How does alcohol affect the body? Pure ethyl alcohol benefits and harms

The harmful effects of alcohol on the human body are difficult to overestimate. Which organ or system does not suffer from its negative effects?

Excessive and prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to intoxication of the body and the formation of alcohol dependence, accompanied by serious negative consequences. As a rule, this process occurs unnoticed by the addict and his relatives.

Effect of alcohol

Absorption of ethanol into the walls of the stomach (a couple of minutes after consumption).

  • Increased blood flow and dilation of blood vessels, unimpeded passage of blood.
  • Decreased pressure.
  • Blood does not flow to the extremities and they do not receive oxygen.

Next, vasoconstriction occurs, putting the body in a state of shock. Long-term systematic consumption of alcohol and similar processes affect the functioning of the body and lead to wear and tear of the heart and blood vessels.

As a result, pressure increases, tachycardia develops, the heart begins to work in an increased mode, causing the vessels to be supplied with an abundant mass of blood. In this case, muscle wear becomes inevitable, and the production of adrenaline when drinking alcohol only enhances the negative effect.

Alcohol consumption also causes red blood cells to clump together and lose their membrane, which causes thick blood cells to clog the capillaries. The result is oxygen starvation of cells and fouling of blood vessels with a fatty layer.

One hundred grams of alcohol kills about 10 thousand neurons that support the thought process. This phenomenon does not occur without consequences for the body: as a result, the human brain loses mass and volume due to desiccation.

Then the person becomes inadequate, loses the sense of shame, and degradation occurs. Memory and thought process, coordination of movements deteriorate, and reflex arc disorders are formed. Brain damage eventually results in mental problems.

The effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system

There is an opinion that drinking alcoholic beverages in moderate doses leads to a decrease in blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and relieves stress. This is wrong.

According to research, ethanol is a poison, a toxic substance that cannot benefit health in any way and has a detrimental effect on all body systems. The effect of intoxication occurs due to the suppression of human health.

The vasodilation itself does not last long. Then the vessels narrow again, causing redness of the skin of the face and increased heart rate due to wear and tear of the organ.

According to statistics, the highest mortality rate from heart and vascular diseases is observed in people who abuse alcohol.

The effect of alcohol on the digestive system

What is the mechanism of alcohol's effect on the digestive system? The main part of alcoholic drinks is absorbed through the stomach, so the harmful consequences do not pass by this organ.

Alcohol has a negative effect on the digestive system: when absorbed into the walls of the stomach, it burns and injures them, causing inflammation, heartburn and the development of chronic diseases in the body. There is a disruption in the production of gastric juice, salt, and catalysts. The glands that produce protein catalysts for the normal digestive process gradually die off.

Pancreatitis often develops, because The pancreas does not have the necessary enzymes to break down alcohol. Alcohol also affects the mucous membrane: causing gastritis, gastric ulcers, diabetes, and cancer.

About 90% of alcohol is broken down in the liver. It can break down about 1 glass of alcohol in 10 hours, and the rest of the alcohol that enters the body destroys cells.

The liver suffers primarily from:

  • Obesity.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Cirrhosis.

If alcohol consumption is not stopped in case of liver cirrhosis, the disease will develop into cancer.

Effect on the kidneys

The kidneys not only produce and excrete urine. They balance the acid-base and water balance and influence the production of hormones.

What kidney problems does alcohol cause?

When a person drinks alcohol, the excretory system begins to work in enhanced mode. The kidneys circulate a lot of fluid and remove harmful substances from the body.

Constant overload weakens renal functionality - they gradually lose the ability to work hard. The effect of alcoholic drinks on the kidneys can be seen after the holiday by a swollen face and increased blood pressure.

The body also accumulates fluid that the kidneys are unable to remove, resulting in the formation of stones. In the absence of timely treatment, renal failure develops. The organ loses the ability to form and excrete urine. Severe intoxication occurs and, as a consequence, death.

The effect of alcohol on reproductive function

Drinking alcohol also negatively affects human reproductive function. Cell damage in women is irreversible: they remain in the system and pose a danger to the fetus. A fertilized cell damaged by alcohol increases the risk of serious disorders, development and occurrence of genetic diseases, i.e. has a negative effect on the fetus. No one guarantees that the diseased cell will be fertilized, but no one is immune from sad situations.

The male body is built differently and has the ability to update reproduction. However, in order to completely restore the composition of sperm, it should take about 3-6 months. If no alcohol was consumed during this time, the sperm are completely renewed.

Also, in addition to the reproductive cells, the entire system suffers: there is a decrease in libido and a deterioration in the quality of organ function, which affects the entire body as a whole.

The effect of alcohol also causes hormonal mutations (hormones break down due to toxins, incorrect production occurs). Over time, a woman’s body begins to suffer from an excess of male hormones (testosterone), and of men – female hormones (estrogen). The appearance and character change, mental disorders occur and impotence develops.

The effect of alcohol on the respiratory system

Some time after drinking alcohol, many people experience bad breath and heavy breathing. This is due to the fact that part of the ethanol is excreted from the body through the lungs.

Alcohol (especially strong alcohol - cognac, vodka) that enters the body dries out the bronchi, the lung surface, and causes a lack of oxygen. Patients experience shortness of breath and attacks of suffocation. Associated chronic diseases appear.

The consequences of drinking alcohol on the human body

Each stage of addiction has certain symptoms and distinctive features. There are 4 of them in total.

The initial stage of alcoholism

This stage is characterized by a gradual increase in the consumed dose of alcohol, the formation of dependence and the influence of alcohol on a psychological level.


  • Pathological desire to drink alcohol, inability to control oneself or see a problem, positive attitude towards alcohol.
  • Swaggering and inappropriate behavior, inconsistency.
  • Memory impairment, increased irritability and aggression.
  • No hangover, feeling unwell in the morning.
  • Condemnation in a sober state of other addicts, the ability to realize the harmful effects of alcohol.
  • Development of alcoholic thinking, defending the right to alcohol and temporarily reducing the dose of alcohol.

Second stage of alcoholism

There is a desire to increase the dose of alcohol. Addiction develops at the physical level, i.e. The influence of alcohol is so significant that the body cannot function normally without alcohol. The volume of strong alcohol consumed per day is approximately 500 ml.


  • The appearance of a hangover syndrome (the body's message about the formation of addiction), which lasts from 1 to 5 days - the patient experiences an irresistible desire to drink alcohol in the morning. If the patient does not receive alcohol during this period, autonomic disorders appear in the form of thirst, dry mouth, increased anxiety, loss of appetite, and lack of sleep.
  • Mental disorders (memory disorders, depression, extreme egoism, individualism).

Third stage of alcoholism

Destruction at the physical and psycho-emotional level, the formation of dementia.


  • An enlarged abdomen in an alcoholic as a result of cirrhosis or weight loss.
  • Impaired speech and thinking activity, dementia.
  • Teenage alcoholism

    The negative effect on organs is characterized by rapid development due to the rapid absorption of ethanol into the blood.

    Developing alcoholism in adolescents is more difficult to identify, and binge drinking is usually absent.

    Often the disease develops in conjunction with drug addiction and substance abuse.


    • Increased tolerance to ethyl alcohol.
    • Mild hangover syndrome.
    • Memory impairment.
    • Staying in a state of euphoria, increased desire to talk.
    • Formation of chronic diseases.
    • Depressive thinking, intellectual disorders.
    • Disadaptation in society.

    Alcoholism in women

    The course of the disease in women is more rapid due to reduced tolerance to ethyl alcohol.

    Briefly about the symptoms:

    • Lack of gag reflex or control over the amount of alcohol consumed.
    • Unflattering appearance.
    • Trembling in hands.
    • Emotional imbalance.
    • Disorders of the digestive system.
    • Mental disorders (memory impairment, depression, extreme selfishness, individualism, delirium delirium).

    As you already understand, drinking alcohol accelerates the development of irreversible consequences and leads to a malfunction of all internal organs and systems, however, if you stop drinking it in a timely manner, it is possible to restore cells and stop the destruction of internal organs. Take care of your health!

Alcoholism- this is a chronic mental and physiological disease that is caused by persistent dependence on ethyl alcohol.

