Why does the right nostril itch? Itchy nose at night

Everyone sometimes has the desire to scratch their nose, most often it is a reaction to a minor irritant. But in some cases, the itching can be so long-lasting and severe that it creates discomfort in everyday life.

Itchy skin in itself is not dangerous. This is common and most cases go away on their own within a week or two at most. The American Academy of Dermatology views itching as a general irritation and urge to scratch the skin. Inexpensive over-the-counter ointments can be used to relieve the skin of this problem.

If it is caused by a rash, it will also be accompanied by small raised pimples or bumps. The rash can also cause swelling and inflammation. The skin may feel warm and there may be other symptoms depending on the underlying cause of the rash. The rash can be painful, especially in children, and professional medical diagnosis is necessary to determine the cause.

People with weakened immune systems or who are using immune-suppressing drugs (such as chemotherapy and diabetes medications) should tell their doctors immediately to avoid complications.

Associated symptoms

Symptoms can vary and depend on the underlying cause of the itching. Those caused by external substances (eg, contact dermatitis) will be different from those caused by a general medical condition or virus and fungal infection (eg, chickenpox, shingles, and Lyme disease).

The main possible symptoms that may accompany an itchy nose include the following:

  • Small bumps on the nose, cheeks, forehead and around the ear that itch
  • Fever, especially for children
  • The skin may feel tight and itchy
  • Dry, flaky and cracked face
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear
  • Facial swelling
  • Small itchy blisters
  • Swelling of the nose.

You should seek medical help if any of these symptoms persist for more than a week and are accompanied by an itchy rash.

Myths and superstitions

In medicine, an itchy nose is due to some sort of irritation, such as dermatitis, or a medical condition, such as diabetes, and itching can also indicate an infection, perhaps due to a nose piercing or wound.

But apart from the above medical reasons, there are various superstitions and myths about itching in different parts of the body. They differ geographically and therefore their interpretation varies from country to country.

A common myth that explains the desire to scratch one's nose is that one is about to kiss a fool. Sometimes they say that this is a sign of a fight, while some people even interpret it as a sign of a possible curse. We very often say that the nose itches before drinking alcohol, as if anticipating a feast.

In the southern region of the United States, a common myth is that when your nose itches, you should expect guests. If the left side of the nose itches, then the guest will most likely be a man, if the right side is a woman.

In the northern part of the United States they disagree with this interpretation, they believe that an itchy tip of the nose is a possible signal of receiving a letter (it is not clear whether the email is part of a superstition).

Other common superstitions and myths:

  • The nose itches for a quarrel
  • To the fight
  • Someone is thinking about you
  • To make a profit.

The above list is just a few of the existing myths and superstitions about itching in this part of the body.



Allergies are a common cause of itchy skin. The most common type of allergy is gluten allergy. The main form of this condition is dermatitis herpetiformis, a serious skin rash associated with celiac disease (a bowel disease that causes intolerance to certain proteins). Symptoms include severe itching that can occur on any part of the body.

The only treatment for this condition is diet. No medications are required. Beer, barley and any foods containing gluten should be avoided.


Nose piercings can cause a skin reaction to nickel. Using unsterilized and contaminated instruments can also transmit infections, such as the virus that causes AIDS. An open wound may come into contact with bacteria or fungi, resulting in nasal swelling and itching due to infection. Find out more about the infection.

Itching after eating

A possible explanation for why your nose itches after eating is that you are allergic to the food you ate. This is most relevant among people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance). Symptoms may be severe and painful.


  • Facial swelling
  • Small raised bumps on the skin
  • Sneezing, itchy nose
  • Swelling of the tongue, lips and eyes
  • Heavy breathing and tightness in the chest.

To reduce these symptoms, you can take antihistamines by mouth, such as:

  • sodium cromoglycate - helps well with mild food allergies, with virtually no side effects, but most often comes in the form of eye drops or nasal spray, and for food allergies it must be taken orally;
  • Cetirizine is a widely used new generation drug for various forms of allergies.
  • Levocetirizine is a more expensive, but also faster-acting drug with fewer side effects compared to cetirizine;
  • other antihistamines, in particular the latest (third generation).

