Laskin Wulf Abramovich biography. Getting rid of cancer with the help of therapeutic nutrition? Extended menu for a cancer patient for a week

Oncological diseases are one of the most common causes of mortality in our time. However, you should not despair, as there are many effective treatment methods. And to help your body cope with the disease, you need to eat right. Dr. Laskin’s specially developed anti-cancer diet will help patients survive a difficult period and recover.

The author of the diet for people with cancer is Dr. V. A. Laskin. This man had been studying the problems of oncology for many years and noticed that some antioxidants have a pronounced antitumor effect. Quercetin, a substance found in plant products, turned out to be especially effective. Buckwheat is especially rich in it.

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that restores the functioning of the p53 gene. But it is precisely this gene that appears to be in a damaged state in tumor cells. Of course, quercetin is found not only in buckwheat, but also in other plant foods. In particular, the doctor based his diet on the recommendations of Japanese experts to include brown rice in the diet of cancer patients. But since during the Soviet era it was impossible to buy brown rice in our country, Dr. Laskin began to look for a replacement. And I discovered that the familiar buckwheat contains this antioxidant in even larger quantities.

Thus, Dr. Laskin’s buckwheat diet supplies the patient’s body with a large dose of quercetin, which can significantly improve health.

Basic principles

In order to get a good result, you must:

  • completely eliminate salt and sugar from your diet;
  • do not mix proteins and carbohydrate foods in one meal;
  • eat vegetables, mainly fresh;
  • completely eliminate fried foods;
  • drink at least two liters of water or tea;
  • keep strict records of food eaten.

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Fats should be no more than 10% of the daily diet, and fats should be predominantly vegetable. Unrefined vegetable oil will bring maximum benefit.

The diet will need to include vegetables, fruits and berries. Dry rose hips are a must, as this product contains many antioxidants that are beneficial to the body.

It is also important to follow a diet. So, at least six hours should pass between dinner and bedtime. You will have to train yourself to fall asleep on an empty stomach, since only in this case will the immune system more actively fight pathogenic cells.

Of course, Laskin's anti-cancer diet does not exclude the use of conventional treatment methods. It is used as an additional means of therapy. This diet can be used at any stage of treatment, as it is compatible with any modern medications prescribed for oncology, including chemotherapy.

The diet is divided into two stages. The first one is more strict. Its duration ranges from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the patient’s condition. The next stage allows for greater variety and can be continued indefinitely.

Basic Recipes

At the first stage of the diet, you need to learn how to properly prepare buckwheat porridge and rosehip mixture; recipes for these dishes are given below.

To prepare a portion of porridge, you will need to take half a glass of buckwheat. Rinse the cereal, put it in a saucepan and add two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then add a full spoonful of wheat bran and, reducing the heat to low, cook for another ten minutes. Then remove from heat and season the dish with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The ideal option is olive oil, first pressed.

To prepare the second main dish for the first stage of the diet, you need dry rose hips. They need to be ground in a blender or coffee grinder to obtain a powder. Take a tablespoon of the resulting powder and mix with enough water to obtain a mass with the consistency of thin sour cream. Add two teaspoons of flower honey and stir well. Honey, of course, should be natural, and ideally flower honey.

First stage

In the morning on an empty stomach you will need to eat a mass of rose hips prepared according to the recipe given above. You need to eat it slowly and wash it down with water.

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About half an hour after taking rose hips, you can start your main breakfast. For it you should cook buckwheat porridge as described above. After another hour, you should drink a cup of green tea and eat a handful of brown raisins.

Lunch and dinner at the first stage follow the same pattern as breakfast, only you should not take the rosehip mixture before the evening meal.

In addition, you should include a glass of juice made from vegetables or fruits in your menu every day. The juice, of course, should be freshly squeezed, and not store-bought from a bag. In addition, you need to include the following products in the menu:

  • on the first and fourth days of the week - 150 grams of fresh pineapple;
  • in the second and fifth - 200 grams of blueberries, you can take fresh frozen berries from the bag;
  • in the third and sixth - an orange or half a grapefruit;
  • on the seventh day of the diet, the menu includes a glass of cocktail made from equal quantities of freshly squeezed pineapple juice and coconut milk.