As it progresses, the patient ceases to control the amount of alcohol he drinks, and the body’s ability to tolerate increasingly large doses of alcohol increases.

Signs of a hangover and damage to internal organs from poisonous toxins appear.

  • Beer
  • Vodka
  • Wine
  • Whiskey
  • Cognac
  • Vermouth
  • Champagne
  • Liquor
  • Tincture

Skin and


Most people consider beer to be a harmless drink and are ready to drink it every day. However, such abuse leads to very negative consequences. Muscle tissue is depleted and weakened, the skin is dehydrated and deprived of nutrients.

With regular consumption of the drink, the liver gradually gets used to it and stops cleansing the body of harmful elements. The result is cirrhosis or hepatitis. Fatty liver degeneration is also possible. The first signs signaling the onset of these serious diseases are the appearance of circles under the eyes, pigment spots on the skin, and a yellowish tint to all skin.

The human reproductive system is especially susceptible to the negative effects of beer. Regular exposure to ethyl alcohol is extremely harmful to the germ cells of both men and women. It causes many congenital pathologies in children. It is necessary to understand that regular consumption of even low-alcohol drinks during pregnancy is completely unacceptable. In men, potency weakens and the number of sperm produced decreases. Women who love beer, due to hormonal imbalance, may experience irreversible changes in the menstrual cycle and even complete infertility.

Serious changes also occur in brain tissue. Blood cells stick together, preventing its natural circulation. The brain is gradually deprived of nutrition. Forgetfulness appears and intellect weakens. Often there is a decrease in brain volume, leading to dementia. If it is impossible to get another portion of alcohol, the body responds with withdrawal. The person becomes nervous and unable to perform simple tasks.

Beer has an extremely negative effect on the cardiovascular system. The cobalt contained in the drink helps to increase the size of the heart. The organ stops working fully, the load on it becomes excessive, and the muscle weakens. All this leads to such fatal diseases as heart attack, coronary artery disease, and hypertension. People suffering from beer alcoholism suffer from shortness of breath, tingling in the fingertips, and surges in blood pressure. At the same time, a decrease in the effectiveness of medications that can eliminate these symptoms has been observed.

First of all, the gastrointestinal tract is, of course, exposed to the negative effects of beer. Hormone-producing cells of the pancreas gradually die, and fibrous cells grow in their place. Acute pancreatitis occurs, and then chronic pancreatitis. The amount of insulin produced drops sharply, causing diabetes. Against the background of constant beer consumption, gastritis and ulcers most often develop, and malignant neoplasms are also common.

The work of the kidneys in the body of an alcoholic is literally worn out. The urinary system struggles with excess alcohol in an intensive mode, which leads to dehydration. Vitamins and vital substances are washed out of the body. Not having time to recover so quickly, the kidney tissue dies. Kidney failure develops. Metabolism deteriorates sharply. All this leads to kidney sclerosis and numerous hemorrhages.

A person who abuses vodka can be immediately distinguished by the burgundy color of the skin on his face. All skin surfaces are severely affected by the effects of strong alcohol. The skin ages, becomes dehydrated, wrinkled and saggy. The muscular system also weakens and becomes exhausted.

Vodka destroys the liver. Ethyl alcohol destroys healthy cells and scar tissue appears instead. The liver becomes wrinkled and small. The blood flow in it is disrupted, and the pressure increases, which leads to extensive bleeding. These are symptoms of a terrible and incurable disease – cirrhosis of the liver. In eight out of ten cases of cirrhosis, the patient has no more than a year to live from the moment of the first bleeding.

Vodka quickly destroys the human reproductive system. Spermatozoa in alcoholic men become small in number and non-viable. The occurrence of impotence is inevitable, it is only a matter of time. A woman’s body is destroyed even more severely by exposure to alcohol. All reproductive properties are lost. But even if you succeed in conceiving a child, the probability of developmental defects is close to one hundred percent.

Severe and irreversible changes affect the human brain. Severe swelling, dilation of blood vessels, micro hemorrhages, numerous cysts - these are brain damages characteristic of alcoholics. Cells die in large areas of higher nerve centers. The psyche of people who drink is seriously disturbed.

After drinking vodka, cardiac dysfunction immediately occurs. The load on the heart immediately increases, but it takes a long time to return to normal; sometimes it takes several days to recover. The heart beats faster, blood pressure rises, and blood vessels dilate. This contributes to the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemia, arrhythmia, and strokes and heart attacks occur. Alcoholics experience chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, and night cough. These are all signs of cardiomyopathy.

The first blow is taken by the stomach of the drinker. Vodka is a strong irritant of its mucous membrane. The production of mucus and digestive enzymes becomes excessive. Very soon the mucous membrane may completely atrophy, which will lead to the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers. Vodka destroys the pancreas. Scarring of tissue occurs. And this is a direct path to pancreatitis and diabetes.

Kidney intoxication is another deplorable result of alcoholism. When the kidneys can no longer cope with removing waste and toxins from the body, poisoning occurs. Immunity decreases, pathogenic microorganisms multiply. And disruption of the urinary system leads to the formation of stones and tumors.

The negative effects of drinking whiskey have been established. In large quantities, it causes muscle atrophy and skin breakdown. Aging, loose skin with a burgundy tint is a characteristic feature of the face of a person who abuses this drink.

Ethyl alcohol contained in whiskey oxidizes in the liver to form acetaldehyde. This substance is extremely dangerous. It destroys healthy cells, which are replaced by scar tissue. The liver, the main filter of our body, stops working normally. Toxic substances enter the blood, gradually poisoning all organs. Without treatment and restoration of liver cells, cirrhosis, hepatitis and cancer develop.

Regular consumption of strong drinks, such as whiskey, causes an irreparable blow to the human reproductive system. In men, it is fraught with the development of erectile dysfunction and impotence. The number and motility of sperm decreases, until infertility occurs. The production of testosterone, the male sex hormone, is sharply reduced. In women, whiskey abuse can cause an increase in the production of male sex hormones and a decrease in female sex hormones. If you drink whiskey during pregnancy, there is a high risk of miscarriage.

Drinking whiskey can impair brain function. Absent-mindedness, weakened memory, impaired coordination of movements and speech - these are signs of excessive whiskey consumption. The cells of the cerebral cortex are gradually destroyed and die. If the dose of alcohol is not reduced in time, a coma may occur, and subsequently death.

Taking whiskey, a person significantly increases the load on blood vessels, which leads to increased blood pressure and arrhythmia of the heart. An alcoholic drink as strong as whiskey can cause cardiac dysfunction and cardiac arrest. By destroying cells, ethanol leads to the formation of scars, the walls of the heart muscle lose their elasticity.

The pancreas controls metabolism in the human body. It is responsible for proper digestion and the production of insulin in the body, and normalizes blood sugar levels. Frequent consumption of whiskey harms the pancreas. Her cells are destroyed. Protein plugs form, increasing the pressure in the glandular duct. Enzymes enter the gland tissue and begin to steadily destroy it.

Without a doubt, all alcoholic drinks have an effect on blood purification. For example, large doses of whiskey act on the kidney tubules, causing their tissue to die. Because of this, a person may develop any infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Due to intoxication of the organ, its performance decreases: half-life products, toxins and poisons are not eliminated quickly enough. As a result, the entire body is destroyed, systems fail, and immunity decreases. A large amount of whiskey in the blood is one of the major factors for the reproduction of viruses.

Despite the fact that wine is a low-alcohol drink, if consumed excessively, it can cause blood dehydration and worsen metabolic processes, thereby having a very negative impact on the general condition of human tissues. In people who drink a lot of wine, their skin condition noticeably worsens and their muscle mass decreases.

Like stronger alcohol, wine in large quantities has a destructive effect on the liver. By disrupting metabolic processes, wine can cause fatty liver, which significantly reduces its performance and will immediately negatively affect the functioning of the body as a whole.

Wine has a very negative effect on the hormonal balance in the human body. The production of the most important hormones - testosterone and estrogen - under the influence of wine can stop. This leads to irreversible damage to the reproductive system. In men, this manifests itself in weakening potency. In women - possible infertility, the birth of children with pathological changes, premature menopause.

Excessive consumption of wine can negatively affect brain function. Intoxication leads to dehydration of the blood. Thick blood creates a risk of thrombosis. Gradually accumulating in the body, the ethanol contained in wine leads to cell destruction, which ultimately leads to damage to the cerebral cortex.

