Flower related teas. Bound (blooming) tea Time when a flower blooms or how to brew bound tea

Tea is popular among both Chinese and Westerners. Its buds have a unique shape, which subsequently opens into an amazingly beautiful flower. The aroma emanating from this drink captivates with its colorfulness and sweet aftertaste. It has a refined, delicate, soft taste.

The legend of tea creation

An ancient Chinese legend tells the story of a great emperor and his empress who lived in harmony and harmony for many years. When their long-awaited son was born, the emperor was so happy that he wanted to come up with a gift for his wife that would show his love and gratitude. Then he ordered the servants to prepare a wonderful drink made from flower shoots. This is how bound tea was born.


This wonderful drink cannot be assigned to any group of teas. It contains several types of raw materials. These can be petals of green, red, white, which are intertwined with the petals of plants such as jasmine, roses, chrysanthemums, St. John's wort.

Chinese bound tea is an integral part of Chinese culture. It takes pride of place among the most fascinating traditions of this Asian country. The variety of colors and unique shapes that bloom right before your eyes is a truly unique sight.

Manufacturing process

Chinese flower tea is handmade by local artisans. In this matter, it is important to have creative thinking and dexterous hands. Flower shoots are collected at the height of the rainy season. Wet shoots are well dried and carefully processed. They are then twisted into a variety of shapes, creating new compositions. How the Chinese associate tea remains a mystery to many. It is very important that the buds do not lose their elasticity and density. The combination of taste and color is also of great importance. Skilled craftsmen know how to bind ingredients to obtain a particular flavor and shape.

The finished bound tea must be well compressed so that the petals do not fall apart. Most often it has a round or oblong shape, and after brewing it turns into fancy images.

Beneficial features

Tea buds contain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial minerals. Its use helps improve immunity and strengthen blood vessels. Antioxidants contained in tea neutralize oxidative processes in the human body.

The drink is used as a remedy for blues and headaches. It has a positive effect on a person’s vitality, mental and physical activity.

For those who want to adjust their weight, flower tea will be a wonderful helper. The drink stimulates the digestive system, speeds up metabolism, and removes fats and other unnecessary elements from the body.

Bound tea has no contraindications or side effects.

There are different types of flower tea. They differ from each other in color, range, aroma and components.

  1. "Imperial Bouquet". It is a green bound tea, similar to an oblong bean. Consists of pink amaranth and yellow calendula flowers. It is recommended to brew it for more than five minutes to feel the delicate and aromatic taste of coconut milk.
  2. "Silver Spiral". Its buds have a characteristic silvery tint. When the pressed mold is opened, a beautiful little carnation appears. The drink carries a bright aroma of jasmine flowers.
  3. "The Birth of a Miracle" This drink combines several different types of tea. It has a rich, deep taste and magical aroma.
  4. "Garden of the Moon" The tea is a silver ball with green tints. It opens into the shape of a beautiful arch, from which tiger lily and jasmine seem to grow. For a rich taste, it must be infused for five minutes.
  5. "Sacred Fruit" The flower drink has a cute and romantic heart shape. When brewed, it produces flowers of orange lily, jasmine and pink amaranth. The delicate and sensual taste of tea is complemented by the soft aroma of coconut.
  6. "A fragrant bar of silver." This is green tea pressed into a silver-colored ball. When opened it comes out tender
  7. "Buddha's Basket" The drink has a bright fruity aroma, in which warm notes of peach merge with fresh notes of orange. When brewing, you can observe the intertwining of tea leaves with yellow calendula flowers.
  8. "Peach of Immortality" This is a tea with a delicate peach aroma. It is shaped like a Chinese lantern. During opening, yellow marigold, pink amaranth and white jasmine flowers bloom.


To do this, you will need a transparent teapot or any other deep transparent container. If you brew in a matte container, you will not be able to enjoy the beauty of the flower opening process.

How to brew bound tea:

  1. Pour boiling water into an empty container. Place pressed tea in it. If you do the opposite, the flower shape may fall apart or become damaged. And the blossoming of the figure will not be slow and mesmerizing, but fast.
  2. After the tea sinks to the bottom, you need to cover the dish with a lid.
  3. Pay attention to the process of transformation of a pressed figurine into an elegant flower or animal.
  4. After the time required for brewing has passed (it differs for each type of tea), pour into cups and add sugar to taste.

Some types of teas can be brewed several times, you can find out about this when purchasing the product. Increase the infusion time by 4-5 minutes each time you re-brew. This way your drink will not lose its rich and pleasant taste.

A fascinating, unique drink. First of all, the brewing process and its contemplation are important. It’s simply impossible to get enough of the spectacle that opens when a portioned composition gets into hot water. Blended tea is always a mystery; you never know what beautiful flower will bloom in your glass.

What is he like?

It is part of modern Chinese tea culture. But some historians refer to the fact that tea, opening like a flower, was mentioned in Chinese literature back in the Song Dynasty (X-XIII centuries). Still, it is generally accepted that it first appeared in the 80s of the 20th century.