Second phase

After completing the first stage, you can move on to the second. Now, in addition to buckwheat, other cereals will be included in the diet. An approximate weekly menu will look like this.

As in the first stage, you need to start the day with a rosehip mixture. After half an hour, you can start breakfast, which should consist of porridge, tea with raisins and 50 grams of wholemeal bread.

At the same time, three times a week you need to eat buckwheat porridge, prepared in the same way as in the first stage. But now this dish can be alternated with porridges made from oatmeal and brown rice. They are prepared with the addition of bran and oil.

For a second breakfast, you should use fresh fruit, alternating pineapple, blueberries and grapes.

Half an hour before lunch you should eat the rosehip mixture again. Lunch itself will consist of a salad of raw vegetables, soup and a second course. You can prepare any salads, season them with oil, and never add salt.

Oncologist Wolf Laskin, observing amazing cases of cure over many years of his practice, discovered back in the 70s of the 20th century that buckwheat can bring healing to cancer patients. But he did not find an explanation for this phenomenon; it was given by American doctors in 2000. They found that buckwheat contains a large amount of quercetin, a substance that has long been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of cancer. The diet developed by Dr. Laskin includes not only buckwheat, but also rose hips and olive oil, which enhance the effect of quercetin. When asked why olive oil was recommended to them, Dr. Laskin said that it is widespread in the Mediterranean region, whose residents rarely get cancer. Recent studies of the composition of olive oil have confirmed the doctor’s correctness. As it turned out, olive oil contains antioxidants of phenolic and non-phenolic origin that can resist the development of cancer processes in the body.

Most oncologists agree that a significant number of cancers can be caused by poor diet. The twentieth century broke the usual nutritional stereotypes, accustoming people to refined foods (sugar and confectionery, white bread, etc.). This caused a response from the body, which manifests itself, among other things, in a tendency to malignant neoplasms. Returning to a proper diet can correct the situation, and Dr. Laskin’s strict diet frightens patients diagnosed with cancer much less than the possible outcome of this disease.

But Dr. Laskin also advises healthy people to adhere to certain nutritional principles. They should give up canned food, eat mostly raw vegetables and fruits, and limit their intake of salt, proteins and fats. Honey and dried fruits are recommended instead of refined sugar. Contraindications to the use of this diet may be allergic reactions to buckwheat, anemia.

For a person with cancer, Dr. Laskin recommends following a diet consisting of two stages. In the first, the basis of nutrition is buckwheat, rosehip flour, olive oil, its duration is 3-4 weeks, in advanced cases it can be extended to 6 weeks. The second stage allows for greater variety of products.

Cancer patient menu (first stage)

Half an hour before breakfast, the patient needs to grind several rose hips into flour in a coffee grinder. Dilute one tablespoon of the resulting flour in a glass of cold water, add a spoonful of honey and eat. For breakfast, boil half a glass of buckwheat with the addition of wheat bran. The porridge should be seasoned with a spoon of olive oil. Green tea with raisins should not be drunk immediately after breakfast, but after an hour.

Lunch and dinner are no different from breakfast. The only point is that you don’t need to eat rose hips before dinner.

The patient should drink freshly squeezed juices and at least two liters of water per day. Doctors note that after the first week of such a diet, the patient’s pain begins to subside, and the process of remission begins. In advanced cases, the diet can be extended up to 6 weeks.

At the end of the strict stage of the diet, you can gradually introduce almonds, peanuts, figs, apricots, and blueberries into the diet. The amount of bran added to the porridge increases to 4.5 g. for every meal. Add brown rice, oatmeal, vegetables, lean poultry, fish and seaweed. You can also eat bread made from wholemeal flour. The diet plan and the amount of food taken at a time remain the same.