Having consumed just one glass of wine, a person instantly disrupts the natural balance of the circulatory system. The load on the heart increases, blood vessels are destroyed, and the composition of the blood deteriorates. The entire cardiovascular system of the body is affected.

The breakdown products of ethanol in wine have a very negative effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Toxic substances destroy cells, and scar tissue forms in their place. Blood microcirculation is disrupted, the supply of nutrients and oxygen deteriorates. Spasms and stagnation of juice occur in the stomach, its walls are corroded by enzymes, gastritis and peptic ulcers occur.

In large doses, wine can greatly harm the functioning of the kidneys. Signs of poor functioning are the presence of edema, bluishness of the face. This happens because the breakdown products of ethanol are not completely removed from the body, continuously poisoning it. Ultimately, such poisoning leads to kidney failure and intoxication of the entire body.

Any vermouth is an alcohol-containing drink. Therefore, it has a negative effect on the condition of the human muscular system and skin. Vermouth lowers growth hormone levels, while depleting vitamin reserves and dehydrating tissue. The large amount of sugar in this drink promotes fat formation, which is aggravated by the presence of a high concentration of alcohol, which reduces testosterone and increases estrogen. These factors are detrimental to the condition of the muscle corset. The effect of one glass of vermouth on a person is comparable to an athlete skipping a workout - muscles noticeably lose tone. Vermouth is a drink based on a variety of herbal infusions. Not everyone can tolerate such diversity well. Allergic reactions to the skin are possible – redness, rashes. Facial skin color can also be damaged due to enlarged pores and the appearance of capillary mesh.

Over 15 percent ethanol is included in vermouth. By drinking this strong drink as an aperitif, a person causes serious damage to his liver, the cells of which rapidly die and are replaced by fatty tissue. Hepatosis, fatty degeneration of the liver, always precedes cirrhosis. Taking vermouth in cocktails can only make the situation worse. The sweet taste and diluted consistency allows you to consume unexpectedly large amounts of alcohol without being noticed. The flavorings included in the drink mask the harmful effects of ethanol and increase poisoning.

Even small doses of vermouth can change the delicate balance of the female body and cause irreparable harm. By destroying the cell membrane, alcohol disrupts the DNA structure. Congenital defects in children are the sad result of such exposure. Alcohol, a powerful mutagen, has a detrimental and rapid effect on sperm.

The alcohol in vermouth destroys brain cells. It happens like this: when ethanol is absorbed into the blood, it damages and sticks red blood cells together. The resulting clots travel through the bloodstream to the brain and clog some of its cells. So-called brain starvation occurs. Cells die en masse and are excreted from the body, the cortex is destroyed, and the size of the brain is reduced. This process is irreversible.

The mild euphoria when drinking vermouth is due to the primary dilation of blood vessels. However, this is always followed by their spasm, and this is a direct path to a stroke or heart attack. Alcohol significantly damages blood vessels. Delayed blood flow causes a lack of oxygen to supply the heart. Trying to speed up the flow, the body increases blood pressure. The veins dilate and varicose veins appear.

Taking vermouth as an aperitif whets the appetite and at the same time irritates the gastric mucosa. Herbal supplements enhance the negative effect and contribute to the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers. When alcohol enters the pancreas, it destroys its cells, causing the release of excess enzymes that digest the tissues of the gland itself. Such processes in the body are life-threatening.

Kidney function is affected even by small doses of vermouth. Cells are destroyed and kidney failure occurs. Blood filtration deteriorates sharply. The buds become small and wrinkled. The risk of sand and stones appearing in them increases.

A harmless holiday drink - champagne - can be harmful to health if consumed regularly. The appearance of weakness and decreased physical activity is just the beginning. Frequent consumption of sweet, low-proof alcohol leads to loss of muscle tone and weight gain. The body's protective reactions weaken as vitamins and nutrients are washed out of it. The immune system weakens. A person's appearance deteriorates. The skin loses its elasticity and acquires an unhealthy color.

Due to hormonal imbalance, the reproductive system can be severely damaged and infertility can occur. Pregnant women who rashly decide to drink champagne may have a miscarriage. However, men should also remember that champagne, drunk in large quantities, can cause impotence, no less than any other alcoholic beverages.

A person's brain can be damaged by drinking too much champagne. The appearance of a headache, decreased performance, dulling of memory - these are just the most harmless consequences of excessive libation. Loss of movement coordination, unstable psycho-emotional state, tendency to depression is the next step on the path to brain destruction. With regular consumption of alcohol, the consequences are severe and completely irreversible. It catastrophically decreases in size, cortical cells are destroyed, and hemorrhages occur. In fairness, it should be noted that in small quantities, the sparkling drink has a positive effect on the brain, stimulating its cognitive functions

The tendency to frequently drink champagne wines can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as ischemia, hypertension, heart attack and others. The heart muscle is destroyed, becomes scarred, and loses its elasticity. From drinking, the heart begins to work to the limit, increases in size, and becomes overgrown with a layer of fat. There is a lack of oxygen in the blood. Clots form, creating deadly blood clots.

When a carbonated drink enters the body, it primarily harms the pancreas and stomach. Champagne consumed on an empty stomach sharply reduces acidity, causing gastritis and ulcers. The first symptoms are bloating and pain in the abdominal area. In the future, inflammatory processes of the pancreas may occur, turning into chronic pancreatitis.

With regular consumption of champagne, negative processes occur in the kidneys. The kidneys work harder to remove toxins from the body. If you do not stop drinking alcohol, the kidneys can no longer cope with toxins and begin to break down under their influence. Constant consumption of carbonated low-alcohol drinks will certainly lead to inflammatory processes, disruption of the adrenal glands, and the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys.

Drinking even small doses of cognac significantly reduces the body's reserves. The short-term relaxation effect after drinking a strong drink is too much to pay for the harmful consequences that will not slow down to affect the general condition of the drinker and his appearance. The body under the influence of ethyl alcohol weakens and quickly wears out. Flaccid muscles, a loose physique, loose skin of an unhealthy color, weakness, shortness of breath and a depressive state - these are the characteristic signs of a person suffering from alcohol addiction.

Once in the body, cognac causes a heavy blow to the liver. This organ tries to process toxic ethanol as quickly as possible. Cognac has a high content of tannins. Their bitterness provokes the production of large amounts of bile. The size of the gallbladder increases greatly. At the same time, the liver, while fighting alcohol, cannot always perform its functions of cleansing the body. And essential oils, which are contained in large quantities in cognac to give a noble taste and aroma, significantly complicate the work of the liver.

For the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the constant production of such important hormones as testosterone and estrogen is necessary. However, even minor consumption of cognac significantly reduces the amount of hormones produced. Euphoria and relaxation that occur as a result of intoxication lead to the body refusing to work and produce hormones in sufficient quantities.

Once alcohol enters the human body, it begins to affect his consciousness and psyche. Cognac is superior to many alcoholic drinks in its relaxation effect. A relaxed and pleasant state is close to a narcotic state, the perception of reality is distorted, and euphoria sets in. This is largely due to the pleasant natural aroma and noble tart taste of the drink. But the main relaxation effect is achieved precisely by the high percentage of ethyl alcohol in the drink. It is strong alcohol that promotes rapid dilation of blood vessels and acceleration of blood flow. The oxygen supply to the brain increases. However, alcohol also enters the blood vessels of the brain along with the blood. Numerous neurons (nerve cells) are permanently killed or seriously damaged. Irreversible degenerative processes begin to occur in the brain.

The vasodilating effect of cognac is mistakenly considered beneficial. This is a big misconception. The price for short-term pleasure and warmth is a serious increase in the load on the heart and vascular system. The main human organ begins to work too intensely. Blood pressure increases. Vessels, especially small capillary ones, may not be able to withstand overload and burst. A red capillary network on the face is a clear sign of cognac abuse. Like any strong alcohol, cognac causes arrhythmia. The heart works hard, the frequency of its beats is unstable. In this case, the heart muscle is subject to severe wear and tear.