Sometimes they may be prescribed along with epinephrine. These drugs are available without a prescription.

Itching caused by worms


This is an operation aimed at changing the shape of the nose (size or angle). It is also used to correct many other nasal defects. After this procedure, itching may occur.

It is necessary to contact a dermatologist so that he can prescribe the best drug that will not interfere with treatment.

Dry facial skin

Dry flaky skin

May be caused by using too much makeup and skin moisturizers. Soap and body lotion can also trigger this problem. It may also be exacerbated by conditions and diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis and malnutrition.


Neuropathy is peripheral nerve dysfunction that causes numbness. The condition may also cause a tingling and tingling sensation. Muscle weakness is also a common symptom.

Other reasons

Other possible reasons that could lead to this problem:

  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Itching in the nose and throat

A common cause of this is contact with allergens - substances to which the body reacts and may cause the following symptoms: itching, sneezing and skin rashes. When the body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, an organic compound that protects against allergens.

The histamine produced is the cause of allergic rhinitis, more commonly known to many as hay fever. The most noticeable symptoms of this are runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes. Other symptoms include watery eyes, congestion, sores and a sore throat.

Common allergens include grass, pollen, dust, mites, cockroaches, cigarette smoke and perfume. Hay fever is common and harmless, but sometimes there are severe symptoms that can be difficult to manage. You should seek medical help if you begin to notice the following symptoms:

  • Regular headaches that require long-term treatment
  • General excessive fatigue of the body
  • The skin is very itchy and flaky
  • Sore or sore throat
  • Constant cough
  • Runny nose.

The following can be used to treat allergies:

  • Antihistamines are used to cause the body to stop secreting histamine. If you are already prescribed medication, you should consult your doctor before starting a new medication.
  • Decongestants can be used to relieve congestion. If you have high blood pressure, you should consult your doctor before using such medications.
  • You can also use eye drops and nasal spray. They can help with itching and other allergy-related symptoms.
  • For severe cases of an allergic reaction, your doctor may prescribe immunotherapy. It may be used alone or with other medications to relieve symptoms. An example is sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).
  • You should also reduce exposure to the allergen (eg, keep bedding clean, vacuum to remove dust and mites).

Itchy nose at night

Itching of the nose, like other parts of the body, can occur at any time of the day or night. But it often happens that it gets worse at night. This can be problematic as the condition greatly affects normal sleep patterns. The exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown. If you are exposed to allergens that cause itching, treatment for the condition will likely take a long time.

Chronic nighttime itching can be a clear sign of a medical complication that should be addressed by a dermatologist, especially when swelling, inflammation, rashes, and small bumps occur. A common cause of nighttime itching is associated with psoriasis and eczema, also called atopic dermatitis.

You can try using anti-itch creams or gels to soothe your skin so you can sleep. When itching is accompanied by congestion, you can try rubbing the onion and breathing in it. You can also try drinking warm water or peppermint tea.

Itching and sneezing

Having an itchy nose and sneezing is a clear sign of hay fever. This is an allergic reaction caused by pollen and dust, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. This can cause some visible symptoms such as a runny nose and watery eyes.

There is no cure for this condition. However, people can relieve symptoms for some time with a variety of medications. The best solution is to avoid all allergens that cause hay fever. Antihistamine creams and corticosteroids may also help reduce inflammation and swelling.


Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the itching. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the condition is diagnosed and the cause is established.

People with a weak immune system, especially those with HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or taking chemotherapy drugs, should not take any medications without a doctor's prescription.

  • To reduce the level of histamine that causes allergic reactions, your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine in pill or injection form.
  • Topical corticosteroid ointments can be taken for mild cases of inflammation, swelling and itching, as well as lumps and lumps.
  • Sometimes your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant by injection or oral medication.
  • For those who are resistant to corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors are an alternative.

Home Remedies

  • Chop fresh onions and inhale their vapors to unblock congestion. It is also beneficial to eat food seasoned with pepper.
  • Peppermint tea can be very helpful for nasal congestion and severe headaches.
  • Aloe vera gel is an excellent moisturizer and antibacterial for the skin. It can be used to relieve itching caused by contact dermatitis and eczema.

