What are unstressed personal endings? Unstressed personal endings of verbs

Spelling of personal endings of verbs is a rule tested during the state final certification in the ninth and eleventh grades. Despite a large number of hours allocated school curriculum While studying this topic, many students continue to make annoying mistakes in writing. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon, since the topic can hardly be considered complex.

A little theory about verbs

Words of this part of speech are usually divided into two large groups: conjugated and non-conjugated. The first group consists of verbs that change according to tenses, persons and moods. They have another name - personal. The second group includes the infinitive, participle, gerund, since they do not have grammatical category faces, inclinations.

Personal endings of verbs included in the first group can be unstressed or stressed. The choice of vowels in endings that are under stress does not cause difficulties. The rule says that you should write the letter that you hear. For example, they scream, weave, talk, burn. Unstressed personal endings of verbs should be written based on the infinitive.

In order not to make mistakes in spelling, you need to know what verb conjugation is. The personal endings of verbs depend precisely on this constant morphological feature.

Correct spelling algorithm

To avoid mistakes, you should proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Put the word in its initial form. It is imperative to ensure that the word and its dictionary form belong to the same type: perfect or imperfect.
  2. Determine the conjugation at the end of the infinitive.
  3. Choose the ending depending on the person and number.

Sample reasoning

1. In the sentence “The man is hiding ... behind the curtain at the far window,” a vowel is missing at the end of the predicate. The second syllable -va- is stressed, so the choice of the missing letter must be made based on the conjugation.

2. The person (what is he doing?) is hiding.. This is an imperfective verb, which in an indefinite form will answer the question “what to do?”. The initial form is to hide.

3. The word ends in -ат and is not one of the exceptions, therefore “to hide” is a verb of the first conjugation.

4. Personal endings of verbs of this group are written with a vowel e. In the 3rd person singular form, this word will have the ending -et: A man is hiding behind a curtain at the far window.


There are two conjugations in the Russian language.

The first conjugation includes words ending in -at, -et, -yat, -ot, -ut. For example, drown, bargain, darken, stab, fight, pick, tickle, hang, rush, shoot, weed, blacken.

The second conjugation includes all verbs ending in -it. For example, to stain, demolish, wound, paint, argue, spoil, cut.

However, as is often the case in the Russian language, there are exceptions to the rule. There are thirteen such words, and you need to remember them.

On a note

It is important to remember that words that are formed by prefixes from exceptions will have the same constant morphological feature, as their non-prefixed forms. For example, shave, shave, lay, lay will belong to the first conjugation, and endure, consider, hold, drive - to the second.

Very often, students incorrectly determine the conjugation of verbs with the prefix you-, which leads to the wrong spelling of the ending. The reason for this phenomenon may be that the prefix pulls the accent towards itself, which automatically makes the ending unstressed. In order to correctly write the personal endings of verbs, the conjugation must be determined by their prefixless form.

Verbs with the postfix -sya have the same constant morphological feature as their verbs. For example, shave - shave, cut - cut, dig - dig, chase - chase, look - look, throw away - throw away.

Some words can have both conjugations. The word “honor,” for example, has 2 forms in the 3rd person plural: honor and honor.

Comparative table of verb conjugations with and without the prefix you-
pickpick outraisegrow
1 picking, pickingI pick it out, I pick it outgrowing, growingI'll grow, I'll grow
2 you pick, you pickyou pick it out, you pick it outgrow, growgrow up, grow up
3 picking, pickingpicks out, picks outraises, raiseswill grow, will grow

Writing vowels

Vowels in the personal endings of verbs that are in an unstressed position depend on the conjugation. Words of the first conjugation end with a vowel e, words of the second conjugation - with a vowel And.

Difficulties can arise with differently conjugated verbs. Unstressed personal endings of verbs of this category can have endings of both conjugations. This group is formed by words want, run, honor. Verbs give, There is and their derivatives do not belong to this group, but also have different endings when changing according to persons and numbers.

Spelling personal endings of verbs does not require students to memorize large amounts of theoretical information. You should place the emphasis correctly, remembering several nuances (conjugation, the phenomenon of heteroconjugation, algorithm for choosing a vowel), and be guided by them when writing.

Spelling of personal endings of verbs is a rule tested during the state final certification in the ninth and eleventh grades. Despite the large number of hours allocated by the school curriculum to study this topic, many students continue to make annoying mistakes in writing. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon, since the topic can hardly be considered complex.

