Boom Beach: tricks, secrets and bonuses! Tank “Rain”: first impressions, best combination and survey! And so what we have.

Boom Beach is a mega-popular game that literally snatched the palm from Clash of Clans, Hay Day and other legends of gaming markets iOS and Android platforms. The game develops a real war for control of huge sea islands. The user will have to build buildings, control troops, resist and carry out attacks. The gameplay is significantly different from its fellow games, because the Boom Beach player does not just watch while his troops “pass” or “fail” the enemy’s defense level, but also assists them in every possible way, carrying out artillery shelling, dropping charges and treating personnel.

Since the game is relatively young, there are not millions of players yet, so if desired, everyone can break into the TOP players in a fairly short gaming period. And if you know the secrets of the Boom Beach game, the tricks that can be used in the game, you can become the God of the Boom Beach game without money and in a short time!

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Many mobile game fans believe that Boom Beach- this is the same Clash of Clans and there is no point in moving from one game world to another, but the games have many obvious differences and we decided to write to you about them.

  • — In the game Boom Beach, the user has the ability to construct (upgrade) only one building or ship at a time;
  • — PvP Clash of Clans gives you the opportunity to wage war for resources or cups. As a result, you can rob resources, but lose on points (without demolishing the town hall). In Boom Beach, victory with points and resources is awarded only with the demolition of the headquarters.
  • - In Boom Beach - the player sets the direction of the attack of the army and supports the attack with special means (art shelling, rockets, treatment with first aid kits, smoke screens, bombs);
  • — Battles against other players and against the computer (PvP, PvE) are now combined on a single map, and you choose any enemy yourself.
  • — The game has increased the number of ways to mine and obtain game resources (for example, mining at the base, robbery, treasure hunting with a submarine, tribute from occupied territories, resource bases).

Secrets and tips for playing Boom Beach on Android and iOS:

Play more - because online time is the main resource and indicator of success!

We hope that our tips and recommendations will help you move up the standings and take one of the highest places among the players in the mobile world. You can download the Boom Beach game absolutely free on Google Play Market or in the Apple AppStore.

Today we will tell you a little about tanks in Boom Beach, about this difficult technique that you should use in your attacks with a competent approach. This fighter has a very strong damage to structures and a lot of health, but what is very disappointing is the very low movement speed and gun reload. Again, the firing range of the shells can be considered a plus. As you can see, there are more advantages, but the disadvantages are also very, very specific. In the list of all units, he is the fifth in a row, which can only be opened at the eleventh level of the headquarters. To land one tank, you will need 2 charges of gunboat energy. At the very beginning, it is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to fight with tanks, they are expensive, they die quickly at the very beginning level, and the gunboat does not have enough charge. It is worth developing it and with the improvement of the headquarters, you will get a healer, just the same with the tank you get a good duet.

And so what we have:

  • The tank in Boom Beach opens at HQ 11
  • Is the 5th unit
  • To land a tank, you must have two gunboat charges
  • Has a lot of health
  • Long shot range
  • Low advancement speed
  • Expensive tuition fees
  • Tank takes 8 seats on a landing ship

Attack tactics:

The ideal tactic for tanks in Boom Beach is to use them in tandem with medics; with the help of such a duo it is almost impossible to stop the attack. Since the tank is initially very durable, doctors will keep it healthy.

When attacking with tanks, you will have very little gunboat charge, because initially you will spend almost all the charges to land the tanks. Use a shocker to neutralize the guns, after which they will do their job. Use flares to move tanks away from dangerous territory.

The guns behind the headquarters will not interfere with the tank, the tank's destruction radius will allow them to destroy the headquarters at a long distance.

A rocket launcher higher than the third level can easily destroy a tank of the first levels before you reach it, so it’s worth neutralizing it too.

The flamethrower in most cases does not attack tanks due to its small range.



Damage per second

One-time damage

Tuition price

Upgrade cost

Weapon level

Improvement time


Experience points

1 2,000 140 490 8 000 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
2 2,156 153 535.5 9 000 620 000 9 1d 18h683 68
3 2,320 166 581 10 000 1 030 000 10 1d 23h837 72
4 2,510 181 633.5 11 000 1 890 000 11 2d 6h1100 80
5 2,700 198 693 12 000 2 540 000 12 2d 16h1314 87
6 2,910 215 752.5 13 000 2 570 000 13 2d 16h1319 87
7 3,140 235 822.5 14 000 3 900 000 14 3d 8h1691 96
8 3,380 256 896 15 000 5 300 000 15 3d 16h2002 101
9 3,650 279 976.5 16 000 5 300 000 15 3d 16h2002 101
10 3,930 304 1064 17 000 5 400 000 16 3d 16h2018 101
11 4,240 331 1158.5 18 000 6 300 000 17 4d 3h2243 107
12 4,570 361 1263.5 19 000 7 300 000 18 4d 6h2430 109
13 4,930 394 1379 20 000 7 400 000 19 4d 12h2484 112
14 5,310 429 1501.5 21 000 7 500 000 20 4d 15h2516 114
15 5,720 468 1638 22 000 7 600 000 20 4d 15h2534 114

Use all the above tips, try to attack more often with tanks to train yourself, and you won’t even notice how you will be able to recapture more and more islands. The tank in Boom Beach is a very interesting war, you can play with it strategically, knowing its range, don’t forget about it and have a good game.

Development strategy in Boom Beach.
In this article you will find useful information on development in the game Boom Beach.
Base development:
1. Take your time to improve your headquarters as early as possible! Before you can improve your headquarters, you need to upgrade all other buildings to the maximum level.
2. Buildings that are responsible for the extraction of resources should always be improved first.
3. Wood can be earned in large quantities by cutting down forests on the map. But do not rush to do this, since they do not grow again and, therefore, the forest should be saved for more difficult levels. The forest also plays a big role in protecting the base from enemy attacks.