When the nose begins to itch, many immediately look for folk signs associated with this phenomenon. But there are also physiological reasons explaining why the nose itches, which also need to be taken into account.

Signs will tell you why your nose itches, but sometimes it’s better to check your health

Causes of itchy nose

Itching in the nose or the feeling that the wings of the nose or its tip are itching is not a dangerous phenomenon, but unpleasant.

The causes of itching can be different:

  • Allergic reaction. In case of an allergy to flowering plants, dust or animal hair, in addition to itching, sneezing and a persistent runny nose begin.
  • Inflammatory process. Diseases such as otitis media or rhinitis often begin with severe itching in the nose.
  • Dryness. The nasal mucosa dries out and begins to itch if the air in the room is too dry and hot, and also after using vasoconstrictor drops for a long time.
  • Hair in the nose. A large amount of hair in the nasal cavity is another explanation for why the nose itches.

If allergies occur or inflammation develops, you should definitely consult a doctor, get tested and take prescribed medications. Only by eliminating the main cause can you get rid of the unpleasant itching sensation.

If your nose is constantly dry, it is important to humidify the air in the room and lubricate the nasal mucosa daily with peach or apricot cosmetic oil. It is advisable to avoid vasoconstrictor drops so as not to dry out the mucous membrane even more.

If the itching is caused by a large amount of hair, you need to carefully trim it or contact a cosmetologist for this.

Folk signs: why your nose itches

According to legends, the nose is a special, finely structured organ that is capable of sensing many upcoming events. According to signs, itching inside and outside the nose may portend:

  • upcoming consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • severe hangover if your nose itches already during the feast;
  • unexpected profit;
  • good news when you want to scratch the left side of your nose;
  • unpleasant news when the right wing of the nose itched.

It is also interesting why the tip of the nose itches. According to popular superstitions, this means a violent quarrel with loved ones, and sometimes even foreshadows a fight for someone who has an itchy nose.

Everyone makes their own choice whether to believe or not to believe signs, but other factors cannot be excluded. If you are plagued by obsessive itching in the nasal cavity, you should consult a doctor and check your health.

There are a huge number of signs associated with the fact that we feel a certain itching on different parts of the body, including the nose. So why does your nose itch?, and what do the signs predict for us?

Itchy nose: signs

When the nose itches, it is believed that he smells something bad. This often leads to quarrels, showdowns, conflicts, and so on. Therefore, if your nose is itchy, be careful. You need to try not to get angry with people and watch how and what you talk to them about.

When your nostrils and wings of your nose itch, you need to remember if any of your relatives or friends have had a new addition to the family. This is usually a sign that you will soon be invited to a christening, either as a guest or as a godmother or godfather.

And perhaps you yourself will organize a christening very soon. There are also less extensive explanations. For example, when your right nasal wing is itchy, joy, pleasant news or financial replenishment awaits you. When the left nasal wing itches, the news may be bad or it is a hint of financial loss.

  • Some of the signs may change their meaning. If once an itching on the bridge of the nose foreshadowed illness, bad news, losses, conflicts, and sometimes even death, now it leads to more positive signs.
  • This is especially a good sign for those involved in trading activities, as decent profits are expected. The less a person thinks about bad things, the more likely it is that there will be no negative things in his life.
  • When the inside of your nostrils itches, this is a harbinger of positive news, of course, if you do not have allergies or a runny nose.

Scabies around the nose

It happens that it is not the nose itself that itches, but the skin around it. This portends minor troubles at work or pleasant emotions in a love relationship.

It could also mean meeting a new lover or pleasant changes in your current relationship.

The meanings of signs also depend on the gender of the person. Men and women may have different interpretations of signs:

  1. If a lady’s right nostril itches, then she should expect popularity with the male sex. When going to any celebration, you can rest assured that you will be the most irresistible and shine all evening. And itching in a woman’s left nostril means that she will be attracted to a person who was not pleasant before. And all this can develop into a whirlwind romance.
  2. If a man is bothered by an itchy nose, he may soon get involved in a fight. To avoid this, you need to ask the person nearby to lightly hit you on the nose. Thus, the omen will come true without negative actions.

