What is needed for the broth to be clear? The most delicious chicken broth

Broth is an irreplaceable thing in the household. No matter what your broth is made of, it will always come in handy. You can quickly cook a full-fledged soup from it, make a sauce, or just drink it with toasted croutons. You can make broth from vegetables, chicken or meat on the bone. Variations are allowed after mastering the basic broths.

Chicken bouillon

For chicken broth you will need chicken (not fillet, not breasts, but just regular chicken), celery, carrots, onions, salt, garlic, pepper and a good, spacious saucepan. Rinse the chicken, place it in a saucepan, cover it with vegetables and roots, cutting them into pieces of approximately the same size, and pour cold water. Bring the water to a boil, skim off the foam and reduce the heat. Boil the broth for an hour and a half to two hours under a loose lid. As soon as the chicken meat begins to easily separate from the bones, the broth is ready. The boiled chicken should be transferred to a clean bowl, and the broth itself should be strained to remove the vegetables. They gave all their juices and flavor to the broth, and we won’t need them anymore. You can salt the broth immediately, but you can leave it unsalted. The finished broth is cooled and poured into containers: it is very convenient to store it frozen. It is simply impossible to compare such broth and the notorious “broth cubes” from the store.

Vegetable broth

Homemade vegetable broth cooks quickly, and the result is always excellent. Vegetable broth is versatile and comes in handy when making sauces, stews and soups. IN general view The recipe for making vegetable broth is simple: take vegetables, water, salt and pepper. All this needs to be boiled for a while and then filtered. What vegetables are suitable for vegetable broth? Yes, any, and sometimes even with the peel. The main thing is to rinse the vegetables thoroughly before cooking. So, in large saucepan add garlic, salt, pepper, fresh and dried herbs, and any vegetables: carrots, onions, celery, bell pepper, spinach, tomatoes, turnips and most different cabbage. Vegetables are poured with water and cooked for about an hour. The finished broth should be strained and used for its intended purpose, or frozen in plastic containers for future use.

Meat broth on bones

Meat broth is prepared in almost the same way as chicken broth, but it will take more time. Beef, lean pork, lean lamb are suitable for such a broth - the main thing is that there is not only meat in the pan, but also a bone. This broth contains a lot of collagen, so it is very useful for joints, skin, nails and hair. Meat broth contains a high concentration nutrients, so it is good for feeding sick and convalescent people.

For the broth, take a kilogram or more of meat with a bone, an onion, two small carrots, a couple of celery stalks, a bunch of parsley, dry herbs and spices, salt, pepper and a couple of cloves of garlic. Raw bones can be roasted in the oven before cooking. Send them there for half an hour and set the temperature to 180 °C. Place the fried bones, meat and chopped vegetables in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. If foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon, reduce the gas and simmer the broth for about three hours. The finished broth is filtered through a metal mesh filter and used for its intended purpose. Like any other broth, it stores well frozen.

The basis of a clear broth should be laid at the very beginning of cooking. The most delicious and rich broths are made from meat “on the bone,” that is, from a combination of meat and bone components. Well-thawed and thoroughly washed meat should only be poured cold water.

If using fatty meat, after boiling muddy water You need to drain, add clean water and continue cooking. At the same time, you need to immediately reduce the heat under the pan to a minimum.

To obtain a fragrant and clean broth during cooking, you need to put a whole peeled onion in it, which should be removed upon completion of cooking, and the foam should be periodically removed from the surface of the liquid. To do this, you need a slotted spoon - a special flat spoon with holes.

It is necessary to make a reservation and mention the nuances associated with fish and chicken broths. When cooking, you need to salt it before adding vegetables to the pan - this will preserve its transparency. And fish broths should be cooked only from pike perch - all other types of fish will make the broth cloudy. And it won't be possible to fix it.

During the entire preparation of the dish, you should not cover the pan with a lid, since when the lid is closed, the foam that appears does not rise up, but immediately settles to the bottom.

As for some types of vegetables, special mention should be made. It’s better not to grate it, but just chop it. Otherwise, it will produce additional yellowish foam.

If, despite all your efforts, the broth still turns out to be cloudy, you can resort to emergency measures, namely, clarifying it using absorbents.

First, you need to remove the meat from the liquid. Next, you can start straining the broth. A fine sieve or gauze folded in 3-4 layers is suitable for these purposes. The strained broth is suitable for soups, but if it was intended as an independent dish, it also needs to be clarified.

To do this, you will need the white of one egg - the yolk will not take part in the cleaning. One protein can clarify two liters of broth. Well-beaten egg whites are excellent absorbents.

The resulting mixture should be poured in a thin stream into the slightly cooled broth, stirring constantly so that the protein is evenly distributed throughout the contents of the pan. After this, you need to let the broth boil over low heat, continuing to stir it.

A five-minute boil is more than enough for the protein to curl and settle to the bottom. It is not at all necessary to remove it with a slotted spoon. You can simply strain the broth again.

In addition to the absorbent described above, you can use the so-called “pull”. It is also prepared on the basis of egg whites, but you should add 100 grams of minced meat and two or three tablespoons of broth. Such an absorbent will not only clean and clarify the broth, but also add nutrients to it.