Extended menu for a cancer patient for a week


For breakfast - buckwheat porridge seasoned with olive oil and a couple of slices of wholemeal bread. An hour later - green tea and some raisins.
For second breakfast, you can eat 1-2 cups of blueberries.

Before breakfast - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.

For second breakfast you can eat a bunch of grapes. Grape seeds should also be chewed and swallowed.
Before lunch - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For lunch - lentil soup, boiled chicken, vegetable salad.
For dinner - stewed vegetables seasoned with nuts. A little later - green tea with raisins.

Before breakfast - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.

For second breakfast - pineapple.
Before lunch - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For lunch - mushroom soup, bread, freshly squeezed juice.
For dinner - stewed vegetables seasoned with nuts. A little later - green tea with raisins.

Before breakfast - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For breakfast - oatmeal, seasoned with olive oil and a couple of slices of wholemeal bread. An hour later - green tea and some raisins.
For second breakfast - blueberries.
Before lunch - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For lunch - bean soup, boiled fish, vegetable salad.
For dinner - stewed vegetables seasoned with nuts. A little later - green tea with raisins.

Before breakfast - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.

For second breakfast – blueberries.
Before lunch - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For lunch - lentil soup, bread, boiled chicken, vegetable salad.
For dinner - stewed vegetables seasoned with nuts. A little later - green tea with raisins.

Before breakfast - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For breakfast - buckwheat porridge seasoned with olive oil and a couple of slices of wholemeal bread. An hour later - green tea and some raisins.
For second breakfast - pineapple.
Before lunch - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For lunch - mushroom soup, bread, freshly squeezed juice, stewed vegetables.
For dinner - stewed vegetables seasoned with nuts. A little later - green tea with raisins.

Before breakfast - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For breakfast - rice porridge seasoned with olive oil and a couple of slices of wholemeal bread. An hour later - green tea and some raisins.
For second breakfast - pineapple.
Before lunch - rosehip flour diluted in water with honey.
For lunch - mushroom soup, bread, stewed vegetables, juice.
For dinner - stewed vegetables seasoned with nuts. A little later - green tea with raisins.

You can stick to such a diet for up to six months, of course, regularly consulting with your doctor and strictly following all his recommendations, if he deems it necessary to adjust your diet. After finishing the diet, it is important to limit protein intake (per day - no more than 0.52 g per kilogram of body weight).

Oncology today in many cases sounds like a death sentence. Cancer is a terrible incurable disease, the scourge of our time and generation. The luminaries of the world's leading institutions have been fighting against it for a long time, but unfortunately without success. It is impossible to cure this disease, especially in its final stages. However, at the same time, doctors do not give up and continue to look for a cure for this serious illness, sparing neither effort nor time, without fear of possible failures, as well as the fact that they will have to start all over again. Not all, but many of them have achieved certain results with the help of which they can alleviate the condition of patients with cancer and even contribute to the cure of oncology. One of these people is Russian oncologist Dr. Wolf Laskin, who spent more than thirty years of his life searching for his technique. Today, Dr. Laskin’s anti-cancer diet helps save the lives of cancer patients through dietary nutrition.

The oncologist’s works were based on the research of his Japanese colleague, Dr. Ozawa. He treated patients with brown rice, and this unique dietary program resulted in a complete cure for cancer in almost 90%. Wolf Laskin slightly changed his diet to suit the Russian consumer, where brown rice was replaced by buckwheat porridge, familiar to everyone from childhood. It is this technique that is in great demand not only for curing the disease, but also for losing weight.

Basic rules and principles of Dr. Laskin's diet

But how can ordinary buckwheat porridge overcome such a dangerous and deadly disease as cancer? The fact is that the chemical composition of buckwheat kernels contains a unique substance that has a powerful antitumor effect - quercetin. It promotes the death of cancer cells, preventing their reproduction and growth. Therefore, constant consumption of buckwheat provides a significant increase in this in the body, which effectively inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors. Thanks to this chemical composition, buckwheat became the basis of this dietary program. Daily intake of buckwheat porridge is mandatory with this method of losing weight and under no circumstances should you skip or replace it.

