What to say about the time of year. Composition on the topic: "Seasons"

Composition "Seasons".


The seasons are four different seasons. Spring is the time when the snow turns into numerous streams that go deep into the earth. At this time, it becomes warmer, the earth receives a lot of moisture, allowing plants to come to life. Summer is the season of fragrant flowers and bright sun. Autumn is the time of harvest and colorful trees. A harsh winter, to which all plants, animals and people are ready to obey.

Each season brings its own colors and gives a person a special mood. Seeing how the seasons change each other is a real happiness.

awakening spring

Spring begins to fulfill its duties after a cold winter. Every day the snowdrifts are getting smaller, the sun is brighter. The birds begin to return and delight with their lovely singing. The grass is green and the trees are budding. Different animals wake up in the forest after hibernation. Snowdrops appear, which are a symbol of spring awakening.

Children launch boats along the streams, and adults organize subbotniks. Everyone rejoices at the warm rain, which in an instant drives snow off the clearings and awakens the first flowers.

Very soon the month of May will come, accompanied by thunderstorms. They announce that the warm summer season is coming soon.

Hot Summer

Summer pleases with delicious berries and fragrant flowers. All meadows are trying on a new rich green color. Trees noticeably change, putting on numerous leaves.

From the scorching sun, high temperature, animals hide in their burrows, going out in search of prey only on a cool night. People often go to the forest for mushrooms, berries, escaping from the heat under the fluffy crown of trees. Rain is a real salvation for all living beings. After him, a huge rainbow of seven colors appears in the sky. Soon the green beauty will be replaced by different bright colors.

golden autumn

In autumn, gloomy days and changeable weather come. In an instant, sunny weather can turn into windy and rainy. Sometimes, in the fall, you don’t want to go outside. Wrapped up in a blanket, you watch the seasons raging among themselves - summer and autumn.

In autumn, people rush to harvest before the first frost. Birds fly to warmer climes. Animals go into hibernation. You can endlessly admire how bright orange, yellow, red foliage falls from the trees. No matter how summer tries to defend its rights, according to the laws of nature, winter will win.

Harsh winter time

When winter fully comes into its own, the earth will be covered with fluffy snow. It saves plants from frost and gives children many pleasant moments. The winter sun quickly disappears behind the horizon. A snow storm howls sadly, lifting the snow veil high, falling asleep all the roads and tree branches.

In the morning you can definitely see the beautiful patterns on the windows. To keep warm in their homes, people heat stoves. You can't go outside without warm woolen mittens. It is in winter that people celebrate many holidays. These holidays cannot be imagined without snow and frost.

little friends. And then one day my dream came true, because I realized that miracles happen every day, only we don’t notice them, and it’s very easy to notice them ... Listen! .. Do you hear? (quiet music plays).

We are going with you to the country where the Seasons live.

Tale of the Seasons

People lived in a magical land. They were beautiful and kind, always helped each other, and their mood was always cheerful. The weather of this magical land was the same as the people themselves: sunny, cheerful. Every morning the sun rose over the country and every ray, like a hand, greeted every inhabitant, and in the evening it set and indicated that the day was over and it was time for all people to rest. The trees were full of delicious fruits - apples, pears, plums, oranges - so people didn't have to cook food. The water in the river was so clean and delicious that no other drinks needed to be prepared. The life of the people of this country was wonderful and carefree, so no one could have thought that it would be any different.

But one day everything changed. Suddenly a strong cold wind blew, clouds swooped in, and it began to rain. Leaves fell from the trees. All animals and birds hid in their houses.

Then it got even worse: it got colder and it snowed. People were scared because they had never seen snow. They hid in their houses and looked in horror at the white fluff flying from the sky. It seemed that this cold will always be. Horror gripped the people.

Fairy tale therapy training

But then the snow ended, the good sun came out, the birds sang merrily. The snow began to melt, and wonderful white flowers appeared on the ground. The sun was hotter and hotter, it became very warm, and delicious fruits appeared on the trees again. People came out of their houses and laughed, finally everything was as good as before. But their joy did not last long.

Suddenly a strong wind rose again, it began to rain, all the leaves flew from the trees. Then it snowed and it got very cold. And then everything repeated, as last time: the sun came out, the snow melted, green grass appeared, leaves turned green on the trees, flowers bloomed. Then the fruits ripened, and people ran to collect them. As soon as they gathered food for themselves, a strong wind blew again - and everything was repeated anew.

No one could answer the question, "What's going on?" Small houses of people could not stand rain and snow, delicious fruits no longer grew constantly, and people were often hungry - after all, they did not know how to do anything with their own hands.

Then people decided to go for advice to the Good Wizard. The road to him was not easy, but the desire of people to talk to the Wizard was so strong that they were able to overcome all the difficulties of the path. F People asked the Wizard: “What happened?