Signs for certain places.

If your nasal wings are itchy, this means that illness or unpleasant news awaits you soon. To prevent this, you need to rub the itchy area of ​​your nose with the muzzle.

When the tip of your nose itches, it is believed that a drinking feast awaits you soon. If you are not planning a feast, but the tip of your nose itches, it means you will be invited to a party. If the tip of the nose itches during the celebration, this indicates that the fun will not end soon. In this situation, your nose warns that the main thing is not to overdrink, so that the morning does not turn out to be difficult for you.

The nose also senses finances very well. Many people notice that when they plan to receive their salary, their nose begins to itch. In general, itching on the tip of the nose predicts only good things: success at work, in love and financially, positive news, and so on.

  • If the skin under your nose itches, it means that real strong love awaits you, perhaps not new, existing love can flare up with new vigor.
  • When the bridge of your nose itches, expect unpleasant news, misfortunes, or even a funeral. You can try to make sure that the omen does not come true: just scratch your nose three times with a cross.
  • In the present, this sign is not so negative; it can also mean that benefits await you, for example, make a purchase at an attractive price.

When your nostrils itch, this can be either a positive or a negative sign. This can be determined by which nostril itches. If it’s on the right, then good news awaits you, and if it’s on the left, it’s unpleasant. If two nostrils itch at once, you can expect an invitation to a christening as a godfather or a new addition to the family.

When the area around your nose itches, it can either mean that you will soon fall in love, or that troubles await you in your professional activities.

By day of the week

  1. If your nose itches on the first day of the week, then you should prepare for problems that need to be solved as quickly as possible.
  2. If your nose itches on Tuesday, then very soon you will meet old friends. Therefore, stock up on some nice goodies in advance. And the time spent with friends will be very good and fun.
  3. When your nose itches on Wednesday, count on nice gifts.
  4. If you feel scratching in your nose on the fourth day of the week, get ready to meet a person who has liked you for a very long time. Think over your image to win your soul mate.
  5. On Friday, your nose predicts a fiery celebration with songs, fun dancing and, of course, drinking.
  6. When your nose itches on Saturday, get ready for serious financial expenses. It is not known what exactly you will spend on, but there will be significantly fewer bills in your wallet.
  7. On Sunday, your nose will predict not very good news. This could be scandals, swearing, showdowns, and so on. It is advisable to control your speech and not react aggressively to the comments of strangers.

What does science think about this?

Everyone treats signs differently, for some it is entertainment, for others it is curiosity, and for others they really believe all the predictions and listen to advice.

If you spend a very long time in a room where the air is filled with smoke or is very dry, the mucous membrane of your nose can become dry and thereby cause itching and irritation. It is very important to ventilate the room and humidify the air in it.

From a scientific point of view, an itchy nose can be caused by factors such as:

  • Cold;
  • Allergy;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Insects;
  • Diabetes;
  • Stress.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for scratching your nose. Therefore, if your nose bothers you quite often and for a long time, then you need to seek help from a doctor. Only they will be able to identify the real cause of itching in and around the nose.

Among the people, the most truthful signs are those when the nose itches from the inside. And if at this time you sneeze, then the significance and accuracy of the sign will only increase. Therefore, when the omen is positive, prepare for upcoming positive events and changes.

  • It is also necessary to take into account that some meanings of signs differ slightly depending on the time of day.
  • For example, if your nose itches in the morning, then expect guests in the evening; if at noon, then financial profit awaits you.
  • If some sign has not fulfilled its good meaning, there is no need to worry, it can be carried over to the next week.

To believe signs or not is a personal matter for each person. But if a sign carries only positive news, why not listen to it and tune in to a positive mood?

Often the hand itself involuntarily reaches to the nose to relieve the annoying itch. Not enough pleasant things! But if you listen to ancient signs, then such an itch can tell a lot about you. It is now generally accepted that if the nose itches, this means that its owner will have a heavy alcoholic libation this evening or will be involved in a fight. But folk wisdom on this matter is less categorical!

When did your nose itch?

