Minimum test score.

In order to understand what chances a graduate has of entering the chosen university, it is worth distinguishing primary score And test score Unified State Examination results in English.

The primary score is the total number of points scored during the test (maximum 80 for both parts). Then the primary result is recalculated into a test result using a 100-point system. For this purpose, a specially established translation scale is used, which takes into account not only the number, but also the complexity of the questions to which the correct answer was given. Passing scores for admission to a higher educational institution are indicated on a 100-point scale, that is, in test scores, and they will also be reflected in the certificate issued to the student after the exam.

Oddly enough, the Unified State Exam in a foreign language has the lowest passing threshold. To receive a “satisfactory” grade in other disciplines, you must score minimum score 27 to 42, for a “C” in English, French, German or Spanish, only 22 points will be enough. Of course, this is not enough for admission to language universities and linguistic specialties, but there is no single table here; each educational institution has its own requirements for the required level of language proficiency. Passing scores on the English Unified State Examination will vary depending on the chosen specialty, but most likely, to enter most universities you will need to get at least a “B” or even an “A”.

Since 2015, the Unified State Examination in English and other languages ​​consists of five blocks, rather than four. The fifth part - Speaking - is not compulsory, but it accounts for 20% of the mark. If a student passes only four blocks, in the best case scenario he will maximum test score on the English Unified State Examination will be 80, while the “five” starts from 84 points.

Unified State Examination in English, points:

  • "Great"— 84-100 points
  • "Fine"— 59-83 points
  • "Satisfactorily"— 22-58 points.
  • If the examinee scores less than 22 points, the test is not counted.

Judging by the statistics, passing the exam is not as difficult as many graduates think. The results of the Unified State Exam in English become known only in June.

Every graduate understands perfectly well that in order to successfully enter the specialty of interest, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam 2018 and score the maximum possible points. What does it mean to “pass the exam well” and how many points will be enough to compete for a budget place in a particular university? This will be discussed in this article.

We will cover the following important questions:

First of all, it is important to understand that there is:

  • the minimum score giving the right to receive a certificate;
  • the minimum score that allows you to apply to a university;
  • the minimum score sufficient for actual admission to the budget in a specific specialty at a certain university in Russia.

Naturally, these figures differ significantly.

Minimum certification score

The minimum USE certification scores are established for compulsory subjects - Russian language and basic level mathematics and in 2018 are:

Having passed this threshold, but not reaching the minimum test score, the examinee will receive a certificate, but will not be able to submit documents to the university.

Minimum test score

The test minimum is a threshold value that gives the right to enter a university. In other words, persons who have passed the test threshold theoretically have the right to compete for budget places. Although, in practice, it is almost impossible to enter highly ranked universities with minimal indicators.

In 2018, in all subjects except Russian language and basic mathematics, the minimum Unified State Exam test scores coincide with the certification scores and are:


Minimum test score

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social science


Foreign language


Computer science


The principle of calculating success in passing the unified state exam assumes that the test taker must demonstrate a high, average or sufficient level of knowledge, corresponding to grades “5”, “4” and “3” on the school scale.

In case of an unsatisfactory result, as well as when passing with a score that the examinee considers insufficient for himself, graduates are given the right to retake the Unified State Exam.

Minimum score for admission to the budget

Most universities announce the threshold score required for applicants for a budget place. This allows each applicant to realistically assess the prospects for admission and choose universities and specialties taking into account the points scored on the Unified State Exam.

In 2018, we can be guided by the fact that last season the average passing scores in all Unified State Exam subjects among applicants admitted to MGIMO and other highly ranked universities in the capital fluctuated between the threshold value of 80-90. But, for most regional universities in the Russian Federation, 65-75 points can be considered a competitive result.

Converting the primary score to the resulting score

By completing the tasks proposed in the Unified State Examination ticket, the examinee gains so-called primary points, the maximum value of which varies depending on the subject. When assessing the level of knowledge, such primary scores are converted into final scores, which are entered into the certificate and are the basis for admission.

Using an online calculator, you can compare primary and test scores in subjects of interest.

Just like last year, in 2018 the points scored while passing the Unified State Exam influence the certificate score and, although the official table for comparing test scores and traditional assessments has not been adopted, you can roughly compare your scores right now using a universal calculator.

Passing scores of the top 10 universities in Russia


Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
St. Petersburg State University
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Novosibirsk National Research State University
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Please note that the average passing scores for different specialties at the same university may vary significantly. This figure reflects the minimum score of applicants admitted to the budget, and tends to change every year. The results of 2017 can only serve as a kind of guideline for applicants in 2018, motivating them to achieve the highest possible results.

