained from granite formations in the White Tiger field.

“White Tiger is a unique deposit,” comments Doctor of Sciences Vladimir Shuster, who worked on a geological model of the deposit in the early 1990s. – Firstly, this is an offshore field. Secondly, it is of particular interest after oil inflows have been obtained from the granite formations of the basement. Thirdly, it is worth noting the huge reserves of the White Tiger. Fourthly, these are high-yield wells. Fifthly, the White Tiger oil is of excellent quality.”

The question of the feasibility of developing Vietnam's marine resources was no longer raised. The natural and geological characteristics of the field ensured the highest efficiency. Some wells produced flow rates of more than 1000 tons per day; At first, the development of the "White Tiger" was carried out in the natural depletion mode in the fountain mode, without maintaining reservoir pressure.

Production grew rapidly. If in 1987 the Vietsovpetro JV produced 280.4 thousand tons, then three years later - 2.7 million tons. In 1998, oil production of the joint venture increased to 10 million tons, and in 1999 it exceeded 12 million tons.

Money for the country

In the 1990s, income from the activities of Vietsovpetro became an important source of foreign exchange earnings for Russia. The net profit of the Russian side in the joint venture in 1991 amounted to $105 million, in 1992 - $131.7 million, in 1993 - $132.6 million, in 1994 - $135 million, in 1995 - $135.1 million, in 1996 year – $168 million.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 4, 1993 established the following procedure for spending funds:

  • 50% were credited to the account of the Russian Ministry of Finance for servicing external debt, making foreign currency payments and meeting government needs;
  • 35% were transferred to a specially opened account of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia for the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of oil engineering enterprises, the commissioning of inactive wells, the creation of new oil production capacities and the development of the social sphere of enterprises;
  • 10% were credited to a special account of RVO Zarubezhneft for further development of the southern shelf and development of projects in the fuel and energy complex of Vietnam.


The turning point was Decree of the President of Russia No. 137 of February 3, 2004 “On the transformation of the state enterprise “Russian Foreign Economic Society “Zarubezhneft” into an open joint-stock company.” A 100 percent stake was assigned to federal ownership, and the company was included in the number of strategic enterprises of the Russian Federation.

Soon Zarubezhneft turned from the operator of the Russian side of the Vietsovpetro joint venture into the owner of the Russian share. This happened by increasing the authorized capital and conducting an additional issue of shares in 2007 for $1.5 billion in favor of the state.

Russian-Vietnamese energy bridge

In 2003, Vietsovpetro's production reached a historical maximum of 13.5 million tons, after which a natural decline began. Three years later, oil production decreased by 27% and amounted to 9.8 million tons. Three years later, production dropped to 6.5 million tons of oil. The Vietnamese leadership was concerned: the difficult situation at the Vietsovpetro fields was affecting overall performance.

A solution was found through the creation of a new Russian-Vietnamese joint venture, which was supposed to operate in Russia. Fundamental agreements were reached in November 2006 during a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet. On September 19, 2007, the prime ministers of both countries, Mikhail Fradkov and Nguyen Tan Dung, signed an agreement to create a joint venture.

The enterprise was named Rusvietpetro, and the partner companies were Zarubezhneft and Petrovietnam.

The share of Zarubezhneft in Rusvietpetro as a representative of the country in whose territory the search and development of oil and gas fields was carried out was 51%, Petrovietnam - 49%.

Licensed areas within the Central Khoreyver uplift in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug were provided as a resource base.

“In nine years,” says Rusvietpetro General Director Valery Klinchev, “the company has put eight fields into development, and at the beginning of 2018 it plans to produce its 20 millionth ton of oil. Since 2014, we have maintained annual production at 3 million tons. We plan to maintain the pace until 2020, bringing into development small deposits of the 3rd and 4th blocks of the Central Khoreyver uplift.”