Chinese bound tea is a bud made from the leaves of green (less commonly white, red, yellow) tea. A fragrant flower is woven into the buds, which creates this stunning spectacle. You just have to watch when it opens in the glass during brewing: an unsightly ball of dry grass contains a wonderful little performance inside.

How to make popping tea

It is knitted by hand by tea masters. Only the hands of a master! That's all. And at all stages of production. It is impossible to automate the production of this miracle. Therefore, Chinese tea in the form of a flower is unique.

The top leaves and buds of the camellia needed for production are collected during the rainy season. They are processed on the day of collection, then sorted, and a dried flower is placed in the middle. The leaves are then tied with thread, covering the plant. Each composition is dried in an oven.

The flowers hidden in the bud can be different: lily, chrysanthemum, jasmine, peony and many other beautiful plants. More often than not, the blossoming tea is made in the shape of a ball, which is a symbol of love in China. But it also comes in the form of a Chinese lantern, heart, star or dragon. Here everything depends on the imagination and mood of the brilliant master.

  • Brewing flower tea in China for a guest is considered great respect and special attention to him.

The time when a flower blooms or how to brew related tea

The main thing is time. He needs to be stopped. Be calm and relaxed, don't rush, don't think. Having achieved a state of inner peace, you can begin.

  • Before brewing bound tea, the glass teapot or glass must be heated with boiling water. Then take one bud with a flower and place it on the bottom of a transparent bowl. Carefully pour water down the wall: hot, but not boiling (80 or 90 degrees). But the bud must be protected from the stream. It’s better, on the contrary, to first pour water and then put Chinese flower tea into it. Then, in order for the figure to sink to the bottom, you need to close the container with a lid. Now you can put your glass down and wait.

A magical performance will appear in a few seconds - a tea flower will bloom in a glass. This is real intrigue. You will never guess what surprise will begin to break through the dense tea leaves, which will unfold before your eyes, revealing the miracle hidden in them.

Chinese bound tea combines a unique spectacular performance, delicate soft taste and amazing aroma. When the “play” is over, you can drink tea. The main thing is not to forget to refill the flower tea with water, as 3-4 steepings are allowed. And each one gradually reveals all the nuances of the drink. For repeated brewing, the time should be increased by 3 minutes.

The beneficial properties of the tea itself complement the healing properties of the plants woven into the leaves. For example, calendula normalizes high blood pressure, jasmine tones, and immortelle saves from many ailments.

It is really important to know how to brew bound tea that blooms like a flower. Having done everything correctly, you can enjoy an elite variety of your favorite drink and watch a sensual and intriguing dance performance. It is unlikely that anyone will remain indifferent to this action.

If you want to bring a little aesthetics into your life, then of course, you are better off brewing flowers or tea with flowers added. Green tea is used as a basis. On one side it is tied with threads, and inside there is a composition of flowers that can be seen when the tea opens during brewing. It is worth noting that the tea is tied by hand, and therefore it belongs to the category of elite and expensive tea.

This tea is often given as a gift to loved ones and lovers. It is really very beautiful and can be drunk on special occasions. One flower is enough to water a group of several people and have a pleasant time drinking tea.

How to brew bound green tea correctly? This question worries many tea lovers and connoisseurs. Today I will tell you the secret of brewing bound tea.

So, what do we need for this:
Glass teapot, water, and, of course, green tea.
What is important? To brew tea, we need 1 liter of water, and the kettle must be of an appropriate volume. Water must be potable and of good quality. What is meant by “good” quality? It should not be boiled or from the tap, it should be purchased bottled.

In order for the tea to reveal itself in the best possible way, you need to remove the sieve from the teapot. What should you pay attention to when brewing bound green tea? The water temperature should be 70-75 degrees, otherwise the tea will be bitter. And also, we first pour water into the kettle, and then just throw in a ball of bound green tea. So tea will show us not only its taste properties, but also show us its beauty.

Bound tea, also called flowering tea, became known among us not so long ago. However, it has a long history in its homeland of China. And although there is no exact data about the time of its origin, historians claim that information about it is found even in ancient Chinese chronicles.

In particular, literature that dates back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279) contains references to some kind of “demonstration” tea. It was created for the emperor's amusement and consisted of tea leaves that were tied together with flowers. This is where its intriguing name comes from.

Bound tea is a tight bud of tied dry tea leaves wrapped around a dried flower (or several flowers). Typically, flower tea is made in the form of a ball, but it can also have a more complex shape, which depends on the imagination and skill of the knitters.

This tea fully lives up to its name: during brewing, the bud blooms in the water like a beautiful flower. In addition to the leaves, fragrant inflorescences are used to make this tea:

  • jasmine;
  • camellia;
  • clover;
  • rose;
  • peony;
  • osmanthus;
  • calendula.

During the brewing process, the opening tea leaves reveal a unique floral bouquet. It gives the infusion an unsurpassed aroma and original taste.

Production Features

Bound tea is produced exclusively by hand. Masters who master all the subtleties and secrets of technology collect flowers and tea leaves into a harmonious composition. Such a bud, blooming in water, becomes like a fragrant bouquet.

