Where is it coldest? Find out where the coldest place on earth is

It is difficult to determine reliably which places are the coldest on Earth. Initially, everything seems quite simple - you just need to find information on temperatures and then compare them. But how to accurately determine the location? Antarctica is, of course, the coldest place on Earth, but is it worth considering it as a whole? Or how many different items? Should we take the lowest recorded temperature, or the average for the year? There are many issues that make it difficult to create this list flawlessly. But this list contains the Top 10 places where you will definitely feel what real cold is like.

Vostok Station, Antarctica

Of course, the number one coldest place is Antarctica. Vostok is a Russian weather station that holds the record for the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth - minus 53.67 degrees Celsius. This temperature was recorded on July 21, 1983, although some claim that in 1997 it dropped to 55.56 degrees. The warmest month here is January, with an average temperature of -3.44 degrees, and average values ​​during the winter months are minus 26.67 degrees. This place is located at an altitude of 3,488 m above sea level, with minimal oxygen and no humidity. Vostok Station is considered one of the most dangerous, inhospitable and unpleasant places in the world.

Northais in Greenland

The next place on the list is much less known. Northays in Greenland was a research station for a British expedition in the 1950s that successfully recorded the coldest temperature in North America. A temperature of -66.1 degrees Celsius was recorded in North Ice on January 9th, 1954. Cold temperatures persist here to this day, so North Ice is unlikely to become a popular tourist destination any time soon.

Ismitte in Greenland

To be fair, it is worth noting that Eismitte (literally “Middle of the Ice” in German) is devoid of any buildings or signs of civilization. In the 1930s, an expedition was sent here to take temperature measurements. In February, the coldest month, the temperature here drops to -64.9 °C. These studies came at a very heavy price. In 1930-1931, the mission claimed the lives of Alfred Wegener and Rasmus Villumsen, while another team member had his toes amputated without pain relief. These are sufficient reasons to discourage any desire to visit these places.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The most populated place on our list, the capital of Mongolia is considered the coldest capital in the world and one of the most polluted. The city is located at an altitude of 1,310 m above sea level, and is home to 1,278,000 people. There are interesting sights here, but you won't want to linger outside with the average January temperature of -25 degrees Celsius (which can easily drop to -42 degrees).

Eureka in Canada

This research settlement has no permanent residents, but only 8 staff members. Eureka has been used as a weather station since its founding in 1947. It's not the most glamorous place to work, with no sunshine from October to February and an average annual temperature of -16 degrees Celsius. The area is also a polar desert, with no rainfall from October to May. Despite this, many plants and animals are present here, which is why Eureka is called the “Garden of the Arctic.” It is not only one of the coldest places on Earth, but also a place of great contrasts.

Oymyakon, Russia

When it comes to cold weather, Russia is definitely in the big league. Oymyakon recorded a record low of -67.78 degrees Celsius, the lowest recorded temperature for a permanently inhabited place on Earth. The record was recorded on February 6th, 1933. With a population of 472 people, the settlement is quite large compared to some of the others on the list.

Snow in Yukon, Canada

What about the coldest temperature in continental North America? The record belongs to the village of Snedge in Canada, where on February 3, 1947, a temperature of -62.78 degrees Celsius was recorded. The settlement is currently uninhabited, as living conditions here are quite harsh.

Prospect Creek, Alaska

This frigid place is currently uninhabited, but it was once home to several thousand construction workers who built the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System between 1974 and 1977. The campground was disbanded after the pipeline was completed and now there is no one to enjoy the average daily temperatures of -26 degrees Celsius in January. The lowest temperature recorded in Rogers Pass was -62 degrees (in January 1971).

Stanley, Idaho, USA

This Idaho city has a population of only 63 people. The record low of -47 degrees was recorded here in December, but Stanley is called the city of extremes because temperatures can be quite high during the warmer months of summer. The city has its own museum, mayor and even its own chamber of commerce - not bad for a population of 63 people!

Rogers Pass in the USA

Rounding out the list of the coldest places on Earth is Rogers Pass in Montana, USA. Located at an altitude of 5,610 m above sea level, Rogers Pass is located in Montana and is one of the warmest places on the list. The average temperature in January currently ranges between -10 and 0 degrees, but on January 20, 1954, a record of -57 Celsius was recorded here.