0 ^ "^//-"o Why in our eternally green and sunny

it’s raining in the country, cold white flakes are flying from the sky, we’re cold and we’re hungry?”

The magician looked at the people and said: “Your happiness and misfortune is that you do not know what the Seasons are - winter, spring, summer, autumn. You don't know when to stock up on food, when you need warm clothes..."

How to tell your child about the seasons

People listened to the Wizard and understood that there was still much they did not know and could not do. And the Wizard continued: “You sing beautiful songs, dance beautiful dances, love the world in which you live. You know how to enjoy life. Now you need to learn how to work and watch the Time. And to make it easier for you to do this, I will give you a magic stone.

People looked at the magic stone and were surprised: they had never seen such a beautiful stone. It really was magical: huge, it shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. And the Wizard said, “Watch the stone. When it is yellow, it means that autumn will come soon: a cold wind will blow, it will rain, the leaves will fall. You can prepare for her coming by gathering fruits and wheat. When the stone turns blue, it means that soon it will be winter: it will become very cold, snow will fall. Hurry up to insulate your homes. The stone will turn green - it means that spring will come soon: the warm sun will come out, it will be possible to sow bread. The stone will turn red - it means that summer will come soon: it will be hot. Mushrooms and berries will grow in the forest.

The people thanked the Wizard and returned home. They took out old wise books and read how to sow bread, build warm houses, sew good, comfortable clothes, and much more. They watched the stone and found out when it would be winter, spring, summer, autumn. People were no longer afraid of rain and snow, but rejoiced at them no less than the sun. They knew that rain helps all living things grow, and snow in winter warms the underground inhabitants. So the people of this country have learned to work and I.

Fairy tale therapy training

They soon became accustomed to the changing seasons and drew up a calendar that had three winter months, three spring months, three summer months, and three autumn months. According to the Calendar and the sundial, they began to follow the Time themselves, and therefore did not waste a single minute.

This is how the magic stone helped people learn about the Seasons.

WorkWith children

In the process of telling a fairy tale, an adult introduces the concept of “seasons” for the first time. He gives a clear sequence of seasons, designating each season with its own color: winter - blue, spring - green, summer - red, autumn - yellow. As the tale is told, the “magic stones” also change depending on a certain time of the year. Do it discreetly, be a "mate" for the child. And if you use burning candles throughout the fairy tale, this will certainly make the atmosphere magical, mysterious, calm and will interest the child even more, attract his attention more.

If your child likes the story (and it usually does), tell it to him again and again. Tell the story slowly, make "magic" pauses, change your voice depending on each character in the story.

Using a magic stone as the main attribute of a fairy tale, you can diversify 2-3 lessons with the tasks below, the completion of which will help adults understand how the child remembered and understood the content of the fairy tale.

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Start your baby's acquaintance with natural phenomena on walks. Regularly draw his attention to the environment, the weather, the sensations of the body. At the same time, explain and in practice show the preschooler the concepts of “heat”, “warmth”, “cold”, “dampness”, “slush”. Show rain, snow, clouds, icicles, yellowing leaves, puddles. At the same time, explain what time of the year all this happens. To reinforce the relationship of concepts, ask children leading questions. For example: "It's snowing outside. What season do we have now?

When reading fairy tales, stories or poems, focus the child's attention on the details that describe what winter, spring, summer, autumn are. To consolidate the knowledge of the baby, ask him thematic riddles, pronounce proverbs about the seasons.
Buy a coloring book for your child. At the same time, ask the baby what colors he will paint the leaves with, if it is autumn in the picture, which pencil he will take when painting snow patterns. And when they usually appear on the glass. Draw compositions with your child on topics that represent the seasons. Make applications and crafts: "Winter fun", "Spring drops", "Summer still life", "Autumn landscape".

With the same success, study with the baby from the pictures, asking questions: “At what time of the year do birds build nests and hatch chicks?”. What time of year do birds fly south? To do this, stock up on various pictures depicting animals at different times of the year. Talk to your preschooler about people's activities related to winter, spring, summer, and fall. For example, the guys are sledding down the mountain. In another picture, children are launching boats in a stream. Or they make birdhouses. And combine operators work on the field. Pay attention to the baby that all these activities are connected with the seasons.

Teachers noted that children remember the seasons more easily when they observe the relationship with holidays. For example, on September 1, my sister took a bouquet and went to the Knowledge Day at school. This holiday starts in autumn. Or Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden brought a gift for the New Year's party. Of course, this happened in winter, otherwise the Snow Maiden would have melted. And March 8 is my mother's holiday, on which dad gives her a spring bouquet of tulips or mimosas. On May Day holidays, many families go to plant potatoes and fry kebabs in the country. The child easily remembers that this happens in the spring. And on June 1, on Children's Day, mom and dad take the baby to ride the rides and to the children's performance on the square. Talk to your child about what time of the year this or that holiday comes.