Alcohol is a naturally occurring toxic substance. Any overdose of toxins can be fatal. Cognac is no exception to this rule. Entering the body, first of all it damages the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, then the entire esophagus. Having made its harmful path and getting into the stomach, cognac begins to destroy the mucous membrane of this organ. The astringent properties of the tannins contained in the drink somewhat soften this burn effect, but at the same time they temporarily reduce internal secretion. This masks the harmful effects and increases the harm caused. The use of cognac also affects the pancreas. Trying to break down alcohol faster to cleanse the body, the gland secretes a huge amount of enzymes. Excessive amounts of them are dangerous. Enzymes begin to break down the cells of the pancreas itself. Failure of enzyme production always leads to diabetes.

It should be noted that drinking high-quality cognac in small quantities has a beneficial effect on the kidneys. The presence of tannin in the drink suggests an anti-inflammatory effect. However, all the benefits will be negated if the dose of the drink increases. In large quantities, ethyl alcohol itself is a strong irritant, and the essential oils contained in cognac enhance this effect. Trying to cleanse the body of poison, flush it and remove toxins, the kidneys and adrenal glands work in enhanced mode, filtering the blood. After such a load, it is not always possible to restore the healthy state of these important organs.

Drinking liquor can be very dangerous. The huge amount of sugar contained in the product in itself is already harmful to health, and besides, sugar and flavoring additives mask and soften the high ethanol alcohol content. If you get carried away with consuming this over-sweetened drink, you can consume an excessive amount of alcohol without noticing. Dehydration can be a dangerous consequence. The state of dehydration in the morning is well known to anyone who has abused alcohol the day before. The result of dehydration and metabolic disorders can be noticed already during an external examination of the patient. Pathological changes in skin and muscle cells characteristic of alcoholics - dryness, sagging and loose tissue, swelling, unhealthy color. This is how the body makes it clear about alcohol intoxication.

Liqueurs are quite strong drinks. It is known that strong alcohol has a destructive effect on liver cells. Viable cells die trying to process ethanol, and scar cells appear in their place. Such tissues cannot perform the protective and hematopoietic functions of the liver. And this is a disaster for the whole organism as a whole. A terrible and incurable disease - cirrhosis - occurs from excessive alcohol consumption.

A strong and sweet drink can imperceptibly, but greatly disrupt human reproductive functions. This is especially true for women. If you get carried away with a sweet drink, you can get severe alcohol intoxication. The work of the endocrine gland is under attack. The production of hormones is disrupted. All biochemical processes in the body are out of control. Hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, premature menopause - this is how a woman can pay for excess. But the most terrible consequences await expectant mothers. Alcohol provokes miscarriages and the development of severe fetal pathologies. In men, the price for drinking is impotence.

In large quantities, liqueurs can negatively affect human brain activity. Under the influence of alcohol, erythrocytes and red blood cells stick together. Moving through thin capillaries, such blood clots can completely block blood access to brain cells. Due to oxygen starvation, cells die and are washed out of the body. The brain gradually decreases in volume, unable to cope with its functions. This process is irreversible.

The slight intoxication and pleasant taste of liquor can play a cruel joke on the person drinking it. The amount of sugar and alcohol in the blood gradually increases. The functioning of the cardiovascular system is at serious risk. There is a malfunction in the myocardium. A decrease in the amount of calcium does not allow the heart muscle to contract fully. The balance of fats and proteins is disrupted. Fatty tissue grows, displacing healthy dying cells, the heart increases in size and stops working normally.

The amount of ethanol in liqueurs can reach 75 percent. This is very strong alcohol. Its effect on the pancreas and stomach is extremely destructive. Drinking liquor on an empty stomach provokes a strong secretion of gastric juice. This juice begins to destroy the mucous membrane, and then the walls of the stomach. Such processes lead to gastritis and then gastric ulcers. The possibility of developing cancer cannot be ruled out.

The job of the kidneys is to remove toxic substances and toxins from the body. When fighting alcohol intoxication, the kidneys are inevitably exposed to the destructive effects of alcohol, which is contained in large quantities in liqueurs. With regular exposure to ethyl alcohol, the kidneys stop coping with their task. The first symptom of kidney disease is the appearance of protein in the urine (proteinuria). If you ignore this warning sign and do not stop drinking alcohol, disastrous consequences will not take long to come. Sluggish kidney dystrophy or sudden acute renal failure is the result of alcohol abuse.

The basis of any alcoholic drink is ethyl alcohol. This is a dangerous and poisonous substance. Drinking alcohol gradually becomes addictive, prompting a person to take ever larger doses. All processes in the human body are disrupted. The body becomes dehydrated under the influence of alcohol. This is becoming noticeable. Loose skin takes on an earthy hue with burgundy spots of broken capillaries. Protein synthesis in the muscles decreases sharply, their volume decreases, and elasticity is lost. Hormonal balance is disrupted. The psycho-emotional state becomes unstable. General health deteriorates significantly.

The habit of regularly consuming alcohol tinctures leads to the development of severe pathological processes in the liver. This hematopoietic and cleansing organ takes on the entire volume of ethanol consumed. Over time, the liver can no longer process alcohol. The first alarm bell is hepatosis (fatty liver disease). If you do not start treatment and do not stop drinking, you can expect alcoholic hepatitis. And this is already a sure harbinger of a fatal disease - cirrhosis of the liver.

With prolonged exposure to alcohol, sexual dysfunction occurs. Women suffering from alcohol addiction gradually become infertile due to hormonal imbalance. And if you still manage to conceive a child, there is a high risk of miscarriage or the birth of a baby with severe pathologies. In men who regularly drink alcohol, reproductive functions quickly fade away. Lack of erection, testicular atrophy, complete impotence - these are the milestones on the sad path of an alcoholic. In addition, by weakening the body, alcohol increases the chances of contracting infectious and sexually transmitted diseases tenfold.

Penetrating into the lining of the brain through the bloodstream, alcohol triggers irreversible degradation processes. The gradual death of brain cells occurs with the following symptoms: emotional instability, excitability, irascibility, depression, auditory and visual hallucinations, loss of consciousness. The natural outcome of these processes is death.

Tinctures based on ethyl alcohol or vodka increase blood pressure. Human blood circulation is disrupted. Red blood cells are destroyed, forming blood clots. In turn, blood clots clog small vessels - capillaries. This prevents the supply of oxygen to tissues. Absolutely all organs suffer. Alcohol tinctures increase cholesterol levels and cause dystrophy of the heart muscle. Excessive and frequent consumption of them brings death closer.

The organs of the digestive tract are the first to take on the negative effects of alcohol tinctures. Burns of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and pancreas are possible. Damage to the mucosa leads to necrosis (death) of tissue. The gastrointestinal tract ceases to function normally. Against this background, such serious diseases as gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, and diabetes mellitus develop. The risk of cancer increases.

The kidneys and genitourinary system remove toxic residues of ethyl alcohol from the body. With alcohol abuse, these organs are constantly forced to work in an intense mode, trying to cope with poisons as quickly as possible.
This causes their destruction. Organs weaken and become susceptible to a large number of diseases, both infectious and inflammatory. For example, pyelonephritis and nephritis. A general weakening of the immune system does not allow one to effectively fight diseases.

Prolonged alcoholism destroys the brain and central nervous system. Against this background, a mental disorder is observed - the perception of the real world and memory is disrupted, disorganization of behavior and inhibition of thinking appear.

The toxic effect of ethanol and its breakdown products causes irreversible changes in the body. Primarily in the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. According to statistics, most of the deaths in addicted people are due to alcohol-related diseases.

In order to notice in time that a person has become dependent on alcohol and prevent tragic consequences, it is necessary to know the degrees of alcoholism and their signs.

The article will tell you about the effects of alcohol on the body, how it is harmful and what consequences it has for life.

Consequences of alcoholism for life

The negative consequences of alcohol consumption are observed in all areas of life:

  • the patient’s health deteriorates and the patient’s personality deteriorates;
  • problems begin in the family;
  • social adaptation is disrupted;
  • the person loses his ability to work.

The main danger of alcohol addiction lies in massive damage to the patient’s organs:

  • liver cirrhosis forms and progresses;
  • the mechanisms of the heart and blood vessels are upset;
  • the risk of cancer increases.