February 7, 2015 | Categories: Places , Topper , Nature

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The coldest place on Earth

The coldest place on earth is in Antarctica. This place is called the pole of cold.

The lowest natural temperature on planet Earth was recorded on July 21, 1883 at the Soviet (currently Russian) Vostok station in Antarctica. The measurement result showed a temperature of 89.2 degrees Celsius.
Vostok station is located at an altitude of 3488 meters above sea level, is located far from the ocean, so the nearest coast is more than 1000 km away, the polar night lasts from May to June, all these factors influence the ambient temperature at the specified point.
Geographic coordinates of Vostok station: 78 ° 28"S 106 ° 48"E

For comparison, it must be said that the south pole is not the coldest place on the planet, since the minimum recorded temperature is -82.8 ° degrees Celsius.

Scientists claim that the Vostok station is not the coldest accurate on the planet, however, in Antarctica there is still very little measuring equipment to record temperatures on all surfaces of the continent; most likely, there are points where the temperature dropped lower - 89.2 degrees Celsius, but it was not recorded by trusted temperature measuring devices.

Coldest place in Earth's northern hemisphere

January 15, 1885 in Verkhoyansk S.F. Kovalik recorded a temperature of -67.8 degrees Celsius.

However, you need to understand that this is an isolated case of fixation. In practice, it is customary to determine the cold poles by the average temperature throughout the year.
At the moment, the pole of cold in the northern hemisphere is 2 areas.
- the city of Verkhoyansk, located in Russia, in the Republic of Sakha

- Oymyakon village, Russia, Republic of Sakha

The weather is changing again, and here's a look at some of the insanely cold places where people actually live.

The lowest ever recorded was minus 128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2°C) at a Russian research station in Antarctica, Vostok, on July 21, 1983. While most cities aren't as terribly cold, some are still pretty close to that mark. Below are the eight coldest cities in the world where people live.

1) Verkhoyansk, Russia

According to the 2002 census, Verkhoyansk, Russia, has 1,434 inhabitants. It was founded as a fortress in 1638 and served as a regional center in animal husbandry and gold mining. Located 650 kilometers from Yakutsk, another cold spot on our list, and 2,400 kilometers south of the North Pole, Verkhoyansk was used for political prisoners between 1860 and the early 20th century.

It's not surprising why undesirables were exiled here: in January the average temperature is minus 50.4 degrees Fahrenheit (-45.7 °C), and the average monthly temperature remains quite low from October to April. In 1892, residents recorded temperatures of minus 90 degrees F (-67.7 °C).

2) Oymyakon, Russia

People in Oymyakon object to Verkhoyansk being given the title of coldest place in the Northern Hemisphere, arguing that they recorded a minimum temperature of minus 90 degrees F (-67.7 °C) on February 6, 1933.

By the way, political prisoners were also often exiled here during the Stalinist regime. Oymyakon is located three days' drive from Yakutsk, and between 500 and 800 people live there. There is no mobile phone service here, there are few modern amenities at all, and schools in the village do not close at -52°C. Travel companies offer tours to Oymyakon as the “ideal destination” for an exotic adventure.

3) International Falls, Minnesota.

International Falls, Minnesota may not be as cold as Oymyakon, but it is one of the coldest places in the continental United States. About 6,703 people live in International Falls (2000 census), which straddles the US-Canada border.

Winters here are long and cold, with average temperatures in January of about 2.7 F (-16.2 °C). The mercury will reach zero on more than 60 nights per year, and the area receives a lot of snow (166 cm). International Falls is in a bidding war with the city of Fraser, Colorado over the use of the "Refrigerator Nation" brand name.

4) Fraser, Colorado.

Fraser, Colorado is located at an elevation of 2,600 meters in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and is home to 910 residents (as of the 2000 census). Located near the popular Winter Park ski resort, Fraser enjoys some of the coldest winters in the continental United States. The average annual temperature throughout the year reaches 32.5 degrees Fahrenheit (almost 0 °C), and in the summer drops to 29 degrees (-1.66 °C).