Depending on the day of the week and time of day, itching in the nose area can tell more detailed information:

  • If your nose itches Monday, then we must expect difficulties in the near future that must be overcome. However, there is no need to be upset - after analyzing the events that took place, it will be easy to understand “where the wind is blowing.” This will help you always be alert and thoroughly prepared.
  • Tuesday: if a person has not seen an old friend or good acquaintance for a long time, then a long-awaited meeting will soon occur. He also wants to discuss all the events that happened during the separation.
  • Wednesday: if your nose itches on this day, then you can rejoice and expect an unexpected gift that will be presented from the heart.
  • Thursday: Itching also predicts a positive near future - within a week you need to look for time for a romantic date with someone you have liked for a long time.
  • Friday: and here the most common superstition that a person will fall under the influence of alcohol turns out to be true. A stormy and fun weekend is guaranteed!
  • Nose that itches Saturday, warns that serious expenses are expected. In order not to spend too much, you need to count your money and keep your wallet away - the temptation is very great.
  • Sunday: You should prepare for minor family squabbles or even conflicts. It is recommended to restrain your emotions and not react to provocations, in which case the quarrel will quickly fade away and the relationship will become warm, as before.

The time of day can also tell you something. If itching starts since morning- then in the evening a guest will visit the house, during the day - expect a material bonus or salary. It should also be noted that the more the nose itches, the greater the accuracy of such a prediction. And if a person sneezed at the same time, then the superstition will certainly come true!

Where exactly did your nose itch?

Sense organs not only allow a person to see, hear, touch and smell - they are unique locators that react to changes at the energy level. The place where exactly this unpleasant sensation arose can also say a lot.

  • Is it just the tip of your nose itching? There are three options for the development of events: either a person will really have a feast with a lot of alcohol, or success in the business he has begun, or good news that will have a positive impact on future affairs. This can apply to different areas: both professional activities and love relationships.
  • Here's the itch in the area of ​​the wings of the nose speaks of imminent fun and celebration. It is possible that it will be associated with the birth of a child or christening. Both for the person whose nose itches, and for his closest friends and relatives.

    If it itches right wing– you need to wait for a large sum of money or good news. And here left itching is not good: on the contrary, it portends serious losses. To avoid this, immediately apply a fig made of three fingers to the nose and rub three times.

  • Some beliefs change over time, and among them is the sign of itching bridge of the nose. A century ago, she warned of trouble, illness and even premature death. And today, those people who are engaged in trade and business can expect decent profits. And everyone else must knock on wood three times - this way misfortune will pass by.
  • Nostrils itch from the inside? There is simply a rule in this regard: the right one is for good, and the left one warns of possible troubles.
  • Sometimes it happens that itching is felt under your nose and in the region around it. This can predict two things: the emergence of difficulties at work, the resolution of which will have to work hard, and an exciting romantic adventure. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining!

Depending on gender

Few people know that an itchy nose can tell men and women about different things. For example, it promises stunning success in society for a representative of the fair sex. And if a lady’s only left nostril itches, this means that she is about to have an affair with a negative person prone to vices. But for a man, the itching warns of a possible fight. However, it can be avoided by asking someone around you to hit him on the nose, lightly!

Thus, if your nose itches, signs predict a wide variety of events and changes in life. The main thing is to learn to listen to them - this will help you avoid many unpleasant situations.

People who lived in ancient times had more developed intuition than their descendants. They lived listening to nature and their own bodies. Such an observation made it possible to derive many signs that still exist today. One of these is the sign of unexpected itching in the nose. So, what to expect if your nose itches?

Humanity has long believed that certain self-perceptions are harbingers of certain events that should happen in the future. The sign of an itchy nose has many interpretations. To choose the most correct version, you should decide which part of the nose itches.

The tip of the nose itches

The most well-known interpretation of the sign is that it implies the imminent consumption of alcoholic beverages. However, this version is only possible if the tip of the nose itches.

Such sensations are associated with a cheerful feast that will happen in the coming days, where alcoholic drinks will also be present. Such a sign is not an ordinary superstition; it is the result of ancient fortune telling.

Popular beliefs and interpretation of signs

In addition, people believed that the nose senses the approaching feast. “You can’t fool your nose,” they said in the old days.