4. During an attack, a warship plays an important role. A combat ship lands troops, but also supports them with combat fire.
The location of the headquarters plays a very important role. Since if you destroy the headquarters, the enemy will win and take away the resources. The placement of headquarters is a very important strategic move and it depends directly on the level:
1. At the initial stages of the game, the headquarters should be placed next to the pier, in the right corner of your base. Since the headquarters there will be much easier to defend.
2. At mid-levels, it is most advantageous to place the headquarters in the center.
3. At high levels, it would be wise to place the headquarters in front of the base.
The very first unit that will fight on your side is the shooter. At the very beginning stages of the game, a shooter will help you develop and get a little feel for the mechanics of the game, but with further development, the enemy will have a variety of defense buildings that will not allow you to destroy the base with shooters alone. Therefore, let's look at various combinations:
1. Mountain + shooter. Everything is simple here. The mountain is a unit that takes all the damage upon itself, followed by arrows and dealt with all buildings. This is a brief description of how to develop correctly in Boom Beach?

2. Mountain + shooter + bazooka. Here it is almost the same as in point 1. The mountain takes the damage, the shooter and the bazooka very quickly destroy all the buildings. The only thing you should watch out for is the health of the bazooka, as they are very vulnerable, but they cause devastating damage at a decent distance.
3. Tank. A very powerful, but expensive unit, which is not very profitable to use when farming resources. But it helps to destroy many bases
4. Mountain + shooter + medic. A very powerful combination. The mountain takes all the damage and at this time the medic restores his health, which gives the shooter much more time to clear the base.

The best barrel and durable protection is a Tank - a real military vehicle! Several tanks, if managed well, will destroy all the enemy's ammunition and supplies.
The tank moves, albeit slowly, but confidently. Will withstand large amounts of hits from all weapons except Sniper Towers, Cannons and Boom Cannons.
The tank is driven by a pretty girl with red hair and a cap.
It looks like a well-reduced tank, the color of green grass with blue fragments. There is a long cannon and dark black tracks.

Attack the Tanks
Due to its own significant weight, the presence of landing will require just 2 units of Gunboat Energy. Consider this presence of bombardment of the island with Artillery.
A significant category of Tanks supported by Doctors is almost insurmountable.
If there is a huge number of Cannons and Sniper Towers in the stormed island, it contains the value to include before Tanks
Goruili Strelkov or Gorok, which will take the flame of the guns within themselves.
If the Agiotage Weapon is located further than one cell due to the Headquarters, then in the bulk of the situation there is no need to concentrate interest in it - the beloved is not enough until your Tanks
In any case, do not allow Tanks to overcome Continuous mines.
Icon has a very significant attack range.

Defending with Tanks in Boom Beach
Contains the meaning of scattering mines across the entire island, so that Tanks do not have the ability to deceive them.
Flamethrowers are generally less dangerous against Tanks. They have a significantly shorter attack range.
Contrary to the Tanks, we use Guns, placing them in a diamond pattern according to the island

Fireman + Tank is my favorite attack combination in Boom Beach. This is a combination of power with which you can destroy the enemy base completely, down to the last structure! I like it. Another big advantage of this combination is the large supply of health of each unit, due to which you can “take out” 5-6 standard islands without a single loss, which, in turn, allows you to quickly accumulate resources that are necessary for development.
But this combination also has its drawbacks, the main one of which is the high energy consumption of the gunboat for landing gunners and tanks on the shore.

In the case when four landing ships are loaded with fire fighters and four with tanks, the energy cost for landing all units is 72 units (with the standard reserve of a level 22 gunboat being 52 units). Thus, in order to successfully play this combination, a prerequisite is the presence of at least two statues that increase the gunboat’s energy charge. There is no way without this.
The optimal combination of fire fighters and tanks is 4 to 12, where 4 is the number of fire fighters, and 12 is the number of tanks. At one time I tried a combination of 3 fire fighters and 15 tanks, as well as 5 fire fighters and 9 tanks, but the combination became weaker. But these are just my personal observations.
When it is not recommended to use a combination of gunners and tanks:

  1. When the following weapon prototypes are simultaneously installed on an enemy island: two Doom Cannons, a Doom Cannon and a Combat Grip, a Doom Cannon and a Shock Generator (3 levels).

Note: The prototype "combat grip" weapon can sometimes work to your advantage, since its effectiveness depends on its placement. I came across bases where the level 3 combat grip was installed directly next to the headquarters, and thus I used it as a kind of teleport to move my units directly to the enemy headquarters. Video of one of these attacks on my channel.

  1. When you have only one, or no statues at all, that increase the gunboat’s energy charge. In this case, it is better not to use this combination.

What to pay attention to, attacking with fire fighters and tanks:

  1. When the enemy base is located at the far end of the island, never land the firemen first. The fireman has a higher movement speed than a tank, and will enter the battle much earlier. Consequently, by the time the tanks reach the base, the fire fighters will have already received significant damage. The correct thing to do in this case would be to land the tanks first and, after 2-3 seconds, land the fire fighters. Then all troops will enter the battle approximately simultaneously.
  2. There are times when fire fighters and tanks “scatter” in different directions in battle and it becomes necessary to gather them together with the help of a signal flare. I do not recommend doing this until the shock installations at the enemy base are destroyed. Using a flare can backfire and a large number of units can fall into the trap of the shock launcher. I have had such cases.

P.S. And finally, I want to provide you with a short video example of an unsuccessful and successful attack with fire fighters and tanks and an overview of errors.