5) Yakutsk, Russia

Yakutsk has a reputation as the coldest city in the world. The world's lowest temperature outside Antarctica was recorded near Yakutsk in the Yana River basin. In winter, the average minimum drops below −40 °C, starting in October and lasting until the end of April. In January, the average temperature reaches -34 degrees Fahrenheit (-36.6°C); the record low temperature recorded in January is minus 81.4 degrees Fahrenheit (-63 °C).

6) Hell, Norway

Hell, which means “hell,” became famous in Norway for the very successful combination of its name and subarctic temperature. The average air temperature in February 2010 was about 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-6.6 °C). In recent years, the flow of tourists to this city has increased significantly, mainly to take pictures in front of one of the railway station signs.

Hell freezes on average for a third of the year, from December to March.

7) Barrow, Alaska

Barrow is the northernmost city in the United States and is located just 2,100 kilometers south of the North Pole and 510 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. The small city, home to 4,581 people, was built in an area of ​​permafrost that is characterized by a lack of periodic thawing and very harsh winters.

The sun sets at the end of November and does not appear until the end of January. Even during summer days the air is very cold. Average temperatures don't rise until June, and even then barely - July averages a high of 40.4 degrees Fahrenheit (4.6 °C).

Barrow is the economic center of the North Slope, and many of its residents work in the energy industry. The city can only be reached by plane or sea.

8) Snedge, Canada

Located in the Yukon Territory, the village of Snedge was the first settlement in the Klondike during the Gold Rush. The village in the White River Valley recorded its lowest temperature of minus 81 degrees Fahrenheit (-62.8 °C) on February 3, 1947. This is the coldest recorded temperature in continental North America. The average temperature in Snedge ranges between 10.3 °F (-12.05 °C) and 34.3 °F (1.2 °C).

The pole of cold can be called a certain area of ​​the globe in which the lowest temperature has ever been recorded. In addition, regions that record the coldest temperatures on the planet can also be considered poles of cold.

At this time, several points are recognized as the coldest places on Earth, although recent studies have revealed record levels of sub-zero temperatures in three specific places on our planet.

South and North poles of cold

There are two officially recognized regions that contain the coldest spots on the planet. These are the North and South poles of cold.

In the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, the cold poles with record temperatures are the village of Oymyakon (with indicators of -67.7 °C) and the city of Verkhoyansk (-67.8 °C).

The Vostok station, located in the vastness of East Antarctica, is considered the boundary point of the South Pole of Cold. Until recently, the lowest temperature recorded in this area was − 89.2 °C. And during the latest research, a temperature of −92 °C was recorded on the territory of the East Antarctic Plateau, which is considered the lowest of all time.

Methods for studying the poles of cold

Such information is contained in special maps compiled using the direct work of meteorological services and satellites. The most accurate research has been carried out continuously for the past 32 years, and one of these meteorological satellites is the American brainchild of Landsat 8 - a high-quality model of an Earth remote sensing apparatus. Such a unit is distinguished by a large set of measuring equipment and research functions, which allows the use of the latest generation spacecraft to perform a variety of purposes and tasks.

Thus, it was revealed that an entire region on the territory of modern Antarctica is much higher than the rest and has record levels of sub-zero temperatures. This is also due to the fact that there is no air circulation for long periods of time, and heat is released into outer space continuously.

In addition, it is worth noting that there are many isolated places on our planet in which sub-zero temperatures border on record lows. Such places are located in different parts of the globe.

The coldest points on the globe

In addition to specific points with minimum temperatures indicated in Antarctica, there are many places on Earth that are constantly constrained by winter frosts. The coldest places in the world were recognized:

  • The southern pole of cold is the Russian Antarctic Vostok station(East Antarctica - 78°28′ S 106°48′ E), at this point on July 21, 1983, a record low air temperature was recorded on the surface of the planet −89.2 °C, this is the lowest temperature recorded by meteorologists
  • The North Pole of Cold is a city Verkhoyansk in Yakutia - on January 15, 1885, the temperature was recorded in this locality −67.8 °C.
  • The village of Oymyakon competes with Verkhoyansk for the title of the northern pole of cold, so in February 1933 the temperature was recorded by Soviet meteorologists −67.7 °C, which is 0.1 °C higher than the temperature record in Verkhoyansk.