The recipe for some dishes, such as jellied or clear soups, calls for the use of absolutely pure, light broth.

Broth is a decoction made from meat, fish, vegetables, and mushrooms. And most often it turns out to be cloudy. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to a certain technology that will provide the dish with the necessary richness and transparency.

How to cook clear broth

The key to a successful broth lies in the preparation for its preparation. Correctly selected ingredients and temperature regime will provide excellent results.

The most delicious and rich broth will come not from a single piece of meat, but from a combination of meat and bones. It is thanks to the bones that the broth acquires its characteristic gelatinous quality. By the way, the bones of young animals contain more gelatin than adults. It is better not to use frozen meat for broth, as it loses some of its juices when defrosted.

There are no strict recommendations for the ratio of bones, meat and water. Consider the basic culinary rule: the more bones, the richer and gelatinous the broth will be. Pour cold water over thoroughly washed raw materials; hot water will immediately seal the outer layer of meat, which will prevent the release of juices. Make allowance for boiling and pour in enough water, since adding water (neither cold nor hot) during the cooking process is strictly not recommended.

Place the pan over high heat, skim off the foam once it boils, then reduce the heat to low and continue cooking, skimming off the fat and foam occasionally. It is during slow cooking that meat releases large quantity juices than with intense boiling. What will definitely make your broth cloudy is bubbling.

The cooking time of the broth is determined by the bones in the base and the amount of water (on average 3 liters). Beef takes the longest to cook (8-10 hours), veal takes a little less (6-8 hours), pork takes even less (4-6 hours), and chicken cooks the fastest (about 3 hours). In the kitchens of some restaurants, the broth is cooked for 36 hours straight!

To make the broth more aromatic and acquire beautiful colour, use a whole onion, root vegetables (carrots, parsnips, celery) at the rate of 1 kg of vegetables per 3 kg of bones and meat. Professional chefs use bouquet garni to flavor the broth. These are parsley sprigs, celery stalks collected in a bundle and tied with kitchen thread, Bay leaf, spices. Add the fragrant bouquet 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

If, despite all your efforts, the broth turns out cloudy, you can try to fix it using a proven chef's technique.

How to make broth clear

  1. Remove all bones, meat and roots from the liquid, strain the broth through a fine sieve.
  2. To clarify 2 liters of broth, you need to take the white of 1 egg.
  3. Whisk the egg white thoroughly and pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly, into the slightly cooled broth. Return the pan to the heat and, continuing to stir, allow the contents to boil.
  4. In 5 minutes of boiling, the protein will curdle and collect all the meat suspension. Turn off the heat and let the pan sit for 15-20 minutes to allow all the flakes to settle to the bottom. Carefully strain the broth again and enjoy the amber beauty!


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First of all you will need chicken. Ideally, a soup hen, that is, a middle-aged laying hen. Unlike broiler, it can cook for hours, imparting flavor to the broth without turning into mush. If you do decide to use a broiler, reduce the cooking time to about 1 hour.

IN classic recipe The whole chicken is used for broth, but individual chickens or just a soup set from any supermarket will do. You should not take only the breast: the meat may turn out tough, and the broth may not be rich.

In addition to the main ingredient, chicken, onions, carrots, celery and seasonings are added to the broth. To give a richer color, vegetables can be sautéed in a small amount of oil.

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt, peppercorns - to taste;
  • greens for decoration.

How to cook broth

Wash the chicken and place it in a deep pan. The whole carcass does not need to be cut.

Pour water so that it covers the meat. If you want the chicken to be tasty, add salt right away. If you prefer a tasty and clear broth, add salt at the end of cooking.

Wash and peel the carrots and onions. Cut the carrots into several pieces, leave the onion whole or cut in half.

Place the pan over low heat. Make sure that the water does not boil; only small bubbles should form on the surface. This will allow the broth to remain transparent. To do this, promptly remove the resulting foam.

During the cooking process, water may boil away, so it should be added.

After 1.5 hours (if you are using broiler chicken, then after 10 minutes), add carrots, onions and peppers to the broth. Cook for another 1 hour.

When the time is up, try to separate the meat from the bones. If it doesn't work, cook some more. If the meat comes away, it is ready - remove the pan from the heat and cool slightly.

Cooked vegetables can be removed from the broth: all beneficial features they have already given it away. Also remove the chicken. The meat can be used in soups and snacks.

The finished broth can be consumed in its pure form or used as a base for soups.

4 soups with chicken broth



  • 150 g chicken stomachs;
  • 150 g chicken hearts;
  • 150 g chicken liver;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 500 ml chicken broth;
  • 50 g egg noodles;
  • greenery;
  • 2 quail eggs.


Rinse the chicken giblets and remove films. Place each type in a separate pan and fill with cold water. Place on the fire, add salt and pepper and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook the liver for 20–25 minutes, hearts for 40 minutes, and stomachs for about an hour.

