How to tell a child about the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ? The “boy” was not there, but he lives.

It has long been known that the so-called information wars are such a cesspool that... Both sides fighting in it, as a rule, do not disdain the most unscrupulous methods, and each of these same sides, naturally, considers itself the only honest and fair one, and the opposite side - such a god, the stench of which literally makes a normal person sick. It is also clear that the “punches” made here are sooner or later exposed, but this exposure is no longer of fundamental importance, since only the “fresh ones” are remembered - and no one cares about the so-called. "trace" reactions. Moreover, the more monstrous and bloodthirsty the information (false or true), the more firmly it is fixed in the consciousness of the average person and the more it drives him into a stupor. As Mr. Goebbels said, “Give me the means mass media“And I will make a herd of pigs out of any nation.” This gentleman knew what he was saying! He was a unique specialist in pig breeding!

This is the news from information portal NEWSLAND caused a real shock among many:

“On Saturday evening on Channel One, a certain Galina Pyshnyak, who introduced herself as a refugee from Slavyansk, said that the Ukrainian military, on the day of entering the city, allegedly nailed a three-year-old boy to a bulletin board and forced his mother to watch him die. After this, the mother was allegedly tied to a tank and dragged around the square. Journalist " Novaya Gazeta"Evgeniy Feldman specifically interviewed the residents of Slavyansk. "I'm in Slavyansk, none of the locals I spoke to had heard about this. They swear at the words “Channel One,” Feldman wrote on Twitter.” (end of quote)

This case is so monstrous that even against the background of the bloody events currently taking place in the south-east of Ukraine, it is simply EXCLUSIVE. Crucifixion of a child (!), tying a mother to a tank (!) and dragging her around the square (!!) – this, as they say, “can’t get any further” even by today’s Bandera-fascist standards. Since neither the Russian nor the Ukrainian media can provide specific confirmation or refutation, it is natural that it is necessary to establish in other, not “funny” ways: is this disinformation or a terrible reality? And in order not to engage in the favorite activity of the participants in our countless television talk shows (that is, p.m. and deception), I have absolutely SPECIFIC offer to our State Duma: let her urgently send to Slavyansk the main Duma experts on today’s events there (it’s not for nothing that they constantly appear on the above-mentioned talk shows), comrades Yarovaya and Zheleznyak. And from the TV people you can send Mr. Ernst. After all, it was the TV channel under his control that reported this terrible news.

Moreover, perhaps they will all return from there alive and well, because deputies have parliamentary immunity, and Mr. Ernst, as a true journalist, must be a brave man, boldly looking death in the face! But this is not the MAIN THING! The main thing is that they themselves, with their parliamentary and television eyes and their own ears, will find out there, on the spot, whether this tragedy actually happened or whether it is a fruit of the overly wild imagination of this woman, Galina Pyshnyak-Astapenko.

And what? Can you suggest something more effective?

Galina Pyshnyak, who told the Russian Channel One about how Ukrainian security forces executed a three-year-old boy, turned out to be the wife of a former Berkut member who now works for one of the terrorist leaders Igor Strelkov

The other day, on the Russian Channel One, Putin’s propaganda presented TV viewers with another shocking story: allegedly, in Slavyansk, liberated from terrorists, Ukrainian security forces crucified a three-year-old boy on a bulletin board.

A woman calling herself Galina Pyshnyak told Russian journalists about this. At that time, she and her four children were in a camp for Ukrainian refugees in Rostov.

— Women were gathered in the square because there were no more men, Pyshnyak told reporters. - Women, girls, old people. This is called a show execution. They took a three-year-old child, a boy, small, in shorts and a T-shirt, like they nailed Jesus to a bulletin board. One nailed, two held. And all this in front of my mother’s eyes. They held mom. And the mother watched the child bleed. Screams. Squeals. And they made more incisions so that the child would suffer. It was impossible there. People lost consciousness. And then, after the child suffered for an hour and a half and died, they took the mother, tied her unconscious to a tank and drove her around the square for three circles. And the circle of the area is a kilometer.

Anyone mentally normal person will shudder to hear this story. True, according to various reasons. Those who have already been sufficiently “brainwashed” by the Kremlin ideologists were probably horrified by the atrocities of the “Kyiv junta”; others were once again amazed at the blatant and cynical lies pouring from Russian television screens, and asked the question: is there a limit? It’s unlikely, because the Russian President is confident that Goebbels is “a talented person who always achieved his goal.”