A little theory about verbs

Words of this part of speech are usually divided into two large groups: conjugated and non-conjugated. The first group consists of verbs that change according to tenses, persons and moods. They have another name - personal. The second group includes the infinitive, participle, and gerund, since they do not have the grammatical category of person or mood.

Personal endings of verbs included in the first group can be unstressed or stressed. The choice of vowels in endings that are under stress does not cause difficulties. The rule says that you should write the letter that you hear. For example, they scream, weave, talk, burn. Unstressed personal endings of verbs should be written based on the infinitive.

In order not to make mistakes in spelling, you need to know what verb conjugation is. The personal endings of verbs depend precisely on this constant morphological feature.

Correct spelling algorithm

To avoid mistakes, you should proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Put the word in its initial form. It is imperative to ensure that the word and its dictionary form belong to the same type: perfect or imperfect.
  2. Determine the conjugation at the end of the infinitive.
  3. Choose the ending depending on the person and number.

Sample reasoning

1. In the sentence “The man is hiding ... behind the curtain at the far window,” a vowel is missing at the end of the predicate. The second syllable -va- is stressed, so the choice of the missing letter must be made based on the conjugation.

2. The person (what is he doing?) is hiding.. This is an imperfective verb, which in an indefinite form will answer the question “what to do?”. The initial form is to hide.

3. The word ends in -ат and is not one of the exceptions, therefore “to hide” is a verb of the first conjugation.

4. Personal endings of verbs of this group are written with a vowel e. In the 3rd person singular form, this word will have the ending -et: A man is hiding behind a curtain at the far window.


There are two conjugations in the Russian language.

The first conjugation includes words ending in -at, -et, -yat, -ot, -ut. For example, drown, bargain, darken, stab, fight, pick, tickle, hang, rush, shoot, weed, blacken.

The second conjugation includes all verbs ending in -it. For example, to stain, demolish, wound, paint, argue, spoil, cut.

However, as is often the case in the Russian language, there are exceptions to the rule. There are thirteen such words, and you need to remember them.

On a note

It is important to remember that words that are formed by prefixes from exceptions will have the same constant morphological feature as their non-prefixed forms. For example, shave, shave, lay, lay will belong to the first conjugation, and endure, consider, hold, drive - to the second.

Very often, students incorrectly determine the conjugation of verbs with the prefix you-, which leads to the wrong spelling of the ending. The reason for this phenomenon may be that the prefix pulls the accent towards itself, which automatically makes the ending unstressed. In order to correctly write the personal endings of verbs, the conjugation must be determined by their prefixless form.

Verbs with the postfix -sya have the same constant morphological feature as their verbs. For example, shave - shave, cut - cut, dig - dig, chase - chase, look - look, throw away - throw away.

Some words can have both conjugations. The word “honor,” for example, has 2 forms in the 3rd person plural: honor and honor.

Comparative table of verb conjugations with and without the prefix you-
pickpick outraisegrow
1 picking, pickingI pick it out, I pick it outgrowing, growingI'll grow, I'll grow
2 you pick, you pickyou pick it out, you pick it outgrow, growgrow up, grow up
3 picking, pickingpicks out, picks outraises, raiseswill grow, will grow

Writing vowels

Vowels in the personal endings of verbs that are in an unstressed position depend on the conjugation. Words of the first conjugation end with a vowel e, words of the second conjugation - with a vowel And.

Difficulties can arise with differently conjugated verbs. Unstressed personal endings of verbs of this category can have endings of both conjugations. This group is formed by words want, run, honor. Verbs give, There is and their derivatives do not belong to this group, but also have different endings when changing according to persons and numbers.

Spelling personal endings of verbs does not require students to memorize large amounts of theoretical information. You should place the emphasis correctly, remembering several nuances (conjugation, the phenomenon of heteroconjugation, algorithm for choosing a vowel), and be guided by them when writing.

Vowels in verb endings

§ 74. The spelling of unstressed vowels in verb endings is subject to general rule(see): unstressed endings are checked by the corresponding stresses. Applying this rule requires the ability to determine which conjugation the verb belongs to.

In the present-future forms of verbs I and II conjugations in all endings, except for the 1st person singular. h., the vowels are different. In the forms of the 2nd and 3rd person singular. h., 1st and 2nd person plural. part of verbs I conjugation is written with a letter e (no accent - e ), in the same forms of verbs of II conjugation the letter is written And ; in the form of 3rd person plural. part of verbs I conjugation - letters at (Yu ), verbs of II conjugation - A (I ). Wed, for example: carries, pecks, reads And screams, burns, asks; carry, peck, read And we scream, we burn, we ask; carry, peck, read And screaming, burning, begging.