A person under the influence of alcohol:

  • becomes hyper-aggressive;
  • suffers from inhibition of thoughts;
  • suffers from general mental problems;
  • in advanced cases it leads to psychosis and epilepsy.

Because alcoholics lose control of their behavior, they often find themselves in dangerous situations. All sorts of accidents happen to them with consequences in the form of injuries, hypothermia and other serious conditions.

They often drink low-grade alcohol, which can cause not only disability, but also death.

Disorders in the social life of alcoholics are manifested by discord in families, decreased work activity, and loss of work. They often fall into the hands of scammers and are left without a livelihood.

Alcoholism also contributes to the growth of crime. An addicted person is ready for any means of obtaining the next portion of alcohol, be it robbery or even murder. There are numerous accidents involving drunk drivers.

The effect of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol inevitably has harmful effects on the human body. Its prolonged use leads to severe damage to almost all vital systems.


Alcohol affects the psyche gradually. Even a minimal dose of ethanol destroys the central nervous system. If you regularly abuse alcohol for a long time, a person’s behavior changes beyond recognition.

  • The addict develops problems with verbal communication, he becomes withdrawn, and loses his life guidelines and values.

His aspirations and goals disappear, and he often experiences attacks of aggression and irritability. He is constantly dissatisfied with others and initiates conflicts with them.

  • Problems of a socio-economic nature are also not long in coming.

Decreased ability to work as a result of alcohol abuse leads to troubles at work - a person ceases to cope with his job functions.

First, he receives preventive measures from his boss, and in the event of systematic violation of labor discipline, he loses his job altogether. However, this does not force the patient to give up alcohol and soon he completely loses motivation to work.

  • Alcoholics who have reached an advanced stage of the disease live asocially and withdrawn.

They are not interested in anything other than getting the next dose of alcohol.

  • Alcoholism, which lasts for years, inevitably leads to personality degradation.

This is a serious complication of psychological and physiological dependence, which has developed into a chronic form. Ethanol acts as a depressant on the brain and nervous system, a person becomes mentally unbalanced, and a comprehensive weakening of activity occurs.

The negative effects of ethanol are characterized by the following personality disorders in chronic alcoholics:

  1. The man is absolutely does not recognize himself as sick and refuses treatment.
  2. His emotional background suffers, will is lost, depression progresses, the focus of attention is directed to alcohol.
  3. Sick unable to control his aggression. Women may experience mental seizures.
  4. Alcohol addict loses vital interests and moral qualities.
  5. Often sick suicidal tendencies are common.
  6. Memory deteriorates and mental abilities decrease.
  7. Schizoaffective disorder appears- mental disorder, which is characterized by both signs of schizophrenia and mood disorder.
  8. Sick falls into a state of delirium tremens, accompanied by various kinds of hallucinations, pain in the head, gag reflex, and biased anxiety.
  9. Neurasthenia begins- mental and nervous system disorders against the background of physical and psycho-emotional exhaustion. Accompanied by increased excitability, rapid fatigue, frequent headaches and insomnia.
  10. In later stages of the disease acquired dementia develops:
    • cognitive ability decreases;
    • previously acquired knowledge and skills are lost;
    • spatial orientation is disrupted;
    • Short-term and long-term memory failures appear.

In severe stages of dementia, a person's daily activities are impaired to such an extent that continuous supervision is required.

It is characterized by the following conditions:

  • disorientation in space;
  • inability to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • not recognizing yourself in the mirror;
  • lack of criticism and compassion;
  • aggression.

central nervous system

The harmful effect of alcohol on the brain causes a malfunction of the entire central nervous system.

Alcohol, entering the blood, instantly affects all organs. Therefore, even when taking a small dose of alcohol, the behavior of the drinker changes. For some people, alcohol excites the nervous system, for others it depresses it.

  • The brain is saturated with blood most quickly.

Therefore, it is in it that ethanol rapidly reaches its maximum concentration. Under the destructive influence of alcohol on neurons, a person becomes intoxicated. The parts of the cerebral cortex cease to interact correctly with each other, and control centers wither.

All this causes changes in human behavior. He ceases to control his actions, and there are sudden mood swings. In the later stages of intoxication, a person becomes insane. He cannot maintain balance and coordination in movements, becomes aggressive and dangerous to others, and speech is impaired.

  • Ethanol disrupts the functioning of capillaries, which contributes to the formation of blood clots.

Because of this, tissue nutrition with blood is complicated, causing hypoxia and dehydration. As a result, a person feels inspired and relaxed. But soon euphoria gives way to apathy or aggression, consciousness is confused, thoughts lose clarity, reflexes slow down, and the tongue becomes slurred.

  • In people who abuse alcohol for a long time, constant poisoning of the body leads to severe pathologies in the brain, up to amnesia and mental slowdown.

Often in chronic alcoholics Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases develop.

  • Chronic microbleeds in the brain under the influence of alcohol there is a risk of developing dangerous diseases such as alcoholic encephalopathy, cerebral infarction, acute epileptiform syndrome.
  • Due to prolonged intoxication, the blood vessels of the brain become very fragile and there is a danger of their rupture.

Especially in people with cardiovascular diseases. In addition, vasospasm as a result of blood clotting disorders and thrombosis threatens ischemic stroke of the brain and atrophy of the optic and auditory nerves.

The cardiovascular system

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the regulation of the cardiovascular system:

  1. reduces the tone of arteries and veins;
  2. dilates the blood vessels, but soon spasms them;
  3. provokes degenerative changes in the heart muscle;
  4. causes spasm of the coronary vessels.

As a result of such exposure, a chronically dependent person develops serious circulatory disorders, which leads to diseases such as heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, and hypertension.

Reproductive system

The negative effects of alcohol on the body affect the reproductive functions of both men and women.

If we briefly outline its destructive effect on the reproductive system, it can be noted that alcoholism is a common cause of promiscuity, leading to the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Its toxic effects cause the following pathologies of the genital area:

In men:

  1. erectile dysfunction due to decreased libido;
  2. risk of prostate adenoma formation;
  3. testicular atrophy.

Among women:

  1. menstrual irregularities;
  2. inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  3. premature menopause;
  4. the risk of tumor formation: benign (polyps, cysts, fibroids) and malignant (breast cancer, cervical cancer).

Everyone has:

  1. inflammatory processes of the genital organs, often of a hidden nature;
  2. disruption of the formation of germ cells, their deformation and decreased productivity;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. infertility.

In addition to destroying the health of future parents, alcohol leads to the risk of fetal pathologies and has a detrimental effect on the health of the unborn child.

Respiratory system

  • The body removes some of the breakdown products of ethanol along with breathing. As these toxins pass through the lungs, they dry out their surface, damage bronchi, trachea. As a result, a person feels a lack of oxygen, attacks of suffocation, and the immune system suffers.
  • Due to the weakened airways at this moment open to germs and viruses, concomitant diseases appear. The most severe of them is the open form of tuberculosis.

In particularly advanced cases, it can lead to obstruction and oncogenic organ tumors.

Gastrointestinal tract

Alcohol also has an extremely negative effect on the digestive system. Long-term abuse provokes:

  1. metabolic disorders and loss of appetite;
  2. the appearance of ulcers and inflammation in the esophagus;
  3. death of liver and pancreas cells;
  4. pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus.

Nutrient deficiency due to their incomplete absorption by the body, weakened by the effects of alcohol, reduces the overall immunity, performance and resistance of the dependent person to viruses.

  • Primarily from the toxic effects of alcohol liver suffers, since it is in it that the metabolism of incoming ethanol occurs.

With prolonged abuse, this organ cannot cope with the removal of alcohol breakdown products. The functioning of the liver is disrupted, fibrous tissue grows in it, which subsequently leads to the development of cirrhosis.

  • In addition, ethanol poisonous effect on the stomach and pancreas, promotes the formation of malignant tumors in them.

  • Toxic effect of ethanol on the liver can also provoke other diseases - hepatitis, ascites, pathological dilatation of venous vessels in the lower part of the esophagus and alcoholic hepatopathy.

In this area of ​​life, many problems also inevitably arise that are directly related to alcohol consumption. Social life of an alcohol dependent person gets worse all the time:

  1. the existing social circle is changing to a new environment of people who abuse alcohol;
  2. conflicts in the family become frequent, marriages and established relationships collapse;
  3. due to a shift in life interests, former hobbies, skills, and desire to learn are lost;
  4. efficiency and work discipline decrease, which ultimately ends in job loss;
  5. a person cannot concentrate and focus on anything other than alcohol.