It is worth noting that sometimes the poles of cold are considered to be mountains, where the temperature also drops below 65 degrees Celsius, however, this technique is controversial, because scientists are interested in the temperature on the surface of the Earth, and not at altitudes of several kilometers above sea level. For example, Americans consider Mount Denali (or McKinley) and its surroundings to be one of the coldest places on the planet, where the cold lasts as long as possible. Canadian meteorologists sometimes consider Mount Logan (Canada), where a temperature of −77.5 °C was recorded in May 1991, to be the northern cold pole. But we must repeat ourselves - first of all, scientists are interested in the temperature on the surface of the planet, and according to this method, primacy belongs to three points - the Antarctic Vostok station, the city of Verkhoyansk and the village of Oymyakon.

Incredible facts

It is cold and icy outside, and if you are sitting in a warm room in a chair with a cup of tea, then in such frost you can think about those places on our planet where it is now even colder and the temperature is much lower.

International Falls, Minnesota, USA: -40 Celsius

International Falls takes its status as the coldest place in the mainland US quite seriously, and is willing to prove it even in court.

Which is what they did in 2002 when they won a case against the city of Fraser, Colorado. Thus, The title of "Refrigerator of the Nation" remained with International Waterfalls. They even celebrate the Freezer Days Festival every year.

Moreover, at International Falls there is the lowest average temperature in the country is 0-2 degrees Celsius.

Stanley, Idaho, USA: -47 Celsius

International Falls is not the coldest place in the continental US: The championship belongs to the city of Stanley in Idaho.

On top of this, the city boasts the highest number of coldest days of the year from 1995 to 2005.

The city is located in the Rocky Mountain region, and is surrounded by the White Cloud, Boulder and Sawtooth mountain ranges, and three national forests.

Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA: -62.1 Celsius

Prospect Creek is a small village in Alaska that was home to miners and oil pipeline workers.

Prospect Creek records the coldest temperatures in the United States: in January 1971 it dropped to -62 degrees Celsius.

Despite this cold, the oil in the pipes does not freeze thanks to the thick thermal fiberglass coating.

Snow, Yukon Territory, Canada: -63.9 degrees Celsius

In the village of Snag, located in the White River valley, it was registered lowest temperature in North America: -63.9 degrees.

In 1947, when this temperature was recorded, the village was inhabited by 8-10 natives, fur traders, weather station employees, radio operators and technicians.

The temperature was so low that meteorologists had to add a new division on the thermometer scale, and send it to the laboratory to determine the exact temperature.

Yakutsk, Siberia: -64.4 Celsius

Yakutsk is located on the northern bank of the Lena River.

The winters there are so cold that the frozen river serves as a reliable road.

In Yakutsk you can find almost all the elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table, and folk legends associate this with cold.

According to one legend, the god flew over the earth and distributed wealth and resources, but when he got to Yakutia, he was so cold that he dropped everything from his hands.

Verkhoyansk, Siberia: -69.8 degrees Celsius

Verkhoyansk is another Siberian town, located near the Arctic Circle.

The city, which is a center for deer breeding, was founded in 1638, and was a place of exile until 1917.

In addition to the fact that Verkhoyansk is considered one of the coldest places on earth, there there is a huge difference in temperatures at different times of the year: for example, in January the average monthly temperature is -45.8 degrees Celsius, and in July +16.9 degrees.

Oymyakon, Siberia: -71.2 degrees Celsius

Oymyakon is considered the coldest permanently inhabited place on earth.

The village is located below 350 kilometers from the Arctic Circle. The school there closes only when the temperature drops below -52 degrees Celsius.

Along with Verkhoyansk and Yakutsk, Oymyakon was a place of exile for political prisoners.

Vostok, Antarctica: -89.2 Celsius

Vostok Station, located near the Southern Geomagnetic Field in the center of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet at an altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level, is officially recognized as the coldest place on the planet. Here On July 21, 1983, a world record was registered: -89.2 degrees Celsius.

Despite the fact that this is a Russian station, scientists from all over the world conduct research here. One of the main projects involves drilling a 3700 meter ice sheet, which can provide information about the Earth's climate over the past 500,000 years.

Despite such low temperatures, very little snow falls in the station area - approximately 25 centimeters of precipitation per year.