The story of the “crucified boy” was developed a few days before the Ukrainian troops entered Slavyansk. One of its authors is called the notorious obscurantist, Moscow professor Alexander Dugin. IN social media The story about the death of a child was launched in several versions. The age of the baby and the reasons for the “public execution” varied. So, in one of the stories it is stated that a child cut with a knife was hung on a board to lure his “militia father” out of hiding, and as soon as the man, unable to bear it, rushed to the child, he was shot in front of everyone.

However, it seems that the final version was formed when military sadistic dreamers managed to find a performer leading role- allegedly a witness to the massacre. As FACTS managed to establish, this is a real person.

Galina Astapenko calls herself a native of Transcarpathian Mizhhirya, who birth mother hated her as a separatist. It is noteworthy that the woman is not remembered in the named town, and, judging by her dialect, she could hardly be a resident of Western Ukraine. Last name Pyshnyak - after her husband's name. 41-year-old Konstantin Pyshnyak has served in the Berkut special forces unit since 1995, and is now an active militant of Strelkov-Girkin. Thus, by talking about the atrocities of the “Benderaites,” the woman actively earned bonuses for herself and her husband.

*Galina (pictured with her husband Konstantin Pyshnyak) calls herself a native of Transcarpathian Mizhhirya, whom her own mother hated as a separatist. It is noteworthy that in the named town the woman is not remembered

Russian oppositionist Boris Nemtsov on his Facebook page he stated that Kremlin television, using the example of the story of the execution of a boy, surpassed the Nazi propagandist Goebbels: “What should a gullible TV viewer feel when Channel One reports that Ukrainian punitive forces crucified a three-year-old boy in a square in Slavyansk, tied his mother to a tank and drove her around the city, wounded and covered in blood? That's right, fierce hatred and desire to take revenge on the Ukrainian fascists. The idea that everything shown by Ernst is a monstrous, unheard-of lie does not occur to everyone. Not everyone can guess that since the execution took place in the presence of a mass of people, there must be video or photographic evidence (almost everyone has a cell phone!). Ernst had no evidence, but only an interview with a refugee without any video footage. But those who have combat experience and believe that they won’t lie on TV go to Donetsk and fight there with the “punitive forces.” Many die... This is the purpose of the unheard of vile lies. Mobilization of naive people for war with Ukraine. The main thing is not to let Ukrainians live calmly and peacefully, not to let them develop successfully. And for this purpose, the scum from the Kremlin and Channel One are ready to surpass Goebbels. And they are already superior".

The Russian oppositionist also condemned Channel One, headed by Konstantin Ernst, for lying about the execution of a child in Slavyansk Alexey Navalny. In his blog, he proposed bringing the authors of the latest “fake” to trial. "Crazy perverts,” the politician wrote. — Are they too sick to come up with something like this? Even if you just use a crazy woman for your own purposes, it doesn’t change anything. You really should be jailed for this. People who organize such things are dangerous to society and what they do is a real criminal offense.”.

Working in Ukraine Moscow photojournalist for Novaya Gazeta Evgeniy Feldman tried to find witnesses in Slavyansk who could confirm the fact of the child’s execution. Conversations he filmed with two dozen city residents who came out to meet the Ukrainian troops on the day of liberation were posted on the Internet. People were happy about the cessation of shooting, the opportunity to eat their fill, the pensions they had received... But they were terribly surprised by the questions about the crucified child. “This is the first time we hear from you. There was no such thing! What, if something like that happened, our whole city would be buzzing..." It’s a pity that this story never appeared on Russian television...

A wild and deceitful story about the execution of a child - akin to the one that the Rossiya TV channel recently came up with about the alleged supply of organs of killed terrorists to Germany in exchange for logistical support. Moscow propaganda “aimed” at two birds with one stone – both Ukraine and the West. The plot also turned out to be a lie from beginning to end. After a thorough check, it turned out that German resident Olga Wieber, called a doctor in Russia and “the customer of 15 hearts and 63 kidneys,” does not even have medical education. The woman was amazed at the arrogance and cynicism of the “Russian duck.” But the commander of the Donbass battalion, Semyon Semenchenko, who is allegedly an “organ supplier,” reacted to the lie with humor. On social networks he addressed Russian politicians with a request “not to send Russian alcoholics to Ukraine, because the price of their livers has dropped significantly.”

Meanwhile, there are cases in history when politicians were sent to the gallows for lying. For example, at the Nuremberg trials the concept of the “Streicher incident” even arose. Julius Streicher, Chief Editor anti-Semitic newspaper "Sturmovik", was an ideologist of racism. He did not kill people, was not seen in torture or experiments on prisoners. The journalist “only” published stories about the ritual murders of Aryan children by Jews, accused Jews of fraud and oppression of the Germans, and even blamed the Jews for the explosion of the Hindenburg airship in 1937. At the Nuremberg trials, he was charged with inciting the murder of Jews, which fell under the section “Crimes against humanity.” He was one of 12 Nazi criminals sentenced to death penalty. And the only one of the defendants who was found guilty solely for printed propaganda, and not for real participation in decision-making about war and genocide.