The minimum passing score is influenced by many factors, including:

  1. the total number of graduates who applied and the scores shown on their certificates;
  2. the number of applicants who provided original documents;
  3. number of beneficiaries.

So, seeing your name in 20th place in the list of a specialty that provides 40 budget places, you can confidently consider yourself a student. But, even if you find yourself on this list of 45, there is no reason to be upset if among those standing in front of you there are 5-10 people who provided copies of documents, because most likely these people are set on another university and submitted documents for this specialty as a backup option .

The points received on the OGE and recalculated into a five-point system affect the grades in the certificate in the corresponding subject. The certificate contains the average between the mark received on the OGE and the annual mark in the subject. Rounding is carried out according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4, and 4.5 to 5. In addition, the results of the OGE of students can be used for admission to specialized classes of secondary school.

Graduates can find out their grades for the exam at their school after the work has been checked and the results have been approved.

FIPI draws the attention of teachers and school leaders to the fact that the scales for converting primary scores into marks on a five-point scale for the OGE are of a RECOMMENDATIONAL NATURE.

Scale for transferring points in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

Maximum points, which the examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, - 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the State Academic Examination in the Russian language


Explanation of assessment


GK1. Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 mistake was made.

2-3 mistakes were made

4 or more errors were made

GK2. Compliance with punctuation standards

There are no punctuation errors, or no more than 2 mistakes were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

GK3. Compliance with grammatical norms

There are no grammatical errors or 1 mistake made

2 mistakes made

3 or more errors were made

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors, or no more than 2 errors were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

MATHEMATICS score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points . Of these, for the Algebra module - 20 points, for the Geometry module - 12 points.

Minimum threshold: 8 points (of which at least 2 points in the Geometry module).

Overcoming this minimum result gives the graduate the right to receive, in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution, a final grade in mathematics (if the graduate studied mathematics as part of an integrated mathematics course) or in algebra and geometry.

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the examination work as a whole into a mark mathematics:

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. Depending on the profile, guidelines for selection may be as follows:

  • for natural science profile: 18 points(of which at least 6 are in geometry);
  • for economic profile: 18 points(of which at least 5 are in real mathematics);
  • for physics and mathematics profile: 19 points(of which at least 7 are in geometry).

Scale for transferring points in PHYSICS

Maximum primary score: 40 points

Minimum threshold: 10 points (increased by 1 point)

30 points.

Scale for converting points in CHEMISTRY

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing an examination paper without a real experiment

Maximum primary score: 34 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work with a real experiment

Maximum primary score for working with a real experiment : 38 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

Scale for conversion of points in BIOLOGY

Maximum primary score: 46 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 33 points.

GEOGRAPHY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points

Minimum threshold: 12 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 24 points.

SOCIAL STUDY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 30 points.

HISTORY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 32 points.

Scale for transferring points according to LITERATURE

Maximum primary score: 29 points

Minimum threshold: 10 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 19 points.

Scale for transferring points in INFORMATION SCIENCE and ICT

Maximum primary score: 22 points

Minimum threshold: 5 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 56 points.

  • 0-35 points - score " 2 »,
  • 36-52 points - score " 3 »,
  • 53-67 points - score " 4 »,
  • 68 and above points - score " 5 »;

Distribution of points for each USE task in physics

  • 1 point- for 1-4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 tasks.
  • 2 points - 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24.
  • 3 points- 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 tasks with a detailed answer are assessed according to criteria from FIPI (see below)

Total: 52 points.

  • The minimum test score of the Unified State Exam is 36
  • The minimum primary score of the Unified State Exam is 11

Primary score

Secondary (test) score
1 4
2 7
3 10
4 14
5 17
6 20
7 23
8 27
9 30
10 33
11 36
12 38
13 39
14 40
15 41
16 42
17 44
18 45
19 46
20 47
21 48
22 49
23 51
24 52
25 53
26 54
27 55
28 57
29 58
30 59
31 60
32 61
33 62
34 64
35 66
36 68
37 70
38 72
39 74
40 76
41 78
42 80
43 82
44 84
45 86
46 88
47 90
48 92
49 94
50 96
51 98
52 100

Criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer

1 point

  • A solution corresponding to one of the following cases is presented. The correct answer to the task question is given, and an explanation is given, but it does not indicate two phenomena or physical laws necessary for a complete correct explanation.
  • OR All the phenomena and laws and patterns necessary to explain are indicated, but the existing reasoning aimed at obtaining an answer to the question of the assignment is not completed.
  • OR All the phenomena and laws and patterns necessary to explain are indicated, but the existing reasoning leading to the answer contains errors.
  • OR Not all phenomena and laws and patterns necessary to explain are indicated, but there are correct reasoning aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points -

  1. law of conservation of momentum, law of conservation of mechanical energy, Newton's second law for the motion of a body in a circle; it is taken into account that at the top point the tension force of the thread becomes zero);
  2. (except for the designations of constants specified in the CMM version and the designations used in the problem statement);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations have been carried out leading to the correct numerical answer (a solution “in parts” with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. The correct answer is presented indicating the units of measurement of the desired quantity.

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, patterns are correctly written down, and the necessary transformations are carried out. But there are the following disadvantages.
  • OR In the solution, extra entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect) are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, a frame, etc.).
  • OR Errors were made in the required mathematical transformations or calculations, and/or the transformations/calculations were not completed.
  • OR .

1 point

  • Only provisions and formulas expressing physical laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem, are presented, without any transformations with their use aimed at solving the problem and the answer.
  • OR The solution lacks ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve the problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR ONE an error was made from the initial formulas necessary to solve the problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem

0 points

  • All cases of solution that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. the provisions of the theory and physical laws, patterns, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: expression for the Archimedes force, relationship between mass and density, Mendeleev–Clapeyron equation, condition for lifting a ball);
  2. all the letter designations of physical quantities newly introduced in the solution are described
  3. the correct answer is presented indicating the units of measurement of the desired quantity

2 points

  • Records corresponding to paragraph II are not presented in full or are missing.
  • AND (OR)
  • AND (OR)
  • AND (OR) Point IV is missing or there is an error in it

1 point- Records corresponding to one of the following cases are presented.

  • OR
  • OR IN ONE an error was made from the initial formulas necessary to solve this problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem

0 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. the provisions of the theory and physical laws, patterns, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: formulas for calculating electrical capacity, charge and voltage for series and parallel connected capacitors, determination of electrical capacity, formula for the energy of a charged capacitor);
  2. all the letter designations of physical quantities newly introduced in the solution are described (with the exception of the designations of constants specified in the CMM version, the designations used in the problem statement, and the standard designations of quantities used when writing physical laws);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations have been carried out leading to the correct numerical answer (solution “in parts” with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. correct answer provided

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, patterns are correctly written down, and the necessary transformations are carried out. But there are one or more of the following disadvantages.
  • Records corresponding to paragraph II are not presented in full or are missing.
  • AND (OR) The solution contains extra entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect), which are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, a frame, etc.).
  • AND (OR) Errors were made in the required mathematical transformations or calculations, and/or logical steps were missed in the mathematical transformations/calculations.
  • AND (OR) Point IV is missing or there is an error in it

1 point- Records corresponding to one of the following cases are presented.

  • Only provisions and formulas expressing physical laws, the application of which is necessary and sufficient to solve a given problem, are presented, without any transformations using them aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR The solution does not contain ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve the given problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

  • All cases of solution that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points.

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. the provisions of the theory and physical laws, patterns, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: thin lens formula, condition for the equality of the angular velocities of the source and its image, linear velocity formula);
  2. all the letter designations of physical quantities newly introduced in the solution are described (with the exception of the designations of constants specified in the CMM version, the designations used in the problem statement, and the standard designations of quantities used when writing physical laws);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations have been carried out leading to the correct numerical answer (solution “in parts” with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. correct answer provided

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, patterns are correctly written down, and the necessary transformations are carried out. But there are one or more of the following disadvantages.
  • Records corresponding to paragraph II are not presented in full or are missing.
  • AND (OR) The solution contains extra entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect), which are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, a frame, etc.).
  • AND (OR) Errors were made in the required mathematical transformations or calculations, and/or logical steps were missed in the mathematical transformations/calculations.
  • AND (OR) Point IV is missing or there is an error in it

1 point- Records corresponding to one of the following cases are presented.

  • Only provisions and formulas expressing physical laws, the application of which is necessary and sufficient to solve a given problem, are presented, without any transformations using them aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR The solution does not contain ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve the given problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR IN ONE an error was made from the initial formulas necessary to solve a given problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the existing formulas aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

  • All cases of solution that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points.

Maximum score - 3