Contrary to popular belief that beer is harmless, its consumption also contributes to the development of chronic addiction. Beer alcoholism is no less harmful to health.

  • Despite the fact that beer contains alcohol in lower concentrations, its systematic use leads to sustainable addiction.

At first, the body needs daily ethanol, and later in new doses.

  • Taking beer for a long time, a person develops withdrawal symptoms. (withdrawal syndrome). He suffers from headaches, severe thirst, and tremors in his arms and legs.

And without receiving another portion of alcohol, the patient becomes nervous and impulsive.

  • If alcohol abstinence lasts 2-3 days, the patient may experience alcoholic psychosis - the so-called “delirium tremens”.

The condition is dangerous both for himself and for those around him. In this case, you should immediately call emergency medical help.

  • Beer has a negative effect on hormonal levels and reproductive functions.

Under the influence of phytoestrogens contained in this drink, the production of male hormones in the body (primarily testosterone) is suppressed, and the production of female hormones increases. In this regard, men's erectile and fertile functions are impaired, and their physique changes to a female type.

  • In women, excessive drinking of beer leads to rapid and persistent increase in progesterone- a hormone that affects the menstrual cycle, conception, pregnancy and its development.

In addition, women develop obesity and edema.

  • The diuretic effect of beer helps flush potassium, which is important for heart health, from the body, and also puts a strong strain on the kidneys and liver.

Long-term beer alcoholism is no less dangerous than regular alcoholism. Alcohol addiction This is a disease of universal scale.

The general availability of alcoholic beverages, their mass advertising in the information environment, as well as popular folk traditions - all this contributes to the fact that the growth rate of alcoholism is increasing every year.

Considering that it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it, everyone needs to become familiar with the consequences of this terrible addiction. Because not only the individual suffers from this, but also society as a whole.

2018 – 2019, . All rights reserved.

Ethyl alcohol in medicine Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, wine alcohol) is a colorless, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor, burning to the taste (pl. 0.813-0.816, boiling point 77-77.5 ° C). Mixes with water in any ratio. In medicine, purified 96% or 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is used. It's called medical. When using industrial alcohol externally, burns and poisoning are possible, because During its production, small amounts of toxic substances are added to it. In order to characterize the effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body, we need to characterize the most important properties of alcohol. In medicine, ethyl alcohol is primarily used as an antiseptic. The tanning properties of 96% ethyl alcohol are used to treat the surgical field or in some techniques for treating the surgeon's hands. Alcohol can also be used for burns. Evaporating quickly, it will cool the surface, reduce pain, and most importantly, prevent the formation of blisters. Alcohol is an excellent antipyretic. When rubbing the body, ethanol will quickly evaporate and reduce the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. Ethanol causes blood vessels to dilate. Increased blood flow leads to redness of the skin and a feeling of warmth. Side effects when used externally manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and soreness of the skin at the site of application of the compress. Ethyl alcohol increases the body's sensitivity to tranquilizers, and neutroleptics increase the intoxication it causes. When taken orally, it inactivates the effect of antibiotics. Alcohol acts on the body as an anesthesia, so its anti-shock properties are often used in medicine. After entering the body, ethanol is rapidly absorbed due to diffusion; the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 60-90 minutes. In addition, the rate of absorption depends on a variety of factors. Thus, an empty stomach, high temperature of the drink (for example, grog), the presence of sugar and carbon dioxide (for example, in champagne) stimulate the absorption of ethanol. On the contrary, the absorption of ethanol is slowed down during a heavy meal. In large quantities, ethanol inhibits brain activity (inhibition stage) and causes impaired coordination of movements. An intermediate product of ethanol oxidation in the body, acetaldehyde, is extremely toxic and causes severe poisoning. Systematic consumption of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages containing it leads to a persistent decrease in brain productivity, death of liver cells and their replacement with connective tissue - liver cirrhosis. The rate of ethanol transformation in the liver is limited mainly by the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase. The “energy value” of ethanol is 29.4 kJ/g (7 kcal/g). Therefore, alcoholic drinks provide the body with a significant portion of energy resources (especially in cases of alcoholism). At the same time, the effect of large quantities of ethanol resembles the effect of a drug, which can be explained by the direct effect of ethanol on neuronal membranes.

Abstract on the discipline: “Pharmacology”

Completed by: Mylnikov A.V.

Student of group 23

Kopeysk Medical College

Kopeysk 2012


Alcohols are one of the groups of organic compounds; this definition is given to us by the chemistry we study at school. Unfortunately, I was not able to learn everything about use and toxicity in the lessons, because... this is not provided for by the program. Therefore, when I had the opportunity to learn more about one of the substances in this group, I decided to choose this particular topic for the abstract.

In addition, today in Russia there are many social problems associated with chronic alcohol poisoning, which indicates the relevance of the topic that I have chosen.

Before I started writing my essay, I set myself

PURPOSE: to study information about ethyl alcohol, chronic poisoning with it, using Internet resources and various literature.

To achieve the goal that I have set, I need to complete the following

collect, process all information on this topic, select the necessary,

characterize ethyl alcohol,

reveal the concept and essence of chronic alcohol poisoning

The toxicity of ethyl alcohol is evidenced by the presence of cases of acute poisoning with this alcohol. In the last decade, ethyl alcohol has taken first place (about 60%) among poisonings with other toxic substances. Alcohol not only causes acute poisoning, but also contributes to sudden death from other diseases.

The degree of toxicity of ethyl alcohol depends on the dose, its concentration in drinks, the presence of fusel oils and other impurities added to give drinks a certain smell and taste. An estimated lethal dose for humans is 6-8 ml of pure ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. In terms of the entire body weight, this amounts to 200-300 ml of ethyl alcohol. However, this dose may vary depending on sensitivity to ethyl alcohol, the conditions of its intake (strength of drinks, fullness of the stomach with food), etc. In some people, death may occur after taking 100-150 g of pure ethyl alcohol, while in for other persons, death does not occur even after taking 600-800 g of this alcohol.

1.3 Distribution in the body.

Ethyl alcohol is unevenly distributed in tissues and biological fluids of the body. It depends on the amount of water in the organ or biological fluid. The quantitative content of ethyl alcohol is directly proportional to the amount of water and inversely proportional to the amount of adipose tissue in the organ. The body contains about 65% water of the total body weight. Of this amount, 75-85% of water is contained in whole blood. Given the large volume of blood in the body, a significantly larger amount of ethyl alcohol accumulates in it than in other organs and tissues. Therefore, the determination of ethyl alcohol in the blood is of great importance for assessing the amount of this alcohol entering the body. There is a certain relationship between the amount of ethyl alcohol in the blood and urine. In the first 1-2 hours after taking ethyl alcohol (alcoholic drinks), its concentration in the urine is slightly lower than in the blood. During the elimination period, the content of ethyl alcohol in urine taken by a catheter from the ureter exceeds its content in the blood. These data are of great importance for establishing the time elapsed from the moment of taking ethyl alcohol to the time of the study.

Of great importance in the diagnosis of intoxication and poisoning with ethyl alcohol are the results of the quantitative determination of this alcohol, which are expressed in ppm (% 0), which means a thousandth part.

When assessing the results of the quantitative determination of ethyl alcohol in the blood, it is necessary to take into account that this alcohol can be formed during the putrefactive decomposition of corpses. When rotting in the blood of corpses, from insignificant amounts to 2.4% ethyl alcohol can be formed. In the first 2-3 days after death, ethyl alcohol decomposes to a certain extent under the influence of alcohol dehydrase, which at this time still retains enzymatic activity.

Unlike blood, ethyl alcohol does not form in the urine of corpses. Therefore, to assess the degree of intoxication, ethyl alcohol is determined both in the blood and in the urine.