Assigning a verb to I or II conjugation and writing the correct vowel at the end causes difficulties in such cases as sawing And you inject, drive And dries, shrinks And walks, plows And breathes, let's put it down And let's lie down and rinse And dragging, crying And heal, sow And builds. In such pairs of forms, the unstressed endings are pronounced the same way (as in the above pairs) or they can be mixed (in some forms of the 3rd person plural: cf. prick And sawing, plowing And breathe, rinse And drag, sow And are building).

The type of conjugation of verbs with unstressed endings is determined by the infinitive form (indefinite form of the verb). If in these verbs before the infinitive suffix -th- vowel And , then the verb belongs to the II conjugation, for example: cut, carry, put, treat. Verbs with infinitive not on -it belong to the I conjugation, for example: prick, plow, cry, doze, walk, regret, sow, touch, dry, lie down, climb, sit down. Therefore, for example, you should write: wears, let's say, treats, But plows, cries, walks, regrets, touches, climbs, dozes.


1) eleven verbs not in -it(with vowels e and A before - t), related to the II conjugation: twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure, drive, hold, breathe And hear;

2) three verbs -it related to the I conjugation: shave, build up And be ruffled. You should write: twirl, depend, hear, But shaving, being built, swaying and so on.

Choosing a letter before an infinitive suffix -th in place of an unstressed vowel (as, for example, in the verbs iron, multiply, build, sway, see, depend, offend, hear, sow) is determined by a special rule, see.

Everything that has been said applies to verbs with prefixes and with a final element (postfix) -xia (-s), which have endings of the same type of conjugation as the corresponding verbs without a prefix and without -xia (-s), e.g.: will drink(cf. drinks), let's choose (let's take), let's get some sleep (we sleep), will paint (paint), cut it (you cut), will suffer (suffers), are injected (prick).

Note 1: When conjugating a verb lay(and all verbs derived from it) use the same forms as the verb I conjugation lay: lay, lay, lay, lay, lay, lay.

Note 2. Verb want(and all verbs derived from it) has in singular. including unstressed endings of the first conjugation ( want, wants), although in plural. h. under stress - endings of the second conjugation ( want, want, want).

Note 3. Verbs of I conjugation sprinkle, rattle And pluck(and all verbs derived from them), along with forms like scatter, scatter, scatter, scatter, scatter, scatter, pinch, pinch, pinch, have colloquial variant forms like pouring, pouring, trembling, trembling, pinching, pinching, and the forms of the 3rd person plural included in this series. h. are transmitted in writing with the ending of the II conjugation: scatter, tremble, pinch.

Note 4: In suffixes active participles present time -ush- (-yush-) And -asch- (-box-) the same vowel is written as in the endings of the 3rd person plural. including corresponding verbs (see). For writing vowels in other participial forms, see and.

§ 75. Final vowel (always unstressed) at the end of the 2nd person plural. h is conveyed in writing by the letter e (in verbs of both types of conjugation), e.g.: write, draw, walk, look. Letter e plural forms also end. part of the imperative mood, for example: go, write, draw, look, let's go.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the writing of 2nd person plural forms. hours and plural forms including the imperative mood (verbs of the first conjugation) in such cases as, for example, you write, you shout(2nd person plural) and you write, shout(plural led, inclined).

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V.V. Lopatina. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2014. - 432 p. - (Reference books of the Russian language).

Table of personal verb endings

NumberFaceEndings of the first conjugationEndings of II conjugation
The only thing1st
(I) -у(-у)
(You) -eat (-eat)
(he she it) -et (-et)
(We) -eat (-eat)
(You) -et (-et)
(They) -ut(s)

Stressed personal endings of verbs

Stressed personal endings of verbs of the present and future simple tense are written in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: you are flying, flying, flying; you scream, they scream(II conjugation); you carry, carry, carry; bring it, bring it, bring it(I conjugation).

After sibilants, the letter is written under stress her) , For example: guard e sew, guard e t, guard e m, guard e those.

Unstressed personal endings of verbs

When writing verbs with unstressed personal endings, you should rely on the indefinite form.

Of the verbs with unstressed personal endings, conjugation II includes:

  1. verbs with infinitive form -it , For example: ask - ask, ask, ask; buy - buy, buy, buy ( except the verb shave - shave, shave, shave);
  2. eleven following verbs: look, see, hate, offend, depend, endure, turn; hear, breathe, hold, drive, as well as verbs formed from them with prefixes or suffixes -xia (see, see, look, turn etc.).