If the tip of the nose begins to itch already during the feast, it promises to be long. The nose seems to warn you that the morning will not be easy if you do not abstain from alcohol in time.

True or false?

Surprisingly, many people living today believe in the veracity of the sign. According to them, it comes true quite often. Does such an incident have a logical explanation?

Probably, a person who knows about an upcoming entertainment event, at the subconscious level, “catches” itchy sensations in the nose area. In other words, the nose itches quite often, but the brain does not react to such impulses. However, if he is preparing to attend a holiday, the subconscious spontaneously notes an itching in the nose.

In addition to the version about the imminent treat of alcohol, an itchy tip of the nose can promise good news. In addition, sometimes the tip of the nose itches to receive money, for example, a salary. Although this interpretation of the sign can be safely associated with the main one: the tip of the nose itches for drinking.

The wing of the nose itches

If a person’s wings of the nose or one of them itch, folk wisdom associates this with trouble. The person is likely to expect illness, unpleasant news, quarrels with loved ones and financial losses.

Itchy nostril

If the nostril area is itchy, then you should pay attention to which side it is located. The sign states that if the left nostril itches, this means negative events in life (minor failures, household breakdowns, quarrels). The right nostril itches - you can expect good news, fulfillment of desires and gifts.

What will happen to a person if both nostrils itch is unclear. Probably, his life will resemble a zebra - positive and negative events will alternate, like black and white stripes. However, that always happens in life.

Merchant signs

Merchants in the old days had their own interpretation of this sign. An itchy right nostril promised profitable deals and, accordingly, profits. If the left nostril itches, you should expect losses and even theft, loss of goods.

According to one version, the nostrils itch for christenings. A person who diligently scratches his nostrils will probably soon be invited to a christening, and perhaps even become a godfather.

The bridge of the nose itches

In ancient times, they believed that an itchy bridge of the nose was a signal of imminent trouble, even the death of a person, a major trouble. You can avoid problems by rubbing the bridge of your nose three times.

Itches under the nose

Itching under the nose usually signals passionate love, a new vibrant relationship. At the same time, fate does not promise to give a deep feeling that will last for a long period.

Passion, like a flash, will illuminate a person’s life, after which it will flow in its usual direction. There is a high probability that a former partner or a long-known person will appear as an object of passion.

My whole nose itches

It happens that it is not just a separate part that itches, but the entire nose. It is believed that these sensations lead to a fight. “You will be beaten,” says the popular saying.

Projecting the sign onto today, such an itch can be associated with quarrels, conflicts at home and at work, and reprimands. Although, desperate bullies can expect a fight.

You can neutralize the effect of the sign if you lightly click on the nose. Moreover, it must be another person. Thus, the person whose nose itches, as if he had already been in a fight, received his “portion” and the omen came true.

Itches around the nose

If a person desperately scratches around his nose, then love can await him. This can be either a new feeling for a member of the opposite sex, or the emergence of more tender, warm feelings for your soul mate, children, parents, friends.

What time does your nose itch?

If we talk about the sign associated with an itchy tip of the nose, which is interpreted as a quick drink, then time is also important.

If your nose itches in the morning or in the first half of the day, then in the evening you will have a meeting with friends and family and a fun feast.

Liars have itchy noses

Today, psychologists also note that if a person scratches his nose, then perhaps he is lying at the moment. There are even a certain set of signs by which you can identify a liar. Constantly scratching your nose is one of them.

By the way, this version (that scratching the tip of the nose means lying) was confirmed by doctors. Deliberate deception increases blood pressure. This, in turn, causes the body to produce catecholamine. The latter affects the nasal mucosa, which is manifested by a boring, itchy sensation. A liar has a natural urge to rub or scratch his nose.

In addition, the deceiver may make subtle movements with his nose. This process is associated with the production of adrenaline at the moment of pronouncing deliberately false information. At the same time, when deceiving, a person also averts his eyes to the side, trying not to look at the interlocutor.

Interestingly, in cases of mistrust, the nose can also react. So, if a person does not believe the interlocutor, his nostrils flare somewhat.