Conclusions about the degree of intoxication and fatal poisoning with ethyl alcohol are made based on the results of determining this alcohol in the blood. If less than 0.3% ethyl alcohol is detected in the blood, a conclusion is drawn that this alcohol has no effect on the body. Mild intoxication is characterized by the presence of 0.5-1.5% ethyl alcohol in the blood. With moderate intoxication, 1.5-2.5% 0 ethyl alcohol is found in the blood, and with severe intoxication - 2.5-3.0% 0 ethyl alcohol. In case of severe poisoning, the blood contains 3-5% 0, and in case of fatal poisoning - 5-6% 0 ethyl alcohol.

1.4 Pharmacological action.

Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). Based on the nature of its resorptive effect on the central nervous system, it can be classified as a narcotic-type substance. Its action on the central nervous system is divided into three stages: excitation, anesthesia and agonal stage.

However, ethyl alcohol is of little use as a means of anesthesia, since it causes a long stage of excitation and has an extremely small breadth of narcotic action (the anesthesia stage is very quickly replaced by the agonal stage). Research by I.P. Pavlov’s collaborators has shown that even small amounts of ethyl alcohol suppress inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, resulting in a stage of excitation (intoxication). This stage is characterized by emotional arousal, a decrease in critical attitude towards one’s own actions, and disorders of thinking and memory.

Like other narcotic substances, ethyl alcohol has analgesic activity (reduces pain sensitivity).

With an increase in the dose of ethyl alcohol, the stage of excitation is replaced by phenomena of central nervous system depression, impaired coordination of movements, confusion, and then complete loss of consciousness. Signs of depression of the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata appear: weakening of breathing and a drop in blood pressure. Severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol can lead to death due to paralysis of these centers.

Ethyl alcohol has a pronounced effect on thermoregulation processes. Due to the expansion of the blood vessels of the skin during intoxication, heat transfer increases (subjectively this is perceived as a feeling of warmth) and body temperature decreases. The increase in heat transfer, in particular, explains the fact that in conditions of low temperature, persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication freeze faster than sober ones.

6 - episodic use (dipsomania).

Cancellation States

A group of symptoms of varying combination and severity, manifested upon complete or partial cessation of alcohol intake after repeated, usually long-term and/or massive (in high doses) consumption. The onset and course of the withdrawal syndrome are limited in time and correspond to the doses immediately preceding abstinence.

Withdrawal syndrome is characterized by mental disorders (eg, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders). Sometimes they can be caused by a conditioned stimulus in the absence of immediately preceding use. Withdrawal syndrome is one of the manifestations of addiction syndrome.

The withdrawal state with delirium is distinguished due to a different clinical picture and on the basis of a fundamental difference in the mechanism of its occurrence.

Health disorders

Ethanol and oncology

Systematic and insufficient intake of drinks containing ethanol provokes the likelihood of cancer. The most common type of tumor in people suffering from alcoholism is esophageal cancer. This disease develops rapidly and is practically untreatable. Alcohol threatens health through the development of oncology of the mammary glands, pancreas, liver, stomach, larynx, etc.

The harm of alcohol to the health of adolescents

The teenage brain is still developing. That is why it is vulnerable to the effects of harmful substances contained in alcoholic beverages. The consequences may be developmental delay, decreased mental activity, and degradation.

Teenagers quickly get used to alcohol and become dependent. The liver cells of young people are larger than those of adults are exposed to toxins. Over time, defects in the functionality of the pancreas, the development of pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus, are observed. Ethanol-containing drinks have a tremendous diuretic effect. Teenagers lose useful elements along with urine. Alcohol harms reproductive health, as it inhibits the development of the adolescent’s reproductive system.

The effects of alcohol on the female body

Representatives of the fairer sex cannot quickly get out of binge drinking; they rapidly degrade and experience a breakdown in personality. Such a crisis often becomes the cause of suicide.

What is a zero declaration under the simplified tax system and how to fill it out

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, using the simplified taxation system, must annually report for the past financial year in order to calculate taxes; for this purpose, a declaration according to the simplified tax system is submitted to the tax office. In this section we will look at how to

Alcohol is the most dangerous drug of all. Scientists came to this conclusion after assessing the harm that ethyl alcohol causes to the body. This takes into account the influence of alcohol not only on the drinker himself, but also on those around him. The number of drinks consumed is also of great importance. Thus, alcohol took first place among other drugs.

Can alcohol be good for you?

There is an opinion that small doses of alcohol can be beneficial for humans. Ethanol is one of the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But for this, its own physiological processes of its production as a result of metabolism are provided.

Remember that ethanol breakdown products are concentrated in the brain, not in the blood. Their positive effects are associated with the nervous system:

  • alcohol relieves tension, calms, reduces the excitability of nerve cells;
  • Alcohol lifts the mood and causes euphoria.

The pseudo-positive effect does not last long and always carries the risk of developing addiction. Despite this, studies are constantly being published confirming the benefits of moderate doses of alcohol for organs and systems. Of course, such data cannot be taken as a call to action. However, they contribute to the illusion of safety in drinking alcohol.

How alcohol works

The effect of alcohol on the body can definitely be considered harmful. With an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed, it is impossible to protect internal organs and the brain from damage. There inevitably comes a time when there is no longer any hope of getting rid of the addiction on your own.

So, what are the harmful effects of alcohol?

  • Poisoning of cells. Alcohol is a poison that kills all living things. That is why it is used as an antibacterial agent for tissue damage. The main concentration of ethanol is observed in the liver and brain. For cells to die, men need more than 20 ml of alcohol, women - more than 10 ml.
  • Mutagenic effect. The human immune system is configured to destroy all foreign cells. Alcohol causes mutation in tissues. This leads to cancer because the immune system cannot cope with the load.
  • Sexual dysfunction. In men, sperm are formed within 75 days. To avoid the appearance of mutagens in children, he needs to abstain from drinking alcohol for 2.5 months before conception. For women, everything is much more complicated. Eggs are present in the body from birth; accordingly, all mutations are stored in them at the genetic level and can manifest themselves in offspring.
  • Violation of fetal development. This fact is not due to mutation, but to the incorrect functioning of systems. The brain and limbs are most often affected.
  • Alcohol is a narcotic substance. Concentrated in the brain, it affects the functioning of two groups of neurotransmitters. Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors begin to work in enhanced mode. These cells are responsible for the inhibitory reactions of the nervous system. The man calms down. Endorphins and dopamine begin to be produced in greater volumes, which leads to a state of euphoria.

The effect of alcohol on the brain

To a greater extent, the effect of alcohol extends to the brain. This organ is the main consumer of energy, uses all other organs and receptors, and affects the functioning of systems as a whole. The negative effect of alcohol on the brain is based on the cessation of oxygen supply to neurons due to alcohol intoxication. The cells die, the person gradually becomes weak-minded.

Intensive alcohol consumption has irreversible effects:

  • decreased brain function;
  • damage to the cells of the cerebral cortex.

All this invariably affects intellectual abilities, and also explains changes in the behavior, preferences and hobbies of alcoholics.

The effect of alcohol on other organs and systems

  • Heart and blood vessels. Diseases of these organs rank first among other disorders caused by alcohol use. The effect of alcohol destroys the heart muscle, leading to serious consequences including death. Alcohol abuse leads to the development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and causes heart attacks. People with relatively little alcohol “experience” often experience heart enlargement and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • External respiration system. The effect of alcohol is manifested in disruption of the normal rhythm, alternation of inhalations and exhalations. The result is serious disorders. Breathing becomes faster and worsens as alcoholism develops. Against the background of this disorder, diseases such as bronchitis, emphysema, tracheobronchitis, and tuberculosis occur. When combined with smoking, alcohol has a deadly effect on the respiratory system.
  • Gastrointestinal tract. The mucous membrane of the stomach is the first to take the blow from systematic alcohol consumption. Studies reveal gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, including the duodenum. The effect of alcohol damages the salivary glands. As the disease progresses, other tissue damage is observed.
  • The liver occupies a special place among the digestive organs. Its functions include neutralizing toxic substances and removing toxins. The liver is involved in the metabolism of almost all incoming elements - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and even water. Under the influence of alcohol, the organ loses the ability to perform its functions normally. Cirrhosis develops.
  • Kidneys. Almost all alcoholics suffer from impaired excretory function of this organ. Alcohol disrupts the functioning of the adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This leads to improper regulation of renal activity. The epithelial cells that line the inner surface of organs and protect them from damage die. This inevitably ends in serious pathological diseases.
  • Psyche. Under the influence of alcohol, a wide variety of abnormalities develop - hallucinations, convulsions, numbness in the limbs, severe weakness, muscle dysfunction. Paralysis is often observed, which goes away during a period of abstinence from alcohol.
  • Immunity. The process of hematopoiesis is disrupted due to the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, the production of lymphocytes decreases, and allergies appear.
  • Reproductive system. Sexual dysfunction is an indispensable companion to alcoholism. In men, neuroses and depression develop against the background of impaired reproductive ability. Women suffer from the inability to conceive, frequent toxicosis during pregnancy, and early cessation of menstruation.