In addition to buckwheat porridge, the Laskin diet requires the mandatory use of porridge, which must be ground in a blender into fine flour and poured with cooled boiled water. Add a little to the resulting solution. This infusion should be consumed half an hour before the main meal.

The Laskin diet has no contraindications or side effects. It can be used for diabetes and any other diseases. However, before resorting to such therapeutic weight loss, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. And of course, you should remember that Dr. Laskin’s diet is not a panacea for cancer and should not be used instead of conservative treatment.

The main principles of this diet are:

  • It is recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits, especially those whose color is red or green;
  • follow the rule: if you can eat a product raw, then exclude any heat treatment;
  • drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated mineral water per day;
  • Be sure to include healthy foods in your diet;
  • completely exclude, the daily salt intake should not exceed 0.5 grams;
  • control of animal consumption is necessary;
  • The daily intake of animal proteins for men should be no more than 60 grams, and for women - 40 grams.

Based on these principles, we can formulate the basic rules of the Laskin diet:

  1. Avoid canned foods.
  2. Limit your consumption of fried or boiled vegetables to a minimum.
  3. Give preference to red and green vegetables; it is best to eat vegetables raw.
  4. Drink at least two liters of fluid per day. It should be based on pure mineral non-carbonated water; you can also drink herbal and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.
  5. Carefully count your dietary fiber and dietary fiber intake.

Prohibited Products

Throughout all stages of Dr. Laskin’s diet, you should completely avoid consuming the following foods:

  • white bread and various pastries;
  • confectionery and sweet products;
  • red meats, smoked meats and sausages;
  • conservation;
  • and dairy products;
  • vegetable oils, except olive;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet carbonated drinks and store-bought juices;
  • sugar and salt.

The Wolf Luskin Diet consists of two stages, characterized by different objectives and certain features that need to be considered separately.

The first stage of Dr. Laskin's diet

The duration of the first period of the anti-cancer diet is approximately fifty days. It is distinguished by a very strict menu, in which it is allowed to consume only buckwheat porridge prepared in a certain way and rosehip infusion with honey. In addition, you should drink plenty of fluids. Every day you need to use freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices, 250 grams per day. Grapefruit, pineapple or blueberry juice are best.

To prepare buckwheat porridge for the Laskin diet you need: half a glass of buckwheat, pour 500 ml of water and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes; two minutes before the end of cooking, be sure to add a tablespoon of wheat bran; Add two tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil to the slightly cooled cooked porridge.

Nutrition plan in the first period of the anti-cancer buckwheat diet:

  • first meal - rosehip infusion with honey in the amount of one tablespoon;
  • half an hour later - buckwheat porridge with bran;
  • after another hour - zhmenya, freshly brewed green or herbal tea without additives;
  • lunch and dinner should follow the same method as breakfast.

At each interval between meals, you should drink a third of a glass of juice diluted with water.

The diet in the first period of the diet cannot be adjusted; any willful change in the menu is fraught with poor results in the treatment of cancer and the need to start dietary therapy all over again.

The second stage of the Laskin diet

The second period of this method for weight loss is characterized by the introduction of new products to the menu:

  • legumes and nuts;
  • fruits: , ;
  • berries: , currants, ;
  • dried fruits: , ;
  • vegetables: rye bread, a handful of raisins;
  • lunch - grapes;
  • half an hour before lunch - rose hips with honey in the amount of one tablespoon;
  • lunch - soup with carrots, herbs and onions, two hundred grams of boiled chicken, salad of vegetables and herbs, 50 grams of wholemeal bread, 250 ml of juice;
  • dinner - stewed vegetables, a handful of raisins, six pieces of nuts, freshly brewed green tea without additives.

In the second period, slight variations of dishes are allowed. Porridge can be prepared not only from buckwheat, but also from brown rice. Lunch can be varied with soups, vegetables and fish.

Fresh vegetables are required when eating main courses, and fresh berries and fruits will be good for snacks.