New strategy

At the end of the first decade of the 2000s, Zarubezhneft attempted to transform into a full-cycle oil company. Production and service enterprises in Russia and abroad were actively acquired, but most of the assets turned out to be extremely problematic and required new investments and modernization. The financial situation of Zarubezhneft has deteriorated sharply. The company's net profit according to Russian accounting standards in 2011 decreased by almost 18% compared to 2010, and in 2012 fell 3.5 times.

At the end of 2012, Sergei Kudryashov, formerly Deputy Minister of Energy and First Vice President of Rosneft, was appointed as the new General Director of Zarubezhneft. Soon, Zarubezhneft adopted a new development strategy.

“We decided to abandon the idea of ​​​​turning into a large vertically integrated oil company,” explained Kudryashov. “The previously adopted program did not live up to expectations.”

“In our opinion,” explained the new head of Zarubezhka, “what you know how to do, what you have knowledge and competitive advantages in develops successfully. The company's strength is the oil production segment... We focus on fields with complex reservoirs, they are familiar to us from our work in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Vietnam. The focus is on “weak” and “sick” fields, fields with unbalanced development, where the task is to restore order. We have chosen a niche development strategy in which the basis for new growth will be projects with a low barrier to entry and the opportunity to increase their efficiency through Zarubezhneft technologies, procedures and standards.

The decision to choose a niche in the oil industry turned out to be timely, especially given the fall in world oil prices. The new strategy is already delivering results.

Vietnamese projects have received development. Zarubezhneft's approaches provide new discoveries here and the introduction into development of objects that were previously considered ineffective. Recently, a large non-structural oil field, Beluga (Ca Tam), was discovered for the first time on the Vietnamese shelf. In 2015, a drilled well produced a flow of anhydrous oil with a flow rate of more than 1,800 tons. The field is planned to be put into commercial operation in 2018.

The company ended the difficult year 2016 from the point of view of the global market situation with positive production and financial results.

The total volume of hydrocarbon production in the company's effective share of ownership at the end of 2016 amounted to 5.2 million tons of oil equivalent, which exceeds the same figure in 2015 by 3.3%.

The efficiency of geological exploration has increased significantly, rising to 80% or more. The company has reached the maximum volume of reserves over the past five years (taking into account equity participation in projects) - more than 92 million tons of oil equivalent.

EBITDA amounted to 14.9 billion rubles, and free cash flow – 13.8 billion rubles, which is almost 1.6 billion rubles. better than 2015 levels. This made it possible to fully fulfill obligations to the state as a shareholder: dividend payments in 2016 were 12% higher than the year before.

Kharyaga PSA

In 2016, Zarubezhneft launched a new project - it increased its share in the Kharyaga PSA, becoming the operator of the project. The shares of the PSA participants were distributed as follows: Zarubezhneft - 20%, ZARUBEZHNEFT-Production Kharyaga (operator) - 20%, Statoil - 30%, Total Exploration Development Russia - 20% and JSC NOC - 10 %.

“This project is very important for us,” comments Kudryashov. “We said that we know how to work on such complex projects, paid the money (it was not borrowed capital, but our own funds) and achieved good results within six months.”

At the end of 2016, after the transfer of the operator function to the Zarubezhneft company, the Kharyaga project achieved a reduction in operating costs by 25% - from 6.4 to 4.8 billion rubles.


We thank the press service of Zarubezhneft JSC for providing this material.

Individual elements of the system were previously tested in the Corporate Center (“There is an idea!” and “5C”), but the Company began the development and implementation of an integral Production System within the framework of the project “Implementation of the Production System of Zarubezhneft JSC”.

What is a Production System? Why is there increasing interest in it from companies completely different in their field of activity? How does this process take place at Zarubezhneft JSC?

A manufacturing system is a production management system that is based on the concept of continuous improvement to increase productivity, reduce task completion times, and reduce material costs.

In everyday life, we regularly come across examples of the implementation of production systems. The well-known McDonald's is one of the clear examples - a single standard of design and service, a single recipe and menu - all this together allows the company to reduce production costs, ensure quality control and worldwide brand recognition.

Among the internationally recognized control systems, of course, the most famous model is the Toyota concern; it is its elements that underlie most control systems of automobile and mechanical engineering enterprises.