In verb lay - lay personal endings are used only depending on the form lay(i.e. I conjugation), for example: steles eat, stele no, stele ut .

Personal plural endings

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the 2nd person plural verbs I conjugation indicative And imperative :

  • V indicative inclination is written -yeah ;
  • V imperative -ite .

For example: What are you writing? yeah? (indicative) - Pish ite a little bit faster(imperative mood); When choose yeah (indicative) required material, you can prepare abstracts. - Choose carefully ite (Imperative mood) examples necessary for illustration.

In verbs of the second conjugation, both in the imperative and indicative moods, it is written -ite , For example: Breathe ite (imperative mood) deeper! - Are you breathing ite (indicative) restless; Turn off ite (imperative mood) gas! — When you turn it off ite (indicative), open the windows.

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Previously, we learned how to determine verb conjugations by their personal endings. Let's talk in more detail about writing personal endings of verbs, as well as about the use soft sign after sibilants at the end of the verb.

Spelling personal verb endings

WITH stressed endings of verbs all clear. The letter under stress is a test letter:

Words bale eat , bale look , track look and so on - stressed endings. They are written the same way they are pronounced (heard).

IN unstressed endings of verbs spelling letters e And And are determined by the indefinite form of these verbs:

Verbs ending in –it belong to the II conjugation: remember it ,smooth it .

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation, namely verbs in the indefinite form ending in

-at, -at,

-yat, -yt

-et, -et.

But there are verbs - exceptions related to II conjugation that need to be remembered. The easiest way to remember them is with the help of a rhyme:

Drive, hold, look and see,

Breathe, hear, hate,

And depend and twist,

And offend and endure,

You will remember, friends,

They cannot be conjugated with -e.

Let's make a table of unstressed endings of verbs:

I conjugation

II conjugation


-ut, -ut (3rd person plural)


-at, -yat (3rd person plural)

2 verbs – exceptions to-it:



verbs in infinitive form,with endings in

At, -ot, -ut,-yat, -yat, -yt


stake etc .

verbs in infinitive form –it :

serving it,

destroy etc.

7 verbs - exceptions to-there are :

view eat, hate, watch,

stuck eat, twist, offend, endure

4 verbs – exceptions to –at:

gn eat, hold, breathe, hear

There are differently conjugated verbs, for example, the verbs - to run and to want. Let's look at their endings:

I want oh, I'm running

You want eat, run

he wants yeah, he's running

We want them, let's run

You are hot come on, run

They want yat, run

There are verbs in the Russian language that are not used in the 1st person singular.

For example, verb win. Instead of the first person singular, they say:

I want to win or I'll try to win .

So, in order to check the correct spelling of the ending of a verb, you should reason as follows:

1. Determine the ending of the verb (stressed or unstressed).

If it is shock, then this is a test. If it’s unstressed, we discuss further.

2. We put the verb in the indefinite form and check its ending:

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verb of the second conjugation - we write at the ending -i, and if the verb is in the 3rd person plural, then we write –at or –yat.

3. Check whether the verb is included in the list of exceptions on –at And -there are.

If included, then this is a verb of the second conjugation, at the end we write -And:

hate eat - hate - hate .

If it is not included, then this is a verb of the first conjugation, at the end we write -e, and if the verb is in the 3rd person plural, then we write –ut or -yut.

For example:


This verb is in the future tense, 2nd person and singular:

  1. The ending is unstressed.
  2. In an indefinite form - tighten- ending –it– this is the II conjugation, at the end we write -And : twist look .


This verb is in the present tense, 3rd person, plural:

  1. The ending is unstressed.
  2. In an indefinite form - stuck eat - ending -there are.
  3. The verb is included in the list of exceptions - this is II conjugation, verb in the 3rd person, plural, ending -yat: stuck yat .

Spelling a soft sign after hissing verb endings

Verbs of the present and future tense in the 2nd person, singular ending in sibilant –sh. In this case, after –sh a soft sign is written:

beige eat, shout, sing .

A soft sign is written before –xia:

look oh, you're curling up .

It should be remembered that to use a soft sign after sibilants, you do not need to determine the form of the verbs, since:

A soft sign after sibilants at the end of verbs is written ALWAYS, it is preserved before –xia And -those:

you scream

take care - take care

cut - cut.