In addition to the above, the effect of alcohol depletes muscles and worsens skin condition. Patients experience delirium tremens, life expectancy and quality of life are reduced.

Risk to future children

The negative effect of alcohol on fetal development has been known since ancient Greece. Then the first attempts were made to limit the addiction. Today, scientists have clearly proven that chronic alcoholics are practically unable to conceive healthy offspring.

The problem is complicated by the fact that genetic coding due to parental illness is almost impossible to correct pharmacologically. As a result, the risks for offspring increase:

  • mental retardation manifests itself in most cases;
  • physical deformity is often a consequence of chronic alcoholism in parents;
  • in 94% of cases, even healthy children subsequently become drunkards themselves.

Of course, the issue of having healthy offspring consists of many factors. But the danger of conceiving a sick child is too high. Even almost healthy people who are prone to drinking alcohol can have children with disabilities. Especially if conception occurs at the moment of intoxication.

A number of studies by European scientists were aimed at assessing the degradation of several generations of alcoholics in one family. The results of the observations were disappointing facts:

  • the first generation of chronic alcoholics showed moral depravity, excessive drinking;
  • the second generation suffered from alcoholism in the full sense of the word;
  • in the third generation, hypochondriacs, melancholics and persons prone to murder appeared;
  • the fourth generation became an indicator of decline and cessation of the race (infertility, idiocy, mental disability).

Not only the effect of alcohol at the genetic level plays a role, but also the unfavorable environment in which children are raised. Social factors turn out to be no less significant. Children are in a constant state of stress and have learning difficulties. As a result, the child develops psychological disorders that lead to aggressiveness or withdrawal.

How to stop drinking alcohol?

The effect of alcohol on the body destroys a person. Not only the drinkers themselves suffer from the disease, but also the people around them, especially children. How to stop destroying yourself and find strength to fight the disease?

Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Drinking" will help you free yourself from addiction. The bestseller is specially created for people who have decided to change their lives and free themselves from the harmful effects of alcohol. The book will help you realize the need for change and show you the way to return to normal life.

Modern society has developed a free attitude towards alcohol - as a means to cheer up and relax. In fact, alcohol is a kind of drug that has a destructive effect on all organs, so you should be aware of the harm of systematic drinking. Alcohol consumption disrupts a person’s adequate perception of the existing addiction, while the harm of the habit to the body only intensifies.

  • Show all

    The harm of alcohol

    The alcohol present in alcoholic beverages is harmful to health. Inside the body, alcohol quickly spreads through the blood. The dose taken affects all organs, and regular alcohol consumption provokes mental instability and deterioration of health. Ethyl alcohol, with the formula C2H5OH, is a toxic substance that is neutralized by the liver.

    The disease of alcoholism is hereditary, and if parents had this problem, their child may well become an alcoholic.

    Ethanol concentrations become highest in the brain and liver. The cells of these organs are destroyed faster than others. Alcohol has the most destructive effect on the brain, heart, and reproductive system.

    The effect of alcohol on the human body:

    • the onset of euphoria due to stimulation of the production of endorphin and dopamine in the brain;
    • metabolic disorder;
    • poisoning, accompanied by an increase in heart rate, a burden on the heart, and a lack of oxygen;
    • decreased cell excitability due to activation of GABA amino acid receptors;
    • development of liver cirrhosis;
    • development of alcoholic encephalopathy, including visual illusions and hallucinations;
    • impaired fetal development during pregnancy.


    The vessels react to alcohol by narrowing, the lumen of the capillaries becomes clogged, the nerve cells experience oxygen starvation and die. Alcohol interferes with normal blood circulation, causing certain centers of the brain to stop functioning normally.

    Among the effects of alcohol on the central nervous system are:

    • damage to the brain center responsible for vascular tone;
    • change in autonomic response;
    • mental problems;
    • disturbances of memory and mental activity;
    • loss of a critical attitude towards oneself and the surrounding reality;
    • distortion of perception;
    • incoherence of speech.

    Behavioral reactions undergo peculiar changes: shyness and restraint disappear, actions are radically different from those manifested in a natural state, negative uncontrollable emotions are possible.

    The cardiovascular system

    For the first 5-7 hours after alcohol enters the body, the heart experiences overstrain, blood pressure increases, and the heartbeat quickens. The activity of the cardiovascular system is finally normalized after 48-36 hours, when the body gets rid of the elements of alcohol breakdown.

    Alcoholic drinks destroy red blood cells: the red cells are deformed, so oxygen is not supplied to the tissues. Immediately after drinking alcohol, the veins dilate. When they narrow, the bloodstream carries clots of clumped red blood cells, trying to push them through the vessels. The risk of stroke or heart attack increases.

    Consequences of drinking alcohol for the heart:

    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • cardiomyopathy;
    • arrhythmia;
    • ischemic disease.

    Respiratory system

    Due to alcohol consumption, the lungs suffer, failures of the respiratory system become more frequent, and the mucous membranes dry out. The immune system weakens, resulting in an increased likelihood of tuberculosis. The first sign of the development of the tuberculosis virus is the appearance of a severe cough after drinking alcohol. The following diseases are possible: emphysema, chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.

    Gastrointestinal tract

    Alcohol destroys the tissues of the digestive organs, causing burns and necrosis. The pancreas atrophies, and the cells that produce insulin die. The secretion of enzymes is inhibited, food processing stops, and the full absorption of nutrients is disrupted.

    The effect of alcohol on the stomach leads to gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, cancer, and diabetes.


    About 10% of ethanol leaves the body with saliva, urine, and evaporates in the breath. The rest of its share is in the liver. Ethyl alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde. But in 10 hours the liver is able to process about 200 ml of alcohol, the rest of it destroys the cells of the organ.

    Alcoholism contributes to the development of liver diseases:

    • Fatty liver. Fat accumulates in liver cells and sticks together over time, impeding blood flow.
    • Alcoholic hepatitis. There is an enlargement of the liver, the person experiences fatigue, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. If you stop drinking alcohol at this stage, cell restoration is possible, otherwise irreversible processes progress.
    • Cirrhosis. Liver cells become connective tissue. Scars and irregularities form on its surface, and the organ itself becomes denser. The surviving cells continue to perform their functions, but the abilities of the dying liver are limited


    The kidneys are involved in the process of removing alcohol from the body. They need to remove a large volume of fluid to cleanse the body of toxic substances. The negative effect of alcohol on the organ is confirmed by swelling of the face. Constant drinking of alcohol leads to the formation of kidney stones.


    The pancreatic ducts close under the influence of alcohol. Enzymes cannot penetrate the intestines and remain inside the gland, destroying it. Their presence in the organ changes metabolic processes, which threatens the development of diabetes mellitus.

    When enzymes decompose, the pancreas becomes inflamed and pancreatitis occurs. The disease is expressed by girdle pain, vomiting after drinking alcohol, and fever.

    Reproductive system

    The negative effects of alcohol have a stronger effect on the body of women, who are more prone to addiction than men. The destructive effect affects the functions of the ovaries, and irreparable changes occur in the reproductive organs. Women who drink go through menopause earlier and have an increased risk of breast cancer.

    In the male body, sexual dysfunction occurs, the development of impotence and infertility. With age, it becomes more difficult to remove alcohol from the body, so its negative effects increase.

    Alcohol can be beneficial in microdoses, but just a small excess of this permissible amount will do much more harm than good. The lethal dose is individual.

    A person who drinks is much more vulnerable than someone who is indifferent to alcohol. The limit for the amount of alcohol in the blood is up to 0.4 ppm and below. If the concentration of ethyl alcohol reaches 0.38, the respiratory organs stop functioning, and suffocating death occurs.