The Toyota Production System is a production process management system that covers all stages of production, is based on cost minimization, and many years of continuous improvements in the production process.

The main goals of the Toyota Production System were:

  • reduction of various losses (optimization of the amount of consumable materials, necessary movements, material used);
  • achieving uniform production load, eliminating both peak loads and downtime;
  • and monitoring the execution status and time spent on each operation, i.e. standardization of each individual operation and the production process as a whole.

Compliance with these principles provides the company with an ideal balance between product costs and quality.

And the most important thing is that absolutely all Toyota factories adhere to this system, therefore, no matter where a Toyota car is produced, its quality and reliability remain unchanged.

Work on introducing integrated production systems at Russian enterprises began relatively recently - in 2002-2003. Production systems are most widely used at enterprises in the automotive and mechanical engineering, metallurgy and electric power industries (up to 25% of enterprises in these segments have implemented PS). This is quite natural - as a result of the crisis, as well as the arrival of foreign manufacturers on the Russian market, competition has actually moved to the level of operational efficiency of enterprises.

The production system of each enterprise is adapted to the requirements of the industry. Each company accumulates its own experience at its production facilities, develops a methodology based on practice, and ultimately implements it in production, taking as its fundamental operating principle the philosophy of continuous improvement and bringing the company to the level of maximum efficiency.

This is how Zarubezhneft approached the formation of the principles of its Production System. The experience of implementing Production Systems in leading companies, in particular in the Russian petrochemical holding SIBUR, was studied in detail. In order to exchange experience, the Zarubezhneft project team visited SIBUR production enterprises and became acquainted with the main tools used to improve production efficiency and their effectiveness.

The next step was to create our custom production system configuration - a set of tools that will improve the efficiency of each production site. It should be noted that there are no full-fledged analogues among oil industry companies in Russia; in this regard, Zarubezhneft is faced with the task of developing a unique set of tools and creating Russia’s first Production System for an oil and gas production enterprise. To this end, the Company conducted an extensive brainstorming session, involving employees of all subsidiaries, reviewed the best international practices, and analyzed industry and cultural characteristics.

Together with the Brainstorming participants, we chose four basic directions for the Production System of Zarubezhneft JSC:

  1. Organization of work of teams
  2. Organization of workplaces - 5C
  3. Organizing a system of continuous improvements - THERE IS AN IDEA!
  4. Lean culture

The main tools in each area were standardization, visualization and motivation.

And the pilot site for the implementation of the Production System of Zarubezhneft JSC was our key Russian enterprise - IC RUSVIETPETRO.

It is also important that the management of Zarubezhneft JSC pays special attention to the project. As part of his working visit to the production facilities of IC RUSVIETPETRO, the General Director of the Company, Sergey Kudryashov, assessed the first results of the implementation of the PS and personally held meetings with representatives of labor collectives.


Andrey Paliy, Head of the Production Department of the Production Directorate

The production system is, first of all, people, or rather the interaction between them and adherence to the general principles on which the entire work process is built. That is why one of the key areas of the Production System of Zarubezhneft JSC is Organization of work of teams. The goal of this direction is to create a team of like-minded people who are aware of their contribution to achieving the overall goals of the Company.

In fact, all changes brought about by the Production System are divided into two directions - EMPLOYEE and COMPANY. That is, the company cares for and protects its employees, and the employee, in turn, consciously makes improvements aimed at the benefit of the company. What does each participant receive? COMPANY - increasing competitiveness through a professional and constantly improving team, whose work is aimed at reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and EMPLOYEE - a sense of stability and confidence in the future: the company provides him with material and social protection, necessary living conditions and, if there are prerequisites, career growth .

Since the beginning of the implementation of the project, special attention in the work of the teams has been paid to the issues of setting tasks and receiving feedback, the life of workers in production and motivation in achieving production goals.