The anti-cancer buckwheat diet of Dr. Wolf Laskin is a unique nutrition program that prevents the development of cancer tumors due to the accumulation of the antioxidant quercetin in the body. This is a rather lengthy method, lasting more than six months. With its help, you can not only stop or alleviate the course of the disease, but also lose a decent amount of extra pounds. Many reviews from those who have used this system specifically for weight loss say that using it you can get rid of seven to twelve kilograms of weight. To combat excess weight, it is necessary to use the second stage of the diet program.

In addition, Dr. Laskin’s technique can be used for preventive purposes for various types of diseases. However, you should always remember that no matter how effective this system is, it is not a complete replacement for drug treatment of cancer. The Laskin diet is not a panacea for cancer, but only one way to help treat this serious and dangerous disease.

This dietary course is quite strict, but it has proven more than once that it can prevent cancer. The Laskin diet is based primarily on the consumption of buckwheat. At the same time, sugar and salt are completely excluded from the diet. Your menu will be rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts and rose hips, which are an excellent source of vitamins and fiber. Dr. Laskin's anti-cancer diet reviews are positive.

Buckwheat, in turn, is enriched with quartzentin - an excellent assistant in the fight against cancer cells. During the course, any dishes made from crab meat are strictly prohibited.

This diet provides two options: strict and more free.

Rules for following the Laskin diet:

1. Eliminate all canned foods from your diet.
2. Avoid fried and boiled vegetables.
3. Eat fruits and vegetables fresh, as only in their raw form can they retain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Red and green vegetables are especially beneficial.
4. Drink at least two liters of liquid (water and tea) per day.
5. Calculate the amount of dietary fiber and fiber consumed.

It is important that fats in your diet make up a maximum of 10% of the calorie content of the food consumed. Moreover, they must be exclusively of plant origin.

The amount of protein per day for women should not exceed 40 grams, and for men - 60 grams.

Replace sugar with dried fruits or a small amount of natural honey. Occasionally consumption of milk and dishes with its addition is allowed. Laskin's anti-cancer diet has positive reviews.

First stage of the diet

Dr. Laskin's anti-cancer diet, whose doctors' reviews are mostly positive, implies a duration of compliance with the first stage of 3 to 4 weeks, but it can also be extended for another couple of weeks. Laskin's buckwheat diet recipes are quite simple. For example, in the morning and lunchtime meals you will have to consume a special mixture of rose hips:

  1. Dissolve one tablespoon of flour in half a glass of water.
  2. Then add one small spoon of flower honey to the glass.
  3. You need to eat porridge half an hour before breakfast and lunch.

For breakfast and subsequent meals, you should eat buckwheat:

  1. Pour half a glass of cereal into 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Wait until the water boils.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Finally, add one tablespoon of fiber.
  5. Season with olive oil (2 tbsp).

An hour after your morning meal, Dr. Laskin’s buckwheat diet recommends eating a small handful of raisins and drinking a glass of green tea. Don’t forget about freshly squeezed juices, dilute them with clean water.

Second stage of the diet

The Laskin diet for oncology, the reviews of which are quite positive, allows you to include proteins in the diet. That is, now you can eat white chicken meat or lean fish fillet. Don't forget to eat bran, which is responsible for cleansing the body. You can also add nuts and dried fruits to your diet.

At the same time, monitor the amount of protein consumed: no more than 0.6 g per 1 kg of your weight.

Sample menu for the Laskin diet

Monday, Wednesday and Saturday:

  • first breakfast - porridge made from rosehip powder (grind 100 grams of dried rosehip using a coffee grinder, pour 1 tablespoon of the resulting powder with a small amount of chilled water and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey to make a porridge);
  • second breakfast - a cup of fresh blueberries (on Monday), a little pineapple (on Wednesday and Saturday);
  • lunch - a portion of fresh vegetable salad, some salmon, legume soup (on Monday), mushroom soup (on Wednesday and Saturday);
  • dinner - any nuts, 80 grams of raisins, a portion of stewed vegetables, a cup of green tea without sugar.