Finely chop the onion and carrots. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add vegetables and fry them over low heat, stirring constantly. After 2-3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and transfer its contents to a napkin to remove excess oil.

Place the prepared giblets in a saucepan with broth and bring to a boil. Add the onions and carrots, followed by the egg noodles. Add the pasta whole or break it into pieces. Season with salt and pepper.

After 3-4 minutes, add finely chopped herbs. When the noodles are soft, the soup is ready. Pour it into plates and place a boiled quail egg in each.



  • 700 ml chicken broth;
  • ½ cup rice;
  • 90 g tomato paste;
  • 500 g of tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 100 g cream cheese;
  • parsley.


Place the broth over medium heat and bring to a boil. Add rice tomato paste and tomatoes. Cook for 10 minutes, then add cream cheese and bring to a boil again. Season with salt and pepper. Add finely chopped parsley and cook until the rice is done.

Serve the soup hot with croutons and herbs.



  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 stalk of celery;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 2 cans of white beans in their own juice;
  • 3 liters of chicken broth;
  • 4 cups spinach leaves;
  • 30 g grated parmesan;
  • green pea and greens for decoration.


Finely chop the carrots, onions, celery and garlic. Heat in a thick-bottomed saucepan olive oil. Add chopped vegetables, salt and pepper. Simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Drain the juice from the beans, rinse and dry. Mash ½ cup of legumes with a fork, add to vegetables and simmer for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Then add the whole beans to the pan and stir. Pour the mixture with chicken broth, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered, for another 20 minutes.

Add spinach, rinsed in cold water, to the soup and cook for 2 minutes until the leaves are wilted. Remove the soup from the heat, pour into bowls, sprinkle with grated Parmesan, add green peas and herbs.

Serve with crispy ones.



  • 1 onion;
  • ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 300 g of any minced meat;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 3 liters of chicken broth;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 potato;
  • 100 g vermicelli;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • greenery.


Start by making the meatballs. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the garlic or put it through a garlic press. Mix it with onions and minced meat, add salt and pepper and mix well. Make meatballs. The size can be any, but it is better to make the balls small, about the size of a quail egg.

Place the pan with the broth on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add meatballs. Cook for 5-7 minutes.

Wash and peel carrots and potatoes. Cut the carrots into slices, and the potatoes into cubes. Place the chopped vegetables into the broth. Cook until the potatoes are done. Then add vermicelli and bay leaf. Cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and cover with a lid.

Pour the finished soup into bowls and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Bouillon In our adult years, we don’t remember so often. But when we’re sick, sometimes the broth isn’t even included. recipe, but in a prescription prescribed by a doctor. And this is not surprising, because the broth is very easily digestible, warms and does not strain the weakened body. Plus it has a controlled calorie content - excess fat can always be removed. But even in healthy times, you shouldn’t forget about the broth. Firstly, broth is the basis of many culinary dishes. And secondly... After all, if you managed to cook the broth beautifully - transparent, appetizing in color, with cheerful greenery - then it itself will become a decoration for any table. How to cook broth? Take your pick, there are many recipes here! Don't forget to read the tips - how to make the broth clear, how to lighten the broth... If you wish, you can treat yourself to variety and prepare the broth with different vegetables, for example, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, as well as vermicelli, noodles, rice, omelet, dumplings , meatballs, omelet, rice, celery, egg. with giblets and even with sea cucumbers... Although for me it’s still the most delicious - chicken bouillon with meatballs. Mom's And it’s as easy as shelling pears to prepare: you ask your mom and you’re done!

  1. To make the broth rich and strong, bones, meat, fish, mushrooms, and vegetables are poured with cold water. If you want the contents of the broth to retain more of its useful properties without being released into the broth, then put it in hot water.
  2. Usually 2-2.5 glasses of water are poured into one serving, taking into account the fact that about a glass will evaporate during cooking. It is not advisable to add water later - the taste of the broth will be worse.
  3. Salt the broth immediately. But if you need broth for subsequent preparation of other dishes, then be careful with salt so as not to run into problems later. In this case, it is better to add salt later.
  4. The broth should be cooked over medium heat. Strong fire– cloudy broth, low heat – weak broth.
  5. As soon as the broth boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat.
  6. As cooking progresses, it is recommended to skim off the fat, since if the fat is heated for a long time, it acquires an unpleasant taste and smell.
  7. Remember that overcooked broth loses its taste and aroma. Meat broth is usually cooked for up to two hours (only pure bone broth can be cooked for up to three), fish broth - for an hour, mushroom broth - until the mushrooms become soft.
  8. An hour before the end of cooking, it is recommended to add onions, carrots, parsley and celery roots to the broth, and 5 minutes - a bay leaf.
  9. If you're making chicken broth from a wonderfully fresh chicken, it's best to avoid spices to preserve the natural flavor. But if it’s from a wonderful and fresh...
  10. How to clarify broth? If you want to lighten the broth, use special pulls that can be made from meat or protein (see our recipes).
  11. The finished broth is filtered.
  12. Don't overuse bouillon cubes.
  13. If you want to make the right chicken broth, never write “chicken”, “bulYen”, “bulYon”.