We have developed and implemented visualized stands for oil and gas production teams and workshops, designed for the convenience of setting and monitoring production tasks, identifying problematic issues and discussing them. To improve working conditions at well pads, a decision was made to purchase and install heating points, and training classes on occupational health and safety were organized in the workshops. A rating of the work of DNG teams was also developed and implemented, which is based on monitoring the implementation of indicators in three main blocks:

  • production unit (accomplishment of schedules and avoidance of intra-shift losses and well failures are taken into account)
  • block for improving the condition of objects (bringing objects to the 5C standard)
  • HSE unit (takes into account audit orders and incidents)

The rating contains a demotivating part - the absence of fatal accidents and significant damage to health, and a motivating part - an active position (participation in competitions, activity in submitting innovation proposals and frugal use of company resources). Based on the results of the first quarter, the best team will be selected and rewarded accordingly.

I would like to thank the implementation group from IC RUSVIETPETRO under the leadership of chief engineer Vitaly Litvinenko for their fruitful joint work, as well as the general director of the joint company Valery Klinchev for supporting this project. But, of course, the main efforts were made by the workers in the field; their work and enthusiasm are the basis on which the Production System is built.


How it happens implementation of the 5C System at the facilities of the Zarubezhneft JSC Group of Companies?

It is quite difficult to properly organize and implement a 5C system in an office or production environment. This system does not have clear instructions for each individual employee, but defines the basic principles.

The 5C system is a management technology aimed at identifying and reducing losses when employees of the Company perform labor functions through the creation of an organized, efficient and comfortable workspace and workplaces, standardization of requirements for it, and optimization of operational actions.

The 5C system includes five interrelated steps and gets its name from the first letters of five words: sort, keep order, keep clean, standardize, improve.

In the initial phase of the project, Methodological recommendations were developed for the introduction and implementation of a system for organizing an effective workspace (5C system) at the enterprises of the Zarubezhneft JSC Group of Companies and a brochure “55 examples of visualization” was developed, which was necessary to prepare for the implementation of the 5C system in all areas of the enterprise .

Then meetings were held to raise awareness of the team regarding the 5C system for engineers, technicians, foremen and workers. After everyone became familiar with the goals of the project, time frame and stages of implementation, the implementation of the first steps of the 5C system began both directly at the enterprise and outside it.

Critically assessing your organization of work and workspace for staff turned out to be a difficult and unusual task, but as the practical progress of the project progressed and the first positive results appeared, the project gained more and more supporters.

A significant role in the success of the project was played by the managers and shop foremen, who found ways and opportunities to convey to the staff the need and importance of the project, methods of its implementation, as well as the advantages that the implementation of the 5C system provides.

As part of the implementation of the project to implement the 5C system at the fields of IC RUSVIETPETRO, the company’s employees achieved very impressive successes in a short period of time.

Measures were taken in workshops and on sites to free up space, create a visualization of the workplace, mark storage areas, mark out aisles, improve safety measures and ensure the smooth running of the production process.

Now it’s nice to see that the process of reorganization is gradually becoming continuous, proposals are generated and implemented by the company’s employees. After all, the 5C system is not a list of activities that need to be carried out from time to time; the system must be used on an ongoing basis.


What is the “Got an Idea” system of continuous improvement?

Each element of the production system is based on the active involvement of the entire team in the task of increasing the company's efficiency. In this regard, one of the first implemented elements of the Production System of Zarubezhneft JSC was the direction “There is an idea!” - a tool that allows each employee to submit a proposal to change any process, operation, procedure in order to optimize it.

Today “I have an idea!” works in the Corporate Center and IC RUSVIETPETRO.

The system provides the opportunity for Company employees to submit ideas and improvement proposals as simply as possible, as well as promptly receive feedback on their consideration and implementation. The process of consideration and implementation is clearly regulated; not a single idea is left without attention or response. The general base of all ideas is accumulated in an information resource. An administrator is assigned to control the passage of ideas; regulatory deadlines for the consideration of ideas and reporting on the status of consideration are established. To make decisions on implementation, a Technical Council has been created, which meets on a monthly basis.

How long has the “I have an idea” system been in operation?