Tuesday and Thursday:

  • first breakfast - porridge made from rosehip powder;
  • second breakfast - two slices of bread, up to 100 grams of raisins, a cup of green tea and a portion of oatmeal without salt and sugar;
  • before lunch - porridge made from rosehip powder;
  • lunch - vegetable salad, soup, steamed chicken;
  • any nuts, a portion of stewed vegetables, a cup of green tea.

Friday and Sunday:

  • before breakfast - porridge made from rosehip powder;
  • first breakfast - two slices of bread, up to 100 grams of raisins, a portion of rice porridge;
  • second breakfast - a cup of blueberries (on Friday), a little pineapple (on Sunday);
  • before lunch - porridge made from rosehip powder;
  • lunch - fresh vegetable salad, chicken, lentil soup;
  • dinner - about 80 grams of raisins, a portion of stewed vegetables, a cup of green tea.

Red bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets, carrots and pumpkin are perfect for stewed vegetables. Vegetables should be stewed in water with vegetable oil (no more than 1 tbsp.).

Chicken can be either steamed or stewed. You can add onions, ginger, orange zest, white wine, etc. to it. Below you can read reviews from those who have tried Dr. Laskin's diet.

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Today, cancer and oncological diseases are the most terrible diseases. For many years now, experts have been trying to find effective methods for treating these ailments. As studies show, cancer can be cured only in the early stages of its development, and even then there is no 100% guarantee of this.

But in later stages, cancer leads, unfortunately, to death. However, some scientists are ready to offer treatment for this disease by changing everyday things, for example, diet. For example, Dr. Laskin’s anti-cancer diet was developed specifically to combat cancer.

For decades, oncologist Wolf Laskin has often encountered patients who cannot be helped by traditional methods, such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This is especially true for those people who have 3rd or 4th degree of the disease.

Knowing how this disease develops, Dr. Laskin decided to influence the cancerous tumor, in particular its damaged cell, which had lost control of its division due to gene damage, using active substances that are found in certain foods.

Dr. Laskin's anti-cancer diet has analogues among Japanese diets. It is based on the consumption of brown rice, which has been successfully used for twenty years. In the process of his development, Wulf Laskin did not have the opportunity to purchase this product, so buckwheat became the basis for therapeutic and dietary nutrition.

For the first time this therapeutic and dietary nutrition was published in the journal “Physical Education and Sports”. We learned about this method of treatment from the books that Vladimir Dobkin offers us. Being an ardent admirer of Wolf Laskin and his theory, Dobkin wrote an entire Talmud in which he admired the methods of this doctor, and described several stories of healing cancer diseases using buckwheat.

What is unique about buckwheat?

This cereal contains a bioflavonoid such as quercetin, which is beneficial for cancer patients. This substance is aimed at restoring the p56 gene, which in cancer cells is damaged or has structural abnormalities.

Quercetin can also be obtained from other food products, such as brown rice or rose hips, but buckwheat contains the largest amount of this substance - 8% per 100 grams of product. This is a fairly high indicator, which can have a very effective effect on the tumor.

What is Wolf Laskin’s therapeutic and dietary nutrition based on?

In order for this therapeutic dietary nutrition to help cure cancer, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  1. We refuse all kinds of canned food.
  2. Meals must be made separate.
  3. We exclude boiled and fried vegetables from the diet. We include raw red and green fruits and vegetables in the menu.
  4. We monitor the water balance. The amount of fluid consumed should not be less than 2 liters per day. This can be ordinary mineral water without carbon, tea or juices.
  5. Granulated sugar should also be excluded from your menu, replacing it with honey or sweetener.
  6. Red meat and salt are also prohibited.
  7. Sports, sports and more sports.
  8. We count all the proteins, dietary fiber and fiber eaten.

The daily protein intake throughout the diet should not exceed 60 grams for men and 40 grams for women. Try to consume fats mainly of plant origin, and make sure that their ratio is no more than 10% of the total diet.

Strict stage: therapeutic and dietary menu

Attention! The following information is for informational purposes only. If you want to use this diet to treat cancer, you should definitely consult your doctor!