All four seasons are unique in their own way, each of them has its own special features that surprise every year with their beautiful phenomena. Every person has their favorite time of the year. Someone likes spring, someone likes summer, and someone likes autumn or winter. It all depends on taste and preference. Let's start with spring.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year, which includes the months of March, April and May. With her arrival, nature is reborn and a new life begins. Snow and frost gradually melt, fresh breath is felt. The sun shines in the blue sky, warming with its rays. In the morning you wake up from the singing of birds that are trying to tell mother nature about the arrival of the long-awaited spring. Between the trees, the first tiny snowdrops appear, which persistently make their way through last year's thick snow.

Summer is a wonderful, bright and colorful time, consisting of the months of June, July and August. In summer the days become longer and the nights shorter. Nature becomes green, the dazzling sun shines in the blue sky, the birds do not stop singing with their sonorous voices. And in the evening, the singing of birds changes to a chorus of crickets, which does not stop until the morning.

Autumn is an amazing time of the year, including September, October and November. At this time of the year, nature prepares for the cold winter, painting itself with special, unusual colors. The leaves of the trees turn from green to yellow, but the most beautiful thing at this time is that a ripe harvest is being harvested, which pleases us with its variety of tastes. After all, it is not for nothing that autumn is called the golden season.

Winter is a calm and quiet time of the year. Consists of December, January and February. In winter, nature is covered with white snow and falls asleep until the first heralds of spring wake up. Colds and severe frosts are coming, which fascinate with their beauty. Especially in the morning, everything glitters, as if diamonds and diamonds have fallen from the sky, and the windows are painted with bizarre patterns. Also at this time, the most long-awaited holiday of the year is celebrated - this is the new year, with the onset of which people begin a new life.

In conclusion, I would like to say that nature has endowed us with wonderful seasons, which surprisingly differ from each other and at the same time are very closely interconnected with each other. It is difficult to imagine the life of one without the other, so love and appreciate every moment of the seasons.

reasoning 3, grade 6.

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The seasons are four amazing seasons, each unique and charming in its own way. Spring awakening the living world, fragrant summer, graceful autumn and harsh winter. Nature in all seasons is incredibly beautiful, like a fairy princess trying on different clothes.

Whatever the weather in the yard, be it rainy, rainy or hot, it conveys the mood and colors of its season. Therefore, if you look out the window in a different way, then regardless of the rain or sleet, you want to rejoice and appreciate the opportunity that nature gives us, changing with the seasons.

spring awakening

In spring, nature wakes up after a long winter sleep: every day it becomes warmer, everything around turns green literally before our eyes, and in the forest you can increasingly meet animals and hear the joyful chirping of birds. At the beginning of spring, there is already little snow, but there are still enough cloudy days.

The appearance of snowdrops means that spring has fully come into its own. It is already gradually getting warmer, there are more sunny days, soon a light rain begins to water the blossoming trees. Everyone is looking forward to the first May thunderstorm, which announces that a warm and sunny summer has come.

Green summer kingdom

In summer, the meadows are covered with a fragrant plant tablecloth, and the gardens delight with a riot of colors - everything around turns into a green summer kingdom. It is at this time of the year that nature shows all its richness. A summer night is a special time when you can enjoy the distant stars, falling asleep under the open sky.

The high air temperature and the scorching sun force people to look for shade under the majestic crowns of trees. Bringing short-term relief summer rain allows you to see a real miracle of nature - a rainbow. But the leaves that are starting to turn yellow are already reporting that autumn is ahead.

Gloomy autumn

Autumn is a gloomy time when you don’t want to leave the house at all because of the constant rains. The weather at this time of the year is constantly changing: a bright sun is shining overhead, and in a moment thick clouds covered the sky - a downpour began.

But still, in autumn, nature is incredibly beautiful, because the golden leaves falling from the trees create an amazing atmosphere. With interest, you can watch the birds that fly away to winter in warmer climes, and the animals preparing for hibernation. Everything is fine while the autumn forest is painted with golden colors, but soon the bare trees sadly note that winter will come soon.

Harsh rules of winter

Winter is a real snow queen: it covers everything around with fluffy snow, which brings a lot of joy. But this time of year has its own harsh rules to be reckoned with: long blizzard nights are replaced by short non-sunny days. In winter, nature becomes silent - animals are in hibernation, even the chirping of birds cannot be heard.

But still, at this time of the year, nature is beautiful in its own way: a white fluffy tablecloth stretches for many kilometers, snow crunches underfoot and lies on tree branches like a white pillow. But soon the streams will murmur and snowdrops will break through, like news of an imminent spring.