Started work “I have an idea!” in the corporate center on the internal portal in September 2014. In 2015, the process was worked out, regulations for the consideration and implementation of ideas were approved, authorized advisory bodies were identified that approve ideas in the event of controversial issues arising or the need to allocate an additional budget. I would like to say that Zarubezhneft employees very actively use this tool.

For the period 2014 - 2015 174 ideas were submitted to the Corporate Center, in the first quarter of 2016 - already 75. The ideas are very diverse: from improving processes, regulations and information systems to improving the image of the Company.

Since 2016, subsidiaries have been connected to the portal, which can also go to the “I have an idea!” section, view ideas, and submit their proposals to the Corporate Center.

At RUSVIETPETRO, the system has just begun; since the beginning of the year, 25 ideas have been submitted, 3 technical councils have been held to review ideas at the management level of the joint company, and only 4 submitted ideas have been rejected. At the same time, I would like to note that many ideas submitted by RUSVIETPETRO employees are essentially rationalization proposals and have a potential economic effect from implementation.

In addition, I would like to note that since 2016, the principles of material motivation for employees for participating in “There’s an Idea!” have been approved. The first payments to the authors of ideas were already made in 2016.

What is a “culture of care”?

Another key element of the Production System of Zarubezhneft JSC was the direction “Development of a thrifty attitude towards the Company’s property,” which we called “I respect, appreciate, cherish.” The main idea of ​​this direction is the philosophy of mutual respect and trust of the Company's employees and managers, which is expressed: on the part of the managers - in the creation of a property complex that provides safe and comfortable workplaces for the team, and from each employee - in a caring attitude towards him. A thrifty attitude presupposes certain behavior, including, among other things, a constant search for ways to save the Company’s resources.

I would like to note that here, too, the Company’s employees take an active position. Thus, in the Corporate Center, colleagues from the Information Technology Department and the Logistics Department are preparing reminders and rules for the “correct attitude” towards the Company’s equipment and property for employees. For example, having learned how much a page of color printing costs, and that it costs 1.5 times more than black and white, I think everyone will think about whether it is worth printing all materials in color, or whether it might be better not to print at all. After all, the recipe for saving is often simple; you just need to know about it.

Similar work is being carried out by colleagues from RUSVIETPETRO under the leadership of chief power engineer Timur Gasanov. The main areas of thrifty treatment of company resources (diesel fuel, communications, electricity and heat supply, transport, equipment and consumables) are identified, according to which corresponding rules and examples are developed.

For example, one of the most important factors in a thrifty approach to diesel fuel is its proper storage, which ensures the preservation of the quantity and, most importantly, the quality of diesel fuel. To maintain the quality of diesel fuel, it is important to correctly observe all storage conditions, the main of which are relatively low temperature, absence of direct sunlight and sealed containers. In this case, the loss of 1 m 3 of diesel fuel due to improper storage will only lead to direct losses in the amount of more than 30 thousand rubles. Other examples include the use of voltage stabilizers and sleep modes for equipment, the maximum possible use of natural light, and regular cleaning of windows from dust, since, as practice shows, dust reduces the level of natural light by more than 30%.

Thus, the rules of lean behavior will be distributed throughout the team: descriptions of examples of possible savings will be compiled in brochures, markings will be applied to devices to select the optimal mode of operation of the equipment, posters will be placed at workplaces near the object of possible savings, which will help employees choose an approach to operating equipment and handling property.

What effect do you expect from the received rationalization proposals and lean attitude?

From the set of activities proposed by employees, we expect the most multidirectional effects: reduction of unproductive costs and time, which will lead to a reduction in operating and administrative costs, reduction of accidents, improvement of working conditions and increased satisfaction of the team with the work process.

Constant work to improve processes, taking into account the vision of employees from the inside, will ensure the competitiveness of our company at the level of operational efficiency, and this is our strategic niche. The elements of the Production System provide each employee at his workplace with the opportunity to improve and preserve the company's production processes and assets, that is, ultimately, to preserve and improve his workplace. Therefore, when implementing and following the principles of the Production System, all parties - the Company, managers and employees - benefit.