Our Russian colleagues should think about his fate, drowning both their compatriots and ours in blood with their lies.

In which a certain Galina Pyshnyak gives an interview, introducing herself as a refugee from the Ukrainian city of Slavyansk. She talked about how the Ukrainian military, having entered the city, gathered all the local residents in the main square and allegedly staged a public execution of his wife and little son one of the militias. Moreover, the boy, according to the heroine of the story, was allegedly crucified on a notice board, and the woman was tied to a tank and dragged along the street until she died. And all this seemed to happen in front of the local residents.

There is not a single video, not a single photograph confirming this “crucifixion”. Although, according to Galina, many people witnessed this event.

Novaya Gazeta photojournalist Evgeny Feldman talked with residents of Slavyansk, where the crucifixion allegedly took place. They denied the information about the beating of the baby. The essence of a nine-minute conversation with a dozen residents of Slavyansk can be summed up in one sentence (from 8 minutes): “This moment: we have never seen such a thing, that someone was beaten. They didn't beat anyone or anything. On the contrary, they (the Ukrainian army - ed.) appeared like liberating angels. Clear?"

Moreover, Russian journalist Timur Olevsky, who recently returned to Moscow from Slavyansk, says: “I arrived at the square in front of the Slavyansk city administration building on the morning of July 6th. This is the second day after the Ukrainian army entered the city. The first thing that caught my eye was the people rushing to central square. Mobile communications did not work in Slavyansk at that time. But the rumor that a truck had arrived there immediately spread by word of mouth. It is important to understand that if there was a crucified boy, it would be almost impossible to hide this from the residents of the city.” Further in the story from Slavyansk, Olevsky shows interviews with local residents who talk about the polite behavior of the Ukrainian army.

The girl’s parents told TSN journalists that, in their opinion, their daughter told this story for money. The Slavyansk police provided more details about Galina. The woman wrote statements against her relatives more than once: either her daughter stole money from her, or her husband beat her.

Galina with her “militia” husband

Galina with her “militia” husband

Here is his photo with the odious Motorola.

Where does this story about the crucifixion come from? Fans of the popular series “Game of Thrones” recognized the story as one of the episodes of the film (season 4). History buffs remembered the “Beilis Case” - a trial accusing the Jew Beilis of the ritual murder of a 12-year-old preparatory class student at the Kiev-Sophia Theological School. But you don’t need to look so far into history; just read the notes of Alexander Dugin, a professor at Moscow State University, a political scientist and an active supporter of the policies of the President of the Russian Federation. A few days before the TV story appeared, namely on July 8, he wrote a story about how in Slavyansk a man and a woman were tied to an armored personnel carrier and dragged around the square. It can be assumed that it was this story that inspired the authors of the story about the boy crucified in Slavyansk.

How to tell your child about the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ - such questions are often asked by parents. How to tell it simply and how to tell the essence? One of the best answers to this question is chapters from Maya Kucherskaya’s book “Gospel Stories for Children.” With the kind consent of the author, we publish chapters of the book.


Evil people crucified Jesus on the Cross. They nailed His hands and feet. Only terrible robbers were punished this way. Jesus Christ was the best on earth, but many did not understand this because they envied Him. After all, everyone loved Him, but they didn’t.

Jesus Christ died on the Cross. The sky darkened, the sun stopped shining, and the earth shook. Trees and stones wept for the dead Lord.

One man, named Joseph, took the body of Jesus from the Cross, wrapped it in white cloth and put it in a cave, in a stone tomb carved into the rock. The cave was located in a large garden. The entrance to the cave was closed with a huge stone so that no one could enter.

Joseph was a disciple of the Savior, but no one knew about it before. He was not afraid of anyone and arranged Christ’s burial himself.

Resurrection of Christ

Mary Magdalene came to the cave where Jesus lay. It was early morning. It was quiet. Someone had already moved the heavy stone away from the entrance. Maria went inside. But the cave was empty. Where is the Lord?

Maria began to cry. And suddenly I saw two young men in white clothes. These were Angels. They were sitting where Jesus' body had previously lain.

- Why are you crying? - asked the Angels.

“Someone took Him away, and I don’t even know where,” Maria answered, wiping away her tears. She did not even think that she was talking with Angels, because she had never seen them before.

Then Mary turned around and saw a Man. It was Christ, but Mary did not recognize Him. She thought it was the gardener.