For the production of flower tea, green tea leaves are mainly used, less often white or black. The fact is that black tea leaves are dry and brittle, while green leaves are much easier to tie with thread into the desired shape. To produce bound tea, it contains the highest quality raw materials: buds with the upper leaves of the Camellia sinensis tea bush, collected during the rainy season.

Bound tea ready to brew

Flowers are placed in the middle of each whimsical composition. To make it easier for the flowering tea buds to give a certain shape, they are processed on the day of collection: they are fermented and rolled, and after shaping, they are dried in special ovens, kept at a temperature of 110 degrees.

Bound tea is distinguished by its high cost due to the use of valuable raw materials (tea tips) and painstaking manual work. Only true tea masters can comprehend all the intricacies of producing this amazing product, which is often compared to a work of art. Bound tea buds are not created according to a template, so each of them is unique and inimitable.

Beneficial features

Tea leaves contain caffeine, so the infusion of the associated tea has tonic and stimulating properties. This drink also contains tannin, which is an antioxidant. It protects the body's cells from oxidation and the negative effects of free radicals.

Since green tea leaves are used to produce flowering tea, it has all the beneficial qualities of green tea: improves metabolism, helps remove toxins from the body, normalizes the digestive tract, and improves immunity. With this drink, vitamins and microelements, amino acids and tannins enter the body.

The valuable properties of tea are complemented by the beneficial qualities of the inflorescences. Almost all the flowers that are used in the production of this drink are medicinal plants known for their healing, restorative and preventive properties.

How to brew bound tea correctly

A drink made from bound tea gives new taste sensations and unusual aesthetic pleasure. To enjoy not only the rich taste and aroma of the tea infusion, but also the brewing process, you should use glassware.

Through its transparent walls you can observe the most interesting thing - a bewitching picture of how an unsightly-looking ball of dry tea opens up and turns into a fragrant flower.

There are several principles on how to brew blooming tea correctly:

  1. Before brewing, the kettle should be warmed up by rinsing with boiling water.
  2. The water for brewing should be soft, and its temperature should not exceed 80–90 degrees.
  3. The tea bud should not be filled with water. To see all the beauty of this elite tea, blooming like a marvelous flower, you must first pour water into the teapot and then lower the bud into it.
  4. Infusion time – until the bud opens completely, from 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. Typically, bound tea can be brewed 2 to 4 times in a row, increasing the time of each infusion by 3 minutes.

In China, the homeland of related tea, it is traditionally brewed on special occasions for the most important guests and given as a sign of special attention. Recently, flowering tea has spread beyond Southeast Asia, gaining increasing popularity around the world. It evokes interest in long-standing traditions, turning ordinary tea drinking into a magical ritual.

Related tea- this is a drink that intrigues with its name, fascinates with its spectacle and attracts with its taste and aroma. Bound tea is produced exclusively by hand and only from the top leaves and buds of white, green or yellow teas. Also, during production, some fragrant flower is added to this tea. Only true tea masters know all the intricacies of producing this magnificent tea, which can be compared to a real work of art.

Bound tea is a dry bud, which is tightly knitted with a cotton thread and contains a surprise, since the craftsmen who create this tea do not knit it according to a pattern. They create a huge number of different combinations, trying to bring something unique and unusual to this tea every time.

How to brew cohesive tea or how the magic happens!

If you decide brew bound tea, don’t rush anywhere, relax, calm down and enjoy the true beauty. Place the tea bud in a large, clear glass. Pour boiling water over the side of the glass, very carefully. And then get ready for the mysticism that will begin in a couple of seconds. At the beginning, the bud takes on an interesting and at the same time unusual shape. Then flowers appear through the elastic leaves, which can be yellow, lilac, red, purple, orange and even white. And only after this the leaves begin to straighten out. Due to this process, this tea is called the most mesmerizing Chinese tea.

The number of brews of bound tea depends on the type of tea. When purchasing, be sure to ask the seller about their permissible quantity, since if up to 3 or 4 are permissible, then with each subsequent brew the time must be increased to 4 minutes. The bound tea should be drunk when all the leaves have bloomed.

About the benefits of bound tea!

Related tea has a stimulating and tonic effect due to the caffeine it contains. Therefore, by enjoying this tea, you can easily overcome headaches, fatigue and drowsiness. Besides, bound tea is an excellent drink for hypertensive patients. It also stimulates metabolism restoration and weight stabilization. Another interesting fact is that the tannin contained in the leaves of the bound tea perfectly fights the aging of the body.

Symbolism of bound tea!

Most often, craftsmen tie this tea into figures that differ in both shape and size. But, nevertheless, the most common figurine is a ball, which among the Chinese symbolizes love. Tea is also found in the form of a Chinese lantern, spindle or flower bud.
The “intrigue” inside plays an important role. So, according to Chinese poets, plum tea gets rid of bad thoughts; tea with chrysanthemum is a person’s path to harmony with himself; and tea with peony helps awaken previously hidden strengths and capabilities in a person.

Bound tea is a bright and amazing drink, which brings fairy tales, mysticism and mystery into our lives.