We bring to your attention the strict diet of Wolf Laskin:

  • Before the first meal, you need to eat porridge, which will be cooked, and ground rose hips in the amount of one tablespoon. It's very easy to prepare. We take whole rose hips and, using a coffee grinder, grind them to a flour-like state, then sift them through a sieve. Place a tablespoon of rosehip mixture in a cup and add cold boiled water to it in sufficient quantity to make a liquid porridge. Now you need to add 2/3 tablespoon of honey to this paste. We eat the resulting porridge slowly, being in a camphor-friendly place.
  • Breakfast No. 1 – a portion of freshly prepared buckwheat porridge. Why take 100 grams of buckwheat, fill it with 400 ml of water and cook for a quarter of an hour. Add 10 ml of cold extra virgin olive oil to the finished buckwheat.
  • Breakfast No. 2 – raisins in any quantity and a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch - first a mixture of rosehip flour and honey, then buckwheat.
  • Repeat buckwheat porridge.

During a strict diet, freshly squeezed juice must be present in the daily diet, in the amount of one glass.

Let's say you can drink pineapple juice on the first and fourth days of the week. The second and fifth days are dedicated to blueberry juice. On the third and sixth days of the week, we give our preference to citrus juice, but on the seventh, we prepare a specific cocktail from coconut milk and pineapple juice, mixing them in equal proportions.

You need to drink at least 3.5 liters of liquid per day, which may include teas, compotes and juices.

Spend more time walking outdoors. After 47 days, the diet can be slightly relaxed. The menu can include bran (4.5 grams), prunes (no more than six pieces), apricots (no more than six pieces), 2 figs, peanuts, almonds and Brazil nuts (no more than four cups of each).

Laskin’s expanded therapeutic and dietary menu

The anti-cancer diet below is for 7 days.

Every day for dinner we eat stewed vegetables with nuts, raisins and drink a cup of green tea.

Day #1

Day #2

  • On an empty stomach - honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Breakfast No. 1 – oatmeal with cold-pressed olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, raisins, a cup of green tea.
  • Breakfast No. 2 – a small bunch of grapes with seeds, which you also need to eat.
  • Snack – honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Lunch – lentil soup, boiled chicken, vegetable salad.

Day #3

  • On an empty stomach - honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Breakfast No. 1 – buckwheat with cold-pressed olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, raisins, a cup of green tea.
  • Breakfast No. 2 – a few pieces of pineapple.
  • Snack – honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Lunch – soup with mushrooms, a slice of whole grain bread, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Day #4

  • On an empty stomach - honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Breakfast No. 1 – oatmeal with cold-pressed olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, raisins, a cup of green tea.
  • Breakfast No. 2 – 200 grams of blueberries.
  • Snack – honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Lunch – legume soup, steamed fish and vegetable salad.

Day #5

  • On an empty stomach - honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Breakfast No. 1 – rice porridge with cold-pressed olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, raisins, a cup of green tea.
  • Breakfast No. 2 – 200 grams of blueberries.
  • Snack – honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Lunch – lentil soup, a slice of whole grain bread, boiled chicken, vegetable salad.

Day #6

  • On an empty stomach - honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Breakfast No. 1 – buckwheat with cold-pressed olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, a handful of raisins, a cup of green tea.
  • Snack – honey-rosehip porridge.

Day #7

  • On an empty stomach - honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Breakfast No. 1 – rice porridge with cold-pressed olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, raisins, a cup of green tea.
  • Breakfast No. 2 – a couple of pieces of pineapple.
  • Snack – honey-rosehip porridge.
  • Lunch – soup with mushrooms, a slice of whole grain bread, a portion of stewed vegetables, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

You can adhere to the above diet for six months, naturally after prior consultation with your doctor. After completing therapeutic dietary nutrition, limit protein foods; the daily protein intake should not exceed 0.52 grams per kilogram of body weight.

We wish you good health and well-being!