- Did you take Him? Tell me where you put Him.

Jesus said:

And she suddenly recognized Him. The teacher stood before her alive. So He didn't die?

“Go, tell all My friends and brothers what you saw,” the Lord told her.

Mary Magdalene ran into the city. Jesus' disciples sat at home and wept bitterly. They thought they would never see Him again. Maria came in and said:

- Do not Cry. Christ is risen!


Evil people crucified Jesus on the Cross. They nailed His hands and feet. Only terrible robbers were punished this way. Jesus Christ was the best on earth, but many did not understand this because they envied Him. After all, everyone loved Him, but they didn’t.

Jesus Christ died on the Cross. The sky darkened, the sun stopped shining, and the earth shook. Trees and stones wept for the dead Lord.

One rich man, named Joseph, took the body of Jesus from the Cross, wrapped it in white cloth and put it in a cave, in a stone tomb carved into the rock. The cave was located in a large and beautiful garden. The entrance to the cave was closed with a huge stone so that no one could enter.

Joseph was a disciple of the Savior, but no one knew about it before. He was not afraid of anyone and arranged Christ’s burial himself.

Resurrection of Christ

Christ's disciple Mary Magdalene came to the cave where Jesus lay. It was early morning. It was quiet. Someone had already moved the heavy stone away from the entrance. Maria went inside. But the cave was empty. Where is the Lord, beloved Teacher? He is not here.

Maria began to cry. And suddenly I saw two young men in white clothes. These were Angels. They were sitting where Jesus' body had previously lain.

Why are you crying? - asked the Angels.

Someone took Him away, and I don’t even know where,” Maria answered, wiping away her tears. She did not even think that she was talking with Angels, because she had never seen them before.

Then Mary turned around and saw a Man. It was Christ, but Mary did not recognize Him. She thought it was the gardener.

Was it you who took Him? Tell me where you put Him.

Jesus said:

And she suddenly recognized Him. The teacher stood before her alive. So He didn't die?

Go, tell all My friends and brothers what you saw, the Lord told her.

Mary Magdalene ran into the city. Jesus' disciples sat at home and wept bitterly. They thought they would never see Him again. Maria came in and said:

Do not Cry. Christ is risen!

But the disciples didn’t really believe her. Because it is difficult to believe that a person could be resurrected after death.

Wonderful catch

Peter got hungry and said: “I’ll go fishing.”

And you and I,” said the other apostles. They fished all night, but caught nothing. In the morning they swam to the shore and saw a Man. He stood on the shore and waited for them. The apostles did not understand that this was Christ. Jesus asked them: - Children! How many fish did you catch during the night?

They answered: - Not a single one. - Throw the net on the right side of the boat, and you will catch it. They threw the net on the right side and could no longer drag it into the boat - so many fish got caught there. “It’s the Lord,” John whispered. He guessed it. Then Peter threw himself from the boat into the sea and swam.

He wanted to quickly be near the Teacher. The rest of the disciples swam to the shore in a boat and soon came to land. A fire was burning on the shore and dinner was being prepared. Peter pulled a net with fish out of the boat. There were a lot of fish - one hundred and fifty-three.

He remembered that this had already happened once, three years ago, when the Lord called him and his brother to follow Him. Only then did the net break, but this time it remained intact. “Go to dinner,” Christ said to the apostles. He gave them baked fish and bread. And He Himself ate with them. Nobody asked Him who He was. Everyone understood that it was the Lord.

This happened after Jesus rose from the dead. And then for forty days He appeared to the apostles and His other disciples and disciples. The Lord wanted them to believe that He had indeed risen from the dead, and to tell everyone about it.

Mistrustful Thomas

Thomas was also a disciple of Jesus. He followed Him, listened to His words and loved Him very much. But Thomas could not believe everything that Christ said. He often doubted, his thoughts were double, and the apostles nicknamed him “Twin.” When the Risen Lord appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem, Thomas was not in the city. But then the Twin returned, and the apostles immediately told him that the Lord had risen and blessed them, passing through the locked doors.

But Foma just shook his head: “It can’t be.” Do they rise from the dead? Is it possible to go through a locked door? You just dreamed it. Eight days passed and Jesus appeared to the disciples again. He again walked through the locked doors, stood among the apostles and said: “Peace be with you!” This time Thomas was also with them. - Come and put your fingers into My wounds, look at My hands and the marks of the nails. And be faithful, said the Lord.

But Thomas did not move. He felt ashamed. Christ saw his heart and knew that he did not believe in the resurrection. - My Lord and my God! - Foma exclaimed. Since then he became one of the most faithful disciples of Christ.
